Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Flashback: Gaining something once lost [Pvt]

Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

"Hopefully..."<i></i>, it was a simple word but it had dominated her thoughts as she gazed at the medical facility from outside it's entrance gate. It had been a few years since she was last here, her memory turning back to the day she lost an eye at the academy and the subsequent care received within the facilities walls. A trio of fingers gently ran against the surface of the eyepatch covering her right eye. With every she had experienced and the stories of how well the staff and medical ninjas have become over the years it had been time. Time to see if getting back a part of her that was lost and a piece of her that needed to placed back with the puzzle. Inhaling her nerves she would trek into the building, In speaking with one of the front clerks, typically middle aged women whom had no shinobi training, she was directed to one of the smaller conference rooms which was set up for patient to doctor consultations.

She was not aware of how much time would potentially pass until someone would come in and she sat with the utmost patience. Both hands rested beneath the table, clenching onto two scrolls tied together by a worn cord. The scrolls themselves looked aged, with parchment discoloration and subtle tears here and there. Yet it's most important contents were fine within, as they would serve as the most valuable part of regaining herself. She had plans and goals, most of which were reliant upon her abilities as a shinobi. This would elevate that as well as attach her more to her ruined clan.

"This is the only option after all"<i></i>, her voice muttered in the usual soft tone. Though it was true, if the medical personal here could not perform the surgery then she could not trust anyone else to handle something so delicate and dangerous. It would seem as these thoughts ran through her head, her fingers subconsciously tightened their grasp on the scrolls. It was a fleeting wish that her nerves would stay away as she was growing more nervous as time ticked away.
A rarity within the daily routine of the newly appointed Medical Chief, Lady Yomi's workload placing a tremendous responsibility upon the shoulder of the young woman; thus her thoughts were scattered, attempting to gather the pieces. Mikasa bends the nearest corridor, sparkling tundra orbs peer into the patients consultation ward, settling against a raven hair lass with caramel skin. "Recent scandals would suggest this is the lost child of Lady Yomi and Lord Umashiashikabihikoji." the nearly twenty-year old kunoichi jests within the realm of thoughts. Despite the crude notion, the young woman produces a welcoming demeanor, an air of warmth surrounds the immediate vicinity where the maiden traverses. "I wouldn't say this is the only option, but more along the lines of the correct one." she murmurs, extending her hand outwards, "Tsukasa Mikasa, Medical Chief." the woman introduces.

Settling across the table from the teen, the platinum mane medic eyes the patch upon the features of the youth, "Coincidence to the visit?" she inquires with a gentle smile and gesture with an index finger, "What is the reason behind your visitation today?" Mikasa follows up, leaning forward upon clasped hands to better examine the young woman before her.

Once the series of appointments sought to, the academy instructor would have to see to Maru's recent medical supply run and keep her promise with showcasing various puppets the maiden accumulated. Furthermore, the bustling honeydew blonde, Suyashi, begged her to traverse the outskirts of Fire Country in hopes of learning more of the realm behind the Phoenix Gates. Speaking canines and fowls yet to be a blip upon the radar. Tenderly her ungloved index finger extends upwards from the clasped to adjust the bridge of her eye wear, in response her eyes come to a closure in anticipation to the reason for the visit.​

The woman who walked into the room defied her thoughts and assumptions of who she may be dealing with, not because of who she was but because of Hanako's past experience. When it came to the surgery to transplant her eye all she really remembered was dealing with male doctors but she was relieved. Still kind of struggling with her own personal identity, she was still much more comfortable confiding in a female medical professional than a male despite the nature of her visit. Mikasa's appearance seemed to dispel much of her shy and uneasy feelings for being here. It was both a combination of her professionalism and her demeanor that set Hanako's nerves at ease. She felt her grasp relax over the scrolls held beneath the table and her chest would swell more than normal as she gathered her breath. Lifting her hands, she would place the scrolls upon the tabletop with her hand still pressed over the top of the items. With her gaze stuck to the scrolls, a broken voice escaped her lips with a barely audial tone. "This is important."

Quickly recognizing the low pitch of her tone she would hold a cuffed fist to her lips, coughing several times as if to restore her voice box. "Sorry, slightly nervous still Mikasa-san." She was sure a response from the woman would be one of understanding and nurturing, something she didn't want to be told. Without much time between statements, Hanako would swallow the rest of her nerves and speak with a very confident voice suddenly in regards to why she was there. "My name is Amagawa Hanako, as far as I am aware I am the last member of my clan physically within the village. During the samurai conflict I was unlucky enough to witness enough to know if any of my clan survived, they would have been scattered to the winds. I am here hoping to claim something lost....something I was to young to receive before the events of the war." She'd work to undo the cord binding the scrolls before unraveling one at a length of about one third of it's entire content. In this portion of the revealed scroll parchment were diagrams of the human body, focusing solely on the area between the nostrils and the base of the throat. Written in script detailed the general simple complexity of the process. Simple because on the surface it was a transplant just like any other, complex because of what was being transplanted. Coupled with the human anatomy picture was also that of a serpent's anatomy as well.

"My clan had for the longest partaken in a ritual where clan members who become shinobi undergo a surgery to transplant the venom glands of the spitting cobra into our throats just below the tonsils. It is an important step I must undergo if I wish to utilize my clan's jutsu."<i></i>
Intently azure optics settle against the scroll, Mikasa unable to determine the contents the summoning scroll would produce, "No need to be nervous, I dare say you are in capable hands." she replies with a faint smile. Pausing for a moment, the medical chief debates on how to properly address the lass, [/color]"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Amagawa-chan."[/color] the kunoichi settles on. Admittedly the temporary medical head was not familiar with the vast clans of the previous rendition of Konohagakure, being brought into Fire Country prior to the Samurai Regime abruptly ending; never the least an apologetic smile would be given on the unfortunate circumstances the lass found herself in.

Curiously her head tilts to bare witness to the cord upon the scroll being unraveled, grateful that the contents were the last items she expected to view - an actual scroll. Admittedly the proposed surgery, that the clan had been undergoing through the generations, certainly came with hefty risks. Rejection was the initial issue that plagues the mind of the medical nin, followed by the infection and many other unfortunate matters. The matter at hand did not require a chakra scientist to understand the proposed course of action, "You wish for a medical personnel to perform a transplant of placing a foreign creatures poison glands into your own throat?" Mikasa inquires rhetorically.

Leaning back into the chair, the maidens hands clasp together as her facial expression flat lines, void of expression. The possibility of being able to successfully perform said transplant was low, even if successful how did one utilize the glands as there own? Despite the illustrations, there didn't appear to be any indication of any other important reconstruction that would be required. Gesturing towards the scroll, "Please, allow me to view the rest. Not to fear, I already find the idea outrageous, but I can't fathom how you would be able to control the glands."

Current Ninpocho Time:
