"defeat... Pandora..." "sacrifice... limb..." "free... father..." "Susumu..." The young shinobi sat in his room on his bed letting those words run through the course of his mind. "Why me?" "It's her husband why can't she do it?" "I'm just a kid" "Who knows what kind of power that Pandora guy has" Susumu was frustrated. He was frustrated about the simple fact that he didn't know his opponents limits, if they even had any for that matter. Although Susumu doesn't know his opponent, he understands that this isn't just an ordinary bout between two shinobi. In fact, it's something much greater. Fighting Pandora, to him would be the equivalent of going against a god. Him a very feeble human going against a powerful deity to set free the spirits that reside in the realm. "You know what?"</B><i></i> Susumu said out loud to himself. <B>"Instead of sitting in this empty room contemplating with the lights off I should be using this time to prepare myself" "After all, Contemplation is The Devil's Playground" With that Susumu got off of his bed and grabbed his gauntlets and greaves that he calls Beowulf, and headed outside looking for a worthy opponent to fight.