Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Doing the Rounds

Oct 29, 2023
OOC Rank
Hello! I will be your mission moderator. If you happen to have questions feel free to hit me up or anything, my discord name is @ttvwackyman or DM me on site.

Mission details said:
Doing the ROunds
Mission Rank
: A
Mission Type: solo/Modded
Required Participants: Yamamoto Akira
Client: Leaf Hospital
Restrictions: None.
Mission Premise:Just checking in on a few patients and doing the rounds of the Hospital as required of a Medic, Akira has two patients to see today and as such has been assigned the mission and workload to make sure they are all doing fine. This is his second shift as a MiT inside of the Hospital.
Mission requirement said:
Mission with a moderator
  • A-Rank: 700 Words
  • Completed word count within 5 posts
Mission with a Moderator
  • A-Rank: 35000 Yen, and 75 stat points or ASP (Mission Moderator gets +30)
It was a day like any other really, regular bandage cleanings and swaps, mild weather, a good lot of kids with scrapes and bruises from trainings their family insisted they had no part in. Nothing ever really changed in the halls of Konoha Byoin, it was always the same dull routines, but Akira certainly didn't mind. Other than the fact some of the work was definetely below him and his rank, he at least got to enjoy the quiet of it all.

The first room he would enter was a long-term patient of his, an elderly man who had been here for quite some time with a simple case of pneumonia. He almost had his longs cleared so he was far more active than when he had first arrived some time back. In fact, he now sat in a chair looking out at the temperate day before him. His thinning grey hair catching the light and his hand shaking as he attempted to read a journal or book, it was hard to tell from this distance.

The man wouldn't notice Akira enter the room, seems he was too busy trying to keep his mind's eye moving along the pages. "Son of.. Eh forget it." He would grumble out to himself closing the book and returning his gaze to the window. He was clearly still unaware anyone had come in at all, but this wasn't out of the normal behavior of Mr. Tsunari

[wc 242]
[twc 242/700]
Akira seemed to be back to work without a few days rest bite between shifts, though he considered that a slight blessing for him, it was clear that the Hospital work never really ended it just prolonged itself, as he allowed himself a few moments to grab his clothing ready for the day ahead, as well as put on the white coat he had been given it seemed that a quick check of the flip board and notes on the patient that he had that day he allowed himself to enter the room, he looked towards the man before closing the clipboard with some sound.

"Good morning, Mr Tsunari. How are we feeling today, it seems you are up and about which is great to see, and from your records you seem to be coming to the end of your antibiotics, and looks like the whole infection has nearly cleared itself up. So I guess I should ask, do you feel better or is there anything we need to discuss regarding any issues you are still experiencing?"

He allowed himself a few moments to wait and see what response he got, though he maintained a very false and forced smile on his face as he waited to see what reaction he would get back. He was always on guard, that was a force of habit but in the hospital, some bed manners did seem to go a long way for everyone that he had the pleasure of working with so far.

[Topic Entered]
[TWC: 252/700]
The man was shockingly not surprised by the entrance of Akira or the sudden conversation, instead he remained very docile and listened to him for a moment. He lifted his finger before speaking, "One thing, you really ought to not fake happiness. Listen, I'm old, I don't care if you listen or not. But if you want to be happy, be happy. If you aren't don't pretend to be.." he would clear his throat before continuing, "You ought to just be. No point in lying to anyone, especially yourself." He waved his hands in a I'm done, leave me be fashion, returning his attention to the window. He wasn't interested in any further conversation or discussing further treatment plans. He was beyond ready to go home.

After leaving this room he would head to the next on his list, though upon entering the room, the patient had already clearly been released as there was no sign of them. Looking at the notes you had been given this patient's name was Tanatsu Kino and was in for some pretty serious injuries. But sometimes the young heal fast, or so they say.

Not having a direction to go Akira had some options, he could ask about this kid, he could go see Ms. Chiratsu at room one hundred and seven, or maybe see how Mr. Nara was doing in room one hundred ten. Point was he had some options and time left before he had anything else to do.

[wc 246]
[twc 498/700]
Akira leaned against the wall as he listened to the man for a moment as he knew full well that this would only go so far, it seemed the man was fine to be left alone, content to be as he was which was a shame as the man could probably use the company but he wasn't going to stay if he wasn't welcomed as he walked out he stopped and looked at the notes on Kino, it seemed that the boy was in the hospital, what had he got himself up to that was an interesting thought. With his shift coming to an end he was finding himself with some time. As he turned he headed towards the room that Kino was supposed to be in.

Grabbing the chart on the door he scanned the notes, wanting to see what the situation was before deciding to also grab a nurse that was walking past him. Stopping her, he knew he was going to go into the room, that tugging at his senses was already making sure of that fact. However, this nurse could get insight into the situation.

"Hello, this patient, Kino, do you know any information about his injuries, the situation that got him here, or if he has had any visitors that have been noted?"

The questions are basic, to see if he had been left on his own, or if someone was helping him, and what he could have done that find himself in this situation in the first place.

[TWC: 507/700]
The nurse's eyes went wide as he pulled her over, but calmed once he spoke. "Oh, Tanatsu? Ya he went home a few hours ago, that should have been updated. Miracle really given his injuries he should've been stuck here for a few more days." She wasn't intentional with not answering in full detail, she simply either didn't know or didn't think it was relevant to why Akira would be asking her for details on a patient.

She thought for a second, "Something was off about him though when he left, It was like you could feel his sorrow, I don't know how to explain it but the emotion was quite literally palpable.." Her face scrunches in thought, "Anything else I can do for you?" She waited patiently as she had so many times this day with doctors asking questions.

[wc 139]
[twc 637/700]
Akira took the information in and stored it, he would have to make a note to hunt for Kino at some point and see what the matter was with him, maybe even send a Medic to do an out-of-hours health check, as he smiled towards the nurse and shook his head a little bit to her, not quite ready to dismiss her but he knew that she would have other work to get back to today.

"Just finishing the rounds was all, sad to hear he left that way, I do wonder why, with no visitors, I guess it no way to cheer himself up, that can sometimes be a hard life"

He let the plot slip into the conversation as he opened the door and walked into the room, looking around quickly to just get an idea of the room as well as if he could get any more information from what had happened in here, as he walked to the bed and took the chart out he allowed himself to glance through it, it was killing the last bit of time he had on his shift before it finished, but it also would give him an insight into if anything was out of place.

[TWC: 713/700]
The room was in pretty pristine shape, though a chair had been pulled up to the bedside. Upon further inspection of the sheet, there were shorter almost animal like hairs. Not almost these were animal hair, dog hairs to be exact. But there was something else, off about the room.

Where kinos hands had rested in the bed had black smears and marks on the blanket, as if someone rubbed charcoal across the bed. These marks were not like any left from burns or stabs Akira had seen, it was almost like kino was actively on fire when he was in this bed.

[WC 103]
[Twc 738/700]
Akira seemed to have done what he came to do, though he made note of the room and the state of the room as well, this would be something that he needed to look into in the future, of course, though now was not the time he had to report back his rounds, he wondered if anything else would come up towards the end of his shift but he headed back to the normal nurse station to hand in the reports that he had got, or what little he had managed to find out at least, he had questions about Kino situation but without anyone there to ask he would leave it.

"I finished the reports, and can hand these in unless you have anything else for me to do?"

[TWC: 844/700]
The on staff manager looked up from their list, "ya actually I have a self discharge that should not have been allowed to leave. I'm just hearing about it now. Any chance you could track him down so I can actually do my damned job?" He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, his glasses sliding down in the process. "Kids name is Tanatsu Kino, no one actively discharged him. They just didn't stop him from leaving".

He would hand over the file on Kino and head off to the next thing. Seems like there was an excuse to intervene and ask a few questions for Akira.

[WC 107]
[Twc 845/700]
[topic left]
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Akira allowed himself a few moments and nodded to the nurse before grabbing his things, it seemed that after the shift he had, it was still clear that he needed to make sure that he would be carrying out some investigation into Kino and what actually took place inside of the Hospital. Though for now, he would just make a mental note that this was something he would have to do at a later date, right now he did have other things that took more of a front matter he needed to prepare himself for hte future if not this upcoming exam would be tough for him.

[TWC: 951/700]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
