Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private End of the Line [Private|Chiyoko]


May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Explosions overhead. Screams of the innocent getting swept up into a conflict that was meant to be far more subtle. The smell of blood, death, and burning wafting through the air. All of it stung his senses in a way Uzu hadn’t felt in a very long time. Two longswords were strapped to his back made during an ancient time when gods and dragons were at war with each other. One made from a mysterious metal he was never able to fully ascertain, and the other crafted from basic steel folded in a method long lost to mankind. He could feel their weight and the hum of raw power that pulsed into his body as he stalked through the streets in search of his final target. The wakizashi that sat below the small of his back on his belt, held in a horizontal position for easy drawing, felt timid compared to the monsters above; despite the fact it was made from the strongest steel currently known to man.

Toushin’s golden eyes scanned the streets for injured as he moved forward despite keeping to the shadows. Every now and again he’d run across someone in distress - a child trapped by rubble, a woman with a broken leg, a dog barking at a burning building as screams from its family echoed out onto the street. He stopped by each one, permitting himself a few acts of kindness to the citizens he had sworn to protect, even if it was entirely out of character for the Uzu. At least, it was supposed to be. Training to earn the highest honor of his clan meant mission first, others second. However, with his ascension into a far greater clan - the Sunagakure Military - he had began to bend his own self rules to permit a much kinder leader of the ANBU. He didn’t do it for fame, or the warm fuzzies his future son-in-law so enjoyed, but because it was simply his duty to protect who he could, when he could; so long as they were of his new order. Of course, these little tasks were also simple so he also couldn’t find a reason not to help.

As he neared the Diamond District where his target hid the assassin quickly noted the new extensive security. The Network had given him a quick rundown on their more recent upgrades: a stack full of Wei’s own guards, mechanical surveillance using stolen technology from another country, and a specialized barrier that prevented immediate entry. Uzu was thankful he had manged to get information on that last bit, as he could not see even a hint of that barrier. It was said to be able to stop a man’s heart the moment he crossed the threshold without a specialized seal marked on them. That didn’t mean it was impossible to get pass, though. Drawing one of the two Ryuu swords on his back, he threw it towards the barrier with a grace that defied physics. No sword should be able to fly through the air like a hurled dagger and yet, the blade pierced perfectly into the air, striking the invisible barrier. It hung in the air for a moment before a flickering light of the barrier dying out caused it to drop down.

Flipping hilt over blade it quickly dropped towards gravity’s pull, and before it could crash against ground the assassin reclaimed his blade as he charged the gates. A black mask with golden stripes across the front like claw marks guised the captain’s face. It was a mask he wore rarely, and one that made him immediately indistinguishable from any other secret soldier. Four guards rushed to meet the advance of what appeared to be a rogue shinobi. Chakra quickly shot to his legs, propelling him into the pack, a hand on the blade he had caught, and a hand on the shorter blade at his waist. In an instant he drew the second, and cut all four guards down with obscene precision. The Ryuu’s weapon bisected one, his shorter blade slicing the neck of another. He twisted his body and leapt, turning his body horizontal with the ground to dodge past the blades of two scimitars. Uzu’s longsword and blade were re-sheathed, and his hand moved down to the second longsword. He drew it and the short blade again, flipping his body as he did so to land on his feet to a skidding stop as they cut through the last two guard’s spines. Flicking his wrists flung the blood away from the weapons seemingly coated in an oil that kept them lifeblood from clinging to the steel. Sheathing the weapons once more he slowly walked towards the pooling red from the slain opponents and knelt down to draw it up into a special needle, and capped it. Then, like a ghost, he slowly faded away from vision as he activated the Camouflage technique.

With temporary invisibility the assassin moved into the back corners of the Diamond District until he found a bakery shop unmanned due to the ongoing conflict. Toushin broke down the backdoor with a kick and slipped inside before settling down in the large oven where multiple loves would be baked and closing the door. Utter darkness surrounded him, giving enough comfort to undo the camo that aided temporary protection from sight. Withdrawing the capped needle, he exposed the point and jabbed it into his neck before pushing the plunger. His black blood quickly attacked the invading blood, pulling apart the cells within until nothing was left but latent chakra from his victims. The chakra he melded into his own circuit before forming six handseals to activate the Uzumoreru Ninjutsu that changed his genetic makeup to take on the form of one of the guards he had slain. This would make it slightly easier to move around.

Once the utter pain of turning into another person subsided, he slinked out of the bread shop and back into the back alley. He removed his ANBU mask, hid it in his clothing, and walked out of the street and back into the main area where a number of nobles were preparing to leave Suna.

