Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Grim Resolve [Tutor]

Oct 22, 2012
(Topic Assumes Sayomi has already Arrived)

Genjutsu. Sayomi’s weakness. It would be something that could ultimately prove her downfall if she was not careful though. Yet to many who knew the truth behind Izura’s identity, it would appear almost nonsensical for him to teach her. Why teach someone with knowledge that their true loyalties remained elsewhere?

He would build influence with her, and then have her see the truth behind the veil that the village cast over her eyes. No nation deserved allegiances. Only those that profited the greater good of the world should be supported, and that fluctuated like the course of a river. Constantly in ebb and flow, consistent and wild in a paradoxical fashion.

"…Taking the life of an innocent is always harder even than taking your own, if you're sincere.”

Without any apparent hand seals shown, he casted a genjutsu on the young kunoichi. A small wave of his hand, and the world spun.

The scenery changed. Where there once were woods, a new “reality” formed. Visions of a burning Kumogakure. Frightened, terror stricken civilians trampling over each other in a frenzy to escape the quickly approaching perpetrators of the massacre. People called out to their loved ones in a panic, but were quick to dismiss those they did not know. Utter chaos filled the streets.

One of the perpetrators of the massacre in the streets lowered her hood, revealing Sayomi’s guise. A twisted, wicked apparition of her own self. Whatever potential grim resolve the young girl’s future might hold was now displayed here. She took no pity, no remorse in her grim task. The slaughter had a reason.

The scenery changed again- to the result of that massacre. A Kumogakure once again within the throes of a peaceful age. A return to what was already taken for granted in the present day. Peace achieved through fear. A reunification of old enemies in order to combat a greater one. The headlines in the newspaper rang home- Kumogakure spared from the throes of civil war. War Hawks eliminated within the hierarchy along with their families.

And then just like that, the illusion was gone again. As quickly as it had began, it was now over. Just the sound of the birds, the crickets, the bees, the soft sound of the wind as it flowed through the branches of the trees surrounding the duo.

“This is the ultimate test of selflessness—whether you're ready to face unending emotional pain, true agony, to gain the power to create peace and order for billions of total strangers. That is the sacrifice. To be vilified by others, by people you know and care for, and for your personal sacrifice to be totally unknown to those millions you save, to do your duty as a shinobi. To do your duty for the good of the world. It's easy to be a clean-cut hero slaying monsters. There's always a little bit of vanity in being a hero. But there can be no room for vanity or pride in being despised.”

His pale, crimson eyes looked at the young kunoichi. She had to grow up someday. The world was not so kind as to let her naivety slide easily. Especially in a world where a shinobi walked the line between life and death. Or so they used to…

WC 555

Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
Sayomi wasn't sure what more that she could do, but the genjutsu certainly was not working for her, not like how he showed her. It was all too complicated and nothing like Ninjutsu at all, which of course came naturally to her. Of course, there was an ever growing presence in the back of her mind that seemed to distract her. It was there, she knew it. Yet, it spoke nothing, even if it could speak, and so it remained an enigma to the young teenager on what she should do about the situation or if she or anyone was even capable of doing something, anything. Of course, the uncertainty led her to believe it was all in her mind, not truly existing at all. This possibility was a strong deterrent as mental instability was certainly unattractive for a shinobi to carry, making them a liability and ultimately holding them back from any possibility of progressing, likely ending their career. Or so she worried.

However, the person who had instructed her earlier, before all the crazy events had taken place, had approached her once again, instead of her being instructed to meet a person at a designated location. Though this area was a bit terrifying, the Ancient Forest, as she looked around and was now face to face with the person who immediately had begun instruction without the typical formal pleasantries.
And it was immediately something that the young teen disliked as the world blurred and visions of a terrible world flashed before her eyes, taking the world of the forest and twisting it, reminding her of that terrible night when the Lion Volt tore through her village and she had failed it. Tears swam in her eyes, amplifying the amethyst hues that contrasted with the majority brown tones. What horror was this that he showed her? The future? Herself in the future? Would her failure from before pervert her?

