Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Deaths to the merchant! [B-rank]

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Shortly after leaving her home country, Reina found herself traveling with a large caravan of merchants along the way. The group seemed rather tight knit and welcoming to just about anyone wanting to join them. Right from the start, she realized they all held a belief that safety came with number especially while traveling. Unfortunately, this was far from the truth and while Reina knew it, she decided to keep her opinion to herself. Beggars couldn't be choosers, especially since she was getting a free ride and food with them, so it was best not to upset any of them anyway. For several days, the large caravan crossed countless different types of terrain; each more challenging than the last.

By day, they road along side each other in what appeared to be a large straight line of carts. At the head of the group, a more experience and long traveled leader and at the back, newer and less experienced merchants. Reina found herself somewhere in the middle, ridding with a produce merchant named 'Juan'. He was kind, and treated her with respect, but Reina took notice of how he interacted with other merchants in the group by night. His kindness failed to extend to the newer merchants, and seeing as most of them sold produce, it was obviously clear as to why.

She found it odd, considering how tight knit the group seemingly appeared. One night, in the midst of celebration from being within a week from the caravans current destination, Reina witnessed an explosive argument unfold between the guy she was catching a ride from and one of the new merchants. While she didn't care what was going on, she did pay close attention to the situation and form her own opinion about it. Later that night, she caught up with Juan and asked about everything. "What's up with you and that guy?" Was her question, and Juan didn't hesitate to reply. "That jackass thinks he can sell basically the same thing as me and that's not how this caravan works." He shouted in frustration. "How does it work then?" Asked Reina. "I've been here longer, so he's supposed to take a back seat. Seeing as I am the veteran here, he's not supposed to sell the same stuff as me." He stated, annoyed at the situation. "Well, you sell produce. So no one else is allowed? I'm pretty sure there's other merchants selling produce than just you or this guy, in this merchant group." She told him, trying to calm him down a little.

"No, you don't understand. He can sell produce, but just not the type of produce that I or any of the other produce merchants sell. That way we don't take business from one and another. If he's not gonna respect our ways, I'd rather he just left or got robbed or something." He said, not deliberately hinting at anything. At the sound of this, Reina's ears perked up. "Hmmmmm." She said, before continuing. "Well, I am a mercenary by trade and I could arrange that... for a fee of course." She said, hesitantly making the offer. "What... do you mean?" He asked her, as if she hadn't already made it clear. "Since I need to spell it out for you, I'm offering to handle this guy and make your problem go away at the same time, in exchange for cash of course." She told him, now making it more clear than before.

"I don't care what you do. If you can make my problem disappear, I'll gladly pay whatever. Just don't let me get blamed for any of it." Said Juan, rather or not he knew what he had just sent into motion. "No worries, this will be our secret. Just be ready to pay me once I'm done." She told him, as she walked off. In her mind, she already knew what she had planned for the rival merchant.

An hour later, Reina found herself swiftly creeping around the campsites formed by the caravans. Juan's direct rival had already resigned himself for the night, as did most of the other merchants within this caravan. Those few who were still awake had gathered by the campfire several dozen yards away from her and her target. Approaching his cart, she hesitantly peeked inside through some small holes in the cloth cover. The guy who had been arguing with Juan earlier was resting peacefully. Juan wanted his problems to disappear, and although Reina had agreed to help, she never once exposed her plan to him. Rather Juan wanted her to, or not, she was about to take this guys life.

Stealthy, she entered into the guys caravan; making sure no one else had seen do so. As she approached him, while he laid peacefully asleep, she knelt down beside him, and slowly applied her hands to one side of his head, and the other to the opposite side of his neck. With one fell swoop, and an excessive amount of force, Reina snapped the mans neck while he laid peacefully asleep on the floor. Not a single drop of blood was spilled during the act, so there was no mess to clean. However, she still had to stage everything to make it look like an accident as to not draw suspicion. Before doing so, it was time for her to find anything valuable worth keeping for herself. Trying not to make to much noise, or disturb the place to much, she searched until she found a small amount of cash. "Wow, this guy must've been pretty shitty at his job. There's barely enough money for a few days worth of food." She thought, annoyed at taking the effort for next to nothing in return.

From there, it was time to stage the body. As to not draw suspicion, she thought she should make it look like an accident. Looking around the mans cart, she saw nothing but barrels, some bags of clothes, and a half full mug of beer. Nodding, she began to drag the body to the back exit of the cart. Slowly, she pulled his body over the side and positioned him as if he had fallen out and landed on his neck. Quickly, she grabbed the mug of beer and splashed it over him and the ground, only to loosely wrap one of his hands around the handle of the mug. Looking over her staged looked, one more time, she hopped out of the guys cart and looked around to make sure no one had notice what she had done this dark and foggy night.

Once she realized that the coast was clear, she hurried away while hiding beneath the shadows of the night. Moments later, she would find herself back at Juan's carts. Upon entering it, she noticed he was still awake but preparing for bed. "You're back?" He asked, before he continued. "Did you scare him off?" He also asked, without giving Reina any time to reply. "Scared? No. But he won't be a problem for you or anyone else ever again. You'll probably understand what I mean come morning, but you need to pay me now. I'll be heading out and leaving the caravan earlier than expected." She told him, as shouts in the distance could be heard. Glancing towards the direction of the motion, shouts of someone being dead could be heard. With a sudden realization, Juan's eyes widened as he glanced back at Reina. "Did... you kill him?" He asked, as Reina replied with a simple nod. "You hired me to handle your problem and said you didn't care how. Pay me so that I can leave." She stated with a serious tone of voice.

Obviously the merchant didn't expect for his rival to be killed, but by this sudden realization, fear crossed his heart and began to shake him to the core. Terrified at what Reina had done, even without witnessing it, he rushed to pay her only out of fear that if he didn't, she'd kill him too. Once his debt was paid, Reina took her leave.

[Word count: 1340+] [800 words for Mission (X2 word count)] [500 words for Dojo]
[Topic enter/Left]

[Mission approval Link]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
