Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

From all Directions

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Number 8

Number 4
Ōtsuki Sayuri

"The General is already inside..." a small woman wearing a heavy hooded jacket announced.

"The General can handle himself Shi," a tall, muscular ginger who wore a pair of bluejeans, leather work-boots and nothing else. His hand shaded his eyes as he scanned ahead, he could see the standards of the Toraono Dojo in the distance as well as the burgeoning surface community beyond. There was evidence that a wall was under construction but it was not fully erected yet, scaffolding still lined the side of the walls and there were still holes in the defenses where piles of bricks have not been laid.

"Might be true, but you know him... he always gets wrapped up in some sort of game before the mission is done. He'll finish it, I am sure but everyone will be dead before he stops. Well dead or wish that they were," she self-corrected. It was the truth, he was a devout man of a sadistic god and a mad genius. Many of them had been indoctrinated, but few to his extent.

"Told the asshole to not wait," the ginger muttered. Well, this young man was no better just not nearly as powerful.

"There will be plenty left for you still, " Shi replied taking on a matronly tone as she did so. "Look," she pointed ahead towards an ANBU that was watching over the front door. They could simply climb into the city through the broken walls, but what fun would that be? She stopped, "...hormones before beauty." With a sweeping gesture, Hachi bolted past her with his curved blade drawn.

Shi started to run her hands through an array of handseals just as the ANBU took notice. It was his first instinct to fight but this ANBU had more brains than pride, he would raise an alarm. "Hoi!" He opened the door and shouted within, just as a knife plunged into his back. Hachi pushed his full weight onto the blade and forced the ANBU to the ground. "We're... under ATTACK!" He shouted as he gasped for breath.

"Do you feel that Sunan...?" Hachi growled into the pinned ANBU's ear. "It is hard to breathe isn't it?" The ANBU tried to buck Hachi off. "I would't struggle if I were you ANBU-san..." He let out a low laugh. "I cut into you, between your ribs. I am inside your lungs. I love the feeling of being inside of you. I bet you are finding it hard to breathe, that is the blood filling up your lungs. But that is the least of your concerns, you see... once I withdraw my blade your lung with collapse leaving you with one more. I assure you, it won't be good enough."</I><I>

"We're under attack!" he repeated with all of the strength his young body could muster. He was just a trainee, this was his first week on gate duty.

Hachi forced his fingers under the edges of the trainee's mask and ripped it away before he smashed the kid's face into the sand. "I am going to kill you nimrod and I am going to enjoy it. You might earn yourself a few hours of life, my boredom or at least a painless death, if you do exactly what I say."</B><i></i>

<B>"Never!" The boy'd muffled voice cried.

"Have it your way," Hachi muttered as he pushed the weapon further into the downed ANBU until it broke through the other side and with a forcible singular motion he twisted the blade before he pulled it out. A pool of blood would soak the dusty ground beneath him. A stuttering gasp would could the ANBU to convulse beneath him.


"What?" The apparent madman asked as he wiped the withdrawn blade off on the back of the dying young man.

"Hostages," an exasperated woman reminded him with a sigh as she walked on past him, her finger hooked into his belt loop as she tugged him away from the soon to be corpse. "I do not feel like fighting my way through a Sunan army, let's go."

[Topic Left]

30 min-- S Rank

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro almost arrived too late to save the brave young man, he had been bleeding outside the dojo for an hour or so but Healer Kuro could save him. With a mighty surge of spiritual chakra Healer Kuro stopped his bleeding and proceeded to heal his wound. The young Anbu would not awaken for a while but Kuro knew what he was after from the blade wound. Only the Cabal would dare attack now, and it was obvious it was not Shouki as he wouldn't have allowed the boy to simply bleed out. With the blood from his lung cleared and his wounds closed Healer Kuro would use his warp seals to get the young anbu to a care point within the Byakko compound. Sharingan Kuro and Akuma Kuro were on the hunt. The Cabal seemed to be very good at knowing when Kuro wasn't around. Now they would know why he was to be avoided. Healer Kuro spoke into his mic as he wished the Young ANBU had been able to do. "This IS SENNIN TORAONO KURO ISSUING AN EMERGENCY ALERT ALL JOUNIN PERSONNEL ARE TO ASSUME FULL BATTLE POSTURE LOCKDOWN THE VILLAGE, WE ARE UNDER TERRORIST THREAT LEVEL DELTA. ALL CHUUNIN AND LOWER RANKED NIN ARE TO SECURE THEIR IMMEDIATE AREAS AND FAMILY AND REPORT ANYONE UNKNOWN IMMEDIATELY TO ME OVER CHANNEL TANGO OSCAR ROMEO ALPHA... Avoid engaging in combat unless you have no choice use SIGNAL FLARES, SEALS, HEADSETS OR SIMPLY YELL MY NAME AND I WILL COME. RADIO SILENCE IS INITIATED FOR ALL USAGE OF CHANNEL TANGO OSCAR ROMEO ALPHA except for emergencies. THiS IS SENNIN TORAONO KURO initiate full VILLAGE LOCKDOWN."<i></i>

Song Kuro listened for any further signs
Mouko Kuro activated his advanced eyesight to look for any signs

Sharingan Kuro and Akuma Kuro went to the center of the village and waited for the attack signal

Kyojin Kuro assumed gate duties

Healer Kuro monitored the medical channels and the brave young Anbu

A steady rage built within his other five hearts, THIS was the very last straw, in Kuro's heart he should have simply gathered his allies and assaulted the Daimyo by honored rules of Kanly and royal feud but he had not, because he needed to ensure Sousuke would survive his act but as he watched this poor young patriotic boy fight for his life despite their healing jutsu. All he could feel was inadequate, no matter how much power he had gained he could no longer stave off death. So now he had no choice but to be the deliverer of Death to Immortals. First he would find the boy's attacker/s then he would find Shouki and then he would deliver Shouki's head to the Daimyo and declare open Kanly and full right of Blood Feud. THIS WAS WHEN KURO FINALLY SNAPPED.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
