Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Death has Arrived [Requesting Entrance]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012


"We have arrived. Welcome to Sunagakure, wonder of the desert." the pale man announced to his companion. "Good to be here sir. A few weeks inside a Hidden Village will help us recover our strength." the white hooded man replied. They had arrived. The second step of their quest was about to begin, but neither men had ever stepped inside the walls of the Hidden Sand Village. Neither men knew what kind of welcome they were going to receive. Nor they were aware how alien would Sunans look and act compared to them, the finest of the Fire Country could offer. Regardless it was time to find out.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
The Toraono Dojo was a massive complex in the middle of a vast nothingness, veiled only by the ravages of the maelstrom. The location, deep within the twisting winds made the village difficult, may near impossible to find unless you were more durable than the average man yet the structure obvious to travelers once they were close enough. There was no effort in hiding the entryway, presently the only one. The maelstrom was both a blessing and a curse, protecting, isolating and trapping Sunans all at once. It limited unwanted visitors naturally but those that did make it there were most commonly mercenaries and foreign shinobi or at least someone who conscripted a shinobi to guide them through the raging storm. Sunagakure had only recently discovered its precarious state, this proverbial bubble that could burst at any time is someone applied the right piercing pressure. They were reeling still from the incursion, when the Cabal attacked they were utterly unprepared and they used their element of surprise to decimate the village and take so many lives before it was their time.

The storm knocked on the door long before the pair arrived, not heralding their approach. The storm always knocked but hopefully would never enter. The building groaned continually against the gale. Shiori was sitting there as she had so many says before. As for how she looked and what one would consider 'normal,' that would be hard to say. She listened, to the scream and the cry - the unseen and unfelt torment of the maelstrom. She unlatched the door and a wave of sand rushed in on her, tussling her long red tresses tangling them in an unintended manner. She looked like a woman about to go on a date rather than a shinobi or a guard, she was certainly not the later and barely the former so perhaps their assessment of a woman clad in a pink sundress and strappy heels would be an accurate one. A normal person perhaps, but not a normal shinobi.
"Get inside!" Shiori cried into the storm, they were disturbing the painful melody she savored. She held the door open for a few moments, long enough for them to get inside and escape the sandstorm.

Shiori would shake her head, agitated at the places sand decided to now reside. She pointed down the corridor, away from her person.
"Sunagakure is that way," she instructed simply as she tried to shake out some sand that had found its way into her ear making the world appear hazy to the mostly sound-dependent woman. "We are still recovering from a terrible attack so we do not have much, but we share what we have so welcome."

[Get in, shorty but you are in]

[Topic Left?]

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
The strangest looking woman welcomed the pair into Sand. She was strange, but not because her hair had a different color or because her arms nearly reached the ground. No, she was strange, because for a shinobi she was clearly badly dressed. Who would choose an outfit of strappy heels and pink sundress while under such a harsh storm? That was no kunoichi's outfit, that was for sure. Unless she had an ulterior motive. What if that choice was on purpose? To deviate one's attention to such craziness while she murdered an unsuspecting prey? Nevertheless, both Kazuki and Nagato had to tread lightly. Sand was completely unknown for them. The duo was strong, but they were alone inside a sandy prison of powerful people.

"I thank you Sunagakurian. Me and my companion were searching for Sunagakure and it seems we have found it." the Overlord thanked her. "Come Nagato. Time to find a shelter from this storm of the century. Our bodies need rest." he stated to cousin. "Master." the Chuunin spoke, grabbing the Silvery Haired Man's shoulder. "Right." the Dread Lord noted. "You've mentioned a terrible attack? What can we do to help? Lets just say we know a thing or two about terrible attacks against Hidden Villages." he said.

[Topic Left]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: I was directed to come back here to answer a question. I never looked back after I let him in. I am a very bad Sandy.


"I thank you Sunagakurian. Me and my companion were searching for Sunagakure and it seems we have found it." The stranger announced, sand pouring off him and his companion in rivers between folds of cloth or crevices of armor. "Come Nagato. Time to find a shelter from this storm of the century. Our bodies need rest." The storm was not an uncanny occurrence here in Wind Country, these unrelenting winds had persisted now for three decades. There were rumors that there was a source of the storm was under investigation and that an excursion was sent to the heart of the maelstrom for the interest of divining something more than terrible happenstance. Even she was unaware of the fact that Daisuke sat at the very epicenter of the sandstorm, long beyond what his years should have afforded him in life. She, in this case truly did not know the mystery behind the storm. To the best of her understanding the cursed Sunahoshi line was terminated, but in this she was in error in more ways than one. Shiori feigned a slight smile, there is no way a foreigner would truly understand the raging storm at their door that has endured for so long and would likely persist as such forever more.

There seemed to be something between them. The stranger bringing with him a slave.
"You've mentioned a terrible attack? What can we do to help? Lets just say we know a thing or two about terrible attacks against Hidden Villages." A passing kindness perhaps, like expressing sympathies at a funeral.

"We, like any other nation... have made many enemies. One of them was strong enough to muster a force great enough to decimate a third of our village. They held us hostage to our morals for three days before a final battle raged between the alien force."<i></i> Shiori let out a sigh. It was regrettable, all the people who died including her. "Sunagakure won that fight, most of the people who hurt us have been put away but I do not know where." She admitted, although even if she knew a different truth she would not share that with just anyone as she did not know where his or anyone else's allegiances might lie. In fact, she knew where one was although she doubted he was still alive. She hoped that young man killed him trying to pry whatever he could from that sadist. "The storm cries still. I need to speak with it a bit longer, I hope you enjoy your stay. I am sure we will meet again when I am well." Her final statement ominous. She was finally healing, and healing at a dramatic rate. Remembering... becoming stronger and changing in the process. She did not know what she would become I the end but she did not fear it.
[Topic Left II]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
