Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Home Plate [Requesting Entry]

Nov 25, 2014
The Toraono dojo was finally within view...

Months of traveling after more than two years away from home has finally led him back to this place. Many hardships were faced, hordes of mutant bears attempting to take his life, demon possession, and even an unexpected encounter with talking sea otters - otherwise known as contract beasts - have all allowed Yanjirou to learn and experience more about the vast world that he lives in. Unfortunately, with the vast amount of knowledge that there is to collect throughout that world, his first destination also happened to be his last. Excluding a slight detour of course.

More and more travelers began to come into view as the dojo grew nearer, and the young Byakko couldn't help but feel excitement welling up deep inside of him. It was finally time to return to his family, friends, mentors, everyone that had helped him along the way leading up to his grand journey , and it was rather difficult to contain himself. After a mere half hour of walking, the gates were before him, and there were only a few formalities to take care of before he would once again be allowed to roam the subterranean depths of Sunagakure. What should he do first? Give his report to Tenken? Pay a visit to Lord Toraono? Let his family know that he's okay after his two years of being "missing." There were plenty of things that he needed to take care of, most of which being related to his life as a shinobi.

Yanjirou pondered over his options for a moment, all the while waiting for someone to approach and grant him entry. It was highly likely that ANBU was already aware of his return, perhaps even having known that he was back in Wind Country the moment he crossed the border, so maybe it would be best to pay a visit to the man that recruited him into that secretive organization in the first place? Then again, there was no telling what his mother might do if she learned that he had been home for any longer than it takes him to walk to their dojo, without saying hello. Lord Toraono, most likely, would be able to wait a few more hours, but it seemed business would have to be taken care of quickly so that he can begin to deal with everything clan related.
This is just to get things started, as I won't be able to post again until sunday most likely. So whoever decides to let me in, take your time, you've got plenty of it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

Basic Knowledge:
Birth/Real Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Birth/Real Name in Kanji: 金本 悪人
Adopted Name: Byakko Kyūji
Adopted Name in Kanji: 白衣 急字
Alias: Mikisugi Kyūji, Mikisugi Akujin, Mikisugi Kane
Nickname: The Descendant of Byakko, The White Claw of Byakko
Physical Age: 25
Actual Age: Older than 25, probably early 30's
Height: 6 feet tall
Weight: Wouldn't You Like to Know
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October 5th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Village: Sunagakure/House Byakko, Formerly Iwagakure
Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Is He?
Rank/Jobs: Tenured Medical Chief/Jounin
Medics Taught: Three(Azusa, Kumoni and Uziuke)
MiTs That are Medic Due to Kyuji: Nobody
Religion: Celestial Winds
Languages: English(Site Generalized Language), Common Runic Terran(Suna's Language), Formal Runic Terran(Oracle's Language)
Skin tone: Well he was white but now he is darker like all of Kuro's clan apparently. He is not black, but has a tan I would say.
Eyes: Golden(They glow yellow in some situations) and they are feline-like eyes
Glasses: Not anymore, corrected visions through taking the Byakko Oath
Hair: Straight and white. Refer to my face claim.
Hands and feet: He has normal feet, but his one hand resembles cat-like claws for the fingertips.
Ablation of Body Parts: His right arm; has nothing below the shoulder joint
Markings/Tattoos: Silver-white markings formed around his left hand and forearm; also Byakko Tenshi seal is on his back; Black-marking around right shoulder/neck to seal away his physical strength
Other Notable Features: Neko-ears
Relationship: Married to Lady Yanshi in the Eyes of Byakko/Betrothed to the Head of the Byakko Clan in Normal Eyes
Children: Kyushiko(Daughter) and Yanjirou(Son)
Looks Like: Avenger from Fate Grand Order​

It had been a good day thus far for the descendant as he had left that Ren fellow in earlier and things had seemed to continue to move at a steady pace. He was about to head into the village to go to work at the Hospital before two guards that watched over the entrance of the village employed by the Toraono Clan informed him that there was another visitor seeking entry to the village. In all honesty, he didn't understand why these guards couldn't simply let in people since they had been doing an excellent job of keeping his clan's home safe and making sure a certain young kitsune female hadn't escaped yet. But alas, he thought it would be best to head out and take care of this matter before someone else who would probably be meaner and more strict would; after all, he had left numerous mercenaries into the village before and they probably would've been asked to leave had it been someone else.

It wouldn't take long to find the location of where the individual was waiting. But who he saw made him do a double-take as he couldn't believe his eyes. Standing there waiting patiently to be left back into the village appeared to be his son who had left his home two years ago to travel and had worried the entire Byakko Clan while he was gone. This was certainly a twist and turn that the older Byakko couldn't believe and his estranged wife would be thrilled to know her baby boy was back home again and not dead.

After a brief pause, he would walk over to the individual with his hand extended: "Passport please, Yanjirou. It's been too long since I last saw you and your mother has been worried sick about you. However if you need to report something to the village, I will not stop you. Just don't stay out too long or your mother will chew your ass out." A simple smile would appear on his face next.
Nov 25, 2014
"Hmmm.." An oddly familiar voice reached the boy's ear as he waited, and it didn't take him very long to realize that his decision had been made for him. Turning to his father, whom he had not seen in ages - even before he left the village - Yanjirou smiled back at him and remained where he was. As far as he was concerned, the two were never on very... Physical, terms. Their relationship being more like teacher and student, rather than father and son - at least in the young Byakko's eyes.

Assuming he still remembered how Yanji looked when he left, Akujin would be able to see a number of changes in both his son's physical appearance, and mannerisms. His clothing, although torn both on his chest and shoulder - which revealed a large scar from a rather monstrous bite he received - would be far nicer than those that he wore when he left. He would be taller as well, perhaps even approaching his father's height after having two years to grow. As for his mannerisms, he would hold his shoulder back more - having grown more confident in both himself, and his abilities. In addition to this new-found confidence, he no longer feels the need to hide his feline features, the ears atop his head being proudly displayed.

"Although I do have a report to submit... I'm sure it can wait just a few more hours. We both know how things will be should mother be kept waiting, especially if she learned that you kept my arrival a secret. Shall we then? Assuming there's nothing more I must do before being allowed to proceed." This would be for the best... If he were to ignore his family - no matter the reason - he would be in far deeper trouble than simply postponing a report by a few hours. Besides, perhaps this meeting would prove beneficial in the end - not including being allowed to keep his privilege of life...


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Another smile would crack his face as he responded to his son: "Very well, Son. Everything checks out here so you may reenter the village and our home. I am heading to work at the Hospital, but your mother and your sister will be excited to see you have returned I am sure. We will talk once I am off my shift, Yanjirou." Yes, it was unfortunate that he had to go to work since his son had just returned, but he had a reputation and a job to do for the village and for himself. Considering that he was still lacking an arm, he had to prove to himself more often than before that he was up to the task at hand and to prove to everyone that he didn't need special accommodations due to his handicap.

After a brief few moments, the elder Byakko would head off into the village if his son did not have any issues or needed him immediately. It was best for the two of them to talk privately than with his wife and daughter around as he could tell that Yanjirou had changed over his absence from the village both physically and mentally from what he could tell. After all, there would be more productivity talking to him one on one than trying to get along with his wife and not have insults being thrown around by each of them due to the elephant in their home: Azusa. He also would have to test his son in the upcoming weeks to see if he had kept up with his training or if he had chosen to slack off while he had his head in the Clouds.

[OOC: Short post is short. Topic left unless stopped. I will make a new thread for your char and my NPCs if you want after you post again. Yanjirou allowed reentry into the village regardless]
Nov 25, 2014
"Seems he isn't in the mood for talking..." Business was very clearly the stem of the rift between the two. Nothing was ever about simply being family, it had to do with status and ability. Being raised this way, Yanjirou was never adversely affected by this lack of parental love, but he was still able to see it himself. Grinning, the boy sighed and began walking after his father.

"Very well father, I suppose we will talk later then." The young Byakko would walk beside his father - remaining mostly silent, aside from the occasional sigh of relief at seeing familiar sights - until a certain point of the dojo. Their home was located within the Toraono dojo after all, and the two had different destinations at the moment. His departure would not include any form of farewell, knowing that there was no need for one. For now, he would simply have to worry about what excuse to give his mother after being so long away. Incurring the wrath of one so powerful - an spontaneous - was foolish after all, so it would be best if he had a valid reason for not telling them of his leaving so long ago.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
