Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Dark Sage

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Dark Sage

Sages are known to be the most knowledgeable and skillful shinobi in the arts of jutsu, having spent years to discover and unlock the secrets of the shinobi world to the point they were revered as gods of war in the battlefield in many historical wars, but like many men, there are those who went down a different path. Possessing an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, these Dark Sages left behind their moral compass and wandered into the realm where laws and rules were mere words, seeking out the most inhumane and forbidden secrets the shinobi world has to offer without a second thought of the consequences nor their well-being. A Dark Sage can toy with the aspects of life and death as they see fit. It is wise to run away when the stench of rotting corpse fills the air and a face of a departed is within one's sight as a Dark Sage is never that far nor do they fail to snatch a living soul from a fresh body.

Kinjutsu Table

Prerequisites: Kinjutsu Application, B-Rank, 3 Ability Slots

  • The user's alignment changes to Cursed and cannot be changed.
  • The user gains the Summoner Ability and will not take up a slot. In addition, the second creation jutsu will no longer be forced to be Rank 1.
  • At the start of each round, a Ninjutsu Check is made against all Players in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health. The user recovers Health and gains Corrupted Energy equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).
  • The user's maximum Contract Summons per battle is increased to 4

Special Action: The user may choose to have this affect their own Clones, Creations and Contracts. If so, this is automatic (no check is needed).

  • If a player is affected, it will also apply to all other entities under their control (such as clones, creations and contracts).
  • Treated as a Passive Heal and may not recover more than 15% of the user's maximum Health each round.
  • Health lost from this cannot be blocked, reduced, redirected, etc.
  • This damage does not break binds.

Senjutsu Corruption - Kinjutsu Ability

While Natural Energy is the purest form of chakra, it is not fit for the Dark Sage's purpose. Siphoning the connection they have with any contract beast they have, the Dark Sage corrupts the Senjutsu and is able to surpass the natural order of things.

Prerequisites: Dark Sage

Effects: The user now has a Corrupted Energy Pool that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra. The user may cast Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Dark Sage Techniques using their Corrupted Energy as normal.
  • When the user casts a Technique that deals damage, they must pay 10% of the cost from their Corrupted Energy Pool, applying to both initial and maintenance cost.
  • The user cannot split the cost further, its is either 10% from the Corrupted Energy Pool and 90% from standard Chakra Pool, or 100% from the Corrupted Energy Pool.
  • Techniques that take thier full CP cost from the Corrupted Energy Pool are treated as Cursed, overwriting thier original alignment, and gain +10% for any techniques that damage Health. (This does not apply to techniques that only take 10% of the cost from the Corrupted Energy Pool )
  • Creation Techniques cast with Corrupted Energy are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do additional damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead.
  • As long as the Dark Sage has Corrupted Energy remaining in their Corrupted Energy Pool, their creations do not have a duration/maintenance limit.
  • Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as Corrupted Energy.
  • There is no limit on the amount of Corrupted Energy the user may gain.
  • Corrupted Energy cannot be affected by Chakra Increasing/Decreasing Effects and Bonuses.

  • If the user has the Senju Bloodline then Senjutsu Corruption replaces the effects of the user's Sage Arts Prodigy passive ability. The user can still cast their Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline techniques using their Corrupted Energy Pool and any effects within the Senju Bloodline which would normally interact with the Natural Energy Pool granted by Sage Arts Prodigy instead interact with the Corrupted Energy Pool granted by Senjutsu Corruption. Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline Techniques which are cast using Corrupted Energy Pool are still considered Cursed.
  • When the user enters Sage Mode, the Natural Energy Pool is replaced by the Corrupted Energy Pool.

Fuuinjutsu Experimentation - Kinjutsu Ability

Using the knowledge they have gained through countless experimentation, the Dark Sage is able to use the Corrupted Energy they have gained to empower their use of Fuuinjutsu, allowing for both a expanded flexibility and also the ability to amplify existing ones. They have also learned the ability to create temporary seals, not quite as strong as a Cursed Seal, but containing more utility.

Prerequisites: Dark Sage

Effects: Inscribing a Cursed Seal on someone adds a (DS) Tag to the Cursed Seal Ability. Cursed Seal (DS), adding another 2 class points to the Curse Seal
  • These 2 class points can only be used with themselves, and cannot stack with points already gained from the curse seal.
  • If the user scribes someone who already has a Cursed Seal Ability, this will add a (DS) Tag to their Cursed Seal Ability and allow 2 Class Points to the curse seal.

Special Action - Fleeting Experimentation: 1 AP and 3% of their current Corrupted Energy, the user can apply a temporary Cursed Seal to an ally/creation/clone. This temporary Cursed Seal has 3 class points, and lasts 30 seconds. Can only be applied to each target once per battle, and not if the target already has a curse seal.

Special Action - Fuuinjutsu infusion: For 1 AP and 5% Max HP, the user can apply a temporary Cursed Seal to a Soul Creation. This temporary Cursed Seal has 3 class points, and lasts 30 seconds. Can only be applied to each target once per battle.

  • The special action follows all of the rules of a normal curse seal

Corpse Soil - Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

In the eyes of a Dark Sage, the world around him is but a large graveyard. Everywhere is littered with corpses, may the terrain be covered in rocks, sand or ice. A Dark Sage can accurately sense the presence of death around them, regardless of the time that has passed and with their dark knowledge and formidable power, can raise these shambling corpses in great numbers to overwhelm the living in a blink of an eye.

Prerequisites: Dark Sage,

Rank 1/2: Raises up to 4/5 Zombies, each possessing 650 + (5%/8% of their current Corrupted Energy) Health and 2/3 AP. May only perform Basic Strikes.

Special Action - Grasp of the Unliving: When cast, the user may choose to target a number of participants in battle equal to the number of Zombies created. A Stealth Check is made against the target/s and if successful, binds the target/s with a Zombie, preventing them from moving. Failed checks against the target or if a target breaks free immediately destroys the Zombie.

Cost: 2.5 AP, 1000 CP and 500 CP/round

  • This is a creation techique.
  • Basic Attacks with the Zombie cost 1 AP, deals 200 damage and uses Melee or Ninjutsu Accuracy. (Accuracy must be declared at the time of cast).
  • When a Zombie is destroyed, it will be revived on the following round. Up to 3 Zombies may be revived a round while this technique is maintained.
  • Zombies has -3 Secondaries of the user and may be used for Body Switch or other Activated Auto-Dodge that requires a target.
  • For Grasp of the Unliving, there is a 25% chance to break free from the Zombie for every 1.5 AP spent. Each failed attempt causes the target to receive 200 damage.
  • For Grasp of the Unliving, Zombies acts as Prison Binds and may be destroyed by attacks from outside sources. Any excess damage will attempt to hit the target at -3 Accuracy.
  • Requires a 10 second cooldown after the technique is ended.

Defiled Touch - Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

Corrupted beyond recovery, a Dark Sage's own chakra becomes a malicious form with seemingly its own conscience, becoming hostile to those living and with such chakra, a Dark Sage can infuse their own to another, ravaging their body as the malicious chakra devours them from within while the Dark Sage savors from their agony. Although through some means, there are some who find the Dark Sage's chakra to be in favor, relishing in its power while it slowly eats them away.

Prerequisites Dark Sage,

Rank 1/2: Attempts to infuse a target with the user's corrupted chakra at -2/-1 Accuracy, using Ninjutsu or Melee Accuracy. If successful, the target suffers from Corruption for 20 seconds.

Special Action - Tainted Touch: The user may choose to corrupt a target's Cursed Seal or Weapon. If successful, it applies Corruption to the target's Cursed Seal or Weapon instead of the target for 10/15 seconds.
  • Cursed Seal: Increases any damage bonus on the Cursed Seal by 10%, but prevents the target from deactivating their Cursed Seal while increasing the Cursed Seal’s cost by 2 HP Modifier a round. If there are no bonuses that grant a damage increase, they gain +5% Damage instead (target’s choice).
  • Weapon: Grants the weapon +10% Damage to all Taijutsu, while preventing the target from swapping/dropping their Weapon. In addition any Taijutsu they perform split their cost evenly between Health and Chakra.

Cost: 2.5 AP, 680 CP and 230 Corrupted Energy

  • Corruption causes the target to treated as Cursed, and any Healing done to or recieved by the target inflicts damage instead. In addition, the user gains Corrupted Energyequal to twice the damage recieved from this.
  • Techniques or Items that heal for a flat amount are converted to damage. If an effect were to heal the target based on a percentage while they are under the effects of Corruption, it is nullified.
  • Tainted Touch may only be performed on a target that is currently equipped with a Weapon or has a Cursed Seal active.
  • Tainted Touch may only be performed successfully once per target.

Graveyard Amalgamation - Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

While Dark Sages prefer to keep their corpses as fresh as possible, they found creative ways to utilize the bones of the dead to their advantage. Mending broken bones and fortifying them with their dark chakra, they can summon a towering behemoth of bones to keep them company in battle. While the bones of the behemoth may not seem intimidating to those skilled in battle, the sheer strength and ability to shrug off even the most strongest of attacks makes it a terrifying enemy in the battlefield.

Prerequisites Dark Sage, A-Rank

Rank 1/2: Creates a Bone Behemoth with 4750/5490 + (15% of their current Corrupted Energy) Health and 4 AP. The Bone Behemoth starts with 2/3 stacks Bone Layer. If the Bone Behemoth were to receive damage that would deal more than 10% of its maximum Health, a stack of Bone Layer is removed and the damage is halved.

Bone Behemoth Actions:
  • Grave Stomp: 2 AP, the Bone Behemoth deals 1030/1290 damage to up to 3 targets at -2 Accuracy.
  • Skeleton Fort: 4 AP and 20% of its maintenance cost, the Bone Behemoth will reflexively protect the user for the full round, redirecting all attacks aimed at the user to the Bone Behemoth. The Bone Behemoth cannot dodge during the round this is used. This may only be used once every other round.
  • Collapse: 0 AP, the Bone Behemoth dismantles itself in an attempt to crush a target beneath it at -3 Accuracy. If hit, the target receives damage equal to the Bone Behemoth's remaining Health, increased by 10% for every remaining stack of Bone Layer as well as binding the target for a full round. This is considered destroying the Bone Behemoth for the purpose of gaining Corrupted Energy.

Cost: 3 AP, 3025 Corrupted Energy and 1210 Corrupted Energy per round.

  • The Graveyard Amalgamation has -2 Secondaries of the user.
  • While Skeleton Fort is active, the Bone Behemoth acts as a Elemental Barrier and any attacks coming from inside or outside deal damage directly to the Bone Behemoth.
  • Skeleton Fort timing is modded as 0 AP.
  • Targets bound by Collapse, automatically attempt to escape, with a 15% chance per 2.5 AP spent. Attacks targeting the bound target break the bind, and the target receives -3 Dodge / D.C against the attack.
  • Requires a 20 second cooldown after use.
  • This is a Creation technique.

Impure World Resurrection - Non-Elemental Jutsu

Perhaps one of the most feared techniques of a Dark Sage is their ability to bind a soul to a body, may that soul be living or long passed away, they can infuse empty bodies with these souls in which the body transforms to that of the soul's original body, retaining all their memories and abilities. Locked to the will of the Dark Sage, these once glorified shinobi are now disposable soldiers, following any orders given to them, sacrificing their earthbound bodies all for the sake of victory.

Prerequisites Dark Sage, S-Rank

Effect: User may use Contract Summoning’s S-Rank Summon as Impure World Resurrection, bringing one of their Souls onto the field.

Soul Creation: The user may obtain a Soul Creation using a 300 Word RP about gaining the Soul Creation and may be linked to the user's normal RP Threads. The user may only have up to 3 Soul Creations at a time.
  • Each Soul Creation must have a different full Bloodline or Core Ability.
  • Created Soul Creation possesses 1 Major Affinity and 1 Minor Affinity, 1 Sensory Knowledge as well as 1 Advanced Element. The Advanced Element known by the created Soul Creation must correspond with the Major and Minor Affinities that it possesses (I.E. if the Soul Creation has Major Fire and Minor Water it must possess Shadow Element).
  • Each Soul Creation may have up to 7 Abilities.
  • Each Soul Creation must have a Custom Class of its own; possessing 1 Stat in High, 2 in Low, and the rest in Average.
  • Your Soul Creation's HP and CP are both equal to (Soul Creation's HP/CP Mod + Soul Creation's Level) x Soul Creation's Chakra Control.
  • Each Soul Creation has a Base Modifier of 50 to distribute between their HP and CP, neither may go below 20 and receives 4 Class points, which can be used to purchase a Class Bonus
  • The Soul Creation has Secondary Stats equal to 75% of the Dark Sage's stats.
  • The Soul Creation has it's own AP pool, and may carry over one unused AP point per round.
  • The Soul Creation has 5 AP
  • Soul Creations must spend 50 Points worth of Techniques. Each OOC Rank of a Technique has it's own cost (listed below). The created Soul Creation knows these Techniques at Rank 1 normally but the user may pay 1 additional Point to have it known at Master Rank. Selected Techniques do not need to be known or usable by the user but the user must buy the Techniques known by their Soul Creation as normal. Techniques known by the Soul Creation ignore any "Mastered Techniques" prerequisites and ignore casting requirements (except for Advance Elements in which a Soul Creationmust possess in order to use or cast it).
    • E-Rank: 2 Points
    • D-Rank: 3 Points
    • C-Rank: 4 Points
    • B-Rank: 5 Points
    • A-Rank: 6 Points

Cost: 4.5 AP, 4000 Corrupted Energy


  • This is a Creation Technique and counts as a Contract Summoning, following all of the standard contract rules a regular summon must follow.
  • Soul Creations must be approved by the player's respective Council.
  • Soul Creations cannot have a Kinjutsu
  • Soul Creations cannot be affected by Disruption
[quote][B]Dark Sage[/B]
Sages are known to be the most knowledgeable and skillful shinobi in the arts of jutsu, having spent years to discover and unlock the secrets of the shinobi world to the point they were revered as gods of war in the battlefield in many historical wars, but like many men, there are those who went down a different path. Possessing an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, these Dark Sages left behind their moral compass and wandered into the realm where laws and rules were mere words, seeking out the most inhumane and forbidden secrets the shinobi world has to offer without a second thought of the consequences nor their well-being. A Dark Sage  can toy with the aspects of life and death as they see fit. It is wise to run away when the stench of rotting corpse fills the air and a face of a departed is within one's sight as a Dark Sage is never that far nor do they fail to snatch a living soul from a fresh body.

[B][U]Kinjutsu Table[/U][/B]
[*][goto=Ab1]Senjutsu Corruption[/goto] (Ability)
[*][goto=Ab2]Fuuinjutsu Experimentation[/goto] (Ability)
[*][goto=Ab3]Corpse Soil[/goto] (B-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=Ab4]Defiled Touch[/goto] (B-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=Ab5]Graveyard Amalgamation[/goto] (A-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=Ab6]Impure World Resurrection[/goto] (S-Rank Technique)

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Kinjutsu Application, B-Rank,  3 Ability Slots

[*]The user's alignment changes to [COLOR=red]Cursed[/COLOR] and cannot be changed.
[*]The user gains the [URL='']Summoner[/URL] Ability and will not take up a slot. In addition, the second creation jutsu will no longer be forced to be Rank 1.
[*]At the start of each round, a [I]Ninjutsu[/I] Check is made against all [I]Players[/I] in battle. If a target fails this check, they lose 4% of their current Health. The user recovers Health and gains [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR] equal to the amount of Health lost by the target(s).

[I]Special Action:[/I] The user may choose to have this affect their own Clones, Creations and Contracts. If so, this is automatic [I](no check is needed)[/I].

[*]If a player is affected, it will also apply to all other entities under their control [I](such as clones, creations and contracts)[/I].
[*]Treated as a [I]Passive Heal[/I] and may not recover more than 15% of the user's maximum Health each round.
[*]Health lost from this cannot be blocked, reduced, redirected, etc.
[*]This damage does not break binds.

[quote][anchor=Ab1][U][B]Senjutsu Corruption - [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
While [COLOR=green][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] is the purest form of chakra, it is not fit for the Dark Sage's purpose. Siphoning the connection they have with any contract beast they have, the Dark Sage corrupts the Senjutsu and is able to surpass the natural order of things.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dark Sage

[B]Effects:[/B] The user now has a [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy Pool[/I][/COLOR] that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra. The user may cast Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Dark Sage Techniques using their [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR] as normal.
[*]When the user casts a Technique that deals damage, they must pay 10% of the cost from their [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy Pool[/I][/COLOR], applying to both initial and maintenance cost.
[*]The user cannot split the cost further, its is either 10% from the [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy Pool[/I][/COLOR] and 90% from standard Chakra Pool, or 100% from the [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy Pool[/I][/COLOR].
[*]Techniques that take thier full CP cost from the [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy Pool[/I][/COLOR] are treated as [COLOR=red]Cursed[/COLOR], overwriting thier original alignment, and gain +10% for any techniques that [I][B]damage[/B][/I] Health. (This does not apply to techniques that only take 10% of the cost from the [I]Corrupted Energy Pool[/I] )
[*]Creation Techniques cast with [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR] are not affected by any effects that would automatically destroy or do additional damage against them, but causes any effects that would restore Health to them to deal damage instead.
[*]As long as the Dark Sage has [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR] remaining in their [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy Pool[/I][/COLOR], their creations do not have a duration/maintenance limit.
[*]Each time a Creation is destroyed in battle, the user regains 20% of its maximum Health as [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy.[/I][/COLOR]
[*]There is no limit on the amount of [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR] the user may gain.
[*][COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR] cannot be affected by Chakra Increasing/Decreasing Effects and Bonuses.

[*]If the user has the [URL='']Senju Bloodline[/URL] then [I]Senjutsu Corruption[/I] replaces the effects of the user's [I]Sage Arts Prodigy[/I] passive ability.  The user can still cast their Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline techniques using their [I][COLOR=red]Corrupted Energy Pool[/COLOR][/I] and any effects within the Senju Bloodline which would normally interact with the [I][COLOR=green]Natural Energy Pool[/COLOR][/I] granted by [I]Sage Arts Prodigy[/I] instead interact with the [I][COLOR=red]Corrupted Energy Pool[/COLOR][/I] granted by [I]Senjutsu Corruption[/I]. Wood Ninjutsu and Senju Bloodline Techniques which are cast using [I][COLOR=red]Corrupted Energy Pool[/COLOR][/I] are still considered [glow=red][COLOR=red]Cursed[/COLOR][/glow].
[*]When the user enters Sage Mode, the  [I][COLOR=green]Natural Energy Pool[/COLOR][/I] is replaced by the [I][COLOR=red]Corrupted Energy Pool[/COLOR][/I].

[quote][anchor=Ab2][U][B]Fuuinjutsu Experimentation - [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
Using the knowledge they have gained through countless experimentation, the Dark Sage is able to use the Corrupted Energy they have gained to empower their use of Fuuinjutsu, allowing for both a expanded flexibility and also the ability to amplify existing ones. They have also learned the ability to create temporary seals, not quite as strong as a Cursed Seal, but containing more utility.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dark Sage

[B]Effects:[/B] Inscribing a Cursed Seal on someone adds a [I](DS)[/I] Tag to the Cursed Seal Ability. [I]Cursed Seal (DS)[/I], adding another 2 class points to the Curse Seal
[*]These 2 class points can only be used with themselves, and cannot stack with points already gained from the curse seal.
[*]If the user scribes someone who already has a Cursed Seal Ability, this will add a [I](DS)[/I] Tag to their Cursed Seal Ability and allow 2 Class Points to the curse seal.

[I][b]Special Action[/b] - Fleeting Experimentation:[/I] 1 AP and [COLOR=red]3% of their current Corrupted Energy[/COLOR], the user can apply a temporary Cursed Seal to an ally/creation/clone. This temporary Cursed Seal has 3 class points, and lasts 30 seconds. Can only be applied to each target once per battle, and not if the target already has a curse seal.

[I][b]Special Action[/b] - Fuuinjutsu infusion:[/I] For 1 AP and 5% Max HP, the user can apply a temporary Cursed Seal to a Soul Creation. This temporary Cursed Seal has 3 class points, and lasts 30 seconds. Can only be applied to each target once per battle.

[list]The special action follows all of the rules of a normal curse seal[/list][/quote]

[quote][anchor=Ab3][U][B]Corpse Soil - [I]Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
In the eyes of a Dark Sage, the world around him is but a large graveyard. Everywhere is littered with corpses, may the terrain be covered in rocks, sand or ice. A Dark Sage can accurately sense the presence of death around them, regardless of the time that has passed and with their dark knowledge and formidable power, can raise these shambling corpses in great numbers to overwhelm the living in a blink of an eye.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dark Sage,

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] Raises up to 4/5 Zombies, each possessing 650 + ([COLOR=red]5%/8% of their current Corrupted Energy[/COLOR]) Health and 2/3 AP. May only perform Basic Strikes.

[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Grasp of the Unliving:[/I] When cast, the user may choose to target a number of participants in battle equal to the number of Zombies created. A Stealth Check is made against the target/s and if successful, binds the target/s with a Zombie, preventing them from moving. Failed checks against the target or if a target breaks free immediately destroys the Zombie.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.5 AP, 1000 CP and 500 CP/round

[*]This is a creation techique.
[*]Basic Attacks with the Zombie cost 1 AP, deals 200 damage and uses Melee or Ninjutsu Accuracy. (Accuracy must be declared at the time of cast).
[*]When a Zombie is destroyed, it will be revived on the following round. Up to 3 Zombies may be revived a round while this technique is maintained.
[*]Zombies has -3 Secondaries of the user and may be used for Body Switch or other Activated Auto-Dodge that requires a target.
[*]For [I]Grasp of the Unliving[/I], there is a 25% chance to break free from the Zombie for every 1.5 AP spent. Each failed attempt causes the target to receive 200 damage.
[*]For [I]Grasp of the Unliving[/I], Zombies acts as Prison Binds and may be destroyed by attacks from outside sources. Any excess damage will attempt to hit the target at -3 Accuracy.
[*]Requires a 10 second cooldown after the technique is ended.

[quote][anchor=Ab4][U][B]Defiled Touch - [I]Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
Corrupted beyond recovery, a Dark Sage's own chakra becomes a malicious form with seemingly its own conscience, becoming hostile to those living and with such chakra, a Dark Sage can infuse their own to another, ravaging their body as the malicious chakra devours them from within while the Dark Sage savors from their agony. Although through some means, there are some who find the Dark Sage's chakra to be in favor, relishing in its power while it slowly eats them away.

[B]Prerequisites[/B] Dark Sage,

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] Attempts to infuse a target with the user's corrupted chakra at -2/-1 Accuracy, using Ninjutsu or Melee Accuracy. If successful, the target suffers from [I][B]Corruption[/B][/I] for 20 seconds.

[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Tainted Touch:[/I] The user may choose to corrupt a target's Cursed Seal or Weapon. If successful, it applies [I]Corruption[/I] to the target's Cursed Seal or Weapon instead of the target for 10/15 seconds.
[*][B]Cursed Seal[/B]: Increases any damage bonus on the Cursed Seal by 10%, but prevents the target from deactivating their Cursed Seal while increasing the Cursed Seal’s cost by 2 HP Modifier a round. If there are no bonuses that grant a damage increase, they gain +5% Damage instead (target’s choice).
[*][B]Weapon[/B]: Grants the weapon +10% Damage to all Taijutsu, while preventing the target from swapping/dropping their Weapon. In addition any Taijutsu they perform split their cost evenly between Health and Chakra.

[B]Cost:[/B] 2.5 AP, 680 CP and 230 [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR]

[*][I][B]Corruption[/B][/I] causes the target to treated as [COLOR=red][I]Cursed[/I][/COLOR], and any Healing done to or recieved by the target inflicts damage instead. In addition, the user gains [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR]equal to twice the damage recieved from this.
[*]Techniques or Items that heal for a flat amount are converted to damage. If an effect were to heal the target based on a percentage while they are under the effects of [B][I]Corruption[/I][/B], it is nullified.
[*][I]Tainted Touch[/I] may only be performed on a target that is currently equipped with a Weapon or has a Cursed Seal active.
[*][I]Tainted Touch[/I] may only be performed successfully once per target.

[quote][anchor=Ab5][U][B]Graveyard Amalgamation - [I]Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
While Dark Sages prefer to keep their corpses as fresh as possible, they found creative ways to utilize the bones of the dead to their advantage. Mending broken bones and fortifying them with their dark chakra, they can summon a towering behemoth of bones to keep them company in battle. While the bones of the behemoth may not seem intimidating to those skilled in battle, the sheer strength and ability to shrug off even the most strongest of attacks makes it a terrifying enemy in the battlefield.

[B]Prerequisites[/B] Dark Sage, A-Rank

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] Creates a [I]Bone Behemoth[/I] with 4750/5490 + ([COLOR=red]15% of their current Corrupted Energy[/COLOR]) Health and 4 AP. The Bone Behemoth starts with 2/3 stacks [I]Bone Layer[/I]. If the Bone Behemoth were to receive damage that would deal more than 10% of its maximum Health, a stack of [I]Bone Layer[/I] is removed and the damage is halved.

[B]Bone Behemoth Actions:[/B]
[*][B]Grave Stomp:[/B] 2 AP, the Bone Behemoth deals 1030/1290 damage to up to 3 targets at -2 Accuracy.
[*][B]Skeleton Fort:[/B] 4 AP and [COLOR=red]20% of its maintenance cost[/COLOR], the Bone Behemoth will reflexively protect the user for the full round, redirecting all attacks aimed at the user to the Bone Behemoth. The Bone Behemoth cannot dodge during the round this is used. This may only be used once every other round.
[*][B]Collapse:[/B] 0 AP, the Bone Behemoth dismantles itself in an attempt to crush a target beneath it at -3 Accuracy. If hit, the target receives damage equal to the Bone Behemoth's remaining Health, increased by 10% for every remaining stack of [I]Bone Layer[/I] as well as binding the target for a full round. This is considered destroying the [I]Bone Behemoth[/I] for the purpose of gaining [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR].

[B]Cost:[/B] 3 AP, 3025 [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR] and 1210 [COLOR=red][I]Corrupted Energy[/I][/COLOR] per round.

[*]The [I]Graveyard Amalgamation[/I] has -2 Secondaries of the user.
[*]While [I]Skeleton Fort[/I] is active, the Bone Behemoth acts as a [I]Elemental Barrier[/I] and any attacks coming from inside or outside deal damage directly to the Bone Behemoth.
[*][I]Skeleton Fort[/I] timing is modded as 0 AP.
[*]Targets bound by [I]Collapse[/I], automatically attempt to escape, with a 15% chance per 2.5 AP spent. Attacks targeting the bound target break the bind, and the target receives -3 Dodge / D.C against the attack.
[*]Requires a 20 second cooldown after use.
[*]This is a [I]Creation[/I] technique.

[quote][anchor=Ab6][U][B]Impure World Resurrection - [I]Non-Elemental Jutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]

Perhaps one of the most feared techniques of a Dark Sage is their ability to bind a soul to a body, may that soul be living or long passed away, they can infuse empty bodies with these souls in which the body transforms to that of the soul's original body, retaining all their memories and abilities. Locked to the will of the Dark Sage, these once glorified shinobi are now disposable soldiers, following any orders given to them, sacrificing their earthbound bodies all for the sake of victory.

[B]Prerequisites[/B] Dark Sage, S-Rank

[B]Effect:[/B] User may use [URL='']Contract Summoning’s[/URL] S-Rank Summon as Impure World Resurrection, bringing one of their Souls onto the field.

[B]Soul Creation:[/B] The user may obtain a [I]Soul Creation[/I] using a 300 Word RP about gaining the [I]Soul Creation[/I] and may be linked to the user's normal RP Threads. The user may only have up to 3 [I]Soul Creation[/I]s at a time.
[*]Each [I]Soul Creation[/I] must have a different full Bloodline or Core Ability.
[*]Created [I]Soul Creation[/I] possesses 1 Major Affinity and 1 Minor Affinity, 1 Sensory Knowledge as well as 1 Advanced Element. The Advanced Element known by the created [I]Soul Creation[/I] must correspond with the Major and Minor Affinities that it possesses (I.E. if the [I]Soul Creation[/I] has Major Fire and Minor Water it must possess Shadow Element).
[*]Each [I]Soul Creation[/I] may have up to 7 Abilities.
[*]Each [I]Soul Creation[/I] must have a Custom Class of its own; possessing 1 Stat in High, 2 in Low, and the rest in Average.
[*]Your [I]Soul Creation[/I]'s HP and CP are both equal to ([I]Soul Creation[/I]'s HP/CP Mod + [I]Soul Creation[/I]'s Level) x [I]Soul Creation[/I]'s Chakra Control.
[*]Each [I]Soul Creation[/I] has a Base Modifier of 50 to distribute between their HP and CP, neither may go below 20 and receives 4 Class points, which can be used to purchase a Class Bonus
[*]The [I]Soul Creation[/I] has Secondary Stats equal to 75% of the Dark Sage's stats.
[*]The [I]Soul Creation[/I] has it's own AP pool, and may carry over one unused AP point per round.
[*]The [I]Soul Creation[/I] has 5 AP
[*][I]Soul Creation[/I]s must spend 50 Points worth of Techniques. Each OOC Rank of a Technique has it's own cost (listed below). The created [I]Soul Creation[/I] knows these Techniques at Rank 1 normally but the user may pay 1 additional Point to have it known at Master Rank. Selected Techniques do not need to be known or usable by the user but the user must buy the Techniques known by their [I]Soul Creation[/I] as normal. Techniques known by the [I]Soul Creation[/I] ignore any "Mastered Techniques" prerequisites and ignore casting requirements (except for Advance Elements in which a [I]Soul Creation[/I]must possess in order to use or cast it).
[*][B]E-Rank:[/B] 2 Points
[*][B]D-Rank:[/B] 3 Points
[*][B]C-Rank:[/B] 4 Points
[*][B]B-Rank:[/B] 5 Points
[*][B]A-Rank:[/B] 6 Points

[B]Cost:[/B] 4.5 AP, 4000[I] Corrupted Energy

[*]This is a Creation Technique and counts as a Contract Summoning, following all of the standard [URL='']contract rules[/URL] a regular summon must follow. 
[*][B]Soul Creations[/B] must be approved by the player's respective Council.
[*][B]Soul Creations[/B] cannot have a Kinjutsu
[*][B]Soul Creations[/B] cannot be affected by Disruption 

Current Ninpocho Time:
