When Yoru, Itsuke's samurai spirit, first suggested the idea of going back in time, Itsuke could not help but laugh. Time traveling? Ridiculous, he thought, where people entertain the possibility of living in the ancient times. Even so, he himself once wished he could live in the times of his ancestors, testing himself against many different swords and opponent to grow stronger through it all. Live by the sword, and the sword will eventually kill you. What a fine way to live, he thought. Still... even after laughing at Yoru's face, seriousness remained on his samurai spirit's face. Yoru was serious.But it is not as if you physically travel back. By opening your Wrath Seal and then selecting an ancestor who will respond to you... you can live through their memories as a spectator, if you will or even as some sort of alternative reality in order to experience certain things... many of your blood use it for training purposes...
Itsuke felt there was no harm in trying... the opportunity to experience the lifetimes of his ancestors was a very exciting prospect for him. His ancestors were swordmasters, men who gained their expertise in the blade through battle. A high death rate in the ancient times led to a high birth rate. As much, many of the Nanjirou had a large families to continue their line... though a few unfortunate placed their fate in the wrong hands and got eradicated. The Fuji were not one of those unfortunate, fortunately. So with that many people in his family line, Itsuke was not sure who to start with...
Try Nanjirou Jinsuke, one of the greatest swordsman to have lived in his lifetime to be peerless. His Gekirin was wondrous... maybe you'll find its resting place?"
What do you mean? Itsuke asked.
Near the end of his life, Gekirin, his blade, was somehow lost. A shame too and one of a kind. It was a type of ancient weapon, a Swordspear. Primarily a sword, it could also extend its handle and become a spear. No one knows the secret to re-creating such a weapon as they say the knowing died with Jinsuke. For some reason, he did not place the knowledge of its crafting into his children's Wrath Seal. Many tried to find it and many failed, eventually many gave up saying Jinsuke likely destroyed it.
Anyway, begin by mediating, open the Seal and contact him. He'll find you.
Itsuke made his way to the Isle of Man, finding the location fascinating and perhaps spiritual. He rented a house and made the promise of death upon any disturbance as he sat indian-style. He activated his Wrath Seal and then quickly located the memories that were Nanjirou Jinsuke. Itsuke was now in for an adventure of a "lifetime" as his essence was shifted into another man's being, becoming that man and readying to live his life with another set of eyes.
Note: To clarify, he is not time traveling but living through the memories of an ancestor, thanks to his Nanjirou bloodline. Both perspectives will be made clear with the use of glowing names. Purple for Itsuke, navy blue for Jinsuke.