Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hi. I'm Bone. These Are My Lackeys. (Requesting Entry and Kazuki)


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
It had been a while since his last view of these gates. Maki looks around the building, not truly gates but nonetheless the way into Suna. It was called a dojo, but he hadn’t seen any training either visit. Then again, it would be foolish indeed for them to show off their training regimen to any outsider who happened to come by for a looky. He guessed the name was merely a decorative attachment, something to give it some flavoring instead of simply calling it the “Toraono Hole Into Our Home”.

His hand reaches out to rap on the door before him, the other holding the paper he’d been given by Senju Kazuki. But he stops just before doing so and grins. Maki reaches up and taps his headset. ”Attention, Sennin Senju Kazuki. This is Isaki Tsukiakari. You have a guest at the gates.” He had no idea what frequency the Suna shinobi used, so simply went for an open one and hoped for the best.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi walked beside Maki as he looked around, he had to give credit where it was due, this place did look comfy enough, it seemed to hold a lot of time and culture into it, as he glanced over to Maki he knew the man had brought them here first of all, it would be interesting to say the least. Standing still beside the new leaf ANBU he allowed himself the time to glance around gauging the area and the surroundings he pondered on who would be the one to welcome them to this place. Allowing a few seconds to have his own mind wander.

I wonder who will come, it seems that with Maki already knowing people here it would be easy enough for us to get in. Though that being said I have seen weirder things happen in the past about situations like this.

Takeshi allowed his arms to come up and fold in front of him, he paused and looked back over to Maki, it seemed that he was at least quite comfortable in this current situation. That kind of reassured the new Sennin to the situation, and they had more important tasks to be getting on with.

“Let’s hope whoever comes and greats us has a little bit of information about the missing ninja as well. Isaki Tsukiakari you think they will show us the right direction at least?”

Takeshi went back to referring to the man he had known by his original name he had given, deciding it was probably for the best to do so in this current situation.


Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
Manzo stood at the “gates” waiting next to his traveling companion. He like to think that people didn’t have to wait long to come into their gates, he hoped it was the same for these.

Hearing the names that Maki used over the headset, he found it interesting and a bit annoying. If he was going to use a different name here, it would have been nice to be given a heads up, but that was a minor annoyance. The interesting part was that Maki called directly to one of the Sennin of the village in order to be let in. It seems that he had spent a bit of time here to name drop that much.

”Should we start a betting pool on the odds of him being at each of our stop?“ He asked, thought highly doubted they were lucky enough to find him on their first stop.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A large shadow would appear as someone big leapt from the far walls of the dojo where he had been monitoring progress on the construction of an actual village wall. Kyojin Kuro emerged from the cloud of sand and debris that was launched in opposition to his landing although none of the sand speckled or dusted the group announcing their presence and intent for Sennin Kazuki. Kyojin Kuro stood at seven feet and weighed in at four hundred and fifty pounds. He wore a sand camouflage pattern heavy armor made of Takahashi fire-forged steel with matte-black transformation seals allowing it to switch from desert colors to pitch black dependent on Kuro’s vocal command or four tap sonic patterned code along his right thigh plate. Kyojin Kuro wore a matching belt and sheath around his waist where he had sheathed a pair of blade attachments for his battle gauntlets. Kyojin Kuro wore his battle pouch atop the belt it was a simple lizard leather pouch but easily camouflaged by rubbing it with sand or crushed stone if ever necessary just above his right hip. Kyojin Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his left armored thigh just atop his silk gi shorts. A convenient slot in the multi-folded steel of his left thigh armor allowed Kyojin Kuro full access to his items without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his Takahashi forged battle guards and lower leggings were Kyojin Kuro’s enhanced runic terran sealed leather wraps for his hands, forearms, shins and feet. Kyojin Kuro had wrapped his armored tail around his belt making it appear that Kuro wore a belt of armor resembling hand-sized reinforced double blades. Kyojin Kuro wore his mane of silver hair in tight war braids in ancient ceremonial fashion making his oxen horns much more pronounced but also making him look like a serious battle veteran, massive chakra gems implanted into his flesh and endoskeletal structure stood out on the back of his hands. The chakra gem emerging from his left hand was emerald green with a spiral of a star in its center, if you looked at it closely and long enough one could see where it interfaced with the flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. The chakra gem within his right hand was ruby red with a six point star in its center, this one also interfaced with his flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. These carmot stones allowed Kuro to dramatically pulse chakra throughout this body which was now one of the keys to his defensive capabilities. It also allowed him to control his metabolic rate at a degree he had never believed was possible. His dark flesh was runed with runic terran seals and tattoos. His horns looked as if they were part of his armor along with his gems but the discerning eye would know that they were part of this giant warrior's body.

"Greetings travelers, we are in a state of high security otherwise any of the Anbu or standard patrols would have interviewed and allowed you to pass. Since you call for one of our masters may I have your identifications as the reason for your visit is subsequently known."<i></i>

Another avatar of Kuro would send a general message to Sennin Kazuki that visitors were at the gate requesting his presence.

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
Kazuki was focused on his doing his own thing, mainly reading the files about the known Sovereign agents, when his headset disrupted his study not once, but twice, almost in a row. The first coming in a very broad frequency that anyone in a far radius, as long they had a headset or a radio, would be able to pick it up. ”Attention, Sennin Senju Kazuki. This is Isaki Tsukiakari. You have a guest at the gates.” said the voice. It was a male speaking, one specifically requesting his presence at the gates of Sunagakure. He did not need to hear the man's name, Isaki Tsukiakari, because he had already recognized the voice. The foreigner that had fallen asleep inside his office and had been offered a mission about gathering proof that Konohagakure had been reinstated under shinobi rule. If he was back already, it could either mean one of two things. Success and Leaf actually well, or failure in doing what he had been asked for. He was going to ignore the radio call, letting someone else to take care of that visitor, so he could get back to his study, when a second radio call came forth. Again he would immediately recognize the voice calling him out, because it came from of Kuro's paths, his own blood brother. A kinship forged in blood that had made the Toraono and Senju brothers. Given who had called him this time, he opted to simply go there and deal with the situation. Closing the file, the Senju Overlord would merge with shadows and he would travel like so until he was near the gates, going the rest of the way on foot.

The White Wolf's presence is most of the time, if not always, heralded by a deathly cold aura exuded from his body, a natural effect from his Deep Court ascendancy. Something usually prevent stealth from him, but also worked as an intimidation factor. For those that already met him before, even way back as someone like Uchiha Takeshi, they would not find much outward changes, if any at all. He was still the same extremely pale individual with short silvery hair. His face showed a composed expression as usual and his pitch black irised eyes remained focused as always. Like in the old days, Reaper was dressed with a black and gray robe with silvery trimmings and an open collar, along with a large, red, flowing toga draped around his body and across his chest, black pants and black combat boots. Moments after feeling their presence, they would be able to see him calmly making his way toward the four individuals at the gates. "Brother Kuro." the Sennin would greet his clan brother and fellow Sennin before addressing those three visitors. "I see you have returned Isaki Tsukiakari. Was your mission successful?" the Death Court Lord would inquire. He had never considered the possibility that the foreigner would come with someone else in tow, let alone someone he knew very well. "Takeshi is that you?" he would quickly questioned upon recognizing one the two individuals that remained. There was a slight incredulous tone on his voice. Was that even possible?​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Black Omen[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi stood at the gates wearing his usual gear, the wind gently touching at his robes and pulling at them. He stood his ground with the arrival of the two new members of Sand. His clothes showing off his new standing inside the village slightly as he glanced at Senju Kazuki still trying to understand what he was seeing it was clear that things had changed but at least the words where true and it seemed that Kazuki was alive and now here instead of leaf, this was an interesting find but he would get on with the situation was it was presented to himself.

The black sleeveless coat had its collar pulled up slightly, the back of the cloak symbolised the Uchiha clan logo to identify himself as the head of the family. A simple black tank top under it to cover his chest. As it went down it came to the familiar to the black combat trousers followed by black combat boots. It was nothing to be wowed over just the familiar clothing that Takeshi decided to wear. As he glanced back to the sand team he allowed himself to reach into his pocket and pull out the passport that he carried with him, he offered it to Kazuki.

“Long time no see Senju, here is my passport no doubt you will be requesting it. I come here from leaf to discuss two matters which have been assigned to myself as Sennin. I hope that you do not mind me dropping out of the blue. I know we have a lot to catch up on it has been so long after all.”

Takeshi waited for the reply from Kazuki, wondering how this would go as he patiently waited for a reply he looked towards the man trying to see any changes that had happened to him. It was weird to see the one that taught him everything now standing in front of him in a different headband. It was a weird thing for the Uchiha to see, but at least he was here. He found a familiar face this couldn’t have gone any better to be honest. As he waited to see what speaking would be done he left Maki and Manzo to introduce themselves as well. It would be better for them to speak their own voice than Takeshi introducing them. Plus, he remembers that Maki wanted to come here to get some money, so he was all for that one as well. This would serve all their own purposes and he had an offer to give to Sand as well if the opportunity would arrive.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki steps back slightly as a stranger jumped down from above before them, his hand instinctively going to one of the katanas at his side. The man was wearing his same gear as always, black clothing under the red armoring he was getting to enjoy having on. As the person who so quickly entered their midst goes without attacking, the konoha native relaxes slightly, but it wasn’t until the other spoke that he would remove his hand from the blade. It would be at this point that Maki would realize a rather important fact. He didn’t have a passport.

”I’d love to give you one, but I’m hoping my boss here can vouch for me in its stead.” No need to tell lies or speak more than needed. But he does remove a paper and hand it over to the man before him. ”I am returning from a mission given to me by the man I requested. He asked me to verify the rumors that Konoha has returned, and I bring with me two Konoha shinobi to do so. I wish to report and obtain the promised reward.” The paper was short, but signed.
Sennin Kazuki of Sunagakure hereby commands Isaki Tsukiakari, born in Kirigakure, but from Konohagakure, to gather proof of Konohagakure's current state after its downfall at the hand of the Fire Daimyo. Tsukiakari has free reign to choose what kind of proof he will bring back, but Sunagakure will not be held responsible for any issues or damage he may potentially cause throughout his quest.

Finally that cold sensation arrives, though to Maki it was more as if someone else was feeling it and he simply noted their feelings. First the alcohol stops working, now he can’t tell hot from cold. What the heck was going on with his body? His brown eyes turn and nod to Kazuki as the man arrives.

”Indeed. And you didn’t think I was the guest, did you?” There is a soft smile on his lips as he asks the question. After running into Takeshi and finding out the link between the two, he had no doubt that his Sennin’s presence would provide all the proof needed. And hopefully it might mellow the other down to one of the things they were here to discuss. He keeps mum on his name for the moment. There was a time and place for that to happen, and it wasn’t here and now.

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
With the giant of a man jumping down, Manzo resisted the urge to react. He was sure that he flinched but the last thing that was needed was a reflex reaction to attack when they were on a mission of peace, at least with these shinobi.

He may only be just over five feet tall but he carried a few extra poundage that made him look like he weighed as much as the one that jumped down in front of them. Though his was not nearly as muscular.

He really found it interesting that both of his companions seemed to know people here, which made for better introductions he was sure.

He presented his passport and simply stated ”My name is Manzo, shinobi Konoha.“ he wondered if Takeshi knew they were going here first to be paraded about as the shinobi from the village reborn.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro bowed to Kazuki and let him take over proceedings since the guests were known to him and Kazuki had given no overt signal to attack them as Sovereign or known threats. He did check Manzo's passport and chakra stamped it to allow him entry. "It is good to meet you Manzo of Konohagakure, please enjoy your visit to Sunagakure and as ever keep watchful of yourself and your friends we are in a state of preparation for a full scale war and personal revenge against officials on high whom have attacked our people. As recognized visitors and potential allies you and your companions could be targeted. Please feel free to call upon any of our leadership or council for assistance in any matter that appears dire or unsafe."<i></i> Manzo was given his stamped passport back along with a small map of decent areas to eat and see Non X rated entertaining sites.

Access to Sunagakure Granted to Manzo and collected associates after passports are verified by either Kuro or Kazuki

ooc: if anyone with staff access is around please update Suna visitor settings

Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
”Indeed. And you didn’t think I was the guest, did you?” Maki would reply upon being questioned by Kazuki if his mission, a task set to him by the Senju Overlord, had been successful or not. "Takeshi's presence here means nothing. He had been missing in action by the time of Leaf's downfall. But we will discuss it all after you have been approved to enter the village." the Shadow Sword would reply to him. ”My name is Manzo, shinobi Konoha.“ the other men would declare, presenting his passport. One of Kuro's avatars would pick it up, while the other would declare. "It is good to meet you Manzo of Konohagakure, please enjoy your visit to Sunagakure and as ever keep watchful of yourself and your friends we are in a state of preparation for a full scale war and personal revenge against officials on high whom have attacked our people. As recognized visitors and potential allies you and your companions could be targeted. Please feel free to call upon any of our leadership or council for assistance in any matter that appears dire or unsafe."

A chakra stamp made Manzo's entrance official and the validity of his passport unquestionatable. He was from Konoha, of that there was no doubt. But like the White Wolf, he could have been from Konoha and not from it at a current time. Takeshi would also recognize Reaper, mainly because they had worked together and the Uchiha had been the Sand Sennin's student once upon a time. “Long time no see Senju, here is my passport no doubt you will be requesting it. I come here from leaf to discuss two matters which have been assigned to myself as Sennin. I hope that you do not mind me dropping out of the blue. I know we have a lot to catch up on it has been so long after all.” The Death Court Lord would nod upon hearing those words, silently accepting the passport and after a quick scan, he had trouble to find a flaw in it. Using the same method Kuro, he would chakra stamp the Leaf Sennin's passport and he would hand it right over. "As brother Kuro has said, you are all cleared to enter Sunagakure. Tsukiakari go to the Kazekage tower to collect your payment. If any of you wishes to have a talk with me, I can also be found there at my office." he would declare addressing them all. "I do not know how much time you will be staying in Sunagakure, given our current war state, but before you leave, I would have to have a conversation with you Takeshi." he would speak to the Uchiha Sennin. There was nothing else to do there and he would simply turn around and leave for his office.

[Topic left unless stopped]​
|[legend="[[url=][b][u]Black Omen[/u][/b][/url]]"]

Senju Kazuki – Occult Sennin

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked at the men as they checked the passports, of course this was a flash back to the past to say the least. He allowed a small sigh to come out as he waited for the normal work to be completed and the group to be allowed inside of the village. This would once more prove themselves to have the chance to find out the answers that they wanted. It would be one of those times that they had a chance to see what another village was like and get to see it up close and personal. Takeshi nodded to the words that Senju spoke. It seemed that they would be speaking after all.

“I will come over in a second, I appreciate you letting us in like this and look forward to our catch up I will head over as soon as I am done”

Takeshi allowed himself to turn back to Maki and Manzo as he looked at both a smile on his lips as he kept up the pleasant talking and smiles. He had to make good impressions and he wasn’t about to go and get bad word back to the Hokage for his actions. As he turned back he spoke to Maki and Manzo.

“See what information you can get, and please stick together here, no bad impressions. Find out any information you can or if the person we are looking for has been spotted. I will come to you once I have finished with Senju, I hope this doesn’t take long”

[Topic Left, Village Entered]

Kato Hana

Oct 23, 2012
There seemed to be more here than Manzo knew. As Maki’s mission for this village started to become clear, Manzo started to wonder where Maki’s loyalties truly lied. But that was a question for another time. This was time it didn’t matter where his loyalties lied as long as his intrested were aligned with theirs.

As he got his passport stamped he pushed his concerns aside. He would leave those to Takeshi and it seems there was political discussion that Takeshi needed to have as well. All reasons he was glad he was not the Sennin. Sometimes rank did not have its privileges.

”Thank you “ he simply told the mountain that had stamped their passports. ”we will keep our eyes open“ Not sure what the problem they were having and why the threat of war, but it didn’t matter. This was not a leisure trip, keeping their eyes open for threats was part of the mission, one more threat really did not make a difference, or more to the point one more threat from just another source really did not make a difference.

Hearing the directions from Takeshi, Manzo started to head off into the directions that he might start asking questions. The first thing he needed to do was a bit of exploration to get his bearings. This was his first time here after all, then he might have a better idea on where he might be able to start asking questions. Right now it was a question where would their target want to go?

[Topic left, Village entered]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
