Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Going on an adventure! part 4 [Requesting Entrance]

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
"Are these the gates?" Akuma thought to himself as he saw in the distance these majestic standards. He wondered what; if anything, was natural and what was man made, besides the obvious. He began asking around to find out where he needed to go to gain entrance to the village. When he was told and pointed in the right direction, he grew rather excited quickly walking in the direction.

As he walked he thought about his next task, finding this Queen of Battle, wondering if she would be a good sport about the idea of sparring. He did travel all this way just to ask but these brought on a new thought to him. He knew he was rusty and that there was always a chance of him loosing, but what if he was really rusty. In fact so much so that he would loose in the first few seconds or the first minute? His fighting style did have him sacrifice his own body to bring down the pain on others after all. Now this would scare most, but not Akuma; this thrilled him. After all this time away from fighting and only healing people almost had him forget how pain was what used to make him feel alive.

Passport in hand, he wondered around. Figuring it wouldn't be much longer until someone came to greet him, maybe they knew the woman he sought after too?!

[Requesting Entrance]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyojin Kuro opened the entrance and noting the familiar young man waiting there. The stalwart war avatar of Kuro took a distinct bow before gesturing for the man to enter from the excess temperatures outside. Kyojin Kuro stood at seven feet and weighed in at four hundred and fifty pounds. He wore a sand camouflage pattern heavy armor made of Takahashi fire-forged steel with matte-black transformation seals allowing it to switch from desert colors to pitch black dependent on Kuro’s vocal command or four tap sonic patterned code along his right thigh plate. Kyojin Kuro wore a matching belt and sheath around his waist where he had sheathed a pair of blade attachments for his battle gauntlets. Kyojin Kuro wore his battle pouch atop the belt it was a simple lizard leather pouch but easily camouflaged by rubbing it with sand or crushed stone if ever necessary just above his right hip. Kyojin Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his left armored thigh just atop his silk gi shorts. A convenient slot in the multi-folded steel of his left thigh armor allowed Kyojin Kuro full access to his items without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his Takahashi forged battle guards and lower leggings were Kyojin Kuro’s enhanced runic terran sealed leather wraps for his hands, forearms, shins and feet. Kyojin Kuro had wrapped his armored tail around his belt making it appear that Kuro wore a belt of armor resembling hand-sized reinforced double blades. Kyojin Kuro wore his mane of silver hair in tight war braids in ancient ceremonial fashion making his oxen horns much more pronounced but also making him look like a serious battle veteran, massive chakra gems implanted into his flesh and endoskeletal structure stood out on the back of his hands. The chakra gem in his left hand was emerald green with a spiral of a star in its center, if you looked at it closely and long enough one could see where it interfaced with the flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. The chakra gem in his right hand was ruby red with a six point star in its center, this one also interfaced with his flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. These carmot stones allowed Kuro to dramatically pulse chakra throughout this body which was now one of the keys to his defensive capabilities. It also allowed him to control his metabolic rate at a degree he had never believed was possible. His dark flesh was runed with runic terran seals and tattoos. His horns looked as if they were part of his armor along with his gems but the discerning eye would know that they were part of this giant warrior's body.

"Welcome to the Toraono Dojo young warrior, please come inside and refresh yourself then tell me how may we assist you in your visit?"

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
It was not often but someone was bigger than Akuma, looking at this man who was only half a foot taller than he but never the less impressive. Akuma bowing and nodding, "Thank you." replying to the gesture going inside, taking a sip from his water skin. Looking at the man standing before him all he could think of was, "Maybe I should ask him to spar too!" Akuma was wearing his traditional kimono with his combat gloves on hand, sheath on his side with his katana as well as his head band wrapped around his left arm.

"Hello, thank you for the... literal warm welcome. I'm Akuma Kira, medical shinobi of the Leaf village. I'm simply here to take a little vacation, but if I may be honest. I am also looking for someone calling themselves the 'Queen of Battle'," he took a moment to pause as if thinking what wouldn't make him sound like a terrorist or someone simple looking to cause trouble, especially if this man knew her. "Now if you know her, I am not looking to harm her in any serious way, I am just looking for a good sparring match with her and well anyone else. People in Leaf seemed to not like the idea of fighting me." Akuma passively trailed the last part with a laugh as he ruffled his long black hair to get the sand out.

"But other than that, simply looking to take in the sights and see what Sand is all about." He said extending his hand to shake the other mans hand. "Sorry to ramble, again ...I'm Akuma Kira."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyojin would nod to the large warrior... "Unfortunately here at this dojo we have many women whom could easily lay claim to such a title but if she is visiting us and had the title previously she will not be hard to find. As far as sparring goes you have come to the right place, any number of people come here to learn or polish up their skills. After a summary check of your passport you may be allowed into the village. You may visit the dojo itself any time you like without going into the village if that suits you as well. My name is Kyojin, Toraono Kyojin... let me know when you are ready to present your passport there is no rush Medic Kira. Until then please try some of our spiced meats."<i></i>

Kyojin would escort Kira into a large and comfortable air conditioned foyer where a tray of sweetened mint water and spiced meats sat available for guests. Kyojin then sat on a large open bench while he waited for Kira's passport.

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Looking down as he almost forgot, "Oh right, here. I've not traveled much; can you tell?" Akuma said as he gave over his passport to Kyojin. Thinking it over at how he could find this Queen of Battle, she had a name but he didn't take the file with him naturally and the Queen of Battle part was all that stuck in his head. After handing over the passport Akuma sat down beside the man, "Um I believe her name was... Amah, Amayo... or something close to that. She was a part of Stone once if I am not mistaken, but hey if I don't find her maybe I'll ask you to spar later. You look like you can handle yourself in a fight."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyojin's chakra would easily verify the authenticity of the passport before he handed it back satisfied that he had met a reliable medic of leaf. "We can find her for you if she is up and about and you are more than welcome to visit and sparring as I stated earlier is a past time here so I would be honored to spar with you as well. Welcome to Sunagakure."<i></i>

After using another avatar to register Kira's visit. Kyojin would offer Kira a guest room at the dojo for the duration of his visit. The Queen of Battle was in a different battle of sorts with another closely at her side. She might be ready to test herself soon enough however.

Entry Granted

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Taking back the passport, Akuma gave a slight bow as his sign of thanks; saying "I shall look as well, but I will take up the offer of a guest room. So if you find her I will be there during the evening and night." As he began to walk in to scout around and look for the sparring match he quested for he stopped and turned before leaving "And before I leave, I do want to fight you. It is not often I find someone larger than I." He finished before turning back and going into the sand village.

[Village entered]
[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
