Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Extending a hand (Req Kiriyomi)

Kimari Bōmu

Active Ninja
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
From what Keniwa could see, Kiriyomi had spent most of his time alone or with Shusuke as far as he know. Akio had been neglected by him for the past few weeks and Keniwa try as he might hasn't seemed to fully be able to get through to him. Keniwa didn't have the greatest opinion on Shusuke since his msision and with the more time he spends with Akio, seeing Akio's caring nature compared to Shusukes toughness, both of them two ends of a spectrum. Yet perhaps Keniwa would be able to bring the best of both worlds to Kiriyomi's light. 'Akio's extensive kindness may be to much for Kiriyomi right now but Shusuke's tense attitude may be pushing Kiriyomi down the wrong path, especially with all that has happened to him so far. I still can't believe he lost his arm.' Keniwa had grown a lot since he started the academy, previously he wouldn't have paid any attention to Kiriyomi or Akio yet as he's made more friends he's realised their value.

Keniwa at the end of a class had invited Kiriyomi to go on a mission with him under Hoshirei's jurisdiction, however this had all been a lie to get Kiriyomi to talk to Keniwa. It may have been a stretch but he wanted to at least talk to him. He and Kiriyomi dashed through the trees they both excelled at moving throughout the forest at a decent pace, Kiriyomi had been training hard so his agility could keep up with Keniwa's physical prowess. Keniwa didn't think it was possible but Kiriyomi was most likely training harder than him.
'I don't know what his reaction will be but I wanted to try something' Keniwa stopped suddenly once he reached a clearing in the forest. "Kiriyomi this is far enough. I have something to confess. There is no mission. I wanted to just talk to you, I know you have been training but its okay to take a break sometimes. Especially with you arm and everything." He gazed at Kiriyomi with a caring expression he didn't falter in his speech though he wanted this to happen. 'Kiriyomi... I'm here for you.'
Kiriyomi begrudgingly accepts Keni's invitation to go on another mission, feeling that since it came from Hoshirei that it had to go better than their last one. There was no way he would end up with a mission like that twice in a row. But Keniwa was being tight-lipped about the details of the mission, so Kiri instead just focused on keeping pace with his companion instead. He had been training a lot since the mission, becoming much more stable amongst the trees. He had secretly been watching Akio when he was out in the forests, unsure of how to approach him and apologize for what he had said at the funeral. Sometimes the words were just really hard to find, and it had been taking months to try and put the right ones together.

As they reach a clearing in the forest, Kiriyomi looks around for Hoshirei and is surprised that there is no one else around. Where could Sensei be? Is she running late to the job? But she seems to be a lot more responsible than to leave two academy students waiting in the forest for a job to begin. What is Keniwa doing?

"Kiriyomi this is far enough. I have something to confess. There is no mission. I wanted to just talk to you, I know you have been training but its okay to take a break sometimes. Especially with you arm and everything." Kiri sat there for a moment, jaw wide open, shocked that Keniwa had lied to him just to get him alone. What did he know?! He hadn't had his arm cut off and had to learn how to live using his Kikai as a replacement! Sure, he was getting more and more dextrous with it as time went on. But nothing was going to replace his arm, not really. Keni had barely even gotten hurt on the mission! Who was he to scold Kiri and tell him to stop training?

Walking away from Keniwa and towards the center of the clearing, Kiriyomi summons his Kikai arm and points a finger at Keni. "I don't know if this is your idea of a joke, or what. But it's not funny, and I'm wasting precious time out here when I could be honing my skills. I can't afford to get hurt again or let anyone else get hurt like that! You think you know how I feel?! Not a chance; you got out with scrapes while me and Shusuke almost died! Let's see just how well my training has been going, if you think I need a break. Beat me in combat, and I'll listen to whatever you have to say!" Taking up a battle stance, Kiri would stare down Keniwa with fury raging in his eyes, believing that he truly had a chance to beat the other boy and go back to living his life without interference.

[MFT - 481]

Just a couple of reminders, requests, and requirements (subject to Change):
  • Link all your stuff in your actions: If you're using a jutsu, link it. If you're using an affinity move, link to the list. If you're using a dependent action from a CA/BL, link to the CA/BL, etc.; the less guesswork/searching you take out of my time, the quicker I can do the battle bits!
  • List your passives: I know this might seem like additional work, but making a 1-time list and copying and pasting it with each submission of your actions would be a benefit for you and I! This is one of the areas a mod most regularly misses (and at times one players also overlook), so help me, help you! And I do mean all passives, even things from your abilities or CA/BL that you may not think is important
  • If you have any concerns contact me on Discord (@The_Tea_Witch!): If I don't respond immediately I'm either at work (I have Discord on my phone) or I'm caught up with some IRL stuff, give me a bit of patience and I will get back to you asap!
  • Please do not debate my mod in Gen Chat, go to another Mod to 'second opinion' my mod or just generally flame/disrespect me, as I promise you all the work I am doing for your mod isn't to offend/hurt/screw you over. Chat with me about mod questions, if we don't reach a satisfactory result, we can get the System Head involved to make sure both parties are taken care of!
  • Based on previous rulings and how things are written, I like to adhere to "what you write is what you want", so please be careful and clear in your actions/conditionals.
  • If something is wrong in your profile, even if it was approved incorrectly, it's wrong and unusable. (ie. Shinobi 101 was written wrong, Wrong class becomes rookie class.)
  • Unless you both agree to something different, we will do the 48 hours as the limit to submit your actions after a round has been posted.

Credit due: Start of Battle Note swiped from [SIZE=26px][FONT=Poiret One][B][U]Raizo[/U][/B][/FONT][/SIZE]

Round 1​


Kyoujouran Keniwa
View attachment 2294

Aburame Kiriyomi
View attachment 2295
HP: 6,800 -171 -8 -9 -9 = 6603
CP: 3,300 -62 -523 -583 -646 -347 = 1139
AP: 10 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 -2 = 1.5 (11 AP Next Round)

HP: 3,300 -283 -212 -637 -292 -292 = 2165
CP: 5,300 -230 -176 -369 -176 = 4349
AP: 10 -0.5 -1.5 -0.5 -0.75 - 1.5 -2 -1.5 -0.5 Suppression -0.5 Suppression = 0.75 AP (10.75 AP Next Round)

Maintains: Genjutsu #1, Hidden Action #2
Status: Suppressed twice but will get over it
Summon of Keniwa
Clone(s) of Keniwa
Creation of Keniwa
Summon of Kiriyomi
Clone(s) of Kiriyomi
Creation of Kiriyomi

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

0.5 Seconds - Keniwa enters Defensive Mode +1D/-1A

0.5 Seconds - Kiriyomi enters Defensive Mode +2D/-2A

1 Second - Keniwa slides on his stylish Fingerless Gloves!

2 Seconds - Keniwa's Skin looks like it is made of stone!

- (-66 -5% cost) = -62 CP

2 Seconds - Kiriyomi Does a Hidden Action? No wait! there's 3 Kiriyomi's on the battlefield! This must be Genjutsu!
- (215 +7% Hive Body) 230CP, (110 +7% Hive Body) 117 CP Maintain (@2 Seconds, 10 Seconds left)
- (7 +8 Secondary +1 DC Class Bonus -1 Genjutsu DC) 15 DC vs (7+7-1 Fearless) 14 Save for 100% Full Hit
- (290 -10%DR Fearless) 261 -90 Tetsuwaka = 171 Damage to Keniwa

2.5 Seconds - Kiriyomi uses a Smart Action to equip Flying Ant because he used a weapon strike next

3.25 Seconds - Kiriyomi sends Flying Ant towards Keniwa

- (12 +5 Secondary + 2 Weapon MOD -2 Defensive Mode) 17 Ranged Acc vs (3 +8 Secondary +1 Defensive Mode -3 Dodge from Armored Blow) 9 Ranged Dodge for 100% Full hit
- (90 -10% DR Fearless -10% DR Class Bonus -10% Vanguard -5% Armored Blow) = 58 -50 from Tetsukawa = 8 Damage to Keniwa

3.75 3.5 Seconds - Keniwa Steps in Flash with Armored Blow BUT WAIT! It was an Illusory Clone?! Keniwa will remember this!
- (385 -10% Cost Jutsu Mastery -5% Cost Class Bonus +100 Cost Armored Blow +25% Elemental Illusion) -523 CP
- Clones Check: 3 Clone
- 1st Strike (8 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +2 Tai Acc +1 Armored Blow) 20 Melee Acc vs (2 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 10 Melee Dodge for 100% Full Hit (580 -10% Weapon Modifier) 522 Damage
- 2ND Strike (18 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +2 Tai Acc +1 Armored Blow) 30 Melee Acc vs (5 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 13 Melee Dodge for 100% Full Hit (580 -10% Weapon Modifier) 522 Damage
- Cleave! BUT IT'S A CLONE, Keniwa knows where the real Clone is!
- 1st Strike (9 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +2 Tai Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Cleave) 20 Melee Acc vs (9 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 17 Melee Dodge for 100% Full Hit (580 -10% Weapon Modifier +5% Damage) 522 Damage
- 2nd Strike (2 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +2 Tai Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Cleave) 13 Melee Acc vs (3 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 11 Melee Dodge for 100% Full Hit (580 -10% Weapon Modifier +5% Damage) 522 Damage
- Cleave Take 2!
- 1st Strike (6 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +2 Tai Acc +1 Armored Blow -2 Cleave) 16 Melee Acc vs (14 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 22 Melee Dodge for 0% Complete Miss
- 2nd Strike (3 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +2 Tai Acc +1 Armored Blow -2 Cleave) 13 Melee Acc vs (7 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 15 Melee Dodge for 0% Complete Miss

4.75 Seconds - Kiriyomi does something and Keniwa's body begins to feel off balance! what is this?
- (165 +7% Hive Body) 176 CP, (80 +7% Hive Body) 85 Cp Maintain (@4 Seconds, 30 seconds left)
- (19 +8 Secondary +1 DC Class Bonus) 28 DC vs (7 +7 Secondary -1 Fearless) 14 Save for 100% Full hit (110 -10% DR Fearless) 99 -90 Tetsuwaka = 9 Damage to Keniwa

5.25 5 Seconds - Keniwa tires to use Shoryuken at Kiriyomi but Completely missed as Kiriyomi did like a sick flip!
- (420CP -10% Jutsu mastery -5% Class Bonus +25% Elemental Illusion +100 Armored Blow) -583 CP
- (1 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor) 10 Melee Acc vs (20 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 28 Melee Dodge for 0% Complete Miss

6.75 6.5 Seconds - Keniwa begins to pummel Kiriyomi with Dragon Assault!!!
- (420CP -10% Jutsu mastery -5% Class Bonus +25% Elemental Illusion +20% Special Action x2 +100 Armored Blow) -636 CP
- 1st (9 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor) 18 Melee Acc vs (9 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 17 Melee Dodge for 100% Full Hit (315 -10% Weapon Mod) 283 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 46 no Suppression)
- 2nd (7 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor) 16 Melee Acc vs (16 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 26 Melee Dodge for 0% Complete Miss
- 3rd (9 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor) 18 Melee Acc vs (18 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 28 Melee Dodge for 0% Complete Miss
- 4th (6 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor) 15 Melee Acc vs (12 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 20 Melee Dodge for 0% Complete Miss
- 5th (11 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor) 20 Melee Acc vs (12 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 20 Melee Dodge for 75% Partial Hit ((315 x.75) = 236 -10% Weapon Mod) 212 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 6 -0.5 AP Suppression)
- 6th (20 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor) 29 Melee Acc vs (14 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 28 Melee Dodge for 225% Critical hit ((315 x2.25) = 708 -10% Weapon Mod) 637 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 53 no Suppression) Already Suppressed from this atttack

6.75 Seconds - Kiriyomi makes a few handseals, but nothing seems to happen
- (345 +7% Hive Body) 369 CP
- (16 +8 Secondary +1 DC Class Bonus -3 Genjutsu DC) 22 DC vs (20 +7 Secondary -1 Fearless) 26 Save for 0% Complete Miss

7.25 7 Seconds - Keniwa strikes at Kiriyomi with a Dynamic Finish!
- (215CP -10% Jutsu mastery -5% Class Bonus +25% Elemental Illusion +100 Armored Blow) -347 CP
- 1st (10 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor +1 Taijutsu Acc) 19 Melee Acc vs (10 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 18 Melee Dodge for 75% Partial Hit (325 -10% Weapon Modifier) 292 (Suppression 25% rolled 8 -0.5 AP Suppression)
- 2nd (5 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc +1 Armored Blow -1 Drunken Stupor +1 Taijusu Accuracy) 14 Melee Acc vs (5 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 13 Melee Dodge for 75% Partial Hit (325 -10% Weapon Modifier) 292 (Suppression 25% rolled 36 no Suppression) Already Suppressed from his attack

8.25 Seconds - Kiriyomi attempts to fill Keniwa's mind with confusion and the sounds of pain, but Keniwa quickly shakes it off
- (165 +7% Hive Body) 176 CP
- (12 +8 Secondary +1 DC Class Bonus -3 Genjutsu DC) 21 DC vs (15 +7 Secondary -1 Fearless) 21 Save for 50% Partial Hit
- (220 x.5 -10% Fearless) 99 Damage - 90 Tetsuwaka = 9 Damage

Kiriyomi Attempts another action but doesn't have enough time
Kiriyomi quickly reaches into a pouch and sprinkles a small bit of poison over Kohara's pincers, ready to fight to the death if necessary. He was seeing red, and wasn't going to take any prisoners in this fight. He then slides into a defensive stance, something that Suimwa had taught him recently. This would allow him to better handle any of the attacks thrown at him, hopefully giving him an advantage as the battle wore on. Keniwa seems reluctant to fight at first, but also takes on a stance as he slides on some gloves and makes a fist. A second later, Keni's skin starts to look as though it is made of stone. Good. It looks like he's going to take this seriously. Now then, let's get started!

Kiri quickly makes a few handseals and two clones appear standing beside Kiriyomi. At once, they all begin to dart towards Keniwa. With a whispered order to Kohara, the ant flies forward and bites at Keniwa's arm, leaving a small scrape behind. Not ideal, but just enough for the poison to take hold. That would have to be good enough for now. Hopefully that would slow Keniwa down a little bit. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, Kiriyomi begins feeling cocky and thinks that he can handle the other boy easily. However, he is surprised when Keniwa quickly launches into action and goes for one of the clones. With a couple of quick strikes, his hands fly through the clone and he quickly turns towards the next one and rushes forward. Kiri and the clone quickly split off, and the clone takes the force of the next attack. Kiri feels the tide of battle quickly changing, not expecting his opponent to hit so swiftly.

As their eyes lock onto each other and Keniwa rushes forward once more, Kiriyomi deftly dodges to the side as his opponent attempts to cleave at him twice. Quickly performing a few handseals, Kiriyomi performs another Genjutsu that he learned from the scrolls he had borrowed from Shusuke, this one designed to throw his opponent off balance and hopefully make his blows a bit more sloppy in the process. Keniwa doesn't really seem all that affected though, launching yet another attack that Kiri quickly flips over. He barely has time to land and lift his arms to defend himself as Keni unleashes a series of blows upon him. After being punched in the face by the initial strike, Kiri quickly dodges the next few strikes. As his confidence rises again at his ability to handle this, Keni manages to land two heavy blows in succession that launch Kiri across the clearing and into a tree.

Struggling to his feet and wiping blood from his mouth, Kiri attempts yet another Genjutsu against Keniwa. These were strong techniques that Shusuke had taught him, surely they had to be useful in a fight such as this. RIght? Without a chance to catch his breath or see if his actions were doing anything, Keni charges across the clearing and strikes at Kiriyomi again, driving him back into the tree which he had just impacted against. Darting away once more, Kiri tries to get off one more technique before reaching the other side of the clearing. Panting and bleeding, he stares down at his "friend", wondering if he was going to be able to beat him or not. Perhaps he needed to change up his strategy and stop relying so heavily on illusory techniques and actually start trying to hurt him?
Keniwa and Kiriyomi would simultaneously enter a battle ready position, he knew something like this may arise yet he wasn't going to mortally wound Kiriyomi, all he wanted to do was to keep him safe. He had to make sure of it. Activating his Tetsukawa as hIS face simultaneously carried a rock like expression, he would slide on his gloves whilst clenching his fists giving one last straight look at Kiriyomi. This wasn't a battle that he was wanting to win or lose no. He had ulterior goals in mind and he wasn't about to let this battle cloud his mind on what he needed to do. 'Let this battle commence!'

Keniwa could only watch as Kiriyomi performed handseals and several Kiriyomis would appear before him, they appeared all so quick yet Keniwa would not let this phase him, he swiftly charges to each of them in a sudden flash, moving in a zigzag formation resembling a crack inside of a rock, slamming the first in its stomach as it disperses a cloud of smoke running around his fist, before jumping above the second as he raises his heel upwards bringing it crashing down on their head with a crescent kick falling straight through the fake's cloud of smoke, he had blitzed the first two and all that had remained were the last two. In the thick of the fight however Keniwa had not pained any notice to Kohara biting his arm as he was too busy trying to find the real Kiriyomi. Keeping his momentum he charged one with the use of his head bringing it up under his chin as it would also disperse, as the other split off from the side.

Their eyes locking for a moment Keniwa would attempt to bring him to the ground. He was dodged by the real Kiriyomi however, as Keniwa attempted to use two sweeping kicks, yet Kiriyomi moved to the side as he would avoid him. 'He must have already learned how I fight from that display...' He notices Kiriyomi use a few more handseals yet sees nothing of the sort, his vision remains relatively the same as his adrenaline keeps the blood pumping in Keniwa. He attempts to hit Keniwa with a rising uppercut yet Kiriyomi flipped dodging it. Keniwa would smile at Kiriyomi as he had been waiting to use this move, Kiriyomi proved far stronger than Keniwa could have imagined and it was about time. A move that he had seen his father use as his signature blow. Keniwa would shout in a childlike fashion "Dragon Assault!!"

Throwing several blows towards Kiriyomi's way as Kiriyomi would fall downwards after the flip, he would land the first punch to his chest as Kiriyomi would quickly respond with several dodges and blocks, yet Keniwa would keep pushing and kick Kiriyomi upwards in to the air before leaping towards him and landing a devastating punch to Kiriyomi's skull. Launching Kiriyomi through the clearing and straight in to a tree. He would yet again witness Kiriyomi attempting to perform more jutsus handseals beginning to form in his hands, so he would charge right after Kiriyomi and begin to slam his stomach twice in quick succession. Kiriyomi would manage to break free and dart off to the other side of the clearing as Keniwa would say to Kiriyomi. "Kiriyomi.. We don't have to keep going if this is hurting you" He says with a dissatisfied and somewhat guilty expression as he looks down towards the ground.


Round 2​


Kyoujouran Keniwa

Aburame Kiriyomi
HP: 6603 -54 -66 -79 -19 +340 -13 -191 -29 -191 = 6301
CP: 1139 -33 -33 -546 = 527
AP: 11 -1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -1.25 -0.5 -0.5 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 = 0

HP: 2165 +159 -81 -20 -252 -62 -252 -252 -252 -504 -72 -72 -72 = 433
CP: 4349 -110 -80 -215 -460 -165 -540 -240 = 2509
AP: 10.75 -1.5 -2 -1.5 -2 -2 Suppressed -1.5 = 0.25

Maintains: Genjutsu #1 (Round2), Hidden Action #2 (Round1), Earthen Coating (Round2)
Status: None
Summon of Keniwa
Clone(s) of Keniwa
Creation of Keniwa
Summon of Kiriyomi
Clone(s) of Kiriyomi
Creation of Kiriyomi

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

Maintains: N/A
Status: N/A

0 Seconds - I forgot to deal Poison Damage to Keni from Kiri's Plexitism
-12 (62x20%) -104(523x20%) -116(583x20%) -129(646x20%) -69(347x20%). Each damage is reduced by 50 due to Tetsukawa
-54, -66, -79, -19

0 Seconds Genjutsu Maintained
- (290 -10% Fearless) 261 - 70 Tetsukawa = 191 Basic Clone -110CP
- (110 -10% Fearless) 99 - 70 Tetsukawa = 29 Drunken Stupor -80CP

0 Seconds - Kiri recovers CP with Hyperactive

0 Second - Keniwa Recovers with Recovery Augment and Healing Factor Ability for 5% Healing

0 Second - Kiri uses Strategist Sneak Attack with Flying Ant Full Hit!
(7 +5 Secondary + 2 Weapon MOD -2 Defensive Mode +3 Sneak Attack) 15 to hit
(1 +8 Secondary +1 Defensive Mode) 10 to dodge
- (90 + 10% Sneak Attack -10% Weapon Mod -10% DR Fearless -10% DR Class Bonus -10% Vanguard) = 63 -50 from Tetsukawa = 13 Damage to Keniwa

0 Seconds New Clones appear! Keniwa is confused once more!

0.9 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi MISS!
(6 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 14 to hit
(18 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 26 to Dodge

- Keniwa uses Tremor Step due to the appearance of clones and knows where Kiriyomi is!

1.16 Seconds - Kiri uses Hidden Action targeting Keniwa Full Hit! -215 CP
Two more Kiriyomi's appear!
(17 +8 Secondary +1 DC Class Bonus -1 DC) 23 DC
(2 +7 Secondary -1 Fearless) 8 Save
- (290 -10% Fearless) 261 - 70 Tetsukawa = 191 Basic Clone

1.8 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi. Partial Hit 50%
(18 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 26 to hit
(18 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 26 to hit

- (45 Damage -10% Weapon Mod) 40 Damage
- Keniwa uses Tremor Step due to the appearance of clones and knows where Kiriyomi is!
-33 CP

2.27 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi Full Hit
(5 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 13 to hit
(2 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 10 to Dodge
- (90 Damage -10% Weapon Mod) 81 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 14 -0.5AP Suppression)

2.73 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi Partial Hit 25%
(12 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 20 to hit
(13 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 21 to Dodge
- (22 Damage -10% Weapon Mod) 20 Damage

3.02 Seconds - Kiri uses Earthen Coating -460CP
Rank 1: The user takes -10% damage. Attacks against the user have a 6% chance of activating the 'Density' effect.

3.19 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi MISS
(5 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 13 to hit
(17 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 25 to Dodge
Density roll of 83 Fail

3.65 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi MISS
(9 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 17 to hit
(18 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 26 to Dodge
Density roll of 47 Fail

4.42 Seconds - Kiri uses Hidden Action
-165 CP
(6 +8 Secondary +1 DC Class Bonus -1 DC) 14 DC
(1 +7 Secondary -1 Fearless) 7 Save

5.47 Seconds - Keniwa uses Dragon Assault - C rank- Unarmed - Mastered - (Special action used twice +0.5AP and +10% CP cost) At Kiriyomi. Full Hit, Partial 25%, Full Hit, Full Hit, Full Hit, Critical hit

- (420CP -10% Jutsu mastery -5% Class Bonus +25% Elemental Illusion +20% Special Action x2) -546 CP
(12 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 20 to hit
(9 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 17 to Dodge
- (315 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 252 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 72 no Suppression)
Density roll of 50 Fail

(10 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 18 to hit
(11 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 19 to Dodge
- (78 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 62 Damage
Density roll of 50 Fail

(11 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 19 to hit
(6 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 14 to Dodge
- (315 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 252 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 1 -0.5 AP Suppression)
Density roll of 49 Fail

(13 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 21 to hit
(11 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 19 to Dodge
- (315 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 252 Damage
Density roll of 19 Fail

(13 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 21 to hit
(2 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 10 to Dodge
- (315 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 252 Damage
Density roll of 92 Fail

(20 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 28 to hit
(13 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 21 to Dodge
- (630 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 504 Damage
Density roll of 13 Fail

6.28 Seconds - Kiri uses Grand Waterfall with Minor Affinity Move (Focus) and Special Action (Erupting Geyser)

(450cp +20% Special Action) 540 CP
(6 +8 Secondary +2 Focus -2 Defensive Mode) 14 to hit
(10 +8 Secondary +1 Defensive Mode) 19 Dodge

6.28 Second - Kiri uses Strategist Sneak Attack with Flying Ant Partial Hit 75%

(16 +5 Secondary + 2 Weapon MOD -2 Defensive Mode +3 Sneak Attack) 24 to hit
(14 +8 Secondary +1 Defensive Mode) 23 to dodge
- (67 + 10% Sneak Attack -10 Weapon Mod -10% DR Fearless -10% DR Class Bonus -10% Vanguard) = 47 -50 from Tetsukawa = 10 Damage to Keniwa

6.07 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi Full Hit
(17 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 25 to hit
(11 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 19 to Dodge
- (90 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 72 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 30 -0.5 AP Suppression)
Density roll of 81 Fail

6.53 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi Full Hit
(14 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 22 to hit
(11 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 19 to Dodge
- (90 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 72 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 13 -0.5 AP Suppression)
Density roll of 95 Fail

8.14 Seconds - Kiri uses Earth Flow Wave Ran out of AP so Skipping this

7 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi MISS
(9 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 17 to hit
(15 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 23 to Dodge

7.46 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi MISS
(5 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 13 to hit
(13 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 21 to Dodge

7.9 Seconds - Kiri uses Water Whip Full Miss -240CP
(2 +8 Secondary -2 Defensive Mode) 8 to hit
+8 Secondary +1 Defensive Mode) 26 Dodge

7.92 Seconds - Keniwa uses Basic Strike directed at Kiriyomi Full Hit
(13 +8 Secondary -1 Defensive Mode +2 Weapon Acc -1 Drunken Stupor) 21 to hit
(1 +6 Secondary +2 Defensive Mode) 9 to Dodge
- (90 Damage -10% Weapon Mod -10% Earthen Coating) 72 Damage (Suppression 30% rolled 55 no Suppression)

A flying ant would slash past Keniwa's cheek only slightly chipping his rock skin before he would begin to pummel Kiriyomi, his guilt however was feeding in to his attacks. His chakra was slipping from his hands, Kiriyomi would sap it away from him no matter what the rock skinned boy would do. The more he hit him the worse the rock skin felt, he hadn't been severely hurt at all in their small skirmish yet he didn't wish to fight him anymore. In an attempt to end it all he ran towards Kiriyomi a whittling fire in his eyes could be seen, only using the most basic of attacks a mixture of punches and kicks mainly to defend himself above all else. Several clones would appear of the Aburame as he would be charged at by the taijutsu specialist, his tremor sense kept him sharp on his toes. He didn't bother with them as he kicked the other student back a couple feet, swiping at him with a jab to his stomach.

However Kiriyomi wouldn't go down, not that easily, he watched as he almost mimicked his own tetsukawa with clumps of earth forming around his body to create a makeshift armour around him. Again he swiped at Kiriyomi in an attempt to try break through but it did next to nothing to his stature. This needed to end he couldn't go on any longer he had to use his strongest technique he was running out of chakra. The hive of a person began to create handseals which was when he would strike. "Im sorry Kiriyomi. Dragon Assault!" Jumping up in to the air he would spin as he launched six kicks in quick succession towards the boy, several kicks were launched at his torso he was sure he caught him off guard, with his main offense being punches as he would finish with an axe kick slamming his heel on the student's head. Flipping back as he held his fists in front of him still ready to go.

A torrent of water would swirl and shoot forth from Kiriyomi's point as Keniwa would leap right over it, rolling forward springing in to his peer with two quick jabs. However he was clearly becoming predictable as his next two kicks were dodged and weaved. Quickly before using a thin tendril of condensed water swiping right over his own body as he ducked, rising upwards with a small uppercut. But after it all... he was still standing. He couldn't believe it himself, he looked bruised and beaten blood leaking from his mouth even several ants bodies would lay dead around the clearing. Keniwa looked down in sadness and despair as he would say. "Im sorry, I haven't even thought about what you could be going through, I shouldn't have forced you in to this clearing. It was wrong im sorry."
Kiriyomi attempts to take all of the blows from Keniwa while giving some of his own, but he fails miserably. His jutsu miss and are interrupted by rapid fire strikes from his opponent, and it is all that he can do to keep up. As he stands there after his last failed attempt, blood pouring from his mouth, he stares downa t the ground where he sees several of his Kikai lying dead. He hadn't realized that they had come out to try and protect him and soften the blows from Keni's fists... Now they were dead. Just like his father. "Im sorry, I haven't even thought about what you could be going through, I shouldn't have forced you in to this clearing. It was wrong im sorry."

Kiri raises his eyes, and Keni would notice that tears are streaming down his face, running into the cuts across his cheeks and mixing with the blood coming from his mouth. He doesn't react at all as the salt stings in the wounds, instead lowering his gaze once again to the Kikai. "Have you ever lost someone, someone close to you? Do you have any idea what kind of hurt that causes, what sort of void it rips open in your life? My friends there... they were trying to protect me, to tell me to stop fighting. But I didn't, and now they're dead. Just like Oto-san. I want to blame you, say that it's all your fault for starting this fight. But it's not. I'm the one that has been living with this demon inside of me, causing me to hurt those closest to me. I never realized it, but you are my friend too, Keniwa. You stuck by my side while I only showed the worst of me, and I never even realized it until just now. Is there any way that you think everyone could forgive me for being so mean and hurtful these past few months? Oka-san must hate me for how I've been acting, sneaking out behind her back to train afet she wanted me to stop. I couldn't though. You got hurt during our mission, and I lost my arm trying to protect you... I blamed you for the longest time, saying that it was your fault. You were supposed to be the strong one, defending me. But I realized that's not true. We were supposed to support each other, and instead I just used you like a tool. I'm sorry..."

MFT: 414
The two would stare at each other as he could see Kiriyomi's eyes begin to pour tears straight out travelling down his face and instantly seeping in to the grass with echoed throughout the clearing. As Kiriyomi would speak the boy remained silent, he knew it wasn't his time to say anything their fight was over and he would let him talk, thats what he had wanted in the first place. Although as he stared down with Kiriyomi he could see his gloves had been practically stained with Kiriyomi's blood, only realising just now a look of shock stretched across his face, almost going pale at the sight of it. They were supposed to be peers and he hadn't just hurt him on the outside but on the inside as well, he hadn't even thought as if his mother had died. All the pain and misery he would have went through he couldn't have done it alone, Kiriyomi bearing all this weight on his shoulders. He would hold up his kikai arm as he gently felt it, all the insects moving and working as one all of them living beings which Kiriyomi loved and cared for.

He could see all the ants which he had murdered in the twos fight as he would begin to cry as well, swiftly hugging Kiriyomi as he clenched his eyes closed and would weep "I'm sorry Kiriyomi. I'm sorry. Your arm, Im so sorry." Falling to his knees as he would grip the side of Kiriyomi's waist practically pleading for forgiveness as he hung his head down in shame, his guilt was immense and it all just exploded at once, there was never a time where he wished he knew a medical jutsu more than now. "I never wanted for you to face this all alone and Im sorry that we fought and I should have done more to help. I don't need to forgive you for anything if anything I ask for forgiveness from you. I just want everything to be okay and I just want to be here for you. Please can we be friends." He was devastated by Kiriyomi's speech and wanted nothing more than for him to be alright, he had never shared this sort of side with anyone not even his own mother. He didn't know how it would feel to lose a loved one but just a fragment of Kiriyomi's pain cut like daggers. A silent vow was made that he'd never let harm cross Kiriyomi's path whilst he was around. Not mentally, not physically never again.
Kiriyomi stands there, stunned, as Keniwa falls to his knees and begs his forgiveness. He didn't know where this came from? Kiri was the one who needed Keni's forgiveness; he had forced him into this fight for no reason, he had been absolutely horrible lately, and blamed both him and Akio at the funeral for not understanding him and being partially the cause of his father's death. None of this was in their control, though, and the thought of his father brings a memory back to Kiriyomi. Remember, son, in life you will meet a lot of people. Some of them will be bad, but many of them will be good. Hold onto the good ones, they will serve you well in this life. Remember Seirei-san? He's my best friend! But more than that, he's...

Kiri reaches down to pat Keniwa on the head, before kneeling down and looking him in the eye. "No, Keniwa. We cannot be friends... You mean so much more to me than that, I would rather consider you my brother, if that's alright? I am an only child, but have always dreamed of having a brother. Especially one like you, who can bring me back to my senses when I need it most. You don't have to ask my forgiveness, for you have always had it." Kiri's eyes are still leaking tears, but a smile crosses his cracked and bleeding lips as he stares deep into his friends, no, his brother's eyes. He would rather have no one else at his back when things got tough. Keniwa and Akio... they were his family. The two of them stood by him through everything, and he needed to tell them how much they meant to him.
He gazed deeply in to his brother's bruised face as he would continue to sob extending a hand out for a handshake to seal the deal, "Take my hand brother and let's go home we can go to the byoin, I'll take full responsibility for everything. Thank you Kiriyomi." A grateful smile would form on his face as he spoke, his eyes shimmering with a new found happiness. He would pick himself and Kiriyomi up from their knees as they would stand, if still clenching fists embracing him for a short hug. He still felt guilt for the loss of his brother's arm, but he would protect his younger sibling no matter what from now on. "Kiriyomi... Do you think Akio will be mad? Do we have to tell him?" He'd lightly chuckle afterwards, whilst he said it with a joking tone realistically he was slightly terrified for the scolding he could recieve. "I suppose we'll have to see. I can carry you on my back on the way home it's a while back. Unless you can walk of course."

No matter the option Kiriyomi would choose he'd walk back happily with his newfound family member, 'Thank you Kiriyomi, without you I think I'd have continue to sink.'

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Kiri laughs at Keniwa's question, struggling to imagine their sunny Senju friend ever being mad at anything. "Akio? I think that he would be more thrilled than anything that we are closer than ever! Besides, he's like the oldest brother of the group, isn't he? Always looking out for us and making sure that we don't get in trouble and trying to lift us up when we fall. As for taking responsibility, don't worry about it. Let's just tell them that we encountered a bear out here in the woods, and you saved me. Nobody needs to know what happened out here except for the two of us. I don't want anyone to know that I lost my temper like that and attacked you... It was wrong, and I'll never be able to apologize for it enough." Standing alongside his brother, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, the two would slowly make their way back to the village.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
