Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Death Takes a Stroll [Devils Lair Casino] [Req Akkuma]


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Dec 6, 2023
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The red light district was an interesting place since you never knew what you would get next from one night to the next. Some nights you would get a pleasant tryst with a women of ill repute or be offered intoxicants that were frowned upon within the law enforcement of the village. Experiences both good and bad abound within the district so the men and women of this district were used to some strange sights especially within a ninja village but even for sand what was going on at the Devil Lair Casino was strange sight to behold.

A large bald man wearing a nice suit slammed into a wall with a groan, slumping down on to the floor as he did so while sunglasses hung loosely from his face despite the fact that the sun was already setting, oranges of the late evening already filling the sky as people lined up nearby waiting to enter the casino or to say that they were as now they scurried or cowered at the violence that was now going on at the entrance. Standing surrounded by now unconscious civilian bouncers a small figure stood clad in a black body suit with a white mask covering her face, locks of flowing black hair descended down her back and held in her hand was a massive great sword standing easily 7 foot in length currently being held up with both hands and pointed at the last conscious guard now pressed up against the wall looking concerned. Slowly looking around Ranran made sure she hadn't killed anyone while also admiring that every guard looked very similar as if the owner of this place was mass producing them somehow.

"Ok shit head last chance. Go get your boss or we are going to see how much I can paint the wall behind you." Nodding in a panic the man sprinted inside as soon as the blade had been removed from his person while Ranran sheathed the sword on her back and waited with her arms crossed over her chest. Now you may be asking why Ranran hadn't just broke or snuck into the casino like a true ninja and the reason was simply that she needed help. Two assassins of her family had infiltrated this casino and what made them impossible to find before they got to their target was the fact they were specialist in stealth and had no MO for their kills. Normally Ranran wouldn't mess with a family contract either but there had been a mistake on the target and her family valued their accuracy. Now she just had to wait for the boss to show up and hopefully he was the type to listen or she would have to take him hostage.

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Miroku Akkuma

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Oct 24, 2012
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The Sage had been busy making preparations for his departure. He was in the process of finalizing the orders for who would oversee what projects, when the comm line on his laboratory desk came to life. "I know you didn't wish to be disturbed. But an incident has occurred at the Devil's Lair & your presence has been requested." There would be a moments pause before a click rang through the otherwise silent lab, the sound of him activating the line. "Go on Yūka I'm still making my preparations. What seems to be the issue?" he would ask before taking his finger off the activation switch for the microphone. "Our greeters appear to have been assaulted & detained by an individual. We could activate the security protocols bu.." Yūka's words were cut off by the Sage activating his receiver once more.

"No, we don't need that kind of attention yet from the others. I'll be there momentarily." his words were calm as he decided against enacting the measures that would draw further scrutiny for his kin. At least for the time being. "Understood Lord Akkuma, we shall await your arrival." with that the comm would de-activate. Sighing he would place the last of his project into storage. After sealing it & taking the necessary security measures he began to make his way to the exit. Who could it be? Who would be so bold? There had been few souls with the courage to enter his domain or threaten his kin. Let alone now that he had risen to the rank of Sennin of International Affairs. How fortuitous their timing had been. For much later & he would have already been far departed from these lands.

Meanwhile back at the Casino an attendant wearing a thin veil would greet their unknown assailant. "He shall be here momentarily." their words were spoken in an ethereal tone. The new attendant stood at just five feet, wrapped in light blue silk garbs. Even though their features were hidden there was an almost inhuman way, in which they stood there with a statuesque stillness. Ranran's instincts had been right, there was something off about this place & it's attendants. If only the young assassin & her kin had realized who's territory they were encroaching upon.

After a brief moment the sands before the Casino would began to swirl about wildly. An ominous aura that attempted to ensnare the minds of those he faced with doubt preceded his formation. The very presence that sought to rip the very life force from any he deemed hostile. This was just the beginning though, as the aura was an instinctual defence that would attempt to assault any who wished him harm. That was just one of the many gifts the enigmatic Dark Sage that was Akkuma possessed. "Please relinquish my kin...I'd hate to have to separate you from your hands." His words were spoken in a calm tone, no rage or malice. Yet there was a business-like manner to them, coupled with a piercing coldness to his gaze. Those crimson eyes of his rested on the white mask clad kunoichi.

"Attacking a Sennin's business, assaulting his kin..." he let the words hang in the air. All the while his mind ran through the various reports he received from the sector. Now he had both official & unofficial information stores at his disposal. There were fewer gaps in his information network now he had been able to supplement his sources with his new privileges. "Tell me...what drove you to this madness?" he asked wondering what could drive someone to sign away their life. For few souls had committed such a transgression against him & even fewer still had lived to tell the tale. The many grains of sand would began to settle around them. Yet the air was unmistakably charged with chakra, as if the very elements around them pulsed with the energy of the tension.

MFT (Apologies on the delay. Appreciate your patience, am looking forward to this.) ^_^


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Ranran's head jerked as a presence stepped out from the casino her eyes trailing across the scenery as it almost felt like something had stepped out of the scenery to her senses as her eyes landed on a veiled women who told her that the owner would be coming soon. Despite being young in her ninja career Ranran's roots stemmed from a family who conducted assassinations without ninja training for generations having worked for many years outside the influence of ninja and Ranran herself was the first generation to ever break from that tradition and take on a ninja discipline. This meant that first and foremost Ranran was an assassin and had developed many skills to detect a person without her sight, the scent of perspiration, breath escaping past lips, the feeling of a spark that burned within every living creatures breast were all things that allowed Ranran to recognise something as a living being that could be killed but the women in front of the young girl did not exhibit any of these traits. She moved yes and she spoke but to Ranran this women was simply an extension of the Casino's furniture in her eyes and felt nothing except wariness for the person who would own such a thing.

"Fine" Was Ranran's simple response as she idly stepped on the back of guard trying to crawl away from her feeling she should keep her hostages close until she met the owner as the minutes ticked by. The casino's owners arrival wasn't announced to Ranran but she feel the air change and attributed the feeling of having a shark swim past you in the water, a feeling of a slight pressure that exuded an instinctual danger letting Ran know that unlike the prey she had meet before this person was an apex predator confident in their territory.

An aura of decay and death proceeded the man who stepped from the casino making Ranran immediately look towards him before he had uttered a word. Emerald eyes bore into the slits of Ran's mask framed by long grey hair, lips parted to speak drawing the girls eyes to the pattern of scars that danced across the older mans skin before Akkuma asked for Ran to relinquish her hostages with a thinly veiled threat. Outwardly Ranran seemed unusually calm her mask staring impassively at the much larger man before she slowly took her foot away from her victim.
"Get lost I don't need you anymore." Despite a slight tremble in her voice Ran spoke in the calmest tone she could do as the men around her jumped to their feet and staggered away happily disappearing into the casino behind their masters back.

Silence permeated the air as an oppressive tension pushed down on Ran however instead of fear or apprehension the girl couldn't help but feel excitement her features behind her mask pulled into a feral grin that seemed to almost reach her ears and her eyes opened a wide as possible as if she was trying take in everything about this ninja. You see Ranran heavily believed in the survival of the fittest, you were either strong enough to survive or you would be consumed by another and life existed on that razors edge of life and death in an exciting state of flux. However since Ranran had come to the sand village she hadn't experienced the precarious kiss of that blade in a long while making it feel like her fangs had dulled in her time training. However this man in front of her not only made her feel that she was going to die at any moment, he made her feel that she would be consumed in every way he desired if he had the inclination. Excitement, exhilaration and elation flowed through Ran at the thought of desperately fighting against such a fate but after a moment Ran was forced to get control herself as she was here for a purpose which this Sennin was now asking for.

Stepping up to the man until she was within arms reach of him Ran suppressed her feelings and spoke in the calmest tone she could though the bubbles of excitement did slip through her childish tones. "They call me Nanjirou Ranran not that I'm famous or anything but my family are well known civilian assassins and they have been contracted to kill a client of your Casino in a particular gruesome way. The only problem is that those two dumbasses grabbed the wrong picture and instead are hunting someone with a cancelled contract on their head. I'm here to drag em back but they are slippery as well as family and I wanted to get your help in finding them since this is ya place." Giving Akkuma a look over once again she continued. "Thought the owner was gonna be snivelling toad not death incarnate so what happens next? Wanna help or will I get to dance on the precipe tonight." Once again Ran had to suppress another warble of excitement in her voice.

[Still gotta spell check this so bear with me but yeah I'm super excited too :)]

WC: 857
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Miroku Akkuma

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Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
She stood there before him so bold, despite their obvious difference in power. Yes, he could hear the slight tremble in her voice. But what was courage if you had no fear to test it against? Here she stood firm in the face of death & yet she did not waver in her purpose. Piercing crimson eyes held her in his gaze as he watched her appraise his form as she approached within arms length. He could have consumed her in an instant if had wanted, even before he was a Sennin he doubted anyone would have spoken up about it. But now? Who would dare risk his wrath? The sunan youth gave him her name & that was perhaps the greatest act of wisdom she had demonstrated since arriving here. If he had needed to seek her identity it could have potentially been problematic for her. Then again with her name she could never truly escape his shadowy grasp. The Fate of the young assassin before him would be determined by the events of the night. However it was what came next that intrigued the Sage. This family of assassins had agreed to apparently murder one of his patrons in a rather gruesome manner, in his establishment. Without his consent, the sheer audacity.

If not for his desire to find out who would want to bring such attention to him & have already begun to consume this Ranran before moving on to do the same with her family. Instead his eyes flashed with mischievous glee, licking his lips as he contemplated another way of how he would make them pay for this sleight. In the mean time he would find out he could about this assassin family, if they could prove themselves useful then perhaps he might overlook this sleight. A new unknown group within the shadows that he could call on, that would be able to move on undetected by most eyes. A deep bone chilling chuckle would escape him as the young assassin referred to him as Death Incarnate. Given he had bound & absorbed a Shinigami into himself she was not far from the truth.

"I think we shall save our dance under the pale moon for another night..." He would say with a no doubt disarming warmth, after all he wanted to know more about the kunoichi before him & perhaps most importantly who had hired their family. Who had sought to tarnish his reputation & bring the village authorities down upon him. During a time of great suspicion already, when he navigated shadows of doubt cast upon him by the growing disappearances of the Sunan higher ups around him. "Since this is a time sensitive matter, we'll revisit the fact your family is attempting to perform an unsanctioned assassination in my casino without my authorisation once we've sorted out this business." There it was again that murderous glint in his eyes, between the crimson eyes & the aura of death. Everything about him down to the scars & runes that held the mysteries of his life were like a vivid warning. Yet despite all the glaring warning signs there was something about the Sage that made him enigmatic, perhaps it was the air of danger that added to his charm.

Despite the potential danger that lay ahead if she truly desired to make a play to guide her families Fate Ranran would have to walk into the belly of the beast with the Devil of Sunagakure himself. "Why don't you accompany me to my office? We can discuss & investigate the location of your kin from there." he would say with a devilish smirk. How could he be so confident they would be able to find them, let alone have the time to do so? Then again it wouldn't be a hard feat to imagine that the Sage was an individual with a few tricks up his sleeve. He began walking passed Nanjirou Ranran to enter his establishment. Pausing at the threshold of the door momentarily before chuckling & shaking the thought that was creeping into his mind out of his head. After all he had his own fair share of enemies, perhaps she had been sent to make an attempt on his life? The reputation, glory & influence that would come from such a success. Might be tempting to any ambitious assassin, that is until the reality of exactly who he was came to be.

[OOC; I just wanted to thank you for your patience & understanding through this time ninja. I am looking forward to the shenanigans of this thread.]


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It appeared that Ranran had survived her first encounter with the older shinobi as he went through multiple different expressions before his features settled into sinister glee and not for the first time was Ranran relieved her own expression was hidden behind her mask stopping him from seeing her own disquieted expression as the man plotted to himself. Gently coming fingers through her hair with her free hand Ranran couldn't help the sigh that escaped her as she realised the shit show that her family had apparently walked into, as the intel on the casino's ownership given to them had been all wrong and if her parents had gone on this mission they mostly likely would have been a steaming pile of flesh in this guys basement. "Yeah....We usually keep the family business to civilian clients and targets and avoid Shinobi as I'm the only one with any training in shinobi arts. Sorry about this I'll tell my family the casino is hands off. " As Ranran spoke a hand reached into a pocket hidden within the shoulder lining and pulled out a small black card with gold lettering. " As a representative of the Fatal Eclipse Assassination Troupe I Nanjirou Ranran in recompense for violating troupe tenants offer an introduction of a possible client at the sanguine level. The first job will be free pending negotiation with papa yadda yadda long story short sorry."

Ranran spoke in a very mechanical way as if she had been forced to memorise what she had said encase of this eventuality until she had grown tired of the fancy speech and settled for an abbreviated end before holding out the business card to the reaper. In all fairness it wasn't much of an apology but it was an invite on further renumeration in order for this embarrassing mistake to be forgiven without the troupe and by proxy Ranran family having to die. As Ranran wait for the card to be taken she took the moment to carefully take in the man features, a spiderweb of scares and runic marking painted the mans flesh in a mosaic almost showing the life the man had led and the battles he had fought leaving Ranran impressed and a little enamoured with a person who had devoured every obstacle that had ever tried to stop him.

Finally Akkuma suggested that the two go to his office in order to find her kin causing Ranran to nod her head in agreement as she made to follow a step behind the man in respect of his strength and to further illustrate that her clan wanted no further conflict with him. Meanwhile deep within the casino one of the guards was currently racing through the back hallway desperately trying to escape the two shadows slowly stalking him until he took a fatal wrong turn coming to a boiler room. All he had was a minute to turn around before they descended on him only having enough time for a short and strangled scream before going silent.

OOC: No problem sorry for my own slow reply as I figured out what to write next lol

WC: 524
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Miroku Akkuma

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Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The young kunoichi explained her families preferred targets. Noting they usually avoided shinobi, a menacing smile would flash upon his face at those words. That was wise of them, most civilians lacked the awareness & survival skills to escape assassins of their calibre. Shinobi on the other hand would make short work of such attempts. From poisons to weaponry there wasn't much a civilian could utilize against a shinobi that would make a difference. Well except a significant amount of explosives, but even then some shinobi such as himself were a step above the rest & had taken their own precautions to protect against the risks of mortality. Those eyes of his glinted with delight as she stated that her family would be made aware his premises was off the limits. But little did she know he had many investments throughout the village. Already he was concocting a scheme that would both result in acquiring this family & ensuring such liabilities weren't at risk of happening again.

Crimson eyes watched as she reached into a pocket retrieving a card & extending it towards him. Beginning to recite what felt like a forced & slightly bored sales pitch. Or perhaps it was a consolation offer for remediation due to the circumstances? One prepared for the inevitable eventuality they cross an individual such as himself. Akkuma took the card & opened a small portal to one of his personal pocket dimensions created for storing objects of interest or material for experiments. It sailed through the small portal before it closed & vanished leaving no trace of the sudden distortion in space that had just been present.

At least they had prepared for such an eventuality, knowing that there would be a cost to such an exchange. But he found himself wondering how they would get their own renumeration against the one who had lead them into the den of the Devil himself. "No need to apologise little death dealer..." he would say with smile to the little Sunan Assassin. "Let us first see how far your kin have pushed the scales of Fate. Before we worry about trying to balance them once more." He was oddly calm about the whole situation unfolding, then again everything was a calculation to the Sage. Given his ambitions & plans he could only see himself benefitting from the events of tonight. After all he knew all too well how to turn misfortune of others into his favour.

After entering the Casino they would proceed to segment of wall under a security camera. Akkuma placed his hand against a nearly invisible panel of the wall, passing his chakra into it until it registered the controlled stream of energy. From there the mechanized switch activated revealing a console panel. This time a half completed seal was made visible by the chakra streamed into the wall. Akkuma completed it, scribbling the seal to completion with corrupted chakra. "I'm afraid this is the closest elevator to my office." he would say as another larger segment of wall slid aside revealing an elevator ready for them to enter. The crimson eyed Sage entered & waited for his guest to follow.

Meanwhile in the boiler room...

