Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! (Requesting entry)


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Their guides called him many things, insane being one of them. Still, it felt like the right way to handle things, it felt nostalgic. It also meant less people would see him falter if things didn't work out quite right. Osore led his group through the sandstorm, a barrier around them all and the entirety of his mind on keeping it up through the constant assault of the storm on its borders. Steam was rising from his armor as he sweated inside of it and the head evaporated the sweat, releasing the gas through the joints.

The fogging of his visor wouldn't be obvious to those looking at him, and it was barely messing with his vision considering his was seeing double of everything anyways. As they passed through the worst part of the storm and came into the eye of things, he would drop the barrier and nearly collapse from the loss of control. A stumble, catching himself with his hands as he goes to one knee, was all he would do before rising once more like a monolith. He had to appear strong, or else faith would be lost.

Before them was, for lack of a better term, hell. It looked like someone took a cave in the ground and pounded into it with enough explosive power to flatten a mountain. Osore looks around, not even knowing that he was panting as he did. Finally he shrugs and walks up to what was once the entrance of Sand and concentrates for a moment. He had no idea how this worked but...

The sound echoes through the mind. Osore knew how to use genjutsu but he was no master, and had no idea how this happened. But clear as a bell an audial gen would ripple through the area, a boast and dare.

”I am here.”


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Tetsu led the way and Osore made his way back to the group with travel guides as they passed through the hot desert land. How the sun hit his body in the metal suit made him feel like he was on fire. He already didn't like this place but he wasn't sure he liked Lightning country much better. Though they had cool ruins in the outskirts, the cold temperatures weren't pleasant with a metal suit either. They reached what looked like a war zone with a huge explosion going off right in the center of what could only be the entrance. As they appear something odd happened and from what it sounded like, Osore was attempting a genjutsu. Why he was doing so he didn't know but Tetsu wouldn't have Osore going out of control now. Any vulnerabilities couldn't be shown in a place which was unknown.

He watched his other two companions and would use the cancel jutsu {master rank} to cancel any effects that could be happening. As for Osore, Tetsu sung a melody to him in a genjutsu fashion. The genjutsu was called Fevre De Ptich {master rank} and it was a Hashigaki secret, one they taught to no one outside of their bloodline. Unfortunately it was one of the few things he wasn't allowed to teach his other clan members. The song was calming and relaxing and hopefully would help his cousin without causing too much of an uproar. He didn't know what was bothering Osore lately... but something would have to give.

He would wait until someone showed up to greet them, not speaking another word for no reason other than it was hot and he didn't want to waste his energy any further. All the while thinking and wondering what was going on with Osore. It was starting to bother Tetsu. He wondered if Tenken knew....

[topic entered]

Tsukino Nanami

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Groaning and grumbling from the super heated sands of the hell is desert. Instead of having the heavy coat around her body, she used it to shield the sun off her body, wearing it like a person would use a tarp to cover from the rain. Sweat dripped onto the searing sands, fizzling as it touched down and instantly evaporated. Who could possibly live in and acclimate to this hell? How could she keep entering temperature extremes like this? From cold-as-hell to hotter than hell. The things she is willing to do for information.

Arriving at the gates, the woman grumbled, keeping herself covered. The sweat soaked the white top she was wearing, turning sheer from all of the sweat. Groaning and looking towards Osore, Tetsu, and Kyojin for a moment. She looked into the distance, liking her lips, allowing herself to be made a fool by falling for the heat convection from the sand. ~ Water. Cold air. Ice cream!!! ~ the woman thought to herself. With how crap this heat was, she fully expects recovery time at the Inn as soon as they get let in.

"We better get a damn room or two when we get inside!" she shouted out to Osore, Tetsu, and Kyojin. "That is, if these people event let us in!" she shouted in reference to the Cloudies disallowing people from entering their village. She's going to mug someone for their water if they aren't allowed in. She would throw more of a fit, however, she was too drained, dehydrated, hungry, and overheated to act childish.

[Topic entered]
[On phone. Sorry for crap post and/or typoes]

Xiangtian Xiao

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Though Kyojin could easily trek through the sandstorm with ease, he had to admit the barrier cast around them was quite convenient. His hood down, Kyojin did not find the heat as much of a bother as did his companions. His skin sensitivity was lower compared to most and though he could feel the warmth of the extreme heat, he was not fatigued by it. It does not mean he'd love to spend hours under the blazing sun. He was not that tolerant.

Kyojin still could not understand how Osore and Tetsu were braving the desert heat in their armor like that. Either they were brave or their armors were customized to be heat-resistant. The latter seemed likely because unless his eyes were playing tricks on him, Osore's armor seemed to leaked steam, perhaps keeping the cool inside. Such technologies were beyond him anyway. Harsh training caused his body to become resistant to all forms of nature and was likely tougher than the armor his two companions were wearing.

Before long, their guides led to the entrance of Sunagakure. Kyojin tried to remember what he knew of the sandy village from his time as a Sennin, but nothing significant came to mind. Now that he thought about it, he never really paid much attention to anything outside Water Country. The entranced was damaged from a battle, it seemed. There also seemed to be something different about Osore but Kyojin credited the man's behavior to this gawdful weather.

Kyojin stood behind Tetsu and Nanami, praying the people of this village was not as inhospitable as those in Kumogakure. Food and drink would be nice. Maybe a big, fat steak...


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

His curiosity would be peaked by the sound within his mind.


"This is Roku, I am near the gate... I assume someone is here. Will look into the matter" he would prattle off before releasing the communication device.

His frame would raise up from his resting position, days of working on rebuilding tend to have him sitting on his ass a lot longer than normal. Whenever an opportunity arose to handle something other than rebuilding Roku, unlike post-village carnage, was always primed to volunteer. Without hesitation he would make his ways to the newly crafted..."gates". Before him would be a small gathering of different looking figures, two of which were in heavy armor.

Wow... those two really prepared for the maelstrom. Interesting...or crazy... well I guess interesting regardless.


He would casually stroll up to the company, not wishing to put anyone in a state of alert. With recent events, people seemed to be a bit more on edge and letting that sort of response show in the gate duty could easily send the wrong impression.

"My name is Roku of Sunagakure no Sato, and on behalf of the village let me apologize for the..."

Before them would be the 6'2" oddity of the Sand Village. His blonde spiky hair, his rather abnormal height and his clothing, which made him look like someone straight out of a child's favorite manga, would all give him a unique appearance. His eyes would scan around a bit at some of the debris that remained.


It was a mess, just more of a messy mess than he cared to truly explain. This explanation would be perfunctory.

"How may I be of assistance to you all today?"

No reason to make this interaction pushy and cold, these people could be consumers of the goods within the village and at this time it couldn't heart to have some more economy flowing into Suna.



Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
All she wanted was silence...

The world was a cacophony of sound, the percussive beat of the heart and the numerous ticks and clicks of blood-vessels. The shifting of gastric contents and the continual whistle of air through the trachea and nares. The gates were only subject to the howl of the maelstrom, the loudest of the sounds but it was a constant that droned on in her consciousness until she was deaf to its cries. She could not sleep in Sousuke's house, despite her private quarters and adequate space people were there. At night, if she came home before daybreak she would be stirred by the Kazekage's night-terrors in the room adjacent. If she tried as she might during the day, the were the sounds of life such as Sousuke and the babbling child her mind would have to contend with. Rather than try and fail she had found a site of respite, the gates. The Maelstrom was a curse for most, but to her it was a gift. Nobody came to Sunagakure, the diamond winds threatened to shred weary travelers long before they found these gates by pure happenstance or excellent skill.

The droning sound of the storm that had become a lullaby was interrupted by a crescendo of sound:

”I am here.”

Shiori groaned and restlessly turned to face the corner of the room. The sound reverberated off the walls and back to her thrice, her head pressed against the wall she pulled herself upright. Some people were trying to sleep. She let out a huff of air between her nostrils as she slicked back the fly-away hairs about her crown and she called back.

"I'm Here Too!"

Her voice strong and with a fervor only a fellow Hashigake could mimic. She staggered, her head still filled with dreams bleak and ashen from days long past. An ANBU was already there, dutiful they were to still guard these gates despite the storm. Good, that meant she could find her corner and return to that fine nap she was enjoying. She was about to turn on her stiletto heel the opposite direction, back to her napping corner when she realized their numbers. The corners of her lips twitched downward for a moment. The Cabal incursion only lasted a matter of days, but the village would likely be reeling from their atrocities for years. Who... or rather what were they?

Wordlessly she approached Roku's side. They had never met, at least never spoken. Sunagakure was a small village and her familial ties to Sousuke were readily visible. In fact, she recalled his voice at the bakery but knew nothing of his alter ego as the vigilante Kasha or his involvement and heroic acts that day or any other for that matter. Her life as a Sunan until recent was rather privileged in that regard, the woes of the state were not of concern or even edification to her. The true depth of matters and the ill intent of interlopers a recent truth unveiled. Some would call it ignorance, and it was would an appropriate statement in regards to her be it willful or due to true indifference. The actions as of late by those anarchists had changed much more than the face and census of Sunagakure.

She waited for the dialogue to complete - for Kasha to make his introduction. He was a big guy, much larger than her. Her willowy frame and barely more than 5 foot stature only made possible by a pair of heels made her feel small next to the armored men and angry woman. She was not entirely sure if Sunagakure had hotel rooms, it was not the kind of locale that saw its share of travelers. If they did or did not have visitor quarters, that would be something for her to discover because she was not going to incur anyone's wrath. As she cautiously eyeballed the lot, they looked familiar. It took a moment for her to put a finger on it, but yes. Men covered in armor, an angry lady and some guy... A prince, princess and a pair of knights? She had read about such things recently when she raided Sousuke's library. It is a shame that the legendary dragon-slayer Ryoma killed all dragons, leaving nothing for these knights to slay. She actually liked the story quite a bit, it was said that he had such power over reality that he could decree their existence or lack there-of. He chose the later and with a flick of a pen they were no more.

"Welcome Prince and Princess... or whatever your realm considers you," Shiori nodded in reference to Namazu Kyojin and Tsukino Nanami. "The Kazekage will be thrilled to know he is entertaining royalty and he has an affinity for metal clothes like your knights wear." She hoped that the knights at least wore clothen underwear, if not they were going to have to get a number of awkward burns treated at the Omni Prime before they departed.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Osore seems to recover slightly as the song is sung, standing up straight and focusing his sight on the man who was coming out of the hole in the ground to greet them. He ignored Nanami's demands and simply watched the other head their way. Not a short man but not matching the height of Osore, he looked to have the right build of a warrior. But he was a bit young to be in too high of a position. His being out at the gates already proved that to be true and this was the thought that brought Osore's misery crashing back down.

How could he figure that out? He never before cared about the small details like that. He had no idea how he knew about the storm around this hole in the ground, nor how he knew of the hole itself. He didn't know half of what was going on in his life right now, and the half he did know was simply that he was suffering from a lifetime of medicines that he was no longer on. His dreams were horrible and of things he had no experience in, his waking moments were their own nightmare of pain and this constant feeling of being wrong, not as in right or wrong but as in not something this world intended.

As a woman walks up beside the man Osore reaches up to his helmet and runs his hands along it, unsnapping the hidden clasps. A hiss sounds as the helmet splits from the bottom and halfway up, steam exiting as fresh air seeps in. His face was still hidden, but that did seem to help someone. ”No prince. No princess. I am Isaki Osore, I have come to request a meeting with your leader.”

And then another of those moments. Something made him speak, something hidden deeper than even the physical being. ”I trust Sousuke is well? It appears you've had a nas-” The words cut off as Osore leans to his right slightly. Everything around him had just gotten quite interesting, but not in a good way. It's not that the world spun so much as it seemed to be tilting to the side. As he goes over, the armored figure manages to catch himself on his hands. And then he vomits on the sand before it all goes black, his helmet coming free as he hits the sand.

Good thing Tenken took him off the medication. It might have made him able to do his mission.


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
As always Nanami complained but from what he understood of woman who looked fragile usually were and complained like it too. Though Nanami was seemed like the fragile type, deep down Tetsu knew she was just that way due to her personality. He was sure the first chance someone gave her, she'd slit their throat in the dark. She was an interesting one and that was probably why he was so curious of her. Her words said one thing but her actions would scream the opposite. A man came up and started talking and called himself Roku. An interesting fellow for sure but he was only the beginning to their entrance to the village. He asked how he could help them and said to excuse the explosion look of their entrance. The look of their entrance only meant that either a war broke out or someone was rude enough to come here and destroy them themselves. He hoped it wasn't a war but from the extensive damage, something to that extent seemed more likely than one or two people coming and causing all of this havoc.

Before Osore or himself started talking, a red haired lady came up to them and stood next to the man named Roku. Apparently the Giant man and Nanami looked like royalty while Osore and himself were glorified body guards of some sort. Tetsu would keep his helmet on and would keep quiet inside of his metal suit. Yes, metal got hot but most of it was silver which reflected most of the sun rays off of him, keeping him not as hot as he would if the entire metal suit was the color black. But he still sweated a bit so he pull a small piece of metal on his inside right arm and the black of his suit of harm started to vent with small piece of metal popping open to make small slits in the armor allowing fresh air to enter the suit. The slits however weren't big enough to allow sand get in as they were slanted so the metal would block the particles of sand before they were able to enter the suit.

Osore was on his hands and knees as he spoke weirdly and then started to vomit. Tetsu sung a song again and used it against Osore once again. He needed to rest and he would gain that rest inside of Suna hopefully. Instead of hand seals, using his Hashigaki abilities and singing the genjutsu, he would attempt to sing Osore asleep using Temple of Nirvana {Master rank}. He then turned to the red haired lady and the man named Roku, so much for staying silent right?

"My apologies for the urgency. My name is Isaki Tetsu, my cousin Osore as you can see is sick. I'd like to formally request sanction within your village to bring him to your hospital. As it can be seen... he needs medical attention immediately and pain medication is where he needs to start with. The strongest stuff you have. I don't normally ask things especially into places I've never been before but for my family, this is urgent."

He stood next to Osore's body, whether he was falling under the effects of the genjutsu or he was attempting to resist it mattered not. He would be there next to him ready to help him if he did manage to stay conscious.

WC: 570
[attempting to put Osore to sleep using Temple of Nirvana with my Hashigaki ability to sing it so it effects only him and no one else in the thread.]

Tsukino Nanami

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
</B>Chapter 9: Gates of Hell<B>Act 2: Thunder of Ishtar

Sandstorm in Babylon​

The never-ending sandstorm called Wind Country (or what Nanami would call Babylon) continued to punish and sting the woman with the inferno-like winds draining all energy and water from her flesh. The stark contrast between two weather extremes of the Lightning Country (Megiddo) and Wind Country (Babylon) was too much for a softskin like her to withstand. Even hidden under the shade of the heavy coat, she groans even more. This was the first time she had ever stepped foot into Babylon, so she didn't know what she was getting herself into. Her body was completely drenched from sweat, causing her already skin-tight clothing to cling to her even tighter. She was too drained to be annoyed at Osore. Again, the man ignored her existence. She begins to question her loyalties with this group. If she couldn't get along with this group, she had no reason to stay. She didn't get paid for the previous job, nor does she expect payment for this job. If payment isn't being sent her way, she will make like the wind. She has no business with people who won't pay her for her assistance.
All she wanted was to know the reason why
Turning her eyes to look towards Kyoujin, who appears to be cool as a pickle, the woman narrowed her eyes in annoyance. Why was she the only one absolutely bothered by this heat? She was walking with two ovens and the heat doesn't seem to bother them. These people are absolutely inhuman. Well, she knew for certain that the walking mountain named Kyojin probably couldn't be classified as human; at least not completely human. The other two walked through the entire desert in those tin-cans, yet they didn't seem too bothered. Yes, the man that continued to ignore her named Osore seemed to be venting out steam, but who knows what's underneath the armor. For all she knows, it could be a fog-monster that has taken over a suit of armor made of.... something. It didn't look entirely like metal.

Suddenly! Someone entered the gates from the other side. Her eyes fixated on the golden haired man for a brief moment before responding in a rather uninterested voice. "Hi, Roku of Sunagakure no Sato," she said, looking the man over. She didn't see any jugs or canteens of water on the man. This instantly made the man unimportant to her. Osore dealt with the political crap while she was just there as hired muscle. It wasn't that Nanami cared for the mess at the gates, she didn't particularly pay much attention to them. Without the man having mentioned it, Nanami would have ignored it altogether; fixated on one thing -- Water.

She got to thinking. She turned and looked towards Kyojin for a moment. "How long do you think you'd have to dig before you reach water?" she asked quietly. The man seemed chilled for the environment being so hot. Indeed, the sand as hot, so she'd expect someone made of rocks and minerals to also conduct heat. Turning her eyes towards the gate once more, she noticed a figure and the color red approaching. As it approached, she noticed it was a being of exquisite beauty. That was, until the woman opened her mouth and reference her and Kyojin as princess and prince respectively. She blinked at the red-haired woman for a moment and laughed. "Me? Princess? Him? Prince?" she said with a bit of a laugh. She pulled out a knife and started to stab at Kyojin, letting the blade of the knife bounce off of his rock-solid flesh.

"We aren't lovers. Listen, do you hear how tough this guy's skin is? Seriously, just imagine how hard his..." she said before she instantly got cut off by the fact that she said the Kazekage would love to entertain royalty Stopping her stabbing into Kyojin, she noticed the knife was bent and ruined, but Kyojin's skin was just fine and unscathed. This woman was absolutely serious about the royalty bit. But the idea played in her head for a moment and a blush came over her cheeks. Just imagining being a princess from a far-away-land with brave knights to protect her for even a brief moment took her mind off of the intense heat of the desert. Every now-and-then, Nanami does allow herself to indulge in the fact that she is a female. Imagining that she is a princess is actually a special treat that she never had the opportunity to think of.

However, much like the pretty dress she saw while at Moon, being a princess is just a dream. Something she didn't have the necessity for. Being raised as a killer didn't offer her the chances to think like a girl or even as a human for that fact. She had no place to call home figuratively and physically. She belonged nowhere; an outcast of a fallen land. She had to suppress feelings of the childhood she had lost; the dreams and fantasies of being a princess - with her prince and her knights. No. Fate was cruel to Nanami; being treated as a tool of war. Even though she is free to think on her own, for the most part, she is still a slave to battle. The only difference is the name of her employer (SCAR's 'Leader' or the Isaki Clan's Tenken). Her fantasizing came to an end the moment Osore mentioned that there were no princes or princesses in their company. Taking a deep breath out of her nostrils, she placed the heavy coat around her body, wearing it like a cloak. It was very obvious that she isn't too pleased at the situation.

Suddenly, Osore started to show pains and effects from the heat. The lack of medicine was foreign to her, not knowing of the man's condition. She was hard-pressed to find any reason to care for this man. She was, after all, being treated as a tool to their ends. And unpaid tool at that. There was something very strange with Osore. He seems very different lately. Nanami doesn't like this change. She rather the man grunted and remained primitive rather than the newer, more cruel one. Yes, she rather liked the caveman over this politician. Turning her eyes to look towards the two that met the band of 'knights' as it were, a momentary look of dismay could be seen in her eyes when she turned from Osore to the two locals. Her demeanor quickly changed to a more annoyed one.

"Well, I know this might seem like a lot, but Mr Vomit-face would like to seek an audience with the Kazekage. For what? I don't know," the woman said as she shrugged her shoulder, turning to look towards Tetsu for a brief moment. What a strange man. She wondered if the Dark Knight of the Isaki Clan noticed the change in Osore's demeanor. It was most likely. The man seemed to be sharp; much like his tongue. Nanami doesn't know how she feels about the man. She had no concept of romance, never knowing that due to the same reason she hadn't the nicety to know of fantasizing and dreaming. She lost her childhood to the Mist ANBU branch, known simply as SCAR, among many things. She can't relate to the intangibles that most people take for granted.

Turning her head back to Shiori and Roku, a little insecure laugh came from the woman. "Well, while what Mr Vomit-face said was true; that there is no royalty here, could you allow us entrance so we can get Mr Vomit-face back on his feet? Maybe just the hospital would be nice," she said for a moment before adding in. "Water. We would like some of that too at the hospital. Water. Water. Water." she said repeatedly. She didn't mean to be rude, but when one's lips start to blanch with a dusty white powder and begin to crack, it's about time for water. "We're good-guys here. I don't have a passports and don't necessarily have the means to get one. Ya know, Mistfall and everything," she said with a shrug. She looked at the two with big sparkly eyes. "Pleaaaaaaase?"

Xiangtian Xiao

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Whoreson. Bastard. Murderer. Kyojin was called many things, some kind... and some not so much.

But prince was a first and surprise briefly showed on the seven foot and a half giant's face. Then he could not help but chuckle. In a sense, he suppose it was true. He was the leader of the Kroc tribe but the clan was now in the safe hands of his cousin Raito, who bought them to Earth Country. Kyojin never thought for an instance... that with his grey skin, ruby hair, and blood-red eyes, he'd be mistaken for a prince. He was anything but a prince, barefoot with a travel cloak. Osore corrected the red-haired woman's statement. Still, it was an amusing thought.

It stopped being amusing when Osore vomited and fainted. Kyojin thought there was something wrong with the man and agreed medical attention would be necessary. Perhaps it was the lack of water. No matter, Tetsu and the Sunan medics would take care of all that. Tetsu... he was too an enigma and his singing was clearly something not to be taken lightly.

Speaking of water, Kyojin never thought of using his ability to find water but he doubted there was success in that. Had the red-haired female Sunan not appear, that was the answer Nanami would have received. Instead she drew out her knife and started a demonstration at the toughness of his skin. Kyojin did not react because there was no need to. Rarely was there anything that could even crack his skin but if Nanami tried to stab him with her knife the first time they met, it would have came out and Nanami might be an armless young woman. Maybe.

Fortunately, time spent around the woman led Kyojin to realize she was capable of unpredictable behavior at times and so he let it slide because he knew how thirsty and tired she was and he knew this because she complained about it for the entire parts of the trek toward the village entrance but it did not bother him. Part of her charm, if you will.

Kyojin looked at the red-haired woman and the young blond man with a respectable warrior's presence, wondering what they will do next. In light of this new situation, he doubted the group will see the Kazekage right away anyway. A night of rest would do them all good before seeing the leader of the Sand. That is, if they are let in.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

The group before him appeared to be a unique bunch. Aside from the two heavily armored individuals, there was a female and a tall grey skinned figure that made him feel short, a very odd feat. They looked like the motliest of crews but did not seem to carry any noticeable blood lust. Before he could continue with the protocol, another figure appeared. This time the individual came from inside the village. The red haired female wasn't one he had remembered seeing around the village, but who knows what all had happened since he awoke from his coma. She was cute, which was a good enough perk for him.

And then she started to talk... and boy did odd collection of characters before him turn into a bunch of average people after her royalty declaration. So she was a little out there; still cute. Then the next set of odd moments would occur with the female stabbing the grey giant to no avail, a crude reference somewhere mixed in and finally one of the armored men vomitting and collapsing. In a short time the world seemed to fly by. It short of had Roku wondering if he had been drinking and this was just a really lucid nightmare. Unfortunately, he had not touched alcohol since the end of the Cabal situation.

The group seemed to show concern, especially the other armored figure, for their compatriot but at the same time the mentioning of Sousuke made Roku's muscles tense up. While the threat of the Cabal had just ended, the utterance of the Steward-Kage's name, the person who had been the central target of the ensuing madness, still caused his body to tick into 'fight' mode. At the same time, the concern for the health of the man made his mind to snap back to reality and his muscles to relax. He had seen enough death, enough devaluing of human life. These four might bring hell with them, but deep down Roku did not want to see someone else die that he could help.

"This is Roku, if any Med-nin are at the location of the Dojo please respond for immediate assistance. Please relay a message to Omni Prime to prep a room and medical staff. We have one in critical condition, three accompanying and all in need of water. Have water available upon arrival."

His hand would release the communication device to end the transmission. Post-Cabal craziness Roku would not have cared to make such an order, even give orders. My how times have changed. His eyes would cut over towards the red haired female.

"You aren't a med-nin by chance, are ya?"

His attention would turn back to the group before him.

"We have a little bit stricter methods of checking visitors into our village but your friend's health is of more importance to me at the moment. We can chat about paperwork and your business once we guarantee your party's well-being."

Gut calls were just that; listening to your instincts. Hopefully there would be no complications based on his judgement of the situation.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Sorry for the short post - I am between double shifts and do not want to delay you any further. =( Also, I am cute! Awww.

They were not royalty, that was disappointing. Most people would have taken the designation and ran with it to see what perks they could have obtained, she would have if their situation was reversed. "I am sorry but--" Shiori's words were cut short as she postured as if she was going to react to the weapon the madwoman revealed that she used to stab the stone-creature. The knife did not even scratch the surface, but her face went pale all the same. " looked like a Kirishii." Shiori concluded. The Kirishii were once men, twisted and broken by the Flame Court Lord Homura. Gladiators, made to be the 'perfect' warrior by the Ancient Lord's standards came with a consequence, the hero Primus came from his court the most powerful human that Wind Country had ever seen - a paragon of human potential. The stone 'monsters' left in Homura's wake, no longer human... they were something else entirely. They had a sense of honor that she could respect.

One of the armored men fell forward, his gastric contents filled his mask and then spilled onto the ground. She blamed the armor initially- a walking deathtrap much like Sousuke's coveted armored (or armoured as he would spell it) suits. They lacked buoyancy, making water-travel a perilous task. They lacked an outlet for defecation and urination, she dared not ask how such things were possible without a screwdriver and a hammer. never mind the consideration of weight change - fitting a fat ass into a tight suit of armor, or getting it out could be a problem that might require a can-opener. One of the armored men sung a song that the ancient was familiar with, he too was able to twist reality with the spoken word. She had never seen another with the power over words besides her own kind. The corners of her lips twitched upward, it was sentimental but for personal reasons. The man spoke of 'medicine' and specified 'pain medication.' Pain can cause a psychosomatic response, or simply put nausea but pain medication was more commonly a cause not a treatment for nausea. Benzos, on the other hand, have a similar analgesic effect in some cases as well as psychological implications and had withdrawal effects that could include nausea, hypertension and even seizures. Pain medication, on the other hand, would have just made him a miserable man for a few days.

Shiori was not a good medic, but she was not a good person either. She too had a problem, she was an alcoholic. A recovering one in fact, her last incident involved making out with a cactus that resulted in multiple months of hospitalization as well as painful withdrawal symptoms. She knew addicts fairly well. Her brow furrowed at the revelation of these familiar symptoms. She could treat benzo with drawl with booze, much like she could treat ETOH withdrawal with benzos. Shiori nodded in response to Roku's inquiry, she was a medic but she could not give him a name.
"Knock him out and give him booze and he will be fine,"</COLOR><i></i> Shiori replied quietly. She doubted that the metallic giant would be capable of ambulation, that was something someone else would have to do for him. He looked heavy, too heavy for her. She looked at Roku, he looked strong, unless those muscles were just for show.<COLOR color="red"> "Could you carry him to a bar?" The Omni Prime Center was another fine choice she supposed, BUT considering the recent events involving the cabal it was likely that the hospital was packed and the staff would be stretched thin. He could get care there, but the care would be same level as what a lame racehorse would experience (to the glue factory with you,or rather 'he should be put on comfort measures.')

OC: Bad post is bad...and short. Sorry. I just do not want to delay you.=( also, Enzan is lonesome and I have been promising him a topic for a week. I am off starting tomorrow night so multiple daily posts will be possible soon.</FONTFACE>
[Village Entry Granted on My End]
<FONTFACE fontface="helvetica">

If consent provided from Osore and co. I have been wanting to crash Enzan's topic HERE and I feel that this would be a good excuse.


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
(OOC: I'm okay with the link provided. skipping Osore due to.. well.. KO status XD)

Tetsu listened as the man and woman spoke. Apparently they were going to a bar and not the hospital. So one of two things happened to this place. Either they for some godforsaken reason they didn't have a hospital or, these scorch marks and destroyed entrance to their village was only the start to the carnage they might see inside. Tetsu hoped that it was only that they just lacked a hospital and not the latter. The two sunans talked and the woman asked Roku if he would carry Osore. Tetsu shook his head and looked to Kyoujin, though still not knowing his name, speaking directly to him. "Will you help me carry him?" Tetsu would life one side, of Osore while waiting for Kyoujin to get the other. The five foot seven Hashigaki was strong than people gave him credit for due to his size. He would help carry his family. Family always took care of each other. If Kyoujin refused he had hoped Roku would come and help. Osore, like Kyoujin, was a giant and even though Tetsu was much stronger than he looked, Osore with his metal suit was also much heavier than needed. Once they were all settled, they would move out. Hopefully they would be able to get some help and fast.

(OOC: crap post is crap... sorry)

Tsukino Nanami

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
</B>Chapter 9: Gates of Hell<B>Act 2: Thunder of Ishtar

Watching Tetsu scramble to pick up the large armored monster, she glared for a brief moment. Clutching the large coat closer to her, feeling bits and particles of sand blasting at her flesh she clears her throat and started to walk her way in through the gates. No, she didn't particularly care for working for free. She wasn't helping the Isaki clan for charity, but for something as simple as information. The money wasn't a big reason she's accompanying them; the fact that she is in her third mission with the group without a even being able to speak with their clan head, Tenken. If she is only granted an audience with Tenken to learn the reason WHY Water Country fell to ruin, then she'd be on her way. This decrepit clan is stringing her along and for a possible weak payment.

Turning her eyes to look at the red-haired woman and the blond haired man, she turns her nose upward. Yes, there were signs of strife and war in this village, but to simply recommend drinking alcohol instead of taking the man to a hospital was absurd. She didn't know whether these people were incompetent or going through recovery. The way Osore gets better isn't her concern. Her concern was that the man gets better to carry out the mission they were here to do; whatever that may be. She was kept in the dark on the reason they were here in Babylon and it was certain that everyone else was kept in the dark. Why is it that the Isaki Clan communicates nothing to their people but expects them to do things for them without compensation?

She turned her head towards the red-haired female and shrugged her shoulders. "Alcohol isn't going to help that man. He uses medication," she said in reference to him using medication the last time she heard him speak. "He uses medication to help himself speak. If you have a dispensary, perhaps looking into it would help," she said before turning to look towards Tetsu and Osore. Yes, she would help, but she isn't of the proper stature or strength to assist. She was built for speed and agility, not strength and power. Her eyes turned back towards the Kyoujouran for a moment and a little glance was given, hoping he'd take that as a sign to help Osore. It would be rude to impose on the locals to help them solve their own problems, especially when they are gracious enough to grant them entrance into the village because of their own decided to expel 3 meals in 1 sitting.

"Ugh, I hope your nights cool down some," she said as sweat covers her brow, waiting for the rest of the group to follow suit. She doesn't know much in terms of desert weather, but she hopes the nights cool down.

Xiangtian Xiao

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
The hot, wild sand was actually beginning to irk him and he thought it very much a fine idea to get out of the infernal weather, thanking his lucky stars that the group was allowed into the village. During his mercenary years, Kyojin avoided hidden villages, seeing not a single reason to interact with them. This was his first time into Wind Country, however. He recalled hearing that some Kiri shinobi went to other hidden villages and joined it. Kyojin simply did not see it inside him to change allegiance that easily. Namazu Kyojin was one of the last Kirigakurian Sennin who fell in his attempt to destroy the ice by awakening a volcano and he shall be remembered as such, one of the several reasons he took on a new name: Araya Akaya.

The idea of bringing Osore into a bar did not seem sensible but if one took in their surroundings, one could indeed see a battle happened. It is clear the Sand village still is or had a severe internal situation that possibly led to the loss of lives and as such their hospital might be busy taking care of their own. If that was the case, then Osore might not be a priority. And so the lady's suggestion to go to the bar may be sensible until an available room is ready as she works on the unconscious Isaki.

Thus Kyojin could not allow Roku to carry his employer while he did nothing. No doubt Roku was a powerful man, he commanded a warrior's presence and Kyojin respected such men. Still he would have brought up his hand to stop Roku, if the man made a motion to help, and walked to Osore. Kyojin glanced at the blond sentry and said his name for convenience's sake, the first words uttered by the Namazu giant since the group's arrival, "I am Akaya."

He gave a nod to Tetsu and took the other side of Osore, the two effectively lifting and carrying the white-armored Isaki. The armor was heavy for sure, but it was nothing Kyojin can't handle, a man of three hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle.

[OOC: Sounds good to me. Up up and away!
Village entered]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

His eyes peered over at the red haired woman as she made her response, and the more she talked the more he could feel his teeth clenching and muscles tightening. It gives her a chance, an opportunity, to make a notion that she was joking around. Even in the current situation, with an ailing man at their gates, a joke would not be something he could frown upon. Hell, prior to his recent experiences, he would have been doing his best to hit on both females in the party. Now, however, there was something different. Different about the world, different about him and different about the village. Things were becoming more prevalent, things he might have overlooked before. Now instead of seeing a carefree shinobi just trying to assist the best she can, he sees an irresponsible member of this village providing nothing more than sowing distrust into visitors of the village. She probably wasn't a bad person, nor had bad intentions, but people like her, people that seemed to care very little about well being of the village were who he held responsible for the insurgence. The Cabal claimed the village had grown weak and then they caused hell to break loose to prove the weakness of the village. The fact the village was still, mostly, standing was a testament to those who fought, but for Roku, those that created the original decay were still present. The Cabal was not the problem, they exposed the problem. His investigation into the involvement of the governing families of Wind Country, the merchant royalty, had only soured his new growing paranoia. He had to root this problem out or this misfortune would befall them once more.

His eyes would turn to the large grey man as he introduced himself. His body would return to a much more relaxed state as he would nod his head to the introduction of the rather quiet member of the party. The man made a move to help the other armored figure so Roku would not see himself as needed to assist. That worked out for him.

"A bar..."

It pained him a bit to say, but quickly his face would turn from discomfort to assurance.

"It would be a good place to rest and gather some water. Take your friend and I will make my way to Omni Prime."

His head would turn to the other armored man, the one who seemed to take much more of a vested sake in the welfare of the other armored man.

"Worst case scenario; I will meet up with your party with medication, the strongest I can find. We have currently experienced some hardships, so it might have been asking too much to have a room prepped, but it should take me no time to get there and get back to you."

Turning around, he would prepare to take off for the Omni Prime.

"Bar location does not matter... your groups arrival will make its rounds based on attire. You will be heading underground, so you will not need to worry about temperature."

And with that he would take off...

[OOC: Welcome to the Sand Box!]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Osore laid there, occasionally hacking a bit as he drooled on the sand. Hopefully someone would pick him up and carry him in. Otherwise he'd be here for quite some time. He would also be dehydrated. Of course the minute they touched him his helmet would come off, revealing a rather unmarred face with white hair and goatee. And shocking blue eyes. And a lot of vomit. And maybe some drool. Definitely drool.

(VIllage entered?)

Tsukino Nanami

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
</B>Chapter 9: Gates of Hell<B>Act 2: Thunder of Ishtar

The woman's lip curled at the site of Osore's limp body. Clearing her throat, she turned to look towards the blond haired man for a moment and nodded to him. At least the people here were more hospitable than those of Cloud. Naikishin attempted to enter Cloud when he was injured only to get turned away, bleeding out of multiple orifices. What a bunch of fools they were; or would it be that Naikishin is a fool to have trusted in others? The answer would elude Nanami; being that only the one and true god would know the answer to that.

Turning her eyes away from the man, the woman grumbled and stumbled into the village.

[Topic Left]
[Village Entered]
[Only so much you could say w/o running out of things to say]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
