Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

From the Wealthiest [In and Out]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

The piercing cry of an alarm woke her from her slumber.

She opened her eyes and saw only blackness. It was dark and her head was pounding. She felt nauseated and the back of her throat burned, as if she had spent the night vomiting but she could not remember doing so. This must be what it is like to have a hangover. She was never much of a drinker, it dulled her senses but she had read about it and witnessed the symptoms in others. With a groan she would try to sit up, her foggy mind struggling to recall the series of events that left her in her probable predicament. She could feel the springs beneath her grouse as she shifted her weight. She was apparently in a bed. She did not remember retiring to a bed, but through hazy lenses she could see large red numbers in the darkness.

She reached for the numbers, almost instinctively as she blindly searched for an off-button. For something that would stop that shrill noise that seemed to burrow into her brain. She would miss, misjudging the distance and her hand would glide on past, her balance askew she too would topple off the edge of the bed onto the floor. The landing was far from noiseless as her hand reached up and slapped at the clock, finally by pure luck and coincidence would the alarm be turned off. The silence would be welcome but this would only be the start of the great mystery of the day -- where was she and what happened?

She thought she could remember but she could not recall. She was in a place. What was the place again? And why -- why was she there? She gripped the bed sheets, they were silky and soft. It was quite odd, she thought hers were generally rougher and more cotton-like than sateen. She fondled the sheets, bewildered as she rose to her feet. She was not steady but she was able to somehow stand. She stumbled and her hand rapped around a narrow, carved column. A poster? Wait, she did not have a poster bed. Her hand lingered and she felt the hardwood beneath her hand, she did not recognize it. A moment of panic was felt, a fire trepidation that came with revelation and recollection.

She was hunting Aburabuta and she was captured. Where was she? Her eyes scanned the room, it was pitch black but there were slivers of dim light. A window with heavy curtains... three. A door. Instinct would dictate that she should head to the door, seek escape but experience warned her otherwise. She needed to collect data. So she staggered half-blind to the window, she could feel hot bile creep up the back of her throat. She swallowed hard and felt the vomit wash away. Her hand brushed the curtain, it felt like velvet. She shifted the voluminous window covering to the side and daylight filtered into the room. She squinted and felt a pain in the front of her head. She was on the second floor. She could see slate shingles and a verdant, well-manicured lawn. Her hands gripped the sill and she attempted to open the window, it would not budge. She would grunt with exertion as she tried a second time. Was the window nailed shut?

She pulled the curtains open wide, the rings would run along the length of the rod and flank the window. She would look behind her, the room was spacious. A large, four poster bed made from a darkly stained hardwood sat alone. Heavy comforters layered on top of the mattress seemed odd, in Wind Country it was hardly a sign of luxury. Rather it was a nonsensical option a resident would never take. Strange. Come to think of it, the grass was also unusual, the earth was too sandy and the air too arid for sod such as this to grow. She pressed her palm against the pane of glass, it felt cool. Where is this place? It was a worrisome concept, being a place unanticipated. She took pride in knowing everything, some things before they even happened. But right now she felt hung over and disoriented.

What else could she learn?

There was a large open space between the foot of the bed and the far side of the room that held a large, heavy armoire carved from the same dark wood as the bed and a full length mirror. She was curious, it was a flaw. She approached the armoire but as she did so she caught a glimpse of her reflection. She did not recognize it. Her body was still new, it felt like she was piloting this form rather than living as it. The face was so round and so young, she lifted this body... her body's hand to the... her face and frowned. She should be elated, most women would be thrilled to take on a younger form when their better years were already behind them but she never cared about her youth. There was a sense of loss but she knew it was necessary. She knew that what she was had to be destroyed if she wanted to complete her directive, it was just done with a sense of pain and regret. The seals were gone and she was free to act of her own accord. She would stare with partial disbelief. She realized the change weeks ago but her mind refused to grasp her new hybrid nature.

She would repay her debt to him before she killed Shiro.

Yes, she owed Mikaboshi for this new curse. This loss of her former identity. Because she lacked value beyond what she knew and that never changed. She now had autonomy to fight back because she only lost herself, not what she had achieved. Mikaboshi did what nobody else was willing or cared to do -- to end her suffering but preserve what she knew. She would get him a new body and Aburabuta would be the supplier. Little did she know that Mikaboshi's prison was shattered in her absence. That her efforts now would be moot but she would -try- all the same.

She opened the armoire. It was empty less a small pile of clothes neatly piled on the base. There was a note folded on top that was written simply Wear Me It was similar to the attire she donned in the desert, albeit better quality. Heavier also, unsuitable for the excursions she had endured these past few weeks. Would she comply? No, she would not. She desired a sense of control and wearing these slightly bloodied clothes was better than taking charity from her captor. She closed the door without disturbing the garments left for her.

It was time to leave.

The door in her room was unlocked, it was slightly more unsettling being unlocked. Did he truly think she was such a little threat? It was almost insulting. She ambled into the hall, it was long and lit by overhead chandeliers. Was this intended to be a self guided tour. To her left was a hall with a visible terminal point. To her right was also a hall with a curved staircase that led to spaces below. Of the two, one of these paths was more logical than the other. She would defy logic, the path was prepared for her. She would turn left and amble down the hall, testing the doors she passed. They were all locked which did not surprise her. Upon reaching the third she would stop, the room choice was random, and she would grip the handle and then snap the brass knob hard to the left breaking the quality furnishing in the process. Indoor doors often lacked a deadbolt and these proved to be no exception.

She entered the room, the lightswitch was adjacent to the door. She broke into a... bathroom.

The marble floors glistened and the glass shower looked essentially unused. The room smelled like cedar, an illogical wood choice considering the humid conditions but that was irrelevant. She was learning. She knew where she was, well she knew who owned the place in which she was at the very least. She had done her research on the Aburabuta family before. The Aburabuta family, or rather Aburabuta Yutaka was publicly remembered as a wealthy philanthropist in Wind Country before the maelstrom. He had no official heir, but there were several young men and women scattered through Wind Country that claimed lineage, among them Hirotomi was the only one that has shown any evidence of being capable of following in his alleged father's footsteps. He started wealthy, his mother was a 'starving actress' that seemed to come into money in her later years for one reason or another. Some believe that supported his claim to the Aburabuta name but in the end it would prove irrelevant because Hirotomi would make himself into Yutaka's legacy, blood-ties or not.

That was why she was here... She needed him.

Over the years Hirotomi, much like his 'father' gained his wealth through illicit means. He was a businessman first, a law-abiding, ethical man second. He was slowly amassing power in the Suna underworld and she suspected that he was amassing his wealth through arms deals and human trafficking. His aspiration to become a Merchant Lord was also no secret and in his case it would be a weakness. He was a man that liked to display his wealth. Hubris and greed would be his vices, possibly vanity. She backed out of the bathroom and tested the next door. Also locked. Knob also broken in her hand. Inside this room, nothing. A true oddity. The room was quite large, but there was no wall coverings. There was no overhead light fixture. There was no furniture. The only object in the room was a pair of heavy curtains hanging from a rod. Noted. She went to the next room, the process and subsequent findings were the same. Interesting, the house is a facade. She wondered what his actual net worth was. If he was truly poor. If he was living in excess. If he had squandered his wealth. If he was simply trying to appear more successful than he actually was. She frowned, not because she pitied him but because she would get back less than hoped.


She grew tired after the third and decided to follow the intended path. She walked towards the stairs, to her right was a number of portrait paintings. All of them of the same man and in many cases it would appear that the artist took 'artistic liberties.' It was no surprise to her that Hirotomi was a narcissist, most men of his station were. She stopped before one of the paintings, he was wearing a white suit and a brimmed hat. She studied the features, it was the only one that seemed remotely close to being accurate. She continued on, this was an adventure she would need to see herself through.

When she reached the top of the stair she would hear the sound of piano music playing. The timing uncanny, she looked for a trip wire, a depression in the floor but saw none. It was an eerie melody and she could not help but scoff at the cliche. The music grew louder as she descended the steps. When she reached the bottom she found herself in a grand foyer, it was larger than she expected. Sh glanced in either direction. The music was coming from the left and there was a warm glow that came from the room adjacent. The right was hardly lit and seemed cavernous but it made little sense since she had reached the terminal point of the hallway when she found the stair. In front of her was a front door and it was unguarded and she wondered if it was unlocked. She was if nothing else curious so she grasped the knob but it refused to turn. She broke the knob like she did the others but she could not push this door out, it had to be drawn in. She inseted her finger in the hollow of the damaged door where the knob once sat and tried to pull the door in but it refused. It was deadbolted from the outside.

From the outside?

Another nonsensical thing to mentally list, and she did. She considered walking the other way, to test and to learn but she already had her answer. The front door told her everything that she needed to know. So she turned left and followed the sound of music to what appeared to be a sitting room. There was thick wine colored carpet underfoot and rich, heavy wooden pieces of furniture placed throughout the room. It was a show of extravagance. To her left was a black grand piano that was in her opinion too large for the given room space allotted. Behind the piano, allegedly playing was one Aburabuta Hirotomi or so that was what she was intended to believe.

"Good afternoon Oracle, it would seem that you have the constitution of a teenager," he commented as the music came to an end.

"The term you intended was 'somnophile' but sadly the term has alternative connotations in the modern day," Michi responded with a sardonic grin.

"Have you learned what you," Hirotomi started to needle her but his statement would be interrupted.

"I already know," Michi affirmed. "I know the difference between reality and illusion and I know when I am being invaded," she claimed.

"Then break out."

"I have already tried, you know that. But I also know that illusions such as this require a massive store of chakra and can only be maintained for seconds... so it is my perception of time that has also ben skewed," she reasoned as she took a seat. There was no reason to remain standing, she was not really there. "It was the piano,"</B><B> she would announce after a few moments of awkward silence. Everything else I could reason away except for that,"[/color] she pointed. "Stupidity... arrogance... and hubris could be used to explain everything else, but I am a woman of raw logic and I know that there is no such thing as a coincidence."

"So you planned this encounter?" The avatar laughed, "and you claim I am the on who suffers from conceit."

She nodded, "yes."

Her reply was answered with a snickering laughter.

"You stole it, right?" She was looking at him as she said that, her gaze seemed to burn into him. "After you took me, you went to my hotel room. Where I foolishly advertised the location of a potentially rare and powerful tool. And now you are trying to learn who I am valued by." She explained what he was doing, yes but that did not man that she anticipated it. That she planned for it. That she had an out. She did not seem worried. "You see Mister Aburabuta, I came here to rob you. I know, it seems utterly cliche but I am stealing from the rich... you and I am giving to the poor... me."

"From inside my illusion?" He scoffed, "...right."

"You mean prison," she corrected him. She did not know where she was but she knew that she was not left unbound and free but she did not need to move. She did not need to lift a finger. "I am not going anywhere," she assured him "...yet." Hirotomi stood up and approached her, she did not move. Rather she raised an arched brow when his shadow passed over her. "You really do not want to do that," she warned him. But he was feeling confident and he would pay no heed, she expected such. It was not as if she could tell a lie.

"Tell me, by what means does one become an Oracle?"

"The same method as one earns wealth -- inheritance and diligence."

"What do you know?"

"More than you and wrong question," she replied.

"Tell me of my future then."

"You are about to be robbed blind, but that is hardly your greatest concern..."

"What is my greatest concern at this present time then?"

"Finally, the right question," she raised her hand and pointed past him. "Look behind you," she pointed weakly.

Yes, the illusion for her was gone, it has faded away a few seconds earlier. His time was up and they were not alone. Behind Aburabuta was the construct, the brass did not glisten but that was because they were in a cell. "The problem with inception is the fact that you lose yourself in the process," Michi explained as her eyes lowered and she noticed a pair of unusual spectacles on his face. Those were not his eyes. She did not have time to give the halt command before its arms came crashing down on Hirotomi's back. The glasses, apparently organic, shattered as Hirotomi crumbled onto the floor. When he fell he was eye level with her, her arms were restrained behind her back and her ankles were also tied together. He was cautious but not cautious enough, as reality hit her she realized she was in the same room she was in when she woke up in the illusion. Meaning that she was likely on the second floor. That she knew how to find the front door. The room had more detail. More color.

The construct broke her binds. She rubbed her wrists in front of her. She wondered how many guards he actually had. She wondered how many the construct had already incapacitated as it followed its directive. It did not matter, they were inside and it was always easier to break out than it was to break in. They were going to take all they could find and then flee. Who was he going to complain to? How was he going to explain her crime -- the woman he kidnapped robbed him blind and assaulted his men. At least she did not kill them. She pulled the pillowcase off of one of the pillows and started to search Hirotiomi's pockets.
[Topic Left after she robs the place blind]

[S Rank -- 30 min]


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Shoma has the debates the though of see the the officials of Sky Country. Their people had experienced loss quite possibly without explaination nor someone to hold responsible. Shoma makes the trip uncertain of what to say or do, but he believes that something should be said and done, even if it is done to him. He attempted to allow such a thing but a long story would tell that tale. But an alarm of some sort roars in the night. What had the Samurai brought himself to? He confession may have to wait.

{OOC Rank: S rank = 30 minutes, Catch if allowed}


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: Awesome. nobody ever catches me.

Were there guards, yes. But that was in the past tense. Were they samurai? Yes, but also in the past tense because now they were unconscious. She took what was small, lightweight and valuable. She was not a practiced criminal but she understood the concept. Nothing had value without a buyer, it would be ironic that the most valuable thing she found with guaranteed returns was money. The hardwood furniture was too large and cumbersome. The tapestries really only called to someone of a particular taste, similarly the clothes. The jewelry was of course something she also took, but many of the pieces were unique and would have to be melted down or reset into new settings before she could resell them. Still, she took them. Behind her lumbered the construct. His, yes it was a him, made a clanging noise as he moved. It was autonomous in its movements but it was dependent on her command.

"Follow and monitor," she ordered as she walked ahead. This time the front door was unlocked, the sentinels unconscious on either side of the door. She checked for a pulse, they were stable. She got what she needed, she did not need to also take their lives. She would leave the Aburabuta estate, it was nearly as large as Hirotomi's imagination remembered it. Almost. She looked behind her once, was she being pursued? No, they would not stir for a few more hours according to her assessment but she wanted to be certain. They were leaving and they would have hours on their pursuers or so they thought. An alarm sounded, the shrill cry would break the otherwise peaceful evening air. Her first instinct was to run, but that would only announce her guilt and draw attention to them. She let out an irritated sigh as she commanded the construct "Find Lord Oshiro Ori and then bring him to me," she gave the construct the spoils of their endeavor. Ori would see it as payment in kind for what she was about to ask of him. It would appear that she needed two favors of the Lord. The construct would bound off but she would stay behind, her hands in the air as she waited to be caught.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
[Sorry for the terrible grammar in the last post. I'll repost and edit it here.]
Shoma said:
Shoma has debated the thought of seeing the the officials of Sky Country. Their people had experienced loss quite possibly without any explanation nor someone to hold responsible. Shoma makes the trip uncertain of what to say or do, but he believes that something should be said and done, even if it is done to him. He attempted to allow such a thing but a long story would tell that tale. But an alarm of some sort roars in the night. What had the Samurai brought himself to? His confession may have to wait.

{OOC Rank: S rank = 30 minutes, Catch if allowed}

A manner which appears strangely out of place draws attention not so far away. The swordsman picks up his pace, walking in a controlled haste. Shoma did not wish to run blindly to a fool's death. The walls of the manner do have an opening, and when he finds it, he peaks his head around a corner to spot a... 'thing'. This thing hold the appearance of golem. The samurai equates this to sorcery of some sort, perhaps by a shinobi's conjuring. As it makes an escape, the swordsman ops NOT to chase such a thing just yet. And in plain view, a woman holds her hands upward in surrender. It is hard to tell what her reasoning is for this but Shoma would assume that she fears for her life from something, more than likely either Shoma or the golem. A guard or two be found nearby lying on the ground. Upon focusing his sight on them, he finds that they still breathe. 'Fortunate souls,' he thinks to himself.

The coast is not quite clear, yet the samurai would step out anyway and quickly walks toward the woman. His eyes constantly shift to observe his surroundings on grass he now walks. Along the way, his sword would appear in his hand as if out of nowhere, yet one with an inhumanly trained eye, or supernatural sight might see the process of him merely drawing his sword with great speed. It is hard for Shoma to judge the woman's position, victim or trespasser. For the time being, he would treat her as if she had aspects of both categories. Upon reaching her, he would attempt to grasp the clothing over her right shoulder(If her attire doesn't have much to grasp at shoulder level, he'll go for her right wrist), with his left hand.

Should he succeed, he would attempt to lead her out while telling her, "Keep your head down Miss." He flips his sword for an under-hand grip, doing so makes it easier for him to defend her if need be, or defend against her if need be.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
She knew the difference between making a scene and biding her time, she was never one to rush but now more than ever she had the ability to wait for lady luck to shine in her favor. The guards were already incapacitated, those that saw her fight that is. The reaction of those who came for her would tell her volumes about their intentions. How many people were involved in her abduction? She hypothesized that the Merchant Lord hopeful's intentions were limited to those on his payroll and from what she recalled, and she never forgot a thing, he killed his former subordinates once their usefulness elapsed. She had learned a few things from that previous encounter and from that she created a conceptual framework for future encounters with Aburabuta and his ilk.

She kept her hands raised and she walked slowly towards the front gate. She knew that she would be intercepted before she left the grounds. People capable of extreme speed were somewhat common. As expected someone would come for her but she would maintain a slow, steady gait. Internally she would flinch when contact was made but outwardly she took on the mannerisms of an unfeeling construct. She was counting the steps to the gate and the steps beyond to the street. She was measuring Shoma, not that she knew his name up in her mind. He was larger than her, not necessarily slower than her considering how quickly his blade found its way into his hand. Her mind recounted his, well every man's weak-spots -- the eyes, the throat, the solar plexus and the groin. How quickly could she hit one of them? Two? All of them? She had to consider the potential that she might be apprehended again, the previous time she allowed herself to enter a precarious situation knowing she would be defeated only so she could escape because if she knew one thing well -- she knew greedy men.

"Keep your head down Miss."

"I am malleable..." she shook her head "I am compliant," she replied. The statement a reflex without thought and without artifice. "Peculiar," she muttered out loud as her pace hastened. A troublesome side effect, a lingering effect from her delirium perhaps. She swallowed hard, she had resisted their efforts for this long. Their hold on her was ephemeral and it has been years since that word came up. A concern for a later time, she had the mental fortitude to overcome their indoctrination. She bowed her head and exited the grounds in tow of the stranger who was taking her away from the Aburabuta structure.

So she would exit and her arms would slowly lower as she did so. Once her feet traversed the boundary of the Aburabuta complex she would make her query, "name? Designation?" A stranger as a first responder, almost as strange as old memories resurfacing after years of denial. Her shoulder would bump into him, not hard, she was testing before his grip was relinquished, if he let go. Flesh or armor? He carried a blade meaning he preferred to fight in melee. She would need to create a space between them.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Character attire here

As the little reaches the exit point of the gate, he turns to walk parallel to the wall. She questions Shoma in an unusual manner shortly thereafter, rather her speech in general seems abnormal. She seems nearly short in communication as she does height, yet it does seem to be tied to a lack of intellect. Her words choices when submitting to the Samurai's command dispels that assumption quickly. If the samurai had given more thought to it, he would have compared her to those things with the screens at the hospital that nurses called computers. Instead, he assumes that the short questions are a result of the stress and pace of the situation. Each question would be answered in the likeness of the shortness of the questions themselves, at least to the best of his ability. He states in non-violent authority,...

"Otandai Shoma."
"To be decided."

Being rushed much like a hostage and captor, balance is not easy to maintain for the two. Shoma gives somewhat to her bumping, enough to probably conclude that he is human but slightly more fit than the average infantry men. His attire would be that of a blue samurai kimono, not hiding or holding much else other then his sword and sheath. But this would be the man who places the woman against the perimeter wall with her jacket still in firm grip. Here he decides that it would be his turn for questions. This time, there would be a hint more bass in voice and not in her fashion. "It is now your turn. Why are those people grounded while 'YOU' yet stand?..." He extends his index finger from his sword to point at her. Before she might respond though, he points outward to the general direction of the golem says,..."... and what, in the world, is 'THAT'?"

[Marking for training]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
"Otandai Shoma."

"Otandai... Otandai..." where had she heard that name before. Where was it? Oh yes. He was a "participant in the Daimyo's Intervillage Shinobi Examination." She recalled. He made quite the scene, she was not among the spectators but she had read and in a few cases heard their accounts. It was a truly curious incident, "thirty six injured, ten still in critical care and eleven more dead." She was disappointed that she missed the spectacle, there was so much she could have divined from first hand experience that was lost in their mundane translation.

She pulled something from her pocket. If she was not prevented that is. A pen and a small notebook. She would write a single note: Otandai of Iwagakure at the Aburabuta residence in Soons. In addition would be a sketch of Shoma that looked as real as a black and white photograph. She had two exceptional skills -- an eidetic memory and the ability to draw with photo-realism.

"To be decided."

He answered. Well, he failed to answer. "Nebulous or unfortunate, Mister Otandai" she replied as she completed her assessment. "Over thirty, perhaps closer to forty," it was hard to tell these days. Women were harder, all the paint and wigs and false additions but never impossible. Women tend to overcompensate. Women fail to update their make-up rituals to account for their sunken features and rather enhance them with the same tired tactics. Men are often in the elements that age them such as sun, manual labor, and battles. A teenage could look middle-aged with the lives a shinobi lives. "Physically stronger than me," she continued her verbal account. "Loose-fitting attire," necessary for fighters whom not only desire agility but also wish to obfuscate the tells in their movements which was in turn a tell in and of itself. Her eyes would glance down at his blade, that would be his dominant hand. Then his hand on her jacket. How fast could she break away, slip out from the jacket. 0.5 Seconds she estimated but she would be off-balance, another 0.25 seconds to recover before she dashed. Her stride was shorter than his but she was smaller and therefore likely faster because she had less mass to carry. His arms would be longer, taking in account the time it would take for her to break away and recover her balance before she could dash he would likely grab hold of her before she got away. If she wanted to part ways she would have to fight, how troublesome.

It was then that Shoma performed his first demonstration of force when he pushed her against the estate's wall. She could feel the brick against her back. She made no attempt to resist, she had not completed her risk assessment. Haste makes waste as they say. Still, somewhat intimidating. It was a biological imperative - flight or flight. The natural secretion of epinephrine in her veins, her heart was beating faster and her breath hastened despite the lack of exertion. She could feel the blood vessels in her hands swell. This is what a human body does, prepare to fight or flee. It was apparent that in her hybridized state that such endocrine reactions were still a part of her. Good to know.

"It is now your turn. Why are those people grounded while 'YOU' yet stand?..."

He demanded an answer but she did not have a chance to answer before he asked another.

."... and what, in the world, is 'THAT'?"

"Item one -- I am a better fighter," she honestly replied. "Item two. The body intended for my savior." That was what she was doing in the desert all those weeks, seeking a construct from Baylos. Compensation for the life he saved and to repay her debts. There was little that she did not know, even less that she would never learn. One such thing she had yet to learn but eventually would was the fact that the Ebon Blade was shattered and that Lord Mikaboshi was free. Fire did not rain for the heavens, no great plague was released. His liberation was rather silent and hardly dramatic but that quiet release was what she would have anticipated. "But you did not ask me the right question." She eyed his hand and mentally measured the wall. "I feel that it is safe to say from your token aggression that you have already made a hypothesis of your own Mister Otandai."

"Tit for tat in this tête-à-tête?" She calculated. "What are your intentions in this scenario?" A bit more open-ended than her true question, 'who was his employer' but more encompassing. Was this a situation that would end in violence? Him bloodied? Her dead, beaten or in chains? Or that they simply parted ways --


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The little woman repeats his name to him seemingly to confirm, however this would be revealed as recalling. Her recollection of the his past adventure, more specifically the status report, stops him in mid stride for nearly five seconds. Although it isn't comforting to hear, he counts it as needed knowledge of his quest of atonement and justice. He starts again to find this woman taking notes. It isn't an act of aggression as suspicion as it is, but to the Samurai it is very bizarre. SHE is very BIZARRE.

Due to the workings and two events past, Shoma could nor would not consider himself as one under the employ of Stone Village Officials. As such he has been attempting to bounty missions to try and support Ava and himself. She acknowledges misfortune of some sort. He didn't understand the purpose of some of her other statements, though he did understand the words she used, unlike some of her vocabulary. He only knows that she is describing someone's age and attire. A confused, "What?" escapes him. Yet, he does begin to feel something very familiar.

Tension. The rising of one's readiness for combat. Communication is said to be more that 80% nonverbal. Shoma may not be well studied in this art of reading intention on other areas, he knows to trust himself when his body subconsciously reads what he cannot well explain and tells him to be cautious. As she is responds to the first interrogation question, her other statements start to make sense. The second question does not aid in clarity however, for a simple sentence could not easily explain a mysterious golem.

She states that he had needed to ask the correct question and that he had an assumption of the situation. But she also points out his aggression toward her. 'It is... quite sensible that she would feel cornered and want to contemplate subduing me... But what is this "teti da teta" thing? Bizarre.' He lets go of her slowly, feeling a small portion of sympathy for dragging her without greater understanding of her position. Yet such an action is necessary to maintain control, for her protection as well as his own. But what would his decision be in this scenario concerning her? "I would like to apologize but I do not wish to do so too soon. I am a Samurai originally of the Country of Fire, sworn guardian of the Linage and Legacy of the Masuda Name. Where I stand beyond that, I cannot say. I do not know my place in this scenario, but that is because I do not know who you are nor your place in this scenario. But my intention in short is to maintain order, restore peace, and seek justice. Now if the correct question is not, 'why are you here' then what would that question be? Who is the savior?"

[Marked for training]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Sixty seven paces and counting...


Shoma muttered. She repeated herself verbatim.

Sixty seven. No, Sixty eight...

Sixty nine...

And stopped...

She internally narrated their progress.

"I would like to apologize but I do not wish to do so too soon. I am a Samurai originally of the Country of Fire, sworn guardian of the Linage and Legacy of the Masuda Name. Where I stand beyond that, I cannot say. I do not know my place in this scenario, but that is because I do not know who you are nor your place in this scenario. But my intention in short is to maintain order, restore peace, and seek justice. Now if the correct question is not, 'why are you here' then what would that question be? Who is the savior?"

Shoma launched a barrage of questions at her but more importantly he let go of her. The moment he relinquished his grasp her hands would flash through an array of handseals. She considered herself quite proficient in all of the shinobi arts even if practice lacked. Shadows started to consume her and she started to try to hide. [Your choice if she is successful] She would be a fool to not take the oppertunity to part from Shoma, there were far too many unanswered questions and she no longer had a compulsion to know every last and sometimes minor detail. If she was able to part from him or not she would not get far, they were in the midst of a conversation. Manners were nothing more than a social construct so she did not stay because it would be the polite thing to do but rather because she knew him. Well, not him personally but she knew of him.

Regardless of her being hidden, seen or stopped she would answer his queries.

"Apologies are intended to placate a perceived wronged party for the sake of the herd. I do not have such delicate sensibilities Mister Otandai." She admitted, "I have respect for prudent men." She was also prudent and watching him for a sign of threat, she had only thirty seconds before she would have to make a snap decision. Fight or flight with or without the samurai."The right question depends on the right answer,"</B><i></i> she announced cryptically. <B>"We can bypass the semiology if you would prefer and reach your ultimate question -- should you attempt to apprehend me? The answer to that is 'yes' by your stated standard of 'justice' but you are passionate and when given emotional... I mean moral context." Not something a man likes to hear, but there are worse insults a woman could hurl and it was not intended to be an affront but it possibly was. "Given the moral context that the estate belongs to a criminal leader and that his hirelings are part of a fledgling illicit underworld that will likely take hold within a few years time, I feel that your priorities will shift away from what I am doing here." Could she prove it? Not in under thirty seconds. Actually, 18 seconds now. "Now I am sure you have additional inquiries but time is limited, the guards will recover and the Daimyo's hired force will be here in fifteen seconds so we" yes she said 'we' "need to leave now unless you want to meet a Soverign."

Yes, this was one of those 'if you want to live follow me' moments. If she was hidden, she would reveal herself on the ledge of the stone wall. If she was restrained, she would not be able to overpower him but she would try and her words would have a tone of urgency.

Did she have a place to go? No -- not at this time but she had a talent for getting by.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
[The roll has decided.]

Upon releasing his grip, the Samurai is shown why he took precautions earlier. With the little space he tries to give her, she starts to use Shinobi Arts. Shoma is at least proficient enough in sign language, the only other language he knows aside from common speak, to understand that she didn't intent to ask where a privy might be. Moving his sword behind his back, the swordsman lifts his sheath with his other hand, to place it between her hands in mid transition of one of her signs. It is likely that she catches it two seconds into the technique unknown to Shoma. He then attempts to shift the angle to push it between her right shoulder and collar bone to pin to her with some discomfort onto the wall. With his sword still in the other hand with under-grip, he points at her stating slightly in an excitement that would reflect the phase 'I knew it!'..."This, this is what I meant of apologies given too soon."

To this, she gives her take on the purpose of apologies, stating that she is more harden than the average woman. Upon telling him of the respect she has for his prudent nature he responds, "Yes, well it is not in the custom of the many to show their respect by spitting a ball of fire in ones face." She then addresses the questions he had presented before. She seems to go nearly direct to the point, but not before calling him emotional. His eyes lids raise, his head pulls forward and turns very slightly to nonverbally say 'excuse me'. After correction she goes on to inform her captor of a bigger threat, a greater evil. The woman warns of the oncoming soldiers headed toward the pair's direction. 'Soverign?' he questions mentally. Her act of compliance had long faded while the discussion occurred, as she had been struggling to free herself.

Shoma thinks for a few seconds, knowing the possibility of her being a lier to be strong. 'Is it not likely that a criminal might redirect the approach of consequence to another "bigger boss"? Yet... though she has been sneaking, she... has yet to lie. It is almost as if she can not do so. Hmm.' A decision is made after about seven seconds. "Well, why not have a talk with them. It should be fine. You are after all, 'the better fighter', so there is no need to worry." Even though he is willing to place her in harm's way, she would not be alone as she is 'encouraged' to face a fear. It is Shoma's belief she might just aid him in identifying this greater threat. And though he can now be sure that she will take any opportunity to escape, perhaps if each of them survive this encounter, the intellect of the extremely well educated woman could guide the swordsman on his path to a better world. Perhaps they both could redeem themselves.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Proficient hands snapped through an array of handseals that nearly reached completion but there was no benefit for a 'nearly' complete act. With a sharp crack the sides of hr hands clipped Shoma's scabbard as it traversed through her personal space and with the pressure exerted by the weapon casing pushed her against the perimeter wall. This encumbrance was uncomfortable, enough weight on her clavicle to cause some pain but it was nothing she could not endure. Pain was odd in a way because it gave her a sense of clarity, the grass was greener, the birds were louder and she could smell his musk. It was a purely biological response, the epinephrine her body released to initiate the flight of fight response to escape or defeat the perceived threat. Pain gave one a high, at least a high for one who coveted strength and power as much as her son did. Yes, she understood it but having the mettle of her progeny or the man whom helped spawn her monster of a son did not mean that limits needed to be tested. She was no Jashinist.

She took his heightened capacity, this high and used it to her advantage. Time seemed to slow as her heart hastened. The weapon casing he was holding her with required two hands to maintain leverage but he never relinquished his blade. "Imprudent," she announced as her gaze lowered to the spathe that 'pinned' her. "You are off-balance," she further commented. She was referring to his hold coupled with his incessant need to brandish his sword that he was starting to raise. To maintain his hold over her he would have to either drop his weapon and brace his scabbard or he would have to drop his scabbard and grab hold of her. There was also a third choice she had to consider even if it was statistically improbable considering the data she had thus far compiled regarding him and that was that he would drive his weapon through her.

"This, this is what I meant of apologies given too soon."

That tone, was he happy over something? How could h be happy when he was wrong? Poor, clueless dolt. Her breaths were shallow, her eyes on the tip of his weapon but her mind was elsewhere. "By," she corrected him. This is what he meant by[/b] apologies given too soon.

"Yes, well it is not in the custom of the many to show their respect by spitting a ball of fire in ones face."

She had no idea what he was talking about. Was it an actual custom? If so, where? It sounded nonsensical and dangerous. "Idiom?," she queried out-loud as she mentally recorded the phrase. "Etymology?" She still had the time to ask but time was running short so she warned him. She warned him of the impending threat. Of the Soverign. Of the battle he would not win, she knew the probabilities and even if luck was on his side some successes are not 'true wins' just delayed losses. He gave the non-verbal that repetition was required regarding moral context and emotional nature so she repeated herself verbatim.

Time was ticking away...

She would push away from the wall, against the scabbard that would resist. Assuredly he would push back, proving he was the stronger pf the two. This was something she already knew but she needed to test his resolve and determine if she was prisoner. Her attempt to separate herself physically from him being prevented coupled with her attempt to hide also being obviated confirmed form her that in the absence of overt aggression on her part despite the fact that he did not appear to be the Diamyo's or Aburabuta's accomplice or underling that she would be confined.

He would answer her final query eventually.

"Well, why not have a talk with them. It should be fine. You are after all, 'the better fighter', so there is no need to worry."

That was how this was going to be then? He was either a fool or an associate as he failed to heed her warning and in fact took it as a challenge against her. she lacked the same foolhardy pride that kills so many shinobis. "Better than Aburabuta's ruffians, yes. Better than a Soverign, no. And I am afraid my solicitousness and your contumacy has left us out of time." she had no reason to believe that he would be the champion of her cause or that he held a reasonable concern for her safety from the data he had submitted. In fact, it would appear that her safety was imperiled at by his presence. Only ten seconds remaining. "I granted you the oppertunity, but I am not willing to sacrifice my life to satisfy your curiosity, whim, or duty to your potential contemporaries"

The first offensive act would be hers.
You can elect to actually mod this (will be much slower) or you can RP this out.
  • Soverign Number Six is coming, he has a six digit HP in 40 seconds. This is an S Rank group threat.
  • Guards from the Aburabuta complex (three of them) are coming in 10 seconds. This is a Chuunin level threat (each).
  • Michi/Fuu has been injured and is at 30% of her max HP and CP and she will perform the following actions as she attempts to escape:
    • Stunt Double (non-reactionary) [Masterd] with Elemental Clone (Lightning) [Mastered]. - 3 AP on Shoma
    • Quickdraw unarmed weapon. - 0 AP on Shoma
    • Fist of Sin: Wrath [Mastered] - 3.75 AP on Shoma
    • Uncalled for Shot [Mastered] -- 0.75 AP on Shoma
    • Eagle Drop [Mastered] - 2.75 AP on Shoma


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The swordsman manages to halt the unknown sorcery and pin her to the wall with the sheath. She proceeds to call him 'imprudent' and points out his lack of balance. "Is that so?" he questions calmly as if to reveal that he knows of something she may not. After exclaiming that he was correct in his belief that she might attack, she inserts a word into he's sentence. He has an idea of what she means to do, yet his tongue or way of speech is common among those who rest into the lands of the Daimyo of Fire. He simply sighs "hhhhhhhh" upon realizing that she may critique everything he says. True to this manner, she uses an unknown word in a questioning way. In slight confusion he asks, "What is an I-di-om?" She then uses another outside of his realm of knowledge, pulling a simple "What?" out of him. "You are bizarre, you know this do you not?"

Time shorten in that little is left before the supposed guards arrived. Although he reminds her of her supposed victory of the guards, she states her concern of this Soveriegn again noting that they were out of time. Before her next statement, Shoma realizes something about her, despite her bizarre habits and neutral expression, her actions thus after were those of one in a state of growing panic. "... I am afraid..." plays in his mind even she makes her closing statement. Even though he know the contexts of the use of those words, he believes it to be the overall truth in the air over her at the moment. Yet, she had told him that the it would be his duty to stop the oncoming evil that approached and had he not known that, as a samurai he would have or could have left. He lowers his sheath and sword and calmly invites her saying, "Very well, do what you can. Do what you must."

[Sending action soon. Let's mod this. ]
You can elect to actually mod this (will be much slower) or you can RP this out.
  • Soverign Number Six is coming, he has a six digit HP in 40 seconds. This is an S Rank group threat.
  • Guards from the Aburabuta complex (three of them) are coming in 10 seconds. This is a Chuunin level threat (each).
  • Michi/Fuu has been injured and is at 30% of her max HP and CP and she will perform the following actions as she attempts to escape:
    • Stunt Double (non-reactionary) [Masterd] with Elemental Clone (Lightning) [Mastered]. - 3 AP on Shoma
    • Quickdraw unarmed weapon. - 0 AP on Shoma
    • Fist of Sin: Wrath [Mastered] - 3.75 AP on Shoma
    • Uncalled for Shot [Mastered] -- 0.75 AP on Shoma
    • Eagle Drop [Mastered] - 2.75 AP on Shoma

Let's go with b-mod style. But also, could you hide the future actions in a spoiler(or off post) so I can't see them until after?
Custom Class said:
Law-bringer: Conduit
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +2 to Dodge and Gen Save, +1 Free Basic Strike per round
High: Melee Acc.
Average: All others
Low: None

Stats: Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
CC: 600/600
PL: 3600
New OOC Rank: S Rank
!!!New stuff Added!!!
Pound Mastered
Smash Mastered
Precise Interruption Mastered

Charge - Mastered
Block - Mastered
Unbound - Mastered
Cover - Mastered
Devastating Aura - Mastered

Iron Pinpoint Prison - Mastered
Spike Shield - Mastered
Ultimate Counter Measure - Mastered

Steel Dragon - Mastered
Pinpoint - Mastered

Overhead Strike Mastered
Gasher - Mastered
Higuma - Mastered
Heavenly Sword - Mastered

The One Two - Mastered
Uncalled-for Shot -Mastered
4-Hit Combo - Mastered
Step-In Flash - Mastered
Roaring Combination -Mastered
Grapple -Mastered
Suplex - Mastered
Submission - Mastered
Spear Hand - Mastered
16 Hit Combo - Mastered
Eagle Drop - Mastered
Fist of Virtue - Mastered
Fist of Sin - Mastered


Stone Bullet - Mastered
Gravel Shift - Mastered
Sinkhole Fist - Mastered
Earth Flow River - Mastered
Mud Clone - Mastered
Inner Earth Reflection Lure - Mastered
Earth Flow Wave - Mastered
Rock Golem - Mastered
Earthen Coating - Mastered
Antlion Sinkhole - Mastered
Bedrock Coffin - Mastered
Weighted Rock - Mastered
Earth Spiker - Mastered
Fist of Gaia - Mastered
Earthen Magnitude - Mastered
Earthslide Wall - Mastered
Petrification - Mastered

---Armor of Thorns - Mastered

Storm Bolt - Mastered
Thunderfist -Mastered
Thunderclap -Mastered
Electroshock -Mastered
Electrocution -Mastered
Volt Charge - Mastered
Chidori- Mastered
Amp Field -Mastered
Raijin's Revenge - Mastered
Thunder Dome - Mastered

---Gravity Distortion - Mastered
---Anti-Gravity - Mastered
---Orbital Strike - Mastered
---Gravitational Pull - Mastered
---Shinra Tensei - Mastered
---Chibaku Tensei - Mastered

---Atomic Shockwave Mastered
---Radioactive Glow - Mastered
---Atomic Detereation - Mastered

---Ionic Infusion - Mastered
---Magnetic Control - Mastered
---Magnetize - Mastered
---Polarity Shift - Mastered
---Gigavolt Railgun - Mastered
---Magnetoblast - Mastered

Pressurized Mist - Mastered
Water Gun - Mastered
Water Whip - Mastered
Aqua Fang - Mastered
Rinse Off - Mastered
Grand Waterfall - Mastered
Impaling Hydro Jet - Mastered
Water Prison - Mastered
Great Hydra Excavation - Mastered

Wind Slash - Mastered
Pressure Burst - Mastered
Whirlwind Spin - Mastered
Shredding Touch - Mastered
Tempest - Mastered
Gale Force - Mastered
Cyclone Movement - Mastered
Tatsumaki - Mastered
Hurricane - Mastered

Infernal Ember - Mastered
Thermal Maw - Mastered
Fireball- Mastered
Immolation Armor - Mastered
Combustive Seal - Mastered
Heat Wave - Mastered
Spontaneous Combustion - Mastered
Abysmal Harbinger - Mastered
Flame Shield - Mastered

Transformation - Mastered
Body-Switch -Mastered
Crystal Eye- Mastered
Cancel- Mastered
Spirit Lantern - Mastered
Contract Summoning Mastered
Stunt Double -Mastered
One Element Sealing - Mastered
Elemental Negation - Mastered
Elemental Clone - Mastered
Barrier - Mastered
Energy Transfer - Mastered
Leech Seal -Mastered
Charka Shield - Mastered
Rasengan -Mastered
Advanced Combination Transformation Mastered
Perfected Rasengan - Mastered
Morality Seal - Mastered
Nature's Guard - Mastered
Gate of Enma - Mastered
Curse Sealing Rank 1

Mystical Hand - Mastered
Coagulation- Mastered
System Shock - Mastered
Medical Assistant - Mastered
Tranquilize- Mastered
Medical Ward - Mastered
Regeneration - Mastered

Mask Summon Mastered
Critical Exposure - Mastered
SnapShot - Mastered
Chakra Sense - Mastered
Active Camo - Mastered


Deception - Mastered
Favoritism - Mastered
Wasteful Mastered
Trebmling Music Mastered
Pained Expressions Mastered
Appreciation of Music Mastered
Gong Mastered
Sometimes Shouting Works Mastered
Deaf Mastered
Run It Back Mastered
Piercing Cry Mastered
Prolong Mastered

Hot Weapon - Mastered
Stun - Mastered
1000 Years of Pain Kai - Mastered
Drunken Stupor - Mastered
Facepalm - Mastered
Crippled - Mastered
Silly Fingers - Mastered
Crossed Wires - Mastered
Phoenix Embrace - Mastered
Lingering Spark - Mastered
Petrification - Mastered
Crush Depth - Mastered
Puppet Betrayal - Mastered

Mimic Mastered
False Surroundings - Mastered
Eye Strain Mastered
Basic Clone Mastered
Blur - Mastered
Rorschack Eye Mastered
Double Vision Mastered
Verse of Darkness Mastered
Mime Box - Mastered
The Reaper's Gaze - Mastered
Body Double - Mastered
Night - Mastered

Lethargy- Mastered
Tourniquet - Mastered
Intimidation Mastered
Amnesia Mastered
Oblivious Rapture - Mastered
Corruption of the Earthly Plain - Mastered

Spiritualist 20/20
Disparaging of evil, the Spiritualist is one who believes in the path of purification, using their spiritual talents to ward off demons and protect the innocent. Traditionally guardians of shrines, more recently they have started applying their spiritual powers to protecting in a more active way. Their powers of healing and channeling are said to come directly from divinity.

Note: All techniques and buffs from this Core Ability are classified as Light.
Note: One of these following three must be followed when being a Spiritualist:
  • If Spiritualist outside of Medical Branch: Allowed access to learn all medical jutsus.
  • If Spiritualist inside Medical Branch: Given a second free medical ability.
  • If Spiritualist inside Medical Branch leaves: Second free medical ability takes up a slot or is lost, depending on players choice.

Holy Weapon<i></i> - Passive (3 points) 3 points
The blade of the Spiritualist must be mighty and strike true, just as all their blows must. One with this special affinity can strike well indeed. The inner light of the user's chakra shimmers off a blade with this power in it, and they are said never to grow dull or rusty, and the wood of their wooden weapons to never rot or need polishing.
Effect: Grants +10% damage and +1 accuracy to the user's weapon of choice. While the user carries this weapon, their healing jutsu are 15% more effective.

White Blessing<i></i> - Boost (1 point) 2 points
Restriction- Can only be purchased twice
Spiritualist emanate a calming, pacifying aura that washes over their allies, imbuing them with a sense of precision and clear-mindedness that makes their strikes more precise.
Effect: User and allies gain +1 accuracy. Does not stack with other users of White Blessing.

Holy Embodiment<i></i> - Passive (3 points) 3 points
Restriction- C Rank and up
As guardians against evil, Spiritualists are naturally resistant to the effects of it. They do not shirk in the face of fear, nor are they repelled easily. Those Spiritualists with this skill are said to have the appearance of a shimmering white aura around them by those sensitive to such things, as if to shield them.
Effect: All Dark jutsu do 50% damage to them. User is immune to fear effects and intimidation effects. Suppression or other AP reduction or attack disrupting effects have only half their normal chance of working on them.

Sacred Style<i></i> - Physical Style (2 points) 2 points
Restriction- C Rank and up, requires Holy Weapon
Occasionally their natural passive aura isn't strong enough, so the Spiritualist must sharpen and hone their aura to let them move faster and with more precision than normal. In this state, anyone can see the radiant white chakra that spills off of both the Spiritualist and their weapon, and they are able to swing around the heaviest of weapons one-handed with little regard to weight.
Effect: User gains +1 Accuracy and +1 Critical range with their chosen weapon. For the duration of this style, the weapon is able to cut through half of any damage reduction. All CP costs are increased by 15% while active.
Note:</I> Like any other fighting style, this can be turned on or off at the user’s discretion or lack thereof.

Divine Health<i></i> - Boost (1 points) 3 points
Restriction- Can be purchased up to three times
As their spiritual powers are divine, so is their ability to repair and restore others. A Spiritualist not only is able to fix others wounds at an increased rate, but when the favor is returned, they heal more quickly themselves as well.
Effect: All Healing jutsu used by or on the user is increased by +5%. In addition, the user recovers +1% Max HP while resting.

b]Clarity Strike[/b] - Dependent Special Move (3 points) 3 points
Not only skilled with their weapons, the Spiritualist is able to channel their specialized chakra into a spell, making it bypass even the strongest defenses. The Ninjutsu cast using this technique are enhanced with the natural aura of the user.
Effect: Able to convert one Ninjutsu into a single-target non-elemental attack at +20% damage for an extra +20% chakra. This attack is considered 'light' element and cuts through half of all Ninjutsu damage reduction.

Spiritual Chakra<i></i> - Boost (1 point) 2 points
Restriction- Can be purchased twice
The default chakra of a Spiritualist is not the same as that of their fellow ninja, but rather gifted with a different kind of power altogether. It seems to cut through anything that hinders it with little effort.
Effect: +5% damage to all Ninjutsu. This damage counts as 'Light' element and cuts through half of Ninjutsu damage reduction. This bonus applies to all other Spiritualist light chakra techniques as well.

Illuminate<i></i> - Jutsu (1 point, 1 point to rank up) 2 points
Restriction- A-Rank and up
The most powerful weapon in a Spiritualist's arsenal, this technique consists of a flurry of their special chakra directed at the opponent, striking them in a series of damaging rays. The attack usually stuns those who haven't seen it before, as the flashes of light emitted are quite bright and as unnatural-seeming as the rest of the Spiritualist's skills.
Rank 1: Five flashes of light chakra at 1000 damage each. Attack counts as non-elemental Ninjutsu and cuts through half of all relevant damage reduction.
Rank 2: Five flashes of light chakra at 1200 damage each. Attack counts as non-elemental Ninjutsu and cuts through half of all relevant damage reduction.
Cost: 2750 CP and 3 AP
Notes:<I> Counts as a light energy technique.

Total Elemental Affinity Result:
Major: Non-elemental, Lightning, Earth
Minor: Fire, Wind, Gravity, Magnetic, Radiation, Wood

Advanced Elements Acquired: Gravity, Magnetic, Radiation, Wood

Total Sensory Affinities Result:
Mastery: Will
Knowledge: Kinetic, Audial, Visual

*Choosen Holy Weapon*Cloud Splitter: Slashing - Suppression
Accuracy Modifier: +2
Damage Modifier: -10%
1. Trick Weapon - Projectile Taijutsu
2. Blood Rack
3. Primal
Holy Weapon: Grants +10% damage and +1 accuracy to the user's weapon of choice. While the user carries this weapon, their healing jutsu are 15% more effective.

Cloud Shaper: Slashing - Bleeding
Accuracy Modifier: +2
Damage Modifier: -10%
1. Trick Weapon - Piercing Taijutsu
2. Wired
3. Primal

Cloud Whisperer: Projectile - Suppression
Accuracy Modifier: +2
Damage Modifier: -10%
1. Tracer
2. Quick Switch
3. Lantern

Cloud Hopper: Unarmed - Hand-seal allowance
Accuracy Modifier: +2
Damage Modifier: -10%
1. Steady
2. Vampiric
3. Chakra Drain

Cloud Wonderer: Bludgeoning - Suppression
Accuracy Modifier: +2
Damage Modifier: -10%
1. Steady
2. Vanguard
3. Primal

Equipment Slots:
W Holster 1. Cloud Splitter
W Holster 2. Cloud Shaper
1. Weapon Holster: Cloud Hopper
2. Backpack: -2 Dodge
- Syringe (Heaven's Touch)
- Lullaby Powder
- Mustard Gas
- Strainweed
- 8 Ninja Wire
3. 3 Energy Drinks
4. Belt Pouch 1
- 5 E- Notes
- 3 Binding Agent
5. Belt Pouch 2
- 8 Ninja Wire
- 8 Ninja Wire
ASP Slot 1. Weapon Holster: Cloud Whisperer
ASP Slot 2. Weapon Holster: Cloud Wonderer

Strategist Slots:
1. Free Basic Cloud Splitter
2. Free Basic Cloud Wonderer
3. Free Basic Cloud Whisperer
4. Poison coat Cloud Splitter with Strainweed
5. Prepare 1 E-note with 500 damage for 250cp, Remote setting.

Backpack: -2 dodge
White Blessing: +2 Accuracy
Holy Embodiment: All Dark jutsu do 50% damage to them. User is immune to fear effects and intimidation effects. Suppression or other AP reduction or attack disrupting effects have only half their normal chance of working on them.
Divine Health: All Healing jutsu used by or on the user is increased by +5%. In addition, the user recovers +1% Max HP while resting.
Spiritual Chakra: +10% damage to all Ninjutsu. This damage counts as 'Light' element and cuts through half of Ninjutsu damage reduction. This bonus applies to all other Spiritualist light chakra techniques as well.
Shinobi 101 Journeyman (Will Gen using Melee Accuracy): -5% Chakra cost
Poison Mastery: Effect: Poisons last a round longer and cannot be purified until the second round it's in use. Poisons also gain a +2 Poison DC.
-Notes: Poison Checks made with a successful Sneak Attack(s) must make a successful Awareness Check first before a Poison Check can be rolled.
Bloody Mess: The user's Critical hits will always increase bleeding rank, even if the attack does not normally inflict bleeding. This does not apply to non-offensive techniques aimed at allies that can crit.
- When attacking a target at their maxed Bleeding Rank, the user has a base chance of 10% to deal 1.5% Max Hp damage immediately. This chance may be increased with the user's Bleed bonuses up to a 20% chance, but may only effect a target up to three times per round.
- When either of the above effects trigger, the target will take an additional +.5% Max Hp damage per round from bleeding on top of their current Bleeding damage. This does not stack.
Human Anatomy: The user gains +1 Critical Range to all attacks.
- All critical hits deal 2.25x Damage. Additional Critical Damage does not stack with any other Critical attack damage buffs (Opportunist, Hawkeye, etc.).
Called Shot: - Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties.
- +5% Called Shot chance.
- User can inflict Broken rank debuffs.
Technical Pacifist: - The user's Called Shots against Weapons and Hands of a target have +5% chance of success.
- Upon raising the Called Shot penalty of a weapon, it is Dropped. Upon raising the penalty of Hands, the target's current action fails if it required handseals.
- This ability only applies to the user's Called Shots that are made with weapons.

Harry Houdini
+4 Roleplay Slot
+2 Equipment Slots
+ 1 Ability Slot
+ 2 Class Bonus Points

1. Quick draw Cloud Shaper. 0ap / 0apt
2. Use Wired augment on Lady with melee accuracy. 0.5ap / 0.5apt
3. Drop Cloud Shaper. 0ap / 0apt
4. Quick draw Cloud Whisperer. 0ap / 0apt
5. Quick draw 4 uses of ninja wire from backpack. 0ap / 0apt
6. Use Class free basic strike as 2nd Deadeye special action on Lady's leg with 1ninja wire use. 0ap / 0apt
7. Quick draw and use Lullaby Powder from backpack on the Lady. 0.5ap / 0apt
8. Used 2nd Deadeye special action to target the Lady's hand with one 1use of ninja wire. 0.5ap / 0apt
- follow up with Quick switch augment to equip Cloud Hopper to use Unarmed Tai: Grapple(Mastered) aided with 2 uses of ninja wire. 1.75ap / 0ap
9. Use Unarmed Tai: Submission(Mastered) with special action, to target Neck of the Lady. 2.25ap / 2.25apt
10. Hold actions

1. If Lullaby powder is ineffective in anyway, insert Quick draw and use Syringe(Heaven's Touch) from backpack before Action #8. 0.5ap / 0.5apt
2. If Grapple or Submission miss or are dispelled, insert Audial Gen: Deception(Mastered) with Sensory Knowledge: Overload and initiative ability. 1ap / 0apt
3. If in danger of being hit, use Buffing Tai: Block(Mastered)
4. If Action #8 misses, do not follow-up into combo. Instead, try once more and then follow up.
5. If it is possible to pick-up and sheath Cloud Shaper at any point after Action #9 without breaking a bind(like if the hold is broken or dodged), do so. Conditional #2 takes priority.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
HP: 42000 [-1200] 38820
CP: 30000 [-1563] 28437
AP: 10 [-8.75] 1.25

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 27 + 2 (White Blessing)
Ranged Acc 23 + 2 (White Blessing)
Ninjutsu Acc 23 + 2 (White Blessing)
Genjutsu Strength 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23 + 2 (Class)
Evasion 23 + 2 (Class) - 2 (Backpack)
Stealth 15
Awareness 15
Poison Resist 25
Poison Strength +2[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Effects"]1 free basic strike every round (Class)
Holy Embodiment: All Dark jutsu do 50% damage to them. User is immune to fear effects and intimidation effects. Suppression or other AP reduction or attack disrupting effects have only half their normal chance of working on them.
Divine Health: All Healing jutsu used by or on the user is increased by +5%. In addition, the user recovers +1% Max HP while resting.
Spiritual Chakra: +10% damage to all Ninjutsu. This damage counts as 'Light' element and cuts through half of Ninjutsu damage reduction. This bonus applies to all other Spiritualist light chakra techniques as well.
Shinobi 101 (Will Gen using Melee Accuracy)
Journeyman-5% Chakra cost
Bloody Mess: The user's Critical hits will always increase bleeding rank, even if the attack does not normally inflict bleeding. This does not apply to non-offensive techniques aimed at allies that can crit.
- When attacking a target at their maxed Bleeding Rank, the user has a base chance of 10% to deal 1.5% Max Hp damage immediately. This chance may be increased with the user's Bleed bonuses up to a 20% chance, but may only effect a target up to three times per round.
- When either of the above effects trigger, the target will take an additional +.5% Max Hp damage per round from bleeding on top of their current Bleeding damage. This does not stack.
Human Anatomy: The user gains +1 Critical Range to all attacks.
- All critical hits deal 2.25x Damage. Additional Critical Damage does not stack with any other Critical attack damage buffs (Opportunist, Hawkeye, etc.).
Called Shot: - Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties.
- +5% Called Shot chance.
- User can inflict Broken rank debuffs.
Technical Pacifist: - The user's Called Shots against Weapons and Hands of a target have +5% chance of success.
- Upon raising the Called Shot penalty of a weapon, it is Dropped. Upon raising the penalty of Hands, the target's current action fails if it required handseals.
- This ability only applies to the user's Called Shots that are made with weapons.[/spoilername]|Fuu (Michi)
HP: 11000 [-510] 10490
CP: 9670 [-2425] 7245
AP: 10 => 11 [-10.9] 0.1

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 27 + 2 (Duelist) + 2 (Gate)
Ninjutsu Acc 27 + 2 (Gate)
Genjutsu Strength 23 + 2 (Gate)
Ranged Acc 23 + 2 (Gate)
Evasion 23 - 1 (Sprained Leg) + 2 (Gate) - 1 (Ninja Wire - Legs)
Genjutsu Resistance 23 + 2 (Gate)
Awareness 15 + 2 (QL)
Stealth 15
Poison Resistance 25[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Effects"]+5% chance of a secondary effect (Class)
Fifth Gate - Gate of Limit: +10% damage to unarmed weapons. Bolsters unarmed to 60% damage cap.
Sixth Gate - Gate of View: +2 acc/dodge, Instant clone recognition
Seventh Gate - Gate of Wonder: +1 AP This does not double in Gate of Death, +2 Gen save
Duelist: bonus to melee
+10% damage done to Shoma (Duelist)
10% chance to auto-dodge
Called Shot
Sprained Hands: +.1 Hand seal Ap and 5% chance for Jutsus to fail, resulting in AP lost.
Sharp Insight: If the targeted opponent's Ninjutsu is lower than their Taijutsu, the user's Ninjutsu damage is increased by 10%. If the opponent's Taijutsu is lower than their Ninjutsu, the user's Taijutsu damage is increased by 10%. If both stats are equal, both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are raised by 5%.
Offensive Insight: 10% auto-hit to the user's attacks.
Martial Artist
Strategist: (1) Healing Ward (2) Micro Chakra Bomb x2 - fully primed (1000 damage) (3) Free attack with weapon (4) Free attack with weapon (5) Free attack with weapon.
Additional Inventory Items: (1) ninja wire (full stack) (2) Splint (full stack) (3) Iron Vein (4) Serpents Blood
Chakra Style (Earth)
Tactical Mind: +1 accuracy with all Mastered jutsu. Additional +.5 accuracy to all attacks every round after the second. Cannot gain more than +4 accuracy on any attack.
Predication: If the opponent uses the same technique as they have previously, the user gains +1 to resist or dodge it. Stacks twice. This buffs cancels if the user switches styles. Basic melee attacks are exempt from this.
Adaptability: The user resists -3 Accuracy and Dodge from terrain effecting techniques such as Hidden Mist or Earthslide River, this amount is reduced from the cumulative debuffs and not per-jutsu. In addition, the user has +3 Dodge against all Delayed attacks, traps and binds.
Forewarn: The user may activate up to 2 Activated Auto-dodges a round. The second costing +50% CP.[/spoilername][/col]

What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | Fuu declares duelist against Shoma (melee accuracy).
  • +2 Accuracy/DC and +10% damage towards a single target. +10% chance to auto-dodge the targets attacks. -2 Dodge/Save to any other opponents targeting the user.
0.00 Seconds | Due to Martial Artist Fuu starts the battle in Earth Style: After Quake.
0.00 Seconds | Fuu Quickdraws [included in Initiative] her unarmed weapon, a pair of leather gloves.
  • +2 acc - 10% damage unarmed weapon that can still perform handseals. Augments: Razor (can inflict bleed), Pressure (can inflict suppression) and overflow.
0.00 Seconds | Shoma quickdraws Cloud Shaper.
  • +2 acc - 10% damage slashing weapon that can cause bleed. Augments: Trick Weapon (can also use piercing taijutsu), Wired (The user may entangle an opponent with a hidden wire from the weapon using Melee or Ranged Accuracy at -2 Accuracy for 0.5 AP. This inflicts a -3 Dodge penalty on victims. An entangled opponent may un-entangle themselves for 1 AP) and Primal (can perform basic strikes for 0.5 AP).
0.00 Seconds | Using Initiative Fuu opens the Sixth Gate (Gate of View) and Seventh Gate (Gate of Wonder).
  • +2 acc/dodge, Instant clone recognition.
    +1 AP This does not double in Gate of Death, +2 Gen save.
0.45 Seconds | Fuu opens Fifth Gate (Gate of Limit).
  • +10% damage to unarmed weapons. Bolsters unarmed to 60% damage cap.
0.50 Seconds | Shoma uses his Wired Augment on Fuu using his melee accuracy.
  • Attack (Shoma) 6
    Evasion (Fuu) 11
    • 10% chance to autododge. 7 Auto-dodge successful.
0.50 Seconds | Shoma drops Cloud Shaper.
0.50 Seconds | Shoma quickdraws Cloud Whisperer.
  • +2 acc - 10% damage projectile weapon that can cause suppression. Augments: Tracer (Successful Full Hit Taijutsu attacks against the target cause them to lose a -1 Stealth and the user gains a +5% Auto Detect Chance against the target for 2 rounds. This stacks up to -2 Stealth and +10% Auto Detect Chance.), Quick Switch (After a Taijutsu attack the user can switch their current weapon with another weapon for no AP. If they do then they may make another Taijutsu attack as a combo with the attack which preceded switching weapons.) and Lantern (While equipped the Visibility Modifier for all participants in the battle is increased by one level.)
    For the sake of papertrails the base lighting and cover gave this setting +0 to her stealth as a base.
0.50 Seconds | Shoma quickdraws 4 spools of ninja wire from his backpack.
0.50 Seconds | Using his Class free basic strike, Shoma uses the Deadeye special action (For .5ap the user may use a Called Shot with a Projectile Damage type weapon to automatically increase the Called Shot level of the target.) on Fuu's leg with one ninja wire use.
  • Important Note: This is not considered to be a hidden action, unlike the strategist free basic strike.
    Attack (Shoma) 11 Hit Fuu's leg is sprained
    Evasion (Fuu) 1
    • 10% chance to auto-dodge. 42 Failed
      Suppression chance. Roll: 31 Failed
0.50 Seconds | Shoma quickdraws Lullaby Powder from his backpack.
1.00 Seconds | Shoma uses Lullaby Powder on Fuu.
  • Attack (Shoma) 6 Miss
    Evasion (Fuu) 18
1.00 Seconds | Shoma quickdraws a syringe.
1.50 Seconds | Shoma attempts to inject Fuu with syringe filled with Heavens Touch.
  • This attack can use Ranged (1) or Melee (2) accuracy. Roll: 2 Melee
    Attack (Shoma) 5
    Evasion (Fuu) 3
    • 10% chance to auto-dodge. 74 Failed
      Poison Strength 11 Resisted
      Poison Resist 18
2.00 Seconds | Shoma uses the Deadeye special action (For .5ap the user may use a Called Shot with a Projectile Damage type weapon to automatically increase the Called Shot level of the target.) on Fuu's hand with one one use of ninja wire.
  • Attack (Shoma) 4 75% Hit Sprained Hands
    Evasion (Fuu) 3
    10% chance to auto-dodge. 82 Failed
2.00 Seconds | Shoma follows up his Deadeye special action using his Quick Switch augment to equip Cloud Hopper.
  • +2 accuracy -10% damage unarmed weapon that allows handseals to be used while this weapon is equipped. Augments: Steady (When a weapon with this augment is used while in Defensive Stance this reduces the Accuracy penalty of Defensive Stance by 50% (to a minimum of -1 Accuracy).), Vampiric (User regains HP equal to 10% of all damage deal with the equipped weapon.) and Chakra Drain (User regains CP equal to 10% of all damage deal with the equipped weapon.)
2.00 Seconds | Shoma attempts to Grapple Fuu, hius attempt aided by two uses of ninja wire.
  • Attack (Shoma) 2 Miss
    Evasion (Fuu) 17
2.00 Seconds | Shoma uses Deception [Mastered] with sensory knowedge: overload using initiative.
  • Attack (Shoma) 13 Success
    Resist (Fuu) 2
    • Stealth Check (Shoma) 8 Failure
      Awareness (Fuu) 8
3.36 Seconds | Fuu attacks Shoma with Shredding Torrent [Mastered] using AE special move feint.
  • This jutsu has failed due to technical Pacifist.
4.50 Seconds | Shoma uses Submission(Mastered) with special action, to target Neck of Fuu.
  • Attack 1 Failed
    Evasion 18
5.50 Seconds | Shoma picks up Cloud Shaper.
6.27 Seconds | Fuu attacks Shoma using Everlasting Stain [Mastered] with AE special move Focus.
  • 5% Chance to auto-fail. 26 Failure. The jutsu takes place as normal.
    5.91 Seconds | Shoma uses Block.
    Attack (Fuu) 14 Success, Shoma is now bound.
    Evasion (Shoma) 3
6.27 Seconds | Fuu starts to observe Shoma.
9.00 Seconds | Fuu finishes observing Shoma.
  • She has observed Shoma for 3 AP

Odd, yes... she was quite odd and he was incredibly fast. Was she faster? No, she was merely fortunate as she slithered between his arms and avoided his compressive grasp. She had learned a great deal fighting Kasha, she identified the source of his strength and emulated it. That was how she fought, she was not one that could create she was one that could replicate with her keen eye and her steady hand. "This will prove a futile effort," Michi warned as she ducked away from him and her feet wheeled back. She brushed against the perimeter wall and scurried further away, she needed distance between herself and the stranger whom deemed it paramount that she be apprehended. Her hands would move with a clean, brisk proficiency through a complex array of handseals but before she could finish the set Shoma's weapon would strike her hands and she would feel a snap as well as the pain of his weapon as it broke her flesh. It was the delicate ligaments in her hand that were damaged painfully and offset her intended series of seals. Still, she was capable. She had to be.

Undeterred but pained she would move her hands through a secondary set of seals, these seals would be slower but at least more successful than the previous. Strands of ink would manifest and tether themselves to Shoma's limbs, stretching them apart. The cool ink would worm its way around his body, tightening its grip as it did so. It would be hard to breathe but even harder to move. She would frown at him as well as past him, the only indicator of concern on her otherwise apathetic face. "I wanted to avoid casualties," she announce in a matter of fact tone. Why, that was hard to say. Perhaps she had an ethic. It was illogical to leave her assailants alive, something that was reflective in this moment. Beyond Shoma was a trio of recently recovered guards, all armed. "Especially my own," she verbally reasoned understanding the ultimate truth that this was a fight she was not going to have the energy to win again. But she was still going die to tring.
[col][spoilername="Actions"]Maintain Everlasting Stain [Mastered]
Fuu/Michi casts Dark Displacement [Mastered] using the special action. (3 AP)
Conditional 1: Use Everlasting Stains' Special Action if Shoma fails to free himself by the time Fuu/Michi finished casting Dark Displacement. (3 AP)
Michi/Fuu quickdraws Serpents Blood. (0 AP)
Michi/Fuu slathers Serpent's blood onto her weapon. (1 AP)
Fuu/Michi will attempt to use Fist of Sin [Mastered] Wrath on Shoma. (3.75 AP)
Fuu/Michi attacks Shoma with Shredding Torrent [Mastered] using AE special move feint (3 AP) with Afterquake's effect.
Conditional 2: Fuu/Michi uses Body Switch [Mastered] with Micro Chakra Bomb (fully charged) due to her strategist slot. (1 AP) after Dark Discplacement goes off if she is targeted by an attack that takes over 2 seconds to perform.
Michi/Fuu will use her all of her basic strikes as called shots to Shoma's HEAD (0 AP)
Conditional 3: If Fuu/Michi is in stealth, as defined as Shoma is not successfully targeting her she will rest rather than continue to attack
Fuu/Michi will use any remaining AP to Observe Shoma as her last possible action.[/spoilername]|[spoilername="Newcommer"]These attacks will only apply to Fuu/Michi unless Shoma attacks them.[/spoilername][/col]

Edits were made to this post.
  • Forgot to add the additional dodge debuff from the ninja wire -1 more. This resulted in a 50% hit to become a 75% hit.
  • Forgot to roll a Suppression roll, added the roll. It failed to cause suppression so the mod is essentially unchanged.
  • Forgot to add the AP for the wire on the hands. This would mean she does not have the time to use the special action on her bind.
  • Fuu/Michi would be observing for the duration of the round instead, altering her AP remaining, CP spent and Shoma's end HP.
  • There would be an alteration in terms of Fuu's buffs due to the Observation use.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The woman increases her efforts to escape his hold and find success in doing so. This isn't to surprising due to Shoma not wanting to cause lethal harm to her. Even though she did attempt to cast her witchery on him before, he decides to hold back, not only due to gender but her usefulness and stated fear. As she weaves away, she tells him of a futile effort which he assumes to be his attempt to restrain her. The swordsman witnesses a change in the woman's state, a sort of awakening, and in this awakening she find she finds the speed to match nearly match his own. She would try for another shot at casting sorcery, but to her surprise her hands would be interrupted by the rubber bullet of a revolver hidden on his person.With a degree of remorse in his voice, he states "I really do not want to hurt you Miss, but you are being terribly difficult. And I am accustomed to not having my preferred outcome." This much is true. He did not enjoy causing harm to the woman, yet he does shot her with rubber bullet and although not lethal, they can be quite painfully.

He attempts to reflect light into sight to hide his movement but to no avail, and so too would his acts of trying to impede her movements by physically restraining her. In this way she would be correct in her declaration from before. In the process of trying to get nab the woman he begins to notice her injured state. Had he noticed before perhaps he would have approached her a bit differently, but with the spell she casts next, she earns the treatment the she received earlier. A dark and wet substance is summoned to bind the swordsman, restricting the use of his limbs by stretching and compressing them. Although this greatly discomforts him at first, she tightens the hold of the icky bind cause him to grunt as he tries to resist his pained expressions. She takes a moment to state her fears, bringing Shoma to a state of remorse. He wonders if it is what the other woman would have said if she could have said it. Is she indeed a shady, criminal, shinobi? Indeed she is. But her statement reminds him that shinobi where also human... most of the time. And as such, despite being entrusted with god-like powers that people with frail fortitude should never wield, he feels it best to lower his expectations of them by a hair.

"Alright, you may have your chance. If you wish to run, drop your spell and flee now and I will not stop you. But if I live beyond this night, expect that I 'will' find you. Continue to fight me however, and the result will not benefit you at all." states the Samurai. Although he had intended to protect her while there, keeping her close as to not lose her whereabouts, she would need to be live for there to be any hope of obtain anymore truth from her. However, he couldn't guarantee her safety as he fought her and the others soon to come. To the samurai, truth is his only remaining friend left that he can trust aside from his weapons. It IS best that she goes, and it would be wise for him to follow. But could a samurai call himself, honorable, noble, a true seeker justice and peace, if he ran from a fight that matters? Though he could maintain health, he would lose himself if he fled. And is it wise to lower the value of one's beliefs and worth in life, just to maintain life itself? Even now the words of the swordsman's master rings in his mind, 'If you cannot bring yourself to stand alone, stand down.'

[Marked for training]
1. Cast Mastered Andu Nin: Snapshot, may be used without hand-seals. 1ap / 1apt
2. Cast Mastered Grav Nin: Shinra Tensei with AOE special action and Minor AF move: Spread to target 4 foes, the woman and all three guards. 3ap / 3apt
3. Cast Mastered Mag Nin: Polarity Shift with Minor AF move: Hand-seal Expert. 2.5ap / 2apt
4. Activate Fire Chakra Style: Flare Touch. 0.5ap / 0.5apt
5. Sheath Cloud Hopper with quickdraw ability. 0ap / 0apt
6. Quickdraw Cloud Whisperer and remaining 4 of ninja wire from Backpack. 0ap / 0apt
7. Use Class free basic strike for Deadeye Option #1, targeting a random unbound foe in this manner: Hand, hand, hand(ninja wire), arm, arm. 0ap / 0apt
8. Use Weapon Mastery ability Assault to target and unbound guard in this manner, randomly target different limbs that don't a have a ninja wire debuff that may be effected by ninja wire(1 use each). Use Initiative ability. 1ap / 0apt
9. Quickdraw 4 uses of ninja wire. 0ap / 0apt
10. Use Weapon Mastery ability Assault to target and unbound guard in basic strikes. 1ap / 1apt
11. Use Weapon Mastery ability Assault to target and unbound guard in basic strikes. 1ap / 1apt

1. If woman/Fuu releases me and tries to flee, remove her as a valid target for all actions.
2. Cast Mastered Grav Nin: Chibaku Tensei with special action and Major AF move: Jutsu Clash if targeted by anyone with Ninjutsu if possible.
3. If woman/Fuu is not a target, cast Mastered Grav Nin: Shinra Tensei with Major AF move: Combo into Mastered Chibaku Tensei with special action.
4. If Conditional 3 is activated after the use of Chibaku Tensei, use Mastered Earthen Magnitude instead.
5. If targeted and no other conditionals are valid, use Mastered Fire Nin: Flame Shield.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
HP: 40820 [-3903] 33014 [-1260 Poison] 35657 [-420 Bleed] 35237
CP: 28437 [-2930] 25507
AP: 11 [-10.5] 0.5
status: Poisoned, Bleed I

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 27 + 2 (White Blessing)
Ranged Acc 23 + 2 (White Blessing)
Ninjutsu Acc 23 + 2 (White Blessing)
Genjutsu Strength 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23 + 2 (Class)
Evasion 23 + 2 (Class) - 2 (Backpack) + 2.5 Dodge (Polarity Shift)
Stealth 15
Awareness 15
Poison Resist 25
Poison Strength +2[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Effects"]Flare Touch: Melee contact with the user will result in extra damage being done to the attacker, dealing (25 / 75 / 125 / 250 / 300 / 400) Fire Damage. This damage can be Buffed up to 30%.
Melee contact is when the user attacks with melee accuracy or is attacked with melee accuracy.
Damage done by Flare Touch is based on the user's OOC Rank, being (E / D / C / B / A / S) respectively.
Multi-Hits counts as one contact.
+2.5 Dodge. The user has 1 free 'Escape' attempt to escape attempts from Ninjutsu binds and debuffs per round. (Polarity Shift)
1 free basic strike every round (Class)
Holy Embodiment: All Dark jutsu do 50% damage to them. User is immune to fear effects and intimidation effects. Suppression or other AP reduction or attack disrupting effects have only half their normal chance of working on them.
Divine Health: All Healing jutsu used by or on the user is increased by +5%. In addition, the user recovers +1% Max HP while resting.
Spiritual Chakra: +10% damage to all Ninjutsu. This damage counts as 'Light' element and cuts through half of Ninjutsu damage reduction. This bonus applies to all other Spiritualist light chakra techniques as well.
Shinobi 101 (Will Gen using Melee Accuracy)
Journeyman-5% Chakra cost
Bloody Mess: The user's Critical hits will always increase bleeding rank, even if the attack does not normally inflict bleeding. This does not apply to non-offensive techniques aimed at allies that can crit.
- When attacking a target at their maxed Bleeding Rank, the user has a base chance of 10% to deal 1.5% Max Hp damage immediately. This chance may be increased with the user's Bleed bonuses up to a 20% chance, but may only effect a target up to three times per round.
- When either of the above effects trigger, the target will take an additional +.5% Max Hp damage per round from bleeding on top of their current Bleeding damage. This does not stack.
Human Anatomy: The user gains +1 Critical Range to all attacks.
- All critical hits deal 2.25x Damage. Additional Critical Damage does not stack with any other Critical attack damage buffs (Opportunist, Hawkeye, etc.).
Called Shot: - Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties.
- +5% Called Shot chance.
- User can inflict Broken rank debuffs.
Technical Pacifist: - The user's Called Shots against Weapons and Hands of a target have +5% chance of success.
- Upon raising the Called Shot penalty of a weapon, it is Dropped. Upon raising the penalty of Hands, the target's current action fails if it required handseals.
- This ability only applies to the user's Called Shots that are made with weapons.[/spoilername]|Fuu (Michi)
HP: 10540 [-2375] 8165
CP: 5620 [-2926] 2694
AP: 10
Status: Sprained Hand, Sprained Leg

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 27 + 2 (Duelist) + 2 (Gate)
Ninjutsu Acc 27 + 2 (Gate)
Genjutsu Strength 23 + 2 (Gate)
Ranged Acc 23 + 2 (Gate)
Evasion 23 - 1 (Sprained Leg) + 2 (Gate)
Genjutsu Resistance 23 + 2 (Gate)
Awareness 15 + 2 (QL)
Stealth 15
Poison Resistance 25[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Effects"]+5% chance of a secondary effect (Class)
Fifth Gate - Gate of Limit: +10% damage to unarmed weapons. Bolsters unarmed to 60% damage cap.
Sixth Gate - Gate of View: +2 acc/dodge, Instant clone recognition
Seventh Gate - Gate of Wonder: +1 AP This does not double in Gate of Death, +2 Gen save
Duelist: bonus to melee
+10% damage done to Shoma (Duelist)
10% chance to auto-dodge
Called Shot
Sprained Hands: +.1 Hand seal Ap and
Sharp Insight: If the targeted opponent's Ninjutsu is lower than their Taijutsu, the user's Ninjutsu damage is increased by 10%. If the opponent's Taijutsu is lower than their Ninjutsu, the user's Taijutsu damage is increased by 10%. If both stats are equal, both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are raised by 5%.
Offensive Insight: 10% auto-hit to the user's attacks.
Martial Artist
Strategist: (1) Healing Ward (2) Micro Chakra Bomb x2 - fully primed (1000 damage) (3) Free attack with weapon (4) Free attack with weapon (5) Free attack with weapon.
Additional Inventory Items: (1) ninja wire (full stack) (2) Splint (full stack) (3) Iron Vein (4) Serpents Blood
Chakra Style (Earth)
Tactical Mind: +1 accuracy with all Mastered jutsu. Additional +.5 accuracy to all attacks every round after the second. Cannot gain more than +4 accuracy on any attack.
Predication: If the opponent uses the same technique as they have previously, the user gains +1 to resist or dodge it. Stacks twice. This buffs cancels if the user switches styles. Basic melee attacks are exempt from this.
Adaptability: The user resists -3 Accuracy and Dodge from terrain effecting techniques such as Hidden Mist or Earthslide River, this amount is reduced from the cumulative debuffs and not per-jutsu. In addition, the user has +3 Dodge against all Delayed attacks, traps and binds.
Forewarn: The user may activate up to 2 Activated Auto-dodges a round. The second costing +50% CP.[/spoilername][/col]

[col3]Guard 1 (Shouta)
HP: 6125 [-6333] -208 Knocked Out
CP: 6125 [-1010] 5115
AP: 4
Status: KO'd|Guard 2 (Tako)
HP: 6125
CP: 6125 [-985] 5140
AP: 4|Guard 3 (Koga)
HP: 6125 [-7408] -1283 Knocked Out
CP: 6125 [-1040] 5085
AP: 4
Status: Sprained Head and Arms[/col3]

What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | all guards quickdraw their weapons.
0.00 Seconds | Fuu maintains Everlasting Stain [Mastered].
  • Shoma starts his round bound due to this.
2.27 Seconds | Shoma attempts to break free of Everlasting Stain [Mastered] bind.
  • Roll: 9 Success
    Shoma is no longer bound.
3.36 Seconds | Fuu casts Dark Displacement using the Special Action.
  • 5% chance to auto-fail. 65 Failure, Fuu can cast her jutsu as normal.
3.36 Seconds | Fuu quickdraws Serpent's Blood.
3.18 Seconds | Shoma cast Mastered Anbu Nin: Snapshot, may be used without hand-seals.
  • This would be considered a hidden action, Michi/Fuu would not be aware of this.
4.16 Seconds | Fuu slathers her weapon with Serpent's Blood.
4.38 Seconds | Guard 3 attacks Fuu with Outer Rim Breaker [Mastered].
  • Attack (Guard) 14 Hit
    Evasion (Fuu) 3
    • Fuu's Dark Displacement goes off.
      Fuu is now in stealth
      10% chance to auto-detect stealth. Roll: 7 Detected.
      Fuu attempts to rest, assuming she is in stealth until she is successfully targeted by Shoma.
4.38 Seconds | Guard 2 attacks Fuu with Blast Rush [Mastered].
  • Attack (Guard) 9 Miss
    Evasion (Fuu) 19
    10% chance to Auto-Hit the target. 9 Success, Fuu was hit anyways.
    • Note: Which attack was blocked by Dark Displacement was randomly assigned.
      This occurs at the same time as the other jutsus.
5.00 Second | Guard 1 attacks Fuu with Zeus Flash using ranged accuracy with AE special move one-handed seals.[Mastered].
  • Awareness Check (Guard) 20 Success, may target Fuu
    Stealth check (Fuu) 7
    Attack (Guard 1) 5 Failure to target
    Evasion (Fuu) 4
5.91 Seconds | Shoma cast Mastered Grav Nin: Shinra Tensei with AOE special action and Minor AF move: Spread to target 4 foes, the woman and all three guards.
  • Attack (Shoma) 12 Hit
    Evasion (Fuu) 2
    • 5.91 Seconds | Fuu/Michi uses Body Switch [Mastered] with Micro Chakra Bomb (fully charged) due to her strategist slot.
    28% chance of being unable to be auto-dodged and interrupting the targets next action. 21 Success
    5% chance for Jutsus to fail, resulting in AP lost. Roll: 63 Failed
Attack (Shoma) 6 Hit
Evasion (Guard 1) 10
Attack (Shoma) 2
Evasion (Guard 2) 15
Attack (Shoma) 18 Hit
Evasion (Guard 3) 5[/list][/list]
6.23 Seconds | Shoma cast Mastered Mag Nin: Polarity Shift with Minor AF move: Hand-seal Expert.
6.68 Seconds | Shoma activates Fire Chakra Style: Flare Touch.
  • Flare Touch: Melee contact with the user will result in extra damage being done to the attacker, dealing (25 / 75 / 125 / 250 / 300 / 400) Fire Damage. This damage can be Buffed up to 30%.
    • Melee contact is when the user attacks with melee accuracy or is attacked with melee accuracy.
    • Damage done by Flare Touch is based on the user's OOC Rank, being (E / D / C / B / A / S) respectively.
    • Multi-Hits counts as one contact.
6.68 Seconds | Shoma sheaths Cloud Hopper with his quickdraw ability.
6.68 Seconds | Shoma quickdraws Cloud Whisperer and remaining 4 of ninja wire from his Backpack.
6.68 Seconds | Shoma uses his Class free basic strike for Deadeye Option #1, targeting a random unbound foe in this manner: Hand, hand, hand (ninja wire), arm, arm.
  • The Deadeye ability has the present wording for 'different limbs' and we do not have multiples of a limb (like we used to have in the olden days). This attack would attack the hand one and the arm once with how that ability is done.
    Random Roll for attack: 1 - Guard 1, 2- Guard 2, 3 - Guard 3, 4 - Fuu. Roll: 1 (Guard 1).
    Hand (wire)
    • Attack 19 Success
      Evasion 9
    • Attack 2 Success
      Evasion 2
      • Knocked out
    Random Limb: 1- Arms, 2- Legs, 3- Heads, 4- Hands, 5- Feet, 6- Neck, 7- Heart. Roll: 4, 6 (Neck)
    • Attack 7 Success
      Evasion 10
    Random Limb: 1- Arms, 2- Legs, 3- Heads, 4- Hands, 5- Feet, 6- Neck, 7- Heart. Roll: 4, 7 (Heart)
    • Attack 18 Success
      Evasion 4
    Random Limb: 1- Arms, 2- Legs, 3- Heads, 4- Hands, 5- Feet, 6- Neck, 7- Heart. Roll: 2 (Legs)
    • Attack 11 Success
      Evasion 14
      Suppression Chance. Roll: 67 Failure
6.68 Seconds | Shoma uses his Weapon Mastery ability Assault to target and unbound guard, randomly target different limbs that don't a have a ninja wire debuff that may be effected by ninja wire (1 use each) using the Initiative ability.
  • Random Roll for attack: 1 - Guard 1, 2- Guard 2, 3 - Guard 3. Roll: 3 (Guard 3)
    Random Limb: 1- Arms, 2- Legs, 3- Heads, 4- Hands, 5- Feet, 6- Neck, 7- Heart. Roll: 3 (Head)
    • Attack (Shoma) 20 Crit
      Evasion (Guard) 1
      • Called Shot Chance. Roll: 20 Success
    Random Limb: 1- Arms, 2- Legs, 3- Heads, 4- Hands, 5- Feet, 6- Neck, 7- Heart. Roll: 4, (Hands)
    • Attack (Shoma) 10 Hit
      Evasion (Guard) 6
      • Called Shot Chance. Roll: 31 Failed
    Random Limb: 1- Arms, 2- Legs, 3- Heads, 4- Hands, 5- Feet, 6- Neck, 7- Heart. Roll: 1 (Arms)
    • Attack (Shoma) 12 Hit
      Evasion (Guard) 6
      • Called Shot Chance. Roll: 6 Success
        Knocked Out.
6.68 Seconds | Shoma Quickdraws 4 uses of ninja wire.
8.48 Seconds | Fuu/Michi will attempt to use Fist of Sin [Mastered] Wrath on Shoma.
  • Attack (Fuu) 20 Hit! Cannot crit.
    Evasion (Shoma) 8
    Attack (Fuu) 3 Miss
    Evasion (Shoma) 16
    • 5% chance for Jutsus to fail, resulting in AP lost. Roll: 6 Failed
      No longer in stealth for anyone
      Poison Check (Fuu) 20 Success
      Poison Resist (Shoma) 18
      Inflicts -2 Accuracy and Dodge. Each round, the target has 30% chance to lose 1 AP and take -3% max HP damage. Lasts for 3 full rounds.
      30% chance to lose 1 AP and take -3% max HP damage. 19 Success
      Suppression chance 71 Failure
      Bleed chance 14 Success Bleed I
10.0 Seconds | Guard 2 attacks Fuu with Nostalgia Strike [Mastered].
  • Attack (Guard) 20 Miss
    Evasion (Fuu) 20
    • Fuu remained a valid target because she did not release Shoma and try to flee.
    • Fuu never targeted Shoma with a ninjutsu
    • Due to the AP spent escaping the bind, Shoma did not have time for his last 2 basic strikes.
    • When using conditionals, a conditional cannot be repeated. So if you have a conditional that states do X if this happens, this will only happen once... the first time. Also a conditional cannot lead to multiple different sets of actions. "If Fuu continues to target/fight Shoma, target her primarily in any case a target would be chosen at random, unless she is bound." Mentioning this conditionals ruling because of this. In fights were I am demonstrating the effectiveness of repetition of certain actions I have let this go (referring to a recent pair of build testing mods I did for another sandy recently that might have contributed to this confusion).
    • 2 of the guards are KO'd, one remains up.
    • The Soverign has arrived. First round the attacks are always focused on Fuu primarily.

    • A trio of guards made their approach. They still wore their bruises from their last encounter with the woman. "Yo, that's the broad!" Weapons drawn, their pace hastened as their boots stomped onward. From the looks of them they were not employed in a capacity that required uniforms. In fact, they looked like they were a step up from thugs. Fuu had already assessed her chances of success. Against the three of them -- child's play. Against the 'samurai' -- questionable. Against whomever has been alerted to this disturbance -- impossible.

      "Keep your eyes peeled, she is like a dam spider," the blonde warned as he pulled out a needle-like blade.

      "I know... I know shithead," the blonde muttered as he flicked away his cigarette.

      Avarice was Aburabuta's greatest weakness as well as strength and this trio plus a dozen others are under his employ. Aburabuta seemed intent of maintaining a protective force at his estate but he seemed more interested in the appearance of protection than actual protection. If he wanted the later, he would have hired shinobis but there were politics considered for the Merchant Lord hopeful. For the better part of the last decade Aburabuta has been a part of Wind Country's seedy underworld. She had researched him thoroughly during the Cabal's initial incursion. He was the alleged heir to an infamous criminal kingpin's fortune but claims are never enough for one to take an underworld throne.

      She concluded that there were only three things that he could have wanted from her:

      1. He wanted to know something that she already knew. The possibilities for what he could learn were enormous considering what she knew of the Diamyo, the Soverign, the Cabal and Sunagakure.
      2. He wanted to silence her knowledge of something that she already knew. While possible, it was improbable because she was still alive.
      3. Finally, he could be selling her off to the Diamyo as a political favor and of course be seeking compensation for his efforts. This was very possible considering his aspirations.

      The truth be told he was looking for the first of these three, for information that could be used to undermine his rivals and to elevate himself to a new level of success. When he broke away, he proved how malleable he was and he made a call. Just one call, a message to the Soverign Academy to pick up a rascal that they might have lost. She was most useful as a tool, something to divine their chances of success and to chronicle all of the things that had come to pass. The problem was, she had made the wrong people angry when she betrayed them. When she ran away. When she became free. She would die for that. Nao was indifferent to her, she was not an uncommon treasure where he came from. As for the Diamyo, the Diamyo would send a Soverign if he knew anything about her still being alive and in the city. She was too much of a threat to be among the living any longer. On her best days she was uncertain if she could hold her own against any one of the Soverign and she knew it. Empowered by the essence of Ancients they were an amalgamation variant of the hybrid that was created rather than born. It was the result of an ancient and forgotten process not dissimilar to the process that ripped a portion of her humanity along with Naos corruption from her body making her into this... thing.

      "Alright, you may have your chance. If you wish to run, drop your spell and flee now and I will not stop you. But if I live beyond this night, expect that I 'will' find you. Continue to fight me however, and the result will not benefit you at all."

      He gave her no reason to believe that he would let her run. "I wish I could believe you Mister Otandai, but you have already demonstrated a propensity to detain and I will perish under your authority," she replied, a tense urgency in her voice as her hands burst through a preparatory array. Her bind would not fetter him for long and the guards had arrived. She was their target, not the samurai. He would be eventually, just not yet. Heathens, ne'er do wells and rapscallions such as those under Aburabuta's employ had one thing in common -- they were cheap and one gets what they pay for. They were not pillars of virtue and they had no reason to pretend otherwise. They would kill Shoma if given ample oppertunity.

      "When you are free, I again recommend a retreat before you are overwhelmed," she drew a vial of poison and slathered it over her weapon. She had already warned him, not once but now twice. "I am not one for sentimental moments, one requires passion for such things but I have no want for your harm Mister Otandai,"</B><i></i> she claimed but she lied. Not that she felt something towards the foolhardy samurai but rather that she lacked empathy. That was an unfortunate side effect of the Deep Court's shadows in her blood, she felt things she had endeavored for years to bury away.
      She like most things, yes she was a thing and primarily a possession in the way she had been treated most of her life. Locked away in a literal cage, her life was stolen from her and even in 'death' because she was no longer Fuu although she had lived that unfortunate woman's bleak existence. <B>"But I your life is not more important than mine and I will cause you dire injury if I must." The statement was matter of fact, she had every intention of trying to win. But she needed to regain some of her losses. She needed to so what she did best, hide. Sometimes the best offense is a good defense. She manipulated the shadowy gift she had gained from the Deep Court, she found the amalgamation of natures to be a fearsome gift rather than a curse. She would fight until they attacked and then... only then she could hide for a little while.

      Eventually one of them would hit, she knew she was not fast enough to avoid them all. She did not need to be, she knew how to hide and that she did. Cloaked in darkness she ducked into the brambles and she simply breathed. A few deep breaths without even closing her eyes. She needed to study them, how they fought and how they moved. She needed to remember everything. It was not a compulsion, it was a need. "If I were you I would hide," she warn him again, her voice would have a cutting tone. "Aburabuta's men are merely mooks."

      This statement would prove true. Shoma would find that the men's evasion was sluggish. That they were feeble in comparison to other enemies that they had encountered but they seemed to lack the self-awareness to realize this.

      "How much do you think Mister Aburabuta would pay?" Shouta queried.

      "For losing the bosses' bird?" Koga reminded him.

      Fuck you. Getting her back and dealing with this old guy."

      A wave of gravitational force would send two of the three miscreants tumbling back, cut but their own weapons and battered by the very grounds they stood on they were hardly standing but arrogance and pride are dangerous vices. It was then that they should have backed down, they should have splinted their wounds and perhaps made false amends but their conceit or perhaps assurance that something or rather someone stronger was coming gave them the ambition and the foolhardy resolve to continue to fight. To fight and to fall. Shoma was fast, she identified his tactics this time. His preferences. His weakness. She wondered if he realized where he could go wrong. What the consequence would be if he started punching a steel wall?

      "Roku," her golden eyes centered on the newest threat. He was the Soverign that tried to assassinate her. He nearly succeeded. She ultimately died, just not at his hand.

      The attack on the harbor happened almost two years ago and I believe that she is dead. I can only hope that was her fate, better dead than in their hands I have always said. I knew the story well enough. A woman nearly drowned at Soons Harbor whom was rescued by a cloaked, pallid young man. The civilians seemed to remember the 'monster' that caused the incident that wrecked the docks and took the lives of nearly a dozen men and women more so than the lavender haired woman or the silver-headed man that took her away. Some remembered better the people that they lost, the death toll was eleven last I knew. The attack was abrupt in how it started and also in how it ended because it was part of her plan. She was a foolish woman, always putting her life at the lowest of priorities and that was why she had been lost.

      The people saw me for what I was, a monster. My flesh had been replaced by metal sheets painstakingly pounded into shape long ago. The rivets reached my bones and the sheets of metal would glide well enough to create the semblance of a grin if the rare occasion arose. It had not. The whirl of my gears and the rumble of my combustion engine was off-putting. The civilians left me a wide breadth wherever I traversed when exposed. I had made my way thrice into Sunagakure under cloak and guise and I had found no sign of her. No sign of my lost paramour, the only thing that had kept me human. The only thing that kept me humane. I still had a job to do, a duty to fulfill even in her absence. In my heart, the one mortal organ that still beat for her I hoped that the two were entwined. That the injustices she suffered would be repaid in kind. If I was wrong, it mattered little because they were the object of my discontent and my wrath. They would suffer.

      There was a call. I received the message second hand, the static of the radio transmission made it hard to hear but I did not need to hear much beyond the term Oracle and Aburabuta Estate. It was not far, the whine of my engine reached a crescendo before a fire-blast escaped my heels that propelled me forward. The Aburabuta Estate was not a particularly 'expensive' homestead considering his more affluent neighbors in the heart of Soons Merchant Lord Alcazar -- in fact it was astonishing that such a spread would even be allowed to stand as it contrasted so greatly with the splendid estates to either side that were thrice the size of this one. The 'pauper's hovel' some of the Lords called it.

      There was only ONE Oracle, at least only one that was still alive as far as he knew. The one he had failed to kill. The one he burned alive. The one he was entrusted to make sure died suffering. The one he was going to kill this time around. The one that was going to tell him one important thing before she died -- what happened to the medic on that day.

      "Fuu!" My baritone voice boomed. "Fuu, come out and face me. Tell me of sea monsters and of damsels and their cloaked saviors. Of her fate on the docks now four years past," my words rattled despite their almost lyrical tempo. "Tell me what I want to know," my head ratcheted a full rotation as I scanned the vicinity for the coward scribe. "And I will grant you the respite of a quicker death."
      [spoilername="Actions"]Fuu's Actions
      Fuu's Actions
      • Fuu attacks the incoming Soverign enemy as well as guard and Shoma with Fist of Sin [Mastered] Sloth (3.75 AP)
      • Fuu attacks the incoming Soverign enemy with Fist of Virtue [Mastered] Diligence (2.75 AP)
      • Fuu attacks the incoming Soverign enemy with Eagle Drop [Mastered] (2.75 AP)
      • Fuu attacks the incoming Soverign enemy with Grapple [Mastered] (1.75 AP)
      Guard 1 Actions
      • Guard 1 attacks Fuu with Zeus Flash [Mastered] using ranged accuracy with AE special move spread to also include Shoma.
      • Guard 1 attacks Fuu with Zeus Flash [Mastered] using ranged accuracy with AE special move focus unless Fuu is in stealth or has clones in which case he targets Shoma.
      Guard 2 Actions
      • Blast Rush [Mastered with Special Action at Michi unless Michi is in stealth or has clones on the field in which case he will target Shoma with this attack.
      • Nostalgia Strike [Mastered] at Michi unless Michi is in stealth or has clones on the field in which case he will target Shoma with this attack.
      Guard 3 Actions
      • Fake Out [Mastered] at Michi unless Michi is in stealth or has clones on the field in which case he will target Shoma with this attack.
      • Clip Downpour [Mastered] at Michi and Shoma.
      Soverign Actions:
      • On entry the Soverign will be targeting Fuu.
Minor Edits have been made:
  • Jipped Shoma on some of his starter HP. Replaced.
  • Forgot about Holy Embodiment -- reduced damages suffered from Fuu's attack.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The samurai would not find it surprising that the woman wouldn't let up on her hold nor her attempts at deadly aggression. Despite his words, and his choice of non-lethal action to subdue her, she still believes her life is endangered by the swordsman. Up until this point he has made his intentions well known, so he believes, for he first trusted her enough to not show her the fatal end of his sword so far despite her willingness to cast sorceries toward his direction. Her argument would be that she lacks trust in his claim and leadership. Although it is understandable to not wish to turn your back to the enemy, he had not realized that he was more of a enemy to her than a neutral party with ally potential in this case. 'But of course, she is a woman shinobi, a kunoichi if I am correct. The double standard of trust. She, just moments ago, asked me in a sense to 'run away' with her due to fear of a grave threat. Yet, when finally given the chance to flee, she finds a reason to stay. It is as if she wishes to burden me for burdening her first. It is unfortunate that I am not trustworthy, now I must keep my word.' She goes on to explain that his life had little value to her. He would think it typical of a shinobi to say such a thing. By his experiences, a chakra-trained ninja only cared about themselves and their goals.

He worms his way out of the black liquid by removing the upper part of his clothing, ripping at any dry part he could find with his teeth. In this time, 3 men approach the two that quarrel in the streets and make clear their intentions. Upon his escape, he begins to survey the field carefully, and upon doing so finds himself better able to understand the actions of those around him as well as understand his own options. These three men rush after their escapee, with two of them being effective. This makes their threat to the woman a little more real to the samurai, even though he believes he would need to incapacitate them anyway based on their words. All would feel a force slightly tug at them before attempt is made to draw them to the swordsman. Two would find themselves being snatched forward seemingly by their torso before colliding with Shoma's sheath at the same time. As it is gripped at its center by the samurai, two foes buckle over the item on opposite ends before being tossed back. But one man resists, and one woman sends an explosive device in her stead. With proper defending, the vital organs are shielded from the more fatal portion of the blow, yet still the Otandai takes flight against his will toward the same wall he held the woman to. 'Not bad for a woman.' The swordsman did find it difficult to handle her and the 3 guards of the facility, so his next move would be to lower the number of active fighters. He tucks away his blade and goes to his hidden sawed-off shotgun and loads suppressive rounds of sandbags(to explain why gunshots aren't fatal and are only doing peck damage). Indeed, a firearm like this could be an effective killing tool, it still is even with the ammo type currently loaded. But, Shoma's respects life and tries very hard not to rain aimless death. He points it toward the nearest male, and upon pulling the trigger he releases the weapon before he could feel a recoil. Before even half of the second was complete, he draws out a revolver loaded with rubber bullets, flicking the hammer back 3 times in the direction of the next male. The two men would fall, unable to continue the fight, and Shoma would find the time to breathe. As he gasps for air, the only female on the field takes this opportunity to strike him seemingly with all of her might, making good on her word to try and cause great harm to him. Such a strike would cause him to fold over and stagger about unbalanced.

And the time would come for them to meet the one that the woman feared. She would call him Roku. He would call her Fuu. "Oh I see, she is called Fuu." By the words of this man, it would seem that their was a vendetta between the two. And with the ratcheting of his head, he confirms her words of great concern. She had warned that this Roku, this Soveriegn, was one to be feared. Perhaps the bit about her life being more important was a ruse, one to discourage the swordsman from staying. If so, she had done what would seem to be her best to instill a sense of emanate death to Roku's approach... But what is death to a man who had been willing to face it for years. Is Otandai Shoma a fearful man? Indeed he is. Yet the lost of his own life would not be what he fears, even though it might make real his nightmares. He would refuse to run because to him, the shame of running for his life would be greater than any victory or accomplishment there after, especially if a woman stayed. It is one thing to try and fail greatly, it is another to fail because one did not try. If he would only fight battles that he was certain he could win, coward would be his name. It would be acceptable to turn down a needless challenge or spar, but here, lives of the present and possibly the future were at stake. If this man, thing, Roku is as evil as presented, seeing a weak willed man running for his life would only feed his ego and thereby his willingness to do more harm. For so many reasons, those listed and more, Shoma... just... could... not... retreat.

Still, Fuu refuses to trust Shoma's willingness to let her flee and even shows herself as an enemy. So now, there would be three other fighters remaining. His eyes trace over all there, standing and not. Although his goal to obtain truth would remain the same, the method would have to change. For now, he is the only one he can truly trust. Although he notes her earlier suggestion to hide, he knows better than to trust it as advice. The swordsman would pave his own way, regardless of greatly reduced wellness brought upon by Fuu, the informant.

[Marked for training]
0. Maintain the following techniques: Polarity Shift(R2), Fire Style: Flare Touch
1. Use Quickdraw ability to freely sheath Cloud Whisperer, then Quickdraw Cloud Hopper(Unarmed-allows hand-seals). 0ap / 0apt
2. Go into Defensive Stance with Defensive technique, -4acc(halved by Steady augment) for +4dodge. 0.5ap / 0.5apt
2. Cast Active Camo(R2) with minor AF move: Hand-seal expert. 2ap / 1.5apt
3. Attempt Stealth with Initiative. 1ap / 0apt
4. Cast Medical Ward(R1) on self with special action and AF Hand-seal Expert. 2.5ap / 2.5apt
5. Attempt to Drop/unequip Backpack if possible. ?ap / ?apt
6. Cast Rinse Off(R1) with special action to heal a rank of bleeding with AF move: Hand-seal Expert. 1.5ap
7. Summon D-rank Kami spirit: Shojo. 1.5ap / 1.5apt

1. Use Polarity Shift's special action to auto-dodge the first attack that successfully targets Shoma.
2. If an event would remove Shoma from stealth, use Active Camo's special action to remain in stealth were possible.
3. Use Flame Shield(R2) with special action to defend against a target that to successfully target Shoma after #1 conditional is met. Don't apply this to at attack from guard 2(Tako).
4. If an event would remove Shoma from stealth, use Active Camo's special action to remain in stealth were possible.
5. If successfully target by Tako, use Fist of Virtue(R2) with the Humility special to counter.

{I gotta DM you a few notes but, sorry for the wait.}

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
HP: 35237
CP: 25507 [-1686] 23821
AP: 10.5 [-10] 0.5
status: Poisoned, Stealth against some users but not all

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 27 + 2 (White Blessing) - 2 (Defensive Stance)
Ranged Acc 23 + 2 (White Blessing) - 2 (Defensive Stance)
Ninjutsu Acc 23 + 2 (White Blessing) - 2 (Defensive Stance)
Genjutsu Strength 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23 + 2 (Class)
Evasion 23 + 2 (Class) + 2.5 Dodge (Polarity Shift) + 4 (Defensive Stance)
Stealth 15 + 2 (Active Camo)
Awareness 15
Poison Resist 25
Poison Strength +2[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Effects"]Flare Touch: Melee contact with the user will result in extra damage being done to the attacker, dealing (25 / 75 / 125 / 250 / 300 / 400) Fire Damage. This damage can be Buffed up to 30%.
Melee contact is when the user attacks with melee accuracy or is attacked with melee accuracy.
Damage done by Flare Touch is based on the user's OOC Rank, being (E / D / C / B / A / S) respectively.
Multi-Hits counts as one contact.
+2.5 Dodge. The user has 1 free 'Escape' attempt to escape attempts from Ninjutsu binds and debuffs per round. (Polarity Shift)
1 free basic strike every round (Class)
Holy Embodiment: All Dark jutsu do 50% damage to them. User is immune to fear effects and intimidation effects. Suppression or other AP reduction or attack disrupting effects have only half their normal chance of working on them.
Divine Health: All Healing jutsu used by or on the user is increased by +5%. In addition, the user recovers +1% Max HP while resting.
Spiritual Chakra: +10% damage to all Ninjutsu. This damage counts as 'Light' element and cuts through half of Ninjutsu damage reduction. This bonus applies to all other Spiritualist light chakra techniques as well.
Shinobi 101 (Will Gen using Melee Accuracy)
Journeyman-5% Chakra cost
Bloody Mess: The user's Critical hits will always increase bleeding rank, even if the attack does not normally inflict bleeding. This does not apply to non-offensive techniques aimed at allies that can crit.
- When attacking a target at their maxed Bleeding Rank, the user has a base chance of 10% to deal 1.5% Max Hp damage immediately. This chance may be increased with the user's Bleed bonuses up to a 20% chance, but may only effect a target up to three times per round.
- When either of the above effects trigger, the target will take an additional +.5% Max Hp damage per round from bleeding on top of their current Bleeding damage. This does not stack.
Human Anatomy: The user gains +1 Critical Range to all attacks.
- All critical hits deal 2.25x Damage. Additional Critical Damage does not stack with any other Critical attack damage buffs (Opportunist, Hawkeye, etc.).
Called Shot: - Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties.
- +5% Called Shot chance.
- User can inflict Broken rank debuffs.
Technical Pacifist: - The user's Called Shots against Weapons and Hands of a target have +5% chance of success.
- Upon raising the Called Shot penalty of a weapon, it is Dropped. Upon raising the penalty of Hands, the target's current action fails if it required handseals.
- This ability only applies to the user's Called Shots that are made with weapons.[/spoilername]|Fuu (Michi)
HP: 8165 [-14322] -6157 [Knocked Out]
CP: 2694 [2472] 222
AP: 0
Status: Sprained Hand, Sprained Leg; Unconscious

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 27 + 2 (Duelist) + 2 (Gate)
Ninjutsu Acc 27 + 2 (Gate)
Genjutsu Strength 23 + 2 (Gate)
Ranged Acc 23 + 2 (Gate)
Evasion 23 - 1 (Sprained Leg) + 2 (Gate)
Genjutsu Resistance 23 + 2 (Gate)
Awareness 15 + 2 (QL)
Stealth 15
Poison Resistance 25[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Effects"]+5% chance of a secondary effect (Class)
Fifth Gate - Gate of Limit: +10% damage to unarmed weapons. Bolsters unarmed to 60% damage cap.
Sixth Gate - Gate of View: +2 acc/dodge, Instant clone recognition
Seventh Gate - Gate of Wonder: +1 AP This does not double in Gate of Death, +2 Gen save
Duelist: bonus to melee
+10% damage done to Shoma (Duelist)
10% chance to auto-dodge
Called Shot
Sprained Hands: +.1 Hand seal Ap and
Sharp Insight: If the targeted opponent's Ninjutsu is lower than their Taijutsu, the user's Ninjutsu damage is increased by 10%. If the opponent's Taijutsu is lower than their Ninjutsu, the user's Taijutsu damage is increased by 10%. If both stats are equal, both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are raised by 5%.
Offensive Insight: 10% auto-hit to the user's attacks.
Martial Artist
Strategist: (1) Healing Ward (2) Micro Chakra Bomb x2 - fully primed (1000 damage) (3) Free attack with weapon (4) Free attack with weapon (5) Free attack with weapon.
Additional Inventory Items: (1) ninja wire (full stack) (2) Splint (full stack) (3) Iron Vein (4) Serpents Blood
Chakra Style (Earth)
Tactical Mind: +1 accuracy with all Mastered jutsu. Additional +.5 accuracy to all attacks every round after the second. Cannot gain more than +4 accuracy on any attack.
Predication: If the opponent uses the same technique as they have previously, the user gains +1 to resist or dodge it. Stacks twice. This buffs cancels if the user switches styles. Basic melee attacks are exempt from this.
Adaptability: The user resists -3 Accuracy and Dodge from terrain effecting techniques such as Hidden Mist or Earthslide River, this amount is reduced from the cumulative debuffs and not per-jutsu. In addition, the user has +3 Dodge against all Delayed attacks, traps and binds.
Forewarn: The user may activate up to 2 Activated Auto-dodges a round. The second costing +50% CP.[/spoilername]|Roku
HP: 100000 [+2550 Care of the Earth] [Capped] [-19804] 80196
CP: 50000 [+1000] [Capped] [-9500] 40500
AP: 10 [-9.5] 0.5

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 23
Ninjutsu Acc 27
Genjutsu Strength 23
Ranged Acc 27
Evasion 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Awareness 15
Stealth 15
Poison Resistance 25 (automatic success due to HP)[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Abilities"]20% of all Non-Illusionary Damage suffered by the user is subtracted from their CP rather than their HP.
Effects which restore HP are 50% less effective on the user.
Immunity to Bleeding and the user automatically succeeds on any Poison Resistance checks.
User's Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu have their CP costs increased by 15%.
User must declare their Puppet Body's Accuracy/Damage Modifiers and Puppet Type as per the normal Puppet Creation Rules. In addition the user may perform handseals normally while equipped with their Puppet Body. Accuracy 0; Damage Mod 0; Offensive (Bleed).
Puppet Body has 3 Upgrade Slots which they may equip augments to as per the normal Puppet Creation Rules. Toxify; Lucky Dodge; Lucky Strike;
Puppet Body has 3 Trap Slots which they may equip Puppet Traps to as per the normal Puppet Creation Rules. Compulsory Evacuation Machine; Vanquishing Light; Dimensional Wall.
While not equipped with any other weapons or puppets the user is considered passively equipped with their Puppet Body. Wielding the user's Puppet Body counts as wielding one puppet for the purposes of wielding multiple puppets. If the user attempts to draw a weapon while equipped with only their Puppet Body they may automatically "de-equip" their Puppet Body and replace it with the weapon they are choosing to draw. If at any time the user ceases to be equipped with that weapon they automatically re-equip their Puppet Body for no cost. Under no circumstances can the user be equipped with a weapon and their Puppet Body simultaneously.
Puppet Symbiosis: Pyro &
Core Body: Pyro
Explosive Chakra: Due to the difficulty of controlling their chakra, all ninjutsu and genjutsu cost 5% more. However, all fire based jutsu have a +2 critical range and hit for 2.5x normal damage on critical hits instead of 2.0x normal damage.
Warmth: The user regains 2% Max Cp each round. This is increased to 4% Max Cp/Rnd when Mantle of Fire is active.
Wildfire: All fire based jutsu have a 20% chance to Set their targets afire, dealing 10% of the Jutsu's damage each round for two rounds. Fire based jutsu already having the chance to set targets afire are increased by 10%, and all AoE Flame techniques are increased by 8x8 feet.
Fire Boost: Fire based jutsu deal 30% more damage, but 15% of the total damage is done to the user.
Direct Conversion
Mantle of Fire
Puppet Body: Earthborn
Care of the Earth: When standing on the ground, the user gains back 5% of their max HP per round. This does not work when held off the ground, in trees, in the upper stories of buildings, while swimming, etc. Regeneration becomes 6% when underground.
Ground Impact: Earth based Jutsu inflict a -1 Dodge and Accuracy penalty to the target for the remainder of the round, stacking twice upon a single target. This requires a successful Ninjutsu Check between the user and the victim to be effective. Earth Based Jutsu used on a target underground also deal damage equal to 15% of the Jutsu’s Cost. This does not affect other Earthborn.
Earthen Barrier: All barriers that the user creates may receive the user's Earth Buffs to increase the barrier's HP. Earth based barriers are granted an additional +10% HP
Terran: +15% Earth jutsu damage.
Earth Sense: The user gains +2 Awareness, and +2 to Gen Save against all Kinetic Genjutsu. User can see through Illusionary Clones.
Class Card: 5% DR
Cursed Seal: Start each round automatically in Stealth; but cannot re-enter stealth during a round or be mistaken for a clone. 5% DR
Earth Chakra Style
Defensive Technique
Upkeep Maintenance
Trap Fanatic: May now have up to 5 armed traps on the field and arming traps costs -0.25 AP less and lasts 4 rounds before Diffusing.
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu with Ranged Acc.
Called Shot[/spoilername][/col3]

[col3]Guard 1 (Shouta)
HP: -208 [-10450] -10658 Dead
CP: 5115
AP: 4
Status: Dead|Guard 2 (Tako)
HP: 6125 [-14685] -8560 Knocked Out
CP: 5140 [-385] 4755
AP: 0
Status: Unconscious|Guard 3 (Koga)
HP: -1283 Knocked Out
CP: 5085
AP: 0
Status: Sprained Head and Arms; Unconscious[/col3]

What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | Shoma's Poison Check
  • Poison Strength (Fuu/Michi) 15 Success
    Poison Resistance (Shoma) 7
    • Inflicts -2 Accuracy and Dodge. Each round, the target has 30% chance to lose 1 AP and take -3% max HP damage. Lasts for 3 full rounds.
      Roll: 72 Failed
0.00 Seconds | Shoma maintains: Polarity Shift (R2), Fire Style -- Flare Touch.
0.00 Seconds | Shoma uses the Quickdraw ability to freely sheath Cloud Whisperer.
0.00 Seconds | Shoma uses the Quickdraw ability to draw Cloud Hopper(Unarmed-allows hand-seals).
  • +2 accuracy -10% damage unarmed weapon that allows handseals to be used while this weapon is equipped. Augments: Steady (When a weapon with this augment is used while in Defensive Stance this reduces the Accuracy penalty of Defensive Stance by 50% (to a minimum of -1 Accuracy).), Vampiric (User regains HP equal to 10% of all damage deal with the equipped weapon.) and Chakra Drain (User regains CP equal to 10% of all damage deal with the equipped weapon.)
0.00 Seconds | Fuu's Dark Displacement is still active.
0.00 Seconds | Fuu maintains her open gates.
  • Sixth Gate (Gate of View) and Seventh Gate (Gate of Wonder) -- +2 acc/dodge, Instant clone recognition. +1 AP This does not double in Gate of Death, +2 Gen save.</SIZE>
0.00 Seconds | Roku activates his cursed seal.
  • <SIZE size="80">Start each round automatically in Stealth; but cannot re-enter stealth during a round or be mistaken for a clone. +5% damage reduction.
0.48 Seconds | Shoma goes into Defensive Stance with Defensive Technique, -4acc (halved by Steady augment) for +4 dodge.
1.90 Seconds | Shoma casts Active Camo (R2) with minor AF move: Hand-seal expert.
  • +2 Stealth. Each time the user makes an attack, they have a 5% chance of being placed into Stealth after their attack.
1.90 Seconds | Shoma attempts to enter Stealth with Initiative.
  • Stealth (Shoma) 2 Failed
    Awareness (Michi/Fuu) 19
    Stealth (Shoma) 18 Success
    Awareness (Guard) 2
    Stealth (Shoma) 18 Success
    Awareness (Roku) 18
2.00 Seconds | Roku performs Puppet Symbiosis [Mastered] where he put his Hitokugutsu puppet on.
  • +0 Acc +0% damage modifier; Defensive Puppet. Envenom; Special Composition (Fire); Tracer. Crush Virus; Forceful Mirror; Spellbinding Circle.
2.50 Seconds | Michi/Fuu attacks the Soverign enemy as well as guard and Shoma with Fist of Sin [Mastered] - Sloth.
  • Attack (Michi/Fuu)
    • Shoma uses the special action on Polarity Shift and auto-dodges this attack.
    Evasion (Guard) 6
    • Poison Check
      • Poison Strength (Michi/Fuu) 1 Failed
        Poison Resistance (Guard) 4
      Bleed Check 90 Failed
      Suppression Check 37 Success
    Attack (Michi/Fuu) 8 Hit
    Evasion (Roku) 5
    • Suppression Check 8 Success
    4.29 Seconds | Shoma cast Medical Ward (R1) on self with special action and AF move: Hand-seal Expert.
    4.29 Seconds | Shoma drops/unequip Backpack.
    4.50 Seconds | Roku attacks Shi with Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] - Offensive Puppet Jutsu with Special Action - Buddha's Sealing Vortex using his Defensive capacities as well.
    • Attack (Roku) 2 Miss
      Evasion (Fuu/Michi) 12
    5.00 Seconds | Fuu attacks the incoming Soverign enemy with Fist of Virtue [Mastered] Diligence.
    • Attack (Michi/Fuu) 6 Hit
      Evasion (Roku) 9
      • Suppression Chance 37 Success
    5.00 Seconds | guard 2 attacks Michi with Blast Rush [Mastered] with Special Action.
    • Attack 18 Hit
      Evasion 3
      • 10% chance to Auto-Hit the target. 22
        10% to auto-dodge 38
        Dark Displacement goes off and this attack does not damage Michi/Fuu.
    5.71 Seconds | Shoma casts Rinse Off (R1) with special action to heal a rank of bleeding with AF move: Hand-seal Expert.
    • Bleed 0
      16% chance of healing another. Roll: 28 Failed.
    7.50 Seconds | Roku casts Final Confrontation [Mastered] using AE special move Spread to include one of the guards and Fuu as well as another guard if eruption takes effect using Pyro's Fireblast.
    • Attack (Roku) 17 Hit
      Evasion (Michi/Fuu) 17
      • 20% chance to Set their targets afire 93 Failed
        20% chance to increase the damage by an additional +20%, a 30% chance to increase damage by 20% with an additional +25% backlash, and a 10% chance to become unstable and explode on the user dealing full damage to them. 50 (20% with an additional +25% backlash)
        Knocked Out
      Attack (Roku) 12 Hit
      Evasion (Guard) 5
      • 20% chance to Set their targets afire 60 Failed
        20% chance to increase the damage by an additional +20%, a 30% chance to increase damage by 20% with an additional +25% backlash, and a 10% chance to become unstable and explode on the user dealing full damage to them. 16 (increase the damage by an additional +20%)
        Knocked Out
      36% chance to activate the 'Melty Blast' and 'Eruption effects. 27 Success
      • Attack (Roku) 8 HIT!
        No dodge roll as the guard is KO'd
        • 20% chance to Set their targets afire 70 Failed
          20% chance to increase the damage by an additional +20%, a 30% chance to increase damage by 20% with an additional +25% backlash, and a 10% chance to become unstable and explode on the user dealing full damage to them. 52 (10% chance to become unstable and explode on the user dealing full damage to them.)
      7.14 Seconds | Shoma summons D-rank Kami spirit: Shojo.
      7.75 Seconds | Roku sets a trap: Dimensional Wall [Mastered] using the special action to determine the rank of the attack (A Rank).
      • Master: Upon a successful Ranged Check (Ranged Acc vs Attacker's attacking Acc), the target takes 50% of the damage done to the user.
        Trigger Condition: Being attacked by a Taijutsu.
      8.50 Seconds | Roku sets a trap: Compulsory Evacuation Machine [Mastered].
      • User checks their Ranged Accuracy against the target's Ninjutsu Dodge. If successful, the creation, clone, or summon is removed from battle. Works on E-S Rank techniques.
        Trigger condition: Any target using a Clone, Creation, or Summoning jutsu.
9.00 Seconds | Roku is suppressed until the end of the round.

She knew exactly who that mechanical oddity was, Roku was quite famous as a monster. He was the personification of something many of us secretly feared in this day and age of advancing technology. He was a man who could, would and has artificially prolonged his life through science and technology. A man that has augmented his body to become a superior fighter. There was not much that resembled a man any longer except for the general humanoid size and shape, she felt even his mind was addled being so displaced from its intended habitat. Roku let out a cackling maddened laugh, it was different from the time before. There was something colder, more chilling than his previous apathetic assassination attempt. She could feel a sense of dread grab her by the shoulders and hold her tight. She could feel her heart in her throat bounding.

Death was not a terrible thing, but the pains of death were another story entirely. There was a time when she feared death but that was because it was not the end for her but that had changed the day Mikaboshi ripped from her a portion of her humanity along with Nao's corruption and imbued her with the inky shadows of a Deep Court denizen. Her hands shook as she made a pair of fight fists. She knew that she would not have the energy to win this fight, she knew that this fight was lost before it ever even started. She should not have tried to reason with the virgin. There was no way that she could take on a Soverign in this debilitated state. Still, she ran at him and swung her fist with all of her weight which was insubstantial along with her remaining strength. Her knuckles dented metal as her wide, arcing attack also struck one of Aburabuta's men and nearly the Samurai.

She never lost sight of the samurai, either he was not quite good enough at hiding or perhaps she was just excellent at finding. She would monitor him from the edge of her periphery. He was a non-concern for now, likely a ne'er do well looking for an easy buck or a man under the employ of one of the other local lords. He did not have a particularly scandalous history but he has also not shown himself as an ally of Sunagakure either making him a hired sword. Honesty and justice would not found in this plutocracy. It was likely that he was going to try to sell her off to the Daimyo; assuming he understood who or what she was. When this encounter started it was a risk assessment -- fight an unknown versus convincing the unknown that she was inert. It was illogical to rely on a grossly unknown variable. "In Soons?" Fuu queried in an attempt to learn something, to find an out. Roku did not belong in Soons Haven, he was a monster and he would be treated as one here. Beneath the layers of metal still beat the heart of a human with the same sentiments as one. As much as he wanted to deny his humanity and mortality, he avoided the piercing gaze of man. Was he here on a job? Was he sent after her?

"Or tell me nothing, and suffer." Roku concluded as his hands ran through a complex array before a fiery eruption engulfed not only the Oracle but also two others. "No witnesses." Roku proclaimed as he saw the silhouette of the dame fall over. The woman's body was badly burned, her dark hair mostly burnt away and her flesh blackened and hard. Fuu was facing down, the guard was on his side and one of the fallen burnt where he laid. There was some screaming, they were shrill and pitiful and they belonged to the guard although that was hard for anyone but the screamer to know.

There would be no parting words from this Oracle -- dead men tell no tales.

The Oracle was a slippery little thing but changing her skin would never fool someone like me. Flesh was never relevant, even when I was made of bone, meat and sinew. The flesh is also weak, weaker than steel that is. It was humorous that she even tried to fight, she did not have a ghost of a chance even on her best of days regardless of whatever she believed she had mastered or learned. There was a gap that could never be closed between us because I was willing to do what was necessary. I was willing to do things that nobody else would or could.

That was my legacy as a monster -- my endurance.

A deep, rumbling laughter came from my maw.

I was going to find her. I was going to find out what happened to her, even if I had to tear the skin off every last person in this village. "Or tell me nothing, and suffer." My hands ran an array similar to handseals but not quite the same, the bio-organic structure of my form hosted a number of nasty little tricks. With a squirt of a combustive liquid that may or may not have been gasoline. Those in the vicinity were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. "No witnesses." I did not have the luxury of mercy.
[spoilername="Actions"]Casts Blazing Golem [Mastered] using AE Special Move Handseal Expert.
Blazing Golem will attack Shoma using nin accuracy for all AP.
Casts Final Confrontation [Mastered] using AE special move Feint and Pyro's Fireblast on Shoma. If an additional target can be targeted, target anyone but the dead guard. [Yes he is trying to kill Fuu.]
Gaia's Wrath [Mastered] at Shoma, Fuu and one of the living guards using AE special move Debilitate.

Conditional 1: Use Crystal Eye [Mastered] if Shoma is in stealth after Blazing Golem is cast.
Conditional 2: Cast Swift Spin [Mastered] at Shoma after Crystal Eye is cast if Shoma remains in stealth.
Conditional 3: Cast Swift Spin [Mastered] at Shoma after Crystal Eye is cast if Shoma remains in stealth.
Conditional 4: Cast Swift Spin [Mastered] at Shoma after Crystal Eye is cast if Shoma remains in stealth.
Conditional 5: Cast Swift Spin [Mastered] at Shoma after Crystal Eye is cast if Shoma remains in stealth.[/spoilername]


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Shoma would watch as Fuu engages everyone she can, and with the same respect, or lack of regard at all, so does Roku. Although Fuu had suggested hiding, Shoma decides of his own accord to do so. He had hoped that she didn't need to come to harm, but he is not a fan being around someone trying to bury their fist in his chest, especially if he was not try to do the same to that person. He decides that he has no choice but to keep his word and let her receive the consequences of her actions. Besides, it would be the wisest thing to do. When someone who is in a panic while drown, sometimes it is best to wait for them to lose strength, less they pull the would be savior down with them.

He knows that there was a reason why she had made a suggestion despite targeting him, he was no fool. No sooner that he takes up cover, Fuu makes a clear attempt at him. Where before he held back, he would treat her like a threat, respect her like one. After dodging her strike, he notices that the one known as Roku had change form in some way. He... It had already shown unnatural features, and using his unusual body he unleashes an attack that the samurai could not quite comprehend. Fuu would not allow herself to fall to this, nor that following attack by the remaining guard able to fight. Shoma prepares himself for the long haul as watches from cover, but witness a highly devastating force erupt from Roku. The result of this bomb would leave the other two combatants out of commission with sever burns, and a previously fallen guard beyond saving. 'It is a terrible way to depart this world. Should I die here, hopefully there would be something left to bury.'

And just as Shoma prepares, so does Roku. As he creates strange devices, he speaks to his target, Fuu, telling her his intention. Although Shoma no longer reasons that Fuu is bound to honesty, he couldn't let her nor the 2 remaining guards be butchered by this monster without at least trying to defend them. From the cover he could easily use to retreat with, he speaks to the mechanized-man. "Yet there are two witnesses that remain. You and I. Is it a story you wish to here? I have one,... if you have the time? states the samurai as he reloads his revolver.

[Marked for Training]
0. Maintain Polarity Shift, Fire Style: Flare Touch, Active Camo
1. Cast Mud Clone(R2), using hand-seal expert. 1.5ap / 1apt | Use Mud Assault to target Roku
2. Use Fist of Virtue(R2) with Temperance trait to target Roku. 2.75ap / 2.75apt
3. Cast Regeneration(R2), with Minor Affinity move Spread to target Shoma and Fuu. 3ap / 3apt
4. Cast Critical Exposure(R2), targeting Roku with Minor AF move Debilitate using melee acc. 1ap / 1apt
5. Cast Crossed Wires with Sensory Knowledge move Overload to target Roku. 2ap / 2apt
1. If successfully targeted by an attack that would bring Shoma out of stealth, use Polarity Shift's special action to auto-dodge that action. 1ap
2. If Shoma would be removed from stealth, use Active Camo's special to reduce a rank and remain in stealth.
3. If Roku can not be targeted by Action #5, cast Chakra Sense(R2) instead with Minor AF move: Focus to target Roku. 2ap / 2apt

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
HP: 35237 [-9118] 26119 [+910][+10780] 37809
CP: 23821 [-7125] [+910] 17606
AP: 10.5 [-10.25] 0.25
status: Poisoned, Stealth against some users but not all

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 27 + 2 (White Blessing) - 2 (Defensive Stance)
Ranged Acc 23 + 2 (White Blessing) - 2 (Defensive Stance)
Ninjutsu Acc 23 + 2 (White Blessing) - 2 (Defensive Stance)
Genjutsu Strength 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23 + 2 (Class)
Evasion 23 + 2 (Class) + 2.5 Dodge (Polarity Shift) + 4 (Defensive Stance)
Stealth 15 + 2 (Active Camo)
Awareness 15
Poison Resist 25
Poison Strength +2[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Effects"]Flare Touch: Melee contact with the user will result in extra damage being done to the attacker, dealing (25 / 75 / 125 / 250 / 300 / 400) Fire Damage. This damage can be Buffed up to 30%.
Melee contact is when the user attacks with melee accuracy or is attacked with melee accuracy.
Damage done by Flare Touch is based on the user's OOC Rank, being (E / D / C / B / A / S) respectively.
Multi-Hits counts as one contact.
+2.5 Dodge. The user has 1 free 'Escape' attempt to escape attempts from Ninjutsu binds and debuffs per round. (Polarity Shift)
1 free basic strike every round (Class)
Holy Embodiment: All Dark jutsu do 50% damage to them. User is immune to fear effects and intimidation effects. Suppression or other AP reduction or attack disrupting effects have only half their normal chance of working on them.
Divine Health: All Healing jutsu used by or on the user is increased by +5%. In addition, the user recovers +1% Max HP while resting.
Spiritual Chakra: +10% damage to all Ninjutsu. This damage counts as 'Light' element and cuts through half of Ninjutsu damage reduction. This bonus applies to all other Spiritualist light chakra techniques as well.
Shinobi 101 (Will Gen using Melee Accuracy)
Journeyman-5% Chakra cost
Bloody Mess: The user's Critical hits will always increase bleeding rank, even if the attack does not normally inflict bleeding. This does not apply to non-offensive techniques aimed at allies that can crit.
- When attacking a target at their maxed Bleeding Rank, the user has a base chance of 10% to deal 1.5% Max Hp damage immediately. This chance may be increased with the user's Bleed bonuses up to a 20% chance, but may only effect a target up to three times per round.
- When either of the above effects trigger, the target will take an additional +.5% Max Hp damage per round from bleeding on top of their current Bleeding damage. This does not stack.
Human Anatomy: The user gains +1 Critical Range to all attacks.
- All critical hits deal 2.25x Damage. Additional Critical Damage does not stack with any other Critical attack damage buffs (Opportunist, Hawkeye, etc.).
Called Shot: - Called Shots only take half the usual accuracy Penalties.
- +5% Called Shot chance.
- User can inflict Broken rank debuffs.
Technical Pacifist: - The user's Called Shots against Weapons and Hands of a target have +5% chance of success.
- Upon raising the Called Shot penalty of a weapon, it is Dropped. Upon raising the penalty of Hands, the target's current action fails if it required handseals.
- This ability only applies to the user's Called Shots that are made with weapons.[/spoilername]|Fuu (Michi)
HP: -6157 [---] [+2625] -3532 [Knocked Out]
CP: 222
AP: 0
Status: Sprained Hand, Sprained Leg; Unconscious

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 27 + 2 (Duelist) + 2 (Gate)
Ninjutsu Acc 27 + 2 (Gate)
Genjutsu Strength 23 + 2 (Gate)
Ranged Acc 23 + 2 (Gate)
Evasion 23 - 1 (Sprained Leg) + 2 (Gate)
Genjutsu Resistance 23 + 2 (Gate)
Awareness 15 + 2 (QL)
Stealth 15
Poison Resistance 25[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Effects"]+5% chance of a secondary effect (Class)
Fifth Gate - Gate of Limit: +10% damage to unarmed weapons. Bolsters unarmed to 60% damage cap.
Sixth Gate - Gate of View: +2 acc/dodge, Instant clone recognition
Seventh Gate - Gate of Wonder: +1 AP This does not double in Gate of Death, +2 Gen save
Duelist: bonus to melee
+10% damage done to Shoma (Duelist)
10% chance to auto-dodge
Called Shot
Sprained Hands: +.1 Hand seal Ap and
Sharp Insight: If the targeted opponent's Ninjutsu is lower than their Taijutsu, the user's Ninjutsu damage is increased by 10%. If the opponent's Taijutsu is lower than their Ninjutsu, the user's Taijutsu damage is increased by 10%. If both stats are equal, both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are raised by 5%.
Offensive Insight: 10% auto-hit to the user's attacks.
Martial Artist
Strategist: (1) Healing Ward (2) Micro Chakra Bomb x2 - fully primed (1000 damage) (3) Free attack with weapon (4) Free attack with weapon (5) Free attack with weapon.
Additional Inventory Items: (1) ninja wire (full stack) (2) Splint (full stack) (3) Iron Vein (4) Serpents Blood
Chakra Style (Earth)
Tactical Mind: +1 accuracy with all Mastered jutsu. Additional +.5 accuracy to all attacks every round after the second. Cannot gain more than +4 accuracy on any attack.
Predication: If the opponent uses the same technique as they have previously, the user gains +1 to resist or dodge it. Stacks twice. This buffs cancels if the user switches styles. Basic melee attacks are exempt from this.
Adaptability: The user resists -3 Accuracy and Dodge from terrain effecting techniques such as Hidden Mist or Earthslide River, this amount is reduced from the cumulative debuffs and not per-jutsu. In addition, the user has +3 Dodge against all Delayed attacks, traps and binds.
Forewarn: The user may activate up to 2 Activated Auto-dodges a round. The second costing +50% CP.[/spoilername]|Roku
HP: 80196 [+2550 Care of the Earth] 82746 [-7277] 75469
CP: 40500 [+1000] 41500 [-7531] 33969
AP: 10 [-9.5] 0.5

[spoilername="Stats"]Melee Acc 23
Ninjutsu Acc 27
Genjutsu Strength 23
Ranged Acc 27
Evasion 23
Genjutsu Resistance 23
Awareness 15
Stealth 15
Poison Resistance 25 (automatic success due to HP)[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Abilities"]20% of all Non-Illusionary Damage suffered by the user is subtracted from their CP rather than their HP.
Effects which restore HP are 50% less effective on the user.
Immunity to Bleeding and the user automatically succeeds on any Poison Resistance checks.
User's Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu have their CP costs increased by 15%.
User must declare their Puppet Body's Accuracy/Damage Modifiers and Puppet Type as per the normal Puppet Creation Rules. In addition the user may perform handseals normally while equipped with their Puppet Body. Accuracy 0; Damage Mod 0; Offensive (Bleed).
Puppet Body has 3 Upgrade Slots which they may equip augments to as per the normal Puppet Creation Rules. Toxify; Lucky Dodge; Lucky Strike;
Puppet Body has 3 Trap Slots which they may equip Puppet Traps to as per the normal Puppet Creation Rules. Compulsory Evacuation Machine; Vanquishing Light; Dimensional Wall.
While not equipped with any other weapons or puppets the user is considered passively equipped with their Puppet Body. Wielding the user's Puppet Body counts as wielding one puppet for the purposes of wielding multiple puppets. If the user attempts to draw a weapon while equipped with only their Puppet Body they may automatically "de-equip" their Puppet Body and replace it with the weapon they are choosing to draw. If at any time the user ceases to be equipped with that weapon they automatically re-equip their Puppet Body for no cost. Under no circumstances can the user be equipped with a weapon and their Puppet Body simultaneously.
Puppet Symbiosis: Pyro &
Core Body: Pyro
Explosive Chakra: Due to the difficulty of controlling their chakra, all ninjutsu and genjutsu cost 5% more. However, all fire based jutsu have a +2 critical range and hit for 2.5x normal damage on critical hits instead of 2.0x normal damage.
Warmth: The user regains 2% Max Cp each round. This is increased to 4% Max Cp/Rnd when Mantle of Fire is active.
Wildfire: All fire based jutsu have a 20% chance to Set their targets afire, dealing 10% of the Jutsu's damage each round for two rounds. Fire based jutsu already having the chance to set targets afire are increased by 10%, and all AoE Flame techniques are increased by 8x8 feet.
Fire Boost: Fire based jutsu deal 30% more damage, but 15% of the total damage is done to the user.
Direct Conversion
Mantle of Fire
Puppet Body: Earthborn
Care of the Earth: When standing on the ground, the user gains back 5% of their max HP per round. This does not work when held off the ground, in trees, in the upper stories of buildings, while swimming, etc. Regeneration becomes 6% when underground.
Ground Impact: Earth based Jutsu inflict a -1 Dodge and Accuracy penalty to the target for the remainder of the round, stacking twice upon a single target. This requires a successful Ninjutsu Check between the user and the victim to be effective. Earth Based Jutsu used on a target underground also deal damage equal to 15% of the Jutsu’s Cost. This does not affect other Earthborn.
Earthen Barrier: All barriers that the user creates may receive the user's Earth Buffs to increase the barrier's HP. Earth based barriers are granted an additional +10% HP
Terran: +15% Earth jutsu damage.
Earth Sense: The user gains +2 Awareness, and +2 to Gen Save against all Kinetic Genjutsu. User can see through Illusionary Clones.
Class Card: 5% DR
Cursed Seal: Start each round automatically in Stealth; but cannot re-enter stealth during a round or be mistaken for a clone. 5% DR
Earth Chakra Style
Defensive Technique
Upkeep Maintenance
Trap Fanatic: May now have up to 5 armed traps on the field and arming traps costs -0.25 AP less and lasts 4 rounds before Diffusing.
Shinobi 101: Visual Genjutsu with Ranged Acc.
Called Shot[/spoilername][/col3]

[col3]Guard 1 (Shouta)
Status: Dead|Guard 2 (Tako)
Status: Dead|Guard 3 (Koga)
HP: -1283 Knocked Out
CP: 5085
AP: 0
Status: Sprained Head and Arms; Unconscious[/col3]

What Happened?
0.00 Seconds | Shoma's Poison Check.
  • Poison Strength (Fuu/Michi) 19 Success
    Poison Resistance (Shoma) 4
    • Inflicts -2 Accuracy and Dodge. Each round, the target has 30% chance to lose 1 AP and take -3% max HP damage. Lasts for 3 full rounds.
      Roll: 21
0.00 Seconds | Shoma maintains Polarity Shift, Fire Style: Flare Touch, Active Camo.
0.00 Seconds | Roku starts the round in stealth due to his Cursed Seal.
0.95 Seconds | Shoma casts Mud Clone(R2) as a hidden action because he is in stealth using hand-seal expert.
  • Stealth (Shoma) 15 Success, Roku does not know if this is the real Shoma or not.
    Awareness (Roku) 10
    Compulsory Evacuation Machine [Mastered] has been triggered
    • Shoma's Clone 7 Success, Shoma's clone has been evacuated from the battle.
      Roku 19
3.33 Seconds | Roku casts Blazing Golem [Mastered] using AE Special Move Handseal Expert.
3.57 Seconds | Shoma uses Fist of Virtue(R2) as a hidden action with the Temperance trait to target Roku.
  • Vampiric (User regains HP equal to 10% of all damage deal with the equipped weapon.) and Chakra Drain (User regains CP equal to 10% of all damage deal with the equipped weapon.)
    Awareness (Shoma) 12 Success, able to target
    Stealth (Roku) [Cursed Seal] 11
    Attack (Shoma) 19 Critical [Due to Human Anatomy], unfortunately missed due to CS Stealth status.
    Evasion (Roku) 11
    • Dimensional Wall [Mastered] using the special action to determine the rank of the attack (A Rank).
      Traps differ from reactionaries in that it is the occurrence rather than knowledge of the incident.
      Shoma 4 Success, Shoma takes 50% of the damage he did to Roku.
      Roku 10
      Shoma is no longer under stealth (Verified this)
4.04 Seconds | Roku's Blazing Golem attempts to attack Shoma.
  • Attack (Golem) 17 Hit
    Evasion (Shoma) 8
    • 20% chance to Set their targets afire. Roll: 70 Failed
5.71 Seconds | Roku's Blazing Golem attempts to attack Shoma.
  • Attack (Golem) 1 Miss
    Evasion (Shoma) 20
6.43 Seconds | Shoma cast Regeneration (R2), with Minor Affinity move Spread to target Shoma and Fuu.
  • At the end of each round active, the target regains HP.
    Check for Crit (Shoma) 19 Crit due to Human Anatomy
    Regained (2750 + 5% of their Max HP) * 2.25
    Check for Crit (Fuu) Crits cannot happen against unconscious targets.
    Healing is only 50% for KO'd targets.

7.14 Seconds | Roku casts Final Confrontation [Mastered] as a hidden action using AE special move Feint and Pyro's Fireblast on Shoma. If an additional target can be targeted, target anyone but the dead guard.
  • Attack (Roku) 2 Miss
    Evasion (Shoma) 20
    • 36% chance to activate the 'Melty Blast' and 'Eruption effects. 29 success
      • Random Target: Fuu (1), Tako (2), Koga (3). Roll: 2 (Tako)
      Hit (unconscious target)
      20% chance to increase the damage by an additional +20%, a 30% chance to increase damage by 20% with an additional +25% backlash, and a 10% chance to become unstable and explode on the user dealing full damage to them. 50 (20% with an additional +25% backlash) Roll: 67 ((Increases damage by 20% with an additional +25% backlash))
      Tako is now dead.
7.34 Seconds | Shoma casts Critical Exposure(R2), targeting Roku with Minor AF move Debilitate using melee acc.
  • Attack (Shoma) 4 Miss
    Evasion (Roku) 13
7.38 Seconds | Roku's Blazing Golem attempts to attack Shoma.
  • Attack (Golem) 12 Miss
    Evasion (Shoma) 19
9.04 Seconds | Roku's Blazing Golem attempts to attack Shoma.
  • Attack (Golem) 11 Miss
    Evasion (Shoma) 14
9.24 Seconds | Shoma casts Crossed Wires with Sensory Knowledge move Overload to target Roku.
  • Attack (Shoma) 5 Miss
    Evasion (Roku) 17

The body is a machine, empowered by a mechanical not a divine force. When the body fails, it is not because one's will failed or because one has lost the grace or favor. That is where humanity got it wrong, they try to romanticize their strength, their fate and even their death as their fate. That is bullshit people tell themselves to make the world appear less terrible. It is what people tell themselves in the wake of a travesty. It is something I am unwilling to believe.

Aburabuta's men fell, I knew that they would. They were frail and depended on their luck and meager skill to survive as long as they had but luck is nothing but probability. Eventually the die would not be cast in their favor. That is why there were always bodies. Broken machines. The unwanted and never to be repaired. I would not mourn my success and continued longevity at their expense, it was illogical and insincere. Logic is what defined me, even more than the Oracle. Perhaps that is why I never cared for her, she knew so much and yet she was so frail. I could not respect such a weak creature as my superior or my peer. She was everything I hated still about myself in fact, the flesh and the fear that thickened the air with a bitter scent. She was always afraid. I watched her out of the corner of my eye, she moved no more but she endured still. Nao had sealed her with a seal that could resurrect the dead, or that was at least what he claimed. It was a spell he had seen the warlock cast before, mostly on those with unique skillsets that could prove useful even after they were long departed. Fuu had one skill -- she knew too much. Some would even claim 'everything.' That was of course ludicrous but the gossip-mongers do love to talk. There was only one thing worth preserving on that woman, the secrets locked away in her cranium. That was why I wanted her. Why I needed her, or rather the hollow shell she would become. A parrot that revealed clandestine dealings, forgotten events and even foretold the most logical outcome in the days coming.

Little did I know, she had already died. That the grip Nao had over her soul had been severed and that I was about to kill the last true Oracle. I would not care if I had known this of course, I simply would not have sought her if I knew. She was the simplest means to an end. I wanted to know only one secret -- what happened to my dear friend Shichi. My only friend in fact, the darling of the Soverign, favored by most... well, favored by all who mattered and that was me.

"Yet there are two witnesses that remain. You and I. Is it a story you wish to here? I have one,... if you have the time?

The swordsman offered. The metal plate slid back revealing a row of 'teeth', or rather a row of razors. An expression of humor, perhaps. "There is nothing you could know that I could care for swordsman." With the flick of a wrist I would toss a metallic orb onto the ground that I expelled from my wrist. The metallic globe bounced and skid across the uneven dusty earth before it tapped against a small, oblong stone and with a mechanical click the orb would split open. It was odd, this delay between the cracked sphere and what would emerge which was a pillar of flame like a flamethrower that would soon thereafter take shape. It was a golem made of brimstone with a thread-like skeleton of steel. It would lumber forward with an ataxic gait, being small it would seem less threatening than perhaps it should have been but it is not my responsibility to make their peril obvious.

The swordsman would attempt to strike me down, Nao's gift would protect me from his assault. He would not find me, but the safety shadows afford is fleeting. The swordsman lunged and as he did so he would hear a high-pitched whine that would reach it's crescendo before he would feel a force rebound and strike him (wherever you want except the junk, I am a man of honor at least in that). The trap hidden within me would reveal my hiding place.

The golem would lurch forward, the mechanical arms would clink upon full extension but they would miss their mark but hopefully they would keep the swordsman on the move. "I will be taking the Oracle's remains," I announced. It was not a threat, merely a statement of intent. I would extend my hand, my palm facing the suicidal swordsman and a torrent of lava would escape or at least it would appear that way. It was truly the result of gaseous combustion coupled with molten metal expelled under extreme pressure. Yes, a 'lava cannon' for the laymans that might witness this stranger's final moments. "As for you... you are an irrelevant."
  • Using Upkeep Maintenance Roku repairs Dimensional Wall using Renew - For 1.5 AP, the user may re-arm a Trap that has previously been triggered.
  • Roku arms Dimensional Wall.
  • Blazing Golem attacks Shoma for all AP.
  • CS maintain, Golem maintain.
  • Roku casts Vaporization [Mastered] using AE special move feint on Shoma (3 AP).
  • Ashfall Tendrils [Mastered] using focus on Shoma (2.5 AP)
  • Roku casts Three Treasure's Crushing Vacuum [Mastered] on Shoma.[/spoilername]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