The now lifeless body of the guard would begin to convulse before breaking down into a steaming pile of various alchemical components & organic matter. What had seemed like a living breathing human was something else entirely. In the centre of the mass a orb wrapped in sealing tags that ignited upon contact with the open air. Was there a bomb inside of him? That would perhaps be a reasonable assumption, after all variations on the E-Notes had been a tool of shinobi for centuries. Instead what would happen once the tag burnt through would no doubt be something slightly more alarming for the duo of assassins. For a cacophony of discordant screams would ring out through the boiler room & sending out a temporary positioning burst of chakra. It was a simple charm, at least compared to his other techniques. He called them Banshee Charms, after the ethereal screams of the messengers sounding the passing of his kin into the next realm. That pulse of deathly chakra making it's way throughout towards the two shinobi making their way up to the Office.

OOC: *Sits back & enjoys the chaos.* xD


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Ranran seemed to puff up in a pleased manner as Akkuma called her little death dealer obviously happy with the title as her family tended to baby her a bit too much for the fiery blacksmiths taste so she not referred to by her profession often and was nice to be acknowledged in even a small way. Following after the taller ninja she couldn't help but notice that his manner of speech was a little strange and he liked to speak in what Ranran would in future refer to as a flowery manner but she couldn't help but like the dude. He was kind felt like one of her more insidious uncles and strangely found his aura comforting as it was familiar in a sense but far more potent than her family members.

As the pair entered the casino Ranran's masked face swung from side to side in obvious interest as she had never been to a casino due to her obvious age and while the girl had no interest in gambling with her own money she still found the atmosphere to enjoyable as excitement tinged with despair seemed to surge within the building as people hunched over tables and fed their money into machines wherever Ranran looked. However the little girl didn't have long to gawk at the scenery as Akkuma led them to a section of wall that he would reveal to be a secret elevator. Looking around to see if anyone noticed the new elevator Ranran was amused to find that the guests seemed to desperately avoid looking anywhere in Akkuma's direction seeming to prefer to leave the man unacknowledged as long as he desired while the workers continued on with their duties as if nothing was happening. "I think I'm starting to get an idea on who I'm dealing with now." Ranran said to herself as she followed Akkuma in to the lift seeming to trust the man but in reality she knew there was nothing she could do if he turned hostile so she just relied on the fact that he wanted her alive more than he wanted her dead for the moment. "No problem. Guests shouldn't complain to a gracious host right." Ran spoke with an amused tone evident in her voice letting the man know that she knew her place until the situation changed one way or the other.

Meanwhile with the twin Assassins:

As the screech echoed from the trap the shadows standing over the orb would fall back and scramble away from the nasty surprise they had been given as the slightly smaller shadow fell to the floor and began to bawl his eyes out.
A moment or two passed before a light switch was flicked on within the boiler room as the remains of the sound trap burnt away revealing two eight year olds within the room. The first on the floor with tear filled blue eyes was still currently crying on the floor from the shock and despite his appearance and manners pointing to the contrary was a young boy known as Nanjirou Hado. Scrambling across the room to her twins side in order to hug the boy was the red eyed Satsui and together these two were known as the mysterious assassin duo of the Nanjirou family as not much was known on their killing method other than the fact they could perfectly mimic anyone they had killed for infiltration unfortunately their target had not been a flesh and blood person and the shock of the loud sound had caused the scaredy cat Hado to break down fairly quickly. It didn't take long for Satsui to calm her twin but unfortunately it did revel them on a nearby security camera before she was able to convince her twin to continue on as they pair ran from the room to disappear back into the bowels of the maintenance corridors.

WC: 646
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
It seemed the little death dealer was pleased by the title the demonic Sage of Death, had bestowed upon her. He caught the shift in her body language in the reflection of some golden ornaments that they passed, a small smile would form upon his face. How he recalled the days when he was with Taka, how such remarks had filled him with pride in his work. Why was he thinking of that now? He wondered to himself as they proceeded to the hidden elevator. Here in the Devil's Lair ordinary civilians interacted with beings of varying natures. At first glance it was remarkable & full of majesty. If one made no effort to truly discern the finer details it stayed that way.

But if someone focused on the myriad of scents, through that obfuscating & overpowering scent of herbal incense. They would be able to pick up the faintest hint of metallic tang & earthy musk in the air. Could it be old blood or freshly spilled? An especially focused guest, who gazed long enough through the veil of smoke, might be able to see through the mind altering haze. Peering through the illusion cast by the atmosphere of excitement & glamour. Beyond the deceptive facade & in doing so witness monstrous beings in engaged in unsettling interactions.

Each floor tasked with beings & individualised specialised in obfuscating or bending the wills of others. Strategically placed & performing their craft so that the majority of the Casino's guests were none the wiser. This was a place that prized itself on sating the desires of all manners of beings, for the right price. Should one pry too long beyond the veil, they should be careful lest they draw the attention & ire of those who have come for the discretion of this establishment. Finding they feel the touch of some unseen apparition upon their shoulders or that their gaze has met the mirrored orbs of an obfuscated being.

Fortunately for Ranran she was in the company of the one individual few beings would dare provoke, without being prepared to pay the ultimate cost. Akkuma gave what would to some be an unnerving chuckle at the little Death Dealers words. "Than you are far wiser then many of your peers." he would say to the young kunoichi. Her unspoken acknowledgment of the danger & experience of the being before her was something many shinobi far above her tenure had failed to see. Who knows how many others could have survived the Demon's ascension to power, if only they had been willing to acknowledged all that he was.

Inside the elevator the two shinobi rose through the building towards the demon's office. "Why don't you tell me you..." his words were cut short as a wave of familiar chakra pulsed over them & through the elevator. "..." Corrupted chakra would crackle along one of his hands, the Sage battled with his instincts. Like a raging beast within him crashing against his ribs, he fought internally with those desires to keep his life stealing presence in check. But those desires would be such a short sighted & fleeting recompense for what he had lost. No, he would make them pay a greater cost than the fleeting one of death. The energy crackling down his arm would subside as his emotions calmed into focused will once more. "The first soul of the night is placed on the scales to be weighed against your families worth." A rather eloquent way of saying her brethren had killed one of his kin, finished with a reminder of what was on the line now.

"You said that you were currently undertaking shinobi training. What skills have you found yourself proficient in?" he would ask in a calm business-like manner, as if he had not just announced her family had taken the life of something he considered kin. It might appear to be a normal inquiry to pass the time of the ascension within the confined elevator. That was until one remembered who they were talking to & what motivations he might have for making such an inquiry.

~In the Depths of the Devil's Lair~

The Twin's had found themselves in the maintenance corridor. Having reassured one another they were ready to continue their mission. They would have many paths of travel before them. Various corridors leading to sub tunnels that ran within the walls & between the subsections of floors. Each door & corridor leading to a different level via different means. At the very depths of the Casino's subterranean facilities was a private lab, the floor above it contained the area known as the Cage. A segment of the structure that had been reinforced to withstand the likes of high level shinobi combat. On event nights barrier specialists erected barriers to protect the spectators while the fight within was broadcast on various screens around the room.

Above this was a bath house, the use of which was restricted to high rolling clientele & V.I.P guests to the Casino. The floor above this was the Main Gaming Floor & Public Entrance Level to the Casino. Overlooking this lobby through mirrored glass was the Demons office. Next was the entertainment floor which often held performances & entertainment acts of varying tastes. Admission to some of these events is rejected without the proper invitation. The second last floor was where 'high stakes games' were held at invitation only, invitees varied from high rollers to those down on their luck. Lastly was the floor reserved for the most honoured of guests & patrons to the Casino. There were rooms that people could rent for a few hours or a night.

The Casino was deceptively more elaborate than one might first believe. Where would the Twins find themselves heading to next? Would they go up or down? Would they take tunnels, air ducts or elevators? Although they weren't short on options they were running out of time. They had caused a reaction that had alerted their presence to those on the staff. Now it was just a matter of time until they were found. Our duo of assassins would have to dodge floating eyes that were scouring the various sections of the Casino for them now among other countermeasures for detecting intruders. How long could they evade the security staff for? Would they find their target? What were they going to do now?

Word Count: 1069

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
