Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

E-A Rank Resistance: What one Notices

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Mouko Kuro recovered from the power of Hyakujuuonouu carefully guided by Sanryokyougan Kuro's ministrations and holistic powers. His arm mended healed along with his multiple fractures reset and fused, he arose anew... although a bit stiff. Immediately he detected scents that were not the norm of the Toraono clan and even a bit different from those of the refugees. The recognized families from Sunagakure had been taken to a newfound shelter by the majority of the warriors available and not on patrol so to have people inside the chambers where the warrior teams met was unusual. His interest peaked and his sense of deceit heightened by the explosion he had recently endured and the treachery of the Cabal in general his heart had hardened and become mistrustful of the actions of others. Placing his palm on a hidden seal within the dojo he activated a crystal eye jutsu in the chamber and monitored the people present from another chamber where he sat and actually rested in an adjacent and sealed chamber while he listened to the plans being made.

Infiltrator One (Dark robes and gray skin): "All is set for the explosives placed here in the Throne of Bone, once this place is destroyed in a series of time explosions we will have to get with another team to finish off the residential areas. Once we have all the Sunans cornered the master explosives will go off and we will bury all these filth alive. Sorry to call you filth, Haguro..."

Haguro (brown haired member of the Raikuu family, brown battle leathers): That's okay, that is exactly what I am and what traitors to their village are. Although this village betrayed my family long ago, how come only the Toraono Clan lives on the surface, why do those half demon bastards get all the perks, just because their ancestors took the brunt of some attacks from the Ancients to protect the lines of the First men and were massacred down to all but three people out of three thousand doesn't mean they should live better than everyone else. Who cares that they go out and dig up carmot, or store water for the village and stockpile food and weapons. EVERYONE DESERVES TO LIVE THE GOOD LIFE!! NOT JUST SOME HALF HUMAN, BENEVOLENT MONGRELS. I SPIT ON SUNA!!, and all that my family and I have endured in this underground nightmare of a hovel. With these bombs I can truly spit upon them as they lay buried in this dark sandwyrm tunnel for all time."

Dirty Red (Red hair smeared with black oils to cover scent, hand me down Toraono Clan battle gi, black with red wrappings on hands): When my family made it here from Mist these assholes offered us rooms in the Throne of Bone near the damn lake, like I needed to be reminded of my lost home by a glow in the dark lake with pretty pretty crystals in it but no fish. How the hell does anyone have a lake with no fish?!! Well they won’t have a lake or anything else for much longer in two hours this underground trap they called a village will be a dark pit and a mass grave. Hell I might even stay with these remaining wannabe warriors so I can laugh as they die crushed by sand and stone.

Infiltrator Two (Dark robes and faintly blue skin): ”All I know is the boss is gonna be happy with the Cabal’s efforts I mean who knew how many people wanted to destroy this place that actually came from this place. I mean have you met Akio… he is from here like Haguro here, but he wants all of Sunagakure dead more than any of us. For me it’s just a paycheck, but for that guy it is personal. When the boss pays us I am gonna buy a ship and sail away and find an island build a beautiful home and then go find me an island girl and live under the stars.”

Infiltrator Three (Battle robes from a Toraono Clan master, Byakko family markings on seal but this man is obviously not Byakko clan, pale striped skin): “YOU should ALL be quiet, this structure no matter how damaged has eyes and ears everywhere, one of Toraono Kuro’s bunshin is still here healing the injured and that is dangerous enough… I feel like we are being watched whenever I am within these walls were it not for the chaos caused and the organization backing us we would have been identified immediately and the Toraono Clan is not known for allowing traitors or weak enemies to live after they have been captured. All you are guaranteed is a fighting chance.”

Having heard enough as the other members of their little cell gather Mouko Kuro and Moukyo fresh from dropping Surutameni off near the Sietch transformed using their bestial presence and beast clone jutsu they crashed through the wall showering the splinter cell with debris as they blocked off the immediate exit. Mouko Kuro sniffed deeply memorizing the scents of all six men in the chamber before turning his back leaving his beast clone ally to watch them and attack if they ran. “Each of you have been caught conspiring against the village and the Toraono Clan, your plans against the clan are neither here nor there you can keep your personal bias but to harm the village in a time of war the sentence is death unless you can prove yourselves useful in saving lives then you may leave with a few scars of maiming and eternal banishment but one way or another blood will be spilled, how much of your blood is spilled is up to you. Who wants to talk and give up the cabal’s plans and live? If you refuse my offer I promise you we will get the answers we seek from you dead or alive.”<i></i>


E Rank mission start... leading to A rank mission if things go well

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: E Rank Resistance: What one Notices

Dirty Red leapt in to attack along with the fake Byakko Clan member only to be met by the fury of Moukyo in Beast clone form as they were mashed into the back of the chamber bloodied and unconscious Mouko Kuro roared alerting the entire dojo as the aspects of Kuro now knew exactly as he did what was occuring and they altered their plans to suit the situation. Haguro all but wet himself as he backed away finally able to witness the full ferocity of a Toraono clan Lord, as the blue skinned one dropped documents showing that they weren't just after Suna's populace they were after artifacts stored away at various portions of the underground city and with the time table sped up they had set bombs to recover or destroy said artifacts before they left, they had a little under two hours remaining before all of Sunagakure blew up from timed bombs. Mouko tore a massive wound across the blue tinted ones chest that wouldn't kill him but would leave a permanent scar for life to show just how close to death he had come. "YOU... may leave our presence, we have your scent and your face memorized, should we ever come across you again we will take a limb as a trophy."<i></i> He ran away leaving an easy trail of blood to follow. Infiltrator one stood up and pulled a clay packet wrapped in paper from his vest and began to perform handseals, the scent from the clay was caustic... a bomb... how clever. With a resounding strike Mouko Kuro shredded the bomb and the mans hands but they were stronger than they looked although his fingers were ruined for handseals this one had dense skin and did not bleed easily. He took an easily recognizable stance to fight. "You are a survivor, a low blood of one of the stone giants but you obviously are not as strong as you need to be or you wouldn't have tried to use a bomb to face me. There is honor in battle but there is none in you, In honor of your bloodline I will grant you a swift death. Moukyo roared and the twelve by twelve foot chamber began to shudder as demonbeast tigers came forth from behind them to tear into the Infiltrator he died fighting but was overwhelmed and devoured leaving only the bomb clay and the notes in his holster annotating what they were to do and also hinting at whom there actual bosses actually were. Dirty Red managed to get back to his feet which was quite impressive but it was then Mouko noted Haguro was using his body as a puppet he slung the near dead man at Kuro as the tigers left the area and ran for his life, his half soiled pants made an easy trail to follow. He wasn't running away from the area however he seemed to be running deeper into the Throne of Bone. After some successive turns he yelled out "My Lord the demonbeast mongrel he comes...ack.... szzzzzzzzz aaaarrrggh!!!!" As Mouko Kuro and Moukyo in beast clone form made their way into the vaulted chamber he could see a strange man had been breaking the wards of the chamber trying to access one of the vaults. Haguro had been turned into dust leaving only his clothing and what would later be discovered to be advanced puppet scrolls stolen from the Takahashi Compound.

The odd being had multiple scents as if he were three people in one as he turned to face Mouko Kuro and his beast clone ally he seemed resigned to face them and then a massive caustic scent reached his nose. This monstrosity was guarding an incredibly large bomb he took an odd stance that was remniscent of Suzuhime's strange Kung fu, he was a tai-gen wielder. After facing Suzuhime in spar many times he knew how to counter that kind of fighting style. Righteous ferocity and guile would always win over deceit and feigned intent.

wc: 678

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: E Rank Resistance: What one Notices

Mouko Kuro waved his bestial companion to stay back as his claws extended their maximum length of six inches. He could smell the scent of two masters in this one, apparently this one was much like the demonbeasts of old. They could feast on the soul and abilities of their enemies and take them as their own. That was how this one had slipped passed all the wards, he carried the blood of two masters as his own so he knew all their secrets as well. “I sense you devoured Master Hakujou and Master Yuusen, one was our most defensive and the other our most offensive. Sense you managed to defeat them both that means you discovered their weakness early on. I don’t need to know your name. I don’t care where you are from. You have murdered my friends, set the homes of our families to explode and you dare to stand before me as if your path was just and righteous. I want you to understand this one thing, the horror I am about to unleash upon you is something no one has ever seen. I know you are unworthy of the death coming to you but I wanted you to know you are special before you die.”<i></i> While he spoke Mouko Kuro’s body underwent several changes as his muscles became denser along with his fangs and claws which became more pronounced. His eyes dilated as he locked in on his target, his sinuses fluctuated capturing his scents and essence. There was no-where in the living world Henshi could hide from Kuro now. Henshi smiled as he saw that Kuro was ready for battle. Long silky blue hair laced with perfume and scented oils settled across well muscled shoulders. Henshi wore well-made battle robes stolen from the family vaults of the masters he had absorbed and in his mind he believed if he absorbed Toraono Kuro he would have access to the master vault, unfortunately for him not without several other masters present. He was so self-absorbed that everything about him was manicured and well-trimmed. He moved about like a dainty girl fresh from a salon. “Good, you insignificant half demon piece of sandwyrm excrement, I was wondering when you would show up so I could beat you to death with the skills of your own teachers! Witness the ultimate power of a true warrior!!”<i></i> At his pronouncement his entire body began to glow a bright green tinted white as the chakras stolen from the masters he had killed Hakujou’s physical builds and presence. Mouko Kuro and by effect all the Kuro’s felt their sense of smell dim. Mouko Kuro struck first in an attack that should have gutted their foe, instead it only left a series of deep scratches just as it would have if he had struck Master Hakujou with that same attack although a little less than the norm it was definitely Hakujou’s defensive body he had struck, Only to be struck and knocked clean through a pillar and struck twice in the gut by a follow up series of two blows exactly as Master Yuusen would. By instinct and rage Mouko Kuro dodged the next four attacks his eyes noting the odd chakra signature on Henshi’s hands was too much like Suzuhime and Zenichi’s techniques to be a coincidence. The bastard was trying to strike him with illusions, not just martial skill. Feigning disorientation in a manner neither of his teachers would suspect Henshi rushed in to receive a sharp slash to the face causing him to scream with rage. It was all downhill from there Kuro spinned in a tight shockwave of movement barreling into Henshi despite his stolen defensive prowess, he wasn’t ready for Kuro’s rage and then to his shock and delight Moukyo against Mouko Kuro’s request joined him in the blitzkrieg style attack striking him from behind at the exact same time as he struck him from the front. Moukyo charged in bashing and slashing his face injuring the pretty boy’s eyes. As gravitational chakra pulsed into Kuro’s hands allowing him to strike and slash Henshi in a manner that he could not withstand, he did manage to counter the blow forcing Kuro to fly through a wall outside to the perimeter of the dojo facing the lake. Leaping back to his feet, Kuro rushed back inside to find Moukyo slamming into Henshi over and over to keep him from attacking. Two swift blows struck him and Moukyo collapsed his beast clone transformation shattered. Before Henshi could pass on the final blow to his demonbeast tiger, Kuro slammed into his flank and tore a massive gash in the base of Henshi's neck. Blood blossomed like a fountain from the chimera's throat as Kuro proceeded to tear Henshi apart piece by piece. His limbs were neatly stacked to the side before Kuro turned to his foe. Covered in blood he made sure that Henshi’s tourniquets were nice and tight before cauterizing his wounds. Dragging the limbless chimera by his hair to a tub, Kuro hung him from the rail by his hair as he turned the hot water on and made sure it was scalding hot. As the steam rose his hair began to loosen his hair soon he would fall in and the water would clean the robes while his blood drained away and the scalding water would make sure he stayed awake and in pain as his torso and genitals boiled. “I hope you enjoy your bath…”<i></i> Mouko Kuro used a sharp electrified grasp to nullify the explosive elements within the clay disabling the bomb to his satisfaction as the screaming began his sense of smell returned. Carefully he gathered the remaining documents and the survivors that were too unconscious to be interrogated earler and set them aside. Chouryoku Kuro summoned Mouko Kuro to him at the bakery shelter and the documents were turned in. Sanryokyougan Kuro summoned Mouko Kuro back to the dojo so they could begin interrogating the surviving infiltrators. Chouryoku Kuro would relay any findings any aspect of Kuro came across.


Total wordcount: 2668
E to A rank mission

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Tick... tock... the bomb was no more. That was good, we would not want that bomb to go off too soon.

The Toraono Dojo IV is safe, or is it?

Something was amiss, the bombs were easy to find. Perhaps too easy for a demon beast such as Kuro. It would be expected that he would stumble onto the devices long before it was time for them to go off. Everything is safe now, right? Take a second look around this Dojo, sometimes there is a space hidden behind what should have been a wall with nothing beyond.
There is something more to be found here.​

[legend="[b]Optional A Rank Mission:[/b]"]Find out why there was such a limited number of devices for such a large structure. Was there truly an intent to destroy the Dojo? If you look you will determine that a massive tapestry has no wall backing it. It is a make shift office with a variety of interesting artifacts as well as information on the Cabal's associations. Find this and you will learn more about the Cabal's 'master plan.'[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro rarely enjoyed such acts of blatant torture and suffering, it was a testament to how far into the dark realm of hatred the cabal had pushed him. Still there were quite a few things wrong with how easily he had managed to find the bomb but then again rats ran from a sinking ship with notice that death was impending. Men fought death tooth and nail especially those whom weren't fully human. As the man's screams became gurgling and rants of what he could do if allowed to live Kuro returned to find his face half submerged in extremely hot water and the tourniquets had held too well, he wasn't bleeding out as fast as Kuro thought he would have. Turning off the water which had gone from scalding hot to just hot Kuro realized his rage did indeed have limits and this was not the way a warrior finishes his foe. This was how a vengeful murderer would act and though he had righteously done so in the past when children were harmed or women were at stake this creature had managed to best two of his teachers so a warrior's death he had already earned. Pulling him from the hot water the bestial Kuro actually used a healing jutsu to heal his burns and seal his wounds before pushing water gently from his lungs. Able to breathe again without hot water gurgling from his damaged lungs he looked up to Kuro again with hope in his eyes only to see that rage still simmered within the Devil sage's eyes. " You were stealing family treasures... why?" Seeing this as his only chance to save himself especially knowing how far this being's wrath could truly go he spoke quickly. "We were told to collect any ancient clothing, weapons, articles, scrolls, necklaces, gems, and items of power we could lay our hands on. I was specifically instructed to take on the abilities and appearances of a dojo headmaster or two to bypass the blood wards in place and access the main vaults. We only breached the two first floor vaults before the explosions occurred."</COLOR><i></i> So it seemed Kuro's damning actions had forced them to change their plans but then again two of the Cabal's leader's had baited him to do just that. "I will restore your legs and one arm to you. In exchange you will show me where the stolen artifacts are and leave this area and hide because should I find you again I will KILL you."<i></i> Henshi nodded clearly relieved that he would be shown some sort of mercy "Of course, but could you please tell me one thing." Mouko Kuro gathered his legs and his left arm and laid them beside his body before summoning his healing aspect from the outer perimeter. Sanryoukyogan Kuro looked upon the chimera with his vibrant jewel like eyes seeing a damaged soul or two but now all tied up in one man's soul and knew that the other two masters could not be freed from the flesh and soul of this one. He took up his healing position while Mouko Kuro took a guarding position over Moukyo removing the genjutsu that had struck the demonbeast tiger down. They spoke in unison as the healing began. "Since we are currently speaking, yes I can tell you one thing." Henshi took a sharp breath as he could feel the grafting begin. "Why are you allowing me to live after all I have done?"<i></i> The left arm grafted back seamlessly and rather easily, it seemed the flesh of a chimera was easily manipulated which explained some of their absorptive properties. It was smart to keep a limb for study. The legs reset and took a moment due to needing force growth of thighbone to connect with the severed bone. Muscle tissue was always far easier to repair than bone. Due to the manner of his being torn apart and the cuts of his thigh bones being uneven Henshi lost an inch of height but at least now he would walk again. Sanryokyougan Kuro responded as the flesh and bone restoration carried on. "Because the people of Suna are not agents of Cabal although your actions did make some of us fight fire with fire it is far better that we don't stay on the same level as terrorists just to survive terrorist attacks. That would make our way of life worthless."<i></i> After fifteen minutes of concentrated healing from two of Kuro's aspects and under the watchful vengeful eyes of Moukyo. Henshi stood again, he was given a basic trainee gi to clothe himself as his right arm was placed in a sealing scroll. Henshi knew the Toraono Clan did not take personal trophies so he could only imagine that his biology was now worthy of study. It was a little consolation.... After four minutes of walking the inner perimeter Henshi led them to a tapestry that covered a massive hole in a metallic wall. It seems he was honest about a vault or two being breached, as they entered Mouko carefully checked for traps with Sanryokyougan looking around for dark wards. Content there were no immediate or easily discoverable traps or bombs they discovered a small horde of artifacts, Toraono, Yamazaki, Kuroda, Sunaku, and many more from various family treasures all but hidden in plain sight. Both Kuro's regarded Henshi and at that moment he thought he was going to be torn apart again instead a warm yet metallic hand grasped his functional left shoulder and he found himself staring into gem like eyes as Sanryokyougan Kuro spoke aloud, <COLOR color="indigo">"Is there anything else you wish to tell me, this is your last chance because after we release you, you will be hunted by others whom will be far less forgiving than I am, as I am certain Lord Mikaboshi will want a bit of your time as well." Considering what intel they had gathered on Kuro and Mikaboshi he knew Mikaboshi would do more than dismember him, he would devour his soul. Quickly Henshi divulged everything he knew as Chouryoku by extension of the aspects wrote down every detail spilled before Henshi ran off as best he could. Looking over the artifacts and items they had collected made Kuro wonder just how many cache's of stolen items the Cabal had truly amassed.

