Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Enclosure (Gate Building)

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The gate that would encircle Sungakure seemed to be at points a mixture of modern art, a brooding and angry mind, and someone who very much liked history. The materials that formed the gate were greatly varied and corresponded accordingly to the feelings of the creator. The gate depicted various histories. There was the image of Primus ramming a sword through the face of Fuujin and a fallen Homura on the floor. Other images on the gate showcased the death of Barnyx, but with thousands of corpses lying amongst the dead creature. Some images depicted the golden age of the Sunahoshi and their triumphs, receiving power from Mother Suna. There were images of numerous victories over foes, and their great progresses to society. It would seem that the creator of the gate seemed obsessive in displaying their heroic victories cast in what seemed to be gold (for it was gold in appearance but not gold in material). Yet the creator would show his own victories, most of them were cast in a very darkened silver, and at other points black. The creator could in fact be seen as he worked on such a piece. The image of Magentica being sliced into with a great axe that sparked of lightning. Sousuke was using his skillset with metals to readjust the image. Almost every single panel that had something to do with the current history was cast in Ebonite.

Sousuke would lower himself from the great heights he was working from. He would take a great deal of steps back. He would focus his palm and blast the wall. Like with the other panels too, this one served to be durable. He looked to his right. His mood greatly drifted from feeling quite miserable to feeling quite proud of a family that was never his. The next panel was going to be cast in silver. Sousuke thought next of showing the sigils of the Orders and how they would return to Sungakure. Yes, there was a jump in time, but he was feeling less horrible about himself now. He would look back a few panels, and there would be seen cast in Silver and Bronze the first fall of Magnetica. Mikaboshi was present in the image as he was depicted in metals and robes preventing one of Magentica's attacks from destroying the village. He looked further down the side of the wall again. "I wonder what Roku would think if I had ... no he didn't have his lovely locks then, I'll have to use Ivoritium for that image."<i></i> He spoke out loud. He would return to the current phase of the wall he was working on and he would finish the wall. He placed his hands onto the ground and called upon vines of iron to tear up from the ground and turn into a briar thorn pattern which would form the boarder of the panel depicting Magentica's final defeat.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Haru walked silently, his hand reflexively going over his now smooth face. Heh...he forgot how a face could feel lighter a shave...probably one could see it as od he didn’t simply shave during his leave, having the tools for it, or being able to use his skills to do it without them. But it did help conceal his identity when he was away...and to be honest at times he was so focused on other things he kept forgetting. It felt a bit strange to do it...but he was quite glad. His face felt a lot cooler...well, as much as it could in the desert. And here he was distracting himself with random thoughts...trying to get over the anxiety of meeting Sousuke.

They did meet when fighting of Barynyx, but it was crowded, and the situation was a bit dire. And now...well, it would be a more calm cha between two friends. one of which was missing from his home for much too long. He wonder just how inquisitive his friend would be...he did have a lot to talk about...and a lot he wanted to not speak of. Just yet at least. Still, he was looking forward to the talk least partially.

It didn’t take long until he reached the gat. Quite a piece of work...quite literary. The structure was impressive in size and mass, and the half sculpting upon it, showing the feats of past in the village. Quite a magnificent view...a shame many would feel that lately the failures overshadowed the triumphs...though it was hard to say that truly, in his eyes at least, given they were still standing. Still wobbly perhaps...but standing nonetheless. He saw Sousuke lower himself down, seemingly after working on preparing a illustration of the battle with Magnetica. That was a...bizarre encounter to be sure. As Sousuke created another segment of the wall he said to him "I didn’t think id rub off on you in this way...though I have to say, your creations are quite the thing to marvel at" in a soft tone, having a weary smile. After all, he still couldn’t quite say just how Sousuke would react to seeing him when they were alone.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sometimes there were those moments when one had truly thought they had lost their mind. This was one of those moments. Considering everything that had happened to him, Sousuke did not respond to his older friend and companion. Instead he pinched himself with his metallic hand. He looked at himself seeing his skin redden for a moment. He would stop it and simply stare. He would then reach out with his flesh hand and poke at Harupia several times. Sousuke seemed to express genuine shock, which was evidenced by his brows lifting ever so slightly. "This is real."<i></i> He finally said out loud after a few more moments of silence. Sousuke would slap himself across the face with his metallic hand. "Yes. This is very real."<i></i> He would say again. Sousuke chewed on his lower lip. This was one of those moments. A very strange one indeed.

