Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Firestarter, Homura [Contract Search]

Jul 11, 2018
[Thread entered with PC Zentaru Tatsuya.]

"Sir, this is as far as I can take you. I hope you understand." Tatsuya's guide explained, his eyes nervously darting back and forth between Tatsuya and the Dreamworks Plain, a place that Tatsuya had recently learned of. The guide was showing significant fear, but more so concern that the teenager in front of him was interested in entering such a place, even if the teenager professed to be a Shinobi, and had all the markings of one.

Tatsuya smiled in return, shifting slightly in his Shinobi gear. "That is absolutely alright, kind sir. You have done more than enough, taking me here to this location. Here, please accept your payment." With that, Tatsuya stepped forward, taking out an amount of Yen from his belt pouch as he did so, and handed it over to his guide.

"But... what about the return journey?" The guide stuttered, looking down at the payment he had just received in his open hand, and back up at Tatsuya again.

Tatsuya shook his head.
"Do not worry about it. I will secure... my own way back."

It took another moment, for his guide to regain his composure, and nodded at Tatsuya. "Alright then. I bid you adieu." And with that, Tatsuya's guide departed in his horse-drawn carriage.

Once his guide was now a distance away, Tatsuya sighed as he turned around to face the Dreamworks Plain. This place, as explained to him by Konoha-nin, was a place of terror. It casted a Genjutsu-like effect on anyone who dared enter it, and the entire forest was actually alive. Alive, in this case, meant that the forest was actually active, the plants constantly moving and growing, always threatening to engulf trespassers with vines, branches, and roots alike.

But... perhaps this was what he needed, right now. Ever since he found out his true identity, he had not had a moment's respite to recollect himself. The ordeal he went through, then when he got back to Kumogakure... he did not even get a chance to question Monzaemon Sendatsu, before he was immediately whisked away to Konohagakure on such an important mission that he had to cast his selfish wants aside.

But now that he had the chance, he wanted to confront the truth. He was starting to grow sick and tired of living a potential lie, not truly understanding who he was, and what he was meant to be. If he ended still being the same person he is right now, that is perfectly fine. He did not care. But... he just could not live, thinking that one day when all of his memories returned, he might realize that he was someone entirely different. If he had to stitch two separate lives together... two entirely conflicting lives, potentially... yeah, he just had no idea how he would deal with that.

Alright. Let's do this.

With one hand clenching up into a fist, his other was reached behind his back to drag out his massive blade sheathed there. Drawing it out to its full length, Tatsuya was ready to enter the den of the dragon.

Slowly, cautiously, he entered the forest in front of him. The scenery at first seemed to be relatively expected. Tatsuya meandered around the trees, always paying attention to his surroundings, an eye kept out on any root or branch or anything that seemed like they would be moving any more than expected. Every once in a while, a breeze would whip past and Tatsuya would flinch at the shifting trees. Yet soon enough, the trees would relax back into their original position.

And so on and so on he went, his thoughts beginning to really occupy him.

He wondered how his mother and sister was doing. Last he left them, his mother was still going crazy, shouting into his face the truth. How did a woman like that became the head of an entire clan? He did hear whispers, while he was locked up, that this was absolutely uncharacteristic of her, that she was so calm and collected normally. Although the whispered suggested that something had started to unhinge her, long before Tatsuya arrived at Kitagakure - the name Tatsuya had decided to give to his clan's settlement. Apparently, it was nameless, and no one actually needed to refer to it. Irate by the constant extended explanations he had to provide to explain the situation, he had decided to call it something, just so to shorten the story. Although, it is a fitting name though.

But yes, the odd thing was, it was said that four years ago when he went missing, his mother had sent parties out to search for him. She did not herself leave however, and her coldness shone through in showing no more urgency or devotion to finding him, that she would to finding anyone of his meritocratic positioning within the clan. Eventually, three years ago, it was said that someone finally stumbling upon the walled village of Sosorinoko, where he was recovering and being cared for by Monzaemon Sendatsu, that she lead a party herself.

Yet, whispers said that she had returned empty-handed, and while she said nothing, her demeanor had slowly shifted from that day. She had became more prone to anger, and was showing signs of a mental breakdown. That was why there was dissent, apparently. All this, Tatsuya garnered from whispers, but as soon as dissent was mentioned, those whispers dissipated with the wind. Like a lit candle burning out in an instant with a gust of wind, it seemed like anytime anyone delves deeper, a wind of fear washed over them and prevented them from daring to discuss any further.

Zentaru Minami... she was slender, and beautiful. Tatsuya turned a corner and paused, imagining his mother just coming out from behind a tree. Long, sleek black dress. A bright red tattoo of his clan's symbol engraved just above her chest. Long, voluminous black hair. Truth be told, Tatsuya still wondered if he was truly his mother's son. Tatsuya looked nothing like his mother, with features that probably resembled Monzaemon Sendatsu, someone unrelated to him by blood, than at all Minami.

But... Tatsuya also knew his history, knew that he had gone through a significant transformation during his recovery from the disease that plagued him, and as a composite of potentially many, many people, there was a chance that none of the defining features of his clan had remained, or at least, nothing visible. Inside though, his chakra coils must have remained intact. For when the time called for it, he was able to muster himself to perform all manners of Magnetic Jutsu, and perform them well. Magnetic Jutsu was not unique to his clan, of course, but there had to be a reason why when it came to it, he could control them with such ease.

Right, mother? Tatsuya smiled at the imaginary figure he had conjured up in front of him. She smiled.

That made Tatsuya blink. He shook his head, trying to clear his imagination. Yet when he looked up, she was still there.

"Tatsuya... my child. I am glad that I have found you." The figure said, emerging fully out of the shadows of the trees, and walked towards him.

"Why... why are you here?" Tatsuya exclaimed, unbelieving of the truth that was unfolding in front of his eyes. How did...

His mother snickered. "Oh, my child. It was easy enough. Once I found out what delirious plan your sister had in store, it was only a matter of time before I was able to shake the whole truth out of your wretched sibling, and launch a fullscale invasion of Kumogakure to find you." Minami explained, as she stopped within Tatsuya's personal space, and began to caress his cheek.

"Wh- what?" Tatsuya was stunned by her words.

"Yes. Why do you think our whole clan had trained ourselves to be the most powerful we can be? So many years... silently preparing ourselves, hidden away... and with a single command, the entire clan had my back. Every single one of our brethren followed me to battle. Well, except for your sister. I had to execute her. She was too much of a liability."

Tatsuya was still speechless, absolutely immobilized by the reality that was being described to him. Meanwhile, Minami continued to caress his cheek, and continued with her story.

"It was almost too easy. Weakened by civil unrest, we rained maelstrom down at the village, engulfing it in millions of needles that pierced through every adult and child. It was... glorious."

Minami laughed. And laughed. And laughed. Before abruptly stopping.

"Oh but of course, that was after finding out you were not in the village. Tipped off of your trip to Konohagakure, we destroyed your prison. Do not worry, you are free now."

With that, Tatsuya's face was pulled into Minami's chest, and she began stroking his hair. "My son... you are free now. And you are home. I am here, and I love you. Welcome back, my son. I will never, ever let you go again..."

With that, Tatsuya loosened his tension. He let his blade out of his hand to drop to the ground, whether making or not he did not even care - nor hear. He had moved his arms to wrap them around his mother, and tears began rolling out of his eyes. He was home. He was with family. He found himself. This was all he needed.

And with that, Tatsuya sobbed, uncontrollably.

In case it was not clear, the second half or so is all illusionary, in his mind.

[WC: 1,556]
[Contract Search, using the [Discovery of Contract of Random Choice] purchased here to guarantee a successful search.]

Suddenly, it was all gone. His mother, and her warm embrace. Just gone.

Tatsuya blinked, fighting to halt his stream of tears. He wiped his face, clearing the mess of liquid from it.

Looking around, Tatsuya felt a strange sense of clarity sate his mind, a feeling that something had just whisked him out of his dreamland. It was good that he was able to look around when he did. He had stopped dead in his tracks without realizing, and his body was starting to be wrapped around by all sorts of plant parts.

Oh hell no.

He was mostly immobilized already, but luckily enough, his hands were still loose. Tatsuya did a quick series of handseals, and a massive dome of electricity formed around him, pulsing as it sliced through the plants - disconnecting them from the surrounding trees and loosening their grip on him.

As Tatsuya clambered to remove the plant matter from his body, he can see it now - the forest has came fully alive, attempting to strike at him with everything it had. Luckily, all attacks that met the dome ended up in char-grilled vegetables. But... he was not going to be able to hold the dome for long, and there was always the possibility that the forest will try to collapse the ground underneath him.


Scanning the surrounding, he finally noticed it... the plant matter that bound him had some sort of slime on it, and as he tracked it, he found that it lead all the way away, through a small clearing in the forest.


Tatsuya released his lightning dome and made a run for it, following the trail. For some reason, something told him to follow it... that it would lead to safety...

[Thread left with PC Zentaru Tatsuya.]

Current Ninpocho Time:
