Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Endo Eiji -> Akagi Yasu

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Endo Eiji
Old Village/Missing: Kumogakure
OCR Type: Retire
Last Known Where-abouts: Endo Clan House! (In Cloud)
Old IC Rank: ANBU Trainee

New Character Name: Akagi Yasu
Preferred Username: Akagi Yasu
New Village/Missing: Konoha (Leaf)
New BL/CA: Kyoujouran
Custom Class:
[u]Silent Red Tree[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (55+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu Option
[i]High:[/i] Melee Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] Ninjutsu Accuracy, Evasion, Gen Save
[i]Low:[/i] Genjutsu Difficulty, Ranged Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: ANBU
IC Rank: Chuunin(?) or Jounin(?) if accepted

Character Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: Lean, the description of a male that has worked in ANBU most of his professional Shinobi Career. Yasu is an extraordinary male with great athletic ability. Standing at an even six feet tall, the raven haired male has a quite lean figure he is crowned upon. His muscles are toned, refined, and not overly done. Sights of his very peculiar diets are shown through his very stout body. From what was once a scarred face is now a cleaned face, and body to match. Honey Brown eyes match his demeanor, even though gruff, has been seen to be well kept by dieting and exercise. On his right arm there is a tattoo of a tree with green leaves painted on his skin with a sealing symbol around it. Adorned with black spiky hair he and piercings in his lips gained in his teenaged years he can be seen now and again as someone that looks like he has a bit of edge to him. That is... when you get to see him outside of his ANBU Garbs.
Character's Mental Description: Yasu's mental state is something that could be described as fragile. Stemming from a rough upbringing with very impulsively hateful parents. They instilled a very strict way of being. He would be whipped when he did things wrong, slow, and not to their liking. Thus, Yasu has developed quirks, being overly thoroughly clean in everything he does. He never touches anything with his physical skin. He sleeps in a full body Gi Suit going as far to cover his face with a single eye'd mask. Not many have even seen his face outside of his ANBU Garbs. He is thorough in almost everything in his life... except paperwork. Anytime he has to do it... he goes into a crippling depression. Going as far to pass off the paperwork to any ANBU Trainee he can find. Though, his cleanliness goes to the people he goes on missions with. He can feel the tremors under his feet, and if the ones with him walk off kilter or off rhythm he feels that they are not walking in the cleanest way possible, but Yukio has helped him not berate people about that too often anymore... Though in all the things with Yasu he cares about his home. His people. And he would never turn his back on them. Some could even call him a loyalist.
Multiple Personality Application: -None-
Character History:
Yasu, born of Akagi blood, but it was just a distant relative to the Hyuuga Clan. The Blood of the Clan was distant enough to where it was rather rare for those of Akagi Blood to Achieve the Byakugan. Alas, Yasu was one of the ones that had not shown the ability. Thus, his nameless parents would berate him. Beating him as early as the age of four, and grooming him for the coming wars. The Shinobi fighting the Samurai... and he did fight them. The remnants of them were at the mercy of a young man's misery. Being forced to take out encampments and pushing his young body to its limit even before its limit could even be recognized.

They wanted him to be better than the young people coming up. And they went about it destroying every ounce of self-doubt that the boy could ever think of having... working away his loathing and pain. To the point he was a machine with a high sense of self and confidence in the abilities he earned through his hard work. And it paid off... As he grew to the age to join the Academy they waited on allowing him to join giving him time to grow mentally through the knowledge of Jutsu and not just hand to hand combat.

Through this he learned about his true ability. His father belonged to a strong line of men. Their skin being hardened from their training to the point it mimic'd steel. And with that knowledge he was able to master himself, the abilities of Shock Sense the ability to feel about the world around him where everything had a pattern, some were on a regular beat, and others were on something of a off-kilter pattern. Something that annoyed the hell out of Yasu... to the point it was hard for him not to go off on people. His parents had burrowed that idea of anyone not having a rhythmic tap to their feet were people who didnt care about the air in their lungs let alone the partners they were teamed with.

It came about the time that Yasu was ready to join the ranks of the academy at the age of Ten. He would begin to learn more about different people. Different types of annoyances and great loves. One thing was his fair love for the nature. It always had a rhythm and rhyme to its reasoning. Mother Nature was one that was undefeated when you tried her hand and that was something that Yasu greatly respected. So much so that during this time he had travelled out the village on a trip with his mother for meditation training something happened.

Yasu's love of nature extended to the animals and birds and most of all, the silence of the trees. Plants. Brush. The world of nature was extraordinary to the young lad. And with honey orbs that gazed upon the fruit of the land Yasu found himself a safe distance away from his mother, which always happens in stories such as this, and found himself amongst an oasis in the midst of the forest. The Brush was lightly wet from the moisture and dew dropped from the early morning as he passed through.

Immaculate was the scenery that was spread throughout seemed to come in the impeccable colors that all looked drawn upon the canvas of green. Some flowers and shrub life were different from anything he'd ever seen in his life. However, thats where the luxury of beauty stopped, seeing from across the small body of water a Samurai adorned in a silver alloy armor. And with its head covered with a mask as well...

The Samurai seemed not to care about anything aside from making the path he was charting. Cutting down limbs of branches and vines as he made his way closer to the pond of water but with every swing of his blade Yasu would cringe. How could such beauty be trampled upon with such heinous carelessness? It pained Yasu terribly so that he called out to the man.

"HEY! Stop that!"

Which obviously caused the Suited man to look up at the Akagi boy with anger in his armored-clad stare. Like a 'How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do?!' stare. Alas it would begin the ordeal, the Samurai would charge in for an attack on the boy attempting to knock him out. However, Yasu, remembered that the Samurai were a band of people that were trying to take away their life as shinobi and their leader was to be taken out by the Hokage of the time. This gave Yasu an edge because he'd been hunting Samurai with his mother and father before this, and he knew how they fought. Though, this turned information would do the fledgling adolescent no good. The Samurai would begin forming one handed seals with the katana in the opposing hand. 'Crap baskets!' and suddenly Yasu would be trapped in a ring of fire which ultimately began catching the area around them on fire as well! Such disrespect to the beauty.

This only Angered the boy but he didnt have time to mull over the fire as he was being aimed at by a glowing blue chakra blade with the intent to kill him. Carelessly attacking the boy without knowing his ability seemed to be what the Samurai do, and Yasu was sure to take advantage of this. Forming his hands into seals he'd adorn himself with a coat of Earth around his hands he'd mastered this jutsu before ever joining the academy and the density that he could use it with only made him more invulnerable when coupled with his steel-like skin from his training. Now that he had the blade in his hands he would begin to think about the actions to take next which were plentiful but before he could the armored man would use his free hand to grab Yasu by the neck! The grip was so tight that Yasu could feel his airways instantly shut as he became gloosy eyed and gasped for air. Though his hands were still holding the blade he would try to focus himself after a few moments.

Summoning a single Rock fist to Knock the Samurai off his base and releasing the budding youth to the ground as he would heave and wheeze fighting for breath. But he didnt have much time to recover as the Ronin warrior would come at him again for a fight! And a Fight he would give! Yasu shifted his feet into a powerful stance taking with him the Zaiken Motion Though he would not have anything but power gained from it.

With the power he would again strike at the Armor of the warrior cracking it under the earthen gauntlet that Yasu created moments before. 'I cant let this sanctuary be damaged because of this man... Who cares if he's a Samurai!' But as he connected the ronin would slash at Yasu's arm only to watch his forearm had been detached just under the elbow. The pain shot up through Yasu's body causing him to instantly fall to his knees to the mercy of the Samurai amongst the flames all around them. 'I wasnt expecting to find a Samurai that knew fire jutsu!... I'm... I'm gonna die here? No... NOT LIKE THIS?!' Yasu thought to himself as he would listen to the crackling of the brush around him. It seemed like everything around him was burning down... Where was his mother? Had she got lost in her meditation?

"Tch... Shinobi boy... Silly. You will just be a footnote on our reclaiming of OUR nation. Now Die.", and without hesitation the boy would move is head back away from the swipe of the blade attempting to flip unto his feet but he could only manage a roll to his knees. 'There has to be something I can do... Something...' his eyes began to burn, maybe from the smoke but he could feel his body growing weaker from the blood loss so everything thing began to be odd as he didnt see colors anymore just hues of black and white with blue mixed in.

"...Hm, Hyuuga Boy... You're nothing without your hand... and I will be taking those eyes of yours back to my camp.", to which Yasu would shake his head, he was no Hyuuga. He barely knew what that was as he was too young to remember the testing on him when he was born. Alas, he would not care at all about it he needed to figure a way to take this guy out. And just then he would just huff out before feeling the heat of the flames behind him growing in his direction. His back was against the proverbial wall and he had only one thing left he could do... a jutsu that his father had been trying to teach him. The 'Funsai no ken' Or Shattering Stone Strike. Though Yasu wasnt able to form the strike as hard as he needed to to crush a boulder yet, he needed to now.

Summoning every ounce of chakra he had and centering it into his remaining appendage he'd step in as quickly as possible ducking under the blade as the ronin would aim a swipe at his body... only to land the strike at the same spot he'd struck before! This time he hit and the blow was enough to knock the Samurai back into the pond and enough that it would seem to have knocked the man out.

'...At least... he's done... but I dont have anything left...' nursing his bleeding limb Yasu would edge his way to the flames as he took a strip of his clothing off, having seen his father do this with open wounds and hoping that he could close this wound with the flames. And it burned, boy it burned but the young boy would hold his arm to the flames as long as he could before he felt faint and his shock sense would chime in looking behind him the Samurai was still awake re-emerging from the pond though slowly this time.

"...Crap man... I gotta get away fro-... Ugh I dont have the energy to move."

The boy would mutter to himself. He could only watch as the Samurai would slowly loiter over to him. Silent this time and his armor was practically distroyed, still with his katana in hand, without words he'd jab the blade in Yasu's direction. Leaving the boy to close his eyes and await his fate, but after a few moments Yasu would open his honey-dew orbs only to see the vines and branches had all tangled the man in a trap; leaving the blade only inches away from Yasu's back.


"We've watched you... and while you have failed, in your eyes, you've attempted to save this land from a criminal that would kill a child, and an evil being that cares not for the land thats supposedly his..."

Though Yasu heard the words... he could not see where they were coming from, leaving it to him feeling delirious and possibly hallucinating. He'd fall flat on his face shortly after that. The amount of blood lost over coming the adrenaline keeping the boy awake. As he would drift off the crackling sounds of bones breaking would be heard, but they werent Yasu's bones, hm.

--Hours later--

Being shaken awake, Yasu's mother would calm as she saw her boy's eyes open, "Are you okay Yasu?! You worried me?! What happened?! Did you fight that Samurai? Did he do this to you?" only able to muster a nod but the last that he'd seen happen was the man. Though as he looked over the man was broken down and covered in dirt and grass. The flames were gone and the forest seemed to be healing itself...

"That bastard your arm... but... Whats this?", she'd turn his attention to what looked like black ink on Yasu's remaining arm it seemed to be fashioned in the way of a small tree with no leaves on it. Peculiar, but as Yasu would look at it, he'd begin to hear whispering all around him, but one voice was louder than the others... a creature that would begin to poke its head out from the endless brush.

"Yes. That is the Tattoo that I planted on him. He is one that cares for nature, and Nature in turn will forever protect him as long as he keeps those whole hearted ideals... Will you accept this bond young Yasu?"

Leaving Yasu only able to nod, as it was true. But also the slow sort of nod that happens when you are in awe and splendor of what you're seeing. Thus, he and his mother would watch as the being would quietly as the beast of the forest would be whisked away with the blow of wind only to have the black ink on the tattoo on Yasu's arm to be joined by green leaves that made it look like a flourishing tree of abundance.

After which, the pair would head back to the village to get the young lad medical attention and a working prosthetic made from minor puppet parts. Though as he would learn more jutsu he would figure that he could summon that being to his aid when he was in a jam, and that set him apart from his peers. Being so young and able to summon a partner in battle that could help turn the tides of any battle. Thus he would take this with him until he graduated from the academy where he would be recruited into the ANBU Black Ops.

It was these beginning years of his time in the ANBU that he would learn more about why he was called 'Hyuuga Boy' by the Samurai. And it would seem that the strain of the situation that he'd been placed in b the Samurai allowed him to tap into that power, not that it helped him much but it was a great asset to him if he learned to use the power like many hyuuga did. So while he learned more, he would only be able to perfect his abilities via one Hyuuga by the name of Yukio. At the time he was an ANBU Captain but a very well known man aound the village for his abilities in battle even going toe to toe with the Hokage Takeshi several times.

Under the tutelage of Yukio, Yasu would learn the style of the Jyuuken stance and the powerful emulated jyuuken stances. And as time would have it Yukio would ascend to Senninship and with him Yasu would ascend to full fledged ANBU. There he honed his skills, working any and all missions that he could.

And thats where Yasu is... a Full ANBU. And while this story maybe short all stories that are ongoing have more pages to be printed. More things to get into.... and most of all, more Adventures to dive into. For this it only the beginning of the tales of Akagi Yasu.
Clan Request:

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: Nope Still Banned from those things! \o

Old Stats:
::Stamina:: 525/525
::Agility:: 340/525
::Taijutsu:: 140/525
::Ninjutsu:: 300/525
::Genjutsu:: 300/525
::Chakra Control:: 525/525
::Stat Average:: 355
::power Level:: 2,130/3,150
::Advanced Shop Points:: 405
Old OOC Rank: A
Stat Cut: No PL Loss
New Stats:
::Stamina:: 525/525
::Agility:: 340/525
::Taijutsu:: 320/525
::Ninjutsu:: 210/525
::Genjutsu:: 210/525
::Chakra Control:: 525/525
::Stat Average:: 355
::power Level:: 2,130/3,150
New OOC Rank: A

Jutsu Mastery Swaps: All Refunds and swaps are in the refund section.
~:E Rank:~

~:D Rank:~

~:C Rank:~

~:B Rank:~

~:A Rank:~

  • RefundingTotal ASP After Refund: 466
    Total Yen After Refunds: 183,500

    Other Refunds:

    Blitz Augment - Keeping
    Special Augment - Keeping
    Trick Weapon - Keeping

    Name of any Contract you currently own:
    Marine Mammal (Approved [Here]) and Spending 450 ASP to Swap to Plant Summon on Yasu.

    See History above for the how the summon is apart of Yasu.

    Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:

    Name of Kinjutsu you own:
    Jinchuriki (Earth Element)
    Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
    All of my threads are dead.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
I forgot to post that My History is also an Application for Byakugan implant. (He's just awakening the eyes like a normal Hyuuga)

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Name: approved on my side
Class: approved on my side
Stats: approved on my side
Clan: N/A
Description: approved on my side
History: approved on my side
BL/CA/KIN: approved on my side
Rank: ANBU: IC rank ANBU
Swaps: 466 ASP back, 183.500,00 Yen back.

We are in await of the Contract team to get back for the History / contract.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
