Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Hands on Scalpel Training! [Pvt]

Aug 24, 2012
In recent events Mikasa had acquired the aid of three new recruits, wishing to develop them separately with the basics and having them interact as time progressed. Suyashi current had been sent to Kumogakure under emergency situations and the Sennin utilizing her free time to personally see to the learning of Uchiha Miyako. Out of the three, a single lad remained, that of Uchiha Rakutsu - recently the name changed from Hayasa, Contemplating on how to address her pupil, the maiden shrugs her shoulders and awaits within the assigned training room, he would be informed the day prior of the exact location details.

Sitting in a chair, the platinuman mane woman's arm settles upon a work station, various medical tools litter the work space. Upon entering would the Uchiha lad be greeted with the sight of crimson liquid, a scalpel can be found lodged in the arm of the woman. There wouldn't be a reasonable explanation outside of the fact one could deduce one of Mikasa's various experiments. Grimacing at the cold steel, her free hand scrambles about knocking off various items in hopes. Would Rakutsu be able to identify the ploy? Would he truly believe one of her status unable to mend the wound? Hopefully not, for this was far more hands on experience than he may have wished to undergo.

Upon the sight of the youngster entering the room, would the maiden's gaze brighten, azure eyes shimmering. Beckoning for his haste, the medical sennin calls out, "Hayasa-kun . . . Rakutsu-kun? Which is it now?" a brief pause, never the least she would drop that particular subject, "Just in time! We are going to learn how to mend wounds. As you can see this one is quite a doozy!" a grin widens on her lips and it was quite odd to be as cheery as her in this dreadful situation.​
Rakutsu found himself walking down one of the various hallways of hospital rather proudly. This came from the fact that he is finally moving up in the village as a shinobi. He was still a student, but no longer was he a basic student of the academy. Instead, he was being trained as a medical ninja under the sennin, Tsukasa Mikasa herself. Being chosen by someone of her rank was a chance that wasn't gonna come again so of course he would take it.

Speaking of which, he was on his way to meet up with her. The purpose of this meeting was to get started with his medical training. Question was what that training will involve. The door opened showing a Rakutsu wearing his new lab coat with his armband around his left arm. He had a shirt with the Uchiha crest on the back of it, but it was blocked by the coat. Upon entering the medical student was about to greet his sensei, but the sight that greeted him made him come to a complete halt. Seeing the open wound in her arm made lost for words. He wasn't horrified by the sight, but defiantly wasn't expecting that to be the first thing he saw when entering.

He quickly regained composer once his sensei started to greet him and informing him of today's subject. So this was all part of the training? She could easily heal the injury herself so it needed to be. "R-Right of course." Rakutsu stepped closer taking a better look at her wound.
The Uchiha lad appeared as she expected, a brief look of disbelief spreading across her his features; however if the situation were to be reversed, the kunoichi would have acted similar. Grinning gently, the Sennin motions towards a high stool for the lad to settle upon, giving him a height advantage while examining from above the situation at hand. Mikasa tilts her head to the side, "Not to worry, I long numbed the feeling prior to the incident. I think." she comments in a far happier tone than one should have, especially in regards to predicament she forces upon herself.

Finding difficult in speaking without utilizing hand gestures, the woman is forced to dwell upon alternative explanation methods, "Foremost, you will have to remove the scalpel." directing his attention with her eyes, the superior settles against the obscene amount of gauze, items required for stitching, and common disinfectant that no doubt had no place being utilized for an extremity. Clearing her throat, the medical sennin begins, "Today I will not only gauge your current chakra control, but your ability to think on the fly. The tools are yourself and what is upon the table." a brief pause, "As a bonus, any item you wish to utilize in the room is not off limits."

Utilizing her only available hand, she half gestures for him to take the lead, "I would first remove the scalpel. Be prepared though, any twisting will surely cause damage. You have to be swift and in one movement. No damage is unrepairable, do not fear the inner-lining at this moment." inhaling lightly, she readies for his actions. The true inquiry dwells within how he would respond to additional crimson flushing from the flesh upon removing the medical tool. All of Mikasa's inquires would be answered in due time.

Normally one would be panicking if they had a knife embedded in their arm, but the fact that his teacher was so calm was terrifying. There wasn't even a bit of discomfort on her face or any sign that her calm and collected attitude was a fake. This didn't give him an excuse to start panicking though. He had to remind himself that this was merely a way to train him. Knowing this made him almost as calm as his teacher.

"Are your teaching methods always this hands on? Or am I just a special case?" He started for the sink washing his hands to disinfect them, but still put on disposable gloves afterward. He also found a face mask next to the gloves. Now there was no chance of him infecting her wound by contact. "I'm glad I can use the stuff in here, but it would have been impossible to do so without the required tools."

One hand would hold her arm and the other would hold the scalpel making sure it wasn't moving. "Hold still and don't move." With a swift and strong tug, he pulled the blade out. If he took any longer with that than the wound would have been worst. With that out of the way, he dropped the knife into the sink while applying pressure to the wound. "So far so good sensei?"
A faint chuckle escapes the pursed lips of the Medical Sennin, surely a surprise given the circumstances, "I prefer hands on as this particular method has proven itself to stick better." Mikasa explains while examining the Uchiha youngster. His immediate response of finding difficult with aiding her situation without the proper tools brought a grin to her features, "The better understanding you have of techniques, the less tools you will ultimately require." she preaches, as the petite blade is swiftly removed in one movement, impressive to say the least; however the praise wouldn't be spoken. Eyeing the young man place pressure against the wound, she wonders of his next move.

"If you were with another aiding you, not an issue, however you will have to be quick. I give you half marks, which isn't considerably bad for an initial attempt. I recommended learning basic clone techniques, if you haven't already." she responds in a kind tone. "Under normal circumstances we are to instruct others to not remove the object, as the blood will clot against the wound and said lodged object. Removing the object has a greater chance of re-injuring the wound and dealing greater damage, such as tearing additional tissue." Mikasa lectures from a practical approach. "Not to worry, you did as instructed, but I want you think a bit differently for are you able to continue with one hand and the other applying pressure?" she inquires, tilting her head to the side.

Thus far, as mentally noted prior, the removal of the scalpel was impressive and she doubted much more injury were to occur from the said removal that hadn't already been done. Scar tissue would form in the days to come, but the overall lesson was to identify that shinobi and kunoichi were not magicians, not able to have all traces of wounds disappear entirely. Fortunately, particular Water Adepts would be able to insure her full functionality once more.​

Current Ninpocho Time:
