Within the world of old are stories that have been passed down as fairy tales and fables of a generation of man that may or may not have actually existed. These long stories tell of heroes who must overcome insurmountable odds with little to no power of their own to face them until a certain being of power takes pity upon their impossible quest. Stories of all kinds of fantasy creatures giving humans boons live on in these tales, but non are more well known than the tale of the Dragonheart. The story claims that a dragon rewarded a human who nobly defended the beast's wounded form from a group of dragon slayers until the dragon could heal; the human who had saved them was rewarded with the gift of the dragon's own heart. Replacing the human's heart with a dragon's caused the hero to transform into a hybrid of the two species and wield the power of both to single-handedly throw down a tyrant and save their lands. Such legends were often thought of as impossible achievements, and that since such creatures were never confirmed to have existed, then neither could this power...until the rumbling of dragons returning to the world shook the foundations of what the humans thought they knew.
[U][B]Kinjutsu Table[/B][/U]
[*][goto=Ab1]Dragon Flight[/goto] (Ability)
[*][goto=Ab2]Chromatic Shifting[/goto] (Ability)
[*][goto=B1]Wyrmwind[/goto] (B-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=B2]Draconic Infusion[/goto] (B-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=A1]Dragonbreath[/goto] (A-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=S1]Draconic Shift[/goto] (S-Rank Technique)
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Kinjutsu Application, B-Rank, 3 Ability Slots
[*]The user gains access to the [B][I][URL='https://ninpocho.com/posts/89344']Jutsu Expansion[/URL][/I][/B] Ability and it will not take up a slot.
[*]The users gains a 10% DR.
[*]The user gains +1 Acc/Dodge, due to their heightened senses.
[anchor=Ab1][U][B]Dragon Flight - [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
Due to the influence of the extracted powers, the Dragonheart can alter parts of their form at will. A tail, horns, scales for defense, an assortment of dragon parts can be drawn upon for combat, but the greatest of these transformations are sprouting wings to become capable of flight. With this ability combined with chakra and natural shinobi training comes increased aerial maneuverability that can dodge even the fastest hurled lightning bolts and fireballs from the opponent below.
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dragonheart
[*]Allows the user to become [I]Airborne[/I] at a cost of 1AP. Due to the transformation being temporary, it lasts 10 seconds.
[*]While [I]Airborne[/I], the user has +1 Melee dodge versus other [I]Airborne[/I] targets, and only -2 Ninjutsu/Ranged dodge penalty from being [I]airborne[/I].
[anchor=Ab2][U][B]Chromatic Shifting - [I]Kinjutsu Style[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
As the Dragonheart has obtained their powers not via blood, nor training, but infusion, they're capable of going beyond what other practitioners of dragon powers can do by drawing on the very elements reflected naturally by the dragon's scale color. With dragons being the very pillars of elemental prowess in the world, it's not surprising to believe that one who has been infused with their hearts could be capable of drawing out a dragon's very essence into their own body.
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dragonheart
[B]Effect:[/B] When the user enters this style, they must pick a color to Resonate with. The user may change which color they Resonate with at the cost of 0.5 AP
[*]Ignores the first level of Primary Effects.
[*]+10% damage to Fire techniques
[*]+2 Gen DC / +1 Gen Checks
[*]+10% damage to Lightning techniques
[*]+10% damage to Melee techniques
[*]+10% damage to Water techniques
[*]Any equipped weapon gains +1 acc/+5% damage
[*]+10% damage to Wind techniques
[*]Heals 5% maximum HP at the end of each round
[*]+10% damage to Earth techniques
[*]The Dragonheart can only Resonate with one color at a time.
[*]This style counts as either a Physical style, or a Chakra style, at the users choice.
[anchor=B1][U][B]Wyrmwind - [I]Dragonheart Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
Upon being infused with a dragon's heart the entire world changes. No longer will the person see the world as a simple human would, but as only a dragon can. They can see chakra, the ever intangable force, in multiple colors and in varying strengths; including their own. Due to this newfound vision, a shinobi with a dragon's heart is able to manipulate chakra unlike anyone or anything else in this world. When using any attack that requires chakra, they can rebind the leaking chakra from their attack that lingers in the air and cast the jutsu again; instantly.
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dragonheart, B-Rank
[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] While active, when the user uses the [I]Jutsu Expansion[/I] ability, the technique used with [I]Jutsu Expansion[/I] is used again for free at Rank 1 (0 AP/CP). This free technique, can target a different target but must be specified when used.
[B]Rank 1/2 Cost:[/B] 2.5 AP and 730 CP
[*]Does not require handseals.
[*]This is considered a Terrain technique.
[*]At all ranks, other combatants must pass a Ninjutsu Check against the user at -2/-3 in order to cast their own Terrain technique. If the opponent successfully casts their own Terrain technique, this one is dispelled.
[*]If the user doesn't have the Summoner ability, any creation technique won't be cast again.
[anchor=B2][U][B]Draconic Infusion - [I]Dragonheart Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
Not to be satisfied with their new powers to hold only to the forms of chakra, the Dragonheart can also take their new forms and grant that power to even the very weapons they wield. These weapons come in many forms and often shift themselves into the Dragonheart's body to form a complete fusion of beast and steel. While usually the weapon will transform itself into claws, more creative Dragonhearts have found turning their wings into blades a formidable use of this power.
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dragonheart, B-Rank
[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] For the next 10 seconds, Techniques used with the currently equipped weapon gain +5%/+10% damage and +1/+2 Acc and the weapon counts as passively equipped. If the user is currently in the Chromatic Shifting style, then an additional effect will be applied to each technique used with the weapon according to the Resonating color
[B]Rank 1/2 Cost:[/B] 2.25 AP and 700/900 CP.
[*]Does not require handseals.
[*]The additional effects can stack 3 times, with each offensive technique adding a stack.
[*]The duration does not stack.
[*]The Resonated color from [I]Chromatic Shifting [/I]apply an element as follows:
[*]Red: The weapon counts as having 'Special Composition - Fire' augment which does not take up a slot. In addition the user's Fire Techniques deal +500 damage, this damage can be buffed with Fire buffs. [i](This cannot be used with basic strikes)[/i]
[*]Blue: The weapon counts as having 'Special Composition - Lightning' augment which does not take up a slot. In addition, targets hit by the user's Lightning techniques have the timing of their next action increased by 0.5 AP, an individual target can only have the timing of a technique increased once per 5 seconds.
[*]Black: The weapon counts as having 'Special Composition - Wind' augment which does not take up a slot. In addition the user gains a +5% chance to Auto Dodge any attack targeting them.
[*]White: The weapon counts as having 'Special Composition - Water' augment which does not take up a slot. In addition the user gains -10% to all CP costs.
[*]Green: The weapon counts as having 'Special Composition - Earth' augment which does not take up a slot. In addition the user gains +5% DR.
[*]When changing Resonated color, the above effect is changed accordingly as well.
[anchor=A1][U][B]Dragonbreath - [I]Dragonheart Non-Elemental Buffing Jutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
The most well known ability of any dragon is one in which they breath a powerful elemental breath that can raze entire cities, erase mountains, and change the landscape itself if the dragon's breath is used during war. It is so powerful that the dragons themselves rarely resort to their breath attacks until there is no other choice. Humans blessed with a dragon's anatomy can still only reproduce an iota of that power, but what they can do is still incredibly devastating to be hit with.
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dragonheart, A-Rank
[B]Rank 1/2:[/B]
While this technique is maintained the user may convert any Taijutsu Technique used into a Non-Elemental Ninjutsu Technique. The Technique used will still use the equipped weapon and will apply base Accuracy/Damage modifiers, Augments, Styles, and Weapon Masteries the user may have.
[I]Special Action - Wide Breath[/I]: If the user has Jutsu Expanded the Taijutsu, it can now hit up to 3 targets.
[I]Special Action - Infusion[/I]: The user may change the Ninjutsu from Non-Elemental to the Element currently Resonated with the Chromatic Shifting style for +5% CP.
[B]Rank 1/2 Cost:[/B] 3 AP, 1500 CP; 1250/1500 CP per Round
[*]Does not require handseals.
[*]Techniques cast this way use Ninjutsu Accuracy.
[anchor=S1][U][B]Draconic Shift - [I]Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/I][/B][/U]
The ultimate technique that the Dragonheart are blessed with is one that takes years of training to complete, and even among those who are gifted with the dragon's heart this special technique is still considered incredibly rare. By unleashing a large portion of their mixed chakra into the air, they then coat themselves in the energy and command themselves to become the beast living within. Transforming themselves into the very image that gave them their power in the first place, these rare warriors are able to bring back the power of a full dragon into the world for a few moments as their shinobi prowess and the dragon's strength fuses completely into a new devastating creature.
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Dragonheart, S-Rank
[B]Rank 1/2:[/B]
[*]The user is considered a [URL='https://ninpocho.com/threads/general-contract-ability-list.54518/#bbgigantic']'Giant'[/URL] entity.
[*]The user gains +5/10% DR.
[*]The user gains 7350/9200 Temp HP. This is not removed at the end of a round.
[*]Any Ninjutsu used gives +20/25% of its damage dealt to Temp HP. +30/35% if the user uses a Technique that matches their Resonated element. An additional +5/10% if the Technique has been Jutsu Expanded.
[*]While Draconic Shift is maintained, the user may change the element they Resonate with in Chromatic Shifting for 0 AP.
[I]Special Action - Empowered Breath[/I]: The user may choose end their transformation early, adding 25%/50% of their Temp HP to the damage of a single Ninjutsu cast with Dragonbreath. This additional damage cannot be buffed.
[B]Cost:[/B] 4 AP, 4000 CP to activate; 3000/3500 CP per round.
[*]While active, the user doesn't require handseals for their techniques.
[*]The user must be in Chromatic Shift style to use this technique. This technique matches the Element currently Resonated with the Chromatic Shifting style.
[*]This technique is considered a Chakra Armor.
[*]This technique lasts 30 seconds, and has a 10 second cooldown after use.
[*]This technique does not end if the Temp HP is reduced to 0, though the special action may not be used, if there is no Temp HP.