Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Honey, I'm Home!

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
[col]This is the big entrance where the dashing villain makes his dramatic debut. His unruly crimson tresses capped his otherwise tanned face. He made no secret of his approach, his giantblade strapped to his back. Without the storm that once plagued this village he was able to look onto the Toraono Dojo clearly for the first time. It seemed more impressive through the veil because it indeed was because it was able to withstand the onslaught of the storm. The face of the building was sanded smooth by the ranging sands.

"Hmph... still no wall," Shouki commented. "Would have thought they would have built a wall and made the rest of Wind Country pay for it by now." Shouki kicked open the door to the Toraono Dojo with his heel, knocking the door from its hinges and causing the frame of the door to sag. There would be a pair of guards on the other side, both taken aback by the sudden act of senseless destruction. The two of them scrambled for their weapons. Were Sunans always so small? He let out a heinous laugh as he grabbed one of the two guards by the hair and yanked them closer. "Sorry about this, normally I take my time but..." His hands clasped the sides of the unfortunate man's head. "My dance card is full for the time being." His hands pushed hard on the sides of his head. there was screaming and then... POP!. The other made an attempt to defend himself, one could see by the look in his eyes it was about self defense not defense of the dojo or the community that was on his mind. There was this sad, wild attempt to cut into him, it should have missed but this particular Jashinist was not about to overlook a "good time." There were some men that liked to be abused. The length of the blade cut into his shoulder, breaking through his jacket and tee beneath. A red stain would quickly start to form but it did not take the Jashinist aback. "What a tiny little prick... barely felt it," Shouki complained. The guard stumbled back, not realizing perhaps that he was cornering himself in this room.

The man fell over as he tried to back away, refusing to show Shouki his back but because of this he could not see where he was going. He fell onto his ass and continued to crawl and hurry away. "Like a worm..." Shouki complained. "I have no idea why pops is so concerned," he mused as he calmly followed the fleeing man. He leaned forward, his face uncomfortably close to the scurrying guard. A perverse sneer eclipsed his face. What was he thinking? How was he going to kill him?

KILL?!? ... What fun is there in that?


Where was the laughter? The relieved expression? The gratitude?? How rude. Shouki backed away, giving the hyperventilating guard some space to breathe. "You have one just. Just one. Find the Stewykage and tell him I look forward to our next game. That I am flattered he went as far as to take my little sister. Don't bore him with the usual platitudes of ... don't hurt her. Of... I want to know if she is alive. Between you and me, I don't give a shit, but mama always said it was the 'thought that counts.' Or I am sure she would have said that if I had a mama. You know... maybe this was all my mum's fault. She could have potty trained me better. Maybe let me get that little princess dress I always wanted. I bet that was it." He stopped his rant for only a moment. "I will start in my mother's house. Without her it has a million stories but it cannot tell them."

That was it, just a message.

Yep, that was it. Just a few words and one body. Slow start.

[Topic Left][Sunagakure Entered][S Rank][30 min]

Bastard Son of Ishii Shiro
General of the Soverign
Former Cabalist

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro received the report of more people murdered at the entrance to the dojo. Surveillance identified the assailant as the Daimyo’s son Shouki. He had always manage to evade Kuro and cause havoc. This time however Kuro would catch him. There would be no escape for this one, no mercy. With a pulse of energy all six Kuro’s expanded their search patterns. He shouldn’t be too hard to find seeing that he was a cunning but insane mass murderer. Songblade Kuro (Chouryokou) managed to receive reports of him cutting down people at the psych ward. Details of messages written in the blood of the dead emerged. Anger flared deep within, he was not going to get away this time. Sousuke was not going to get hurt this time. Big brother would see to it, there would be no escape from retribution, there would be no relief from his torment. Shouki may enjoy himself a bit too much for what Kuro had in store for him but then again it was time for Kuro to find out if a Jashinist could exist without a soul. Kuro’s left hand charged with purpose as he prepared to rip Shouki’s soul from his still warm and dismembered body. Fleet of feet 6 Kuro’s searched 6 sectors at a time. He would have his prey soon enough and then there would be a meeting between monsters.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
