Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

False Echelon [Open]

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
[Continued from here --> ....

The trainee's feet slammed roughly against the ground, his irritation hidden behind his mask as he had looked around the buildings around, the extra weight of the woman in his hands not helping his mood. He had managed to find himself lost in a foreign country, chasing a man in a location that he seemed to have very indepth knowledge about, so it wasn't surprising that he had lost the trail. Just perfect. He continued walking, heading towards the last know direction of Pestilence, the large man seemingly being the root of his problems. Not only did he release the prisoner, but who knew how many people might be infected by being the man general location. His only other ally [a term he considered loosely] was a child who had been in the middle of a break down, and he left a prisoner still chained up, unknowing what the child would do to him. The less complicated matter became the better.

Drifting back to the present, he made notice of the few remnants of people before turning slowly around a towards a street less crowd, carefully placing the woman down before dispelling his clone and catching the unconscious Uchiha.

"We'll take a break. Any of your injuries acting up?" As he spoke to the woman, he placed the Uchiha on the ground, making sure no to worse he condition. He needed to make a report soon, warning anyone else about these people masterminding these ordeals. Names drifted briefly though his mind. Wind Daimyo...The Cabal...and Pestilence? Shinku had claimed them to be responsible for their exam, but Pestilence claimed it was someone else, as well as the Wind Daimyo. Scanning the area while keeping his sense on the two next too him, he slowly began to notice the elegant scenery, realizing the oddity of the place had previous been, a place of cruelty switching places with beauty. Leaning on the ground, he wait, conserving his energy as he planned his next move in this den of vipers.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
OC: Been meaning to post here but the insanity of staff work and real life work has made posting slow in these areas.

Shin would find himself in one of the wealthiest parts of the Country if not the world. The Alcazar housed the richest men and women in Soon's Haven, a true plutocracy. Their wealth and their displays of it were sickening considering the destitute condition of the civilians on the fringe but everyone had the right to the wealth they 'earned' or were bequeathed in some cases. Crystal blue fountains would spout precious water ten feet into the air, caring not for evaporation in this arid climate. Yes, it was more temperate near the salty sea and one could assume that these waters would be an excellent source of drinking water or fountain water but the salt in these waters makes it undrinkable and useless in a fountain. Doors and sills made from wood, something rare in Wind Country considering once again the lack of forests, in fact if one truly considered the facts there was likely not a single stone, shingle, or pane that was not outsourced from some foreign and exotic location. They had more wealth than their great grandchildren could spend in their lifetimes while there were people starving. Of course the question to ask then is -- whose responsibility is it to share? If it is not yours, then why would it be theirs...
He would not find help, not here. Shin was not their problem.

The Uchiha was breathing heavily, his flesh was cold and misted with sweat. He might pull through but only time would tell at this point. The woman on the other hand had clutched onto Shin tightly as they descended, a lesser man might have turned blue.

"We'll take a break. Any of your injuries acting up?"

She was only cut, it was now nothing more than a dull ache. She lost more from her dignity than her health. "No, I am fine. Thank you," the last part seemed a bit forced. The ordeal was absolutely terrifying, those teens and those criminals in that dark and horrid place. As soon as she could she was leaving Soons and she was never looking back. "I am still trying to figure out what happened," she muttered more to herself than anything else. She had no idea why she was associated with the rest of them. Did she find something that made her a threat? Did she see something? If so -- what? She racked her brain and it seemed to throb, she worked for powerful people and did had that job because she was very good at what she did. She had a hard time believing that they would discard her so readily. The corners of her lips twitched downward as she contemplated why.

"We need to get out of here," she warned Shin, her voice wavering. It was likely her life was forfeit unless she could appeal to another Merchant Lord but it was unlikely one of them would take her in for fear of the act being considered an act of aggression against her former Lord. "What are you going to do?" (Hint: How about let people know what is going on.)

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
A black crow flies over head with a croll tied around its left talon. This is one of Hakuren’s many pets in which she likes to control. As a Yamanaka she can possess animals and explore the village without physically leaving her room. It was a very handy reconnaissance technique and she was quite good at it. One never knows when she may be watching. Hakuren always finds flying simply exhilarating. There is nothing like soaring above the ground with the air beneath her wings. Often Hakuren is called to deliver messages. With her abilities she could deliver as quickly as a messenger animal, but as smart as a human messenger. The rich people in Alcazar normally requested her and paid go money. Even though technically she is not part of the main branch anymore, she was not going to say no to these rewards. Plus she had to keep up appearances.

Despite being the spy that she is, she has no idea of the messages she is delivering. Each letter she delivers to this area has wax sealed. Form what she learned from other messenger’s is that if the seal is broken, your pay gets cut in half and you’re not likely to get another job from them again. People here value their privacy. Flying towards her target she sees a particularly interesting scene going on. There was a foreign anbu in this location with a couple of people in less than good health. This interested her and after delivering her message to a local merchant lord, she stays in the area perched on a roof or something.

Nara Raian

Nov 25, 2012
Funny how things just seemed to continue to spiral downward. The previous hours seeming like a blur in Shin head as he leaned on the wall, looking at the still unconscious Uchiha. To thing something meant to test future candidates of the A.N.B.U. had been just a ploy of the Daimyo, as well as another group according to Shinku. They had been given orders to gather information for six prisoners, using whatever methods deemed appropriate for their individual situations. Criminals and terrorist, the folders said, so the trainee treated them in the same manner as their threats dictated. Some a bit more than others.

Though the woman had only a single cut now, see nearly lose her wrist because of some bloodthirst student. Then the dying Uchiha, who Shin saved barely from death, his body seemingly feeling like gush in as hands as he had attempted to repair the boy’s body to some normality. Dam Tensai, I hope you got the answers you needed. Another prisoner was killed, her trainee gone through an exit he made. Then he left one with a student, who surprise, decided that the fubar situation needed to get worse with a break-down. The only saving factor was atleast four of the prisoner might have been framed, two of the four that he was currently watching, and the other two who knows where. Which was bad. The two he need to find happened to be infected with some perseves from Raiden knows ancient plague, one who was the carrier and the other’s sibling bond overpowering common sense. Bring himself back to task, he looked at the woman silently, his ears catching her voice. Fear?

“Find a safe location for the two of you, preferably Sun's hospital if they have one. Then find Pestilence and whoever responsible” Shin would raise he hand if the woman began to speak, before continuing. “You’re not fine, that adrenaline or fear talking. Not just of what happen in but of here as well. Now’s not the time for secrets, where are we? You can explain while I heal him”

Pushing himself off his wall, he bent down, a single hand glowing as he placing his fingers on the Uchiha head, hopefully stabling the boy while he waited. The masked face continued to look at the woman, not really in the mood to have to catch the woman if she decided to run while he was distracted. But considering he was probably the mosty closes thing she had to an ally hear, he wasn't counting of it. His third eye slowed opened as he waited.

WC: 434

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