WC: 970

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The makeshift storeroom housed items stolen from the facility, the school, various households and worse still some items from the Obsidian palace. Kuro could not fathom a real reason to take chakra restraining materials from the Obsidian palace. As his thoughts began to focus on the possible uses of the items they had stored in this cache. As Mouko Kuro considered the ramifications of the cache and its contents Chouryoku Kuro related the information to the intel gatherers... As they were searching the items several more Cabal sympathizers came in and dropped what items they were carrying. These particular interlopers were children, whom as they looked and saw Kuro their eyes expanded in awe. "Mister are you Lord Toraono?" Kuro never lied to kids so he went to one knee so he was eye level with the young boys and girls whom diligently dropped the trinkets in assorted piles here and there. "Yes, young man I am."<i></i>Kuro had long luxurious hair that is silver grey in coloration but also seemed to have a natural discoloration pattern made noticeable by the darker gray streaks in his hair. This natural pattern gave his hair the appearance of tiger stripes even when he wears his hair down. He had large smooth gray eyebrows. To glance at him at close distance was to notice that both his arms are streamlined with thick girded muscle. His neck is thick at 24 inches, leading to massively muscular shoulders and an explosively developed chest. His biceps un-flexed are 22 inches around; from his mid back to where his neck meets his shoulders Kuro is covered with Runic Terran Tiger Stripes. Although Kuro was well muscled he still carried love handles upon his waist which he trained daily to get rid of to no avail. His upper right shoulder bore a tribal black lion mark that served as a Heaven Seal. Kuro was known by most Sunans as a master of the ancient Toraono Clan form of fighting known as ShiShi no Ken or Lion's Fist. Kuro had large hands, and feet allowing him to stand at 5 ft, 10 inches, and weigh in at 270 lbs in all but one special body. In his normal state Kuro’s eyes were as gray as the clouds in the sky just before a storm, smoldering and brimming with emotions untold. At least that was the way he was when he wasn’t focusing his devil sage chakra. His lips were full, rich, dark chocolate smoothness. His brow upon this body was unmarred. His nose was flared and smooth as if solid black marble could be molded into a large nose. His ears seemed perfectly suited to adorn the sides of his head, neither flared out nor pinned back just there. When focusing his powers he gains twin orbs of vibrant violet and gold cat like pupils that seemed to catch every movement in a casual glance. It was with the focus of his chakra in full force that he locked his gaze unto the young boy before him that was ready to test what his father had taught him with reality.

Violet eyes with gold slits peered from a chocolate brow with large ebony horns growing from where a normal man’s temples would be. He wore a sand tone obi around his thirty six inch waist. The obi allowed Kuro to carry his honor blade in a specialized bone sheath. Kuro wore his battle pouch on a second sash just above his right hip. Adjacent his sacred blade Kuro wore a pair of collapsed fuuma shuriken, and last but not least Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his hakama just atop his fighting gi shorts with his ANBU serum and summon scrolls. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his ANBU gear without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his anbu arm guards and leggings Kuro covered the runic terran markings of his hand and leg wraps. Kuro’s tail swished back and forth its tiger stripes faintly surging with chakra. His black gi top sat comfortably upon his overly muscular upper body. Young Haguro Jr. touched Mouko Kuro’s face having never seen Kuro up close, “Mister Kuro, my father told me that you were a monster with human skin that ate kids and fed people lies…” Kuro looked as if he were about to cry and the kids could almost feel his pain as he sat down cross legged before them and began to explain as the scent of who this child belonged to settled upon him. “Young man, I have lied to my parents when I was young like you but I have never lied to a child or a friend. Your father was correct, I am a monster but I don’t eat kids and I don’t lie to honest people. You, I can smell are an honest child so I ask you to believe me when I tell you that I don’t eat people. I do know monsters far scarier than me that do eat people but I would never let them eat a child. So if I may ask a question, why are you collecting all these items?” <i></i> The other children began to murmur in awe of little Haguro junior actually touching a monster and getting the truth. “I never knew there were other monsters Lord Toraono. My dad and his friends give us treats to bring all the stuff we can find in the armor rooms and treasure rooms from broken houses and buildings so that they can pay for our medical treatments when we leave the village. We are gonna get to go outside, right Lord Toraono?” Kuro looked at their hands, eyes, and lips carefully and noted the discolorations, these children had been working in the Chaumerus caverns. Sanryokyougan Kuro stepped forth and sat before the children and he could see even their souls had been lightly damaged. With a heart slowly breaking they began to heal the children and draw the poisons from their bodies not even noticing some of the items in the chamber responded to the sage chakra he used and amplified the healing effect by minute amounts. As the kids grew healthier they talked more and Kuro had food brought in and that really got them going. Documents were found beneath the artifacts, lists of items and catalogues of others. The Cabal was after more than Suna's destruction. More vital pieces of information was collected. It seemed the explosive was not just set to destroy the 'Throne of bone' It was set to re open an escape path to the Toraono Dojo above but that would mean... Kuro finished removing the majority of the poisons from the children the rest was going to take time they didn't yet have. It was going to take every bit of Kuro's power from all his aspects to dig a tunnel in time. Part of him was in the obsidian palace in battle, he would have to return as soon as the battle was done with.

WC: 1050

Total wordcount: 2020

Extra Mission Complete???

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Money has been added to your player account.

Information Gathered:
  • Items found: The Lonely Ball, Ode de Amour, Flute of Ongaku, and Antique Wardrobe. Use these items at your own risk. Additional items were mostly jewels, old paintings and items with large monetary value.
  • Information Gained from Torture: The fact that the Cabal was 'sent' to Sunagakure for the purpose of acquiring ancient and powerful artifacts (while they are doing this, this is not the primary reason why the Cabal is in Sunagakure); Akio is the leader of the group and it is inferred that Akio might have 'insider information' but his actual identity beyond the assumed name is unknown; many of the Cabal members wear silver rings that contain an unknown power; that the entire village IS rigged to explode, but that there is a several hour delay between the initial charge the the subsequent charges.
  • Information Gained from the Explosive Device Due to Hanging Around the Dojo: The explosive note(s) in the Dojo were timed to go off, but it was almost a full day after the explosion(s) in the rest of the village. The explosion(s) in the Dojo were intended to likely go off 'last' unless there was another place that was not meant to go off.
  • Information Gained from Spending Time in the Dojo: Some of the stones in the "destroyed" parts of the Dojo were hollow: even a student could break them with their fist or easilymove them out of the way.

Item Descriptions:
Antique Wardrobe

A hutch made from various types of wood. The external design is rather simple, several flat cut boards nailed together with large copper nails that appear to have been hammered by a ball-peen hammer considering the dimpling on the heal of the nails. A picture of a man with a third arm and a woman with a second head is burned into the face of the chest. Inside the chest is a plethora of garments, many patched and tattered or thread-bare. Most of these clothes not only appear to be from a different era but they have the wrong number of sleeves, pant-legs, or collars depending on the article in question.
  • Effect: When an article of clothes from this trunk is worn, the user gains an extra limb (or head). This is for RP use only and has no battle significance.

The Lonely Ball

A small red rubber ball that bounces and rolls independent of the user. The ball is entirely harmless, but it does not like being alone. It tends to follow random people and it does not demonstrate any sign that it understands human language or requests but it certainly enjoys proximity to others.
  • Effect: A little red ball that follows you around, it can follow someone else as well but it is not capable of reporting any findings and probably will not return unless you feed it marbles (its' favorite food).

Ode de Amour
A small purple glass vial that has been not only taped shut but placed inside a plastic container with a label written in capital letter stating: DO NOT OPEN! This vial contains a bitter-sweet scent that is actually stomach churning until it is applied to human flesh. Upon contact with human flesh, this substance creates a distinct aroma (bacon cheeseburger) that makes those around the wearer hungry. Sometimes this hunger translates into wanting to eat an entire chocolate cake on their own and in other cases others may have a hunger for human flesh. If cases of the later, this can be a very dangerous situation and for that reason it is likely best that this remains locked away.
  • Effect: Makes the wearer smell like a bacon cheeseburger for the duration of a thread. This can make other uses very hungry, in rare cases where there is nasal congestion, vegetarianism, profound will-power, etc. that this is ineffective, but there is a risk that this 'hunger' translates to a hunger for human flesh rather than for ramen, cake, chicken, etc.

Flute of Ongaku

A small, corroded piccolo, not flute but whomever named this artifact was likely more familiar with the larger, brother/sister the flute when they named this instrument. Made from potentially Takahashi steel it is rumored that this 'flute' was once a legendary dagger owned by a great assassin. This is of course an utter lie, it was a dagger but it belonged to a man whose heart truly belonged to song rather than war. It is said that it was his chakra energies over the years and the deep-seated desire to be a part of the music that manipulated this metal over years. Eventually the blade was melted down and became a coveted instrument for song rather than for pain but his unrequited love for music all those years previous had changed this metal. When played it compels others to dance or break into song, the owner of this instrument was far from dismayed and he used this instrument to bring dance to places of war and strife.
  • Effect: When played, those in the thread with the user will break into song and or dance. This will obviously not work on the deaf, mute and it would be dangerous to use this on a tone deaf person. It has also been found to be rather ineffective against those who "cannot dance" or "have two left feet" in some cases, but when some people dance... you may conclude that the definition of 'cannot dance' to mean something different to various people.

***Note: These are simply RP items used for FUN. None have battle significance nor can they be used to FORCE a player into a situation.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
