Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Family More Than Blood (Free RP)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma walked towards the entrance of the dojo two of their clansmen stood at the entrance, in the usual mysterious looking robes of the Miroku clan. "Go and inform our kin that Brother Uziuke has arrived." With a bow they disappeared obeying his word with swift obedience. Almost immediately two handmaidens brought out sake, moonshine and a nasty tasting but potent liquor Akkuma had purchased from a foreign merchant. "Grab a drink brother and let us talk over what has been and what is to be." Grabbing the bottle of exotic liquor he began gulping smiling, giving a burp that produced visible fumes. "Firstly, my beloved Princess Seika of the Toraono Clan. We are to be married soon..." Stopping he stepped closer to Uziuke so that when he whispered only he would hear him. "The Sunagakurian Merchant lords....they organised a sophisticated attack against the Toraono with the intention of killing them, their ultimate goal I believe was to kill Seika. She's a Jinchuriki." He would let his last words sink into his brothers minds before stepping back and continuing in a louder tone as he often killed of killing things.

"So naturally I will kill them, before my wedding I cannot allow a threat with resources this grand free roam as they will it. To attack as they have has provoked my hand...will you join me?" He would ask those eyes of his holding his brother in his gaze they burned with a hatred that would see this world burn for what they had tried to do. After he got his brothers response he would take another gulp of the liquor before moving onto another topic "So what are you doing in Sunagakure? I hope you haven't been up to too much mischief since your arrival here? You know if you want to settle Uzi...this could be the place to do it. Granted I still have some grand schemes if your interested..." He said with that devilish look of trouble in his eyes, whenever they were together Akkuma couldn't help but be filled with inspiration for plans.

Out of nowhere he moved to slap his brother in a joking way, trying to tempt or antagonise him into a spar. "Come on brother...I don't have my demon strength now. I bet I could still beat you." He would say teasingly poking his tongue out and taking another swig. He was so excited with how things had been going, now Uziuke was here he felt like he could accomplish anything.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
OC: Do you mind?


The Oracle

The Toraono Dojo, site of the Cabal's earliest treachery. Damaged supposedly by the Djinn and left in disrepair, the tunnels and halls that reached both the subterranean world as well as that of the surface were 'damaged.' Yet they were not, or rather they were no longer. They had been repaired and somehow this fact was left obscured. Signs warning of the peril of traversing such a dangerous area littered the halls that 'terminated' due what appeared to be several metric tons of rubble. It was a lie of course. Lies were something that they were good at. The manipulations of a populace, an elementary task for a man such as Ishii Shirō from miles away. It took time but he was an astonishingly patient man, considering his advanced age it seemed almost contradictory but not all men are what they seem. Amazingly enough the Toraono Dojo remained open to the public, allowing all matter of man - foreign or domestic not only safe passage but also a cot if need be. A foolish, illogical choice. If they had been betrayed once, they would be betrayed again. It was not her problem however, she was just a mere scribe on this day.

So there she stood, an older woman in her thirties. The term "older woman," being a relative one considering the average shinobi rarely reached their third decade still in service alive or at the very least intact. That of course was to assume that she was a shinobi. She was not. She wore not the regalia of a Sunan, her face not as famous as others she had the luxury of ambling these broken streets and halls with little notice. Cropped white hair and the start of crows feet at the corners of her eyes, she had a mild tan - she was a woman used to the indoors but she was darker than those housed here. Many of them had not seen natural sunlight for most of their lives less these past few weeks. Those who did enjoy the novelty of sunlight were lobster red, but most remained a pallid hue someplace between white and cream. Her inquiring expression muted as she watched the drunken shenanigans between two ill-informed young men. She had nothing to saw, it was the drink she was fascinated with. The brews of this region were for the most part a mystery to her, their secrets hardly important enough to save when the maelstrom came it was a small bit of culture she had no desire to experience but rather record.

Book in hand, she started to take notes.
May 6, 2015
Riyota was out of breath, He ducked around a corner but he knew he couldn't stay there long,all those guys were after him. Crap, how was I supposed to know the stupid food belonged to them? He thought to himself, rapidly taking off again as he heard lots of footsteps getting closer again. This isn't a game of tag, these guys are really angry, they'll kill me if they catch up. Riyota span around another corner, the only thing keeping him going right now was the will to not die. I've gotten this far without dying, I can get a bit further. He thought to himself with steel determination, he could hear the shouting behind him getting louder now. So he picked up speed and bolted forward. He was going quite fast despite the cumbersome manner of the huge axe that adorned his back, but his vision was going a bit blurry, and he couldn't really see where he was going now.


Riyota had just run straight into a silvery haired Woman and had been thrown backwards from the collision, he shook his head and tried to regain his senses, He could hear the footsteps and shouting even louder now, and he quickly stood up. He didn't take the time to look anymore at the Woman, He knew she probably wouldn't take kindly to having been run into, so he attempted to take off as fast as he could further down, he didn't have time to apologize. If the Woman grabbed him when he tried to run well...Then it would probably be a different story.

[MFT 266]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma turned hearing what sounded like someone crashing to the ground, he turned to see a youth picking himself up. From what he could see he had just run into her, he was about to turn back to Uziuke when a group of men rounded the corner gesturing to the boy. It didn't take a genius to know that they were after him 'A group of men chasing a child?' He couldn't believe it did they think themselves strong for doing so? With the speed only a shinobi of his caliber could utilise he appeared next to the youth and women. Looking at the child he said "You should apologise for clumsiness in your haste child." Before looking up at the men. Walking forward in his ancient Toraono Armour with the sigil of the Toraono and Miroku Clan. Holding up the hand that held the bottle of liquor in it he obviously intended for them to stop. Whether they did or didn't he would speak.

"Know this you walk on Toraono land and as long as I Miroku Akkuma stand I will not allow weak men to terrorise a child." His voice rang with authority and power that came with not just his many ranks but power. Even though all trace of demonic power was gone from him he was still an exceptional shinobi of great prowess. Commander of a clan of Archivists and Cursed Sealed members. Soon he would be the leader of armies and all would know him. Downing the contents of the bottle he threw it towards the group then his hands blurred into hand seals ten corpses arose before Akkuma. Making there way towards the men "Be warned I will kill you if you proceed down your current path." His tone made it very obvious he wasn't joking. One of the men went to move forward and Akkuma snapped his finger.

Four corpses pounced onto the man mauling him mercilessly, his fellow would be assailants fled with haste. Turning he looked at the women and the boy, while the corpses feasted behind him. When they were done they would fade back into the soil to await his command. "Tell me child what did you do? Do not lie to me for it is a great sin to a Lord." He would leave out the part that he was a demon lord for now. "Please why don't both of you join me and my brother for drinks." Should either of them begin to object he would firmly say "I must insist." The Dark Sage was not one for being disobeyed, his rank usually gave few the option of denying him wanted he wanted.

The smell of the exotic liquor gave his breath a sweet almost honey like smell, in his mortal form he looked as if he were in his late forties. In his current attire and appearance he looked like an ancient war lord come to life he was glorious to behold even as a mortal, without his devilish aura casting despair and malice. It was instead replaced with one that inspired leadership and carried authority. Placing an arm up either side to gesture that they should begin to approach the dojo, he would begin walking should either of them attempt to flee corpses would once more rise from the soil herding them back. "Come now soon I will be kin to this land and its inhabitants you have nothing to fear from me. You have my word so long as you are respectful." He would say with a bow of his head the Dark Sages usual gesture of respect to those he had yet to know.


Sure I don't mind! ^_^ Always happy to roleplay and get more plot =P Riyota Akkuma is there for you! =D And Uziuke will post when he gets a chance.
Image: Akkuma Mortal

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

The Oracle


The unstoppable moving object hit the unmovable object and like the juggernaut the boy rushed past the Cabal member, her leather book hitting the young man in his middling face. In tatters and rags, some stiff from repeat wear with an article worth coveting in hand, a morsel of food. He was a child vagrant, food being impractical for a fortuitous youth. A sweet being feasible if it were not for the worn cloth that ensconced the young boy. The book was rather large and leather bound, likely weighing more than a suitcase of textbooks but the fact that young Riyota would notice was the fact that the text book *clanged* when it impacted his face and felt more like steel than hide-bound paper. The graphite pointed tip of her pencil broke, leaving a jarring line through the center of the scene she drew of brotherly bonds, causing the Oracle to sigh through her teeth.

"You should apologise for clumsiness in your haste child."

The older man, closer to the Oracle's age chastised the juvenile street rat. There was always some sort of brouhaha to contend with in Sunagakure, you could not even get a cup of coffee without casting a ninjutsu it seemed. He was quick, wearing the regalia of the Toraono Clan as well as a second clan she had not yet chronicled. Ninja.

"Give it back,"</B><i></i> Fuu ordered as she eyed the men who came in the young man's wake. "Probability suggests that the gains from what you have taken will not equal what they will take from you," she warned referring to the men and the beating they would give the boy for taking what was theirs. He needed to return what he had taken before the field before them turned into a fray.

"Be warned I will kill you if you proceed down your current path."<i></i>

The 'shinobi,' the same one that with such hubris announced he would kill the Cabal before his alleged wedding day, simultaneously revealing two important facets about his life no man would want to reveal: what side he is on and who or what is important to him. Also showing a vice -- a glutton, drinking to excess prior to combat making him either a foolhardy drunk or a drunken fighter. She would consider the former over the later, he was likely a ninjutsuist as something emerged from the packed sand underfoot. Twisted, bony, rotted fingers broke through the earth. Emaciated with skin stretched too tight beneath their tattered rags. Their uneven, jagged yellowed teeth exposed, their jaw opened wider than it should have as if the jaw itself dislodged as the corpse-zombie bit into one of the pursuants. They started to devour the fleeing men, without a killing blow it was done while they were still alive. The screaming and the thrashing attempts at defense futile as they were eviscerated, able to see their insides... on the outside before death finally came. "A tad excessive," Fuu commented with a forced neutral expression. Carnage was something she was accustomed to, the disregard for a reason something seen among sociopaths and those who defined themselves as something unbound by human convention. The death penalty for chasing a youth, even with angry or violent attempt as often not met with such... brutality.

"Tell me child what did you do? Do not lie to me for it is a great sin to a Lord."

An interesting choice of words. More interesting that the child was not included in the slaughter. As Shouki once quipped, you cannot spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter' -- his response over the top but either the workings of a cavalier schlemiel or a sadist.

"Please why don't both of you join me and my brother for drinks."

It seemed the question would prove mostly irrelevant as the subject immediately in the residuum of these deaths had already turned to consumption. Fuu flipped to a fresh page in her tome to draw a scene of the savage hedonist, or rather the works of his cannibalistic summons. "I am afraid I must decline, I am not one to partake..."<i></i> She took a step back before she turned away.

<B>"I must insist."

From the floor, fresh (being a relative term) corpses emerged from beneath her feet. Fuu released an aggravated sigh. She could deal with the ghoulish manifestations, however that would involve unnecessary combat and like any true utilitarian without motive or cause there was no reason to fight.

"Come now soon I will be kin to this land and its inhabitants you have nothing to fear from me. You have my word so long as you are respectful."

"In what way?" Fuu asked as she stepped over the near clean bones of one of the men felled moments earlier. "And what is it that you call yourself?" She queried, more interested in answers than the frivolity of inebriation. She would follow him, for now an unfettered internee and she knew it. If such a state could be maintained if tried was still under assessment. She would follow him to whatever location he was leading them, taking the seat nearest the door if there was one. Her book on her lap, her hands folded on top she would cross her legs and wait for her drink.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
"Tastes like something that's been laying in the forest for too long." Uzi mumbled under his breath. Before he could answer Akkuma's questions or react to his playful shove, a great commotion stumbled upon the two's playful banter. Not only that but was there a girl watching them and taking notes?

Before the situation got too out of hand Akkuma stepped in and seemed to solve it rather quickly. The boy's eyes shot to the Academy Student, wondering how it all started in the first place. The young Uchiha took another sip of his exotic beverage without much worry of the after effects. 'Such harsh words from such a wise woman.' Uzi wondered if it were strict for Suna shinobi. He'd find out himself soon enough.

As the zombies continued to feast on their meal the white haired lad couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation. Uziuke didn't trust her at all. He didn't forget that she was first watching the two with that notebook of hers in hand. The boy would stay quiet and figure out her motives soon enough.
May 6, 2015

Riyota had certainly not expected that, he had thought the Woman would've let him pass whilst brushing it off as an accident, not slamming him in the face with what felt like the heaviest book in the world, and by the crunching noise that accompanied it, Riyota assumed it had broke his nose as well. The fact that blood was no dripping onto his clothes provided further evidence to that fact. Before he had any time at all to explain himself, a moderately middle age looking man appeared in front of the gang of men that up until now had been chasing Riyota. He began watching just quick enough to see one of them be torn apart by some sort of monster.
"Tell me child what did you do? Do not lie to me for it is a great sin to a Lord."

A lord? Riyota began to question what sort of mess he'd run into, because out of things to run into, He was sure a Ninja was worse than a book...although the book was pretty bad. I-I...Grabbed some food, it was only a tiny bit, and...and I didn't know it belonged to them, I swear. Riyota explained, spitting up a tiny bit of blood. If I can be honest though I don't think it warranted the book to the face, I didn't mean to run into you. Riyota knew he would pay for the comment later, but it felt nice to make it.

Riyota heard the man's offer of drinks, he would've taken now to escape had the word 'Both' not been spoken. He glanced back at the man and raised an eyebrow. I don't think I'm old enough for those kind of drinks...or...sorry where you talking to someone else? Riyota would feel a bit embarrassed if the man had been talking to someone else. Eventually the boy got to his feet and saw how short he stood compared to the three adults now in the area. He shot a quick glare at the Woman and considered giving her a shock but he knew it was a bad idea because

1. He didn't have enough control for it to be reliable
2. It would probably be met with another book to the face.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma laughed at is brothers words "Perhaps you are right, but it does the job!" He exclaimed with a devilish chuckle. As the events unfolded around them, the Dark Sage couldn't help but think the woman's words were harsh. Perhaps she wasn't a Sunan everyone here was very aware of the difficulties that plagued its citizens. After all the village was still repairing the damage done by the Cabbal. The people were confused, scared, angry and hungry. Poverty had become a serious problem and it seemed many were forgetting their sense of community, had they already given into chaos and forgot reason? The Dark Sage wouldn't allow it not within his village, not while he was still alive and fought for them.

That crimson orb and its diamond-like counterpart held both the boy along with the mysterious artist in his gaze. Akkuma couldn't help but chuckle at the boys words, even in his current position there was a fire in his heart that was undeniable. His defiance in the face of danger took him back to his own youthful days. Making him remember his own plight as a street urchin and his defiance in the face of danger.

The woman before him brought a sense of suspicion with her, why had she been recording the activities of himself and Uzi. Not only that but she seemed closed off, perhaps it could have been due to what she had just witnessed. But her eagerness to draw the scene quickly gave doubt to that thought. Short questions and an attentive gaze made him think that she was perhaps fishing for information, which was understandable for someone in her position. But such natures in this current time only aroused suspicion from the demon.

"You must have known it belonged to someone child." This was a statement not a question. "However due to the current state of this village the terrorising of a child who sought only food, is not something that I'll allow." His words hung with authority and disdain in the air, it disgusted him that such trivial things would cause division between kinsmen.

Smiling as she attempted to reject his offer something the ninja would not allow. When she realised this it seemed she accepted her current predicament, instead deciding to barrage him with questions about his words and who he was. Akkuma he would have fun with these two, whether they realised it or not they were about to enter the demons lair. Their survival would depend on how they reacted and what their answers would be.|"I am Lord Akkuma, Head of the Miroku Clan. Betrothed to Princess Seika of Clan Toraono, I am Baron to these lands and its people." He said letting it sink in just how much authority he indeed held within this village, before continuing on. "I have other titles...Dark Sage of the Kirigakure wastes, One of the Seven High Lords of Hell. Among other titles but I doubt either of you would understand their significance." He said in a tone of authority his aura that of malice and power.

"Naturally due to my new relationship with this land and its people I have taken it upon myself to...inspect if you will. The citizens and assets of this country. You see I am deeply disturbed by what has been allowed to transpire within this countries borders and its walls." As he spoke his gaze shifted between the two before him. That devilish grin of his plastered upon his face revealing those razor sharp shark-like teeth. Those entrancing orbs of his locked with the woman before him "I believe I've answered your questions, now if you'd be so kind as to follow me inside the dojo. Where we'll eat, drink and further discuss a variety of subjects." Again the look on his face made it obvious this was a command. Those orbs moved briefly to the boy at his words "Don't worry we have plenty of drinks and more than enough food. Freshly chilled water and juices. Plus I highly doubt you could rightly reject an offer of food and beverages when you were so willing to risk your life for food." He said with a warm smile upon his face, he couldn't help but feel the urge to protect this boy. Akkuma was reminded so much of himself by the youth, not to mention the fates seemed to have a role for everyone in this world and who was to say this boy didn't have a role to play in what was to come. But firstly he'd have to take care of business and get things under order here.

Leading the group into the dojo he led them into one of the many smaller dining halls. A massive oak table with many chairs around it sat in the middle of the ancient room. At the end sat a massive chair made out of human bones, more a throne than a chair. A servant followed them into the room bowing to her lord "Fetch us food and beverages." He said with a wave of his hand she bowed and ran off to get what had been requested. Before she had returned two guards at each door stood there watching over their lord and his guests. They wore the same symbol as the Dark Sage, the Toraono sigil enclosed in the lotus flower of the Miroku Clan and its Cursed Kanji. Akkuma took a seat gesturing for the others do so as well, the Dark Sages eyes slid to the blood matted face of the boy. His nose crooked slightly form the break, what was that book made of.

Quickly performing some hand seals a coffin began to materialise from the floor. "Unfortunately I'm not a medic, however I do have one of the greatest medics to ever live in my servitude." With those words pale fingers slid the lid off the coffin and out stepped a white haired youth who looked like he was barely eighteen years old. "Roku I'd like for you to fix this boys nose." His words were warm and Roku bowed walking around to the boy. Swiftly he with one hand he grabbed the boys head tilting it back, with the other he set the nose back into its rightful position. Then he set it back in place using a low level medical jutsu, when he was done he walked back into his coffin and vanished back into the earth. At this moment the servant returned with four others and they brought in plater after plater of food and various jugs of juices and chilled water. Gourds of various alcoholic beverages were placed on the table the helpers bowing before leaving. There was essentially a small banquet and feast before them all.

"Now while we eat and drink I'd appreciate it if you'd both answer some questions for me. First I'd like you both to tell me who you are and what your ranks are. If your civilians what are your professions." He asked as he poured himself a glass of sake, those orbs of his that seemed to pierce the very soul gazed at them both. "You see the Cabbal and what they have done was only made possible due to the inaction and actions of those within this countries borders. Whether it was the hearing of such plots that went ignored or unreported, suspicious activities of various natures. Or perhaps you directly helped them, gave information, assisted with resources, the list of how this happened could go on but one thing is for certain. Everyone had a role to play in what has befallen us and I am here to determine, who should be judged for their parts in this calamity." He said with a warm smile on his face, downing his drink of sake before saying his next words.

Holding them both in his piercing gaze the Dark Sage and ex-anbu closely watched every action, every reflexive sign of lies or anxiety that the body always showed. "So tell me what roles did you play in the attack that was launched by the Cabbal against the people of Wind Country and the Toraono Clan." It was straight to the point and blunt, he wouldn't be surprised if one of them choked or spat up what they were eating. The guards who stood by the doors stood ready for any move to escape. Their Lord was the only one they listened too, in this room right now. Not the Toraono nor the Kazekage had authority. They recognised only their Lord as the one in Command.

"Do be honest, I intend to be Shogun of these lands within long. Tell me the truth and I will give fair judgement, perhaps even make either of you a deal." His tone held no hint of lies for he would if they spoke the truth and where willing to play by his rules from now on, before long he decided to elaborate just a little further. "Understand this I intend to avenge this Country and its citizens. Firstly the betrayal from our own citizens must be fixed, those responsible punished and if possible I would see some of them redeemed. I understand that some were simply trying to do what they believed to be best for these lands. As for foreigners who have played a part in this...well I may have special plans for them." His words were cold and deadly. Yet those eyes held a warm almost pitying look to their gaze. They were before a being who knew only wrath, those in the Cabbal had sought to hurt his family. Now it wasn't beings from this world they had to worry about but others, Akkuma was one of the Seven Lords of Hell a member of the highest Hierarchy. Let alone the fact that he commanded beings from other realms, along with an army of Curse Sealed shinobi. Few beings were foolish enough to oppose him and now he had made a pact with the Dark Abyssal Sandwyrms Suna was more protected then ever.

Closely he watched those before him unsure of what his brother would think and how he would react. He trusted Uziuke's judgement and knew he would have his back. Now Akkuma just had to see what would become of the events that were now taking place. Somehow he knew the Fates would watch these proceedings with great anticipation. As they did all things he played a part in, in both this realm and the others. Closer to him now they could see the curse seals running down his wrist, along with the scars around his diamond-like eye. Briefly his image would shift into a monstrous demon, a brief flicker of his True Self. The more time that past the more his energies returned to him, soon he would be fully recovered and his enemies would pay in full.

OOC: My sincerest apologies for the delay, had some IRL issues prevent me from posting the past month. Plus been back burning due to bushfire warnings that have had us preparing the property. XD but I should be good now. -bows- again I'm sorry for the delay or any inconvenience I've brought. The should be no further issues. Thank you for your patience and I understand if you've already moved on from this thread, but I'm really keen to continue this one! Edited for music =P
Edited to fix BBCodes 3rd times a charm
May 6, 2015
Riyota wasn't sure if he was in danger or not, he had insanely mixed feelings about the man standing in front of him. He felt scared, yet relaxed at the same time, and this confused him. A bit of blood dripped from his right nostril and he held his hand underneath it in an attempt to stop spilling the precious red liquid all over the floor. After the mysterious man known as Akkuma explained his identity there was one name that rang around in Riyota's head Seika... That name, it was the name of the Woman he had watched Sousuke spar with. "Yeah...Seika, not quite sure what her appeal is." He chuckled, the went incredibly pale as he realized he actually said it out loud. Luckily for him Akkuma didn't seem to least, he decided not to address the issue yet. Riyota wasn't sure whether to be scared.

As he wandered into the grandeur of the man's palace he couldn't help but take in the sights, especially the guards that stood ready to defend if worst came to the worst, that would be fun to see. He sat down at the request...well...more command of his host really and examined the Man, Riyota wasn't afraid of him yet, but he wasn't quite ready to refuse him either. His stomach rumbled as Akkuma requested food from a servant. "Must be nice to have servants at your beck and call." Riyota paled again as he realised once again that he was speaking out loud, this was probably one of the worst situations in which to make that mistake.

He heard the coffin rise from the ground but didn't bother to look at it, from Akkuma's explanation he assumed it was something medical, but when he realised the medic was attending to his broken nose he fidgeted and tried to slap the medics hands away, in the end to no avail. Eventually his nose was more or less fixed and the medic returned to wherever it was he came from. It wasn't long before the previously promised food and drink was brought to the table, and Riyota had to hold himself back from grabbing at all the delicious foods he saw. "Always allow the host to start." that was one of the things his mother had taught him before both of them vanished. That's weird, I haven't thought about them in a while. He listened to the Dark Sages questioned, and cleared his throat to answer, M-my name is Kuromairu Riyota, I'm a Student and the Shinobi academy." Originally Riyota had been tempted to make up a fantastical tale about himself but upon inspection of his own person he realised that wasn't really believable. I-I didn't play any role in the attack by them, I Crap, I don't know my Birthday so how am I supposed to know how old I am?! This makes it sound like I'm lying. "I was four" he made up. Then his parents popped back into his head. They never told me how old I was or when I was born...Why was that? This was strange for him, thoughts about his parents very rarely surfaced nowadays. Were they linked to this somehow? He began to wonder.

Riyota realised he was starting to sweat quite a bit so he quickly downed the nearest drink to lighten the atmosphere a little, only when he swallowed it did he realise how bitter it was. Um...Sir? What is this? He asked, holding up the cup. And Um, if you don't mind, I wanted to ask? Why did you save me, besides disliking how things are... Riyota sat back and waited for what would happen next.

[WC 614]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
OC: I stopped looking here. I did not notice it continued until I saw Riyota's post. Will have a response up in a few hours.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

The Oracle

I-I...Grabbed some food, it was only a tiny bit, and...and I didn't know it belonged to them, I swear.

The child pleaded his simple case. Some would consider this a moral dilemma similar to the man who steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving family. The plight of poverty used to make the simple matter of theft a conundrum, an absolute right to private property being non-existent. This seems easily to argue when you are not the shop keep trying to also prevent his family from starving by selling that same loaf of bread that was stolen. Rarely does someone consider the shopkeeper in the parable, often his role is relegated to the forgettable role of the a man who had plenty to waste or his needs were not nearly as important as the thief's.

If I can be honest though I don't think it warranted the book to the face, I didn't mean to run into you.

"Your face assaulted my tome," Fuu corrected. She was not swinging her book like a neolithic club, especially for the sake of a dying community and most certainly not to intervene in a squabble over crumbs. Those men seemed more than capable of handling themselves before the needless intervention of a third party.

"You must have known it belonged to someone child. However due to the current state of this village the terrorizing of a child who sought only food, is not something that I'll allow."

"Casuist," Fuu announced with an even tone. She was a woman of caution, but only for the sake of ease, not safety. There would be nothing for her to learn in the face of a dissembler. Hypocrisy and illusions of grandeur a possibility but often the rhythm of their vernacular is also affected which was not the case here. Such was also present among the upper echelon of this military hovel, long past its prime. "An ignis fatuus of decorousness is tawdry. It is easy to be beneficent with the fruits of another man's efforts, Lord..." She paused at this moment because he had failed to give her one important thing -- a name. Names were of great importance to an Oracle such as Fuu, in full possession of ancestral archives. Her white arched brow raised ever so slightly as she waited for an answer.

"I am Lord Akkuma, Head of the Miroku Clan. Betrothed to Princess Seika of Clan Toraono, I am Baron to these lands and its people."

The declaration was laced with hubris. Names are a common denominator among not only those who share the same blood but also the same wealth, power, honor and prestige. The Miroku Clan would not be a clan familiar to the Oracle, but much can be said of those a man or a woman surrounds themselves with. She was familiar with the Toraono Clan and their demonic heritage and ties that most families hid but they kept on proud display. Their ethic questionable, much like that of the Steward himself. How they proclaim a love of justice but accepted as a peer an Ancient likened to that of eldrich horror that feasts on the souls of the unfortunate. Intel from her former comrade Kaito made mention of the Toraono Sennin's willingness to rip what he coveted from the soul of his at the time adversary. Few things remained truly secret to a woman such as she. It was likely there were demonic ties in the Miroku clan as well but that family was certainly not royalty, nor was the Toraono family. There was no king or queen in Wind Country, there never had been less one considered the posthumous title given to the late Primus in the wake of his victory in Godsfall that had been relegated to the annals of time. His progeny, the hereditary heirs to the diamond throne. This woman knew her history after all, what has been is most certain and what will come to be is only the product of a few mere variables.

"I have other titles...Dark Sage of the Kirigakure wastes, One of the Seven High Lords of Hell. Among other titles but I doubt either of you would understand their significance."

He added, continuing on with a few other likely self-given sobriquets. "Familiar enough," Fuu echoed. "Familiar enough to know that there are no royal families in Wind Country," Fuu reminded him. Thus far she had identified him as a liar or a delusional man. She could tolerate the former, an addled mind is indeed a melancholy state. However, the same could not be said of the former. "You are no more a baron of these lands than your paramour a princess,"</B><i></i> she contended with a stern expression.

"Yeah...Seika, not quite sure what her appeal is."

"Naturally due to my new relationship with this land and its people I have taken it upon myself to...inspect if you will. The citizens and assets of this country. You see I am deeply disturbed by what has been allowed to transpire within this countries borders and its walls."

He exposed his teeth - verifying either an inhuman ancestral line at some point in the family tree or a deep affinity for such things to the point of self-mutilation bodily alteration, something that would likely one day not be considered a method of self-expression and rather a symptom of mental illness.

"I believe I've answered your questions, now if you'd be so kind as to follow me inside the dojo. Where we'll eat, drink and further discuss a variety of subjects."

He ordered. Fuu remained complaint, her lexical responses less amicable than her somatic actions and even non-verbals which betrayed her asperous tone. She followed him into the Toraono Dojo, the pliable soles of her boots made barely a sound on the cool clean floor. Her eyes scanned the walls and the floors. She likely knew more about this structure than most, this was where the last path to the surface remained hidden after the Djinn attacks 'decimated' the building.

"Don't worry we have plenty of drinks and more than enough food. Freshly chilled water and juices. Plus I highly doubt you could rightly reject an offer of food and beverages when you were so willing to risk your life for food."

He 'soothed'. No, again he played the role of the hypocrite. "So... while children starve and men try to defend what little is there, you have 'plenty' at your disposal. Enlighten me Baron on how those men had to die for protecting what they had because something smaller wanted it. Survival of the fittest dictates that the strong and the capable take from the weak and that it is the fault of the one who cannot provide for oneself tat they have not enough. That it is not the obligation of others to provide for them, similarly of those that take what is not theirs to depend on the merit of their skill to take and therefore not be fallable for doing such as a means for survival but you have betrayed that intervening by taking the lives and fruits of those men on a whim," Fuu debated, her eyes still roaming. The halls and dining spaces, more than that of their peers. Greater than that of the denizens of of Sunagakure, the residents of Wind Country. In this sovereign military community with spartan spaces and few resources some seemed to have so much while most others had so little. The Cabal's anarchy should have been an eye-open to the disparity between people. An epiphany that they have been derelict in their duties. A reminder of humanity's precarious condition as well as the fragile state of a subterranean village once the shell has been cracked.

They had come to a grand hall. A diminutive hall by the standards of the rest of the wing they had traversed. Sentinals at the doors, only two. They did not possess the regalia of Sunagakure, rather they had the crest of the Toraono family altered to include a bloom. She wondered if anyone understood the significance of the lotus flower. Perhaps the necromancer did, as the flower as often associated with three things: purity, beauty and rebirth (specifically of the sun).

"Fetch us food and beverages."

The 'Dark Sage of Kirigakure' commanded. Come to think of it: Kirigakure, that being a place of particular note. An errant shinobi perhaps seeking association with an honored family in Sunagakure in hopes of avoiding a consequence for betrayal, cowardice or defection. It was a distinct possibility. Ties to a 'politically powerful' family such as the Toraono would likely give pause to Kiri hunters seeking his head as like most prudent nations the avoidance of war is more important than the blood of a single man or demon. The girl bowed and ducked out, Fuu's golden eyes followed her scurried movements.

"Must be nice to have servants at your beck and call."

The young man interjected, apparently not knowing when to keep his maw closed or full of food - whichever would keep him out of trouble.

"Unfortunately I'm not a medic, however I do have one of the greatest medics to ever live in my servitude."

Fuu took a seat, not stating another word as of yet. A coffin had manifested from the ether and a pallid youth emerged. The boy wiggled

"Roku I'd like for you to fix this boys nose."

The task of setting a bone, or rather displaced and damaged cartilage placed in the cold fingers of the deceased youth. Fuu folded her fingers and set her hands on the table.

"Now while we eat and drink I'd appreciate it if you'd both answer some questions for me. First I'd like you both to tell me who you are and what your ranks are. If your civilians what are your professions."

Fuu would start. "Fuu, simply Fuu."<i></i> She took pause long enough to ensure she had everyone's attention. She was not a liar and she disliked liars as well, but also she disliked having to repeat herself.

"M-my name is Kuromairu Riyota, I'm a Student and the Shinobi academy."

The young boy, apparently named Kuromairu echoed. A neophyte in the shinobi world, a dangerous vocation chosen at such a young and impressional age. Conscripting the poorest youth into the military is a common method of filling ones rank with meat shields. Even if one in a thousand are sufficient, the others make fine targets to litter the field. "Oracle to the Orders" she continued simply not bothering to explain exactly what that entailed.

"You see the Cabbal and what they have done was only made possible due to the inaction and actions of those within this countries borders. Whether it was the hearing of such plots that went ignored or unreported, suspicious activities of various natures. Or perhaps you directly helped them, gave information, assisted with resources, the list of how this happened could go on but one thing is for certain. Everyone had a role to play in what has befallen us and I am here to determine, who should be judged for their parts in this calamity."

"And if you would have allowed me to finish, member of this heinous Cabal group you have concerned yourself with." Fuu exhaled. She seemed rather unconcerned with this admission of course. "Need I remind you of course, 'Miroku Clansman Head' that a group of eight held this city for 72 hours. Of the eight, I never even bothered to lift a finger in the fight so in reality... it only took seven to subdue this community." It was not a threat but an honest statement. She was not interested in fighting, but she had the knowledge of fighters long dead and lost. The understanding of human anatomy that would astonish even the most skillful of surgeons. Just because someone does not fight does not mean they are incapable, only that they have made a choice. "But it is not your role to judge my innocence or guilt,"<i></i> she continued, her eyes piercing. "Power can be taken through brute force, through silver tongued lies or even through hereditary advantage but that was never what Kaze no Kuni was meant to be,"<i></i> she almost sounded like an idealist. In a way she was, years of pondering and philosophy had a way of building perceptions.

"So tell me what roles did you play in the attack that was launched by the Cabbal against the people of Wind Country and the Toraono Clan."

She had not taken a bite of the food or a sip of the drink. She had no want for either. "I recorded what happened in my book,"<i></i> Fuu answered. She did not attack a single man, woman or child. She did not raze a single building. Steal a single bauble. She simply learned all she could of a doomed people. "It would have been a travesty to lose the culture and heritage of this doomed people," she explained. "As for the Toraono, again I have not assaulted them either but I have recorded the trespasses of them and of all the peoples i have encountered in this den of miscreants. And I will soon record you."

"I-I didn't play any role in the attack by them, I"

Fuu looked over at the boy out of the corner of her eye, the corners of her thin lips pointed downward slightly as he fumbled through his thoughts.

"I was four"

"It was a few weeks ago,"[/b] Fuu sighed. "And you are not four... moreover, I have never seen you or your nose before today. The Cabal pays well enough that you would not have been stealing food anyways."[/b] She stated in Riyota's defense. It was unlikely he would survive an assault and there was something unseemly about having a collection of corpses at one's disposal. She always had a distaste for Romi for his use of corpses -- some things are simply not natural and defy even the most skewed of ethics.

"Do be honest, I intend to be Shogun of these lands within long. Tell me the truth and I will give fair judgement, perhaps even make either of you a deal."

"I do not see that in the treads of fate," the Oracle replied. "However I do see several distinct variables that will likely determine your fate be it terrible or grand."<i></i> Her words ominous, her voice even still. "But what I have said is the truth," she affirmed. <B>"Should I prepare to fight? I would rather not reduce myself to such boorish activities,"<i></i> she complained. She watched as a series of cursed seals began to emerge on his exposed flesh and how his form became momentarily twisted and perverse. Her hands still folded and resting on the dining table.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Uziuke sat at the table quietly. He sort of tuned the others out while he began dining on the food at the little get together. He didn't have much input on the subject. With someone scribbiling down their actions here and there, the boy felt a bit uncomfortable. Especially since Fuu was still a stranger. The only way to get this feeling of uneasiness would be to take Fuu's book for himself. His curious nature began to peak as he wondered what was written in the book besides Akkuma's display.

Everything seemed to be going fine. At least until the appearance of Akkuma's chakra changed. He activated his curse seal. 'Seems like things are heating up.' Not a pun for the Sunan heat, Akkuma and Fuu were getting testy. Finishing a plate of food the boy stood up. "Getting in our way isn't the best route to go Fuu." The boy's voice was calm, yet the intensity of the boy's gaze was ludacris. The red and black spirals that slowly spun in his eye sockets stared into The Oracle's own balls of sight. The boy didn't plan on going any further into conversation. Maybe it was the drinks that led to his outburst?

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma watched everything before him with an intensity not a single detail escaped his analytical gaze. He couldn't help but feel the urge to laugh at this self proclaimed Oracles debate. Particularly the one about survival of the fittest, he was sure no matter what he had done in that situation he would have been right. Seeing as he had clearly demonstrated himself as the strongest of that party but he wasn't in the mood to get into a debate over ethics or morales. "I have no intentions of debating ethics with you...Fuu. You are right though it took a pathetically small amount of assets to secure this village...the Miroku Clan weren't here. Now we are." he said the words with a shrug as if it had not been due to his clans ineptitude that Kaze no Kuni had failed to fight off the attack. "The failure to protect this village falls on the ineptitude of those who were tasked with defending it. Secondly I do so appreciate your confession. I could agree with you perhaps it is not my role...but I have made it my role. Good your tome shall be taken as evidence and reviewed so we can find those responsible for failing severely in their line of duty." he would say in a matter of fact tone, he'd sat there listening to everything he'd said what he needed to. Atleast that which would be said with a calm mind, sighing Akkuma standing up his gaze sweeping the room.

Just like that he vanished re-appearing beside Riyota leaning over the youth he whispered into his ear. "If you ever speak ill of my beloved again you will suffer." the demon whispered in a cold and deadly tone. Akkuma did not make threats, he gave warnings. If the warnings were not followed he acted. Slowly he began to walk towards Fuu black ominous chakra beginning to ooze from his form. He could feel his demonic energies returning she would be his first opponent since his trip into the Desert Expanse. But it wouldn't be just him she would be dealing with but Uziuke. He was the most worked up Akkuma had ever seen him, usually he was a steel mask. But now that appeared to be a different story. "Tell me Fuu what do the fates tell you we're about to do to you?" he asked her earnestly, he wondered what input they had to provide her with. Quite frankly he hadn't decided yet he was torn between tearing her limb from limb or chaining her up in his chambers to be tortured daily. Perhaps he'd even make her his new pet, a chained up Oracle at his disposal. 'Im sure she will have many uses....' he thought to himself licking his lips, with an eerily long tongue.

Taking in the size of the hall they were in he smiled that devilishly shark-like grin of his, yes it was still sufficient enough room. But first he'd have to take some cautionary measures. "No one gets out." he hissed at the guards, they prepared their weapons as they stood at the ready. "Riyota...I suggest you leave or fight Fuu. Either way stay out of my way. Uziuke lets educate Fuu a bit more, she seems so very ill informed about our clan for an Oracle." his words were cold and deadly, his voice was coated with bloodlust. Mortals they are so foolish "I am Miroku Akkuma I'll rewrite the history books, by the time I'm done with this country. You'll know no others to rule besides the Toraono. By the time I'm done with the world it is our two houses who will sway the fates of mankind." his voice was almost ecstatic as if the thought of this was his single goal. One could imagine a world where the Chaos that was Akkuma had been allowed to spread. It was not a joyous thought to those who were not of the Toraono or Miroku. In fact it would probably be a terrifying thought to think on what destruction his chaotic existence would bring. Suddenly a bolt of pure black energy struck Akkuma with so much force he had to use his knees to support himself. Eons worth of demonic energy had finally returned to him. A bloodthirsty laugh emanated from the being before her, no longer did he look like the mortal warlord. Now he looked like a monstrous demon that had tried to disguise itself as human.

Massive horns now protruded from his head, huge claw-like hands clawed at the table as he stood. That long demonic tail with its pointed spade-like tip flicked behind him, he towered over them all and he was still bound by his earthly shell. "Let me show you who I am Fuu..." he would say in a dangerous tone, he wondered how she intended to deal with a demonic Dark Sage. Along with one of the greatest Uchiha walking this earth.

Battle Mod Called ~ Let's go Fuu battle on! (Don't hurt me Shiori xD I had no other path it's Akkuma)
May 6, 2015
How old am I? Riyota knew the Cabal woman was judging his every word, so now it seemed best to stay quiet. He knew the attack was only weeks ago, but he didn't know how age was measured, and he hadn't studied his reflection long enough to determine his age exactly. He didn't know his date of birth so that didn't help. Why wouldn't they tell me my age? and that letter...I received it two weeks before the Cabal attack, they're still alive that's for sure. I need answers. Whilst Riyota was deep in thought the reaction to Fuu's confession transpired and Riyota was snapped back to reality to hear Akkuma appear behind him. Well then, I guess he did here me.

Riyota turned to look at Fuu, unable to determine her emotions. "You're part of the Cabal? he asked her, surprised. I have a lot of questions for her, the big question is though, will she answer them? Riyota opened his mouth to speak before he saw Akkuma out of the corner of his eye begin to...transform? What the hell? Riyota thought, his eyes widening. Akkuma began spouting a speech about the rule of the Toraono that was impending. Akkuma suggested that Riyota either leave or fight Fuu. I can't do either. Riyota shut his eyes and furrowed his brow. IF she dies I'll have lost my only lead. He drew his Axe and with a swift slice buried the blade into the ground. In an attempt to grab the attention of everyone. "Just hold it a second!" he shouted, standing in between the Oracle and the Demon as well as his brother. "Fuu, if what you say is true, if you promise me, if you look me dead in the eye and say that nobody died by your hand...then I...then I'll fight with you, whether you want me to or not, whether it's treason or not." He said, staring her dead in the eye. "Lord Akkuma, I don't want there to be a fight today, no bloodshed today, I don't believe you or the Oracle to be wrong, but I don't think either of you are one hundred percent right either." He shifted his gaze between all three of the others. "Fuu...Akkuma, you've both stated some things you believe in, both directly and indirectly. If you'll allow me but a moment to share my thoughts, If Fuu did not directly shed she still a criminal. You could claim that she didn't do her job defending the village, but that would all depend on if she swore an oath. I may be wrong, I may just be a delusional child, but if we're going on guilt by association...I don't think that's fair..." The boy stopped talking, thinking he had said enough. He closed his eyes and resigned himself to his fate. He predicted that one of them would simply cut him down where he stood, and nothing would've been accomplished.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
OC: I normally use roll20 and mod my own, but someone else can surely do the work. I will send them my condolences.


The Oracle

"Getting in our way isn't the best route to go Fuu."

The boy warned. Fuu's arched brow moved upward with the incredulous statement. "In your way. It was I that was summoned to this space. It was I who was interrupted from my studies. Can you explain to me how I am getting in your way."</B><i></i> It is fine to want to find an excuse to be testy, but none needed to be had less egos needed to be maintained. She let out an irritated sigh as she wrote herself a note for later. The red and black iris' looked back at her, 'Uchiha?'

"I have no intentions of debating ethics with you...Fuu. You are right though it took a pathetically small amount of assets to secure this village...the Miroku Clan weren't here. Now we are."

"Unlikely," she replied with a blunt tone. "Securing a dying village... felicitations."<i></i> She shook her head side-to-side in a 'tsking manner.

"The failure to protect this village falls on the ineptitude of those who were tasked with defending it. Secondly I do so appreciate your confession. I could agree with you perhaps it is not my role...but I have made it my role. Good your tome shall be taken as evidence and reviewed so we can find those responsible for failing severely in their line of duty."

"No you will not," she replied. Her tone was not jealous or fearful, it was not even a warning. She wold not bother to mention the fact that he was not the first to see these pages, information was meant to be shared. Being so free with these words and pictures was not an error in judgement but rather an act of service she owed society as a core tenant of her order.

The dark chakra oozed from the 'Lord-Baron' validating a second time his demonic heritage. Fuu scoffed at the endeavor to dispirit her. The Cabal before they were commissioned to hold Sunagakure acted as 'treasure hunters' that being where they had gotten their rings in a way. Monsters and demons could be subdued, subjugated entirely in some cases. Their rings only a single example of the things they had learned. Saiga was particularly keen on watching demons suffer, some could say that her allies made of hobby of it. She was more interested in their relative physiology which was another discussion entirely.

"You're part of the Cabal?

"Yes," she confirmed once again.

"Tell me Fuu what do the fates tell you we're about to do to you?"

"You took us to isolate us, it was your purpose to fight likely from the moment of interaction."<i></i> Fuu answered, her fingers drummed the surface of the table. "You are obsessed with power, but you overestimate the authority you presently have and it will likely fail you."<i></i> She adding giving her final prognosis. But even she did not know his full extent, not yet. Probability was on her side, she had fought demons in the past. Demons with greater reknown than he. There was also the fact that Sunagakure fell to her allies efforts, not hers. Among them, she was slightly stronger than her son Shouki.

"No one gets out."

The demon aggressor sibilated. The guards would likely be compliant, it did not bother her in the least. Perhaps it would prevent others from entering, these demonic-types appeared troublesome.

"Riyota...I suggest you leave or fight Fuu. Either way stay out of my way. Uziuke lets educate Fuu a bit more, she seems so very ill informed about our clan for an Oracle." <i></i>

He ordered. "There are a great many minor families I have not had the time to record, I assure you... now you will make a fine footnote."<i></i> Fuu laughed. The boy would be fine, these fatuous boors had a thing or two to learn about how to treat a lady and a guest. "I don't hurt kids," she assured him.

"I am Miroku Akkuma I'll rewrite the history books, by the time I'm done with this country. You'll know no others to rule besides the Toraono. By the time I'm done with the world it is our two houses who will sway the fates of mankind."

"The fate of Wind Country may still be under contention, but you and what is yours is not even considered to be a variable." He was a madman, that much was obvious. His body began to twist and distort into the image of a demon. "Good," she affirmed as she looked at the monstrosity before her. This might have been a problem if he was 'normal' - she hated being wrong.

"Let me show you who I am Fuu..."

"Just hold it a second!"

The young man ordered. This being a surprise. Fuu furrowed her brow as the young man interrupted the impending fight. It would be foolish to side with her: a woman he did not know who admitted to being associated with a terrorist group that nearly destroyed Sunagakure. Of course, his other option was this bedlamite and his alcoholic brother.

"Fuu, if what you say is true, if you promise me, if you look me dead in the eye and say that nobody died by your hand...then I...then I'll fight with you, whether you want me to or not, whether it's treason or not."

"Then do not fight by my side, I never killed anyone here but the same cannot be said of elsewhere." She answered. She was not a murder by nature, vocation or hobby but considering their environs it was at times a necessity for ones own survival. She has defended herself in the past as she was about to do now. <B>"However, I do recommend standing behind me if you want to live. Your acknowledgement of me as your potential ally will likely incur his wrath and he is in all probability stronger than you."<i></i> She warned.

"Lord Akkuma, I don't want there to be a fight today, no bloodshed today, I don't believe you or the Oracle to be wrong, but I don't think either of you are one hundred percent right either."<i></i>

The defiant youth continued. His statements might prove deadly.

"Fuu...Akkuma, you've both stated some things you believe in, both directly and indirectly. If you'll allow me but a moment to share my thoughts, If Fuu did not directly shed she still a criminal. You could claim that she didn't do her job defending the village, but that would all depend on if she swore an oath. I may be wrong, I may just be a delusional child, but if we're going on guilt by association...I don't think that's fair..."<i></i>

"It is not my job to defend this village, I am not a citizen. That would be like Kohonagakure expecting you to defend them against the samurais that have taken over their village... you are no more a traitor to Kohona than I am to Suna,"<i></i> Fuu replied as she explained simply her line of thought in a way that a child would likely understand. She was unsure if any of them even knew of Leaf and Fire Country's fate, news did not travel well in wind Country due to the maelstrom. "All the same, I insist student, Kuromairu Riyota... get behind me before this pilgarlic extirpates you."<i></i>



12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Black marks began to spread up to the boy’s neck and arms as dark purple chakra oozed the boy’s pores. One of his curse seals became active as he listened to Fuu’s reply. Fighting wasn’t always the best way to solve an issue. As the boy listened to Riyota tell it like it was he felt that there was a chance that they could talk it out. “Then it’s about time you start answering a few questions.” Along with his transformation the boy’s talk became cold. Along with Akkuma, his entire demeanor transformed within a blink of an eye.

The news on Konohagakure wasn’t any better. ‘So there are survivors from Leaf scattered about seeking help for their samurai infestation. We haven’t been there yet. It sounds dangerous.’ The matter of the fact was only more imminent that fighting wasn’t going to solve a thing. ‘We should have worked together as shinobi to upkeep our shinobi villages. Now everything lays in turmoil.’ The mess was only an invitation for those waiting to attack on the sideline. He felt that what was going on was just all part of a dark era. It’d only be lifted when the problems around were solved.

The Uchiha looked to Akkuma with a rather serious look on his face. As his eyebrows curved downward to show his frustration he began to speak. “I don’t feel fighting her will solve anything at the moment.” The boy’s eyes then fixated on Fuu. "But at the same time, if this one gets out of line, I won’t hesitate to tear her up.”

[ MFT| WC: +250 ]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[Should paper trail the fact that this thread died months ago as I am needed elsewhere very very soon.] [Topic Out]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
