Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Drinks and reflections [Requesting Mikasa]

Jul 1, 2018
Late night in any shinobi village seemed to mirror each other almost identically the young Uchiha man had found during his time in Kumo. There was a period of quiteness, when the people had finished work and errands before retreating quickly back to their homes to either prepare for the next day, or hopefully in their eyes, prepare for the night. As the moon rose higher and higher in the sky the noise and population of the various districts seemed to almost crescendo until they hit their peak. In the crowd this night Maikeru found himself flowing with the human traffic until he arrived at the bar where the Monster Hunting division found themselves after rough missions, or really, any night that ended in the letter Y.

Pushing back the short cloth door that was customary in these types of establishment, Maikeru entered into the smoky, almost dive smelling bar. There was a cheer from the crowd as he was recognized, a few of the more ambitious (and drunk) members calling out different cheers of 'Captain', or 'Godslayer'. He tried to think back to his time in leaf, was his reception this high when he was a chief med nin? He didn't recall, but then again, it was hard to remember anything beyond the look of his office from those days. Although Mikasa and he tried his best to run that division, the simple fact of it was they were understaffed. Both of them had to do the work of multiple medical shinobi, and he had his suspicions that Mikasa had kept the king's share of the work for herself in an attempt to protect the young Chief Med Ninja. She had always been like that.

Taking his usual spot at the bar, the boy was quickly onset by an older than he, long fire-haired woman. She seemed to have a mischevious look to her eye as she approached, which caused a small amount of interest in Maikeru. He used to being approached by women, it had been this way since he was a young teenager, but something was different here. Maikeru raised an eyebrow as the girl seemed to be just standing there, an obvious ploy in her mind.

"So, captain," She said, "We've got a pool running, and no one can seem to get the answer. How did you lose that arm?"

Maikeru looked at her for a minute, before laughing. Rolling his eyes, he turned his attention to the bartender who had slid his usual order in front of him. Three fingers of whiskey over rocks. Continuing to shake his head, he sipped at the amber liquid for a moment, before looking to her.

"Ah, that, well.." He started off, pursing his lips at the burning sensation assaulting his throat. "I really pissed off Rei and she cut it off. Don't piss off croweaters man, they're crazy."

The girl looked shocked, shocked enough to not question what Maikeru thought was an obvious lie before taking her unceremonious leave of the situation. Laughing again to himself, he took another long sip of his imbibement. Time to see what the night would bring, he supposed.
Sightseeing had ultimately betrayed the platinum mane kunoichi, through various stops and recommendations was a particular establishment pointed towards under the brightly lit market streets. Pressing through the cloth door welcome and not particularly welcomed scents, although this was fairly ordinary in these particular instances, or so the medical nin would have been led to believe. Not minding the roaring gathering, a vacant seat in the corner is recommended by a server, a fairly attractive one individual; although a tad bit younger than herself or so her mannerisms would have led Mikasa to believe.

Missing the opportunity to indulge in various ciders of Kumogakure during the meeting with the Raikage, she uses this prime time to sample to her hearts content; especially considering not a single sole knew who she was outside of the Kurosawa tournament onlookers from years prior. "That sounds lovely, one to start if you have the time." she beams, tundra optics illuminating and finding it difficult not to have a goofy grin on her features with all the excitement and laughter.

Initially the wandering Sennin is apprehensive to sip on the beverage, although with the masses indulging in large quantities, Mikasa found herself unable to resist the temptations looming about her. Cautiously the wooden mug presses against her pursed lips, in mere moments her eyes widen in surprise. "Oh, wow." a particular word that never truly found its way into her vocabulary prior. Wasting no time she begins to chug away, leaving the server in awe, "Yes, it has been a rough travel.." she murmurs, followed by a petite pitch of laughter.

One too many drinks later.

"Am I taken? Difficult to say!" flushed cheeks seem to never fade as the kunoichi's hand slams down on the wooden table. Various figures had long joined her at the corner table, each having an equally thrilling time. "Come now, Mika-san, you are telling me you traveled all this way and got lost in the mountains! Tell us more! Drink!" a few would iterate in eager tones. "Alright, alright!" she roars in laughter, taking another sip, "I haven't left my homeland in many - many years and once I entered Lightning Country I had zero idea on where to g-"

Another roar would erupt, the chanting of champion and captains fills the air as an ivory hair lad presses past to the barkeep. In hearty spirit the kunoichi raises her mug upwards, "Taichou! Taaaaiiiichou!" a pause, "TAICHOU!" beginning to lose her voice, she soon comes to the realization of who the shinobi who was being hailed truly were. "Bleh, he finally appears and seems busy." she murmurs, clearly not herself.

"Come Mika-chan, drink more with us!"

"Perhaps just one more." a few frowns would follow, "Or two!" a roar of laughter encircles the group for the umpteenth time.​
There was one thing Maikeru particularly liked about the bar, and why he chose to frequent here rather one of the other numerous establishments that littered the main street. Everyone here knew each other. Which was why it was a tad bit surprising to see the male members crowding around a corner booth rather than ordering drinks and harassing the waitstaff as per usual. The owner of this bar was smart, he knew that shinobi only cared about two things after a mission. A stiff drink, and a pretty girl to look at while enjoying it. At least, most shinobi.

From between the crowd of bodies, he managed to make out a few features of the girl. Straight platinum hair being the main one, a very rare color to see here in Kumo, whose inhabitants had seemed to adapt to the warmer, darker hair colors over many generations dealing with the honestly brutal winters. It wasn't until he saw the tundra orbs mixed with a cute, but seemingly confident, smile that it clicked in his mind whom the maiden was. He laughed internally at the actions of the men, rolling his eyes at how futile their attempts were.

With a quick swig, he finished his drink, setting the cup gently down on the wooden bartop in front of him. Inhaling through his teeth, he licked them in a futile attempt to stop the burning sensation. Someday he would be able to truly handle his alcohol, though that day terrified him slightly. He watched from his peripheral as the men continued to question and encourage Mikasa to continue her story, her rosy cheeks betraying how much the older Kunoichi had to drink. Had he ever seen Mikasa drunk? They were together a lot in his final years in Konoha, but he honestly couldn't remember a time where she had a drink or two too many. Well, at least it wouldn't be a boring night.

Finally, after letting the men have their fun, he makes his way to the crowd, slowly pushing his way through he stood in front of Mikasa's table, raising a curious eyebrow at her.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something," He said, giving her the same confident smile he had when he left her office that day long ago in leaf.

"Oh come on Maik," One of the men said, playfully slapping his hand on Maikeru's shoulder. "You've already got that croweater, leave some for the rest of us!"

There was a cheer of agreeance, one born from men who had also had one too many drinks, bringing a small chuckle from the young Uchiha man. He pats the man's hand, who removed it as he laughed and slapped Maikeru on the back, more drunken revelry. Shaking his head, Maikeru held up his hand in front of himself, as if defending himself.

"No, no, it's not like that you bunch of degenerates. This woman is my sensei, I owe a majority of my success to her." At this, there seemed to be a murmuring. Most of it confusion. Hadn't they heard Mikasa say she wasn't from here? "I hope to buy her a drink and catch up a bit, but if she would rather talk to you lot I suppose I can't blame her."

Taking the drink of the man who had patted him on the shoulder, Maikeru took a long swig of it before raising the mug in the air.

"KAIBATSU!" He cheers, which was met by equally loud applause and cheering.

"Whadda say Mikasa-san, got some time to catch up with an old student?"
Releasing her clasp on the wooden mug, the faint clanking would be ignored for the grand prize of the night; the legendary captain whom the locals cheered for maneuvers throughout the crowd to position himself closest to the kunoichi. Flushed cheeks indicate the woman had long over stayed her welcome, although the attention was a welcomed change of atmosphere, "The fabled taichou wishes to speak with his former instructor? I suppose I have to oblige!" she murmurs, tundra optics narrow as a mischievous grin etches across her features.

Raising to her feet, the maiden places down a petite pouch of coins, a bit generous on her part, "Help yourself lads, I am sure that is enough for a few additional!" she calls out with a hefty fit of laughter. Fortunately Maikeru were close, his tall stature would soon become a balance point for the kunoichi. "Aye, you seem to have gotten taller again." she coo's with a half glossed over look, "No, don't bother, I am fine. Don't bring up the subject, I just hit my limit and need to relax for a moment or so." MIkasa immediately speaks, not allowing for the younger Uchiha to begin to even inquire.

Clinging against his side, the former instructor intertwine her arm around his own, "My apologies gentlemen, perhaps next time we can finish our tales.." she leans her head against the broad arm of the shinobi - far, far from her usual demeanor. "One final beverage will be bring no further harm than already done. Lead the way slayer-san." Hopefully Maikeru would have enough sense to guide the unfortunate woman to a quieter location, even if it meant the opposite side of all the commotion.

"Catch up? Oh, right. I did finally catch up! I will say, my journey was most certainly on higher difficulty than your own! I even met with the Raikage, fancy that?" Clearly her mannerisms were far from usual..​
As the former Sennin wrapped her arm around Maikeru, before leaning her head against his arm, there was a loud commotion from the crowd. A mixture of catcalls and high pitched whistles, which in concurrence with the sudden presence of Mikasa pressed against him, caused an out of character blush to spread onto the face of Maikeru. He cleared his throat, looking at something on the floor that had suddenly become very interesting at this moment. How strange, that random spot on the floor. What could have caused it? Was it a stain, or just messy patrons? Truly fascinating.

As the calls continued, and they weren't going to stop, not in a crowd this inebriated, he managed to compose himself just a bit. Leaning down a bit, he moved Mikasa's arm over his neck, before moving his hand to her hip in order to better stabilize the woman. He had a sort of apologetic look on his face as he turned to face her.

"Sorry.. bit harder one arm down.." He said, nervously laughing. "But, come on Mikasa, let's find your drunk ass a chair. God, if the boys from the Academy could see me now I would be getting so many high fives, you don't even know."

He would lead the maiden, slowly, towards the outdoor patio, which was using the word patio quite liberally. In honesty, it was a picnic table set up outside the bar for the occasional weirdo who wanted to enjoy their drink in silence. It was rarely, if ever, used. Gingerly he would help his former sensei to a seat, before plopping down next to her.

At her comment of meeting the Raikage, Maikeru simply laughed to himself. He shook his head slightly, a wide smile on his face, before speaking.

“Right, we all had to meet the Raikage. That’s how we became Kumo nin instead of mercenaries, see?” He hooked his thumb under the Kumo headband that hung loosely around his neck as if to add emphasis. “But, I’m more interested in what happened after I left the village. You didn’t leave on the same day as us, and I can’t imagine that they were excited about that.”

Even his presence as a Chief Medical Ninja would have been missed, he couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to replace a medical shinobi like Mikasa. He could swore he had seen the new medical sennin when King Maji attacked, but, he didn’t have a chance to examine her skill too closely.

“Plus, it took you like.. Two years to get here. You missed my birthday, twice.” He said, gently ribbing his Sensei and friend. “I tried to send presents, but you weren’t exactly easy to find. Especially when I wasn’t allowed to leave the village.”
For the time being, the Konohagakure Medical Sennin is oblivious to the notion of Uchiha Maikeru missing appendage. "High fives, huh?" she muses aloud with a coy smirk, "I'm sure I would be getting a scowl, although I am sure the past is the past at this particular stage..." the kunoichi mutters, Mikasa's free hand pressing tenderly against her brow. "My situation was a bit more complex than signing a few passports and allowing the three of you safe passage!" she assures before faltering to silence.

Time would become distorted, the maidens head swimming due to her excessive behavior; only brought onto herself through foolish acts. Only that of the shinobi's playful antics would snap his former sensei back into the realm of living, "Two years?" she ponders aloud before having to accept the reality of the situation. "My apologies, I am not one for recalling dates properly." she teases with a warm grin, returning the gesture and plucking against his ribs. Fortunately time wouldn't allow her to continue with her misdeeds as a free slot in the corner of the establishment presents itself and Mikasa wasting no time to settle down on a stool of some sorts.

"I'll have another, if you don't mind!" she insists towards a skeptical employee, "Please, this young captain is taking responsibility." the kunoichi further assures with a fit of laughter. A few moments would pass and a cider would slide across the table, "Fantastic, now where were we? Oh! You wished to learn of the details of after your departure."

Lowering her voice to a mere whisper, the platinum mane woman leans forward to lessen the gap between the duo; her normal ivory flesh cheeks a burning crimson. "I had a confrontation with Takeshi-san, as did a few others, not that anyone should be surprised - we have quite a different viewpoint of the world. Ultimately I would take a moment to pardon myself from the village, only to be assaulted at the gates by a Sennin, the Head Jounin, and an ANBU Captain, yet here I am!" taking a sip of her cider, the beverage becomes a bitter in flavor, ".... Turns out I was the better fighter after all, isn't that correct, Yukio-san?"

Pausing, she waves her hand to and fro, "Maikeru-san, that is what I meant, of course. That is the short version of an extremely lengthy tale."

Current Ninpocho Time:
