Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Emergency Training [Tutor]


Active Ninja
Oct 28, 2012
The past week's events left a sour taste in her mouth. It wasn't anyone's fault in particular, but, it brought to light how important it was to have more than her keeping the people up and running in this village. The Hokage had his hands full and she couldn't expect him to be everywhere at once. Yomi sat uncomfortably, noting the sorry state that the branch was in, but, she couldn't force people to join because it really was not for everyone

That was another problem for another day. She had summoned Kaori to her new office, via Besito with a letter with directions to her office, to give her a little one on one attention. She wondered how she was doing and if she was keeping safe from those who hunted her. This impromptu lesson would help the village and perhaps help Kaori keep safe. She didn't know Kaori's entire story, but, she bet that they didn't grow up the same, even if there stories were eerily similar. It was in that similarity that the bitter coldness in the woman began to thaw and what drove her to want to help Kaori in any way she could. But, if their last meeting was anything to go by, she knew Kaori was stubborn and unwilling to let people in who didn't abide by her don't ask don't tell creed; Don't ask her about her business because she's not going to tell you. Yomi understood it and she would be flexible with Kaori to a point.

On her note pad she had scribbled down some notes of how she would broach the subject of emergency aid with Kaori. Yomi wasn't a teacher, and believed in a Socartic method. Talking it out, working through it and then by doing. She didn't know what type of student Kaori was and she would find out.

Yomi's office was on the second level, where the more stable patients who were about ready to be discharged resided. She chose it because It was quiet on that floor with just the beeping and whirring of the various machines. Not at all like the constant hustle and bustle of the ER. It was a rather large office, complimentary of her status. It was very clinical, stark white, with two chairs that sat on the opposite side of her desk. Her back faced the floor to ceiling windows with an amazing view of Konohagakure. She didn't wear her lab coat, or what you would consider Doctor attire. Yomi, much like her other fellow doctor, did as she pleased. On her desk sat a slim vase with a black daisy sitting in it. A gift from 'Daisy' when she told her she was promoted. Daisy was happy for her, but, sad that she was loosing her roommate. Yomi, in an effort to keep the little staff she had happy, offered to work two days a week out of her old office that they shared. It seemed to appease Daisy and that's all that really mattered.

She waited for Kaori to get there.

[Topic Entered]
[WC: 513]
Directions were, indeed, the bane of her existence. She had recently gotten over her anxiety around Besito when she compared him to the dogs of the Shrine Knights. Her being pursued by the Shrine Knights wasn't exactly an ideal situation for her to be out and about by herself. Unlike the previous times she had running away from the Shrine Knights, she was clean and with a full belly. A full night of rest was also something that gave her an edge in the event that she would be chased down by the Shrine Knights on the way to the Hospital. She hid in the shadows as she made her way towards the hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital, she opened up the note that had the directions to Yomi's office. She read it a bit and read nothing but jibberish. While Yomi's hand-writing was plain legible, she still had issues determining heads and tails about the directions given. She turned her eyes up to look towards the reception counter only to see 2 men wearing armor in front of the reception desk.

The receptionist turned and looked towards Kaori and Kaori shook her head and put a finger up to her lips. She pointed at the men, then pointed to herself, and then made the 'they'll kill me' gesture, using her thumb to slide over her throat. The receptionist then looked towards the men asking questions and shrugged her shoulders. "She used to come around here all the time several years back," the woman said as she eyeballed Kaori, signalling to her that it was time for her to go. Using this as a chance to move, she quietly moved behind the men and towards a hallway. The hallway was the exact opposite direction of Yomi's office, but sneaking away from the Shrine Knights was a much higher priority than finding this office. She tried to remember the layout of the hospital and took the long way around, going up the stairs to the second floor, and from the second floor, she went all the way across the floor and towards where she was supposed to be in. She followed the directions and... voila! She actually made her way to the front door of the office. A look of amazement struck Kaori, actually following the directions and making it somewhere without getting lost.

Before entering the door, she opened up the note to read that they were going to go over emergency procedures. Would this have something to do with field medicine and ensure someone remained stable enough to revive? This seemed a bit too complicated for Kaori, but at least she was now in a more mentally ready state. If she wanted to become a medic, she HAD to learn emergency procedures. After taking a deep breath, she opened the door to the office. The office was rather luxurious and large and looked very sanitized of any personality. Everything looked clean and sterile. After looking around at the office, she turned to look towards Yomi and smiled with a wave. "Hi, Yomi!" she said before closing the door behind her. She made her way to the desk before coming to a full stop upon seeing the black flower. Kaori pointed at the flower, keeping her distance from it.

"That's not going to be part of today's study, is it?" she said, hesitant to come near the flower. Even if this person was different from the last Yomi that had taught her, just seeing black flowers triggered a reaction within her.​

WC: 591
WC Total: 591
[OOC: Thanks, Yomi ^^]
Yomi looked up at Kaori and smiled, a full smile. What even was that? To onlookers it may have scared them, given how rare it was that a full genuine smile crept upon her face.
“Hello, Tenkawa Kaori.” Following the direction of Kaori’s finger her eye’s landed on the vase filled with the villages signature black daisy. Apparently, Kaori had come across the Yamanaka and she could guess how well that turned out for the ten-year-old.

“She means no harm and she’s extremely skilled, but, I understand since she’s poisoned me too. No, they’ll be no Black Daisy usage today.”Yomi gestured for Kaori to sit down. Leaving out the part where she's still suffering from the side-effects from their last experiment. (Yomi's ability Sixth Sense was modified to Third Eye via a Poison Concoction =) )

“I hope you’ve been well, given everything that’s been happening with you.” Yomi looked at Kaori with a feint hint of concern wondering, in her Godly wisdom, what she could do for best for Kaori in this situation. It was true, that she had no idea, the intricacies of what was happening to the child, and perhaps if Kaori survived her ordeal, she would find it in her to confide in Yomi. Not that Yomi was oblivious to the fact that she was off-putting in her flat affect, but, that was something she was trying to work on.

“I wanted to go over some emergency aid procedures with you. Yomi, or as I like to call her, Daisy, has told me that you were interested in medicine and as Chief Medic here, I oversee the study of those who are interested in the profession. I thought learning some emergency aid techniques might assist you in your ordeal. Perhaps you can also use it to help someone in need. Tell me what you know of CPR stopping blood loss, and setting a broken bone.”

The Medical Chief sat back in her seat and waited for the girl’s response. It was no coincidence that Yomi sought out Kaori and wanted to assist her in this way. It was true that she wanted to help Kaori, but she had motivations besides that. Yomi was effectively the only person that was full-time at the hospital, given the urgency of her last patient’s situation, should she have not been around, the village would have been Kage-less. It vexed her, simply because she never wanted to play the role of Doctor and yet here she was, promoted with the expectation of keeping people alive. This, coupled with the fact that Rei, that is Yomi, had not come to her in some time, she was forced to make her own way, as only she could. In short, she needed more people to shoulder the burden of keeping people alive with her. Of course, that wasn’t all there was to being a Medic, but, as Shinobi it was often that this was what the job entailed.

[MFT - WC: 481]
[TWC: 994]
More than enough assurance was given to her to firmly implant into her mind that these black daisies wouldn't be used in today's medical study. A gesture was made to her to have a seat with the girl eyeballing the flower as she took her seat opposite of Yomi at the desk. She tore her attention away from the flower when a question in regards to her health came up. She smiled and nodded to Yomi. "Well, I'm doing SO much better, thanks to you!" she said with the utmost appreciation. She'd still be in a bad way, if not worse off, if she wasn't taken to Yomi's place to recover and return to feeling somewhat human. She had to still duck and dodge away from the Shrine Knights, but it wasn't something she couldn't handle.

So the other woman also had the same name as the one that sat opposite of her. Kaori never put two-and-two together, always knowing her as the 'poison fangirl' or other rather derogatory comment, each revolving around the flower that she became known for. Daisy, as a nickname, was fitting however. She nodded her head in agreement to what was said that she wanted to join the branch. It was true that she wanted to join, mainly as a way to stop the way her friend, Mina, died from happening to other people. That was her goal, anyway. However, Emergency Medical Procedures was the topic of the day which got her to think.

Wouldn't medical jutsu also be a good substitute for Emergency Medical Procedures? Then there comes the idea of 'what if someone is allergic to chakra' or 'what if I'm out of chakra and someone needs help' and other variables ran through her mind. One couldn't completely rely on their chakra to do everything, which is one of the reasons she took up the art of the fist, so Emergency Medical Procedures was probably something she'd best learn if she were to become a medic. That, or join the bully ANBU. We all know the answer to that decision.
Join Child Protective Services!!!
Then she was asked about her general knowledge of CPR, stopping blood loss and fixing broken bones. The only one she had any real knowledge on was stopping blood loss. Everything else was very foreign to her, not even knowing what CPR even stands for. "Um, I know to stop bleeding, you either apply pressure to the vein or artery above the wound or even apply pressure to the wound itself so the blood would clot?" she said, not fully confident in her answer. She responded with pressure to the vein or artery, still having troubles remember which does which because it stops the blood-flow so the person doesn't bleed out, working sort of like a tourniquet. Where-as applying direct pressure is more useful for places you cannot do that to such as the torso or the head.​

WC: 485
WC Total: 1076
Yomi was internally pleased that she had helped Kaori, that was her intention. The girl went on to tell her what she knew about the aforementioned topics. It seemed that she only had known about stopping blood loss which was a good start. Even knowing something would keep Kaori alive longer than having no idea at all. Here is where Yomi would begin her lecture. She pulled out a notepad and a pen and pushed it towards Kaori in case she needed to take notes.

“You are correct in what you know of stopping blood loss in emergency situations. When you get stronger and further along in your studies, there are chakra-based medical techniques that you can also utilize in order stop blood loss. However, we stress here, that we do not depend solely on these chakra-based techniques because it leaves us vulnerable should we practically deplete our chakra pools. Chakra is only an aid, it does not replace true medical knowledge or usurp proper technique.” Yomi sat back in her chair and crossed her legs before she continued.

“As a young kunoichi, you know that there are a lot of different weapons that we use in protection of ourselves, others and the village. Most of these weapons can cause puncture wounds, like our kunai, daggers, or even syringes. It is most likely that you would be a victim of a puncture wound, followed by broken bones (called shots anyone?) and then unconsciousness.” Yomi pulled out her trust dagger from a holster somewhere hidden on her body. Slowly she turned over her hand.

“Don’t be alarmed, but, I am going to stab myself.” Yomi waited a few moments for what she said to register with young Kaori before she took the dagger and swiftly stabbed herself in the palm of her hand. Blood fell from her hand onto the desk as the dagger remained stuck in her palm.

“Imagine, that this was your own hand, just stabbed by those people who are chasing you. You got away, but, now you have a dagger in your hand. Talk me through what you would do in this situation.” Yomi was not a teacher by any stretch of the imagination, after all, she had to learn as she went herself. This was the best way she knew how to present Kaori with something practical without talking at her the whole time. She felt that the child was smart to evade her captors all this time, and she was not a stranger to uncomfortable situations, so she would be able to logically go through this. It was okay if Kaori didn’t get it right, critical thinking skills were more important.

[WC: 446]
[TWC: 1440]
Kaori took a mental note that there are chakra techniques that could help her stop blood loss. That was an important note to take on. She needed extensive knowledge on medical practices in order to save lives. She was quite well-versed at taking lives, but saving lives was a whole other matter entirely. Taking lives during missions is part of a day's work, but taking the time to get your forces up and ready to fight another day seemed more challenging and time-consuming than a mere 15 square-inch pounds of pressure it needs to snap a person's neck. Which really wasn't much at all.

Her suspicions were correct that medical ninja excelled at more than just using medical jutsu, but to practice actual medicine as well. This caught her attention, causing her to sit up in her seat and leaning forward to pay closer attention to what Yomi had to say. The order of Yomi's injuries made sense, but something seemed to be missing. Punctures, broken bones, unconsciousness. Something out of that group seemed missing. Well, she would lump lacerations in the same boat as puncture wounds as they can be treated in quite a similar fashion. Well, sorta, not really, but the theory behind them being a skin-penetrating wound would be all the same.

Her eyes instantly tracked onto the dagger before Yomi told Kaori to not be alarmed and then she stabbed herself. A look of dread came about Kaori's face as she saw Yomi stab herself in the palm. These shinobi in the Leaf Village were all crazy. Yes, the affirmed the fact that they were. Not only do they break other's bones during a trial battle, but they also stabbed themselves in the hand to teach a ten year old about how to fix wounds. She moved her hand up towards Yomi's hand with her body visibly shaking from seeing this happen right before her eyes. There's no way these ninja are normal people. Who would do that to themselves. Holy crap! she thought to herself.

Yomi put her through a scenario, but her eyes just fixated on Yomi's self-inflicted wound and she shook even more. "W-w-w-well, you would f-f-first put your hand over your head so g-g-gravity would slow the flow of blood," she said with a shaky voice. "Th-there are a couple of veins in your wr-wrist. You have to build a tourniquet a-and," she said having issues concentrating on the matter at hand. She took a deep breath to try to compose herself before continuing. "wrap the tourniquet around the wrist. You're going to w-want to do this first because when you remove the d-dagger, the blood will begin to flow," she said as she started to get dizzy from seeing the crazy self-inflicted injury. It was a different matter when one expected this to happen in terms of a job or hunting, but to go about self-harming one's self when the viewer wasn't expecting it made this all the more traumatic.

Kaori wasn't TOO used to treating other's wounds, especially blade wounds, as she is more accustomed to using a blunt weapon like her fist but she had the knowledge of how to clean and cure this wound. "Once you get the blood flow to slow to a crawl or st-stop. You pull out the knife. Once you pull out the knife, you do what you can to disinfect the wound, still holding the hand above the heart. Th-then you wrap up the hand, putting pressure on the wound. Ehhhh, ehhhhh," she said as she felt vertigo start to take over. She paused for a moment and took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. "That should be enough, so PLEASE FIX IT!" Kaori shouted out.​

WC: 623
WC Total: 1699
Apparently, Yomi had a long way to go before she interacted with children on a proper level. She had scared poor Kaori to death, not all how she imagined this to turn out. This lesson appeared to be two-fold, with Yomi serving as the teacher and the pupil. Yomi would not be breaking any fingers today to show the aspiring med-nin how to do a proper splint.

The woman pulled her hand away from Kaori and removed her blade. The woman performed the blessing of coagulation before pulling out the dagger, preventing the blood from spluttering everywhere like this was sort torture p--, gore fest. Yomi went over Kaori’s responses, which, given how scared she was, was decent. Unconsciously her wound began to heal, as they often did without her having to do much of anything. Perks of being a Goddess.

“I did not mean to frighten you.” She began. “I will be more tactful moving forward.” She hoped that she did not scare Kaori from ever coming to see her again, but, she wouldn’t know until this was over.

“It seems you are well versed in that, even more so, you worked through your discomfort and formulated an appropriate thought. As a medical ninja, you may often be faced with many difficult situations in which time is limited or you are out of your element and only a cool head will save you. Your ability to remain this calm has pleased me.” Yomi put her dagger away and used some tissue she pulled from her desk to clean up the blood from her hand and the desk.

“Broken bones are a little trickier to repair especially in the middle of a life or death situation. Fortunately, like there are chakra-based techniques to stop bleeding, there are some that treat broken bones. There isn’t much to say about what you can do to fix them without those techniques beyond stabilizing the fracture until you can get proper medical care.” Yomi used her finger as a visual aid, pretending to break it instead of actually breaking it. It was clear that Kaori was traumatized enough for one day.

“For example, if I broke my finger, I would either hold it straight to prevent further damage or set the bone on a splint. A splint is just a rigid material used to help you keep the set bone and keep it taut. Though when your life is on the line, it may not be feasible for you to do that or it only works for small things like fingers, or maybe even your entire hand.” Yomi eyed the clock on the wall, thinking she might not get to discuss CPR with Kaori today. Maybe it would better to send Kaori to the library on assignment to read up on CPR and come back with what she learned on another day.

“Is there anything you’d like to ask me on what we’ve covered so far or anything in general?”

[WC: 497]
[TWC: 1937]
Kaori and Yomi must have a very different definition of the word 'calm'. As soon as Yomi pulled the blade out, she cured the wound back to normal. As soon as the wound healed up, the color returned to Kaori's face and the feeling of relief washed over her. She swallowed heavily as if to tell the contents of her stomach to reside where it belonged. While she wasn't adverse to seeing blood or anything, she just wasn't in the proper mindset for that kinda stuff. She took a few gentle breaths in and out to calm herself, her nerves, and her digestive system.

The mere mention of broken bones caused her to flinch a bit only for Yomi to respond by simply explaining that there were jutsu for that. A sigh of relief expelled itself from Kaori's mouth and she nodded her head. This gave her a glimmer of hope that the rest of the lesson is going to be more normal and she began focusing on listening to the lecture that Yomi was to give. She took a mental note that there were jutsus to heal excessive bleeding and there were jutsu to fix broken bones. She also listened to how one would fix it without the use of ninjutsu; something simple like stabilizing the fracture or break and seek medical attention.

Then, Yomi said 'for example, if' was when Kaori put her hands up and waved them in front of her face with a shake of her head. It was like she was sending Yomi non-verbals to 'not do that'. However, her fears had melted away as she explained how to stabilize the broken bone. After hearing this, she lowered her hands and simply listened to what Yomi had to say. Kaori swears, if Yomi were to break her fingers in front of her, her lunch would probably find it's way all over Yomi's desk. The sound of the cracking bones didn't settle well with her and due to what she saw earlier, she doesn't think her constitution could take it either.

She then took a mental note on how to make a splint. Rigid material, keep it tight. However, making a splint wasn't exactly feasible when in a life or death situation,
but it was good to know how to create one or even apply one, even if the knowledge she had was just pure medical theory. Then she was asked for questions. "Oh, uh. Yes. Are there, like, any pain-killers that could be given to a person in the event of an emergency too. So, well, they don't squirm around or make too much noise?" she asked in reference to any combat anesthetics, if they even exist. "Oh! Haven't then also created something that you could pour into a wound to make the bleeding stop?" she asked. No idea if quick-clot exists or not in this universe. "Oh, um. What if someone is choking on their own blood?" she asked. She had a LOT of questions but so little time.​

WC: 502
WC Total: 2201
Kaori asked about combat medicine, anesthesia, and the possibility of someone choking on their blood. Yomi would answer her as completely as she could within the time restraints.

“Well as far as combat medicine is concerned we currently do not have any anesthetic that reduces pain. Usually, if the medic is well versed in poisons, like Daisy or to a lesser extent, myself, they would use what is known as Euphorium to help the person relax, thus they will not be as focused on the pain. To stop bleeding, we have what we call Blood Pills, which, heal a little bit of the bleeding. Not to get too technical, but, we have a ranking system when it comes to bleeding. Rank 5, which is the highest, means that you’re bleeding out to a point where death is probably imminent. Taking a Blood Pill will coagulate your blood enough to reduce it to rank 4. We also have things such as Health Pills, that give you a little bit of your vitality back, Antidotes for Poison and other more dangerous drugs that have adverse effects on the body should they be used inappropriately.” Yomi folded her hands on the desk and thought about the last bit.

“Well if someone is choking on their blood, assuming their unconscious, you would have to suction the blood out of their airways and stop the bleeding. In the field, you might not have that, so you must do what you can to keep the person from taking in too much blood.” This was a hard question to answer without going into a lot of depth, but, she gave Kaori her best general response. Eyeing the clock, she knew was going to send Kaori away with a little homework after all.

“I’m afraid our time is up, Tenkawa Kaori. I didn’t get to talk to you about everything that I had set out to, but I’d like you to do some research on your own. There are books at the Academy Library on CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. It is a basic life-saving technique. I’d like you to read up on it and when we met again you can show me what you’ve learned. Thank you for coming to see me.” Yomi didn’t want to send Kaori away, but, with her being the only body here, there was not enough hours in the day to get all that she needed to do, done.

[WC: 406]
[TWC: 2,343]
The next time she comes to this kind of training, she needs to bring along a notepad and a pen so she could write all this down. However, due to her current circumstances, she had issues with that. Either way, she took a mental note of all of the medical items she could use in an emergency situation. Blood pills for bleeding, splits for broken bones, some poisons to treat the pain such as the aforementioned 'Euphorium', health pills to recover vitality, and antidotes to cure some drugs and poisoning. This was a lot for her to take in, but she repeated everything in an abbreviated manner to herself so she could commit it to memory. There were also various stages of bleeding that she had to take into account. Not only can someone just trickle out a little bit of blood, but the victim could also gush out blood, which the medical term would be 'rank 5 bleeding'.
This was all good information to know.

Then she was told on how to clear out internal bleeding in the event that someone starts to choke on their own blood. The obvious answer would be to siphon out the blood from their airway and then help them seek medical attention. However, with the conclusion of that question, her time here was up. It was a short lesson, a traumatic lesson, that gave her a lot of information to digest. And, like that, she was given homework on how to perform CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation. She nodded her head and stood up, bowed to Yomi and waved to her. "Alrighty, Yomi! Thanks for teaching me this stuff. I'll go to the library now. Seeya!" she said as she turned around, opened the door and poked her head out cautiously before zipping out of the office, closing the door gently behind her.​

WC: 306
WC Total: 2507

[Topic Left]
[Thanks! I'll turn this in for us]

Current Ninpocho Time:
