Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Delivery and Payment [Private][Mission]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank


He had never been to the outskirts of the hidden sand, never knowing truthfully the whereabouts or direct location to the Shinobi village of Wind Country. What had draw him here was nothing more than vague directions from nomads and the increasing vibrations he felt beneath the sand as he neared. Resting away from the sole building dotting the immediate landscape, he could tell by the speech of the sand and earth that this was far more than what it appeared. That besides the compound before his eyes, beneath the shifting sands at his feet there was a live hustle and bustle concealed by the vast area of sand.

"Such an interesting way to conceal a village. Makes you wonder if it was man made or a natural occurrence to which they adapted themselves to."

This was the only thought that seemed to entertain his train of mind as he sat motionless along the crest of a distant sand dune. The wind at his back provided relief from the usual stifled heat produced by the desert's arid climate. With his hair adrift along the gusts, his right palm remained pressed against a bound bundle next to him. The fabric which encased the contents was stained with splotches of dried blood that had since lost the recognized crimson hue and instead looked brownish in color. Markings, obvious to be the works of a sealing formula, stretched across the bundle's surface originating from a sealing tag attached at a centered alignment. An intense side gaze from Oyochi's pupils was cast towards the item, his memory tracking back to a few days prior where the event that caused him to appear here had transpired. Holding a small book which was no larger than a personal notepad would be, he turned through pages littered with photos before stopping. Staring he seemed to fade away mentally as his eyes focused upon a now marked out image...


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank


"Coming across you was nothing more than a matter of shear luck on my part and misfortune on yours. I personally wouldn't have expected to find a bingo book entry roaming around in these barran tunnels when I first sensed the movements but here we are...."

Oyochi kept his gaze honed onto the man away from him, his pupils narrowed and direct in their resolve as this was an encounter amongst shinobi. Having been within the country's borders for the past few weeks, Oyochi had taken liberty to familiarize himself with some of the figures detailed in his bingo book who were from this region. Truthfully he had not planned upon tracking down or meeting up with anyone under such conditions, finding that to be a job ninja from sunagakure should have been doing however, since he had encountered one then he may as well benefit from it.

"It would not be wise for you to fight back, according to your entry as a ninja you are subpar to say the least."

Whether this triggered something within the query or more than likely he simply did not wish to be captured undoubtedly motivated his next course of actions as the man's fingertips worked to weave hand seals. Recognizing the core seal used the hand seal combination his own response was to weave as well. His first instinct was not to use a counter jutsu but a defensive one and as the man's chest increased in size after filling his lungs with air, Oyochi continued to flash through seals.

Monkey, Dragon, Hare, Horse, Monkey, Dragon, Ram, Monkey, Rat-

The immediate area glowed brightly as lights of red and yellow, followed by rising heat enveloped the area. From the man's mouth as produced a stream of fire that expanded outwards, taking another form image wise as it made it's course towards Oyochi's position.

Dog, Tiger, Boar..

Oyochi slammed both his palms onto the ground [Doton: Ganban Kyu], the earth cracking in front of his form as a large slab of earth folded upwards. The rock was thick, layered by multiple plates of rock condensed together though that was not the only thing which served to reinforce the barrier. Flames however collided with the rock, spewing and fanning out to the edges. As the flames dwindled, Oyochi took a breather while a trail of sweat rolled down his cheek. While the earth barrier cooled, portions of it reflected light revealing that entwined with the rock were various lumps of metal alloy. Having taken the pause as opportunity the man had turned to take flight away from the area and Oyochi, oblivious to the fact that Oyochi could sense his very movements. It was like echoes to his body, each step sending vibrations through the ground which he could feel like a heartbeat.

Monkey, Dragon, Ox, Dragon, Dog, Ox, Rat, Serpent

[Doton: Iwagakure no Jutsu] His body sank into the ground, melding into soil in a fashion similar to being swallowed by quicksand. With the earth wrapped around his form, cradling his structure like a tightly bound blanket. Both fingers interlocked activating another supplementary jutsu which was parented by the reflection lure technique. [Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu] The earth pressed against his body like a second skin, and feeling the vibrations of his query. His movement through the ground was second nature, performed at ease like running. He made quick time tracking down the male, who had decided to take a breather amongst a grouping of boulders. There was a moment of shock which filled the target as the earth beneath him cracked and loses stability all the while Oyochi's palm took hold of his ankle. He'd apply brute force at that point, pulling the man's body into the rock which bound him, however not in a harmless fashion. Jagged shards to earth made certain to either cut deep into the criminal's torso or embed fragments of rock within minor fits and scrapes.

Rising fully into view, Oyochi found himself squatting and a palm quickly rummaged through his belongings. He would reveal in his grasp rested a leather bound annual that many shinobi carried on their person. He watched the man struggle, hearing his pain as moving only did more damage to his body. Screening the information on the page he'd exhale. The sound that came next moderately echoed through the tunnel as his pain filled scream resounded off the walls. Protruding from his right shoulder would be a single senbon needle which Oyochi had quickly withdrawn and stabbed in the earthbound victim.

"You have information which may prove useful for my village and you're going to tell me what you learned or where those documents are....understand this, Yuku Oji"


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013


Name: Yuku Oji
Village Affiliation: Suna
Current Status: Suna-Nin

Threat Level: B
Known Aliases: Duke Oji


A short young man, about 5'6", with dirty blonde sweeping and shaggy hair. His eyes are a dull blue grey, and
he is almost always seen in formal attire

Type of Fighter:

Very sloppy Ninjutsu, of metal and fire, and a little bit of Taijutsu.

Last Seen: 3 April
Charges: Treason

Description of Charges:

Breaking into the military documents of Suna and threatening to sell them. Has ducked under ground and
cannot be found. Stolen documents have yet to be reported as sold.


Initially Taken from HERE
This is Considered to be a Self-Modded Solo Mission

Important: Self-modded missions may be done twice in a week, however the second mission done yields half normal rewards. Players may also perform one mission with 2x the word count in order to gain the rewards of having done two missions. This still only yields half rewards for the second mission.

What Rank of Self-Modded Solo Missions can I perform?
  • A user may only perform a mission of their current OOC Rank or lower. This mission is considered to be B Rank, so if you are B Rank or above, you may do this mission.

What are the rewards for Solo Missions?
  • This is an B Rank Mission, for completing an B Rank Mission you will earn 3,000 Yen.

What is the required word count for this mission?
  • This is an B-Rank mission, the word-count requirement is 400 Words.

Someone else has already caught this BINGO Book entry, what now?
  • This entry is NOT considered to be a repetitive entry, meaning there is only ONE of him to catch. Once he is caught, there will not be another chance to catch him unless he is 'let' go. He is not considered to be dangerous, you are discouraged from using lethal force against him unless it is in self-defense because the information he has may be of use to us. If lethal force is necessary, we will need to know that it was out of self-defense and proof of his death needs to be provided for mission rewards. If this entry has been killed or captured, notify a council person so that this entry may be removed and replaced with a new one.

I have completed my mission, what now?
  • Drop you mission off in character (IC) HERE.

I am not from Sunagakure but I am visiting and I would like to perform a solo mission listed, is that OK?
  • YES! While you are always welcome to join our community (and we do encourage it), leaving people out of the fun goes against the out of character spirit of this community. You can serve as a mercenary or a helpful foreigner and complete these missions as well, just keep it in character and drop your mission off at the office as listed above but re-linked HERE. Just be sure that you have gotten permission from your primary community.

The sandworm carved caverns ran beneath the whole of Wind Country, natural formations caused by the movements of the world's largest annelid. Capable of chewing through solid rock, the depths of the desert were stony and while these creatures prefered the pliable sands closer to the surface, on occasion they would venture deep. Many of these caverns were uncharted, not because they had never been traversed but because they were always shifting and changing. Sandworms were massive creatures indeed but they survived through the consumption of the tiniest of microorganisms in the earth. Their fiery bellies would reduce the earth and the nutrients hidden within to a slurry, imbued with the element that the sandworm is attuned to along with soft sandy refuse left in the worm's wake was also the very much valued carmot. Oji had little need for riches or even wealth but he did require enough to survive, carmor was considered to be a precious material and despite the size of a sandworm the creatures were endangered and their piles would only last a matter of days once the tribbles found it. What was usually found if anything was a few mere nuggets.

He was returning from the surface on this day, his belly full of warm food and he carried a bag over his shoulder. He was not a large or an imposing man, in fact he looked rather mundane less his preference for formal attire despite his setting deep underground. His camp was still rather far, he had journeyed deep into the earth when he fled the village.
"Coming across you was nothing more than a matter of shear luck on my part and misfortune on yours. I personally wouldn't have expected to find a bingo book entry roaming around in these barran tunnels when I first sensed the movements but here we are...."

Rare. Yes, it was exceedingly rare to come across anyone in these tunnels. Catacombs really, there were no markers that one was on the right path; there was no north star or even sun to follow and try to keep on path. He knew the way by muscle memory, he had been going to the same camp for months. Even as the tunnels changed he knew the way, the change only meant that a worm had recently passed and that he should venture about the area to see if he could stumble across a bounty before the tribbles ate it away. "Dear me, what will I ever do~" Oji announced into the darkness, the vestiges of a smirk hardly apparent in the dark.
"It would not be wise for you to fight back, according to your entry as a ninja you are subpar to say the least."

Never said anything about being 'sub-par', just 'sloppy.' He breathed in a breath of air and spewed out an inferno. The searing flames spread out in a conical manner, stopping at a wall. The stone would start to glow, red-hot as the fires persisted. The ore within the solid hunk of earth would start to melt from the flames intensity and the air would sizzle with this roiling heat. The man would not remain behind his barrier for long, as certainly the wall would not last. As the wall melted away, Oyochi slithered into the earth. Oji spread his arms and a burst of heat and steam shot down the cavern in both directions, scalding the walls of stone but leaving them also with a glistening sheen.

Oji took a step forward and as he did so a hand broke through the earth and dirt-covered fingers wrapped around his ankle. The grip was tight around his leg and he was pulled into the earth. His fine clothes sullied by the wear of the stones against the delicate cloth, however it did protect him meagerly from the cut and the tear of broken earth as he traversed a new path into the depths. Some of the stones did break through both the jacket or the pants and the flesh that they housed but he did not feel it, he did not notice the pain, only the slightly moist feel of blood leaking, soaking a small patch of his suit.

He strained against the earth but it did not bow in response to his efforts. "You're making a mistake," Oji grunted as he audibly exerted additional effort against his earthen restraints.

"Do you really think that catching me is going to make you a hero... Or... let me guess... rich?" He let out a low laugh.

"I am a dead man, but so aren't AAARRRAAGGHHH!"

A senbon needle broke through his shoulder. An electrical surge of pain could be felt that shot down to his fingertips making his hand try to convulse. He let out a huff, "," he completed.
"You have information which may prove useful for my village and you're going to tell me what you learned or where those documents are....understand this, Yuku Oji"</I><i></i>​

"First name basis already. <I>Well then. I know lots of things, but I need to know the question."


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Maybe it was his mark's natural stubbornness or possibly an attempt to downplay Oyochi's control of the situation. Tilting his head after the man posed his question, what light was present in the tunnel would show that Oyochi's pupils were not typical but serpentine in appearance. His gaze, while not lifeless or evil did hold a cold glare within that represented the lack of empathy for another village's shinobi. Exhaling suddenly, the gaze quickly and oddly was replaced by that of a non-chalant demeanor before diverting their focus towards his palm.

"Shinobi are trained to gather intel in every situation, your training as one does show this. However I see simple conventional methods will not work so I will simply ensure your afterlife is removed and your soul completely destroyed considering you did not answer my question."

Opening his palm, an eye like seal would be revealed with it's twin equally present upon his other hand as well. The outlines of each seal would begin to glow, a light green light tracing the seals design while the design of his eyes found themselves changing as well. Re fractured patterns surfaced over his eyes, resembling the etched cuts that could also be found in gemstones. His Sanryoukyougan had become active and adjusted what he physically could see.

"I was born with a curse, an ability to turn organic matter into a piece of my being. Normally this is done on deceased enemies to take everything from them but for're going to be alive when I devour every fiber of your existence...cell by cell, molecule by molecule. This pain will feel eternal though unfortunately for you there will be no afterlife to save you from it."

He'd move to stretch his palm towards to forehead of the bounty, the seconds between being the only salvation window available, as if he did not begin to speak the information sought by Oyochi then the tunnels would surely fill with the unyielding death screech of his eternal agony.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
So many questions unanswered. So many more unasked. Oji was not a 'powerful' man, nor was he considered a brilliant man, but rather a traitor for his betrayal. Hunted as a degenerate. As a seller of secrets. Was he truly that foolish? That greedy? Was that the question -- WHY?

If it was, it was not asked. Rather he asked what and where.

"Shinobi are trained to gather intel in every situation, your training as one does show this. However I see simple conventional methods will not work so I will simply ensure your afterlife is removed and your soul completely destroyed considering you did not answer my question."

"You don't know the question," Oji complained. There was no smirk on his face, no deviant expression or twinkle in his eye as he said that. "I cannot direct you to what I have stolen, because it was never taken. It is a lie," he insisted. "As for what I know..." his voice trailed off, however Oyochi was not the patient sort to wait for an explanation. He revealed his hands and the markings on them, his eyes like a cut gem with even facets.

"I was born with a curse, an ability to turn organic matter into a piece of my being. Normally this is done on deceased enemies to take everything from them but for're going to be alive when I devour every fiber of your existence...cell by cell, molecule by molecule. This pain will feel eternal though unfortunately for you there will be no afterlife to save you from it."

Oji swallowed hard as the hands converged on him. "Then I am a dead man as I once thought I would be," he replied in a quiet voice in expectation of the pain that would soon follow. He took a deep pair of breaths and closed his eyes, "but don't worry... it will be your problem soon enough because they are not dead." He was dead, that was a certainty. At least he would be soon enough, but sometimes death, even a terrible one, is not nearly as bad as witnessing or experiencing a worse fate or rather being the hero that saves them from it.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
