</FONTFACE><FONTFACE fontface="sans-serif">Jolly Holly, from poppin molly to split wigs, Souji was out in the place with the amount of ideas that would astonish the greatest of lyricists and critical thinkers. Either way, there was a settled plane of agreement that Souji had come across. Flipping through ancient texts, Souji managed to work himself through different ideals he wanted to bring to the attention of the Sennin. . . He'd been using his time before his shift to take in the knowledge he needed for the remainder of the day but on his headset he heard a familiar voice. . . 'Haruka. . .' he'd frown for a moment, listening though he clenched his fist at the notion of hearing that she'd killed Endo. ". . .What the hell. . . Why? She had no right. . .", he'd mutter under his breath. She proclaimed herself Kage. . . but she was Daimyo prior. . .
What? Didnt know that it worked that way but, oh well. . . 'I'll be talking to her very soon about this. . . Maybe I'll be able to get alittle insight.', Souji would shake ihs head thinking to himself, this was definitely going to be a fun few months. There was not alot that he could do in his position. . . but if Haruka was supposedly the Kage, what would that make him if he was able to finally beat her like he worked all these years for? If he bested the Kage. . . would that make him Kage? And the woman that choked him while he laid in solace. . . out of a blind rage? She wanted to be Kage? How. . . it didnt make a lick of sense to Souji, but what did Souji know. . . he was just a simple Guardian right?
Either way there was something. . . a smell of change on the horizon. . . and Souji would be down for the cause but there had to be logic for him to follow. He was no longer just a pawn. . . He wanted to be the Black Knight of Iwagakure. . . if he managed this. . . it would change alot but Souji was definitely on the bring of dipping out of Stone at this point. . . His revenge was taken from him. NO one had been toyed with like he had been. No one had been told what to do. . . forced against his morals to kill, destroy, and keep secrets like Souji. Endo had murdered the man that Souji could have been long ago. . . and Haruka knew this. So why did she take him, alone so she could take the glory. . .
The glory. . . His pride was stricken. Oh well though, things would be picking up soon. Even if she'd choked him. . . he would make sure she knew that he was going to be there to support the village and its people, if she was Kage or not. Did not matter. Whether she was Daimyo or not. It did not matter. Shaking his head once again he'd bring the smooth tastes of strawberry to his lips, inhaling through his lungs and exhaling back out of his nostrils. The sweet smells of a mixture of his own concoctions seemed to place him in a slight euphoria. . . but it was only the poisons toxins that managed to pull his endorphins and make them go haywire for moments at a time. To anyone who reads this . . . there were messages untold through messages you may read can unfold. Metaphysically, we are holding truths that are unbolded from a risk of life that will never be lived if you are never told.