Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Dark Depths to New Heights (Req. Umashi)

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Golden hues watched with anticipation whilst three fūma shuriken screamed towards her teacher. Assuring herself that her final genjutsu would cause him bewilderment enough to land the final blow the coin landed falsely. Through her almighty sharingan he was liable to see through her hypnotic gaze. “I-It failed…!?” How did was he able to see through her genjutsu so fast? The repetitive actions maybe or perhaps- Mirō’s thoughts ended abruptly at the sudden spike in chakra from her teacher. Mirō was close enough to pick up her tone of voice. A miscalculation on her part. Continuing to overwhelm someone with a pesky genjutsu was sure to fail after the third try. Shame on her Sensei, letting her trick him twice. Not sly enough to con him into her third genjutsu must’ve set him off. Mirō’s situation taking a dangerous turn for the worse.

It was all happening too fast. Evading her genjutsu and piling on top the enormous spike in chakra. What could it be? Her victory was a surefire thing how did he manage to pull such a mighty force out from within. Mirō felt her heartbeats quicken, frightened by the power within leaving her eyes watching in awe. The weight of the chakra burdened her shoulders, causing her legs to freeze in position. “I’m… going to die…!” Gazing in fear at the spectral sight of his transformation her body began to mold and condense chakra from her core to each tips of her body. With lightning fast tuning a painful shockwave surged through her eyes. The pain radiating throughout her body as her eyes awakened into their altered state, Mangekyou Sharingan. Hands collided together with such speed they threatened to break at their wrist, performing complex hand seals that flowed together like water the chakra within her body exploded with energy at each chakra coil. Her chest body began to crack and break down like paper breaking down at the molecule towards her left arm while the deadly attack bolted into her direction.

Chakra spurted from the cavity in her shoulder blade into a glowing purple wing with veiny
scales within its wingspan that stretched out far into the distance from her back. Curling inward to protect Mirō from the impending attack it was a last stitch effort. The quickness of the hand seals might have saved her. The natural born Uchiha effortlessly casting such devastating jutsu through the pain and stress or perhaps it was a miracle that the dreadful entity halted its tracks instantaneously. Mirō’s ears finally caught on to the excessive ringing of the bell. “A bell? Does that mean?” The massive purple gore wing radiating with chakra remained in front of her while her Mangekyou allowed her to see past the gargantuan wing and at her teacher. The massive burly figured remained in the sky protecting him but his attack altogether had stopped moving. “The exam’s over...” The sole reason for him to retract his attack. Those crimson hues of hers felt that spike in bloodlust at the apex of his initial attack, in the end she was prepared to stand her ground and fight till the end. ‘Was that the right thing to do?’ Emotions flooded her mind slowly disorienting her.

‘Sacrificing yourself to achieve anything...’

[WC: 543]
Activated Mangekyou Sharingan (M)
Activated Susunoo (Rank 3) partially if you like to say so based off RP.
Thank you for your time and effort for the exam!]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
~Some Time Later~

Many missions and many moons had gone by, so many that Musashi was starting to lose count of them all. The once green rookie had indeed become the fearful threat, so much so that Musashi trusted her judgement on many a mission. In fact, the very mission that they were on now was proceeding according to plan . . . that was until the target decided to act cute. He couldn't blame the kid really, the young boy was just trying to protect his older but definitely teenage sister, the future Queen. It was brave, but also equally stupid, so despite nearly being in the clear, the kid stopped running like Musashi had instructed him too, and turned around brandishing a sharp but mostly pitiful looking dagger. It was true that it was a blade like any other, but it was more ornamental than one would want their daily driver to be, and equally so, this kid was no killer.

Despite everything going according to plan and despite Musashi mostly considering himself to have things under control, what he didn't count on was some young and dumb Prince to suddenly decide to activate his inner "tough guy". Just one small move, one small juke away from Musashi's protective gaze and the Princess fidgeted and yelled after her brother, giving away their position and instantly causing the young boy to be caught in the cross-hairs of the enemy. One simple move and within seconds the boy was in the grasp of the enemy, a dark knight type who was trying to overthrow their peaceful kingdom due to some old grievance. This kid was stupid, and unfortunately his stupidity had gotten them all in trouble.

Turning around, Princess in tow, Musashi came face to face with the ruffian, his goons, and a Prince with his own dagger held to his neck. Pouring out of seemingly everywhere, the dark alleyway that they'd been running down suddenly was filled with all sorts of unsavory characters. Under the light of the Moon, the small army seemed even more menacing that they probably would have during the day. Having his men hold the boy to keep him from running away, the leader stepped up from among his protective line and openly engaged Musashi.
"Just give up the girl and nobody has to get hurt. This is even shinobi business, why get involved?" Making a good point, Musashi had to agree that the situation shouldn't have officially involved Kumogakure but the mission was the mission and the shinobi nation held a large sphere of influence.

Stoically looking at the man, Musashi merely peered from behind his mask and slowly cocked his head to the side and shook it defiantly. He didn't need to say much but the man clearly got the point that he wasn't budging.
"Ah, I see, you're the famed Silent Shadow that I've heard so much about. Pleasure to have you here in our fine land. How about you do us all a solid and from one Legend to another, turn around and walk away. I'd hate to ruin both of our reputations by having to dirty my hands." While it was true that the man was known for not actually getting his hands dirty with blood, the same couldn't be said of his rowdy entourage and it didn't take a stretch of the imagination to know what would happen if Musashi just turned and walked away.

Seeing that Musashi wasn't going to move, and that there wasn't any avoiding the inevitable, Musashi watched as the man looked around at the incredible numbers that he had on his side and shrugged.
"Alright, suit yourself." Signaling to his force to do what was necessary, he started to step back into the protective fold when Musashi held up a hand to ask for a moments pause. So strange was the request that not only did the would be usurper stop dead in his tracks, but so did his bloodthirsty hounds. "What?" The man questioned Musashi as if expecting him to concede but surprisingly, Musashi merely pointed up towards the Moon and looked up at it, stating plainly, "Wake up." An audible gasp going throughout the crowd, there was a mix between pure shock that Musashi had spoken, and also a notable terror at the fact that the Moon was moving.

It would be then that they'd notice that Musashi's eyes were dancing unnaturally colored tomoe, spinning with a frenzy and signaling that something was amiss. A tried a true team, Musashi and Miro had honed their strengths to incorporate each others weaknesses and come out better for it. He the ever vigilant ANBU Captain and she, the ANBU Operative that nigh always made her mark. Her eyes golden like twin full Moons, Musashi triggered the well laid back up plan by uttering the trigger word. Like a dream, the reality that Miro had crafted came crashing down around the enemy, and like a proud father, Musashi could only watch on with pride as he knew that everything was going to be okay, and that this was going to be another completed mission for the books. Like the dawn of a new day, Miro's story was still being written, but the future certainly looked bright.

OOC: Miro promoted to ANBU and gifted/taught the Tsukumogami Contract via Contract Mastery.
Topic ended/left after Miro's final post.
Last edited:

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Seasons changed and time had drifted by with frightening speed. Running herself ragged the young kunoichi formed a true bond with her sensei. A Captain in the Anbu Black Ops, letting her have the privilege to train under his wing. Mirō never would have guessed that her life would take such turns. With all honesty, it was nothing short of a miracle. Even miracles tend to disappear into nothing. Mirō expecting that she would’ve thrown her pitiful life away to the wolves if she hadn’t been saved from the slavers. If she were left to roam the mountains alone, she would be dead. What drove her to such lengths to recover her self-worth and identify her true meaning in life. Revenge? Her own happiness? Or to pay back a debt? These words remained one of the main obstacles she still had to overcome. Her emotions deceiving, her heart wandering towards the latter.
Chuckling to herself, shoulders rose up then fell. A heavy sight roll out from her lips. Perched like a hawk on the high rooftops golden eyes watched intently. The young boy flipped a coin and landed directly into the arms of the enemy. Foolish. Did his emotions overcome his will to live? Deciding to risk it all to save his elder sister. ‘Hmph, aren’t you lucky then.’ Flatly speaking, hands crashed together performing a simple seal. The golden hues closed temporarily bringing her sealed hands to her lips. Chakra flowed outward from her hands, concealing her energy it covered a wide area of the alley way. Infecting the minds of those ruffians and the young boy and elder sister. It was if Mirō could read minds. Umashi would remain in his sharingan state, the chakra the blanketed the group would not infiltrate his own mind.
Within seconds, her plan was set in stone. A massive deception genjutsu that made the criminals perceive that they had the upper hand. It would be a nightmare for these broken path criminals to break free from this curse she placed on them. Hums of merriment filled her own ears, gleefully waiting for a signal to be made from her sensei. Standing now her skin began to peel and separate from her body. Folding outward, rippling like fluttering pages in an open book sheets of paper spiraled up into the air. However the wind had no place in her ballet of paper. Masterfully controlling each sheet with her chakra they began to quietly fold into elongated triangles, the most prominent point twinkled in the sky. Showing off it lethality and sharpness each senbon like piece of paper hovered behind the neck of every goon that threatened to compromise her mission. Precision and accuracy were needed at this moment. Mirō had intentions to neutralize her targets, killing the lowlife scum did not prove necessary. Angling the senbon sheet to paralyze their central nervous system only one pin was truly lethal. The leader momentarily gazing off at her own position. Her genjutsu covering up his vision with success it did not matter. In the blink of an eye Mirō was in stealth and in front of her sensei. At his command the world indeed came crashing down around them. A sinister smile was forged behind her golden mask. Forcing the genjutsu to encapsulate their minds then shatter left her enemies dazed and confused. With their minds free of the genjutsu she revealed herself to the man with the hostage. Raising a gloved hand in the air the horrified man immediately saw the hovering senbon needles behind his comrades neck. “Fall.” Those golden eyes twinkled through the mask. Gazing at the horrified look on the terrorists face. Simply intoxicating. With her open palm raised into the sky at the sudden twitch of a clenched fist the paper needles pierced the necks of their enemies. Forcing the goons to fall into a paralyzed state. While the culprits arms dropped the dagger from the boys neck he himself fell backwards. The paper senbon rupturing his carotid artery. Lowering her arm Mirō quietly walked over towards the boy. Picking up the dagger on the ground the tearful boy was presented the heirloom. Mirō wasn’t one for meaningless words either, forcing him to clutch the hilt of the knife a warm smile radiated outward from underneath her mask. Targets neutralized and the young prince and princess free from evil bonds. Looking over her shoulder Mirō could feel the gaze of her teacher on her back. If anyone would understand her intentions it was none other than that man. That mutated sharingan could see through her movements. Placing faith in her was a risk, yet the reward was overwhelmingly positive. Turning back to face the child Mirō would be the one to return the destined duo back to their family. “I’ll leave the rest to you.” Gathering the pair the duo stood behind Mirō. Gazing back at the shrouded man the silence spoke volumes. Bowing her head to Umashi before vanishing in a puff of heavy smoke.
WC: 836
[Topic left. Promoted to full ANBU!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
