Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hojirozame Samezuka

Hojirozame Samezuka

New Member
Sep 12, 2023
OOC Rank


Name: Hojirozame Samezuka

Age: 14

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eyes: Deep blue

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140

Physical Description:
The top of Hoji's head has always had a shark fin on his scalp, alongside the base of a sharks head with gills residing on either side, black scruffy hair poking out of the back of his head. This completely covers where his eyes should be, but through small holes if to be closely inspected one would see two small beady eyes. Usually he prefers relying on his electroreception than his poor eyesight for high paced moments. His teeth being razor sharp and abnormally large, re-growing rather quickly upon any sort of damage to them, certainly resembling that of a shark. On either side of his waist he also bares several more smaller and less prominent gills compared to the ones of either side of his head. His whole body is rather smooth and well attuned to swimming through water, however in certain areas, namely the top of his head his fore arms, and shins reside miniscule scales which all form together to make rough skin, making for good defence. Well built and toned his body has been toned from all the athletic water sports he puts himself through for leisure, however most of his muscle is practically only really suited for swimming fast. Usually preferring to wear just a blue pair of shorts, if needed be he will try to wear loose clothing. The majority of his body however is mostly like any other human.

Mental Description:
Fucked. Would be the short way to put it. Most of the actions he does and takes is usually primal and animalistic, short and snappy is what he likes the best. Kind to most who give him food or treat him well, yet he can easily be put on high alert and usually results in biting whatever is in his way. Hoji cares little for ones looks and usually can sniff out a bad apple before worst comes to worst, only barely accommodated to social normalities it's rare for him not to do at least one stupid thing in a normal outing. His love for the sea and everything that resides in it, makes it the place where he feels most at home, the food chain being in order and whilst not at the top he's usually damn near when it comes to the ocean. Idiotic would be putting it nicely when it comes to his academic skills, however as a natural fighter against most fishes and the likes he considers himself to be quite skilled. His curiosity and big head more often than not have a high chance of getting him in to something he has no clue about, getting him in to bad situations most of the time, not that he learns anything mind you.


Hoji's existence was always a weird one. Before he even was born his mother was someone who sailed the high seas, a trader who would transport goods all across the globe it was her way of life, and soon enough her son was supposed to join in on her business which she had risen from the ground up. With a large affinity to water and the amount of chakra which was stored up in inside, she couldn't help but fall in love with it and everything it had to offer. Truly attuned to the water in every way possible, her chakra and it's becoming one as she became a shark sage with the help of her dear contract. Endless nights were spent talking and dreaming of what their lives will come to be, their contract wasn't just a deal, it was a promise, to intertwine each other, in love. Quite an unknown prospect but with both resembling humanoid figures and shapes, their love could triumph all problems. And fortunately for them. It was so. In just a few months a baby would be on their way, and the two of them couldn't be happier. Yet... doubts could easily grow if left untouched, and Ayame couldn't help but wonder what her darling son would turn out to be or to look like.

And as the ship creaked, the storm beckoning, waves crashing against the side of each wall whilst the winds howled violently. That night is when it was time for Hoji to finally wriggle out, Ayame worse for wear, yet strong at heart stayed strong through the process, his father clearly worried yet held his darling partner tightly as they tackled it together. Skin with a tint of blue was expected, sure perhaps a few scales here and there maybe, at the very worst a few gills on his neck, if it was just that they could all handle it together. Although even with such an exotic relationship such as this one, neither of them could have been prepared for the shock and embarrassment as the first thing that either of them saw was... a fin?! It only got worse as he continued to leave, a huge rough head of a shark covered in tiny weak scales, gills freakishly all over this head, as well as on the side of each of his torso, and unsuspectingly even small razor fangs all along his jaw. The little rugrat gave the two a heart attack, his form being much more mangled then they ever could have imagined. Each of them almost instantly having the same thought process regarding what would happen next. What some might deem cruel, the life at sea was always a tough one, and whilst Ayame rested from the pains of labour. His father took the burden of whisking his newborn son of the side of the ship, with little natural energy guiding his way as the tides caressed the young babe.

Seaside paradise... truly what a place to be. The water beautiful and shimmering, all sorts of wonderful sights to see, the animals, the nature, the woman... One could only hope that one day once they settle down and their life is finally coming to their final chapter that they would find themselves in such a place. As long as he could remember this is where Hoji had lived for all his life, rent free, care free most of his life he had pretty much felt free to do anything. How he had gotten to such a place really, he had no clue whatsoever and never thought about such a thing, the earliest thing he could remember was meeting his family... found family. A small party of piranhas who could all speak basic English and were ready to eat Hoji whilst he was just a small guppy, although his chubby cheeks and cute smile and giggle convinced the gang of five to spare him, not only that but taking him under their fin. It was from these five where he learnt everything he knew... granted not being much it was still better than nothing. He learnt how to hunt for his own food, slowly sneaking up on a potential meal before sinking his jaws right in and devouring it quick and fast.

Quick and fast was everything he knew, and as he grew older and grew larger, very quickly did him and his family begin to rise in the food chain, the six of them could take on any challenge, not one other fish could stand in their way. Although unfortunately Hoji was always known to bite more than he can chew and whilst he was big, he wasn't the biggest. One fateful day, which should have been like any other, as him and his motley crew swim energetically and gracefully below the surface of the water, looking for their next meal or play-toy. They had swam too far out, over confident in their own abilities, most of which would be watching their resident shark boy beat down whatever was soon to be dinner. A fast and large split across the water soon came to fruition, a sharp fin slicing through the water's glimmering surface, as it ripped through the waves it easily caught up to the six, a great maw widening open swallowing a couple of them whole. In a flash Hoji quickly realised the kind of word that he lived in, one could only enjoy the leisure of being at the top for so long. His lack of strength lost him the freedom he had, in a state of panic he swam with everything he had, a bloody mist quickly appearing from behind him. Frantically he flailed his arms and legs the most he could, drool and snot flowing from out of his mouth and nose as tears began to form, even though he was underwater he could feel their presence.

And just like that he washed up on the shore, guzzling a large amount of sand in to his gullet moments before spitting and coughing in a disgusting mess, hurling it all over on to the poor kid which just wanted to enjoy a day at the beach. His unnatural monstrous appearance definitely warranted a lot of weird looks with the father even throwing his ice cream straight at the beached semi shark. Although this just led to him learning what the sweet sweet taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream was, it would only be the beginning of the prejudice that he would face in life, his English broken and muffled it was going to be hard for him to make any sort of company. On all fours he quickly made his way through the streets, grabbing any sort of item that smelt delicious, something anything he could eat. And making his way outta there, without even having any time to think of the life he once had, but that was how things worked in this world. Get up, move on, back to normal. And normal for Hoji was the hunt, ironically enough he was just a small fish in this gigantic pond, with a swift reality check it was clear that he was no where near the strongest. And so at the young age of 10 he made his way to Sunagakure, it was one of the words he had heard the most from everyone around him. And after stalking a few merchants it wasn't hard to sneak his small body in to one of their water containers, in just a few days time the little runt was in the big city.


And boy if he thought he was out of his depth, he was really drowning in pressure now. His rustic language certainly was hard for people to understand the first time hearing it. And he very quickly learnt that having no clothes was a very bad thing around here. There was a lot he learnt and a lot to learn, but the feeling of loneliness was one that he never thought would be so painful. Alone he'd stalk the streets watching how people talked, walked and how they'd survive in such a dry climate. Usually used to the refreshing touch of water, to say it was a sudden change would be an understatement. But one thing, one thing stayed the same. He'd have to feast if he wanted to survive. It was far more difficult having to survey and sense who would be suitable targets but the portions were certainly much larger whenever an unsuspecting child, elderly citizen or untrained civilian would go down the wrong alleyway.

Inuzuka Application:

Hoji was used to hunting in the water, like he had a natural talent at it, his favourite domain to be in, even on land after a few years he had finally gotten better, whilst it required a lot more effort with time he could pull it off pretty well snagging himself a good meal. But the air... well that was just unfair, way too unfair. How the hell was he supposed to reach that?! It was so high up, stupid birds could just fly around enjoying the damn air, it's like they were taunting him, squawking and making so much dang noise. No matter how many times he tried jumping up to reach them, he never stood a chance. Even when he could sneak up on them... they'd always fly away at the last second. He had practically given up until one late night... it was like a bird he'd never seen before, and it definitely didn't sound like one. Preferring screeches than any sort of ordinary tweeting, its style of flying looked a lot more disorientated and wacky. An easy unsuspecting target, slowly in the dead of night Hoji would stalk his newfound prey, an cheeky grin spreading across his face, he couldn't help but prepare himself for such a satisfying meal. Watching the small bat flutter through the cold air, just as he was about to pounce...

He gazed upwards watching as the creature of the dark had somehow fluttered in to the confines of a large spiders web, constructed between the small nook of two buildings on the shorter side. Stuck and helpless Hoji thought this couldn't possibly get any easier, when suddenly he'd be acquainted to such a disgusting freakishly large animal, a hairy tarantula would begin to make it's way across the web... quickly spraying it's web all across the weak bat as it struggled and screeched in fear. It wasn't fair... not at all... not to Hoji and not to his previous prey, he felt a feeling of disgust and hatred for this 8 legged horror. But the hunt wasn't over yet, he just had gotten himself a bigger meal.. His calves tightened moments before he leaped on to the wall, clawing his way upwards with everything ounce of energy he had, sweat pouring down his face as he faced danger head on. Falling back on his instincts his jaw widened before clamping down on the lower body of the spider, a horrible taste gushing through his mouth as blood sprayed across and completely unsupported to the two fell from the monstrous web to the ground. His back taking the brunt of the blow, rolling himself to his feet he snarled at the beast before him as it's two pincers raised in anger.

"Yoo... you brastard!!" Hoji howled recklessly charging towards the wild animal as it leaped on to his torso delivering a nasty bite, screeching in pain Hoji recoiled gripping his chest with one hand for a second, moments before the shark touched lad tightly gripped two of it's legs swinging it away from it's web and on to the clear pathway. At this rate, he didn't stand a chance and was running out of energy, even though they had only been in a small skirmish, he was much more of instant kill type when it came to the hunt. An unfavourable situation for sure, he'd remember from his time with the piranhas. Whilst most of the work he was able to do by himself, there was times where he needed a helping hand here and there. An extra bite was always welcome when it came to fighting adversaries. Taking another mighty leap, his body full of exhaustion, he used what little chakra he had to boost himself as high as he could, tiredly grabbing on to the bat ripping it from all sorts of webbing. As he fell again, he took the brunt of the blow as the spider was prepared to go in for the kill. Unable to react fast enough, panting desperately as his tired lungs gasped for air and he could feel his body was losing it's smooth feel, things were looking bleak for him and there was nothing he could do.

It was only then when he remembered, he needed others to survive. The small winged creature took a bite out of one of the tarantula's legs, his wings erratically flapping as the two began to wrestle and fight. In this time Hoji was able to regain a semblance of strength, clawing his way to them all of his limbs on the floor, scraping himself to his adversary, using his own strength to rip two of it's legs off, whilst it was distracted. Whilst his enemy wasn't dead, the fight was over as the two began to rip and tear through their prey, gnawing and clawing their way through it's life essence as it could only attempt to scramble, however as it's legs curled inwards it was clear it was dead. Utterly out of energy Hoji could barely create a smile as he gazed down at their victory, just before he fell unconscious completely drained.

Hours would pass as he laid half dead, his body managing to power through his injuries he slept throughout the night, awakening to a nudging at his arm. Sunrise was just beginning as his eyes rapidly fluttered open, the same unexpected ally he had found awaited his awakening. And with a devilish grin Hoji knew what the future would hold the two of them, grabbing the creature by it's body he excitedly pulled it towards his chest, bringing his other hand on to it's fluffy head as he scratched it. Holding it almost like a teddy, Hoji smiled and pronounced to his newfound friend. "We arre unstroppabable! Me and... you... Fuka!"

Weeks would pass as they worked together to gain all their meals, it was a lot easier for Hoji to steal with the help of Fuka by his side. The two were like two peas in a pod and even whilst separated they seemed to be linked to each other. They could even understand each other despite speaking completely different languages, taking small markets by storm they were lowly thieves, keeping a low profile but eating their fill. It was only till one day that Hoji had made a shocking revelation upon meeting a two travelling merchants. A burly inuzuka accompanied by an elderly greyhound, their shop being titled 'Inuzuka Ingredients!' The shock on Hoji's face was unmatched he couldn't believe it, they were just like him and Fuka. He had so many questions, so much to ask but the only thing he could muster to bark was "Are yoou! Mr... inoozuka?!!" The slightly weirded out man would just reply with an almost blank expression and a nod.


In which Hoji would return this reaction with his jaw hitting the floor as he screeched in excitement, Fuku perching on his shoulder as he giddily skipped away in joy, definitely freaking out a few normal citizens. Pronouncing his newly self proclaimed title. "Yoou hear that! Fuku! I am... Mr Samezuka!!"

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

View attachment 2849

Name: Hojirozame Samezuka

Age: 14

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eyes: Deep blue

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140

Physical Description:
The top of Hoji's head has always had a shark fin on his scalp, alongside the base of a sharks head with gills residing on either side, black scruffy hair poking out of the back of his head. This completely covers where his eyes should be, but through small holes if to be closely inspected one would see two small beady eyes. Usually he prefers relying on his electroreception than his poor eyesight for high paced moments. His teeth being razor sharp and abnormally large, re-growing rather quickly upon any sort of damage to them, certainly resembling that of a shark. On either side of his waist he also bares several more smaller and less prominent gills compared to the ones of either side of his head. His whole body is rather smooth and well attuned to swimming through water, however in certain areas, namely the top of his head his fore arms, and shins reside miniscule scales which all form together to make rough skin, making for good defence. Well built and toned his body has been toned from all the athletic water sports he puts himself through for leisure, however most of his muscle is practically only really suited for swimming fast. Usually preferring to wear just a blue pair of shorts, if needed be he will try to wear loose clothing. The majority of his body however is mostly like any other human.

Mental Description:
Fucked. Would be the short way to put it. Most of the actions he does and takes is usually primal and animalistic, short and snappy is what he likes the best. Kind to most who give him food or treat him well, yet he can easily be put on high alert and usually results in biting whatever is in his way. Hoji cares little for ones looks and usually can sniff out a bad apple before worst comes to worst, only barely accommodated to social normalities it's rare for him not to do at least one stupid thing in a normal outing. His love for the sea and everything that resides in it, makes it the place where he feels most at home, the food chain being in order and whilst not at the top he's usually damn near when it comes to the ocean. Idiotic would be putting it nicely when it comes to his academic skills, however as a natural fighter against most fishes and the likes he considers himself to be quite skilled. His curiosity and big head more often than not have a high chance of getting him in to something he has no clue about, getting him in to bad situations most of the time, not that he learns anything mind you.


Hoji's existence was always a weird one. Before he even was born his mother was someone who sailed the high seas, a trader who would transport goods all across the globe it was her way of life, and soon enough her son was supposed to join in on her business which she had risen from the ground up. With a large affinity to water and the amount of chakra which was stored up in inside, she couldn't help but fall in love with it and everything it had to offer. Truly attuned to the water in every way possible, her chakra and it's becoming one as she became a shark sage with the help of her dear contract. Endless nights were spent talking and dreaming of what their lives will come to be, their contract wasn't just a deal, it was a promise, to intertwine each other, in love. Quite an unknown prospect but with both resembling humanoid figures and shapes, their love could triumph all problems. And fortunately for them. It was so. In just a few months a baby would be on their way, and the two of them couldn't be happier. Yet... doubts could easily grow if left untouched, and Ayame couldn't help but wonder what her darling son would turn out to be or to look like.

And as the ship creaked, the storm beckoning, waves crashing against the side of each wall whilst the winds howled violently. That night is when it was time for Hoji to finally wriggle out, Ayame worse for wear, yet strong at heart stayed strong through the process, his father clearly worried yet held his darling partner tightly as they tackled it together. Skin with a tint of blue was expected, sure perhaps a few scales here and there maybe, at the very worst a few gills on his neck, if it was just that they could all handle it together. Although even with such an exotic relationship such as this one, neither of them could have been prepared for the shock and embarrassment as the first thing that either of them saw was... a fin?! It only got worse as he continued to leave, a huge rough head of a shark covered in tiny weak scales, gills freakishly all over this head, as well as on the side of each of his torso, and unsuspectingly even small razor fangs all along his jaw. The little rugrat gave the two a heart attack, his form being much more mangled then they ever could have imagined. Each of them almost instantly having the same thought process regarding what would happen next. What some might deem cruel, the life at sea was always a tough one, and whilst Ayame rested from the pains of labour. His father took the burden of whisking his newborn son of the side of the ship, with little natural energy guiding his way as the tides caressed the young babe.

Seaside paradise... truly what a place to be. The water beautiful and shimmering, all sorts of wonderful sights to see, the animals, the nature, the woman... One could only hope that one day once they settle down and their life is finally coming to their final chapter that they would find themselves in such a place. As long as he could remember this is where Hoji had lived for all his life, rent free, care free most of his life he had pretty much felt free to do anything. How he had gotten to such a place really, he had no clue whatsoever and never thought about such a thing, the earliest thing he could remember was meeting his family... found family. A small party of piranhas who could all speak basic English and were ready to eat Hoji whilst he was just a small guppy, although his chubby cheeks and cute smile and giggle convinced the gang of five to spare him, not only that but taking him under their fin. It was from these five where he learnt everything he knew... granted not being much it was still better than nothing. He learnt how to hunt for his own food, slowly sneaking up on a potential meal before sinking his jaws right in and devouring it quick and fast.

Quick and fast was everything he knew, and as he grew older and grew larger, very quickly did him and his family begin to rise in the food chain, the six of them could take on any challenge, not one other fish could stand in their way. Although unfortunately Hoji was always known to bite more than he can chew and whilst he was big, he wasn't the biggest. One fateful day, which should have been like any other, as him and his motley crew swim energetically and gracefully below the surface of the water, looking for their next meal or play-toy. They had swam too far out, over confident in their own abilities, most of which would be watching their resident shark boy beat down whatever was soon to be dinner. A fast and large split across the water soon came to fruition, a sharp fin slicing through the water's glimmering surface, as it ripped through the waves it easily caught up to the six, a great maw widening open swallowing a couple of them whole. In a flash Hoji quickly realised the kind of word that he lived in, one could only enjoy the leisure of being at the top for so long. His lack of strength lost him the freedom he had, in a state of panic he swam with everything he had, a bloody mist quickly appearing from behind him. Frantically he flailed his arms and legs the most he could, drool and snot flowing from out of his mouth and nose as tears began to form, even though he was underwater he could feel their presence.

And just like that he washed up on the shore, guzzling a large amount of sand in to his gullet moments before spitting and coughing in a disgusting mess, hurling it all over on to the poor kid which just wanted to enjoy a day at the beach. His unnatural monstrous appearance definitely warranted a lot of weird looks with the father even throwing his ice cream straight at the beached semi shark. Although this just led to him learning what the sweet sweet taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream was, it would only be the beginning of the prejudice that he would face in life, his English broken and muffled it was going to be hard for him to make any sort of company. On all fours he quickly made his way through the streets, grabbing any sort of item that smelt delicious, something anything he could eat. And making his way outta there, without even having any time to think of the life he once had, but that was how things worked in this world. Get up, move on, back to normal. And normal for Hoji was the hunt, ironically enough he was just a small fish in this gigantic pond, with a swift reality check it was clear that he was no where near the strongest. And so at the young age of 10 he made his way to Sunagakure, it was one of the words he had heard the most from everyone around him. And after stalking a few merchants it wasn't hard to sneak his small body in to one of their water containers, in just a few days time the little runt was in the big city.


And boy if he thought he was out of his depth, he was really drowning in pressure now. His rustic language certainly was hard for people to understand the first time hearing it. And he very quickly learnt that having no clothes was a very bad thing around here. There was a lot he learnt and a lot to learn, but the feeling of loneliness was one that he never thought would be so painful. Alone he'd stalk the streets watching how people talked, walked and how they'd survive in such a dry climate. Usually used to the refreshing touch of water, to say it was a sudden change would be an understatement. But one thing, one thing stayed the same. He'd have to feast if he wanted to survive. It was far more difficult having to survey and sense who would be suitable targets but the portions were certainly much larger whenever an unsuspecting child, elderly citizen or untrained civilian would go down the wrong alleyway.

Inuzuka Application:
View attachment 2852
Hoji was used to hunting in the water, like he had a natural talent at it, his favourite domain to be in, even on land after a few years he had finally gotten better, whilst it required a lot more effort with time he could pull it off pretty well snagging himself a good meal. But the air... well that was just unfair, way too unfair. How the hell was he supposed to reach that?! It was so high up, stupid birds could just fly around enjoying the damn air, it's like they were taunting him, squawking and making so much dang noise. No matter how many times he tried jumping up to reach them, he never stood a chance. Even when he could sneak up on them... they'd always fly away at the last second. He had practically given up until one late night... it was like a bird he'd never seen before, and it definitely didn't sound like one. Preferring screeches than any sort of ordinary tweeting, its style of flying looked a lot more disorientated and wacky. An easy unsuspecting target, slowly in the dead of night Hoji would stalk his newfound prey, an cheeky grin spreading across his face, he couldn't help but prepare himself for such a satisfying meal. Watching the small bat flutter through the cold air, just as he was about to pounce...

He gazed upwards watching as the creature of the dark had somehow fluttered in to the confines of a large spiders web, constructed between the small nook of two buildings on the shorter side. Stuck and helpless Hoji thought this couldn't possibly get any easier, when suddenly he'd be acquainted to such a disgusting freakishly large animal, a hairy tarantula would begin to make it's way across the web... quickly spraying it's web all across the weak bat as it struggled and screeched in fear. It wasn't fair... not at all... not to Hoji and not to his previous prey, he felt a feeling of disgust and hatred for this 8 legged horror. But the hunt wasn't over yet, he just had gotten himself a bigger meal.. His calves tightened moments before he leaped on to the wall, clawing his way upwards with everything ounce of energy he had, sweat pouring down his face as he faced danger head on. Falling back on his instincts his jaw widened before clamping down on the lower body of the spider, a horrible taste gushing through his mouth as blood sprayed across and completely unsupported to the two fell from the monstrous web to the ground. His back taking the brunt of the blow, rolling himself to his feet he snarled at the beast before him as it's two pincers raised in anger.

"Yoo... you brastard!!" Hoji howled recklessly charging towards the wild animal as it leaped on to his torso delivering a nasty bite, screeching in pain Hoji recoiled gripping his chest with one hand for a second, moments before the shark touched lad tightly gripped two of it's legs swinging it away from it's web and on to the clear pathway. At this rate, he didn't stand a chance and was running out of energy, even though they had only been in a small skirmish, he was much more of instant kill type when it came to the hunt. An unfavourable situation for sure, he'd remember from his time with the piranhas. Whilst most of the work he was able to do by himself, there was times where he needed a helping hand here and there. An extra bite was always welcome when it came to fighting adversaries. Taking another mighty leap, his body full of exhaustion, he used what little chakra he had to boost himself as high as he could, tiredly grabbing on to the bat ripping it from all sorts of webbing. As he fell again, he took the brunt of the blow as the spider was prepared to go in for the kill. Unable to react fast enough, panting desperately as his tired lungs gasped for air and he could feel his body was losing it's smooth feel, things were looking bleak for him and there was nothing he could do.

It was only then when he remembered, he needed others to survive. The small winged creature took a bite out of one of the tarantula's legs, his wings erratically flapping as the two began to wrestle and fight. In this time Hoji was able to regain a semblance of strength, clawing his way to them all of his limbs on the floor, scraping himself to his adversary, using his own strength to rip two of it's legs off, whilst it was distracted. Whilst his enemy wasn't dead, the fight was over as the two began to rip and tear through their prey, gnawing and clawing their way through it's life essence as it could only attempt to scramble, however as it's legs curled inwards it was clear it was dead. Utterly out of energy Hoji could barely create a smile as he gazed down at their victory, just before he fell unconscious completely drained.

Hours would pass as he laid half dead, his body managing to power through his injuries he slept throughout the night, awakening to a nudging at his arm. Sunrise was just beginning as his eyes rapidly fluttered open, the same unexpected ally he had found awaited his awakening. And with a devilish grin Hoji knew what the future would hold the two of them, grabbing the creature by it's body he excitedly pulled it towards his chest, bringing his other hand on to it's fluffy head as he scratched it. Holding it almost like a teddy, Hoji smiled and pronounced to his newfound friend. "We arre unstroppabable! Me and... you... Fuka!"

Weeks would pass as they worked together to gain all their meals, it was a lot easier for Hoji to steal with the help of Fuka by his side. The two were like two peas in a pod and even whilst separated they seemed to be linked to each other. They could even understand each other despite speaking completely different languages, taking small markets by storm they were lowly thieves, keeping a low profile but eating their fill. It was only till one day that Hoji had made a shocking revelation upon meeting a two travelling merchants. A burly inuzuka accompanied by an elderly greyhound, their shop being titled 'Inuzuka Ingredients!' The shock on Hoji's face was unmatched he couldn't believe it, they were just like him and Fuka. He had so many questions, so much to ask but the only thing he could muster to bark was "Are yoou! Mr... inoozuka?!!" The slightly weirded out man would just reply with an almost blank expression and a nod.

View attachment 2856

In which Hoji would return this reaction with his jaw hitting the floor as he screeched in excitement, Fuku perching on his shoulder as he giddily skipped away in joy, definitely freaking out a few normal citizens. Pronouncing his newly self proclaimed title. "Yoou hear that! Fuku! I am... Mr Samezuka!!"
Unfortunately this application has been denied. After speaking with the Contract Head about this character's conception it has come to our attention that you will not be able to use a Summoning Contract Creature as a biological parent. Please revisit this portion of your application and resubmit a new application, not just edit the original post, so that we can take it to council once again for review!

Hojirozame Samezuka

New Member
Sep 12, 2023
OOC Rank

Name: Hojirozame Samezuka

Age: 14

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eyes: Deep blue

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140

Physical Description:
The top of Hoji's head has always had a shark fin on his scalp, alongside the base of a sharks head with gills residing on either side, black scruffy hair poking out of the back of his head. This completely covers where his eyes should be, but through small holes if to be closely inspected one would see two small beady eyes. Usually he prefers relying on his electroreception than his poor eyesight for high paced moments. His teeth being razor sharp and abnormally large, re-growing rather quickly upon any sort of damage to them, certainly resembling that of a shark. On either side of his waist he also bares several more smaller and less prominent gills compared to the ones of either side of his head. His whole body is rather smooth and well attuned to swimming through water, however in certain areas, namely the top of his head his fore arms, and shins reside miniscule scales which all form together to make rough skin, making for good defence. Well built and toned his body has been toned from all the athletic water sports he puts himself through for leisure, however most of his muscle is practically only really suited for swimming fast. Usually preferring to wear just a blue pair of shorts, if needed be he will try to wear loose clothing. The majority of his body however is mostly like any other human.

Mental Description:
Screwed. Would be the short way to put it. Most of the actions he does and takes is usually primal and animalistic, short and snappy is what he likes the best. Kind to most who give him food or treat him well, yet he can easily be put on high alert and usually results in biting whatever is in his way. Hoji cares little for ones looks and usually can sniff out a bad apple before worst comes to worst, only barely accommodated to social normalities it's rare for him not to do at least one stupid thing in a normal outing. His love for the sea and everything that resides in it, makes it the place where he feels most at home, the food chain being in order and whilst not at the top he's usually damn near when it comes to the ocean. Idiotic would be putting it nicely when it comes to his academic skills, however as a natural fighter against most fishes and the likes he considers himself to be quite skilled. His curiosity and big head more often than not have a high chance of getting him in to something he has no clue about, getting him in to bad situations most of the time, not that he learns anything mind you.


Hoji's existence was always a weird one. Before he even was born his mother was someone who sailed the high seas, a trader who would transport goods all across the globe it was her way of life, and soon enough her son was supposed to join in on her business which she had risen from the ground up. With a large affinity to water and the amount of chakra which was stored up in inside, she couldn't help but fall in love with it and everything it had to offer. Truly attuned to the water in every way possible, her chakra and it's becoming one as she became a shark sage with the help of her contract's guidance. His father an honest hardworking man, carrying boxes and moving storage whilst just a grunt he's charming personality and his large heart with so much to give, taking appreciation of the water as well. It captured Ayame's love and the two became intertwined. Endless nights were spent talking and dreaming of what their lives will come to be. Quite an unknown prospect, a boss marrying their worker, yet at the end of the day they were both humans, and their love for each other could triumph all problems. And fortunately for them. It was so. In just a few months a baby would be on their way, and the two of them couldn't be happier. Yet... doubts could easily grow if left untouched, and Ayame couldn't help but wonder what her darling son would turn out to be.

6 months in... everything had been going just as expected for one carrying a child, sickness was to be expected. The two's previous nights of talking and working together had begun to dissolve in to constant arguments and debates, it was clear whatever was happening inside of her was for the worst. Vomiting blood was clear that things had taken a turn for the worst, it was about time to seek help. Despite the bickering, the two cared deeply for each other and their child, they would do anything to save them. Anything. Seeking help Hoji's father took Ayame to Sunagakure returning to the two's homeland in search of medical attention, although the hospital seemed to be mostly clueless in terms of what could be the issue. On the surface it looked like any other pregnancy, just saying it was common to get sickness, however this problem went deeper than natural body illness. Her chakra was affected deeply, it's flow almost reversed in some way, drained and frantic. Only one gave help that would actually suffice, despite it's form being different. A recommendation to seek out someone who was known vastly for their medical prowess, despite some unorthodox methods, if it was true that the condition was related to chakra he was the person who knew how to handle it.

Arriving in a large laboratory, it's colours were dark and vibrant at the same time a somewhat corrupt mystic filling the air, as the couple would carefully make their way inside. Ayame breathing heavily in an attempt to soothe herself from any sort of pain, as her husband could barely manage to see her like this. It would be hear where they would meet with the famed doctor. Tama would listen to the problem and determine right there if he thinks he can tackle it. Seeing that it sounds like Hoji is suffering from something to do with their Chakra Coil, Tama agrees to help, but not without funds or an item of equal value. The total estimate cost is quoted as 500,000 Yen. Still supporting his wife, Mao reached in to his bag pulling out a long rectangular container, roughly 7ft long in length, as it opened a cold smoke would exude from inside. Revealing the couples most prized possession. A Platinum arowana, it's scales clearly reflecting it's name, in pristine condition Mao explained how much this rare fish was worth. And just like that the examination began.

Ushering Mao away to leave him to the process, he told them that they'd soon be returned to him in perhaps a couple of days or so. Upon using a special chakra technique to make the outer layers of Ayame's body appear translucent, Tama could now clearly see the 6 month old embryo, practically a miniscule baby. Upon seeing the child Tama would assess them while ignoring their pain, taking no steps in trying to comfort them while he studies the disease in its most raw form. He decides that he’ll try the usual panaceas first, powders made from rare flowers that wake up the chakra coil thinking at first this is some kind of deficiency. Using his own prowess to insert it directly in to the fetus. When it in facts makes the problem worst, he freezes time and uses a medical ninjutsu to purge the medication from the child. Once time starts again, Tama begins hooking up the child to an iv and painkillers to keep Hoji in a comatose state, piercing through Ayame's skin yet leaving no mark, blood or anything of the sort.

Seeing that this is a disease beyond what he had guessed, he extracts multiple samples of Ayame’s flesh (small squares from a single leg), and begin running tests on them until he finds the reaction he wants. He finds fruits in his labors when shark DNA and Nature Chakra fuse into a piece of the boy’s flesh. Taking the flesh and studying the DNA code sequence, he finds that merging the two keeps the latent chakra in the flesh from spiking. With a new path trenched out, the scientist goes about creating a serum mixed through both science and ninjutsu that combines shark DNA, human DNA, and blueprints woven into the mixed helix that would replicate a brand new chakra coil network. Once the serum is finished, tested, reduced, tested, and then reduced once more, Tama proceeds towards the actual implant. First he removes Hoji’s existing chakra coil through his specialized technique of stroking the child’s soul until it lifts from the body, carrying the coil with it. Normally he would have to open the child up completely and remove the usually invisible layer of chakra network off of the circulatory system via special dyes and a scalpel, but since it’s his own private surgery he can use the powers that helped him develop the technique in the first place. Once the chakra network is lifted with the soul, he separates the two. The coil, once met with oxygen, bursts into flames as he gently places the soul back into Hoiji. Finally, Tama injects the serum into the shark boy’s veins, creating a new network that seeps out of the circulatory system and reforms around it. Once the injection is finished it takes a full three days of excruciating pain as the body learns to accept the new networks; Tama circumvents this with painkillers and keeping Hoji and Ayame under while monitoring their vitals.

Once the two are cured and tests come back positive, Tama returns Ayame and Hoiji to the village himself via one of his many secret tunnels and plops them back into a street corner before leaving again. Finally managing to reconnect with her dear husband all should be well again, life is finally starting to look up again for them! And the next few months seem to pass with happiness and joy, their business couldn't be more alive than ever, and neither could the twos love. Eventually coming to one wild night.

And as the ship creaked, the storm beckoning, waves crashing against the side of each wall whilst the winds howled violently. That night is when it was time for Hoji to finally wriggle out, Ayame worse for wear, yet strong at heart stayed strong through the process, his father clearly worried yet held his darling partner tightly as they tackled it together. Neither of them could have been prepared for the shock and embarrassment as the first thing that either of them saw was... a fin?! It only got worse as he continued to leave, a huge rough head of a shark covered in tiny weak scales, gills freakishly all over this head, as well as on the side of each of his torso, and unsuspectingly even small razor fangs all along his jaw. The little rugrat gave the two a heart attack, his form being much more mangled then they ever could have imagined. Each of them almost instantly having the same thought process regarding what would happen next. What some might deem cruel, the life at sea was always a tough one, and whilst Ayame rested from the pains of labour. His father took the burden of whisking his newborn son of the side of the ship, with little natural energy guiding his way as the tides caressed the young babe.

Seaside paradise... truly what a place to be. The water beautiful and shimmering, all sorts of wonderful sights to see, the animals, the nature, the woman... One could only hope that one day once they settle down and their life is finally coming to their final chapter that they would find themselves in such a place. As long as he could remember this is where Hoji had lived for all his life, rent free, care free most of his life he had pretty much felt free to do anything. How he had gotten to such a place really, he had no clue whatsoever and never thought about such a thing, the earliest thing he could remember was meeting his family... found family. A small party of piranhas who could all speak basic English and were ready to eat Hoji whilst he was just a small guppy, although his chubby cheeks and cute smile and giggle convinced the gang of five to spare him, not only that but taking him under their fin. It was from these five where he learnt everything he knew... granted not being much it was still better than nothing. He learnt how to hunt for his own food, slowly sneaking up on a potential meal before sinking his jaws right in and devouring it quick and fast.

Quick and fast was everything he knew, and as he grew older and grew larger, very quickly did him and his family begin to rise in the food chain, the six of them could take on any challenge, not one other fish could stand in their way. Although unfortunately Hoji was always known to bite more than he can chew and whilst he was big, he wasn't the biggest. One fateful day, which should have been like any other, as him and his motley crew swim energetically and gracefully below the surface of the water, looking for their next meal or play-toy. They had swam too far out, over confident in their own abilities, most of which would be watching their resident shark boy beat down whatever was soon to be dinner. A fast and large split across the water soon came to fruition, a sharp fin slicing through the water's glimmering surface, as it ripped through the waves it easily caught up to the six, a great maw widening open swallowing a couple of them whole. In a flash Hoji quickly realised the kind of word that he lived in, one could only enjoy the leisure of being at the top for so long. His lack of strength lost him the freedom he had, in a state of panic he swam with everything he had, a bloody mist quickly appearing from behind him. Frantically he flailed his arms and legs the most he could, drool and snot flowing from out of his mouth and nose as tears began to form, even though he was underwater he could feel their presence.

And just like that he washed up on the shore, guzzling a large amount of sand in to his gullet moments before spitting and coughing in a disgusting mess, hurling it all over on to the poor kid which just wanted to enjoy a day at the beach. His unnatural monstrous appearance definitely warranted a lot of weird looks with the father even throwing his ice cream straight at the beached semi shark. Although this just led to him learning what the sweet sweet taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream was, it would only be the beginning of the prejudice that he would face in life, his English broken and muffled it was going to be hard for him to make any sort of company. On all fours he quickly made his way through the streets, grabbing any sort of item that smelt delicious, something anything he could eat. And making his way outta there, without even having any time to think of the life he once had, but that was how things worked in this world. Get up, move on, back to normal. And normal for Hoji was the hunt, ironically enough he was just a small fish in this gigantic pond, with a swift reality check it was clear that he was no where near the strongest. And so at the young age of 10 he made his way to Sunagakure, it was one of the words he had heard the most from everyone around him. And after stalking a few merchants it wasn't hard to sneak his small body in to one of their water containers, in just a few days time the little runt was in the big city.


And boy if he thought he was out of his depth, he was really drowning in pressure now. His rustic language certainly was hard for people to understand the first time hearing it. And he very quickly learnt that having no clothes was a very bad thing around here. There was a lot he learnt and a lot to learn, but the feeling of loneliness was one that he never thought would be so painful. Alone he'd stalk the streets watching how people talked, walked and how they'd survive in such a dry climate. Usually used to the refreshing touch of water, to say it was a sudden change would be an understatement. But one thing, one thing stayed the same. He'd have to feast if he wanted to survive. It was far more difficult having to survey and sense who would be suitable targets but the portions were certainly much larger whenever an unsuspecting child, elderly citizen or untrained civilian would go down the wrong alleyway.

Inuzuka Application:

Hoji was used to hunting in the water, like he had a natural talent at it, his favourite domain to be in, even on land after a few years he had finally gotten better, whilst it required a lot more effort with time he could pull it off pretty well snagging himself a good meal. But the air... well that was just unfair, way too unfair. How the hell was he supposed to reach that?! It was so high up, stupid birds could just fly around enjoying the damn air, it's like they were taunting him, squawking and making so much dang noise. No matter how many times he tried jumping up to reach them, he never stood a chance. Even when he could sneak up on them... they'd always fly away at the last second. He had practically given up until one late night... it was like a bird he'd never seen before, and it definitely didn't sound like one. Preferring screeches than any sort of ordinary tweeting, its style of flying looked a lot more disorientated and wacky. An easy unsuspecting target, slowly in the dead of night Hoji would stalk his newfound prey, an cheeky grin spreading across his face, he couldn't help but prepare himself for such a satisfying meal. Watching the small bat flutter through the cold air, just as he was about to pounce...

He gazed upwards watching as the creature of the dark had somehow fluttered in to the confines of a large spiders web, constructed between the small nook of two buildings on the shorter side. Stuck and helpless Hoji thought this couldn't possibly get any easier, when suddenly he'd be acquainted to such a disgusting freakishly large animal, a hairy tarantula would begin to make it's way across the web... quickly spraying it's web all across the weak bat as it struggled and screeched in fear. It wasn't fair... not at all... not to Hoji and not to his previous prey, he felt a feeling of disgust and hatred for this 8 legged horror. But the hunt wasn't over yet, he just had gotten himself a bigger meal.. His calves tightened moments before he leaped on to the wall, clawing his way upwards with everything ounce of energy he had, sweat pouring down his face as he faced danger head on. Falling back on his instincts his jaw widened before clamping down on the lower body of the spider, a horrible taste gushing through his mouth as blood sprayed across and completely unsupported to the two fell from the monstrous web to the ground. His back taking the brunt of the blow, rolling himself to his feet he snarled at the beast before him as it's two pincers raised in anger.

"Yoo... you brastard!!" Hoji howled recklessly charging towards the wild animal as it leaped on to his torso delivering a nasty bite, screeching in pain Hoji recoiled gripping his chest with one hand for a second, moments before the shark touched lad tightly gripped two of it's legs swinging it away from it's web and on to the clear pathway. At this rate, he didn't stand a chance and was running out of energy, even though they had only been in a small skirmish, he was much more of instant kill type when it came to the hunt. An unfavourable situation for sure, he'd remember from his time with the piranhas. Whilst most of the work he was able to do by himself, there was times where he needed a helping hand here and there. An extra bite was always welcome when it came to fighting adversaries. Taking another mighty leap, his body full of exhaustion, he used what little chakra he had to boost himself as high as he could, tiredly grabbing on to the bat ripping it from all sorts of webbing. As he fell again, he took the brunt of the blow as the spider was prepared to go in for the kill. Unable to react fast enough, panting desperately as his tired lungs gasped for air and he could feel his body was losing it's smooth feel, things were looking bleak for him and there was nothing he could do.

It was only then when he remembered, he needed others to survive. The small winged creature took a bite out of one of the tarantula's legs, his wings erratically flapping as the two began to wrestle and fight. In this time Hoji was able to regain a semblance of strength, clawing his way to them all of his limbs on the floor, scraping himself to his adversary, using his own strength to rip two of it's legs off, whilst it was distracted. Whilst his enemy wasn't dead, the fight was over as the two began to rip and tear through their prey, gnawing and clawing their way through it's life essence as it could only attempt to scramble, however as it's legs curled inwards it was clear it was dead. Utterly out of energy Hoji could barely create a smile as he gazed down at their victory, just before he fell unconscious completely drained.

Hours would pass as he laid half dead, his body managing to power through his injuries he slept throughout the night, awakening to a nudging at his arm. Sunrise was just beginning as his eyes rapidly fluttered open, the same unexpected ally he had found awaited his awakening. And with a devilish grin Hoji knew what the future would hold the two of them, grabbing the creature by it's body he excitedly pulled it towards his chest, bringing his other hand on to it's fluffy head as he scratched it. Holding it almost like a teddy, Hoji smiled and pronounced to his newfound friend. "We arre unstroppabable! Me and... you... Fuka!"

Weeks would pass as they worked together to gain all their meals, it was a lot easier for Hoji to steal with the help of Fuka by his side. The two were like two peas in a pod and even whilst separated they seemed to be linked to each other. They could even understand each other despite speaking completely different languages, taking small markets by storm they were lowly thieves, keeping a low profile but eating their fill. It was only till one day that Hoji had made a shocking revelation upon meeting a two travelling merchants. A burly inuzuka accompanied by an elderly greyhound, their shop being titled 'Inuzuka Ingredients!' The shock on Hoji's face was unmatched he couldn't believe it, they were just like him and Fuka. He had so many questions, so much to ask but the only thing he could muster to bark was "Are yoou! Mr... inoozuka?!!" The slightly weirded out man would just reply with an almost blank expression and a nod.


In which Hoji would return this reaction with his jaw hitting the floor as he screeched in excitement, Fuku perching on his shoulder as he giddily skipped away in joy, definitely freaking out a few normal citizens. Pronouncing his newly self proclaimed title. "Yoou hear that! Fuku! I am... Mr Samezuka!!"
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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Name: Hojirozame Samezuka

Age: 14

Hair Color: Jet Black

Eyes: Deep blue

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140

Physical Description:
The top of Hoji's head has always had a shark fin on his scalp, alongside the base of a sharks head with gills residing on either side, black scruffy hair poking out of the back of his head. This completely covers where his eyes should be, but through small holes if to be closely inspected one would see two small beady eyes. Usually he prefers relying on his electroreception than his poor eyesight for high paced moments. His teeth being razor sharp and abnormally large, re-growing rather quickly upon any sort of damage to them, certainly resembling that of a shark. On either side of his waist he also bares several more smaller and less prominent gills compared to the ones of either side of his head. His whole body is rather smooth and well attuned to swimming through water, however in certain areas, namely the top of his head his fore arms, and shins reside miniscule scales which all form together to make rough skin, making for good defence. Well built and toned his body has been toned from all the athletic water sports he puts himself through for leisure, however most of his muscle is practically only really suited for swimming fast. Usually preferring to wear just a blue pair of shorts, if needed be he will try to wear loose clothing. The majority of his body however is mostly like any other human.

Mental Description:
Screwed. Would be the short way to put it. Most of the actions he does and takes is usually primal and animalistic, short and snappy is what he likes the best. Kind to most who give him food or treat him well, yet he can easily be put on high alert and usually results in biting whatever is in his way. Hoji cares little for ones looks and usually can sniff out a bad apple before worst comes to worst, only barely accommodated to social normalities it's rare for him not to do at least one stupid thing in a normal outing. His love for the sea and everything that resides in it, makes it the place where he feels most at home, the food chain being in order and whilst not at the top he's usually damn near when it comes to the ocean. Idiotic would be putting it nicely when it comes to his academic skills, however as a natural fighter against most fishes and the likes he considers himself to be quite skilled. His curiosity and big head more often than not have a high chance of getting him in to something he has no clue about, getting him in to bad situations most of the time, not that he learns anything mind you.


Hoji's existence was always a weird one. Before he even was born his mother was someone who sailed the high seas, a trader who would transport goods all across the globe it was her way of life, and soon enough her son was supposed to join in on her business which she had risen from the ground up. With a large affinity to water and the amount of chakra which was stored up in inside, she couldn't help but fall in love with it and everything it had to offer. Truly attuned to the water in every way possible, her chakra and it's becoming one as she became a shark sage with the help of her contract's guidance. His father an honest hardworking man, carrying boxes and moving storage whilst just a grunt he's charming personality and his large heart with so much to give, taking appreciation of the water as well. It captured Ayame's love and the two became intertwined. Endless nights were spent talking and dreaming of what their lives will come to be. Quite an unknown prospect, a boss marrying their worker, yet at the end of the day they were both humans, and their love for each other could triumph all problems. And fortunately for them. It was so. In just a few months a baby would be on their way, and the two of them couldn't be happier. Yet... doubts could easily grow if left untouched, and Ayame couldn't help but wonder what her darling son would turn out to be.

6 months in... everything had been going just as expected for one carrying a child, sickness was to be expected. The two's previous nights of talking and working together had begun to dissolve in to constant arguments and debates, it was clear whatever was happening inside of her was for the worst. Vomiting blood was clear that things had taken a turn for the worst, it was about time to seek help. Despite the bickering, the two cared deeply for each other and their child, they would do anything to save them. Anything. Seeking help Hoji's father took Ayame to Sunagakure returning to the two's homeland in search of medical attention, although the hospital seemed to be mostly clueless in terms of what could be the issue. On the surface it looked like any other pregnancy, just saying it was common to get sickness, however this problem went deeper than natural body illness. Her chakra was affected deeply, it's flow almost reversed in some way, drained and frantic. Only one gave help that would actually suffice, despite it's form being different. A recommendation to seek out someone who was known vastly for their medical prowess, despite some unorthodox methods, if it was true that the condition was related to chakra he was the person who knew how to handle it.

Arriving in a large laboratory, it's colours were dark and vibrant at the same time a somewhat corrupt mystic filling the air, as the couple would carefully make their way inside. Ayame breathing heavily in an attempt to soothe herself from any sort of pain, as her husband could barely manage to see her like this. It would be hear where they would meet with the famed doctor. Tama would listen to the problem and determine right there if he thinks he can tackle it. Seeing that it sounds like Hoji is suffering from something to do with their Chakra Coil, Tama agrees to help, but not without funds or an item of equal value. The total estimate cost is quoted as 500,000 Yen. Still supporting his wife, Mao reached in to his bag pulling out a long rectangular container, roughly 7ft long in length, as it opened a cold smoke would exude from inside. Revealing the couples most prized possession. A Platinum arowana, it's scales clearly reflecting it's name, in pristine condition Mao explained how much this rare fish was worth. And just like that the examination began.

Ushering Mao away to leave him to the process, he told them that they'd soon be returned to him in perhaps a couple of days or so. Upon using a special chakra technique to make the outer layers of Ayame's body appear translucent, Tama could now clearly see the 6 month old embryo, practically a miniscule baby. Upon seeing the child Tama would assess them while ignoring their pain, taking no steps in trying to comfort them while he studies the disease in its most raw form. He decides that he’ll try the usual panaceas first, powders made from rare flowers that wake up the chakra coil thinking at first this is some kind of deficiency. Using his own prowess to insert it directly in to the fetus. When it in facts makes the problem worst, he freezes time and uses a medical ninjutsu to purge the medication from the child. Once time starts again, Tama begins hooking up the child to an iv and painkillers to keep Hoji in a comatose state, piercing through Ayame's skin yet leaving no mark, blood or anything of the sort.

Seeing that this is a disease beyond what he had guessed, he extracts multiple samples of Ayame’s flesh (small squares from a single leg), and begin running tests on them until he finds the reaction he wants. He finds fruits in his labors when shark DNA and Nature Chakra fuse into a piece of the boy’s flesh. Taking the flesh and studying the DNA code sequence, he finds that merging the two keeps the latent chakra in the flesh from spiking. With a new path trenched out, the scientist goes about creating a serum mixed through both science and ninjutsu that combines shark DNA, human DNA, and blueprints woven into the mixed helix that would replicate a brand new chakra coil network. Once the serum is finished, tested, reduced, tested, and then reduced once more, Tama proceeds towards the actual implant. First he removes Hoji’s existing chakra coil through his specialized technique of stroking the child’s soul until it lifts from the body, carrying the coil with it. Normally he would have to open the child up completely and remove the usually invisible layer of chakra network off of the circulatory system via special dyes and a scalpel, but since it’s his own private surgery he can use the powers that helped him develop the technique in the first place. Once the chakra network is lifted with the soul, he separates the two. The coil, once met with oxygen, bursts into flames as he gently places the soul back into Hoiji. Finally, Tama injects the serum into the shark boy’s veins, creating a new network that seeps out of the circulatory system and reforms around it. Once the injection is finished it takes a full three days of excruciating pain as the body learns to accept the new networks; Tama circumvents this with painkillers and keeping Hoji and Ayame under while monitoring their vitals.

Once the two are cured and tests come back positive, Tama returns Ayame and Hoiji to the village himself via one of his many secret tunnels and plops them back into a street corner before leaving again. Finally managing to reconnect with her dear husband all should be well again, life is finally starting to look up again for them! And the next few months seem to pass with happiness and joy, their business couldn't be more alive than ever, and neither could the twos love. Eventually coming to one wild night.

And as the ship creaked, the storm beckoning, waves crashing against the side of each wall whilst the winds howled violently. That night is when it was time for Hoji to finally wriggle out, Ayame worse for wear, yet strong at heart stayed strong through the process, his father clearly worried yet held his darling partner tightly as they tackled it together. Neither of them could have been prepared for the shock and embarrassment as the first thing that either of them saw was... a fin?! It only got worse as he continued to leave, a huge rough head of a shark covered in tiny weak scales, gills freakishly all over this head, as well as on the side of each of his torso, and unsuspectingly even small razor fangs all along his jaw. The little rugrat gave the two a heart attack, his form being much more mangled then they ever could have imagined. Each of them almost instantly having the same thought process regarding what would happen next. What some might deem cruel, the life at sea was always a tough one, and whilst Ayame rested from the pains of labour. His father took the burden of whisking his newborn son of the side of the ship, with little natural energy guiding his way as the tides caressed the young babe.

Seaside paradise... truly what a place to be. The water beautiful and shimmering, all sorts of wonderful sights to see, the animals, the nature, the woman... One could only hope that one day once they settle down and their life is finally coming to their final chapter that they would find themselves in such a place. As long as he could remember this is where Hoji had lived for all his life, rent free, care free most of his life he had pretty much felt free to do anything. How he had gotten to such a place really, he had no clue whatsoever and never thought about such a thing, the earliest thing he could remember was meeting his family... found family. A small party of piranhas who could all speak basic English and were ready to eat Hoji whilst he was just a small guppy, although his chubby cheeks and cute smile and giggle convinced the gang of five to spare him, not only that but taking him under their fin. It was from these five where he learnt everything he knew... granted not being much it was still better than nothing. He learnt how to hunt for his own food, slowly sneaking up on a potential meal before sinking his jaws right in and devouring it quick and fast.

Quick and fast was everything he knew, and as he grew older and grew larger, very quickly did him and his family begin to rise in the food chain, the six of them could take on any challenge, not one other fish could stand in their way. Although unfortunately Hoji was always known to bite more than he can chew and whilst he was big, he wasn't the biggest. One fateful day, which should have been like any other, as him and his motley crew swim energetically and gracefully below the surface of the water, looking for their next meal or play-toy. They had swam too far out, over confident in their own abilities, most of which would be watching their resident shark boy beat down whatever was soon to be dinner. A fast and large split across the water soon came to fruition, a sharp fin slicing through the water's glimmering surface, as it ripped through the waves it easily caught up to the six, a great maw widening open swallowing a couple of them whole. In a flash Hoji quickly realised the kind of word that he lived in, one could only enjoy the leisure of being at the top for so long. His lack of strength lost him the freedom he had, in a state of panic he swam with everything he had, a bloody mist quickly appearing from behind him. Frantically he flailed his arms and legs the most he could, drool and snot flowing from out of his mouth and nose as tears began to form, even though he was underwater he could feel their presence.

And just like that he washed up on the shore, guzzling a large amount of sand in to his gullet moments before spitting and coughing in a disgusting mess, hurling it all over on to the poor kid which just wanted to enjoy a day at the beach. His unnatural monstrous appearance definitely warranted a lot of weird looks with the father even throwing his ice cream straight at the beached semi shark. Although this just led to him learning what the sweet sweet taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream was, it would only be the beginning of the prejudice that he would face in life, his English broken and muffled it was going to be hard for him to make any sort of company. On all fours he quickly made his way through the streets, grabbing any sort of item that smelt delicious, something anything he could eat. And making his way outta there, without even having any time to think of the life he once had, but that was how things worked in this world. Get up, move on, back to normal. And normal for Hoji was the hunt, ironically enough he was just a small fish in this gigantic pond, with a swift reality check it was clear that he was no where near the strongest. And so at the young age of 10 he made his way to Sunagakure, it was one of the words he had heard the most from everyone around him. And after stalking a few merchants it wasn't hard to sneak his small body in to one of their water containers, in just a few days time the little runt was in the big city.


And boy if he thought he was out of his depth, he was really drowning in pressure now. His rustic language certainly was hard for people to understand the first time hearing it. And he very quickly learnt that having no clothes was a very bad thing around here. There was a lot he learnt and a lot to learn, but the feeling of loneliness was one that he never thought would be so painful. Alone he'd stalk the streets watching how people talked, walked and how they'd survive in such a dry climate. Usually used to the refreshing touch of water, to say it was a sudden change would be an understatement. But one thing, one thing stayed the same. He'd have to feast if he wanted to survive. It was far more difficult having to survey and sense who would be suitable targets but the portions were certainly much larger whenever an unsuspecting child, elderly citizen or untrained civilian would go down the wrong alleyway.

Inuzuka Application:

Hoji was used to hunting in the water, like he had a natural talent at it, his favourite domain to be in, even on land after a few years he had finally gotten better, whilst it required a lot more effort with time he could pull it off pretty well snagging himself a good meal. But the air... well that was just unfair, way too unfair. How the hell was he supposed to reach that?! It was so high up, stupid birds could just fly around enjoying the damn air, it's like they were taunting him, squawking and making so much dang noise. No matter how many times he tried jumping up to reach them, he never stood a chance. Even when he could sneak up on them... they'd always fly away at the last second. He had practically given up until one late night... it was like a bird he'd never seen before, and it definitely didn't sound like one. Preferring screeches than any sort of ordinary tweeting, its style of flying looked a lot more disorientated and wacky. An easy unsuspecting target, slowly in the dead of night Hoji would stalk his newfound prey, an cheeky grin spreading across his face, he couldn't help but prepare himself for such a satisfying meal. Watching the small bat flutter through the cold air, just as he was about to pounce...

He gazed upwards watching as the creature of the dark had somehow fluttered in to the confines of a large spiders web, constructed between the small nook of two buildings on the shorter side. Stuck and helpless Hoji thought this couldn't possibly get any easier, when suddenly he'd be acquainted to such a disgusting freakishly large animal, a hairy tarantula would begin to make it's way across the web... quickly spraying it's web all across the weak bat as it struggled and screeched in fear. It wasn't fair... not at all... not to Hoji and not to his previous prey, he felt a feeling of disgust and hatred for this 8 legged horror. But the hunt wasn't over yet, he just had gotten himself a bigger meal.. His calves tightened moments before he leaped on to the wall, clawing his way upwards with everything ounce of energy he had, sweat pouring down his face as he faced danger head on. Falling back on his instincts his jaw widened before clamping down on the lower body of the spider, a horrible taste gushing through his mouth as blood sprayed across and completely unsupported to the two fell from the monstrous web to the ground. His back taking the brunt of the blow, rolling himself to his feet he snarled at the beast before him as it's two pincers raised in anger.

"Yoo... you brastard!!" Hoji howled recklessly charging towards the wild animal as it leaped on to his torso delivering a nasty bite, screeching in pain Hoji recoiled gripping his chest with one hand for a second, moments before the shark touched lad tightly gripped two of it's legs swinging it away from it's web and on to the clear pathway. At this rate, he didn't stand a chance and was running out of energy, even though they had only been in a small skirmish, he was much more of instant kill type when it came to the hunt. An unfavourable situation for sure, he'd remember from his time with the piranhas. Whilst most of the work he was able to do by himself, there was times where he needed a helping hand here and there. An extra bite was always welcome when it came to fighting adversaries. Taking another mighty leap, his body full of exhaustion, he used what little chakra he had to boost himself as high as he could, tiredly grabbing on to the bat ripping it from all sorts of webbing. As he fell again, he took the brunt of the blow as the spider was prepared to go in for the kill. Unable to react fast enough, panting desperately as his tired lungs gasped for air and he could feel his body was losing it's smooth feel, things were looking bleak for him and there was nothing he could do.

It was only then when he remembered, he needed others to survive. The small winged creature took a bite out of one of the tarantula's legs, his wings erratically flapping as the two began to wrestle and fight. In this time Hoji was able to regain a semblance of strength, clawing his way to them all of his limbs on the floor, scraping himself to his adversary, using his own strength to rip two of it's legs off, whilst it was distracted. Whilst his enemy wasn't dead, the fight was over as the two began to rip and tear through their prey, gnawing and clawing their way through it's life essence as it could only attempt to scramble, however as it's legs curled inwards it was clear it was dead. Utterly out of energy Hoji could barely create a smile as he gazed down at their victory, just before he fell unconscious completely drained.

Hours would pass as he laid half dead, his body managing to power through his injuries he slept throughout the night, awakening to a nudging at his arm. Sunrise was just beginning as his eyes rapidly fluttered open, the same unexpected ally he had found awaited his awakening. And with a devilish grin Hoji knew what the future would hold the two of them, grabbing the creature by it's body he excitedly pulled it towards his chest, bringing his other hand on to it's fluffy head as he scratched it. Holding it almost like a teddy, Hoji smiled and pronounced to his newfound friend. "We arre unstroppabable! Me and... you... Fuka!"

Weeks would pass as they worked together to gain all their meals, it was a lot easier for Hoji to steal with the help of Fuka by his side. The two were like two peas in a pod and even whilst separated they seemed to be linked to each other. They could even understand each other despite speaking completely different languages, taking small markets by storm they were lowly thieves, keeping a low profile but eating their fill. It was only till one day that Hoji had made a shocking revelation upon meeting a two travelling merchants. A burly inuzuka accompanied by an elderly greyhound, their shop being titled 'Inuzuka Ingredients!' The shock on Hoji's face was unmatched he couldn't believe it, they were just like him and Fuka. He had so many questions, so much to ask but the only thing he could muster to bark was "Are yoou! Mr... inoozuka?!!" The slightly weirded out man would just reply with an almost blank expression and a nod.


In which Hoji would return this reaction with his jaw hitting the floor as he screeched in excitement, Fuku perching on his shoulder as he giddily skipped away in joy, definitely freaking out a few normal citizens. Pronouncing his newly self proclaimed title. "Yoou hear that! Fuku! I am... Mr Samezuka!!"
Taking to council lands

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Agility: 5
Taijutsu: 5
Ninjutsu: 5
Genjutsu: 5
Chakra Control: 0

Academy Student and Bloodline application approved!

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  • If you haven't checked out the Events Section or our Lore Guide, please do so at your leisure to see what all we have going on in the village!
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  • Do not feel a rush to jump into everything, please take your time and build up your comfort level at your own pace! We have a Discord Channel, where you can also apply to be listed as a "Sand" member and join in chatting with other players in the village! This is a great resource as you can find people to RP with and also get some personal assistance on questions you have about the site and how we do things in Suna!
Welcome to Sand and we hope you enjoy your time with us!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