His eyes seemed to gloss over for a moment. It seemed like Sousuke's face was about to crack. He held such a tight control over his emotions. "You're not going to tell me why you left, or where you went, or what happened. That much I can figure out."<i></i> He stated out loud. "People just tend to fade away from what I've noticed in life. Not a good-bye, farewell, or anything much. They just recede into darkness of space. Not the space above us, no I'm referring to the space between spaces."<i></i> He hesitated. "Eventually we get to the point of memories just fading away and dying. One grasps at them so tightly and harshly that it dies right before their very eyes because one merely then realizes they've choked the life out of it. We return to a more primordial ... state of chaos and violence. One attempts to override that with a narrative of sorts and it destroys what there previously was."<i></i> It seemed that pessimistic viewpoint was just coming out of Sousuke. While he was happy to see Harupia, it just bothered him that everything just seemed to recede into a dark state of oblivion and somehow out of cruelness or kindness it just crawled back into existence as if to taunt him.

He turned and looked back at the wall, "I'm just trying to keep it altogether. The history of Sungakure. We're going to ride this out into a state of nothingness. None of my victories are as bright or clear as that of the Sunahoshi. There is no absolution, it's all jaded. I let the Cabal live, and for what? To teach them the error of their ways? Katio gave us back the surface, but he's still a mass murderer who didn't understand our position or our problem as to why we went underground. He's in a hospital probably dying from smoking too much. Shouki while defeated for a time is alive. Urufuu is dead and not even rotting in the ground. Fuu is some form of dead. Naganisa is rotting in some apartment heartbroken. There was one other who escaped, and is projected to be dead. His family ransomed against him, so he would act against us."<i></i> Sousuke's gaze at the wall turned into a glare. "I guess by this point you're wondering how I got this pessimistic? It's annoying. To not change, and everything else around you changes so quickly."<i></i> He held out his hands and called onto a new element. Iron roots began to tear out of the ground and began to merge with the next wall. Strengthening it.

"Ignoring everything else I've said and feeling slightly bitter about being abandoned by several people who I love and cared about, yes I would indeed think some aspect of you has rubbed off one me. For the better one would think."<i></i> Sousuke would weakly smile.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Heh…it seemed Sousuke didn’t quite notice him in the Wyrm fight…it was a chaotic affair to be sure…turns out he could have spent some more time hiding away and maybe do the whole reveal on less…shaky terms. Ahh well…just his luck he supposed.

And seeing his friend watch him, realizing he was actually there, and seeing his face…his metallic hand slapping over it…it made him feel even worse about the situation.. And then listening to him talk…about the losses he had…people leaving suddenly…Sousuke always seemed a bit…flat emotionally, but it never seemed like he was this nihilistic…with everything that has happened in the village he couldn’t quite blame him.

Was this caused by him? Well, of course partially…he was his friend, and he felt him, when he was needed…when the village needed him. And for what? He wanted to be able to help more…but what if this all turns out to… Sousuke couldn’t see what happened on Haru’s face as he turned around. Inside there was a storm raging…a conflict which was happening for quite a bit. He just realized now that maybe what he was feeling wasn’t relegated only to him. He too often though about how seemingly pointless all the actions were… Anytime they defeated the enemy, something else popped up…something else happened, someone vanished…

As Sousuke stopped talking, Haru stepped forward and turned him around. The stern Glare of the Kage was met with a glazed eyes, slightly wet under the eyes face Sunaku with a determined expression. After a few moments Haru…Pulled Sousuke closer, warping his arm around his shoulder. The Kage and the Sunaku heir…hugging out in a building site…how scandalous.

Still holding on Haru said in a teary voice “I’m sorry…so, so sorry…for everything. Mostly for myself, because I’m only responsible for my actions…but for all of this…all the shit that has been happening…all the loss…all the god damn idiots we needed to face, all the doubt casted on you…I know how you have to feel…I’ve had similar thoughts ever since the Djinn appeared…this constant struggle, the thought that you actions don’t mean anything, that whatever you do is pointless…but we can’t think like that Sousuke…”

He pulled back, looking him straight in the eyes, his own glazed over still saying “The village is still standing. Your alive, I’m alive. A new generation of Shinobi is flourishing, the village is rebuilding. So we have some old enemies and some new ones. Well take them down. You say the Sunahoshi did it better, well I say the Sunahoshi didn’t have to deal with anything compared to what we’re having now. You say nothing changes, and I may have bene gone so long because I was afraid I could change nothing…but we’ve just managed to lay waste to an ancient evil just like the legends before us did. We can do this. We must do this. Things keep changing, but I’ll do my best to make sure that the changes to come will be dictated by us, not forced on us!”

After that, he took a few deep breaths before saying "Sorry for the…erm…hug there. I kind of needed it…and I don’t think it would have hurt you much, hehe. Again, I’m sorry for all this…and I’d gladly tell you why I was lone for so long fi I knew exactly myself…but I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere. And I’ll make damn sure whatever is in Suna’s way will be the thing to go” he concluded, wiping his face a bit. He was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying his friend. But deep, down, he did believe they could do this. Bouts of doubt and depression be damned.

Mft, Wc= 617

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Perhaps Sousuke needed a hug most of all, and that is what he got. There was an expression of confusion on his face. "Uhm..."<i></i> Sousuke was at a pause for words. Harupia spoke to him, like a friend who consoled another during a death of sorts. There was comfort in the way he spoke, and Sousuke fell silent again. He just listened to his senior and old friend speak to him. Harupia was indeed the older one, by a few years. There had always been a respect between the two of them, and that was not just between the two of them but their fathers as well. Sousuke curiously and hesitantly would raise his hands and give Harupia a solid pat on the back, not with the metallic hand but with the flesh hand. He would let "That was ... perhaps a bit too harsh of me to say what I said."<i></i> He hesitated for a moment, "This is why I don't see a psychiatrist to rant or 'give release' as such. Truthfully ... that is just the tip of the ice berg ... whatever an iceberg is. I've been told they're very large ice ... blocks that float in the water."<i></i> Sousuke wasn't certain he would ever see an iceberg in his life. Maybe Katuso had in his travels.

Sousuke would point to one of the scenes he was going to work on down the road. "When the Cabal invasion came to its conclusion, a Sunahoshi was present Haru."<i></i> He didn't know if his companion knew. It was common knowledge for some, and hidden for others. The problem being now that Mikaboshi had possessed Katuso, and had done some ... difficult things like setting Project Rebirth on fire. Sousuke was still mum about that. He would not tarnish Katsuo's good name. He was keeping Katuso in the light, that was because Katuso was very much the light. Sousuke's reign was very much in the night of things. "... I haven't gotten to that part of the wall just yet."<i></i> He added. His mood was still sullen. "This wall isn't going to build itself. I've got the Dojo inside of the wall. I er ... was trying out some new things."<i></i> Sousuke explained to Harupia as he turned back to the wall. "I've been working with a few new elements lately... that being said would you ... like to bring some of your quality art to the wall? I'm certain you have not lost your artistic talent?"<i></i> Forward. Onward and upward. He would point back over to the Magnetica wall. "Even you are present on the wall. Although I ... think I could have done better about your hair."<i></i>

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Haru couldn’t help but feel a bit of relief as he felt the hand on his back, and Sosoukes words. He was worried for a moment there…but luckily it seemed that he wasn’t all gone. It was a long time since he saw him…as scary of a thought it was, he could imagine a lot happening to his mind. But it seemed he was still his good friend Sousuke. Perhaps wounded on body and mind, but still there. He could relate to the feeling. As Sousuke spoke Haru chuckled saying "Well, talking about what’s on your mind does help sometimes. Perhaps you don’t need to necessary pay for it”

The comment about icebergs made him think a bit before saying “I did read about that…perhaps one day, when things calm down, we could try and travel to some spot which has them…” Now that would be something…a time where the village isn’t in immediate danger. Even if not for simple travels sake, then perhaps to assist Mist in their struggles…something good to think about.

Sousuke mentioned a Sunahoshi that appeared…before mentioning the unfinished work on the wall. He approached the spot Sousuke was by saying *Well hair can be a bit tricky to pin down, especially with me not keeping it short…but otherwise you did quite a good job here. Though I would love to help you out a bit..” he said with a bit of glee in his voice as he stepped closer and let his fingers glide over the structure of the wall, trying to feel just what it was made of. As he did so, he also asked “Soo…that Sunahoshi. I assume you mean at the Eye of the Storm? When you stopped the Maelstrom?! What the hell happened there? What was causing that whole mess sin the first place?!”

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The prospect of travel was something that Sousuke would never thought of. He had never been out of Wind Country. Ever. He had always been in Sungakure, Soon's Sanctuary, and various parts of Wind Country. Most of those were combat missions. He had heard of, read about, and had seen pictures of the other nations. Did he ever expect to get out of Wind Country? No. He half expected the country or the village to be set on fire. Sousuke's expression seemed to grow hopeful for a moment. Perhaps someday. Not today, not tomorrow, or this month. Perhaps not even in this decade or the next. "I do not things will never calm down. We are ... well when was the last time things ever calmed down. We're constantly fighting something, if not ourselves, people in this country, or ... I mean to say ... yes that would be very nice, but I do not think it is doable sadly."<i></i>

"There was one at the eye of the storm. A mystery for some time, but ... now that part has been unraveled. There were two Sunahoshi. The first being the one who maintained the storm that had caused us problems for decades. That Sunahoshi is no more. He was defeated and then faded into nothing. We would later come to learn that Sunahoshi, most likely Daisuke brother to Hiro."<i></i> Sousuke explained to the Sunaku. He would motion to the Sand, "The other Sunahoshi would be Katuso. The last Sunahoshi as it stands right now."<i></i> Sousuke seemed to be having problems with talking about Katuso. Katuso was ultimately his cousin, but also because of the predicament that Katuso was in. The fact he too was dead, and his body being used by Mikaboshi. It frustrated Sousuke really. Mikaboshi had his reasons, yes, he was indeed wronged by man and he had been wronged by Sousuke himself. Yet ... there had been and would always be a lack of understanding. He truly doubted that Mikaboshi ever really understood things, as Sousuke had never really been one to pull the leash. Only once, and in that he did not know the full extent of it. All the same Mikaboshi had been killing 'Shiori' but ... but nothing he should have let him do so. Things today would have been very different, if he had done as he had. "Technically it was a Sunahoshi besting another Sunahoshi. His name is ... was Katuso. He always the one who brokered the peace with the Cabal. He is why ... some of them are still alive. A very unpopular decision, several of my nobles at court were wondering why we had not put them to death, but due to Katio we learned where the eye of the storm was. Katuso was the one who had dealt the final blow and put an end to the storm. I ... I was there yes. I fought a sandworm, lost my arm to one ... and more or less tried to protect the group with us from the storm."<i></i>

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
„Well, to be fair, its only in the last...3 years that things got as wild as they did now. Sure, there was trouble here and there but nothing on this scale. It'll probably take time to weed out all of the remnants of the Cabal chaos, or however the hell they call themselves now, and to rebuild the village… but some people didn't believe we’d ever see the sunlight again. It might take a while...but at least it'll be something to look forward to right?” He said with a grin while adding „Though after my last trip I think Ill be quite good staying matter what will be going on” he added in a more somber tone. He really didn't bring much back home from his absence...well, at least nothing to show out right

As Sousuke spoke about the Maelstrom and what happened there Haru kept watching he wall, using his innate abilities and sense to examine it closer. A mix of mineral, only the strongest materials that could be found in the country. And yet so malleable...though it was mostly down to the talent of the man here. Upon closer inspection, he couldn't help but adjust his own hair a little bit...seemed a bit to tame for his taste.

As Sousuke spoke on Harupia remained quiet, taking in all that was said. After a sigh he said “I see...this Katsuo must be quite the man, not only saving our village, but also managing to convince you to leave those people alive...At least we got rid of Shouki before that happened. So where is he? I don't think I never got to meet him after things calmed down...and it seems I've wasted the peaceful time in the village to get into another mess. So this is the second wave of the cabal? Or did they come up with some other creative name this time? The Redeemers? The Sinister six? Whatever color of Lotus they thought was cool at the time? Ohh, the Reckoning, that sounds like a good name for some band of revolutionaries who want to fix the world by burning it huh?!” he half shouted slamming his fist into an unoccupied space on the wall yet...Sighing he said “Just where are those of the Cabal who remain left? I imagine the Black Palace might not be fully operational yet huh?

Mft, WC= 393

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"I disagree with you. Time has always been ... complex. At the height of our power many years ago we defeated the Djinn. We then faced Magentica as she invaded us, certainly we were at the height of our power at that time too ... then we had faced the Cabal too. Barnyx even."<i></i> Sousuke would give Harupia a moment to collect the memories he needed, "Are we getting stronger? These events are pushing us more and more. Pushing our limits further."<i></i> Each of these times they were tested, and Sungakure endured. It was a slightly encouraging thought. Surviving the trials and tribulations, living through them, only made one stronger. There was of course those who would always be naturally stronger due to the order of things. The Sunahoshi were a prime example of this. Even when Mother Suna tried to make them weaker, she ... did make them powerful in a different regard. "Time is something strange. We seek for it to past by quicker. Sometimes we seek to spend it with others. Then we come to abhor it."<i></i>

"Shouki is... well... he survived being devoured by Gambunta."<i></i> Sousuke would disclose, but he wasn't done yet he would continue, but not before Harupia going through a series of names for the bad guys. While Sousuke did not actually laugh, he did form a smirk on his face. "The Sovereign Academy."<i></i> He would answer lowly. It would seem that Harupia wasn't really meaning to be joking he was ... actually angry. He would actually hit the wall. He had never really since Harupia actually hit something before, well not using his actual fist. He was using his sand. He did manage to ask a question about it. "I premise this answer, with Katuso made a deal. Kaito and Naganisa are Sunan residents, but both are ... in different places. Their leader, Katio had recently been hit hard by one of the Sovereign. He is recovering in hospital. Unfortunately motivating the staff to fully heal him, and properly is difficult considering ... his past. I ... will admit he is wise in some regard in giving me a direction of sorts to work with."<i></i> Sousuke would not actually answer where Naganisa went. Harupia didn't need to know about the woman and her ... strange manners, or the fact she was engaging in sexual practices with Katuso. It was something he never could understand the whys or the hows of it.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Clicking his tongue Harupia said "True...but before the Djinn happened things were a lot calmer. Though I guess it was just kind of in a state of simmering discontent, with us being underground and all. Turned out a lot of fo people back in Suna also blamed us for that...and the people outside of it. Everyone keeps blaming us for bad things happening...and always come to us to fix those bad things...And yeah, time is strange. I think it mostly because however much we try we can't really control it...and no one seems to like lacking control, heh. I probably would be nice to at least control how we spend the time. I wouldn't mind spending it with my close ones...and not have to worry when the next crazy psychopath decides to interrupt" he said with a slightly crooked smile.

Speaking of which, the topic of Shouki came up...who apparently was not dead. How could one survive being devoured? He wasn't sure, nor did he care that much. He knew that the was alive, and he'd probably meet him...and hopefully by then he'd know a way to get rid of him...for good. He couldn't help but laugh as Sosouke spoke about the name the group attacking them now "The Sovereign Academy huh? A whole school made just to try and destroy our village. So was the Cabal their finest students, and they're sending another batch? Or is it the academic brass coming to try and teach us a lesson and end up failing like their predecessors?!".

After a moment as Sosuke explained the fates of the other Cabal members, he took some calming breaths. He knew he probably was acting not like imslef...its been a while since he truly felt like himself. The circumstances were not the best for that for sure. And this information was...surprising to say the least. With a sigh, he said "Katsuo sounds like a slightly wiser man than me if he could see some use in Kaito...I'd be glad to try and meet them both.And what of the women? Has she been captured by her former friends? Ehh..t.hinkin about all this is making my head hurt. I'm sorry for all..this. I didn't mean to assault our wall I assure you. It's just...I feel bad enough for vanishing for so long. This ain't making me feel better. I think what might help is if you share some plans about the wall...Id is glad to help, just need to know where to start" he finished, smiling in a more bright manner.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would clarify some additional things for Harupia. "No, the Cabal were treasure hunters. Some of them had relationships between each others, but they were for the most part mutually interested in the destruction of Sungakure."<i></i> He explained. There was more to it than that, "Shouki is the General of the Sovereign Academy, but he was also a member of the Cabal. His father was the reason why the Diamond Maelstrom came to be. His Sovereign Academy has been a joint effort between himself and another."<i></i> Sousuke would add in his explanation. Harupia had been present in the battle against Shouki. He knew what he was up against, and to know what was next to come? Well. Harupia deserved to have that knowledge.

"Katuso is a wise man. His decision to keep the remaining Cabal alive was ... unpopular and still is unpopular ... I will stand with his decision to do so."<i></i> As for the women of the Cabal? He did not really keep up with Naganisa. She wanted to merely have sex with Katuso constantly and make a mess of the things in his house. It was something he wanted to talk to Katuso about, but he would not get a chance to do so, given Katuso's fate. "As for the women? Well, I've not really kept tabs on them. The female gender is a difficult thing to understand and ... maintain."<i></i> That was perhaps the best answer he could give him.

Back to the wall. Sousuke would at his work so far. "We have a long history here. I wanted those who come to us to see that... and that history still has a long way to go."<i></i> Sousuke explained.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia nodded his head as Sosuke explained more of the situation *So, for now, we were dealing with mercenaries who had a grudge against us for whatever god damn reason, and now apparently there is a threat of an army lead by a guy who survived being eaten by a Giant toad... Oh boy," he sighed in exasperation. It is just getting better and better each time doesn't it. As he spoke about Katsuo convinced him that keeping the Cabal members alive.

After a bit, he said "This Katsuo sounds like a really interesting person... And if we have an academy led by that psychopath to worry about, I assume I'll get a chance to meet him sooner than later" he concluded. Him vanishing for so long was probably one of his worst ideas... he could only hope to try to reinsert himself into the good fight would help amend that. After a moment he said "Heh, I do know something about it. By the way, how is Yume doing? I didn't quite get to meet her in the hospital before" he asked, genuinely curious...not really assuming what kind of can of worms he might have been opening there...

Looking at the wall after Sosuke replied he said "Can't argue with that...I see you got a lot of the points down already...though I see you're just reaching the less glamorous part. At least we managed to stop that Magnetic chick...did she escape when the cabal busted the Obsidian Palace?" he asked as he looked at the wall, trying to think how to spruce the whole display up.

Mft, Wc=267

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke would shrug. Harupia got it for the most part. "...If Shouki was born inside of wedlock he would be considered a prince, and the prince of Soragakure."<i></i> It was something that he felt Harupia could know. Sousuke was, if anything, thankful that Susumu was indeed born in wedlock.

The conversation would turn to Yume which made Sousuke ... react in a way that Harupia would perhaps would not see. Sousuke would openly frown. He sighed, "Yume is ... well, I was living with her for a bit. Things were good. Really good for a time actually."<i></i> His frown deepened. "We're ... sort of having an off moment right now. I told her ... I loved her but ... I didn't want to endanger her because of the situation we're in."<i></i> He explained. Sousuke sighed. "I received a bit of advice. Being a noble ... I should marry for my country's benefit. I get it of course. Treaties, and allies are important."<i></i> Sousuke's life was a strange thing. He was loved by an Ancient who killed and ate the souls of his relatives. He was damaged in more ways than one - physically and spiritually. He was a man betrayed multiple times by multiple events. Yet he endured. Was he happy about it? Not really. It was frustrating. It all came down to him really. Sousuke had to simply push through it.

"She was released, but she is very dead now. I watched her rot and decay into nothingness. I watched the metal that consisted of her flesh melt and decay. It was a long and cruel deal. Not by my hands, but she was destroyed ultimately by the Red Death. A form of it at the very least."<i></i> Sousuke explained to his friend. Sousuke didn't look very enthusiastic when this was being explained, if anything he seemed either more depressed, or concerned about it as a whole.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Haru blinked at the last comment about Shouki before saying "I'm sure he would be a blast to have a formal gathering with Soragakure" trying to lighten the mood a bit. Something he needed to push for a bit more seemingly as he saw Sosuke actually frown as he mentioned Yume. As he listened, his own face turned to a frown of his own, before he saying "Leaving a dangerous life is kind of the default given our choice of lifestyle. As for that whole marriage schtick, don't worry I've been getting it for about 20 years now, if not longer. Though I'd say that more of a topic we should talk over a drink..." he said half-jokingly. Of course, Haru couldn't really know what was troubling his friend, at least not fully. he could only imagine the pressure he was feeling given his role and everything that was going on...a familiar feeling for sure, but he could imagine being the leader o f the village for the foreseeable future put, even more, pressure on him from all angles. He knew just how much that pressure could influence someone's made the last year of his quite miserable.

And he definitely needed to change the topic from him describing just how gruesome their enemies died "Aaaalllrighty then...glad I didn't catch that one. Speaking of which, is the issue with the whole...well, ancient sand worm spreading deadly disease an issue? I mean...I'm more asking how big of an issue it is, seeing as far as I can see it mostly calm in the village at the big you think we should make the wyrm her?" he mused, turning his attention back to the wall "And, just what kind of help do you need here. I assume you didn't call me here just for my artistic eye, hmm?"

MFT, WC= 322

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
His suspicions were true, but it would seem they would arrange for a meeting at a different time as Haru received a call from his father to meet with him via his headset. So they would arrange to meet again soon...perhaps over some food this time?


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
