Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Don't Be Afraid [ANBU Tutor]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Maru had picked a perfect place to host his Anbu class for the lesson he had planned for. This base was at the foot of the hokage mountain, nobody really went down this shadowed place because it's where old documents were stored– at least that's what other people were told. But in reality this place was actually a meeting area of the ANBU where they would be assigned missions, this place housed the darkness of the entire village. This place was so dark that no sunlight struck within this place even in midday, the only lighting was candles that flickered in each corner. The room where this lesson was in the center of this dark place.


The room only had a single light bulb that swayed eerily, it looked to be dim and flickered on a off at random. In the middle of this shadowed room was a wooden table, three steel chairs sitting on one side of the table that was closer to the door while sitting across the desk was a blonde girl who sat motionless within her seat, her vacant expression stared lifelessly at the open door with a frozen smile that only a lifeless doll could make. However, standing on the left side of the room was the actual teacher, wearing the mask of a crying clown that looked to be a Puppet. The dark clown was standing there in the darkness motionless with only half of his face being visible. Maru stood there, holding a sinister demonic aura that produced a feeling of fear. The aura of doom would usually make weaker shinobi cower in fear, the shadows twisting around him making him seem otherworldly. However if the haunting atmosphere wasn't enough to give the students a good scare, then if they would look over to the right side... They would see a shadowy demonic spector wearing various degree of armored on his muscular upper body ranging from dark blue to red from the blood of the innocent. His shadowed face and or any breathing means seem to also be hidden by his dark armor, his legs non existent because he'd rather float so he can look down at those whom meet him.


The demonic entity peered at Maru, narrowing his eyes at him. ”I think if the children were to come in here, they'll think twice about joining the ANBU.” the demon stated matter of factly, looming over the door to see which poor soul would decided to take this harsh lesson. "I could sense that this class will be breaking their spirits.” The demon almost sounded concern for a moment, but he was stifling a laugh at the amount of fun this'll be, he wondered if he could get some students to cry or run out of here screaming bloody murder. Maru began to smirk underneath his mask, not moving from his spot. “They'll have to encounter people like us eventually, so its best for them to be exposed to darkness now then wait till they are out of the village.” Maru chuckled, looking over at the door. “Wonder how many students will actually signed up.”
Two Anbu agents stood at the entrance of the this dark place, waiting the students who decided to sign up for the puppets masters class. It would be a surprise if any students would show up to this place. But of course they'll be guarding the door so there shouldn't be too much of an issue, when the students show they will be escorted by the two agents through various twist and turns as the rooms get darker and much more sinister… this would be a perfect lesson for them, a SCREAMING LESSON..

Maru's mask

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Re: Don't Be Afraid [ANBU Class]

Ziren was the first one to find the place. He heard two sets of blood flows in the area. And he was right. Two ANBU operatives guarding a door.
He waved them off as one started to try to escort him, "No need. I'll be better off on my own, to listen."
Ziren knew first hand at who Maru is. His thirst for blood is just as the same as his when he loses control. But the difference is, Maru is very much well in control of himself. He can choose to kill whenever he wants to.
But other than that, Ziren has no real problems with him. Two months. He wonders how Maru is like now? Same ol' crazy half demon that hates everyone? Or has he gained some sympathy over the days.
By the looks of the place, Ziren has to say the darker of the two.
He walked into a room, listening for any blood flow but couldn't find any. In the center, was a doll of a girl. At least, he thinks it's a doll. No blood from what he could hear. Nothing else seems to be present except for the two ANBU operatives at the entrance.
To be safe, Ziren brought out his kunai. He knew too well that Maru had an obsession with puppets. He might as well walked into a trap. He listened, his breathing almost nonexistent.

Nanjirou Soku

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Dec 25, 2017
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Soku arrived at the foot of the Hokage Rock and clearly saw the two ANBU guards standing on either side of what happened to be a very, very dark area. She approached nonchalantly, a deadpan expression while gripping her kunai in her pocket ready for anything. Everyone in the village knew Mary and his wild ambitions, even if this was just a class, she didn't trust him one bit. A guard proceeded to escort her, she let him come although the way forward was pretty clear. She had seen a boy go in not too long ago. He looked familiar. They came into a room and Soku immediately noticed a doll at the front of the room. Was this to be their teacher? Knowing Maru, he was bound to have some surprises nearby , it was just like him. She scanned the room and found Ziren a few feet away. She had run into him before at the Valley of the End. "Ziren? You're here too?" She was a bit surprised that she'd run into him here of all places in a dark dreary room filled with murderous puppets, she was sure.
He merely nodded and went back to scanning the room. She decided to follow suit, after all, there was bound to be more surprises in this blackness. The kunoichi knew deep down this was no ordinary class. This was certainly going to test their limits or maybe Maru would turn them all into puppets. She didnt like
either option as her green eyes searched around for their instructor.
Nov 3, 2017
OOC Rank
S rank
The base of the hokage mansion? Nanashi looked out, his mouth wide open in surprise. He ran out wearing a feint smile in the direction of the aforementioned place whose location, he had recieved on shredded paper. All the while, as he ran, the uchiha had been glancing over his shoulders with excitement, advancing in pace as he neared the entrance. Two ANBU agents he saw at the foot of the mansion, standing motionless preceeding a dark tunnel he rightly guessed housed the venue for the event. Both figures were tall in height with average builds donned in the same gear but dissimilar masks.

"I'm here to sign up for the class." Nanashi said in a feigned audacious tone, requesting an escort for the road ahead. Behind his bold look, was scared a chicken. He had never seen an ANBU agent before let alone two. Their existence were known to him only in tales but now the shadows it seemed was home to their existence. Both figures, presumably males, heeded to his request but did so in a strange manner--one devoid of speech. Without questioning they led the way into their hideout like they'd been expecting him. Those creepy masks of theirs, made it impossible knowing who they were or what emotions they had on their faces, nanashi reckoned.

This tunnel it would seem was retired from the public. The cold air from it sent a shivering chill up Nanashi's spine. Looking behind, he saw no one other than himself venturing in. These masked figures he followed behind with gentle steps unsure of what he was getting into. Without so much as a sound, he drew out throwing knives which he held firmly on both hands.

Farther from the surface entrance, the tunnel opened into eerie grottos which were burried in darkness. With each turn and twist came a new shade of darkness. This shadowy expanse Nanashi recognized as an adversary--one which would've stood in his way had he been alone.
"A novice could easily lose his or her way." He thought, trusting his intincts which simply was treading closely behind these figures with caution.

At a point, Nanashi's steadfast eyes noticed citrus hues of tangerine emanating from one part of the tunnel--one which they moved in. The burning light of candle sticks he saw flickering about. How long had they been at it? He wondered but couldn't tell. It was almost impossible keeping track of time amidst the darkness which was now past them.

Here, these figures led the genin to a room across the tunnel with an open door. He moved in and observed from the corners of his eyes that it had only a single light bulb that swayed back and forth mysteriously, flicking off and on its dim light at random. In the middle of this gloomy room, Nanashi saw a wooden table, three steel chairs sitting on one side of the table that was closest to the door. On the desk across the room was a blonde girl who sat motionless within her seat, her vacant expression stared lifelessly at him with a frozen smile that only a lifeless doll could make.

He shuddered looking forwards; however, he wasn't the only in. He saw two others and a man wearing the mask of a crying clown that looked like a Puppet. This man stood motionless with the mask worn halfway, shrouded with a sinister aura that made Nanashi's knees weak. The shadows twisting around the man made him seem unearthly. However, he wasn't the only freak in. Narrowing his unyeilding eyes to scan the room for traps, nanashi feasted his eyes on a shadowy demonic spectator cladded in varrying degrees of armor on its muscular upper body, with colors ranging from dark blue to blood red which seemed like the blood of those he had slain. Its shadowed face was hidden its dark armor and had a torso which had no use for legs. Crap! Nanashi thought, quivering in fear. His instincts kicked in coercing him to adopt a wide legged stance with his arms raised unequally in front of him--one with an alarming question behind the man's intent.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Not a few moments later the students came into the dark room, Maru stood there motionless within the darkness studying the moments of each student. The first student was one he knew well, he had encountered Ziren when he was an academy student, knowing that the child's clan has the amazing talents with blood, which I'm the dark ages of shinobi they were responsible for the many deaths of people because of their blood bending abilities. Then the next student was a girl, the girl seemingly followed the lead of Ziren and took out a kunai of her own so she could defend herself against the dark beings who lurked within this room which made Maru smirk to himself underneath his mask as they tried looking for him within this dark place. But the best reaction of all was how the Uchiha came, he was downright terrified. He shivered and shook at the sight of Yami and himself just standing there within the darkness, he two had a blade within his hands. The children acted as if they were mice thrown into a pit with a deadly cobra, as they anticipate the predator waiting for the right moment to strike. Wonderful… just wonderful.

With the last child entering the dark room, the door slammed shut behind the Uchiha regardless of luck. Maru, who had been standing there like a strange doll for a while, moved over to the door to lock it behind him in a casual manner. The shadowy specter finally laughed at the pretty much frightening students, Maru turning around he adjusted his crying clown mask then finally he spoke. “Welcome kiddies to your first dark lesson. You've just stepped into the class from hell,” Maru chuckled, walking around the student's to take his place next to his doll resting one hand on her shoulder. "So I guess you are all wondering what would make this lesson so dark, well for this lesson I want you to first introduce yourself and tell me what are you afraid of. Once you tell me what you are afraid of we can play a little game then we can reflect on the lesson.” Maru said, gesturing to the door that soon vanished within the darkness, leaving these children trapped with the evil Puppet master and the demon who floated within the shadows. “When I'm done I'll let you go alive and kicking. So let's start with….” Maru extended a finger to Soku… ”You. Introduce yourself and tell your worst fear, after that the rest of you can pick it up.”

The shadowy specter called out to the three. "Let's raise the stakes a little… “ the demon drew closer to the three, looming his cruel shadowy face over the children. "If you don't pass this little lesson or decide not to play our little game and win it…. the demon paused, brandishing both of his blades with on his arms.

You children must choose one of you to DIE. the demon said, his voice sending shivers up their spines. Maru gave a shrug, patting the desk. "Common chickens tell us what you're afraid of." he let the children decide if he was going to allow that to be apart of the deal or not, either way, they won't be getting out of here until class was over.

Nanjirou Soku

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Dec 25, 2017
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A cold sweat broke out as Soku observed the demon getting ever so closer. She didn't like supernatural things and ironically, that was her worst fear. Curse Maru and his games. She took a deep breath before answering. My name is Soku Nasaki and My worst fear is well...ghosts and demons of any sort." Soku would not make eye contact with Yami and instead focused on Maru who was silently watching. He could have been smirking behind that mask for all she knew. The kunoichi realized she'd been gripping her kunai so hard it had cut into her hand. She loosened her grip and the kunai fell out of her sweat stroked hands clattering to the ground below with a loud clang. Soku was inwardly screaming but bit her tounge to stop any retort. "You have a weird idea of a game, Maru." The kunoichi hoped to neutralize the hostile environment in here although that was probably not going to happen.

Soku noted Ziren and the Uchiha were both visibly tense as Yami circled them floating around, a legless shadow. She exhaled deeply and forced a serious ssion on her face not wanting any part of this. He had even suggested one of them might die. There was no way it was going to be her. The girl kept clenching and uncleunclenching her fists to calm her chakra which was flowing wildy due to her emotional state.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren had no idea of why Maru chose to pick on Soku, but she chose the worst response ever. It was bad enough when she almost fried herself along with him at the Valley of End, but now she wants to pull this? Does she know that Maru is half demon?
Speaking of Maru, he can't hear his blood. Probably just another doll he made that he can hide behind. But as he listened for more blood flow, he grew confused. He can hear the other two people that are with him, the two ANBU operatives further back. And blood of dead people on the demon. He initially heard that blood, but wrote it off as decorations that Maru made. He sure loves blood as much as Ziren does when he loses control of himself. Ziren took note of the blood on the demon.
He turned his attention back to the the figure that held Maru's voice.
"Maru. You know who I am. And you know my fears. But for the sake of the other two people, in this room, I will refresh your memory. I am Ziren. And my fear is that my blood line will get the best of me,
and I go on a bloodlust murderous rampage and kill everyone."
Then he added, "By the way. How about you stop hiding Maru. I can't hear your blood anywhere in this room".
Ziren then remembered of what he just said. If Soku and the boy weren't already terrified, they certainly were now, knowing they were locked in a room with a ticking time bomb essentially.
He turned to them."Do yourselves a favor, and if I go crazy just knock me out."
Unknowingly, the white of his eyes turned crimson red as the thought of seeing blood excited his blood line
Nov 3, 2017
OOC Rank
S rank
The deathly masked man's actions thus far, made Nanashi believe he was allied with the dark, the darkness he had made his property, and he its. His spine-chilling demeanor told of a man who was gratified by instilling fear into others before slaying them. But how come Ziren wasn't afraid of death despite being this close to him? The first several words of the boy seemed like he was driven by something other than fear. What? The uchiha couldn't tell.

Nanashi looked from Maru to the shadowy spectre down to Soku and Ziren in mounting distress, fearing the very words he heard. The looming darkness grew so tense around him that he feared he might disappear into it, never to return. But the moment hadn't constituted an ending so much as a true begining, he hoped for.
In his chest, the thumping sound of his beating heart grew louder and even louder at the sight of the approaching shadowy spectre. Cold beads of perspiration rolled off his cheeks; trapped like an animal with his eyes wide in fear. He perceived the smell of blood and death following the sinister aura circling round him, though, he retreated from making eye contact with Mary for fear of having his soul contorted by its peering, red eyes.

"My name is Nanashi Uchiha and I'm scared of the dark and the evil things that dwell in it." The uchiha, still as he spoke about what he'd seen for the first time in his life.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

The wooden demon in front of the trio remained silent as one by one, they told Maru what they were afraid of. The girl was afraid of ghost and demons, if that was truly her worst fear then she picked the wrong class because Maru was indeed a half demon that concealed himself within the hollow shell of a doll. Zirens fear was a bit more interesting, he was afraid of himself and what he would possibly do to others due to his bloodline, then there was finally the fearful Uchiha who was afraid of the darkness… well maybe he isn't afraid of the darkness itself because he was also afraid of what was inside the darkness. After each student spoke, Maru threw his head backwards and began to laugh at the fearful students for a brief moment…. Before finally he focused his attention to the students. 'HA-HA-HA-HA-HA,” the demonic Maru laughed, the metallic clang of Soku’s kunai falling to the floor made Yami join in on the laughter.

"Well I would tell you that you better run, but there's nowhere to hide inside of a nightmare. HA-HA-HA!” His attention was now drawn to Ziren who said that he was hiding, this made Maru laughed even more. "If you can't sense my blood, that means I don't have any kid. But don't worry, I'll make sure you get a chance to see blood… “ Maru paused. "Or better of yet… LET YOU BATH IN IT HA-HA-HA.” the mad puppet master laughed. Then Maru looked over at the final victim which was the Uchiha who was scared out of his wits of the darkness and death that loomed over the room with each moment. "It seems that I have what I need to make your nightmares come true, so now it's time to let you know what hellish game we'll be playing.. Rest assure, there will be no escaping from this nightmare because this is real.. I'm real."

Now that everyone has told Maru their fears, it was time to begin their little game. Before starting, Maru reached both hands to grab the side if his head, struggling for just a moment – then Maru's head popped right off of his body! Maru's headless body stumbled towards the table, setting the head down as Maru's bodiless head began to explain the rules of the game. "Firstly, me and my friend will be breaking your minds and spirits by trapping you in the living hell of your nightmares. Once we have our fun I'll ask you one question, answer correctly and you go back into the daylight… but if you are a babbling mess, try to run away, or so much as give me the wrong answer. One of you will be trapped down here… all alone with no one to turn to. Is that clear enough? “ maru paused letting each student answer his question, the headless body picking its head back up to reattached his head back on. One each student answer they will soon have to play with the wooden feind and his demon, and let's just say they won't play nice… and remember when you're in hell only the devil can set you free.

"So victims, what will it be? Will you choose to play this game and all of you suffer or will you all fail and see one of you gone. Because help is not coming. If you want to plan, by all means talk to one another to see if you can prolong your suffering..."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Maru's little act didn't really scare him, but for the fact that Maru promised him that he would see a lot of blood kinda did. Ziren would have shown fear, but his blood line was like, nope. You're gonna enjoy the site of blood.
Ziren smiled. He laughed for a minute, he couldn't help for the fact that his blood line was doing this, and whatever Maru had in store for Ziren, will be an absolute nightmare for the other two.
He managed to get control of himself as he try to figure out what Maru said. He isn't the type to lie, even though he does like to kill and cause pain. And Ziren isn't even sensing Maru's blood anywhere. Which leaves him one answer.
"I might not be much of a goodie three socks as you once thought of me Maru. But I do believe you. Never would I have imagined of meeting a human puppet before. It didn't surprise me that that same human puppet would be you."
Ziren's red around his eyes seemed to glow eerily now. That's if, blood could glow, that's what it looked like. Even he himself noticed this, and knew that everyone here was in the danger zone now. His own blood line now took control of his body.
"All nightmares are real, puppet. Why do you think my clan still exists to this day? So of course I'll accept your little game!"
The bloodlust Ziren turned to the other two shinobi. "I will tell you two this. He's probably going to use Genjustu. But whatever happens. DO NOT GET IN MY WAY! Because if you do. I won't be as merciful as the puppet or my other weak self."
Ziren's new conscience took a tight hold of his mind.
"Let's play the Blood Game."

Nanjirou Soku

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Dec 25, 2017
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Sokus face was deathly pale as she watched Ziren undergo a complete personality change. He went from this weird, serious looking boy to a completely crazy individual in a span of a few seconds. In truth, she didn't want any part of Marus game but for the sake of the other two, she accepted. She had confessed her fear of ghosts and demons but what Maru didn't know, she was already living a nightmare. The dark Chakra in the room was attacking her mentally as she shook her head to clear it. She observed the memories of her parents murder and the villagers shunning her for killing her father. Soku would not let this break her but it was difficult especially when locked in with a demon, a crazy puppeteer and a blood - hungry shinobi. Maru seemed to be enjoying the show.

"Fine, I'll play." Soku was no stranger to nightmares but knowing Maru, his version of nightmares probably exceeded her imagination. She wiped the sweat on her face waiting for the inevitable. The Uchiha boy looked like he was about to pass out, she didn't blame him. The kunoichi glanced at Ziren hesitantly before speaking. "ZZiren? What's happening to you?" If Maru was casting a genjutsu, he had done a good job. Her weakness was Genjutsu, it's like he knew everything about their skills. Soku glanced at the kunai she had dropped, dared not make a move towards it, any sudden action could spell death for them.

She put sosome distance between herself and Ziren watching as Yami amused himself while Maru stood there laughing like a lunatic. Her eyes turned cold, she had been laughed at her whole life, called a monster. But she knew better then to talk back to Maru although she was more scared of Ziren at the moment.
Nov 3, 2017
OOC Rank
S rank
Breathing in sparse amounts of air at a hurried rate, Nanashi happened upon the dettached head of Maru on the table before them. He gulped in saliva as his knees shook in fear, on hearing the bodiless head's laughter, echo in all directions.

The demon puppeteer it seemed wanted to play; he had proposed a game--one which was clouded in mystery but reflected a sinister intent, and in doing so warned the trio against plotting an escape. Hesitant to the man's warning, Nanashi, already soaked cold in sweat scanned the dim lit room for any exit; he surveyed the corners of the room inconspicuously.

Merely a newbie in the ninja arts, Nanashi believed himsef the least likely to succeed amongst the three, which caused his heart to tremble; the thought of being trapped alone with the demon had forced the corners of his eyes into action. Sadly, the one exit which led out of this room had long been sealed and was manned by a demon who would relish an opportunity to make light work of whoever approached it. Maru's methods, evident as they were, served only to gratify himself. And in truth! No one could save them now from the darkness but themselves.

"Ye... Yes, I'll play!" Nanashi stuttered while nodding his head vigorously in confirmation to the question, which had only yes for an answer. Puzzled, his gaze he lent to Ziren ahead; who looked Maru in the eye audaciously as he spoke. Ziren it seemed, was equally a vessel to something dark and sinister; he turned to the other two behind with his eyes red, issuing several warnings which they both heeded retreating backwards.

"Genjutsu?!" Nanashi thought still in the air. His eyes spun red as he adopted a defensive stance on landing. At this point, he considered it unwise to continue without the aid of the sharingan. Relying solely on his instincts, he rummaged through his ninja pouch, clutching firmly to a throwing knife which he held closely to his unflinching eyes. The room he observed grew silent with every piece set in place; it was time for Maru to make his move.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Once the game was accepted, Maru smirked to himself as they awaited the horrors that were about to unfold here in this nightmare room as the dark puppet master would have dubbed this room. Gazing at the faces of each student, Maru noticed that Ziren was getting blood thirsty already, already revealing his plot to use Genjutsu to shatter their minds but however one of there students were sure to get a little surprised from what he had planned. Maru saw Ziren eyes beginning to glow as red as blood, the excitement that this boy shown when the puppet master mentioned blood, he knew that there was a lot of potential that he had and under the guidance of a dark shinobi – Ziren will become a great butcher. He chuckled at the thought “You know Ziren, I think you might be my favorite student so far. For you, I'll make sure I show you what you'll become… under the right supervision that is.” Maru laughed again, rubbing both hands together he gazed at the other two students.”I have something special in mind for you two, especially you Uchiha. That little toy won't save you.” Maru nodded to Yami, giving him the signal to let the game begin.

There were small whispers as the room began to cloak the area in the shadows, the single light bulb was completely useless as the oppressive darkness began to take hold of the room where Yami was standing… the floor around the trio gave way to the darkness… they now fell in a world completely isolated from the outside world, sinister whispers and dark hands grabbed at each student to drag them down deeper into the darkness. This place was pitch black… cold… and with no hope with a hell that they've created… they fell… and fell… and fell….. Darker and darker two of the students had already drifted into a dream like state… but one of them had to deal with REAL monsters…


Ziren would find himself in maple town, the sky was chilling blood red, ravens swaked and fluttered away. He stood in a long empty crimson street, the town looked abandoned but if he turned around… he would see a horrible sight. Blood. Blood was everywhere, he would see scarlet pools of blood along with the bodies of hundreds. No thousands of people littered throughout the streets, I was shocked to see how they all died, they looked like somebody killed them in rather gruesome ways; a little girl was hanged on one of the blooddrenched buildings with her entrails hanging out, an ANBU officer had all four of his limbs torn off and a medical ninja had her eyes gouged out and her throat slit. The metallic smell of the blood lingered in the air… and you started to feel… happy?

Yes, the sight of this much blood made you happy. The sound that the crimson drops made, the smell lovely copper smell that club to your nose, and the colors were beautiful. You didn't want to feel this way but you didn't have a choice but to feel pure joy! Gazing at your hands you, you saw that you were covered from head to toe in blood, admiring the goodness of the blood. However, you were aware that some people were hiding, and you laughed. “6 left……” You moved against your will and ran, you can taste blood seeing only red. The first of your many victims were a mother and a baby. Her eyes bulged with terror, pleading for you to spare the child. You didn't listen… You violently ripped blood from the crying child's skin! Making the baby scream for only a moment, but that wasn't all you did.. You created a knife out of the baby's own blood and lunged at the mother!

Fresh blood spattered onto the wall, and the terrified mothers head rolled on the floor. The next victim was one you knew well, Kuro Uchiha. He was a person that made you bleed which didn't matter much, before he could defend himself you raised your hand, bending his blood so he wouldn't move… then with your knife you jammed it into his throat with blood spilling out like a leaking fountain. One by one victims fell, by you hands and you laughed and laughed when suddenly the hold on you was lifted... Now you can control yourself, it was only one person left standing now… and now he stands in your away.. However who stood in your way was none other than you!

The real you that you keep locked away in the darkness of your own mind.

“GREETINGS… I AM ZIREN. YOUR BLOODLUST HAS AWOKEN ME FROM THE DEPTHS OF YOUR OWN MIND…. YOU'VE KEPT ME HIDDEN ALL THESE YEARS… SAYING THAT I AM A CURSE… SAYING THAT YOU ARE AFRAID OF ME… BUT WE BOTH KNOW WHAT WE WANT DON'T WE… BLOOD!.. WE WANT BLOOD!...” Suddenly you were washed away by a sea of blood! Drowning in it! As you waved your hands trying to keep your head above the blood, you saw two red eyes looking down at you… it seemed to be crying blood!


“THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION… ZIREN… NOW DIE….” bloody hands shot out and pulled you down into the sea of blood! You couldn't breath… You were drowning with the ghastly faces of the people that the real you had murdered, thick bubbles reached to the surface and then…. Stillness… then darkness...


The sky was dark, the moon was glowing a ghostly white, casting its sinister glow onto a graveyard were the bodies of countless shinobi had lain to rest. Soku wondered among the tombstones, unknowing of where she was or why would she be in a graveyard at this late in the night, upon walking she would notice that a pale fog around her feet as she walked. Step-drag Step-drag… she heard the sound of someone walking behind her, if she looked back she would see no one. Of course when she turned around she would hear the sound again.. Only louder. Step-drag Step-drag…. If she wasn't scared then she surely would be, if she turn around she would see someone walking towards her… The man that was approaching her seemed to be hurt… and it was calling out to her.

“....Sooooooooookuuuu…” it groaned, stumbling closer to her. How did he know her name? She never seen this man before in her life! It was getting darker and the man stepped closer to her. “...Have you brought me another Kunai dear?....” it came closer and closer. Stopping just a few feet away from Soku… she saw the very man who she killed. HER FATHER! Yes it was her father, only now he looked even more haunting than she remembered him to be. His skin was now a slimy green, his smile looked so big it splitted some if the decaying flesh apart, his teeth was black with a strange black fluid that spilled from his mouth and spattered to the ground as he laughed..


“....What's the matter? *cough* *cough* You look like you've seen a ghost.... “ her father joked, a worm crawling in his cheek then popping out of his forehead. There was no way that this could he happening! This had to be a nightmare, something like this only happened in legend or in stories. “...You know Suko I wasn't expecting that you would be the one to kill me… HEH HEH HEH HEH… after all you knew what I have been doing.. Yet when your mother was my next victim you decided to take revenge on me…” the dead man spoke, gesturing his hand to one of the grave stones. Suddenly another ghost appeared, only this time it was a child.. A young child.
“You let him kill me… you are just as responsible for my death as he was…” another living corpse rose from the grave ”All because you chose to ignore it….”

Suddenly Soku had been surrounded by these dead souls, some came from their graves, some came out of tombs, everywhere. All of them telling her of the horrid things her father did, and how she ignored it. Her father laughed, coughing up blood before raising his hands to silence all the whispers. “....They aren't the only ones that has a bone to pick with you….” he gestured his hand to a decaying corpse of her mother. Her hands were nothing more than bones, she was missing an eye but the other eye gazed at her daughter, staring at everything but yet seeing nothing. “...You could have prevented my death and the deaths of others at your father's hands if you would have took his life when you learned what he was doing…”[her mother said holding a dead flower within her hand. Soku’s father drew a rusty kunai out of his jacket pocket… and staggered over to her. Before she had anytime to react, the cold hands of the tormented souls of her father's victims grabbed her… holding her in place to accepted this punishment.[

”Don't be afraid… being dead isn't so bad…. Come join us…””he staggered closer. Step-drag Step-drag Step-drag Step-drag…. Step-drag.. He stopped, everything just seemed to stop…


That was the last thing she heard before the cold steel had dragged across her flesh.. Spitting it apart…


It was dark, pitch black with nowhere to go and no one to turn to. The silence was deafening, and this place was cold as death.. Even with the sharingan didn't help the boy see what had lurked within the shadows of this dark place. Maru and his demon had used a technique cloaked their body with darkness itself in the form of clothing composed of dim black flames, and is said to mask all traces of their presence, including their chakra. And within this dark place the Uchiha couldn't see anything at all!... The silence was soon broken by a wicked laughter that chilled a person's blood to its core. It was none other than Maru himself ”Hey kid… I got a joke for you.” Maru's voice boomed through this dark place, his footsteps could be heard circling around the boy like a hungry shark.

The voice of the demon came as he preyed upon the frightened boy, the Uchiha having his throwing knife ready. ”Why did the Uchiha boy left his mother to die?” Yami said, snickering to himself as he waited for Maru to follow up with a punchline. "BECAUSE HE WANTED TO BECOME A SHINOBI!!”
Both the demon and the puppet master laughed! Their laughs sounded horrible, like squeaking chalkboard. They were obviously talking about how the Uchiha didn't listen to his own mother and she fell into a depression.. And died. Of course to the Uchiha it wasn't a joke to be passed around but to the eyes of the monsters that lurked in the dark. They thought it was funny.

”You're fun to play with kid! You're just like your old man! Only he didn't last too long… “ a single red light shined on a single area. IT WAS THE UCHIHA’S FATHER. Only he was choking on his on blood, shurikens, kunai and swords riddled throughout his body. That image was cut short before the red light cut off, and Maru began to laugh again.
"Won't be long until you join him! And all the others I played my games with.” Maru let down the shadowy garb to show himself, he flickered to one side of the dark area, then another side before finally appearing behind him. You can't run kid. You're in my world now. Maru laughed before moving back into the darkness..

For a moment there was silence, only the feeling of something stalking the poor Nanashi who was frightened from the very start. Yami's voice sliced through the silence like a carving knife on the morning bread. "You knew that your mother never approved of you learning the ninja arts. You never listened to where you were going… Now you stand before two monsters. the inky black shadow started to wrap around Nanashi’s feet, slowly inching its way up his leg to consume him in complete darkness. Maru decided to show himself once more, a red light shining on him as he walked closer… and closer… you could use cancel… try to shatter this reality… but you will soon learn that this was actually happening. This was real.

Maru was walking closer, the Puppet face as red as blood, his hand reaching close Nanashi’s face just to poke his forehead…. The darkness stopped swallowing him, everything seemed still… Mary began channeling dark energy and evil will into his mind, traumatize him by showing gruesome images into his mind.


Blood spray
His father's Dead body
His mother's dead body
Two people being sliced
The Uchiha crest ripped
Black flames
A Ebony nigmarish creature

The constant mental damage was enough to wear down the wills of even the most the most courageous of would-be heroes. Then everything went black……

While Nanashi was still trying to recover from Maru's mind rip technique and the evil images he saw the Ziren and Soku awoke at the same time. Maru was standing below the one light in the room while Yami looked at the children, laughing at them. Of course, Maru didn't say anything. He wanted to see how they would react for the living hell that he put them all through.”Did you kiddies like my technique, honestly torment of the physical plane and mind rip was something I just learned.” The evil puppeteer threw his head back and laughed!

[[Note:All you have to do is react to the things that affect YOU. You don't see what other people nightmares are you only see whatever happens to you. =) ]]</COLOR>
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Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Bloodlust Ziren growled. The very thought that he needed someone to teach him the ways of killing repulsed him.
"I am nobody's disciple puppet. I kill the way I want to." But the Bloodlust side of Ziren's lost its bravado when the Genjustu hit. It stood there, a blank look on it's face as the sane and original Ziren fights the Genjustu inside of his own mind.
Ziren fought against the hands grabbing at him, cutting some to pieces, only to spurt out blood.
He then noticed where he was, despite...all of the blood. Maple Town. Darn that Maru! He couldn't control his body as he came across other people... Innocent people... And killing them all in cold blood. Not even the ANBU operatives were saved from the blood bath.
Ziren has only read in history books of what a full power Chigokai can do, and honestly, it scared him that if he loses control, that this can happen. But with Maru's stupid Genjustu he couldn't feel the fear but just joy, and happiness. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. After some more killing, he found himself standing in front of a familiar face. Uchiha Kuro. The guy that forced him to 'train' with him, causing him injury and thus making Ziren isolate himself because of that injury. The most scary part is? He felt almost no remorse killing him and seeing all of that blood fall out.
He finally turned around and seen a perfect mirror of himself. But, it wasn't a mirror. It was the other Ziren. The one born with the blood lust and urge to kill.
It went on to rant about how it was the ideal Ziren. How he is much more of what needs to be. Ziren wasn't having any of it. He threw his kunai at the Bloodlust Ziren, but he turned to a whole being just made up of blood and fell down and made into a puddle before Ziren could do anything. That puddle then rose to be a wave of blood that washed Ziren away from Maple Town. Two red glowing eyes stared back at him, as he was fighting to stay above the blood. His ears going almost deaf from all of the blood rushing this way and that. That's when he heard voices. Voices of people that he's killed. They wanted him dead. He felt himself being pulled under as he struggled to fight it. He could feel himself losing the fight. Slipping into the darkness....
But then a small thought entered his clouded mind. He has never really killed anyone or anything. All this was as the Bloodlust Ziren said before he was put under. Just a Genjustu. Ziren didn't want to. But he knew of only one other way. He called forth the other Ziren, and letting it's raw power and anguish tear through the Genjustu as if it were paper.

"Rooooaarrrr!" The Bloodlust Ziren completely angry that he was so quickly put under, he quickly found the first blood flow that he heard. Soku with her bleeding hand, still unconscious. He charged at her, his hands ready to tear her apart. But the real Ziren had enough power to steer it off course, breaking the wall down right beside the still unconscious Soku.
Feeling like inside, good Ziren did good, it was quickly stomped out with Bloodlust Ziren looking at Nanashi as his next prey. The Chigokai grabbed the kid by his hair, a kunai drawn up to his neck. Bloodlust Ziren smiled at the sense of blood he was hearing. But, just as before, good Ziren brought back control and let go of the Uchiha, thrown him to the side, maybe a little too rough, and thrown his kunai at Yami, knowing exactly where the demon was, due to the blood of the dead that was all over the demon. He didn't stop there, he threw a smoke bomb down and threw two more kunai, this time, they had paper bombs on them.
An explosion ensued, causing the room to start collapsing. "Soku! Nanashi! Get your butts up!" Ziren ordered the two, the white of his eyes turned red, but no glow was there. He hoped that they knew what to do since he gave them an opportunity. If a fight is needed. Or an escape route is opportune. He needs them ready just in case.

(Total WC:1574)

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
Her entire body ran cold with fear, trembling, darkness and.......rage. She stared at the man before her approaching and grinning. This was the culprit, he was the one who had destroyed her family and in return she had killed him. "You....YOU!!!! Step away from me!" The kunoichi batted away the hands reaching out to her whispering, smiling and laughing at her distress. The girl shook, pointed a trembling finger at her father. "I trusted you and you took her away from me!! YOU DAMN ANT! I'LL KILL YOU!!!" The Genjutsu was strong over her mind and Soku was completely out.

She threw the kunai at the spirits killing them over and over again. "Die! Die!!" She saw the wilted flower in her mother's hand who spoke words of blame against her. The girl was mentally broken. "Mom....forgive me. I just let your spirit rest avenged." She was crying tears of rage as the girl shouted at the ghosts. The young ANBU swung at her dad Piercing him each time but he reformed each time cackling madly. Then it came, the sound of steel against flesh and Soku felt her back go cold. The hands grabbed her and pulled her down into the depths of the darkness.

The girl woke panting and looking around. Where am I? She heard running footsteps and glanced to see Ziren charging at her! The girl barely crawled out of the way before there was a loud BAM!
Soku had a murderous expression on her face as she stared daggers at the puppet master. "I will kill you..and your demon friend!!

Lighting chakra coursed through her body and her headband snapped off clattering to the ground. "YoYou think it a game?!" She was in a murderous rage, when she spoke, the voice was deep and low, almost deadly. She looked at Ziren before throwing her kunai at Marus head on the table. Soku was not thinking straight and this could spell the end for them.
Nov 3, 2017
OOC Rank
S rank
Maru's lips contorted sideways with a sinister grin to himself. His undead eyes fixated on the trio succeeding their responses. Rubbing both hands together, he mocked Nanashi in a reassuring demeanor following the Uchiha's decision to rely on the visual prowess of the sharingan. The clan's doujutsu he labelled a toy, offering a gesture afterwards to which this game of his began.

From the corners of the room came whispers. The room grew oppressively dark with each passing second, and while in it, Nanashi felt himself being lost to the darkness. He tried to oppose it but the murky obscurity defiled his will and choked at him, seeking to crumple the resolve he had managed to build. In the wake of the imposing darkness, Nanashi planted his feet firmly in the ground; his red eyes grew brighter, coruscating about as he swayed them to the lost corners of the room and back in search of the evil he believed would follow from it.

Unaware of Maru's vices, the floor around him caved in. Into the darkness he fell with blistering pace to a world different from the one he knew. The vessels in his forehead pushed out as they were made to accomodate the flow of blood to his head. Darker and darker it became. His ears jutting out as they were, picked up faint whispers produced by the darkness and in the dim red light his eyes provided, he saw dark hands reach at him. He sought to keep away from their reach, thrusting and slashing with his throwing knife but with each move he witnessed a faint shadowy trace succeeding every attack. Tugging on his sleeves, the inky hands reached for his limbs and tossed him deeper into the void where he landed face first against the cold floor below. The uchiha picked himself up with a frown, oblivious to his surroundings. He tried to smack away the particles of dirt he thought he had incurred in his fall. But, in that moment realised he was lost to the dark. He looked around and saw nothing with his eyes, not even the dim light the sharingan provided. The chilling air was bitter ice in his nose and mouth, and dazzling frost it felt lay on every inch of the place, not even the rhythmic movement of his heart did he hear. Maru he reckoned was right all along, the visual prowess of the sharingan was far below the puppeteer's craft, or perhaps, Nanashi's deft use of it.

Soon, the unending silence was broken by a nefarious laughter which froze nanashi's heart, tearing down the wall of courage he had scarecly built. He stood cowering at the tone he recalled was Maru's; the demon no where in sight but his cold-blooded steps, Nanashi could hear circling around him. Preying on the boy's fears, the voice mocked the uchiha in a murderous tone which thundered in the dark. He ridiculed Nanashi's past decisions; his selfish desires, wants and aspirations which ultimately led to the death of his mother. Nanashi on the other hand offered little resistance to the demon's words. It was clear that his fears had now turned into guilt which lay with him.

"You're fun to play with kid! Just like your old man! Only he didn't last that long" the demon jeered, deriding the effort the boy had put in to become a Ninja with a brief image of the leaf's betrayal to their own; a vision of his father's passing in the hands of the same men he swore to serve.
The voice of Maru he heard once again erupt into laughter. The demon clown expressed an impending desire to dispatch the Uchiha just like his father, unveiling himself from the shadows. From one side of the dark area, he flickered to another before finally appearing behind Nanashi.

"You can't run kid. You're in my world now." He laughed again before vanishing into the darkness...
For a moment there was silence, but Nanashi could feel something approach him from the within. He reassured himself, bearing the round corner of his blade close at the voice of another, which reminded him of his disobedience. But as he stood searching, his feet got stuck amidst the inky black shadow which slowly inched its way up his leg in a bid to consume him in total darkness.

