Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hello? ^-< [Req Entrance]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma strode towards the dojo where he had been greeted by his soon to be family the demons blood red eyes swept over the landscape before he stood before the entrance awaiting whoever would come to greet him. He stood in the fine silk robes that the Toroano Clan had provided him with, they were vastly better at keeping the sand out of all the uncomfortable places compared to his old robes. He took out a cigarette and sparked up inhaling a deep smoke filled breath and exhaling a dark cloud. His demonic aura and his tainted chakra hung in the air around him but he had a surprisingly chirpy look upon his face. Why shouldn't he? He was due to marry Lady Seika and he'd been inside the village a couple times members of his clan had even decided to settle here. Becoming Sunan citizens it seemed the Wind Country had an entrapping beauty of life he hadn't expected. Not to mention that there was still so much fun to be had, the culprits of the terrorist attacks were still at large. There was the danger of the Maelstrom and rumors of a Carnasaur roaming the lands. How brilliants it was the excitement of it all this place might well find itself his new home if he didn't have plans of conquest but then again he was still a young shinobi with much life ahead of him. Taking another draw of his smoke he took a draw waiting for one of the many guardians to greet him, this heat was still something he had to get accompanied to, but then again his constant drinking didn't help either.

[Looking forward to roleplaying]
[Requesting Entrance]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Recognized by the guards from his previous visit Akkuma was quickly and quietly granted access so as to surprise Lady Seika after her daily training regiment. A room was set aside and well stocked with honey based liquors that would soothe the soul in even the most daunting heat. The air conditioning system allowed for the chamber to be set to temperatures as low as 60 degrees fahrenheit. The floors of his chamber had been designed so that they were always firm yet supple so he could walk with or without shoes and always feel a soothing resistance like an eternal foot massage. Lady Seika hungered for his dark energies via her eternal power but on a kinder note she simply enjoyed how free spirited the 'bad boy' known as Akkuma could truly be and her closest guards knew and accepted that if nothing else he would keep her entertained.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma removed his Geta before entering the floor acquiring some of the fine honey liquor being provided, being sure to dispose of his cigarette through a void before entering. Bowing his head in thanks to the guards, he could feel the chill in the air on his skin and it was a welcomed sensation. Drinking a hurried few satisfying gulps of the honey liquor he proceeded towards his soon to be wife. He could feel her power growing greater with each step, how he missed the thrill of being in her presence. The sensation of their two aura's colliding was a unique feeling that he could never explain he only knew he felt as if the universe was theirs when he merely thought of her. Those blood colored eyes that seemed to burn with chaos and passion locked instantly upon.

"My have you been Lady Seika?" he said the words barely whispered yet echoing around the hall as he approached her each step closer made his demonic power echo and tremble in anticipation each muscle tensed and quivering. That devilish grin of his upon his face, that one that said 'This world and the next are mine...' without a doubt he truly believed everything in this Universe was rightfully his. Lady Seika however she was his Queen and only his any who hoped to get between them would suffer a wrath the likes of which they'd never have been capable of imagining. Although he was able to fight such thoughts as this way merely by gazing upon her, with the two of them being united. None could stand before them and their houses would remain until the end of time. But most importantly Seika was his alone in a way she would never be anyone else, he was addicted to her very presence his every fibre burned with desire to fulfil any wish of hers. He'd give her everything because to him she would be worth more than it all, their line would seat itself atop the world.

He'd ensure that before he passed "How I've missed you...have you seen any combat or have they kept you couped up in here?" he asked with that devilish grin of his.

YAY Kuro!
~huggle tackles~

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
ooc: The girl that actually owns this character will be back to rp when she is done with her Spring Finals so be afraid my sister from Scotland is well versed in arse kicking but she has approved of your union with her character in her own rite so be rdy to chat her head off when she gets back to skype. msg me if you want to contact her personally...
Long silky golden hair laced with perfume and scented oils settled across well muscled yet feminine shoulders. Her Sunan cotton and silk kimono allowed both defensive measures and a bit of air to breathe through her garments. Interlaced within the weave at specific areas was a special mesh of metallic and crystal laced fibers specially designed to prevent the piercing of her vital points by blade or chakra enhanced pressure. Her eyes changed colors with her emotions but today her eyes were green blue like the sea. She was perfectly proportioned for the skill of a swordswoman, her arms were lean and toned, her legs were like that of an acrobat or a circus dancer. She wore a white embroidered, sand tone, chain mail laced, silk kimono. Its colors were white upon a sand tone background with the image of a tigress and her lion king basking in the setting sun atop the corpse of a giant serpent. This pattern wrapped around her kimono several times. Her skin was a creamy pale gold shimmering atop a soft tan, she wore a pair of reinforced guards upon her forearms and beautiful silk and sandalwood sandals upon her feet. Around her waist was an gold and sand tone obi with crimson threaded runic terran sigils marking her as nobility. She carried herself with an aura of domination and power that accentuated her natural grace in a manner that could only be attributed to her being a full grown woman. She stepped from the steam chamber where she had been cleaning herself from the blood of a sandwyrm she had recently hunted down to have made into proper leather armor for herself and her consort. "There have been many complications since your last visit Lord Akkuma, I trust you will not leave me hungry this evening?"<i></i>

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Cool I'm looking forward to it and definitely let me know so we can work out the union etc ^-^

Those sanguine colored eyes took in his consorts visage, she was more beautiful then a hellfire covered horizon on a star filled night. "Never. Those old council fools are dead, nothing can distract me from you my love." he said in that charming tone of his, hands moving to pull her closer. He could still faintly a smell the iron of blood mixed with her scented oils how he'd have loved to have seen her in combat, how glorious she'd be in all her divine power. "I am sorry to have missed your combat, what complications my love?" he asked as he held her close his power lashing out, wanting to burst out of its physical prison and merge with her. He could feel his incorporeal wings beating against the inside of his ribs as if it would tear him apart.

"Is there more trouble with the village, or have you still been unable to hear from your brother within?" he would ask her, with those sanguine eyes burning passionately. Standing proudly before he transformed into his True Form, his earthly body disintegrating from the chakra as his demonic body took form. The wings outstretched and his very chakra became visible causing a maelstrom of wind, in the steam filled room. Those great ashen wings of his moved to cover them from any watchers from the outside world as he passionately embraced her briefly. Feeling their power spark and fluctuate at the smallest of touches, as he moved away he had that devilish grin upon his face revealing those shark-like teeth.

"Please my love allow me to remove these complications from your life..." he would ask those eyes yearning to prove themselves to her. He'd been her foes alive and ensure their souls never made it to the other side, if she needed it she'd track her brother to Enma's realm if she would ask it of him. One thing he knew for sure, she was his and he would be hers. That meant this dojo, her family, this village he would protect them all.

edited to fix mistakes

Toraono Seika

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
The beauty just basked in the glory of her beloved one for a moment, she could allow herself this one moment of weakness. Akkuma was here and that was all that mattered at this moment in time. ”I'm just tired of not being able to leave here. They barely tell me anything about what's going on in my own home.”<i></i> Seika said, feeling her anger starting to boil. Even slaying the sandwyrm had done little to ease her anger, although it had been for the best of reasons. New armour was the best she could offer him, and she hoped that such a gift would be worthy of her beloved. “My family has said that... well they have said that it isn't safe for me to leave because of a group calling themselves the Cabal.”<i></i>

The blonde punched a wall, hearing the satisfying crunch of the wall meeting her fist, her bones healing as fast as the damage had been dealt. The angelic powers within her refusing her body to be maimed for too long, and yet the pain itself stimulated her desires. “I love my family, but if they don't tell me things, how can I help them?”<i></i> Blue-green eyes met crimson in a look of defiance, before she seemed to fold in on herself. Why didn't her family understand how much it hurt being kept out of whatever was happening in her home. What use was she like this? She wanted to scream, or do something, instead she was in here, kept like a precious doll. It was only then that she realised that, although she couldn't do anything at this moment... she could rely on one to help her in this. “You can do it though.”<i></i> She said as she pressed against him, her eyes glimmering with the hidden power that lay within her, bursting and eager. “You can be my eyes, my ears and my strength out with my gilded cage.”<i></i>

She could feel the power inherited from her ancestry well up, seeking an escape to entwine with the darkness that lay before her. If this was temptation, then no wonder her ancestors fell. She wanted him, mind, body, spirit and power. The desire was maddening, achingly so, and only he could sate her. “You're the only one I trust with my entire being.”<i></i>

WC: 388

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma could relate to what his love was feeling he'd been in that situation before, but then she told him they kept her here because of an organization called the Cabbal. That had been the group that was responsible for the problem of Suna, when she lashed out at the wall. Rage filled every cell in the demons body, he would see it that every member of this group and all who supported them would suffer. "I understand my love. But for now they just wish to protect you, if only they realized that doing this is sometimes worse than letting us see the truth." he would say in that devilish tone of his those sanguine eyes looking into hers.

Her next words made his heart race a feat that was not easily done, as she pressed herself against him pleading with him to be her eyes and ears in her home. To be her wrath upon those that would harm her house. The words that followed this made him pull her aginst him as he looked into her eyes the ferocity of his demonic nature reflected through his sanguine orbs. "For you my love I would send this world and the next into nothingness. A task such as this you needn't worry about I will ensure that any members of the atrocities perpetrated upon your people and village will be brought to you. Those that would aid or sympathize with those accountable will be hung from rooftops as a warning to anyone else. Should I discover anymore plots of action against our family I will extinguish. They shall wish that it was death who was sent upon them, for every tear you shed, every drop of blood, every bone that aches. I will deliver unto them immeasurable punishments. I'll ensure any who ever think of doing what has been done will recoil in horror at the vivid memory of what came to pass upon those who had dared to harm the Toraono Clan and Mother Suna. Nothing in Hell will compare to the wrath I unleash upon your foes that is a promise my love." with that he pushed her against the wall embracing her passionately feeling there energies convulse and shake the very seals of the confines as the once had.

The demon within him desired nothing more than to be free at this moment his vestigial wings beat within his chest as fierce as a Hurricane, his True Form everything about him wanted her even at the risk of death. And with a single composing breath he stepped back from her holding her slightly away from him every muscle tensed with will, trying to control his instincts.​

[Oh lordie...-waves fan-]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The guards notified the remainder of the family of Akkuma's presence and Kaibudo begrudgingly signed off on his admittance into Sunagakure proper only because the man truly loved his daughter. He couldn't deny that... Kyojin Kuro received the message and carried the acceptance letter down to Akkuma's chambers in the upper portion of the dojo. With his armored giant form and his helmet/mask Kuro would never be recognized as himself in this body and as such he acted as a humble guardian as he gave notice that Mirroku Akkuma had been given access to the village by Toraono Kuro himself.

Proper access to Sunagakure granted...
due to improper posting of access by me... the following topics have been voided and will be edited to reflect the time of access into Sunagakure...

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
After the demon had finished his proclamation an armoured guard entered the chambers extending a hand out that contained a letter. Taking it from the man he would bow his head in thanks briefly turning his gaze over the letter, recognizing Kaibudo's seal. 'It seems the guards were quick to grant me access perhaps the won't me in the village and out of the dojo as quick as possible?' that thought just made him smile as he pocked his acceptance, those sanguine eyes moving back to his love. "I will be your shield and your blade. I shall protect your from your foes and strike down any who would harm you." he would say pressing his forehead against hers, as he held her there just feeling her there gave him a peace he knew he'd never be able to say out loud in words and do the feeling justice.

[forgive the post just Accepting Access Granted]

Toraono Seika

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
Seika let out a small chuckle at that notion. “Maybe so, however maybe they also realise that no matter what happens, I always get my way.”<i></i> She gave a small wink as she smirked, feeling her angelic spirit's ravenous hunger, aching to devour the essence of the Demon Lord before her. She could hear small whisperings echoing within her very soul, her very being. Just as she held to Akkuma physically, she tried to reach out to the elusive flurry of power of power inside herself. She knew that the light was there, but touching it was a different story.

She had never touched her angelic power by choice before, but this time she grasped at the light inside her. A light that seemed to only flare up while a demon was around, and the more powerful... the more she could feel the angel within fighting to be free to devour the evil that was before it. She pulled on the string that she had, pulling the spirit within her closer to her and her spirit closer to it. 'Who are you?'<i></i> Seika asked as she felt the spirit flutter against her control. 'I know what you are, but I want to know your name, I want to know who also is in me.'<i></i>

'You need not know who I am.'<i></i> Seika started to complain. 'I am you, that is all you need to know.'<i></i> Seika could tell that she was female at least, however she constantly poked at the other presence mentally, the only way that she could. She could feel the angel's annoyance at her persistence, and eventually she heard, or felt the entity within her growl its annoyance. 'Fine! My name is Yuuki!'<i></i> She heard the presence snap at her, the force of the being's name made the woman flinch, the even visibly to Akkuma's eyes as her nails scratched against his arms, before she looked into his eyes.

“Well someone wasn't happy to see me.”<i></i> She said with a small, pained, chuckle. “However... it does seem like my little demon-hungry passenger goes by the name of Yuuki.”<i></i> Seika said as she felt her newly named angelic being within her snatched at the dark energies that sparked between the Toraono and her consort. “I believe things are just going to get more interesting around here.”<i></i>

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Chuckling Akkuma would smile "They would be foolish to think otherwise my love." he would say as he held her. Then something happened Seika seemed to go somewhere else her eyes became vague and empty, soon enough her nails dug into his arm drawing blood. He stood there eyes locked with hers watching for any sign that she might be under true duress, before long she came back saying someone was unhappy to see her. 'Ah that's right the Jinchuriki..' he would say now understanding what was taking place, as she told him the things name. Yuuki, he would have to look into that being. With her next words he smiled the scratches already healed from his increased abilities. "I have no doubt in that at all my love.." with those words he would embrace her yet again. His true form lashing out trying to rip apart its earthly prison, to be one with his love how insanely indescribable the feelings she provoked within him were.

"Things shall hopefully be getting interesting here, particularly when I bring you those I can find responsible. What would you like for me to do with those who have aided these criminals? If it would please you I'd desire nothing more to ensure they suffer painfully before have their souls devoured and their corpses strung from the street lights as a message for all to see. Shall anyone directly responsible for any of the abominations perpetrated upon your village and in doing so the confinement of yourself I will ensure they are thoroughly tortured before being here to face your judgement." he would say in a serious tone those sanguine eyes blazing to prove his worth to her, upon her word he would go and make things more interesting for her.

'If my love desires for things to get interesting I shall ensure it happens.' he would think to himself already forming his plan and what a masterfully designed one it was. She would love it atleast he hoped so, then again if she didn't he was sure he'd be able to generate results that she did love after all he was a demon. Fulfilling desires was a natural talent of his and something he loved doing, perhaps it was the demon of him he wasn't sure.

Toraono Seika

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
Seika pressed into Akkuma, feeling the protective energies of the demon both soothe and arouse her senses. She was protected and loved, and she couldn't describe how that made her feel, even if it made the being within her hunger. Yet she knew what that hunger truly was, it was the desire to devour the energy of such a potent Demon Lord such as Akkuma was, or at least that's what Yuuki proclaimed. Seika... wasn't as certain. There was a heat that one wouldn't expect, a fervour in her actions when it came to Akkuma that she didn't have when it came to her brother, or her father. Almost as quickly as that thought appeared than it felt an iron door was slammed on it.

“I want to see them before you finish them off.”<i></i> Seika said as she smiled at the thought. “I want to see them suffer for their transgressions, get information”<i></i> A small chuckle escaped her lips. “They deserve to suffer.”<i></i> She stroked her beloved's arms. She knew that he would do as she asked, she knew that he would do whatever she asked. “Just don't get hurt while you deal with them. I would be most displeased.”<i></i>

Suddenly there was a flash of bright light as a pair of angel wings surrounded them. “I won't allow anyone else to kill you.”<i></i> An echoing voice said from Seika's mouth, a hand closing around his throat. “You're useful to me, at least for the moment, and as long as you are of use. Don't let me down.”<i></i> With that Seika fainted in Akkuma's arms.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
"Ofcourse my love I will ensure they enlightened on the term pain before I bring them before love you needn't worry about that." his words were in that same devilish tone of his, those sanguine eyes looking into hers. 'She is worried for me how adorable...' he thought to himself with a chuckle. In a flash of brilliant light the room around them was illuminated as two angelic wings enclosed them. Akkuma stood strong as he heard that same voice from their earlier encounter. Seika's hand flew to his throat grasping it firmly, the words next spoken brought a small sly smile to his lips as Seika fainted. The strain of Yuuki being to much, quickly he caught her in his arms. Picking her up he began walking towards the guards making sure he would hand her to them only when some of her chamber maidens were nearby. Before he handed her over he would whisper a small prayer to the fates "Na Starých, ktorí sledujú nad našimi osudmi, zabezpečiť môj milovaný do môjho návratu." his words were soft and in the tongue of ancients long since gone from any realm. Before whispering one last sentence into Seika's ears, but this message was intended for her host. "Should you let anything happen to her...I'll be sure set the heavens ablaze with hellfire 'Yuuki'." his words were soft so none but the two could hear, said seductively yet with a tone of danger and bloodlust that only a demon could pervert in such ways. Once he was sure she would be safe he would proceed to head into the village, he had blood to spill and lives to claim.

Topic Left / Village Entered

Toraono Seika

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
Seika woke an hour later, alone with her handmaidens. Her beloved had long since departed, and a small smile played on her lips. She may not be able to do much, but her love could do so much more than she could. The Cabal, whoever they were, would learn that there was nothing worse than a vengeful Toraono unfettered by her brother's orders.

Her beloved could go wherever he wanted to, wherever he needed to, and she would allow him her full support for what it was worth.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