When the world reverted, her face, even her chest, was soaked from her own tears that continued to poor as she now was on her knees from the terrible images and the tranquil forest was blurred as a result. She didn't understand at all and though she heard the words he spoke, it was unclear and she had only one question, as she understood little of even the basic concept of genjutsu.

"W-What was that? The...future? Is...that what y-you can do? Show the f-future?" clearly understanding very little of the lesson itself, shown greatly to her own naivety.

[WC: 419]
Oct 22, 2012
The late afternoon sun cast the forest into twilight, blinding at certain angles, but casting great shadows from others. The forest descended into a hodge podge of warm, orange brown glow and contrasting darkness from the shadows of the trees surrounding.

“The future? Are you frightened by the prospect of that potential outcome?”

Izura sighed.

“No, it is not the future. It is simply a lesson about the harsh reality of life as a ninja. This is a path of sacrifice, not a path to becoming some kind of fairy tale hero. Or is that what you aimed to become? Some sort of beacon of light for people to follow?”

His pale red eyes studied her reaction discerningly. There was a hint of pity, but some might consider it disappointment, even though it was not. If anything, Izura expected this reaction. The girl was too naive about the world to realize that reality was something that might even be necessary.

“The world is at peace now, but it has bred a generation of naive ninja who still believe in old heroes’ tales. Of fighting ‘bad guys’ and defeating them. The ninja villages are at peace, but history is violent. It is only a matter of time before war arrives to one of them. If it were another village, would you help them? Or would you only save Kumogakure?”

Izura awaited her reaction. What would her response be? This was a lesson on not only ninja technique, but ninja philosophical existence. What was her reason to become strong? What was her reason to fight? To subject herself to potentially fight, and even die, on the battlefield? What compelled her to train so hard in pursuit of greater power?

This was the essence of what it meant to be a ninja. Anything less than a stellar answer did not deserve the title.

WC 310

Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
The answer to the question was quite the obvious one, in her mind, and she couldn't even bring herself to speak and simply nodded, reluctantly, as if not even wanting to acknowledge that was a possibility yet answering all too truthfully. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he confessed it was not the future, but posed a much more difficult question all the same. What did she want out of her life? Nothing, really. She had never had high hopes, expectations for her were low for her from the beginning and her parents always encouraged her to give up the life of a shinobi, as they did and their parents before them.

"I...don't know...Santaru is an i-important name...clan. I'm not important...I just...want to not be a d-d-disappointment. To become a chuunin. No one in my branch h-has ever done that...I'm the only one who has awakened the b-bloodline..."

Instead of pride in that statement, it was more shame as if she was upstaging her family and though she was proud of her abilities, she wondered if her parents resented that fact that she could call upon the Storm naturally. This session was far more difficult than others before as it made her think, question reality, things that she was not used to doing. It was more simple to just do as she was told in ninjutsu than to be pushed to do something that was difficult. To think on her own, that was something that was entirely too foreign to her. The wavering gaze drifted off to the side as she couldn't confront the question head on, trying to figure out a way to be honest, but also a way to hopefully change the track of the conversation as much as possible.

"I...don't k-know...I'm...just a genin. I'm s-supposed to do as I'm told and...not to question, right? I'm just a means to an end...."

And so she wondered about the case with the Lion Volt. Kaji had said from the beginning that he only summoned her that night because she was a Storm Caller. Certainly she was almost a joke when it came to power and skill.

[WC: 361]
[TWC: 780]
Oct 22, 2012
“This isn’t a game, Sayomi. Your friends could die on the battlefield. You could die on the battlefield. That is always a possibility, no matter how strong you become.”

The irony of it all. Here he was teaching her to think for herself, to question the status quo, to challenge the normally unwavering authority of the village from which she came. But in doing so he planted the ideas that could form into outright rebellion against her former masters. The beginnings of a missing ninja? Perhaps not, but the ideas still remained, and as long as they remained, she’d forever question her reality until she made a choice. Whether it was based on faith or not was an entirely different matter, but an unwavering resolve was the key to unlocking her power.

“And what if the village tells you to assassinate the witnesses to a mission you’re on? Do you comply if an innocent civilian is amongst those witnesses? That witness could mean the death of you or your team. Are you willing to accept that risk? It is not easy to be a shinobi, and I do not think you understand the implications.”

Another genjutsu cast without hand seals entranced the young kunoichi yet again. This time, a manifestation of pure fear coalesced, pooling from the darkness of the forest. That which she feared the most would appear before her, and Izura would stand aside, his pale red eyes watching her reaction.

“That, by itself, is a weakness. A weakness which you must purge. Destroy your fear. Strengthen your resolve. If you can do this, you will have the strength to survive. If you do not, your friends will die, one by one, until all that remains is a hollow husk of your former self.”

A lesson in fear. A lesson in resolve. A thinker, before a fighter. Good soldiers followed orders without question. Greater soldiers understood the context of their actions and the leader’s intent behind the order.

WC 330

Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
She winced, as was to be expected, when the man began to scold her harshly for her weakness. It was common, for her, to be scolded like that, but it didn't take away from the fact that every time it happened, it hurt and affected her, like a puppy being screamed at for shredding it's master's shoes as it sharpened its new canines, breaking them in. Both knew the result, but it didn't hurt any less from knowing what would come to pass for their actions. Yet, death was always well aware as a possbility for their actions and failure to accomplish their directive, not from the village but from those they were sent against in the mission. The knowledge that she could always trust those above her had always been a comfort, but now he wanted her to disavow that feeling. It was scary, to be on her own and perhaps that fear is what caused a sense of courage to spring forth at this moment as she shook her head, in a meek defiance against his words.

"K-Kumo wouldn't do that...They wouldn't h-have me kill anyone...anyone who wasn't bad. To be Kumo...a kunoichi of to protect those. Friends, family...those who cannot do so themselves...I...I will protect..."

The youngest stated, trying to be brave, faltering slightly in her resolve, but in the end still being able to establish her beliefs and not let this test of trust to her elders in Kumogakure as well as loyalty to the village and it's people waiver, to falter. She would stand tall. This must be what the test was about. To see what she would do if questioned, if there was a manipulation to try and make her doubt the intentions of those above her and think they wouldn't keep the best interests of innocents in mind, nor her life in the process. She was determined to prove that she was a strong warrior of the village and couldn't be swayed so easily in this test.

[WC: 336]
Oct 22, 2012
Sayomi was caught up in the question enough to where the manifestation of fear was allowed to coalesce and fully form. The shadows of the forest twisted and merged around one another, until a shape in the form of a giant thunder cat appeared. The legendary pokemon…..Raikou!

Yes, an apparition from another universe had somehow found it’s way into their own. But Sayomi might know it by another name, the Lion Volt. It roared in anger and defiance, electricity coalescing around it’s form as the shadows faded away and it’s brighter colored body came into being.

Izura stood there, still observing the young kunoichi. Her answer was…expected. But oh so naive. No village was a paragon of the righteous. All had their darker half. Konohagakure’s Yakuza, Sunagakure’s experiments, Kumogakure’s totalitarian surveillance of it’s own people. If she had even been able to visit the prisons of her own home village, she would see the truth.

“This…..thing…is a manifestation of your greatest fear. Destroy it, and you may truly strengthen that resolve which you have. And perhaps then, you will be ready for the truth. A truth which I can show you. A truth which could set you free from the shackles of blind loyalty.”

And with that, Izura faded away into nothingness, leaving Sayomi to face the Lion Volt alone. The darkness was quickly approaching, as day turned into night, casting the forest into an ever increasing shadow.

WC 242

Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017

She spoke, almost whimpered as the world around her vanished and there stood the creature that haunted her nightmares, whether during sleeping hours or waking, it stood before her. Pulsing with energy, roaring to the point that it echoed in her ears. The Lion Volt did not represent power. It was power. It was fear. Lightinng pulsating, surging in ways unimaginable and it approached her. It was an illusion. She knew it. Genjutsu, just like before, but still, she was frozen in place, ready to die from this...this illusion as tears swam in her eyes. Sayomi was weak and could not confront this. Not again.

However, something else would do so in her stead as even though the world was empty to her, Izura and the world would begin to see her eyes glow, despite her tears, a neon hue and spark, trademark of the Santaru's power. As if she was going to summon her courage. That was not the case. This was not the case. For the Lion Volt that prowled in the back of her mind saw this affront to it's pride and the elemental manifestation of the first cloak, purest of lightning, began to grow around her, sparking erratically as her own power surged and her neon eyes turned red.

Lightning was the element and so it needed nothing to do to summon it's great power as bolt after bolt of lightning struck down, leaving a crator in it's wake and with the fear defeated, the genjutsu was shattered and it, she, turned to the Izura. This was not Sayomi in control and as she opened her mouth to speak, the soft, weak voice that the young teen carried was replaced by a deeper voice, one that felt both ancient and enraged. The Lion Volt's last battle was easily won against Kaji and his summon, but he was stuck within the young girl's body. He would likely lose this battle, still, a warning had to be issued.

"Do not meddle with forces you cannot comprehend," it began, the girl teeth seeming to bare fangs during this instant. "Lest your throat be ripped out. You...and your parlor tricks are nothing. NOTHING! before a Raiju," and with that, the manifestation ended and even the glow of her eyes faded back to their normal color as Sayomi collapsed, energy expended greatly as she struggled to catch her breath before looking around and remembering the illusion, causing her to scramble back to her feet clumsily.

"I-Is it..Where is it? The...The Lion Volt..." queried the young teen, clearly having forgotten the fact it was an illusion.

[WC: 431]
[TWC: 1547]
Oct 22, 2012
Izura gritted his teeth and glared as the Lion Volt manifested itself in possession of Sayomi’s body and gave him a stern warning as quickly as it had faded away. He readied himself for a potential attack, shifting his stance as he reappeared from the illusionary background.

“You are a jinchuuriki…Kumogakure felt itself to be justified in sealing a demon of such….malevolent power into you?”

Izura sighed.

“That demon will be the end of you if you are not careful. For now you are simply a vessel to a being of immense power. It is not your own strength…And that is why I will tame it for you.”

He walked up to her, before the pattern of his eternal mangekyou sharingan appeared for only a split second in his crimson eyes. And in the next moment, he was face to face with the caged demon, in a hidden forest deep within the recesses of Sayomi’s own mind.

“You will bow, demon. Your life is no longer your own. It belongs to me now.”

Izura exerted the power of the mangekyou onto the beast in an attempt to control it. All it took was a simple glare as he forced the power of his eyes upon the beast. This took immense concentration. Controlling such immense beings of pure chakra could afford no less.

Sayomi would be able to watch the spectacle as man and beast continued to struggle against one another. But Izura was beyond the reach of the cage. Unless the beast could shatter the cage, it could not attack the Uchiha.

WC 265

[Topic Left and Tutor Finished as soon as Sayomi posts]

Santaru Sayomi

New Member
Jul 11, 2017
A demon? Was that what the Lion Volt was? It certainly seemed that way was inside her now? How as that even possible? She had seen herself daily and the hospital staff did not inform her of anything like that and no seals were placed on her body. It certainly made no sense. So, she simply stayed still, more than a bit shaken by this whole situation and lacking any power to fight back in the least from his newest probe of genjutsu, this time, invading her mind and a new world was opened to her, one where he was in it.

And there was the beast itself, different than how she had first seen it. It was a complete form instead of a creature trying to stablize in this plane, composed of erratic gold lightning. This...was almost majestic in it's terrifying form. It did not even glance at Sayomi once, instead it became enraged by the mere presence of Izura in front of him. The more he spoke, the greater the growl and Sayomi cowered immediately.

Until it laughed. For just a moment. Deep and thundrous before once more severity entered its mind once more and as Izura tried to enforce his will upon it, the Lion Volt broke the bars of its prison with a powerful display of lighting. As if growing in size, it rushed forth and lept attempting to knock Izura over all while the brunette kunoichi looked on helplessly.

"I bow to no one, mortal," declared the Raiju with it's great paw upon the man's chest. "And you've worn out your novelty..." the last thing that Sayomi heard was the great beast's powerful roar shaking the youth to her very core before it lunged it's massive jaws as if to rip the Uchiha's head off. Moments, hours, an eternity later? The real world filled her sight and she was alone in the forest. Alone with the beast inside of her.

[Sayomi Exits Thread]

[WC: 329]
[TWC: 1876]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
