Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Diplomacy [Requesting Exit]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Akechi was to go to the Moon Country for a meeting among powerful allies. This was kind of like a Kage Summit, though none of them held the title of a world leader. The irony was that these people, the ones that held no such title, were the individuals that planned on saving the world from itself. It was an insurrection, a coup d’état that was a long time coming. The world needed to change. People needed to take destiny by its thorns and grasp that change if they truly wanted a peaceful world. Akechi believed that it was his time to do such a thing. Show the people the proper path…

”I’m just going to visit some family near the Wind Country border. I’ll be back soon-ish.” Akechi spoke, awaiting a decision from the Gate Guardian on duty. He never had any trouble at these gates, and he was hoping that it would remain the case. ”There may be one more coming with me. She should be here shortly. She was never much for punctuality.”

[Topic Entered/Requesting Exit]

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Truth be told, Ashuri had very real knowledge of where she should have expected Akechi to be. I mean, sure, she understood that he was going "outside" the village, and logically, that meant through some opening in the expansive wall. Unfortunately for her, she had never been to such a spot, and so deduced the best way to find the exit would be to trail along the interior until she found it. It really was impressive; the walk took what felt like ages to reach the gates.

"...The walls are alot bigger up close. It took longer to walk around than I thought..." The pale Genin spoke when she finally met up with a familiar figure. "...I'm glad you didn't leave without me. Just like you promised." she continued in her quiet tone; any longer and she wouldn't have been surprised if he left. Which would have been tragic =(

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Yeah? I have a sister like that but you already knew as much. How have you been Akechi?"

I happened to see Akechi at the gates and so I decided to handle his transitioning. At least this way I could give him traveling grace and wish him happy travels. I still had not picked his brain on the whole uchiha business nor did I receive those drinks he promised. He had a way of eluding as if he just teleports away... I looked to my left and right for the one who was supposed to be joining but saw no one approaching... until a voice came from behind! A familiar voice that sent shivers up my spine. A toxic feeling of emotion washed over me as I slowly turned to see the pale girl. The doll like girl just gave me the creeps something serious. It wasn't just her appearance but her aura... there was something eerie about her, something dark, something tragic. Once again this was most evident through her emerald eyes. They told a story to disturbing for me to read... She was the one traveling with Akechi? What was going on? Earlier this week she was traveling with a fair skin man with locks that claimed to be her uncle... Where was he? Why was she now traveling with Akechi?

"Akechi, I see you've made a friend... well I won't hold you. Don't worry about the passports, no one will stop you. You have my word. Well safe travels my friend."
Turning to the demon disguised as a child, I'd walk to her and kneel to level with her and so that we could see eye to eye. Her emerald eyes connecting to my sapphire as they began to hue. *Shrrring* Los Ojos de Diablos! For a brief moment our subconscious would connect but not long enough to dab in one another's mind or hearts. Just long enough for me and her to exchange a message each. One for her and one for me. Hypnotic Suggestion message to Kuroyuki- "You may fool a lot of people but I'm not one of them, your just like me. A monster pretending to be human. We are what we are but... if you hurt Akechi I swear that I'll hunt you down and send you back from which you came..." Sure the outside world would deem my words harsh and unwarranted but these were words exchanged from monster to monster. Yes, I have come to the conclusion that I too am such a creature. I have proven that I was capable of horrible things and liking it. But I was a monster with principles and a code... I served the Lord of Light. After our exchange of mental message, I'd place my hand on her shoulder and lean to her ear. My back facing Akechi so that he could not read my lips. I would utter words to her. These words revealed why I did not ask for their passports... the sooner she was out of my village, the safer it's citizens would be.

"Now... get the hell out..."

As the two would leave, I'd simply wave them off giving them both my best fake smile. "Safe travels and may the Lord of Light guide you!"

[Topic Entered/Left]
[Leave Granted]

[ooc: @Kuroyuki, try not to hate Koyoko for this post lol. I'm going for some drama like Game of Thrones is all with character relations, nothing at all personal.]

Muramasa Maya

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC: No, no, I love it =D

It was that....woman with the sword, again. She...well, bothered Ashuri. It was a antagonizing feeling that she was not familiar with, nor knew how to deal with. Normally, Ashuri would not have paid it any mind so long as everything was directed at her and not Akechi, as it was. But Koyoko got beneath her skin, and she wasn't able to brush it off. And worse; she didn't know what to say to her accusation and threat, because they were things Ashuri herself thought on. She didn't exactly classify herself with other people, and did often fantasize about how the Uchiha determinator would taste...but she didn't like hearing them from this woman.

"...Just like you have your sisters, or your precious "god of light"...Akechi is...mine. Even if I'm a monster, he's "precious" to me; and I like to watch him. So I wouldn't hurt him." The empty and eerie voice of her deranged mentality reached out to Koyoko during their brief connection.

*Blink Blink* A short second after the mental illusion ended, Ashuri pasted her best force-mimicked smile of innocence on her normally expressionless face, and added a the sound of excitement to her dull, quiet voice;
"Bye, Ryujin onee-san! Please don't die while we're gone! *teehee!*" The dark genin giggled (or, attempted to to the best of her mimicking capabilities).

[Topic left with Akechi]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
”Tehehehehe. They are mighty large aren’t they, Ashuri-chan? These are the walls that protect this place from intruders. Or at least, that’s what the Iwagakurians believe.” Akechi mused, winking as he pointed toward the top of the wall with a joyful look across his face. He truly did get a kick out of these types of things. Monuments, shrines and landmarks of all types seemed to have piqued the man’s interest for some reason. ”And I told ya before, didn’t I? Akechi doesn’t go back on his word. I keep my promises, especially to you Ashuri-chan.” He didn’t go back on his word, he never did.

”I’ve been good, Koyoko-san. Just making some new friends is all.” The man responded, grinning as he removed his hands from his pockets. After all, he didn’t need to get any forged passports or anything like that because she was allowing him to leave without much of an issue. I guess it always paid to know people, especially one of the Ryujin sisters that claimed to be rather infamous throughout Iwagakure. Infamy wasn’t always a good thing though. ”Thanks. I’ll be back soon. There’s a certain ANBU that I have to come home to.” He remarked, waiving his hand through the air as he walked out of the village.

The duo had a meeting to get to, and now they could finally be on their way. Hopefully, Haruka wouldn’t be too lonely for these next couple of days. Maybe he’d return early and pick her up, or send a notice for her to meet him somewhere. He hadn’t really decided to be honest. There was still way too much to be determined, especially given who he was going to meet. It was too much of a risk to bring her along at this time. Not just for her but for him as well.

”Alright, Ashuri-chan. We are off!”

[Topic Left w/ Kuroyuki]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