The puppeteer appeared to him once more with a crimson light on him as he moved closer. In short quick contortions, Nanashi struggled to break free. Fearing for what may become of him he slammed his unconstraint palms together in hopes to offset the puppeteer's hold over him. No sooner had he done this when he realised this was no illusion. Everything seemed still and the darkness had stopped swallowing him... But his mind was no longer his. Faced with emotional stress, the sight of gore almost drove him mad; he retreated from the eroding images of his parents, screaming as he ran. His eyes he covered in fear at the sight of the human body being ripped to shreds. Every where he turned he saw the same things over again. Enveloped in darkness, his eyes grew dim and his vision blurry from the unending cycle of things he saw which caused him to black out. This experience so deep it was bound to have a lasting effect on him for good or worse.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
They say that sometimes if a dream was believed in hard enough that it may come true, in Ziren’s case this monster that Maru created had surfaced as soon as Ziren awoken! Maru's disembodied head laugh as bloodlust Ziren charged at the poor unconscious girl, surely he wouldn't allow him to actually kill her but Maru wanted to see what this Ziren is capable of. Of course, the boy was having a battle with himself. The actual Ziren steered himself away from Soku, stopped himself from slitting the Uchiha's throat, and threw a Kunai at Yami… who avoided fatal injury by merging himself with the darkness so the blade would pass right through him. Yami began to laugh along with Maru.

The girl getting up Maru bounced his head up and down to smile at her, but she seemingly was in no mood to play games with Maru or his demon. She vowed to kill both him and Yami, as a reply they laughed. "If you can sweet heart,” Maru said, urging the girl on in making an act against him of course the got a kunai thrown at him. But Maru's headless body attached chakra threads to the lifeless blond doll who had been sitting there the whole time and created a strong looking barrier to block the attack! The kunai hitting the forcefield before falling to the ground, the barrier went down… then it suddenly appeared where Soku was standing, imprisoning her where she stood. Maru grabbed his head and reattached it while Ziren rampaged…. But that Ramage was about to cause this room to collapse..

“Well damn…” Maru began to quickly weave hand signs, turning his head up to the ceiling. Then as a counter to the roof collapsing Maru decided to fire a large beam of plasma at the unstable roof. The beam disintegrated the rocky roof before it even came down on them then shot right out into the surface of hokage rock!.... The once dark room was now bathed in sunlight from the gaping hole just above their heads, Maru had to shield his eyes before looking at each student. Every was alive, Ziren who was standing close to the door got at least some control, Soku still trapped behind the Barrier and the Uchiha a bit dirty from this dust was passes out but alive.

"Well thanks to Ziren I had to save you call, can't have you all dying on my watch that would make me look bad.” Maru said, looking around the room looking down at the Uchiha. “As you can see things happen when you aren't prepared to take in the darkness. Heh Heh Heh” With a chuckle, the puppet master was seemingly satisfied with how this lesson turned out. There was no need for any further torment, they at least two were conscious and they awoken ready to fight. Of course Maru will wait until the Uchiha would awaken so he can conclude this class and tell them the reason for what he did. The answer they may have wanted and feared at the same time.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
After the smoke cleared, Ziren noticed that there was a hole in the roof. All of the rubble that should have collapsed on top of them were non existent.
His focus then went to Soku. He doesn't really remember what has happened. Just that he had to stop whatever his other self was doing. There was some type of barrier surrounding her. Whether Maru did it to protect her or to keep her from hitting him, he won't know. Her listened to her blood flow, and it seemed that she was good, if not a little bit angry.
His attention then turn to Nanashi. Who was unconscious.... Maybe Ziren should have gotten control of his other self a bit sooner. He listened to Nanashi's blood flow and thankfully it seemed that he was okay. Maybe his blood flow is a little messed up from whatever Maru did and whatever Ziren himself did.
"It's weird. I don't remember anything before just right now. And why does it always seem that if I train with someone it turns to blowing up something?"
He stood by, in between Soku and Nanashi, looking at Maru, and listening to the blood of the dead that is on the Demon. Along with trying to control his other self, he has a lot on his hands right now.

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
The roof begin to crumble as rocks began to fall down nearly crushing her in the process. She began to weave some hand signs to defend herself but then, a barrier appeared out of nowhere surrounding her. She tapped it with her foot, it was solid. It seemed Maru had done it to prevent her from dying horribly in this room. Yami had retreated back into the shadows and watched curiously as Maru worked to save them all. "Don't expect a thank you or nothing." She was still emotionally distraught but wise enough to realize now was not the time to fight, but rather to survive.

The Uchiha male was still out, apparently the Genjutsu had took a toll on him. Whatever barrier Maru had implemented, it was working because try all the jutsu she may, it stood there unwavering. She glanced at Ziren who seemed to have calmed down but wasn't so sure she trusted him. His rampage had unerved her a bit. She spoke to him, her voice shaking a bit. "ZZiren? Are you feeling okay?" Soku kicked at the ground frustrated at being stuck behind a barrier after the danger passed. "Can you at least lift this barrier now that we are all safe and alive, even you unfortunately." She said glaring daggers at the puppet master as he resumed his laughing demeanor.

The kunoichi almost felt sorry for Nanashi, he had no idea what was going on and was probably still experiencing Marus jutsu, curse him. She shouted his name in attempt to rouse him from his nightmarish dream. "Hey! Nanashi! NANASHI!" The girl saw some slight movement but other than that, he stayed motionless.
Nov 3, 2017
OOC Rank
S rank
Nanashi had lapsed onto the floor, plunged into unconsciousness and paralyzed with pain, but he was not yet dead. Around him, slanted in his faltered vision, light from the sun poured through, pushing the long shadows across the floor. From the other side of the lit room, he heard his name, only just scarcely; the ringing in his ears had rendered him deficient to hearing but his pale and slender fingers twitched on the grime floor, either from the warmth they felt or that Maru's cruel Technique had long served its purpose.

Again, the voice reached out to him but this time, the folds of skin around his eyes opened slowly. Rays of light shot against his line of sight and in shielding them, he looked and saw Soku trapped in a barrier. Huh? Nanashi puzzled for a moment; the last thing he remembered was being isolated in torment from the other two, but then, his eyes widened. Retreating backwards, he came to a screech halt looking dazed with attempts to reprise the event that had happened; the thought of the puppeteer's name had forced his limbs into action. However, in his eyes, the other two seemed okay but how was he back here? Genjutsu?! And if so, to what purpose? He looked at Maru with a face demanding answers.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
