Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hand to Hand [Tutor]


Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Tatsuo had begun to spend a considerable amount of time in the Blazing Spirit Dojo, most of his nights he ended up just not going home and sleeping the night in one of the rooms on the second floor. Of all things, he considered this place home, so he didn't mind. Occasionally people would show up and want to train on things, Suika in particular asked if he'd be here today so he shifted his schedule to make sure he was. He had first met the girl in Tea and had really appreciated her company, at times he worried for her but he could see under all the pain and hate that there was a good person at the core and felt it his duty to ensure she doesn't fall to the dark beginnings of her past.

Taking a quick breather after a long day of early morning training, he stood outside the dojo near noon. Laziliy sitting around Koto, both of them sitting under an awning hanging off the side of the dojo, obviously made for the purpose of relaxing. The yard seemed torn as if the two had been training harder than usual, the both of them sipping on fresh glasses of lemonade. Quite the habit they had began to form, train all morning then relax in the afternoons then usually go on some adventure in the town with Saito if he didn't show up early himself. This really was the life, the occasional mission here and there but Tatsuo did what he felt was most important in life. Teach and learn, and honestly just have a good time. "How you feeling, Koto?" Tatsuo asked the monkey who lazily stretched before taking another sip of his lemonade. "Me am good, when Suika-chan come?" the monkey replied. Tatsuo shrugged and yawned, "She said here soon but ya' never know. Might've gotten busy." The monkey shrugged his shoulders again, "Busy bad, nice to be relax." Tatsuo nodded in agreement a soft smile filling his face as they watched the path to the dojo, she'd probably come eventually.

WC: 347/1500
PC: 1/5


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
“And that’s how you properly resist a Genjutsu.” explained the girl as a young student stood with x’s in his eyes. In the wee hours of the morning, Suika was personally asked by a student to teach him Genjutsu resistance. By her own interest, she was scheduled to meet with Tatsuo today at his refurbished Blazing Spirit Dojo, but she had some time to kill before then. The kunoichi agreed to the student’s request and spent a good portion of her time teaching him the Cancel jutsu. The academy student succeeded, but he was clearly wiped. Suika shrugged. “I don’t really feel bad. No pain, no gain.”

Waving goodbye to the young student, Suika dashed off to her village’s Ancient Forest. She knew the path to the dojo, so it wasn’t difficult navigating through the forest. It wasn’t long until she not only caught sight of the structure, but of two familiar figures. She neared the duo, grinned, and raised her hand up for a friendly greeting. “Hey Tatsuo-san, Koto-kun.” called out the kunoichi as she stopped in front of them. Taking a quick glance around, it was apparent that these two have been at work all morning. The dojo’s yard was pretty trashed. As she didn’t mind it, her expression remained the same. She did grow a bit envious, though – she yearned to get her morning training in as well.

“Wiped out from training, guys?” she remarked as the shinobi lounged. Did they have any more fuel left in them? “I scheduled a visit to say hello, but I was also wondering if one of you wanted to spar? It’s been tiring facing off against other Genin or students.” If agreed, Suika would prepare herself for whatever Tatsuo and Koto had in mind. The kunoichi didn’t mean to be so direct with her intentions right off the bat, but she knew Tatsuo appreciated a nice challenge. She awaited the duo’s response.

[WC: 322 | Post 1/5]


Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Tatsuo waved as Suika came into sight, calling over to her "Hey Suika, what's up?" he said before finishing off his lemonade and putting it to the site. Laying back against the wall and letting out a yawn he smiled again and nodded, "Yeah we've been training pretty hard, I'm a bit beat." The Jonin said but without missing a beat, Koto was already on his feet and did a somersault towards the girl. "Me not tired! Me can spar!" Tatsuo began to grow a bit worried, while Suika was definitely not a lightweight by any means if she meant to fight Koto in melee he'd be worried Koto would get caught up in things.

"Ey, Koto, if you're going to spar, not full alright?" Koto turned to look at Tatsuo his eyes squinting hard as he seemed personally insulted that Tatsuo would even imagine that he might actually cause damage to a student. "Me am Koto, master warrior monkey, you think me hurt student for fun? No I teach Suika-chan, make her good fist fighter like Koto!" he said before bringing his arms into the air and running around in a little circle, hyping himself up. Tatsuo smirked and shook his head, "Alright, alright, just remember if you hurt her i'll hurt you too, pal, so play nice." Koto turned to Tatsuo with the same look before nodding, "Yes, yes, me no hurt, just train!"

With Tatsuo's approval, Koto went up to Suika, there was a considerable size difference between the two was great, considering Koto was no taller than 3 feet. However the monkey didn't flinch at the idea of training with her, considering he spent most of his days sparring with Tatsuo even. If she were to underestimate the small monkey based on size she was going to be in a world of hurt. "Whenever ready, Suika-chan!" Koto said as he got into his stance.

WC: 665/1500
PC: 2/5


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
“Hand-to-hand training, ay?” muttered the girl as she blank with curiosity. After their greetings, Tatsuo’s monkey friend, Koto, acrobatically entered the scene with a fiery spirit and responded to Suika’s challenge about a spar. Their match? It was supposed to be a casual exchange of fists and kicks. While unarmed battle wasn’t her strong point, she wasn’t too bad at it. Plus, she had a few tricks up her sleeve. “I accept your sparring conditions, Koto-kun, but feel free to let loose a bit. I’m not doubting your capability, but I guarantee I’ll be hard to hit.”

Creating space between herself and the ape, Suika entered into a defensive stance. The kunoichi then focused her spiritual energy and manifested ethereal gloves over her hands. The gloves she conjured were designed to hit lighter, but with a bit more accuracy. On them, too, were an enhanced ability to dodge and the ability to combine her Genjutsu talents to the precision of her blows. She was now ready to spar the eager monkey. With a readied stance, she awaited Koto to make the first move.

“Show me what you got, Koto-kun.” she called out confidently. If the monkey were to strike, she’d do her best to evade and counter his attack appropriately. She left no room for an opening as she relied heavily on the defense. Amid that, she also attempted for her own assault to be both fluid and purposeful. Her goal wasn’t to hit a lot, but, rather, hit hard and precise. Suika anticipated her opponent’s agile movements, too, in this spar. Although small, Koto was a monkey, so she figured he’d be extremely fast himself. She would wait for an opening herself.

[WC: 283 | Post 2/5
TWC: 605]


Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Koto tilted his head as she formed spectral gloves, the monkey himself chose to only use his fists, but if the girl wanted to use a weapon she probably needed it more than he did. He did take heed to her words and didn't underestimate her completely, but in a battle of hand to hand there were few as ferocious as Koto. Monkey's in general had an amazing amount of offensive capabilities, stronger than any man when angered and capable of feats that could shake mountains if willing. Koto was no different, even at such a young age his training alongside Tatsuo had brought the monkey to a great level, par of a shinobi of Jonin.

"If you ask, you get!" Koto said before springing into battle, quickly attempting to overwhelm the girl with a combo of blows, each faster than the last and all more accurate than she could imagine. There was one thing Koto really hated and that was to miss, so he tended to opt for more accurate techniques over ones that just hit incredibly hard and this would show as each palm connected with Suika. Whether she would block or dodge them, most of them would probably hit their mark. Tatsuo began to grow concerned if his monkey companion was going a bit too tough on the girl, but this was a good test of her spirit. If she would give up at the earliest introduction of struggle she would never make it as a Blazing Spirit, much less a shinobi of Kumogakure.

Koto screamed during his punches saying, "If you want end now, we end now!" he said before finishing off his quick flurry of punches with a follow up. A nasty punch that if she wasn't ready could send the girl flying.

WC: 963/1500
PC: 3/5


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The battle between little girl and tiny monkey began. Suika, equipped with gloves that radiated spiritual aura, braced herself for the ape’s attacks. The monkey accepted Suika’s challenge and was all fired up. He sprang into combat and revealed, quite clearly, his affinity for the unarmed arts and his animalistic athleticism. The kunoichi was a bit taken back, but she pushed back with her own flaming ferocity. While Suika was Genin rank, she, too, was at Jounin level. She was a prodigy, like many in her class, and she opted to show it in this spar. “You’re pretty tough, Koto-kun. You definitely outmatch me hand-to-hand.” she complimented under her breath.

As the spar continued, the monkey was able to land several hard-hitting strikes on the girl. For every hit he landed, though, she aimed to counter with her own despite the jolts of pain she felt. Would they hit? If Suika had her blade, this would have been a lot easier, but she attempted to do her best against Tatsuo’s contract friend. It was then that she figured an outright approach wasn’t going to cut it for her during this spar. From sheer ability, Koto had the upper hand now, so she had to utilize her environment more. This was a concept Hoshi had taught her once before her venture in Tea. Hoshi was considerably stronger than Suika at the time, but the girl managed to survive a two-minute battle with the man utilizing what was around her. She also used Genjutsu and Ninjutsu, too, but she felt that too cheap for a challenge such as this. She improvised using her natural surroundings. Leaping backward, Suika darted toward the Dojo and catapulted off the wall and toward Koto. She used momentum and force to aid her movement and allow her attacks to have more impact. In the process, she also utilized her environment to strategically give cover, whether that was the Dojo or the trees around them. She was expanding the grounds of their battlefield.

“Let’s go.”

[WC: 337 | Post 3/5
TWC: 942]


Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Suika was doing better than both of them expected, she managed to keep up with Koto's wild flurry of blows with grace, she aimed to counter and while she got in a few punches it seemed to barely scratch the monkey. While both Tatsuo and Koto loved to fight, Tatsuo was mature enough to know when to stop, something that really only comes from experience. Tatsuo himself had hurt a friend before in this very yard, which forever changed how he trained among allies. Unfortunately for Suika, Koto hadn't had such an experience.

She was wise to use the land around her to her advantage, but animals were different than men. While it was a logical choice to take defense against a man attacking you, doing that to a monkey rarely ended well. As she took cover behind a tree, probably thinking she was safe.. Koto thought otherwise. Instinct kicked in and while normally he was still fighting hard, all restraint was lost on the small and immature monkey. A powerful punch would shatter the tree she was using as cover and as if the tree never existed, it went to strike Suika hard.

It happened too fast for Tatsuo to react, however unless the girl was quick enough to anticipate her barrier breaking from a powerful blow from Koto, she would find herself most likely in a world of hurt. Even Tatsuo had no time to create another barrier, or stop Koto. Despite this he jumped to his feet and in an feign attempt tried to close the distance.

WC: 1223/1500
PC: 4/5


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
As Suika used a tree for covering, her senses told her something was off. Anticipating the monkey to move around the tree and preparing for an appropriate counter, she was momentarily stunned to see him instead punch through the tree's base. Always quick to react, Suika knew she wouldn’t be able to dodge such a blow, so she turned the right side of her arm to absorb the impact. With a few audible cracks, the girl was sent skyrocketing toward another tree fifteen feet behind her. Her small body crashed into the tree and caused a noticeable dent in it. Clenching both her arm and her teeth, the kunoichi shot an angered glare at the monkey.

What would she do?

After a prolonged pause, her expression shifted as she released an impressed grin. She was in a hell of a lot of pain, but she also held deep acknowledgement that Koto got her good. If she permitted herself access to her blade and her genjutsu, the outcome of this spar would have been very different, but there was no point dwelling on the fact. Suika slowly made her way over toward the duo as her right arm hung limp. “I’m okay.” she managed to say under her breath. She lifted her other arm and shot the ape a thumb’s up. “You’re strong, Koto-kun. Maybe next time I’ll have to trap you under one of my illusions for an advantage.” The girl then winked. She wasn’t sure if her arm was completely shattered, but it was definitely broken. Suddenly, a pulsating pain hit her once more. She winced, but attempted to play it cool. Although it didn’t concern her much, she hoped Tatsuo didn’t reprimand the monkey too bad. Suika asked for it, after all.

[WC: 295 | Post 4/5
TWC: 1,237/1,500]


Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Tatsuo immediately rushed over to Suika, a look of concern on his face. While he wasn't mad at Koto, he just did what he was trained to do, and at this point he was too young to take real responsibility for his actions. He still felt terrible about the injury that Suika sustained. A quick tap on Koto's head to make sure he knew he did wrong, though it was unneeded. Koto himself felt terrible and it was easily seen from his face. The monkey began to sniffle even as he shook his head and cried out, "Sorry Suika-chan! Real sorry! Me did not mean, I was just, we had good fight, I punch hard, I sorry!" before sitting down and covering his eyes with his hands as he teared up a bit, shutting down for the most part. "You can punch me in face, I am sorry!" he cried out once more.

Tatsuo could tell immediately she was injured and that it was bad enough to warrant immediate attention. "Tsk." he said as he looked over her arm, "Koto really did a work on you, didn't he." Bringing a hand to the girl he infused her arm with a bit of natural energy. Not enough to heal it completely, but it would quicken the process and ease her pain. "I'm really sorry, he's a bit young so he doesn't know when to stop. Let's go inside the Dojo, i'm sure we've got some braces or something. Do you live far away? If so I don't think you should travel far until we've got it fixed up a bit. You know these woods can be dangerous." Tatsuo said, a more leadership side of him appearing.

"Let's head inside the Dojo, that means you too Koto." the Jonin called out to him before making his way to it. The monkey wiping his tears as he followed along, apologizing to Suika the whole way.

WC: Enough
PC: Enough


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
As Suika held her broken arm, she was immediately approached and consoled by a tearful monkey and his concerned master. Halfway smiling, she shook her head. “It’s fine, Koto-kun, really. Seems you just got excited.” she muttered in reply to his offer of a free-hit. As the ape began to sob, his master and her friend, Tatsuo, worked his healing jutsu magic. As it did not heal her fully, it definitely alleviated some of the pain she felt. She nodded her head. “Thanks, Tatsuo-san.”

As the teen began to explain his pupil’s behavior, Suika shrugged.b] “As I said, it’s fine, Tatsuo-san. Although he lacks restraint, he’s really strong. That will be the last time I challenge a monkey to a fist-fight.”[/b] The kunoichi stuck out her tongue playfully. The situation, although would be serious to most, wasn’t that big of a deal for her. As a shinobi, she had faced worse injuries in the past, so she wasn’t too shocked or setback by the condition inflicted upon her. Plus, Koto was a sweetie. Suika always had a tender spot in her heart for animals, and Koto was no exception. Looking around, she shot the Jounin another nod.

“Yeah, I don’t live too close to her, to be honest. Hospitality would definitely be appreciated, Tatsuo-san, if you both would have me.” Expressing a ‘it’s alright’ type of grin toward the monkey, she followed the duo inside the Blazing Spirit Dojo. She was sure that Tatsuo, with his expertise, would patch her right up. More than her arm, she figured what they truly had to mend was the monkey’s spirit. He appeared so sad. “He’ll get over it.” she mused with a grin. Their little sparring session had finally come to a finish.

[WC: 291 | Post 5/5
TWC: 1,500+/1,500!]

[Tutor Complete and Topic Left Finally!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
