Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open [Event Shadow Steward] Plea's for Help

Akira Kazan

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
The situation seemed dire as Kazan ran throughout the Hidden Sand Village in search of those in need of help. With each step, he left behind a faint ember trail curtesy of his Ryu no Hono: Yasei no Kokyo Second Variant Technique. This place was unfamiliar to him, and getting lost here was not an option for him. Still, driven by a simple desire to help those who called out for help, his 'illegal' entry was something he could not prevent. As he raced through the streets of Sunagakure he watched as countless citizens panicked in fear of the overhead warships.

Occasionally, out of the corner of his eyes, he'd catch what seemed like Shinobi heading directly towards the fray. They seemed to ignore him for the most part; he was an outsider, but he wore nothing that gave off the apperance of his homeland. That, and from time to time, as he ventured deeper into the village held help citizens get to their feet and find safety. Still, explosives boomed overhead as shrapnel fell down destroying buildings, and trapping citizens. While there were many others helping, Kazan was doing everything he could to assist as well. "Come out, shout! let me hear your voice so I can find you!" He yelled out, as he came across what appeared to be a crumbled home.

"Mommy!" A Voice would Should from the rubble, as Kazan began moving small chunks of rock and debris while being careful not to allow anything to collapse. "How many are trapped!?" He'd shout, as he took hold of a large chunk of stone that was once apart of the homes structure. Worried for the young voice he had previously heard, Kazan glanced about to make sure moving this chunk of stone wouldn't result in a collapse of what remained of the structure. Feeling confident that it wouldn't, he channeled energy into his arms, shoulders, back, and legs only to lift the chunk of stone up and expose an exit for the young girl. "Hurry!" He said, as he tossed the stone behind him and reached out with his hand. As the young girl grabbed his hands, he pulled her out of the rubble and set her aside before a large explosion range out once again.

Instinctively, he grabbed the young girl and shielded her with his body, with his back turned to the explosion from warships overhead. Once the explosion died down, and with a strong ringing in his ear, he pointed down towards his ember's. "Follow the embers to a safety." He'd tell her, as she replied. "But my Mommy's still there!" She'd say, with a scared voice pointing towards the rubble. "Get to safety, I'll find her and send her after you." He'd told her, as he watched her run off before continuing to dig through the rubble.

[WC: 400+] [Marked]

Continuing from my Entrance
Walking down the streets as the chaos began to ring forth in the sky, the previous Kazekage would grin at the sheer panic and horror that was filling the streets. As he walked he would place his hands on various buildings, infusing them with his chakra. Small black vines would inch out from the onyx leather gloves he wore that would stretch across the building revealing a series of flowers. Each flower would have black petals with a crimson core that connected the two hues through a stunning gradient. A noxious purple haze would begin to spew forth from them as the anchors began to release the Phantosmia pheromones that Shin produced. Traditionally the man's scented chakra was sweet like a desert rose, but now, with his sapphire eyes sitting into a sunken topaz, the olfactory sensation would more closely resemble that of the corpse flower.

Softly humming a tune that the children of the Byakko taught him, he traced his finger along the buildings causing this ichor like plague to spew out from him. "Strange, I don't believe that I recognize you, friend. " Shin's eyes narrowed as he looked over Kazan in the rubble.

When he was the acting Kazekage he made it a point to at least become familiar with his shinibi forces and even then he knew many of the shinobi due to his work in the Omni Prime Medical Facility, but this man wasn't familiar in the least. Was he an interloper? Did Steward Wei know about this?

Shin's eyes narrowed as the toxic drugs coursed through his veins craving the satisfaction of drawing blood from all those around him u til they took their last breath. Did the other villages know about the ongoings of Sunagakure? Did Akkuma do this? The Sennin of Intervillage Relations would be the one to call for aid when needed, but how would someone make it this far this fast?

As Shin stood still, the vein like vines would spread through the sands under his feet stretching out and allowing more flowers to slowly open and release their toxic yet enchanting pollen. The spores would waft and dance through the winds like the very grains of sand that made this village what it was.

"Would you like assistance? " the Oracle known as Plague would ask. He extended his hand slightly.


As Kazan continued to search through the rubble to find the young woman's mother, a cold tingle ran down his spine and the putrid smell of decaying meat filled the air. His eyes, once honed to their limits by the Sharingan, shifted to the side in recognition of the presence behind him. "Strange, I don't believe that I recognize you, friend", the figure spoke. Kazan's expression shifted from one of concern and desperation to help, to that of a more serious demeanor. His scarlet read cape, draped down from his armored shoulder, flapped in the explosive winds that rushed through this war torn village. of the village. "Friend? Hmm. I'm just a man on a pilgrimage, who heard innocents cry for help." He stated without even turning towards this figure, as he pulled one more large stone chunk from the crumbled structure, exposing an opening for a woman. Assuming this was the child's mother, Kazan spoke softly. "Follow my embers, your child is waiting." He told the woman, while rushing her to leave.

Giving her plenty of time to leave, he finally turned to the figure behind him and glanced upon them. Not only was this person adorned in black knight like armor, but to Kazan he gave off a sinister aura. Something was wrong with this person, who apparently left a trail of flowers and vines behind them. "What's going on here?" He thought as he watched the mans eyes narrow, before asking him if he needed any assistance. "I see. This man is either an aggressor, or he's under somethings influence." He thought, as he raised left hand and pointed at the scenery behind the guy.

"I've got this situation handled here, but the civilians might need medical aid." He stated, with a brief pause before continuing. "Also, that stuff emitting from you may harm them. Please, stop. The civilians need not be casualties of whatever is happening here. Those Warships and that Sand thing overhead is causing enough chaos as is." Said Kazan, as his hand lowered while noticing this figures hand, and odd vine spreading through the sand blooming flowers.

Regardless of what was going on above, the situation in front of him now seemed just as tense. While it seemed like some sort of civil war, he had the unfortunate pleasure of being a foreigner who just walked through this village's gates. Even if his intentions for doing so were pure, the fact remained that he was here illegally and someone with a unique set of powers didn't recognize him.

Suddenly, thoughts of his own words rang through his mind and forced him to wonder. Did he chose his words wisely? Would his intentions be misinterpreted? How would this moment play out in the greater scheme of things? Not only that, but he wondered exactly what in the hell was going on here. This pilgrimage was meant to be a way for him to learn, grow, and mature so that he could better serve the Hidden Cloud. It was supposed to be peaceful, calming, and informative. He was supposed to learn about his roots, how to master his sage mode, and to understand how different cultures blended with one and another.

But this place, at least right now anyway, was filled with chaos and destruction. Surely this wasn't what the Hidden sand would consider normal. Abyss had warned him about journeying here, though he words were more so about one specific individual. The name of that individual echoed throughout his mind. Everything she had told him about that man simply came down to a stark warning. Kazan was to avoid him, as long as he could; he was also warned that once within sand, that man might seek him out. "You wouldn't happen to be Mirokou Akkuma, would you?" Kazan asked, simply wondering. Akkuma had apparently ordered a mercenary to attack both the Hidden Leaf and Cloud, and for some reason allowed to blame to easily be laid upon the Hidden Sand. An act such as that was undoubtedly deranged, or at the very least unconventional.

It wouldn't be hard to imagine such an individual making a situation like this worse for their Village. Still, where was the pride and patriotic spirit for ones homeland. Even though Kazan was no longer within The Land of Lightning, and on hiatus from The Hidden Cloud, his heart bleed for his people and homeland. He could never imagine himself doing such a thing. Then again, he had met someone similar to him who just so happened to walk a different path for the same reasons; Sude Sairasu. Thoughts like this were troubling and confusing for him; which is why he was on this Pilgrimage to begin with.

Hopefully everything would work itself out, but right now Kazan's focus was on helping the civilians of this land through this hard time.

[Wc: 800+]
"Friend? Hmm. I'm just a man on a pilgrimage, who heard innocents cry for help."

Shin would raise an eyebrow. A Pilgrim? Coming to Suna? A sinister smile came across his lips. The only people that would find their pilgrimage landing them in Sunagakure, that he was aware of, were the nomadic clans that roamed the Land of Wind. The targets of Chikamatsu Wei's plans. Was this foreigner a nomad?

"I've got this situation handled here, but the civilians might need medical aid. Also, that stuff emitting from you may harm them. Please, stop. The civilians need not be casualties of whatever is happening here. Those Warships and that Sand thing overhead is causing enough chaos as is."

Laughter ripped from his throat.

"Oh is that so? And do you know why the village is under attack? "

Shin hesitated for a moment.

"Theres a plague filling the streets of Sunagakure, those who would betray Steward. I am specifically here to find those who are tainting these lands and cleanse the sands with their blood."

Black pollen would begin to spew forth from the black flowers causing a haze to fill the path behind him as the Chikamatsu Overseer emitted chemically induced genjutsu over the various civilians that would find themselves unlucky enough to be in the area. Screams would begin to develop as those unable to resist even the simplist illusions would begin to see their bodies become covered in lashes. The fear of bleeding out was a very real fear that even the mightiest shinibi often carry as well. Panic would begin to erupt as the laughter and smiles on Shin's face suddenly dropped at the stranger's next words.

"You wouldn't happen to be Mirokou Akkuma, would you?"

"What is your business with Akkuma? My Sennin is a little preoccupied at the moment. Perhaps I can assist you. "

Shin would look back in the direction of the medical tents where he could sense the corrupted horror that was the man who first had faith in him. He would have to make an example of Akkuma soon enough.

Dark aura would begin to form around the knight's unarmed hands.

"I don't think I caught your name, and while i am at it, where do you call home? "

He stood cautiously. Had the ANBU agent Silent finally sent her assassin after Shin's Sennin? He couldn't trust anyone from Kumogakure at the moment until he held Silent's head on a platter.
Kazan's plea for him to calm down and stop emitting this strange aura of vines, flowers, and plague like gas went unanswered. In fact, they were pretty much ignored in place of him claiming to be someone who was meant to rid the streets of some plague. To Kazan, the only plague he saw was this individual in front of him. There was no need for such destruction, especially considering the state of things within this village. The Warships and Sand creation was enough. "I see." He replied to the guy in response to his Plague comment, as his eyes shifted towards the flowers. They were now spewing some type of Haze and before long, even more screams could be heard from the immediate area.

"Is this guy forreal? He's a subordinate of this Akkuma guy and he's harming his own civilians." Kazan thought, as he soon began to accept what Abyss had told him as the truth. Kazan was now gritting his teeth in frustration. No Shinobi back home would do such a thing to the civilians, or so he'd hope. Madness like this was incomprehensible to Kazan, or perhaps this guy was another one of those mercenaries hired by Akkuma to cause chaos. "By the rumors I've heard from strangers in the desert, there's no business to be had with him. In fact, it's probably smarter to avoid him entirely." Kazan remarked, with a brief pause before continuing. "I'm not in need of any assistance, but considering your state, I think you need more help than me. Is there a facility or medical check point I can escort you to?" Kazan asked, as he folded his arms. Surely this guy had to have lost his mind, or something if he weren't a mercenary hired to reek havoc within this foreign nation.

His voice would sound calm, yet serious at the same time, to this guy. That was then when he noticed the guy glance back towards what seemed like some medical tents, before sensing a dark aura form around his hands. "It is what it is." He thought, as the guy asked him for his name and where he called home. Right now wasn't the time to share that type of information, regardless of how much pride he had in his homeland. Still, the question needed some sort of answer. At the very least, he could give himself a proper introduction even if it were an attempt to calm the situation. "You may call me Akira. As for where I call home? As a wanderer, it's whatever land I set up camp in. What might your name be?" He spoke, combining truth with lies, while asking him for his name in return.

[Wc: 400+]
[Marked for Training]
"By the rumors I've heard from strangers in the desert, there's no business to be had with him. In fact, it's probably smarter to avoid him entirely."

Shin would remain guarded at this foreigner as deception was as commonplace as breath within the world of shinobi. A soft yet sinister grin would slip across the Chikamatsu's face.

"Quite the plan, to be honest. The Devil of Kirigakure that has fallen into the lairs of the Sandworms to become one with them must never be trusted by those of such... "

Shin looked across the man, noticing his skin having less exposure to the sun's intensity. A clear indicator that he was not from Sunagakure.

"...fair and soft lifestyles. It would only bring misery and heartbreak. "

He would say coyishly. A surge of chakra would fluctuate through the man's body as beneath the armor a Sealing Technique would be performed without as much as a single weaved hand sign. A Medical Ward would form, sitting and resting in case this interaction became violent.

"I'm not in need of any assistance, but considering your state, I think you need more help than me. Is there a facility or medical check point I can escort you to?"

"The Omni Prime Medical Facility is of no concern to me, not in my current state, though my pupils and I shall be meeting soon enough. "

His eyes would look past Kazan as he began to take a few more steps past the foreigner.

"You may call me Akira. As for where I call home? As a wanderer, it's whatever land I set up camp in. What might your name be?"

Shin froze. Secrets were being held. So be it then.

"My name is Byakko Akujin." He lied, taking the name of his sensei who's armor he wore and tarnished. "Lord of the House Byakko within the Toraono Clan and disciple of Lord Byakko himself." He continued to lie. "Its such a strange time for a wanderer to arrive in this village of ours, you see the wicked Kazekage is not of true Sunahoshi Blood and is forcing those within the village to give themselves to the whims of the neighboring nations, sacrificing what it means to be the descendents of the First Men. I am shocked that the Oracles have yet to call the Rangers to fell him. This false Kazekage sits upon a throne of lies as he forced Lord Shin out of the office through deceit."

He paused. He lied. All of it was wrong. His topaz eyes momentarily returned to their natural sapphiric hue. Clarity slipped into Shin's mind for just a second. A mental pulse of telepath was sent out.

A call for aid.
A call for assistance.

A call for Kohana.

Shin was alone. His world was now so silent. His sister and companion had all but left. His eyes would begin to melt back into the Topaz color as voices returned into his head

"K̸̛̺͔͖̬̎̽͋͐̎̔͋͂͝ì̵̼͕̹̼̩͔̍̈̄́̋͊̍ļ̶͂̉̇ĺ̷͓̩̥͇̩̠̎̈̐́̍ ̶̮͓̯̰̹̞͙͒̏̃̎͜͝ȇ̷͚͕̥̭̇͒̈́͋v̴̢̢̱̝̺̠͙͈͖̤̮̮̣̲́̓̉̽̒͐̀͗͠e̷͇̠̰̠͔͑͑͌͒̂̆̏̔͘͘͠r̵̻̎͌̉̀̀̇̅́͛͑̕ỹ̸̢̛͙͍̟̙͓̲̣̫̱͖͗͒͗̈́̚o̷̢͚̤͖̞̖͖̓̈́̕̚͝ṋ̷̢̠̺̯̭̩͙͇̱̅̅̐́̍̈́́̒̽̕ê̷̖̜̌̓̈́̓̿͋͌͐̃ ̷̧̨̧̢̛̖̩͖̓̓̏͌̽̀͊͊̇̽̌h̴̡̭̪͉̝̖͈̞̘͕͗̏́́͒͗̃ẽ̶̦͔̳̩̻̙̞̒͗r̷̩͚̰̄̑̍͛͝e̴̪͖̤̦͇̫̣̘̦̖͂̇͗͂͋́̏͠!̶̛̳̭̙̝͇̖̮̰̑͆̊̎́ "

They screamed into his mind, unwavering and constant. The voices were not stopping, not anytime soon at least.

"The Devil of Kirigakure, huh." He thought as he heard this guy speak about Mirokou Akkuma. "How many village's have someone with that moniker?" He questioned, as this guy made a swift comment about his complexion and 'soft lifestyle'. In that moment, the grinding of his teeth came to a sudden halt as a slight grin crossed his face. "If only he knew." Thought Kazan, as he continued to listen to this maniac speak. Judgement was being passed, but Kazan didn't care for this man's antagonistic mannerisms. He would not be taunted so easily, but without a doubt this guy was someone to make note of.

Next, he spoke of a 'The Omni Prime Medical Facility' and how he and his old pupils would soon meet again. Those words were a little ominous, and Kazan recognized what that meant almost immediately. Slaughtering a Medical force during what appeared to be a civil war was a smart war tactic, albeit ruthless. While he was an uninvited guest in this village, that is something he would have to decided if he wanted to get involved with or not. "Omni Prime." He told himself, comfiting the name of the facility to memory.

Finally, this mad man walked closer to Kazan, only to pass him by after giving him his name, and explaining what was going on. "A civil war between a ruler and a usurper." He said, under his breathe followed by a soft 'hmm'. The story of a loyal Shinobi, betrayed by his village for one reason or another, someone taking what's theirs and ultimately resulting in a civil war. What a classic tale. Still, betrayal was part of the reason he was on his pilgrimage to begin with and funny enough, the man who sowed the seed of doubt in his mind had also caused a civil war of some sorts.

Fate had a funny way of bringing someone right where they needed to be. While within this land, Kazan would surely find some answers he needed. But before those answers could be found, it was evident a decision had to be made. Not only that, it was a prime opportunity to change the state of affairs between his village and this one. He had to pick a side, and he had to do whatever he possibly cloud to insure that side prevailed. A blooded ruler, or someone outside the realm of tradition? In all honesty, Kazan didn't believe blood should dictate that type of thing. After all, back home one could rise through the ranks and become both the Raikage and the supreme ruler of the lighting country.

"Why fight for a title or a throne, when you destroy the kingdom in the process? Though, I suppose it shouldn't matter to me. I'm just here to help those who can't help themselves." He spoke, as he took several steps towards where "Akujin" once was. Regardless of what weird techniques and poisonous haze this guy released, Kazan was unaffected. In fact, the skill set seems faintly familiar to him, almost like the powers he had recently developed. If this is something Kazan would become capable of, he felt nothing but disgust. Sharing the same powers as this guy wasn't something he cared for.

Still, regardless of his thoughts and his concern, right now wasn't the time for personal conflict. There were literal hundreds of people to be saved, and stopping to fight a potential shinobi in this land right now wouldn't serve his purposes. Glancing back one final time, Kazan would instinctively, and instantly, used an interesting technique he learned specifically for events like this; Snapshot [Master]. The technique would only use a small amount of Chakra, similar to how Akujin formed a seal upon himself.

With that, Kazan would get back to assisting the citizens of this village. Right now, it wasn't his place to stop Akujin's rampage, so he'd have to let it go. That is, unless this guy decided he wanted to take things further. Then, he could justify his actions back home. Even if he didn't, the two of them would surely meet again before he took his leave; perhaps this, this madness would have subsided. After all, they appeared as two knights in a world full of a shinobis. If anything, these two have at least that in common.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped] [OOC: Snap Shot used]

Current Ninpocho Time:
