Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Gone Fishin'! Gonna Get a Big One! [SMTM, enter by invite or pm]

May 7, 2017
Not long after meeting the group of students at the Academy, Saito and the others made plans to go fishing to catch the meal they'd all have at his and Tatsuo's apartment. It would be a fun way to spend the day with new friends, discovering the beauty of the Land of Fire through engagement in nature. Everyone liked fish, and everyone liked adventure, so this seemed to Saito to be the best opportunity to catch the fabled Giant Fish of Takuma Town! Many towns boasted their various food-eating contests, but none other could say that their contest involved this particular fish, big enough to feed a small platoon of soldiers, or a fairly hungry group of kids.

Tatsuo and Saito did eventually settle on an apartment, that process more lengthy than the young cloudie gave credit for... but with the 9-year old and his sensei comfortably settled into a nice location, invitations for fishing adventure and yummy dinner afterward soon followed. It took some coordinating, but eventually Saito led a small fishing expedition that included Shinzo, Yaboi, Takejo, and Ryo to the inn where he and Tatsuo stayed on their way from the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Their relatively early morning departure had the young cloudie's stomach growling by the time they'd reached Takuma Town, which he doubted could have been timed much better had he planned it. Saito had no idea where to find this town's fabled fish, but the inn that hosted the Giant Fish challenge seemed like the best place to start gathering that information... and for consuming the sustenance to see their mission succeed. "It'll be like a mission!" he finished explaining as they arrived, fishing gear packed and ninja gear relatively concealed.

The inside of the inn bustled, full of life as it always did in the mornings. Regular patrons laughed and sang along to the tune played by bawdy musicians, and breakfast platters flew out of a busy kitchen to service an endless amount of customers drifting in and out. Bar servers worked happily along with the overall jovial spirit of the room, and the boys could find an open table if they decided to sit at one.

WC = 367/4000

[Invitation for Shinzo, Takejo, Yaboi and Ryo!]
Re: Gone Fishin'! Gonna Get a Big One! [enter by invite or pm]

Yaboi wasn't much of an early riser by any means, sure when he was a few years younger he didn't mind it so much but whenever he had something big planned the next day he could just not sleep properly. The boy followed Saito to the inn much like a sleep walking zombie, and in truth he was half asleep when they had finally arrived. The food being served perked his interest and after a bit he soon woke back up to his bubbly self. Yaboi didn't know much about fishing, he only really knew that Ryo would fish by himself when he was bored. Luckily Saito knew what he was doing and they all seemed to have all their gear prepared. Yaboi sat at a table and began to dig into the food that was served, stuffing his face as he awaited for everyone to declare their desire to set out on their fishing adventure!
Re: Gone Fishin'! Gonna Get a Big One! [enter by invite or pm]

Arashi wasn’t much of a sightseeing tourist. He preferred his mundane routine of waking up, practising, eating and going back to sleep. As a result he was half tempted to turn down Saito’s invitation for fishing. Yes, he had promised he would go, but looking back on it maybe he should have deliberated. Well that was until, his brother almost chased him out of their house forcing him to go. Apparently if he didn’t go he would turn into a proverbial social zombie and would be without a house, so it was indeed in his best interest to take a break and do something different for once. He had only heard of Takuma town, mainly because of its famous giant fish. But now that they were going there, a hint of excitement was creeping inside him to find out what kind of fish would they actually get to see. Saito had promised them a dinner afterwards in his new apartment, so there was an added incentive to the trip as well.

Waking up fairly early, Arashi had packed up most of his gear. He had wrapped his blades in pieces of cloth and taken an extra bag just in case. He had also borrowed some fishing gear from his brother, but he didn’t have the slightest idea how to catch anything that lived in water. Maybe another positive from today’s trip could be that he got to learn how to fish. The boys had met up at a predetermined spot and embarked on their journey. Saito had stayed in the town before, so he was familiar with the route to their destination. By the time they arrived at the town, it was almost mid-day. The town wasn’t large by any means. It had kind of serene, homely feel to it along with the sweet scent of freshwater in the air. Walking through the bustling streets, they arrived at an Inn with a large board outside advertising the Takuma Town giant fish challenge. According to Saito, this would be a good place to find out where the good fishing spots were and Arashi was inclined to agree. As they entered the buzzing inn, the delicious aroma of food preparation reminded Arashi’s stomach how far they had walked. After spotting an open table, the entourage took their seats. Some of them like Yaboi and him were more interested in the food than about discussing about fishing, but he figured he knew nothing about fishing anyway, so it would be better to focus on the served food and listening to what others had to say.

WC = 432
TWC = 432
The events of that day still lingered in Shinzo’s mind as he woke up. Dreams of ginormous fish filled his head in the hours that had just passed before getting up, today would be the day that he demonstrated his extraordinary fishing abilities to his peers. His main focus rested on catching the largest fish possible, however the boy hadn’t actually been fishing before. He’d watched from the shoreline as other people fished, sure, but actually taking part in the activity was something completely different. It didn’t take too long for Shinzo to quickly leave his home, a backpack as well as a pair of butterfly swords resting on his back. The boy raced over roof tops, the seams his new blue sleeveless top whipped around in the draft he created as his small figure sprinted ever closer to the meeting point. As he arrived to meet with the others, he could see that energy levels weren’t completely at an all time high. “Are you all ready to catch some fish?” Shinzo called out in an overly excited tone as he looked on to the group. There didn’t seem to be much more time to wait after the young boy met with the group. Within minutes they were on their way out towards Takuma town.

He hadn’t heard much about the fabled fish, but from whispers and a comment he had gathered that the creature was indeed a large one. Images of Shinzo surfing atop a body of water while stood on top of a huge finned monstrosity. The glorious set of circumstances played over and over again in Shinzo’s mind. But alas, he couldn’t keep his mind on that for too long as soon the group had arrived at the outskirts of the town. The group weaved their way through the streets before making their way inside an inn that the group had found stood before them.

Soon Shinzo found himself sat at a table, food laid in front of him. He wasn’t hungry, the thought of the adventure that was yet to come played on his mind too much to be neutralised by food. Suddenly, after about a minute or two of sitting patiently for the others to begin eating any of the food they were given, Shinzo placed both hands onto the table and pushed himself up, standing high and mighty. “We need to find this legendary fish that I have been hearing about.”

WC: 407
Sorry for the long delay, rl got incredibly busy last week and I didn't have time to think this forward much further. Gonna work on posting much quicker and hopefully knock this out quick as originally intended (lol).

"THAAAAT'S RIGHT!" Saito agreed, grinning up at Shinzo. "The first part of the plan is, we'll take on the Takuma Town challenge and eat the fish here. After that, we'll get the information we need to go find it and CATCH it!" The cloudie kid felt it necessary to at least see and experience what they'd be working with in person before actually taking on the fishing challenge. He pointed to a space on the wall in the dining room reserved for honoring the ones who had actually succeeded at the challenge, and the space's occupants, while few, did include a picture of Saito and Tatsuo. One of Saito's feet rested on a huge fish skull bones on a table much like one the boys occupied currently, with the other on the chair. The cloud ninja's smile as captured on camera was triumphant, though Tatsuo looked like he could have fallen asleep. "Even I don't know exactly how much work this will take... but it'll be better-handled on a full stomach, that much is guaranteed!"

The barmaid, a middle-aged busty woman whose loud laughter intermingled with boisterous sounds the rousing room had to offer, made her way to the table of four boys. "Yeah yeah yeah, you talk a big game Kykoto, but you couldn't handle me 10 years ago, and you DEFINITELY couldn't now, you old geezer!" The whole room exploded in laughter, instrumentalists playing a well-timed interlude to an old, dirty bar song, with the man named Kykoto's laugh and singing ringing among the loudest. She sang for a moment, bright smile and jovial attention turned toward the song's lusty chorus, before she turns back to the kids grinning. "Good morning there, little ones, I'm Aimi! What's it gonna be today? We've got a kids menu if you want to look, it's got all your favorites I'm sure," she lays in with a loud, somehow delightfully brash voice, reaching to the four and flipping their menus over to the kids' section. The attention of the room went back to the music and the loud singing went on without the boys' bar server.

When she reaches Saito, the boy lifts a hand to stop her, clearing his throat before smiling his sweetest smile. "Hi, Aimi-san! Thank you, but we already know what we'd like... we'll do the Giant Fish of Takuma Town Challenge," he calmly states, a finger pointing to the spot on the bottom of the inside of the menu describing the challenge:
!!!Not a challenge for the faint of heart!!!

The Giant Fish of Takuma town! If you can eat it all, we'll put a picture of you on the wall and the meal is free, but if you cannot eat it all within an hour.. you've gotta pay up! - 9000 Yen!

WC: 469
TWC: 836/4000

Current Ninpocho Time:
