Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Festival of Ice and Fire Event: [Ice Ring/Free RP]

Leaf Sage

New Ninja
Dec 27, 2013
Several Iwa ninjas work diligently to construct the platform of earth through a combined earth style release technique that can initially be seen as floating mass of dirt and rock on the rolling sea waves. Slowly things come together as a bridge is formed to the cliff and the platform stabilizes from a combination of anchoring it to solid land via the cliff and gravitational jutsu techniques to negate the rocking from the waves.

Walls of clear crystal are erected along the edge to prevent people from falling off into the sea and to block chilling winds. They still provide a view of the ocean around the area. Shelters spring from the ground and small portable metal hearths are distributed. Workers busy themselves with lighting small fires to warm future visitors from the chill in the air. A thick slab of ice is produced by several workers through ice jutsu techniques in the center of the platform in a lower recess while a spotter relays a flat even surface as they put the final touches to the slab of ice before a wall is constructed around the area for viewers and safety reasons. Sturdy and simple it would last for a short time at least. The workers admiring their work notice the excited faces of children and some adults from the gateway into the area. As the gates open the temporary skating ring is officially opened for the festival as people young and old come in to enjoy the attraction.

[Area is free to RP in and does not count towards one's thread limit, area comfortably will host about 25 people on the ice plus spectators. A small hut is available selling warm drinks and pastries, a shake next to it have skates to be loaned out to visitors and a smiling old man with a chalkboard sipping a warm beverage ready to explain the secret behind how shinobi can manifest chakra blades on their feet to skate on (Note: This is for RP and would not hold up in combat’s stressful conditions)]
[topic entered by inpc Kitsune]​

When the gates finally open to the public, Kitsune immediately headed to the ice-rink. The gyspy woman was a professional dancer and natural born figure skater. As she glides across the ice the bells on her bangles rang mix with it an illusion that would affect all who do not resist. Looking at her one would see two pink haired girls looking completely identical skating side by side. As the jumped, twilled and danced on the frozen surface, they were perfectly synchronized. As she skates she sings a wordless song; her beautiful voice reverberated throughout the rink. Moving along the icy surface she felt like a spirit of the winter dancing on the wind.
It had felt like days, that Megami would stand on the ledge of the Cliffside, just staring, watching, waiting for the workers to finish their project. The festival had quickly approached them, and no matter what the circumstance she would refuse to work so long as the festival took place, at least she had ever since the day she had tried to balance work with fun and it failed miserably. Her sister Hana loved festivals, which is exactly why she was planning to take her to as many of the activities as possible, just her and her sister. The first of which, was the ice skating rink.

Hana was sitting on a bench, watching the two pink haired girls dance. Her eyes were wide with wonder as she saw them execute jumps and spins flawlessly on the ice. Hana smiled and wished that she could do something that fun and elegant. She was brought out of her thoughts when a steaming cup was held in front of her face. Looking up, she saw Megami was the holder of the cup. "Hey, I brought you some hot chocolate. There's marshmallows in it, just like you like it." Hana grinned and took the cup in her grasp. She was wrapped up in a light blue coat with white furry edges and a matching pair of earmuffs. Megami took a seat next to her, sipping her own drink. She wasn't dressed in anything fancy, just a simple black coat and a red scarf. Megami mostly was watching Hana to make sure she was enjoying herself. Hana was watching the girls on the ice, practically hypnotized. Megami would turn her head and look, but feel no real sense of care for them. However, it did give her an idea. Setting her cup down, she stood up. "Hey, I'll be right back, ok?" Hand turned her head with a look of surprise. "But you just sat down..." Megami nodded, and placed a hand on Hana's shoulder. "It'll just be for a second, I promise.". And true to her word, it wasn't long. She came back quickly and held two pairs of ice skates in her hand. Hana's face went from confused to worried in an instant. "You want to ice skate? But...I don't even know how." Megami smirked and started lacing the skates on Hana. "Then you'll just have to learn."

Once Hana's skates were properly on her, Megami sat down and quickly laced up her own. She took Hana's hand in her grasp, and helped her out onto the ice. Hana kept a firm grasp of the edge, unaccustomed to the feeling of the skates. Megami, slid out as if she had done it many times before. She easily glided on the ice, but stayed around to help her sister. This wasn't about showing off, this was about making sure her sister enjoyed herself. Hana tried to stand, but kept slipping and had an iron grip on the edge. She looked to her sister with a plea. "Sis, I can't do this! Come on, let's just go back and sit down." Megami shook her head with a laugh. She calmly reached out for her sister's hand, a smile on her face. Hana looked at the smile, the smile she so rarely got to see, and she knew this was Megami really letting herself come out. Hana couldn't shun that away with her own fear. Hesitantly she reached out and took Megami's hand. As she started to move, she slipped again, but Megami pulled her into herself to prevent the fall. A chuckle left her as it happened. "It's easy. Just watch me." Megami supported Hana while giving her instructions. "Focus on your center of gravity, so you can keep balance easily. Keep your arms out, knees bent. And most importantly, just...relax. Pretend it's just you and me. We're the only people that matter." Hana smiled brightly at her sisters confidence and guiding words. "Ok, I trust you." Hana did what she said, and Megami started to slowly skate backwards, so if Hana were to fall she could catch her. "Now, just move forward."

Hana kept her eyes trained on Megami and slowly slid forward on the ice, little by little. It felt unnatural, like she was wobbly, but she focused her center and moved. When she had moved about a foot, Hana started to slip, but Megami reached out and caught her. Smiling softly, she helped her back up. "See? That was good. Try again." Hana nodded and moved a bit more, determined as ever. "Right!" Starting to feel comfortable with it. To nudge her along, Megami quickly used one of her jutsu techniques and shifted the gravity around Hana, just a thin layer, but enough for her. It would keep her up, no matter what, and she should be able to just skate normally without losing her balance. Hana started to skate faster, and was gliding forward. Her face lit up and she looked from the skates to her sister and back again. "I'm doing it! Look! I'm skating!" Megami smiled and nodded. "That's great Hana. Come on, let's skate." Megami reached out and took Hana's hand, and the two just skated circles of varying speeds around the ring. Megami, being more experiences, would sometimes lift Hana up, or spin them around. The two sisters would just be laughing and smiling, completely oblivious to the world around them. It was a long time coming, but Megami felt at peace, just having fun with her sister.

[Topic Entered w/ [DNPC Senshi Hana]
WC: 919

Current Ninpocho Time:
