Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Higaisha Urajimīru


New Member
Jan 2, 2017
==== General Information ====​

Name: Higaisha Urajimīru (ウラジミール)
<B>Nickname(s): Ura, Mīru

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height/Weight: 5’7”/130lbs - 173.7cm/58.9kg

Physical Description: Urajimiru is a well built teen and attractive teen, standing at approximately 173cm tall and weighing in at about 59kg. He isn’t by any means the smallest at his age, but at the same time he probably isn’t the tallest either. His facial features are well put together, high cheekbones and a sharply squared jaw give him a face that most seem to appreciate. His vibrant red hair stands out from afar just from its color and his unkempt style is of little concern. Adorning his head in place of normal ears are a pair of crimson wolf ears, a slight shade or two deeper than his hair, but red all the same. His eyes are piercing in their stare, but the gunmetal color is a dark contrast to the vibrancy of the sanguine mop that sits atop his head. His stance is calm for the most part, but the wolf tail that he acquired from his Okami gives away the more spirited nature that lurks within him with its near constant wagging. His skin is gently tanned, not too much but he is not pale by any means.His attire is nothing too impressive; A basic dark gray tank top that was a looser fit, sleeves that were attached to a second more form fitting shirt, but that didn’t cover his shoulders. Something of note for his sleeves was that the right side cut off just above his elbow. He has an incredibly long scarf that he wears regularly, it is a faded black, the ends fraying from the amount of time that he's had it. The length of fabric is usually wrapped around his neck, hiding his mouth and the wolfish canines within. The longest end trails over his back down to his knees, and a small portion of the front hangs down his just just under the body of it curled about his neck and chin. His headband he wears tied around his right arm. His pants are slim but loose, tucked into a pair of boots that make it up to his knees and are kept in place by wrapping that goes just over the joints. Upon his pants there are two belts, connected as they are from the right side by a large ring. One serves its proper function of keeping his pants up, however the belt system is more functional as a place to carry his giant shuriken that he has on his person at all times. The two main belts are attached to the casing that the folded weapon is tucked into, and kept from shifting too much but a third small leather strand that loops around his left hip. Otherwise, he has a scroll pouch hooked to the bottom most belt. There is little else of note on his appearance.
==== Personality ====

Mental Description: Urajimiru isn't by any means the nicest person in the world, if anything he is far from it due to his rather impish and overall cocky attitude. He is loud and most would even consider him obnoxious, as he never really shuts his mouth unless it's to eat, though that doesn’t always stop him. Even during combat, Ura is mouthy, using his wits to give insults and an immense amount of snark to his opponent. This doesn't change when he is losing, in fact he will most likely pick up on the rate at which he throws his remarks. However, he is outgoing and will attempt to make friends, so long as they can withstand his often abrasive personality. If one does indeed become his friend, there is a loyalty from him something akin to what he would give a brother or sister. He would do whatever it took to make sure they are safe, within reason that is.
Personality Traits:
cocky | brazen | brash | over the top | pushy | forceful | manipulative | social | outgoing | mischievous | playful | aggressive | stubborn | loud | loyal | abrasive

==== History ====

Life for Ura started the same as it would for many children; Quiet, calm, serene. Some would even say it was an easy start, no responsibilities, or cares in the world save for what he wanted to care about. The red headed boy had a loving family, his parents weren't rich or famous or even known for that matter, but they loved him and that was what really mattered.
He had many friends, or what could be considered as such within his village and even on days where his parents had business to attend, he was never without entertainment and love. His parents would leave him at a friend's house for the day, and he would have endless hours of play and even naps when he needed them. It was a simple life that was for sure.
That was his life, his parents coming and going as the needed to, never gone long enough for the small child to miss them, but gone often enough that he wondered where they went. Of course, it was all for work, to appease some unknown person or thing, and to make enough yen to live a comfortable life. It was a good five years until the realities of life came to greet the boy in the most horrid of ways.

The things Urajimiru didn't know about his parents were brought to light swiftly and with a brutal efficiency. It wasn't that he really learned what his parents did for a living, and with the events that happened nearly half a year after his fifth birthday, he would never know. All he knew, was that something had happened and that something had brought bandits and roving marauders to their village.
It wasn't by darkness, it wasn't at evening, or even dawn, when they struck. The time they chose, no one would have even thought that these barbaric people would have even thought to pick. It was in the dead of the afternoon, when the first thundering of hoof-beats carried across the dead air. The town was tense for some reason that day, no bird twittered, no child played. Everyone was told to remain inside, and Ura was no exception. His parents had told him to remain behind the safety of the front door, and he had looked at them with concern in his eyes, but never once asked why. Even if he had, they wouldn't have told him, that much was obvious.
When those first beats against the ground finally echoed to them, the red headed boy's mother shooed him away. He threw a valiant effort with his protesting, the saddened eyes, the pouty lip, but it didn't work. She pushed him back and into the kitchen, telling him to hide beneath the sink until everything was sorted out. Little did he know that the results would leave him without family.

Screams and the slice of blades could be heard from behind the doors that hid the boy, and every sound made him flinch and at the same time they made him want to look out from his secret place. The words 'worthless' and 'useless' caused the child to burst from beneath the sink, screaming that it was not true. What met his metal colored eyes would never leave him. It was a permanent scar on his mind.
As he bolted from the kitchen, through the living room, and out the front door, his gaze was met with his mother's as she turned towards him and gave him an apologetic smile, a single tear falling from her eyes as a sword slashed through her body. Ura screamed and fell to his knees, even as her blood burst forth from her mangled form and coated his face. He stared at his hands, his eyes unseeing and lost in the viciousness of what had just happened. He didn't see the fact that his father was already dead upon the ground, his ghastly and lifeless gaze locked upon the door to their home.
The sound of boots and the whinny of a horse fell upon deaf ears, and for Urajimiru, time would seem to stand still. His eyes drifted to the split corpse of his mother, and then to the faces of those gathered around him. The women all had a hand covering their mouths, tears streaming from their eyes. The men, they stood there silently, their eyes closed and heads turned away. They wouldn't watch what would happen next, they couldn't. It was simply going to be too gruesome to witness.
The hiss of metal sounded out as a sword was drawn, and finally the boy's eyes focused again as they dropped to the blood-soaked ground before him. What he saw however, was not the ground, but a pair of black boots that were mere inches away from where he was collapsed upon his knees. That red liquid was still splattered upon his countenance, and he did his best to wipe it off with his sleeve as he sniffled and turned his grey eyes upwards. A disgusting grin greeted him, one that was set upon the twisted visage of a bandit.
"What's wrong little boy? Mommy ain't here to save you any more is she?" That brutal human-being taunted him in an attempt to goad him into some sort of action. However, it would seem that the child was incapable and only stared seemingly through him. Anymore words were unheard. The only sound that reached Ura was the singing of a blade through the air as it headed for his tiny body.

Lids fell over those gunmetal colored orbs, and he waited for release from this world. He had nothing to live for anymore, his family gone and everyone around him. Although, as it were, it would seem that was not to be. The sound that broke his muted hearing was a shriek unlike any he had heard before, and again, his face was sprayed in blood. A growl broke through the shouting that commenced shortly after, and Ura couldn't help but try to see what it was that made such a noise.
When his eyes peeled open, they fell upon the frame of a large wolf; one far larger than any he had seen before, or even read about. It's fur was a deep sanguine hue that was studded with black on the tips. The creature seemed to give off an almost fiery glow, unless it was just the lighting that played off the coloration of the wolf's body. It was hard for the child to tell what was real in this moment and what wasn't. His mind struggled to make sense of anything that was going on. Was that an arm in the wolf's mouth? He shook his head, doing his best to clear his vision and once again wipe that sanguine fluid from his face.
There was no mistaking it now, not when the great beast turned its head towards him, that slab of bone and flesh dangling uselessly from between the massive jaws. With that clearly in his gaze the boy threw himself backwards with a nearly inaudible scream. His mouth open and no sound coming from it for the first few moments, at least until that ear splintering wail finally broke from his vocal cords. The sound caused the beast's ears to pin against its head, a whine breaking from it as its head shook and the arm fell from its maw.

Legends had once spoken of a great wolf spirit, Okami, and it would protect or take life. Urajimiru was not one who hadn't heard this legends, but legends were legends and not the truth. He had never thought he would see something so fearsome, so impressive as that, and yet, Okami was the only thing his child mind could fall to. So certain was that boyish brain, that he called out to it even as it leapt for the downed bandit and bit into his throat. Blood gushed and splattered, spray and flew across the ground, staining it a dirtied reddish brown.
The name, the calling card, whatever it was... Caused the red wolf to turn its piercing gaze upon the boy. The stare was unsettling, but it held something else within it, a fierce cunning and even a gentleness to it that one would never have expected to see. It seemed to feel sorrow for the child, and it bowed ever so slightly as it turned away to see the rest of the bandits chased from the village.
The rest of what happened then was simple, the bandits did their best to fight off the Okami spirit and failed. Instead of staying and accepting a righteous and honorable death, they all fled like cowards back to where they came from. It wouldn't be known to Ura that later on in the year, those twisted men had returned and destroyed his village, burned it to the ground and slaughtered everyone in it. All he knew was they were gone, he was safe, and it was all thanks to this Okami.
When the din of fleeing horses and screaming people subsided, Ura's world went black.​

It was a struggle, as the afternoon progressed into evening, for the youngster to keep his eyes open when he finally awakened and he sat atop the great wolf. How he had actually gotten onto the animal's back was beyond his small mind. All he knew was that he was no longer in his home, no longer with his people and this fire colored creature was carrying him somewhere. He thought to ask where they were going, but his words didn't encompass that, nor would his brain allow the words to fall from him. Instead, he buried his hands in that warm fur and stared down at it.
The Okami never once looked back at Ura as it trotted forwards. It had a destination and it was not about to stop before it got there. It wasn't about to answer questions; How could it? It was a beast, and a spirit. It had no need for such mortal things. The pair continued on in silence for a time, until they reached the gates of Sunagakure along side some merchants looking to enter and sell their wares.
With these people, it was easy enough to slip in passed the gates, and as such, there was no alarm or question; At least save for the ones that came when someone noticed that a child was riding a wolf. Then again, entering a place where ninja came from, and there were plenty of Inuzuka with their own dogs, it was not as uncommon as one might have thought. Nonetheless, the Okami continued onward, its destination well within reach now.

No words were shared between the two, the wolf and the child moving in complete silence even now. The pair wound their way through the streets and the back alleyways, heading for what? The boy had no idea, hopefully it was somewhere he could be safe. Eventually, their travels would bring them before a great gateway. The entrance to the Toraono Dojo as it were. The guards that stood there were each from the respective branches of the Toraono family, but one in particular seemed to show some interest and concern with their arrival.
The one Byakko guard approached, beckoning to the wolf with a hand to get its attention. A single crimson pelted ear swiveled towards the man, little else changing upon the creature's countenance for the time being. Eventually, it turned towards the guard and looked up at him, its gazing seeming to see through the man rather than see the man himself. It was as if the Okami were judging the worth of the person, and even though he was the guard of a house full of cats, it seemed to be the best option. The last option really, to keep Ura out of trouble and to give him some semblance of a normality after what had just happened.
The halls that the red headed child was carried through were lavish, beautifully crafted, and quite a testament to the status that the entirety of the clan held. Even so, the kid's gunmetal colored eyes strayed little from where his hands were buried within the great beast's fur. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to be removed from his home. If anything, he was still trying to understand what had happened, he didn't really think that his parents were dead. Then again, the fact that he had been brought here only solidified that to be the truth as much as he, in his childish thoughts, tried to deny it.
Ura sniffled from time to time, the sound echoing off the grand walls, but he still did his best to keep himself together. Even as they reached their destination. The Byakko section of the Toraono Estate as it were. His eyes finally came up and away from the Okami's body, and he looked towards the entry and through the doors as they were opened inwards towards pristine white walls. They glowed eerily almost, but that effect could have been granted by the tears that were still being held back to the best of his ability. All the same, as he was carried through the doorway, it would seem he lost whatever strength it was that kept him seated upon the spirit beast. As he slipped to the side and fell the creature twisted and caught him, softening the otherwise painful blow that his body would have otherwise taken.

It was then that Urajimiru could no longer hold back those pent up tears and in that moment he lost it. He screamed and cried. Wailed and threw himself against the warm fur that was the coat of his only friend left in the world it seemed. He had been taken from his home, forced from it by bandits who had taken the lives of his parents. They would never be seen again and he knew that, and he hated it. So, he sat there wailing in the most unbecoming way. The Okami spirit did its best to soothe him, licking his face and the mop of red hair that was there. It curled about him and shook its great head.
Over time, the boy quieted down, crying himself to sleep from an exhausting day. The wolf never moved from him. It had chosen to spare his life, to protect it, rather than take it. And that was its burden. It looked up from the slumbering child and to the guard who stood there, looking rather unsure of what to do. A look was all that was needed to convey the thoughts within the creature's head to the human before it. As such, that Byakko sentinel went scurrying off in search of the head of the branch, the head of the family; Kyuji.
The wait wasn't long -- However, during that time the fiery spirit deemed it fit to take his leave. Although, it would seem that it wasn't about to disappear into nothing without leaving the boy something to remember it by. A parting gift as it were. With a soundless howl that could only be heard by Kyuji himself and Ura, even deep within his slumber, the beast bestowed the child with marks of his protection. A red tail; well sized, but almost too large for the kid as it almost covered his entire body like a blanket. The teeth of a wolf; canines and all, fit enough to chomp the fingers off of an annoying pest. And lastly, a pair of ears in place of his human ones that adorned his head, the floppy appendages were something he would have to grow into as well, as they flopped forward and nearly covered his eyes.
With those few sparing gifts, the spirit had changed and altered the boy's life and his very world. He would remember what happened, he would remember how he was saved, and he would remember that there was more to life than living or dying. Winning or losing. There was always something more to be had, more to be looked for, more to be fought for. And with those blessings granted, it left the boy to the Byakko branch, never looking back.
--- Some years later ---​

Years had passed since that day, and Ura grew to accept the members of the Byakko branch as his own family. The painful memory of the tragic day that brought him to the lavish white halls eased and softened, but he never did truly push it aside. How could he? He was reminded of it every day with the features he had. That wasn't the only reminder, he didn't really fit in as it were. They were all descendants of the celestial white tiger and he -- Now the descendant of an Okami. It wasn't common for a wolf to befriend cats, but as it were that is exactly what the boy had been forced to do when he was brought to this place.
Even through the struggles of his early years, somehow the boy remained upbeat and headstrong in nature. He never really let anything get the better of him. Or at least, he tried not too outwardly. Inwardly, it ate at him from time to time and he would wonder off somewhere to sulk and nurse those internal wounds. Even so, there were numerous occasions where Kyuji would have to pull him from some fight or another because most of the children his age pushed his buttons somehow. The scolding that he may have received from such altercations was always greeted with a broad grin, a swift nod, and a very brief apology.
It wasn't like the child had much to do, and it was not like many left him alone. He constantly was asked about his ears and tail, his teeth far less noticeable as it were, but that never damped his spirits. He answered as best he could and usually wiggled those ears of his and gave a wag of his tail before skipping away in the best manner a child could. He was happy, wasn't that all that mattered?

Through the time he spent in the clan halls it wasn't uncommon for the redhead to be found studying jutsus in solitude, something he had started doing less than a year after his arrival to the clan and to Sunagakure. It wasn't to avenge his family, nothing so obvious. No, it was something he had always wanted to do, and as such when he was given the opportunity, he took it. He poured over available scrolls, treating them like most kids would their storybooks, and there were few days where he actually neglected to look them over and try one or two; even if he failed half of the time.

He was young and would learn, eventually being sent to the Academy to further the studies that he started, as well as to learn the things he couldn't on his, or the things that no one had time to show him. It was a fun time for the boy, that was quite an obvious knowledge. He enjoyed being around kids his age and the fact that they were all doing something similar instead of focusing on his abnormalities.
Of course, there was no keeping him quiet, and he quickly became the class clown with his antics and desire to nearly interrogate their teachers and instructors to no end. He was full of questions, his brain quick to process new information with an ease that was a bit surprising for someone who was also so quick to make snarky remarks or be distracted by something entirely different. Sure, when he put his mind to it Ura was pretty impressive, taking the things he'd learned and applying them properly and with such focus that it could rival some of the most skilled older students.
He wasn't a prodigy by any means, but he wasn't far from that status either. If he didn't have that distracted and impish nature he most likely could have been considered as such, but he had those problems and a few others, so he never quite made that status. And honestly, that didn't bother him at all. He was content in being at the head of his class with a couple other students, it didn't make him stand out, and it let those feelings of inferiority that he had at times stay in the dark.
It would seem that Urajimiru’s time in the Academy was about to come to an unexpected and rather quick end, as his instructors had seen to it that he was ready for his Genin Exam far earlier than they had anticipated. They were swift to approach his adoptive father to ask about such matters and he was allowed to give his now-son a special mission that could qualify as his Genin Exam. The mission wouldn’t be far from challenging to the adopted son of the Byakko Clan, but the boy would return from his task with nothing more than a few bruises and scrapes from the harsh environment of the Desert that surrounded the village and some of the confrontations that he had while on his mission.

The mission itself was to retrieve a sacred scroll that was stolen from the Byakko Household a few weeks earlier. This item contained secret information pertaining to the Byakko Clan and were only to be seen from individuals that had the celestial being’s blood coursing through their veins. The redheaded child was given three days from the when he was given the information that he needed to retrieve the scroll and it only took him a little over a day to bring it back to his father’s feet and secure his promotion to Genin.
During his mission however, he had to combat numerous obstacles to obtain the scroll which was being secured in a makeshift camp by mercenaries who had motives unknown to the village and Ura’s own adopted family. The first obstacle that he had to combat were the sounder of pigs that cropped up every now and then on his journey. Those animals did not take too kindly to his presence. He smelled of wolf, and that made the pigs hesitant and wary, but Ura never once tried to take on any of them as he knew he was outnumbered. He was also aware it wasn’t wise to fight a creature in its natural habitat while he was the outsider and knew little of the terrain he traversed. Wisely, he kept his distance as he traveled through the Desert towards the apparent location given to him of the thieves.
The next obstacle that he constantly had to deal were Pugilist Scorpions. Theses beasts would randomly appear near him and try to sting him, but fortunately he kept a wary eye trained to the sands as he was traveling and managed to avoid any critical exposure to their poison; That isn’t saying that he didn’t get stung a few times in the process.
His last obstacle to overcome was infiltrating the camp and retrieving that all important scroll. Even with having arrived before the fall of night, he waited until that darkness overtook the land and the camp in order to conceal his presence from the mercenaries. He was not an idiot, and was well aware of the fact that he was heavily outmatched and outnumbered. He used that selfsame darkness to his advantage, sneaking into their camp and stealthily locating the scroll that was beneath the cover of a tent near the center of the small area. It took him little time to turn tail once he had the item and sneak his way back out and to a safe location some distance away.
He took a few hours to sleep and regain some energy for the trek home, as it would be a bit of a hike through the sands once again to arrive back at the village. After the sun rose once more and half the day had passed, he returned to the Byakko Clan’s home. Sand fell from his clothing as he moved through the halls to present the scroll to Kyuji. It was taken with small ceremony and brought to the Temple of Byakko and put it in a secure location so their lord would be pleased once again. When his father returned and gave him his headband, he was also given a pat on the back for a job well done and a successful mission.
Through it all, even with his snippy attitude and rather devilish and playful behavior; He made it. He was now a Genin and a part of the ninja community of Sunakagure.

Another handful of years had passed since that day, and Ura was now seventeen. He had chosen his weapon within a short span of time once he had become a Genin and it had become a moniker of who he was. It was easily identified by now, not that he didn’t stand out in a crowd already. Nonetheless, the over-sized shuriken was impressive, and there was never a time he didn’t carry it on his person.
His personality hadn’t diminished in the slightest, and in all accounts his unruly nature had only grown. He was a loudmouth and constantly looked to get under the skin of others, during combat or outside of such matters, it made little difference to the wolf. Through it all over the years he did what he could to progress himself, taking on missions both small and large and working his way through the ins and outs of shinobi life. It was tough going at times, and if he were honest, he wouldn’t have it any other way. All that mattered was he had a purpose, he had a family, and he was enjoying life.
Now… To get a team that could put up with him. Those sorts of people were out there… Right?​


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

If you have any issues please contact any member of the Sand Council: here
Please post your bio: here
Make sure you've brushed up on all the rules located: here and here
A great resource to help you find your way around here
You'll want to request an Academy Student banner here

Starting Stats:
Stamina: 5
Agility: 5
Taijutsu: 5
Ninjutsu: 5
Genjutsu: 5
Chakra Control: 0

Few things to note for your own sake:
  • We recently completed an Inter-village Examination held by our Daimyo, a lot of things have went wrong and have caused tensions to mount between Sunagakure and the rest of Wind Country. Paranoia is mounting for the upper echelon as political unions are being made and nefarious plans are being hatched.. This is an on-going story line with village-wide ramifications that are about to reach into the rest of Wind Country as well as the world.
  • Part of our village is underground as we have been trapped underground for the last few decades due to a terrible sandstorm we called the Diamond Maelstrom that ceased last year so we started to rebuild on the surface (namely the Kazekage Tower and Suna Residences thus far). A sandworm attack has caused massive damage to the subterranean village, the "ceiling' has been lifted off and for the first time in decades some people are living under the son. Others are dead and buried.
  • Sunans are still reeling from a Cabal attack 5 years ago that not only threatened the integrity of the community but lost a number of lives. The surviving members of the Cabal have allied themselves with Sunagakure but hard feelings remain.
  • A war is also brewing between Sunagakure and the Diamyo who is raising an army to destroy the village called the Soverign.
  • Please be aware that we do have a battle system with BL and CAs, you might want to familiarize yourself with the system. While it is uncommon for a Sand player to start a modded fight, I would not put it past a sand user to respond in character (IC) to insane, abusive or dangerous behavior. I strongly recommend joining some of the our of character (OOC/OC) communities such as Skype or Discord so you can plan out some of your stories with other sandies, RP is much more entertaining than modded situations.
  • Feel free to PM me or any other Sand user if you have any questions.
  • Suna also uses Skype as a community channel as well I would be more than happy to add you to if you are interested. If you are interested, PM any Sand member besides myself (my PM box is broken and we have not been able to fix that) and once added I can take care of your Skype permissions (I am Daimetric Dealings, or bladerun40 @ yahoo . com).
  • We also have a Discord group. I see that you have already found us in there. Feel free to speak up and make friends.
  • Genin Banner. 500 yen.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