Hey! You there, guard!” one of them cried out, trying to catch his attention, “Help me with this bag!” Not missing a beat the disguised assassin quickly moved up to the man and helped him lift the rather heavy luggage onto the cart.
Ah, thank you. Shame I have to do this myself with all of my servants barred from entry to the district…but, shouldn’t you be at the gates? What’s with that get up too?
I’m on loan from Wei,” Toushin replied with a voice not his own, and the noble simply nodded, accepting the lie without question. Wei’s loaned guards did not guard gates.
Good, good…we need all we can get here. With the Toraono clan pulling a coup who knows how it’ll shake out for the Old Blood. Soon as my personal bodyguards find an opening, we’re leaving. Thankfully I have a vacation home in Sora so I ain’t losing a lot but…well, it’s hard leaving the home you grew up in.
Can’t say I relate, ser,” Uzu replied with frank honesty, “I came from what remains of a village ravaged by Nomads on the Wind Country’s border and it happened when I was little. Wandering is all I’ve ever known.
Shame, a man should have somewhere to call home. I don’t recommend Sunagakure though. This place has been such a mess since…well, since your boss took over. No offense.
Non taken, I’m not beholden. He pays good, that’s all I care for.
Ah! A man after my own heart! Well, tell you what…” the noble reached into his shirt to pull out a pouch full of golden coins stamped with not Suna’s mark, but Soon’s. He tossed it at the disguised assassin who caught it deftly, “Take that for your trouble, but do me a favor in the future - if you find yourself in Sora, look up the Yokitaki family name. I’d be happy to pay for an honest bodyguard and, I pay handsomely.”
Ah! I appreciate it,” Toushin replied after taking a quick peak inside of the back to see the man was true to his word, “though I do have a quick question.
I’m currently supposed to be guarding the Rangakou household, as they plan to stick around to merit off the village once the carnage is over. You have any advice?
Ugh, the Rangakou…yes, quit while you’re ahead. Utter traitorous basta-, I mean…not very good people. Aside from the rumors about their hands in the Black Market underneath us they aren’t exactly beloved by the other Old Bloods.
…why? You don’t have to answer,” he quickly added when his newfound noble buddy scrunched his face.
No, no…you’ve honestly helped a man in need so let me return the favor to a mercenary who might not know our ways. I can’t speak for certain, but…there’s rumors they’ve been in bed with the Twins who took over Soon. Even blacker rumors that they were the family that allowed, the Twins to find a foothold in the country in the first place after their uncle died.” Toushin nodded along, already aware of this information so far. It was why he was here. “Also…there’s talk among the servants that the current head, Itsomoto is…into some really dark things. Collecting bits of people as trophies that are never displayed. Hearts, in particular.” The noble shuddered, “Ah! There is my people now! Good luck on your duties and I hope to see you after all this mess is over!
Honestly I hope the same,” Toushin replied before shaking the noble’s hand and moving on deeper into the district.

A Revenant. He was facing, a Revenant. A tight feeling in the pit of his stomach unnerved the assassin as he headed towards the large house marked for him as the target’s home. It was a terrible and black jutsu this Itsomoto was supposedly practicing. Either on themselves or another, it was a bad sign for his mission as Revenants were notoriously hard to kill. Each death delivered upon their bodies would destroy not them, but a single heart they had stored inside of their body. On top of that their muscle tissue was alive, tendril like and weaponized to both attack and defend at a range to keep melee fighters such as himself at bay. Uzu clenched his jaw realizing he would need to drop his disguise to give himself a fuller access to his own library of Uzumoreru Blood Ninjutsu; otherwise the odds were set beyond what he would normally try.

The house loomed over him. Black marble trimmed in white gold, the entire gaudy home seemed less like a place to live and more like a place to display wealth. He walked past it, and back into the secretive allies around it, making a few rounds to note where those cameras were. He was stopped a couple of times by the local guards but his lie of being on loan cleared him every time with tremendous luck. Noting that there was only one real weakspot in the houses’ defense, and that was guarded with camera, Toushin sighed in frustration. Reaching into his clothes he donned the mask once more, undid his clan’s justu to return to his natural state, and reached into a pouch on his belt. Within was a vial of his blood, already drawn and ready to go. He threw it at the one camera, exploding on impact to remove it. His body dashed forward, vaulted the wrought iron fence, and exploded into the back door.

He was met with no less than twenty guards.

In a flash three of them were dropped by his speed, talent, and weapons. The other seventeen did not go as easily. In a battle of flashing steel and flying limbs the assassin tore through the other men, taking a wound for each guard he managed to lay low but continued to press on until he and three guards were all that remained. Standing in a living area turned battlefield the four men circled around as the masked assassin bled freely from his wounds. His sight was blurring as blood loss was quickly becoming an issue; but that was actually to his advantage. The strongest of his clan’s techniques required the user to be wounded, and for him to ingest the blood of his targets. Problem being he was saving that technique for the harder to kill target above him and the three guards slowly starting to corner Uzu had manged to not take any wounds besides. The pressed him until his back hit a wall, two of them suddenly leaping forward with perfect timing. He parried the first weapon, and countered by beheading one of them but their technique made the other attack impossible to dodge. Steel plunged itself into his stomach, pinning him to the wall. He vomited blood that filled his belly, dripping out of the mask and onto his clothing to deepen their soak with his lifeforce. The moment he had been pinned the last two guards moved to end him, but were stopped by the voice of the noble he had come to hunt.

Stop! I have need of this one to remain alive!
Ser, he just killed most of your men! I insist we end him while we still have the chance, there’s no telling what tricks he has left!
You question me, servant?” The guard speaking against the Old Blood balked suddenly and stepped away quickly. It was clear Itsomoto had a reign on these men that went beyond duty.
Ah, so close. I will say when I heard the mess downstairs after receiving news the guards out front had been laid low, I knew the ANBU had finally stumbled upon my deeds. Lets see who this is, shall we?” Toushin tried to move, but realized a little too late that the blade piercing him to the wall had drained more blood than he could function without. The black mask was lifted off of his face.
Oh-ho! Why, boys they sent a captain! Uzumoreru Toushin, last of his clan…famed assassin and self titled “Assassin King,” a pleasure to meet you.” Itsomoto’s hand suddenly crashed into his chest, gripping the ANBU captain’s heart, “I’ll be taking this. Hope you don’t mind.

Approaching the safe house Chiyo had turned into her temporary home, she felt the brush of feathers against her cheek and claws gripping her clavicle. Her feet didn’t falter, but her heart skipped a beat recognizing the black crow on her shoulder as belonging to one of her direct reports. There were only a handful of reasons she would be hearing from the man, and none of them were good. Entering the small shack at a run, she listened to the voice of Machida Ryo distorted by the screech of the bird it emanated from.

“Your old man just entered the Diamond District. I monitored him a while and it looks like he’s heading for the Rangakou manse…”

The look of concentration on the petite woman’s face dropped to one of sheer dread in a split second. ”Shit! Pull your surveillance back, we don’t need to draw more attention than necessary. I’m on my way.” Claws dug deeper into her shoulder as the bird lifted away and flew out the still open front door. Meanwhile, she stripped out of the dress she wore to reveal a pair of black shorts and a tank top along with what appeared at first glance to be a cloth garter around her thigh. Kicking off her heels, however, she pulled a tiny scroll from inside the strap and sent a small amount of chakra into it, causing it to expand in size. Wasting no time, the scroll was unrolled and activated with a drop of inky black blood from her thumb, to summon a pair of shoes more suited to attempting to save her father from what she was certain was a Revenant.

The “retired” assassin had been monitoring a string of suspicious disappearances for quite some time. Dissapearances that all seemed to point to the noble Itsomoto and had uncovered the rumor of a supposed extensive collection of organs. Unfortunately this wasn’t something she had released into the network yet, not having any evidence aside from rumor, so she knew Uzu would be going in essentially blind to the true danger.

Just before the door swung back to latch closed, she burst back through it, pushing her chakra downward to will her legs to move faster. As much as it had hurt to lose her father the last time, she knew she couldn’t do it again. The pain would break her this time, and she didn’t think even Michino could put her back together. Platinum hair billowing behind her like a cloak, the Uzumoreru wove through alleys strewn with debris, the screams of innocents filling her ears. Knowing she didn’t have the luxury of time to worry about them now, she left their fates to others and pulled another scroll from the strap around her leg which summoned a small clockwork dragonfly she caught in a small hand.

Another small burst of chakra, and the mechanical insect hummed to life. Slender fingers closed around it, stifling the buzzing, as she raised her hand to her lips with a whisper, “Take out the camera and your partner, I’m on my way.” The tiny device was released, and it flew ahead to her man she’d managed to install into the guard around the villain’s home.

With her way in prepared, Chiyo took a moment to twist her long hair up into a bun atop her head, securing it with a pin she pulled from the waistband of her shorts. Then it wasn’t long before her feet drew her near to where the barrier around the Diamond District should have been. Naturally her father had made quick work of the impediment and she didn’t even need to slow her momentum. Crossing the threshold, however, her golden eyes flooded with black blood and her perception of the district changed. The buildings faded into the background, leaving hardly more than their outlines to tell here where she should run. To the forefront of her attention, however, was the pulsing, glowing, lifeblood of the people rushing about within the area.

Most people had heightened heartbeats, a side-effect of being in a war zone, but just ahead was one fading glow as one of the guards Toushin had made quick work of breathed his last. Good, she wasn’t far behind the old man then. Maybe with some luck she’d manage to get there in time to at least warn him about what he was about to walk into. The direction of the blood splatter sliding from the old assassin’s blades showed her which direction he had headed and her lips curved up into a tense smile.

Putting on yet another burst of speed, Chiyo continued to keep to the alley ways until she spotted a scuff in the dust that had coated everything in the doorway of an empty bakery, too close to the door to have been made by a fleeing civilian. A quick scan of the building as she ran past told her there were no living beings inside, however, so she kept moving. A moment later, she reached the last corner before her destination was upon her. Luckily the man she had sent word to was able to complete his task without much trouble. There was one guard laying on the ground outside the service entrance to the manor’s kitchen, bits of shattered camera strewn around him.

Lifting her eyes from the unconscious man, she stepped up to the door, scanning the interior of the obsidian edifice. As she watched, the many hearts she saw beating inside started snuffing out one by one as another darted between them all. The rhythm of that heart was painfully familiar, and she felt her hope swell. Now she just had to get to him before he reached his target. If her intelligence was correct, which it better be, then the kitchen would have three doors, one to the dining room, one to the foyer, and the one she was standing before. There appeared to be two men stationed in the kitchen, but they were both seated and looked like they were playing cards. Shaking her head, she eased the door open silently and stepped inside.

Again, her task was done before the door could swing closed. In an instant, the fair-haired woman had crossed the room, struck one man in the neck with the side of her hand, then before the second had a chance to yell, one small hand was at his chin, and the other arm around the top of his head. The next moment, his neck was snapped and he slumped forward over the table with his comrade. Having dealt with the two “guards” between herself and her father, she spun quickly, meaning to launch herself through the door closest to the pulsing of his heart. Instead the strong pulse she was looking for was slowing, and there were two men before him and another closing in.

The sight of the third man nearly stopped her - to a person gifted with the sight of the Uzumoreru, seeing the beating hearts of the people around them is normal. Seeing one person with 5 hearts was another story all-together. The way they all beat in synchronization was disturbing to say the least, but they were also distorted in shape, having to fit in with all of the other organs a person needed to survive. But this was no time to marvel. Knowing she had only seconds, Chiyo burst through the door just as the noble’s hand pierced Toushin’s chest. “I’ll be taking this. Hope you don’t mind.”

The rumble of that last word stretched on as the world froze around her and time stood still. Any other person might have hesitated at such a phenomenon, but Chiyo had managed to get a description of the sensation out of Ryuu Tama during her tutelage under the giant blond bastard. Not to mention, it went against every instinct in her small body not to take advantage of such a stroke of luck. There would be time enough later to figure out the hows and whys. Instead, she counted down the seconds before she was certain time would start to flow again.

One. Topaz eyes flashing in their pools of onyx, she propelled herself across the room to the men with every ounce of speed she could muster, aimed a two-fingered strike to the closest man’s kidney which would cause the organ to rupture.

Two. She flashed to the opposite side of the trio, aiming another two-fingered strike to the same place on the second guard.

Three. Pulling her chakra inwards then propelling it with force down her right arm and into her palm, she directed the heel of her hand upward into the Revenant’s rib cage just under the shoulder-blade. With a little more luck, his ribs would splinter and pierce his lung.

Just in time, the world began to spin around them all once more. In the next moment, the two guards dropped to the ground on either side of their boss while the man himself coughed up a large amount of blood as an overly sweet female voice rang out behind him.

“I think you’ll find that I actually mind very much, thank you.”

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Regret filled Toushin’s mind in his final moments. He was so busy working to secure Sunagakure’s defenses that he had overlooked the vast importance of finally coming to terms with his daughter again after years of being apart. As the fingers of the noble found its way towards his heart he tried to fight back as best he could with a burst of adrenaline, but he was pinned. Black tendrils slipped out of the thing’s wrist and pinned down his muscles from working properly. Even with the power granted to him by the two swords on his back, he felt the evil before him overwhelming his natural strength. His golden irises flared as he still refused to give up. Chiyoko was waiting for him, waiting to share stories of her life over the last twenty years. Had Michino been good to her? How was the Toraono treating an Uzumoreru? Their clans weren’t exactly more than frenemies at the best of times, so it couldn’t have been great. Yet she seemed far more confident than he would have given credit for under that stressful environment. Had she whipped a few of them, displayed her dominance as his child was want to do? His fists clenched.

All he needed was a bit of the bastard’s blood.

There was an ancient technique, considered the most powerful of every Uzumoreru technique by far and the cost of it was something he avoided religiously. Even after all the training he had gone through in his youth to acquire it, Uzu had never once used it out of sheer pride. In this instant, he was willing to throw all of that away just to see his daughter’s face one more time. Then a feeling over swept him. Cold, and still. It was akin to feeling like plunging into a pool of cold jello and instantly recognized the power of time ninjutsu. Since the opponent had Toushin’s back to the wall, he could only imagine that this had, to be Ryuu Tama. Here to save him again, here to gloat immediately after too, no doubt. In most circumstances, he would have preferred death to giving that blond idiot another reason to hold something over his head; but not today. When the feeling rushed away, and time started again in what felt like an instance it wasn’t the giant 8ft scientist he was met with.

Instead, it was Chiyo herself. Part of him wanted to immediately scold her for diving into such dangerous territory considering, well, his own predicament. A quiet self chiding stopped that instantly though, remembering how old his little girl was now, and how she had literally just saved his life. Blood exploded from the man’s lungs and out of his mouth while the other two guards dropped immediately. Toushin wasted not a second of this serendipity and opened his mouth to have the noble’s blood fly right on in. It was bitter, and rotten. Ingesting it took a straight feat of willpower but, the moment it hit his stomach his chakra attacked it. Drawing it into his chakra coil instead of actually digesting the rotten blood, his skin quickly faded into an onyx black with white runes marked all up and down each arm, leg, and abdomen. His face painted a white skull around his eyes and lips as those golden eyes stared down the Revenant.

I win.

Toushin leaned forward, the buried arm in his chest bursting out of his back to spray the Uzumoreru black blood all over the wall behind him. The injury was mysteriously reflected onto the noble, who screamed from the sheer pain and ripped his arm out. A hole in his chest had now also appeared, and without missing a beat the assassin drew his smaller blade to stab the revealed heart. At least three hearts were now gone. The wounds on Toushin remained. Gaping and disgusting, blood poured freely from them but the king of assassins seemed entirely calm and collected. It was as if he was now functionally immortal; which, technically, he was exactly that.

The technique, 1000 Deaths of Black Blood, drew from a mysterious power hidden within the black blood born to only a handful of Uzumoreru. Chiyoko shared this power but, had yet to tap into it due to the ridiculous training it required to draw it out. Once mastered, the user could ingest the blood of a foe, and take their mortality into their own bodies to torment however they saw fit. It was a reversal technique used to fight off those overwhelmingly stronger than one’s self. The greater the power the opponent had over one’s self, the stronger the pain they would feel when hitting them. If a blow that would kill the Uzumoreru would land upon them, it would instead kill the enemy and the wound would simply vanish once the technique ended.

Chiyo had destroyed two hearts, and Toushin two more. Meaning the bastard had exactly one heart left.
Im- impossible,” the Revenant spluttered as blood flowed freely from his mouth. He was clutching his wounds, stumbling back towards the woman who had exploded the first two hearts with a strength in her technique she didn’t have before when last the father and daughter fought something together. It seemed that, indeed, being with Michino and the Toraono had done well for her.
Lets finish this, shall we?” he spoke over the man’s shoulder to his daughter as he grabbed both swords from his back and moved to lay into him.

With Chiyo able to stop the flow of time he aimed to remove the beast’s head while she destroyed the last heart with another well placed exploding palm strike. His left sword swept up, the magical blade singing with delight as it removed an arm, searing the tendrils holding it together so that they could not simply reattach it. The right arm swung in a timing barely half a second after the first, aiming for his neck.

Once the target was beheaded and destroyed to the last heart, Uzu felt the power of his technique fade and the pain, of those wounds redoubled inside of his body. He dropped his swords and fell to his knees, crying out in pain once and stopping himself from falling completely over by slamming his palms into the ground. A cold sweat covered his body as the black ink of his skin faded away with the runic symbols to return to his natural desert-tan colors. The wounds had vanished, including the initial one and any others the guards had managed to lay upon him; but the pain of those wounds doubled for a full thirty seconds before starting to finally ebb away. It was the part of the technique he hated. Had he been any lesser at being able to deal with pain the shock alone would have killed him after the immortality part of it had faded away; as was the draw back to the 1000 Deaths.

But he had survived, and his face turned up to smile at his daughter.
Thought you were going to wait for me with that wine? What changed your mind?
A relieved sigh slipped between Chiyo’s red lips when she heard her father’s voice. It was even much stronger than expected, a sign her gamble had paid off. An intense dread filled her petite body at the sight of this monster’s hand around Uzu’s heart. Thanking whatever providence had allowed time to bend around her, a smile brightened her face, knowing there was very little that could stop them when they worked as a pair. This had always been their way, back to when she was a teenager and the old man had ruled the Underground. Naturally their thought processes when it came to battle strategy were similar, the student tends to mimic the teacher after all. Still, it felt good to know their synergy was still ingrained after all these years.

Her golden eyes glowed brighter as they watched two more malformed hearts fade into the background, no longer pumping lifeblood through their target. Four down, one to go. Through the blood that had filled his lungs, the revenant uttered his last word, stumbling closer into the awaiting arms of death. The next moment, he felt the searing pain of blades cleaving through his flesh, and another palm strike paired with the bite of long fingernails and a sharp twist.

That last heart beat five more times, then stopped abruptly and the bisected corpse dropped to the ground with a sickening squelch. His severed head rolled toward Chiyo and she aimed an angry kick at it, sending the grotesque ball flying across the room. “That’s what you get dickwad!”

Her attention snapped back to her father, however, at the sound of clanging metal as swords hit the tile floors. Dropping to her knees beside him she waited for him to catch his breath, her hands double and triple checking the giant, bloody hole in his clothes to make sure the wound was gone. Once he turned his face toward her with a smile, however, her own expression darkened and she slapped his shoulder with a bit more force than necessary.

“You asshole! What changed my mind, he asks!?” Pushing herself to her feet again, she paced away before spinning back. “I was nearly back to the safe house when I get a report that you were heading this way. I’ve been watching this psycho for a while now but he was a sneaky bastard, and smart.” Pacing away again, slender hands slid into her hair raking her fingernails over her scalp in frustration. Her voice was softer as she continued, her anger starting to flow inward. “Of course, since I didn’t have anything concrete, none of my outside informants knew anything so they couldn't have warned you.” The cooling corpse lay in the path of her pacing, so she aimed an angry kick at its broken ribs before she stepped over it.

The black blood filling her sclera started to recede in swirls, stopping when it looked something akin to marble. As the chakra affecting her vision flowed away, their surroundings came somewhat into focus, allowing her to properly see the room they were in. “Well, I definitely need a drink now,” she muttered, the once opulent foyer was nothing short of a bloodbath, of course. The bodies of guards clearly illustrating the path of destruction the old man had made. Death wasn’t anything unfamiliar, but it had been quite some time before it had filled Chiyo’s life like it had when she was young.

“I wonder where this guy keeps his stash…I bet he has some really nice stuff.” Turning her attention to look up through the floors above, she scanned through the countless rooms before she found what she was looking for.

“Jackpot! I’ll be right back.” Without waiting for Uzu to respond, she dashed away upstairs and into the depths of what might as well have been a crypt. As she moved through the halls, the smell of death became stronger, her face twisting in disgust the farther up she went. The door on the right about halfway down the hall on the top floor was where she had spotted what looked to be a hutch full of at least 30 bottles of liquor and wine.

However, as she reached the top of the stairs, the door at the very end of the hallway captured her attention. It was a heavy, wooden door and seemed to be much older than everything else in the building. That alone was strange, but the layer of seals covering the antique wood was stranger still. Not to mention, she hadn’t been able to see into it from downstairs. That was certainly a new phenomenon for the woman who could normally see everything. Thinking back to the intelligence she had collected on the mansion as well, she couldn’t remember seeing a room at the end of this hallway.

For a long moment, Chiyo stood staring at the door. It didn’t take much speculation, she was certain what she would find behind it, but she still stood transfixed. The monster kept it all right here in his house, next to his bedroom even. At least Tama had the decency to hide his sick labs all over Suna. With a shake of her head, she took that last step off the staircase and started up the hall, willing herself to ignore the door to hell. To just go raid the man’s alcohol so she and Uzu could get properly inebriated as a reward for ridding the village of such a villain.

Unfortunately, her traitorous feet carried her right past the door she wanted and straight up to the sealed portal. Once again, she allowed her blood to flood her eyes, trying in vain to see through the walls of the chamber. If anything, she needed to find out how this man had managed to find something to thwart even her eyesight. Steeling herself with a deep breath, she gagged slightly from the smell of rot, but it did strengthen her resolve.

The seals, at least, were simple enough; they didn’t seem to be traps at all, just there to keep the door locked. Biting her thumb, she placed it to the one in the center, ready to jump back should there be any hidden traps, but they started smoldering from under her thumb, burning from the center out until nothing but bits of ash falling to the carpeted floor remained. This, again, gave her pause. Surely the man she had monitored for months without so much as a slip wouldn’t make it so simple to access his playroom.

Unfortunately there didn’t seem to be another option. Chiyoko simply had to know what the man had done to keep his secrets hidden so well. This would probably even effect the Hyuuga, possibly anyone with a Sharingan as well. It was a matter of national security. The reasons she had to continue kept flooding her mind, but it was still a long moment before she could reach up to grab the handle. Once she had, it took another long moment to actually turn the knob and push the chamber open.

The smell of decay and death rushed out to greet her, a thousand times stronger than before. Gagging and nearly losing her lunch, she took several steps back and covered her mouth and nose with a hand. Her other hand reached into the holster at her thigh, grabbing another scroll to retrieve a black mask, meant for poison gasses. She hastily pulled it over her face and made sure the seal was secure to her skin before moving forward. It didn’t completely mask the smell, to her dismay, but at least it made it more manageable.

Everything in the room was cloaked in darkness, not having any windows or light sources to help shine light on the crimes committed here, but Chiyo was cursing the ability she had always treated as a gift. The chamber itself wasn’t very large and looked more like an attic space than an actual room. That would probably explain why it didn’t come up in blueprints. The walls of the room were outlined with what looked like chakra crystals, but they were pulsating with an odd energy she wasn’t familiar with. Anywhere not covered in chakra crystals, however, was painted with blood and viscera. The only furniture in the room was a medical table set in the center and a large cabinet along the far wall that contained a number of instruments she would have been familiar with 20 years ago but looked almost foreign now.

Having seen enough, she started to take a step toward the nearest cluster of crystals but the door behind her slammed shut with a loud crash and heavy bars slid from the walls on either side to lock her in. Spinning back to look at the trap she hadn’t noticed, she rolled her eyes. “Well that’s great, now I can’t hold saving him over Dad's head.”

Toushin chuckled, genuinely, at her response. It was good to see that the fireball Ame had bestowed all of her personality into still existed after all these years. Even now as an older woman, his daughter still held that spark of rebellious youth and it was a kindness to witness it burning bright as ever. In fact it seemed stronger. Uzu had suspected that retirement would have dulled his daughter’s edge at least a little but she was as sharp as ever. Seemed that when Michino retired, his fiancée had not. She picked up the threads he had cut, tied them back together, and created a spy network that dwarfed his previous iteration.

He also caught Chiyo’s eyes switching from black to silver and looking around. The ability was new and amazing to behold. He hadn’t a clue as to how, the woman had managed such a feat as to evolve such a rare technique into something akin to the Hyuuga’s eyes but, here he stood witness. As she exclaimed jackpot, and went to go search of some kind of treasure, Toushin remained kneeling. After he was sure his daughter had safely ascended the stairs he fell over onto his side among the blood and bodies, panting hard.

The pain from the end of his technique was devastating, and the entire reason he hated using it. Even in this younger body that was built to withstand even the most absurd pain thresholds, he could just barely keep himself from blacking out. Uzu steadied his breathing, allowing the throbbing pain from his phantom wounds to ebb out across the rest of his body as he laid there collecting what remained of his strength. A sad smile crept over his face, glad to see how far Chiyoko had come without him, but also reaffirming that his death should have stuck. Without him to hold her back the child had come so far, and now he feared that with his presence returned she would begin to lean on him once more; even a little might be too much.

Yet it wasn’t his place to say that was certain. He had never seen her so happy to see him as she had when they had first met again for the first time in twenty years. He knew for certain that the only other person who had witnessed such unsuppressed joy had been the Toraono Lord, Michino. Time had moved on without him and he was glad it had. Toushin was a relic of the past, a memory of the Uzumoreru that was dead and gone. He needed to make sure it stayed that way. The clan and their bloodline, something he had hoped would just vanish, continued strong with a will even more stubborn than his own. He would not push for anything, and would simply watch from afar as the Uzumoreru rose back up from the ashes of their previous hubris.

Strength finally returned to his limbs, and just in time. The sound of a metal gate crashing down made his golden eyes shoot up to the ceiling above.
“Chiyo?” he called out, and heard no answer. With a sigh he rolled back onto his knees and found his footing again with a wobble. At least that hadn’t changed, for better or worse. His child’s insatiable hunger was just as strong as it ever had been. Though he was surprised she allowed it to overcome her better judgment in the home of a bona-fide Sunagakure Horror. With weak steps, the assassin slowly climbed his way up the stairs and slowly moved down the hall, using the wall to help him along until he came across that same strange door; only now it was a mass of steel bars. Sure enough, Chiyo was right beyond. He could see her glowing golden eyes seething in the darkness.

The smell of death alone would have been enough to make him panic normally, especially considering he didn’t have her sight to see beyond the pale of shadows; but her self deprecating glare told him that he didn’t need to. It was clearly a terrible room full of terrible things and obviously a trap for those who didn’t know where to step. Pushing himself off the wall his hand reached up to gasp the hilt of his magicked blade and free it once more from its sheathe. He placed the blade gently between the openings in the bars and then let the weight of the longsword itself slide through the metal like butter before tightening his grip once more towards the bottom. He did this once more before taking a clearer fighter’s stance and cutting above and below.

“Kick it down, it should pop,” he instructed before stumbling backwards and landing against the wall. A cold sweat had beaded upon his brow. Uzu’s normally pale skin seemed a little lighter than usual too. A loss of blood, perhaps, but he also surmised it might be the price of overusing the two Ryuu Weapons. Pushing himself back up, he placed the weapon back onto his back before stumbling and moving slowly towards the stairs again. His weariness was coming to a head faster than Toushin had predicted, and he hated the thought but knew he would be needing Chiyoko’s knowledge and strength to ensure he made it out of the Diamond District alive.

“What the hell did you come up here for in the first place? Surely you knew this monster would have very little other than a gruesome place to practice his art and rare trea-…oh. Oooh, my child. How much like your old man you have become!” he chided with a mocking grin. He waited near the stairs, no longer sure of his ability to descend without tipping over so that she could grab whatever it was she had originally found before helping him.

Staring at the bars that trapped her, Chiyo was in disbelief. In ordinary circumstances, such a simple trap mechanism would have never escaped her notice. Having been focused on keeping the remnants of Uzu’s network alive had taken the bulk of her attention for the last decade or so. Naturally, she had always kept up her strength with daily training, but the only sparring she’d had in her retirement were the handful of Toraono women who’d tried to challenge her place at Michino’s side. Fortunately or unfortunately, the solid trouncing she’d given the few that had tried ensured the rest were deterred so it had still been years since she’d had a proper challenge. Not to mention the fact that she was surrounded by offal and confronted by something completely new, her normally sharp mind had failed her.

A frustrated scowl on her face, she stepped back toward the doorway and heard the click of the tile beneath her left foot snap back into place. Shaking her head at her momentary stupidity, she continued forward to stand directly behind the door and inspect the contraption barring her entry. Her father’s call hadn’t reached her ears in the solid box she was contained within and she didn’t didn’t think he would be able to make it up to her in his current state, so she resolved to free herself. And maybe not mention she ever got stuck in the first place. An overabundance of choice in the liquor cabinet could explain her extended absence, surely.

Just as she started to try to get a proper look at the mechanism in the walls, she heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Attention snapping toward the sound, black blood flooded her eyes yet again, but she relaxed upon seeing her father’s head pop up over the top stair as he came into view. Well, so much for keeping him from finding out about her lapse of judgement. As quickly as she became frustrated, however, Chiyo’s mind flooded with concern for the old man. Uzu was staggering up the hall toward her, much weaker than she had expected. He’d given her a general knowledge of most of the abilities available to their clan, but she hadn’t liked the idea of actually ingesting someone’s blood at the time. Injecting it with a needle was much more palatable. As such, she hadn’t realized just how much toll it would take on his body when used to the extent he had.

“You-” she cut herself off from berating him from coming up after her as he unsheathed one of his blades. Instead she stepped back, cringing at the squelching sound as the heel of her right foot slid in something unspeakable. Keeping an eye on her father’s pulsing heart, she found a small bit of comfort in knowing he had enough strength to wield his weapons at least; until he was stumbling backward. Hands flashing out, she grabbed the bars, pulled them out of the doorway, then flung them behind her to crash against the opposite wall.

Just as quickly, she rushed forward in an effort to steady him before he fell but he was already standing upright again by the time Chiyo reached his side. Again, before she could say anything, the stubborn old man had returned his weapon to its place on his back and lurched back toward the stairs. “Dammit, just hold on,” the small woman muttered as she looped an arm through his to offer her support. Halfway back down the hallway that felt much longer than she remembered, they passed the bedroom that had been her initial target.

Not wanting all their effort to go without reward, she tried to recreate the flow her chakra had followed when time had bent for her before but it wasn’t quite the same. This time, everything slowed to a crawl like moving through jello. Well, it was something at least. With a mischievous grin, she took care to slip her arm from around Uzu’s, leaving him shuffling forward in slow motion. With that, she dashed across the bedroom and threw open the large cabinet that stood against the far wall. For a brief moment, she definitely experienced choice paralysis. The monster at least had good taste; there was at least two types of every kind of liquor and a healthy selection of wine besides. In the end, Chiyo grabbed the two fanciest bottles and returned to Toushin’s side just as he reached the stairs. Shifting both bottles into one hand, slender fingers gripping their necks, she allowed the world to return to its natural flow.

“...and rare trea-…oh. Oooh, my child. How much like your old man you have become!” Just as he finished his statement, she held up her plunder with a triumphant smile that made her eyes sparkle. “What can I say, I’ve always been a Daddy’s girl.”

Now came the question of how to get them both back downstairs. In his state, upstairs would have been enough of a hurdle, heading down would likely end with a long tumble. The easiest thing would be for her to carry him, as awkward as their size difference would make it. Knowing the way he felt about needing help, from anyone, Chiyo felt it was probably best not to give him the choice. Quickly, she handed him the two bottles and, once he had taken them from her, she pushed chakra into her arms, legs, and lower back, stepped in front of him, and reached back to pull him into a piggy back position. Ignoring any of his protests, she would take the stairs at a jog, scanning the floors below for any signs of life as they went.

[MFT | wc:950]
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Current Ninpocho Time:
