Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Helloooo Again!! [Requesting Entry]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Maru peeked his head from around the corner of the gates of Sunagakure, wondering if he would meet Hakuren around here since he ran into her first around here. He knew that he had at least proved himself (to Hakuren of course) that he wasn't going to cause too much of a ruckus. On the contrary he was actually planning on doing a couple deeds for sands behalf but first, he needed access to get to the office where you could cash in on shinobi that has a bounty on their heads. If he knew who these people are, then he could bring them in as fine wooden dolls if they are worth killing. However before he becomes a actual sand mercenary he needed to make sure that he could use the mission office so he could begin his new line of work. Plus there were a few people he's been dying to meet and even some places around that he wanted to go to. Namely some place named ‘The Devil's Lair.’

Regardless he walked to the gates in complete confidence, tipping his top hat. “Howdy! I'm back again.” Maru exclaimed, moving deeper within the gates wearing his usual temporal stride puppet, keeping an eye out in case any rogue ANBU would end up attacking him since mercenaries are not looked well upon so he still need to keep that in mind. Regardless as he advanced onward he was beginning to wonder if he would meet that Hakuren woman again, perhaps he could bug her for directions again plus do a little sightseeing depending on how things go.

[o^o Requesting Entry]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
It hadn’t been that long since the two of them had interacted. Within that time, however, the appearance of Roku had completely changed. His once longer black hair was now short with a reddish color. His attire had relaxed, with the addition of a tattered cloak wrapped around him. Lastly, his prosethic arm that had the appearance of a real arm had been replaced by his own working design, so now his left arm was clearly noticeable as it was entirely metal in appearance.

The puppet person would calmly walk up to the front of the village once more. Unlike last time he was not singing some silly song or acting outlandish, which meant that maybe he had taken some heed to setting his first impression a bit better. Unfortunately, he was going to meeting someone for the second time instead of a completely new person.

“Back already? Have you already established yourself as someone deserving of trust?”

Again, in the same amount of time, Roku had went through several experiences that completely changed him on various levels. He had given the puppet person words to heed last time to prove himself, it was now time, apparently, to see if it had occurred. Had Maru experienced his own personal change since last time...

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The Yamanaka clan have a unique ability to expel their soul from their own body and possess another. The target may be human, animal or otherwise; it does not matter. When this jutsu, mind transfer, is combined with the Name of the Rose, the Yamanaka becomes one with the target. Suddenly the being is more than a simple camera, but now a vehicle. Thus once again Hakuren beet Maru to his destination, by way of bird.

A black robed figure, Hakuren, would approach Maru before he walks to deeply into the gates. The hooded robe seems too large for Hakuren as the sleeves extend past the hands and the tail of the cloak slides across the sandy ground. The baggy robe easily disguises her figure making it impossible to tell her gender. The mask was quite different from what one would expect from the Anbu Corps. Often masks worn from such officers are shaped and painted to resemble an animal of some kind. Some anbu seem to almost flaunt their status with extravagant masks with intricate designs, but this one was beyond plain. The mask was completely flat and was lacking any markings other than the village symbol on the forehead, which was hidden by the oversized hood. The mask also lacked any holes for the eyes or mouth; it looks more like one put a piece of plastic on their face than a mask. However, the mask was indeed an official mask and thus had the usual equipment built on the inside. “Well Princess of Hearts, we have been expecting you.” The voice was distorted as Hakuren speaks through a built-in voice modulator.

Hakuren did not even face Roku as she speaks to him telepathically. ‘You butted in the first time around with Maru and now that I have my second chance, you steal it away from me again.’ Hakuren did not sound happy for she was starting to wonder if she was not trusted. If he was not the very top of the Anbu she would yell at him to leave so she could do her job. Roku would then her a sigh within his mind. ‘Forgive my outburst. I’ve had people questioning my worthiness as a shinobi within the village. I guess they got under my skin a little’ Hakuren was of course to her encounter with Hiroe.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Maru almost didn't recognize the person who appeared before him, he figured that he is probably some new person that was at the gates but it looks like this person already known him. And also to his surprise that this person was actually Roku, another person he encountered at the gates the first time around. “Almost didn't recognize you, honestly hoped that I would run into you eventually.” He said, removing his hat before his attention was now focused on the other individual who looked like one of Suna’s ANBU. At first, he thought the masked person was someone who was trying to keep Roku safe since he was considered a rogue to most people, but when hearing the individual say his title Maru allowed himself to relax a bit. “Oh, hi there sug- I mean Hakuren. Nice to see you around too.” he said who else could it be besides the Hakuren, but then again he did say his little title out in the open like to a lot of people so he merely assumed that this person was the same woman who was fallowing him around in the outer village. He rubbed his chin, wondering if he was mistakened. "Wait that is you right?. "

He looked over at Roku again, deciding to get straight to the point since his new appearance didn't seem to say 'friendly.’ “Well. To be honest I think I proved myself to be trustworthy at least, I mean Hakuren being as outspoken as she was would've told you if I would have done anything wrong am I right?" he stated, gesturing his head to Hakuren before he going back to what he had in mind. “But I got to say, the crime I'm Soons Haven is hor-ri-ble! Me and some woman who was showing me around got shot at by some bandit, but you know since there is so much darkness around and not enough people who is willing to deal with most of these threats both big and small I have a little solution if you care to hear it.” He said placing his hat back onto his head to proceed in rubbing his palms together.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Well this was interesting. He was approached by a peculiar ANBU and then scolded by them within his mind, or maybe whoever was down here was just a decoy of The Watcher. Either way, they seemed to be slighted by him showing up. The little ANBU had no way of realizing they were chastising half of the leadership of the masked corps and it seemed that she was either unaware of the rank his unmasked persona held within the village.

He momentarily tossed around the idea of attempting to mentally chew them out until his attention was drawn back to Maru. While it did not seem like the puppet person fully heeded his challenge, it seemed like he had grown close to a shinobi member of the village. Were they compromised? Could this have been why the ANBU had shown up just after him to greet Maru? The mental temper tantrum over trust, was that slip up do to the Sennin interfering or was it merely a coincidence? It definitely raised questions, but was all just a lot of hypothetical leaps that did not seem the most fruitful to take at this juncture.

“Go on...”

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

(Please ignore the horns as she don't have them)​

Hakuren was not at all happy that Maru called her out by name like this. She was unsure how he was able to tell it was her but she did take measures for such an incident. “Excuse me?!” She shouts loud enough that her voice could almost be heard over the voice modulator. Hakuren then takes a deep breath to calm down. “I assume you are referring to the Yamanaka that you telepathically spoke to your first time here. She is a chunin here in Sunagakure and a mischievous one; not all people that welcome individuals into the village are Anbu.” Suddenly anger would come back into her voice as she scolds him, “Even if she was Anbu, it is highly improper to refer to an anbu by name!” As if to prove Maru wrong Hakuren removes her cloak and mask revealing a much different look Maru would likely expect. Hakuren’s skin was deathly pale, ears long and pointy like an elf, hair as white as freshly fallen snow and a pair off emerald wind folded up on her back. This was Hakuren’s vampiric form and one seen by very few. Hakuren is unsure if Roku ever seen her physical form since most of the time when she reports to him she is in either full anbu attire or possessing an animal. This would be the first time seeing her vampiric form regardless.

Hakuren takes another deep breath “Akazukin did mention you in her report.” Her voice was deeper in this form, so recognizing her this way would be unlikely. Hakuren prefers not using this form as it seems to have minor impact on her persona. Going full vampire usually makes her quite hungry for blood. This hunger often makes her irritable and short tempered. She will likely be apologizing to the sennin profusely later on. “Both Miroku Hakuren and Miroku Akazukin has spoke highly of you.” Surely Roku should be aware of Hakuren’s joining of the clan, because unlike other Miroku in the clan she has no problem reporting Akkuma activity to the Anbu. “How interesting. May I ask what is your relationship to the Miroku clan?”

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Maru held his hands up as if he was in in a western stick up when the anbu proceeded to yell at him for saying Haruken name out loud, waving his hands as if telling her to calm down. “Whoops, my mistake. Sorry I thought you were someone else.” Maru said, seemingly apologetic. He assumed that it was Haruken because she was the first one he saw at the gates.. Or at least spoke with him first. Besides, this one seemly had a personality even more sour than Haruken when he first saw her around here, not to mention he didn't remember her having elf ears.

“Since you are trying to clean things up around here, I thinking about what could I do long term that would aid this village in a quest for peace while I am around. So what I had in mind is simple…” he stated before tossing out an idea that he hoped would interest the man because it's something that he thought about doing for a while. “So since you've given me at least a chance to prove myself, how about letting me help you by killing some of these outlaws around here. Basically what I was thinking on was basically using Sunagakure black book to get rid of criminals big and small every week, at least two at a time would be scratched off each week since I got nothing else better to do, not to mention that would mean a new toy each week.” Plus it would mean more money for him too.

He held the sides of his jacket before continuing. “Since I am pretty much looked at as a public annoyance, an obstacle to some, a traitor or someone who is bad and can't change within my former village. I want to use this to start a new reputation by being famed outlaw hunter of sorts.” he said before something interesting caught his attention, the lady seemingly told that both Hakuren and Akazukin had spoken highly of him which was awesome which proved he could at least be trusted. But it seemed that they were apart of some clan, a clan in which Maru didn't have any knowledge of until now. When he was asked that if he had any relation to the clan he shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry don't know anything about the Miroku clan. This is my first time hearing about em.”


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
He would listen to what Maru would have to say, his proposition, fully before he would begin. Before all of that, however, there was two things he would take note of; the first being the strange figure that appeared from the ANBU attire and the second being the confirmation of two additional Miroku. Since the 'family' was essentially nothing more than a gang that added members through recruitment and not birth, it was tricky keeping track of who all had ended up within it. But that wasn't the issue at hand, instead it was Maru and his wanting to enter the village. It seemed for the most part he had put some thought into his idea, so there was reason to commend him for that but there was one annoyance in all of it. Still, he wanted to hear out all that the puppet person had to say before following up. Upon his final pause, in which it would appear that he had concluded his full idea, the Sennin would finally speak.

"So your idea is to work in a partnership, more of less, with us? Well I mean that does sound like a good idea..."

A vein would appear in great definition upon his forehead.

"So great... that it almost sounds like what my proposition was for you last time you were at the front of the village. I asked you to go out there and prove you could be trusted so that there wouldn't be a need to hesitate in opening up our doors, and pocket books, to you. So again I ask; have you done something to show we can trust you? I didn't ask you to become friends with shinobi, I asked you to go out there and make some sort of difference... so what difference have you made? What have you done?"

It seemed that his mood had been soured by something, whether it was the feeling like he was repeating himself or something else had worsen his mood. Either way, the conversation was now entering a precarious spot that would had the resolution of this moment decided in just a few words. What those words were and how this would all shake out would be very interesting indeed.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
If Hakuren recalls correctly Ruko suggested something about human trafficking. Though Anbu here are aware that it happens and yet none has hired them to take care of the problem on a perminate bases. Admittedly the influence of the merchant lords is one reason of this, but the merchant lords also don’t make such business public knowledge. Saving the slaves sounds well and good, but it will take a bit of snooping to find the location of the market. From previous missions it has been found out that the location changes from time to time. “Perhaps human trafficking is too much for the young shinobi.” Maru was a prankster and did not seem the type for the cloak and dagger stuff. “How about a mission that is more direct? Something that would not require intelligence gathering, but still be beneficial to the village.” Hakuren would give and long pause to allow Roku give his two cents in before she made her suggestion. “There is a sand wolf within the desert expanse that is causing trade caravans some problems. He attacks during the night when caravans make camp. I want you to capture the beast and bring it here ALIVE. The sand wolf has thick black fur and the white eyes of a blind wolf. Though I do warn you, do not underestimate him. He might not be able to see but he seems to adapted to his disability well and has quite the kill count.” Roku could probably guess why Hakuren was giving Maru this type of mission. Hakuren just wants to get a new pet, but due to her chronic anemia it is unwise for her go after him herself.
If you take this mission here is a picture and data on Sand Wolves. I suggest treating this as a Self-solo mission
General Threat LevelModerate: B Rank

While many wild dogs can be found in Wind Country's arid wildlands, the Sand Wolf is by far the most aggressive. Possessing a cunning intelligence, the Wolves have thought to have thrived in part thanks to humanity's impact upon the Wind's ecology; all wild dogs have been seen roaming the streets of populous villages, but only Wolves have been known to trespass upon human property to scavenge the food that they seek. This is highly unusual, as they either seem to lack a strict territory, or are so uncaring of that which we have established as to steal from homes and stores at night, provided entrance. They are also considerably more dangerous than the average wild dog; both larger and leaner, they can grow to just under three feet tall while standing on all fours and about 100 pounds, they have been known to attack humans without provocation; this is thought to be the result of the above over-familiarity progressing into the Wolves seeing humans as prey, rather than threat.

These sandy-colored lupines have also been known to exist singularly; that is, without a pack. While pack animals may benefit from shared resources, it is thought that these 'lone wolves' are simply too hostile to co-exist with others of its species. Both male and female, such examples have been monitored over long periods of time and it has been shown that these streaks of fierce individuality eventually result in a lifespan far shorter than their brethren.

Sand Wolves are carnivores and scavengers of the highest order and are largely sessile during sunlight hours, likely in an effort to retain energy. They have been known to dwell in caves and cooler rock formations for long periods of time, but are largely considerably more nomadic than any other species of wild canine found in Wind Country.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Maru took a while to listen to Roku, although his idea seemed great he still seemed have not made a major difference, but he was in the process of making a difference which he believed couldn't be ignored. “Well… you see I'm having one of my automated puppets take snapshots of the area, get things such as building maps, patterns and things of that nature. But it’ll be done around midnight tonight. Sorry if it seems like I haven’t done anything productive.” Maru said, the tricky part here was getting the man to believe that he would follow through with this since he didn't really do anything but gain any trust from Roku. But then again….“But! Although I haven't done that mission YET I still came across a another place where some guy named Tek? or something like that is selling jewelry in some underground black market in one of the stores in the The Bazaar while I was doing a little sightseeing. Wanted to make sure that there were some jewels missing before I decided to handle that too. Hence why I stopped by since this seems like the easiest way to summon you.”

Well probably isn't going to lighting up the man's mood but he probably would give him some information to know if the jewelry were stolen or not. He would then looked over at Haruken, his face kinda soured when telling the man that human trafficking was too much for him because he was young but of course he didn't say anything. He simply hid it with a smile, and heard what she had to say.. What she suggested was that he captured some sand wolf, which shouldn't be hard but the keeping it alive part he might have problems with. Maru could help but chuckle. “I doubt that a dumb mutt would be much of a problem, I think I'll have most of these problems resolved in no time at all.” He stuck around to hear what Roku had to say, he probably had some words for him but he tipped his hat and remained cool.

“Again sorry if it seems that I was doing mostly talk, just needed a few things clearfield. I'll probably be back say two weeks tops or longer.” He said before slowly backing out just in case the man would decide to stop him, if not he'll head back to the outer village area's seemingly kinda in a hurry.
[Left unless stopped ;P]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
He would tilt his neck to the side, releasing a muffled pop as his eyes would close and a sigh would escape his mouth. Upon finishing that little moment, he would return his gaze back to Maru who was beginning to make his exit.

"His age is inconsequential if he was once a shinobi; 13 or 130, they are all treated the same in the shinobi lifestyle. I never asked him to solve the issue, I told him to make a difference."

He had also heard the suggestion of the ANBU, which seemed like an odd request but honestly if there was a beast terrorizing the desert folk he wouldn't be opposed to that issue being resolved either.

"I don't care what task you take upon yourself, albeit it seems you've put down some leg work on handling a certain matter. The issues that plague this country, for the most part, aren't some one-off moment. You won't be able to solve everything... or in some cases anything. All I asked of you was simply this; show me results that positively impact this country and I will feel more at ease trusting you. If you can't produce results, then you are no good to us. If you can't heed my words and begin building trust, then you are no good to us. Produce results, earn your trust and as I have already said, we will probably be willing to pay you for your services."

His remaining flesh hand would clench tightly as his eyes would narrow in on the departing puppet man.

"Attempt to enter again before you've achieved something, produced some results, then... well, let's just say entering the village will be the least of your worries."

With that, the intensity of the moment would end. He would smile and wave to the puppet person.

"Take care, I'll be watching... and I imagine I will see you again soon enough."

Hopefully with results.

He would then turn to the unmasked, more demonic, in at least his eyes, pale ANBU next to him.

"Thanks for the assistance!"

He would nod and wave to her as well as he would begin making his way to the inner portion of the village.

OOC: Maru Denied Entry and Topic Left Unless Stopped

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
