Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Hospital = Bad News

Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
Everyone was on their way to take Hinata to the hospital. She was holding up Hinata on one side while Jirou was on the other. Hiro had put the food away for later and would come with them. Karasu remembered the last time she was at the hospital. She and her dad were attacked by bandits pretty much left for dead until some Leaf Shinobi found them and took them to the hospital where they were treated. Her dad wasn’t able to walk anymore due to a lot of damage to his leg. She looked at him as he was leading them in his wheelchair. It just brought back memories of their attack and everything they went through.

They entered the Konoha Byoin district where the hospital was. Hinata was in bad shape. He had mentioned to them that he kept stumbling and falling because his eyes were blurry. She knew he was having trouble with his sharingan for the longest time but it went from bad to worse when she saw that he now had the mangekyo sharingan. Not only that but his eye started bleeding. Lucky for them that her dad noticed immediately and told him to keep his eyes closed so not to activate the Amaterasu. It was an intense situation which now led them where they are now, heading to the hospital.

She watched as Kashikoi, who was Jirou’s wolf pup, was trotting along with them occasionally stopping by a fire hydrant or tree to relieve himself. She looked up and saw the hospital in the near distance. They were almost there. She was worried for her friend and hoped that he would be alright. She was no medical ninja but she knew that something serious was wrong with him. Hinata who was blind folded so that he wouldn’t accidentally activate his MS and put everyone in danger again, looked as if he was barely holding on. They finally arrived and walked into the front entrance. It seemed pretty busy with other people entering with their own medical issues. Karasu’s heart started to pound. All the events of her past started to rush back into her mind. Even though the med nin had healed them the best they could it still didn’t make her feel any better being here. She wondered how her father felt being here. The hospital also made her anger rise up as she thought of the bandits who attacked her dad and her before they arrived in the village. She shook her head knowing she had to be here for Hinata and hoped that he could just get looked at and go home soon.

Hiro wheeled himself to the front desk to speak to the person who was there. It was a lady in wearing white sitting at the desk. “We have a young boy here who is having problems seeing. He has the sharingan dojutsu which he can’t control. It appears he has somehow awakened his mangekyo sharingan and with it the jutsu Amaterasu which he uncontrollably almost set off in our home. His vision is blurry and he is barely able to stand or walk without falling down.” he said to the receptionist. The lady understood and said “ I will get someone right away please take a seat.” Karasu looked at Jirou and said “Let’s put him in a chair while we wait.” there were chairs to the right of them and Karasu holding up Hinata with the help of Jirou started to walk toward the seats. “It will be alright Hinata.” she said to her friend trying to be positive even though she hated being in the hospital.

[WC: 609]
The last time Jirou had been to the hospital was when he and Kashikoi were found by a team returning from a mission. He has lost consciousness not too far from the main gate. He couldn't remember exactly how many days and nights he and Kashikoi had walked. He did remember that they both stayed in the hospital for a month to recover. The Hokage had even come to visit and had been kind enough to allow them to stay in the village. He did this even though he had refused to say anything about what had happened. Jirou remembered that the medical ninja were kind and understanding. Regardless Jirou was frustrated and angry at the bandits who had taken all that he had known in an instant. Jirou did not take well to being stuck in the hospital. As they entered the hospital following behind Hiro in his wheelchair, Jirou could smell the familiar hospital scents and it took him back to his own time spent here. He looked back to Kashikoi who had just finished watering a nearby bush. Calling to him, "Kashikoi this way. Stay close." Kashikoi caught up to them and stayed right by Jirou's side once they had entered the hospital. A few unhappy whines could be heard from Kashikoi and Jirou was sure he also remembered the vet who had tended to him and their time spent here.
Once they were instructed to take a seat by the nurse in white behind the desk, Jirou helped Karasu leading Hinata over to the chair. Kashikoi nudged at Hinata and barked once as though he was trying to get him to sit down. Jirou heard what Karasu said to Hinata and echoed the words, "You will be okay now. The medical ninja will know what to do. Just sit down now. We have to wait for them to come out and see us." Jirou was hoping that they would make him right as rain in no time, though when he looked over towards Hiro seeing him in the wheel chair he was not so sure. Just being here in the hospital again made all those memories come flooding back to him. Jirou was scared but he was determined to put on a brave face as he looked over towards Karasu.​
[WC: 383]​
Being walking steadily, barely able to keep himself up as his body was really beat up, the blindfold blood steined as he panicked. As of right now only one eye had to Mangekyo Sharingan in it, not fully awoken yet as the memories keep rushing by him, Seeing that Bandit leader over and over again in his mind, getting clearer each time, seeing his mother is agonizing pain, screaming and crying. It was hard on him to begin with but as the memories flash by, one he was unaware of he was being tortured. Once in the seat after being guided, he started to freak out. Screaming as he held his head, as he seemed In pain.


He seemed to beg out loud, as it would appear by what he said, he is having some sort of crisis, remembering something that is the cause of his pain and suffering, The torment it is causing him tearing his body apart, unable to withstand such a pain that involved with the reemergence of suppressed memories but also the Pain of awakening Mangekyo Sharingan all at once. He was flailing about in the chair as he was in need of help.
Why hadn't she thought about this before? Who in her office would look for her in the hospital? No one, aside from the medical staff, went to the hospital voluntarily. Perfect place to hide from her own staff, good place to simply hang out. It was intense and simply amazing. With that being Asuka stood behind the counters and simply stared at the staff doing their work. She figured pretty early on that if she didn't get in the way people wouldn't mind her being there, kind of like a "Don't mess with the work you're fine." type of situation. Of course it wouldn't last long, Asuka simply didn't expect how little.

A nurse started running towards her, she could see the footsteps coming to her little happy corner but she wasn't worried. I mean, who would actually be stupid enough to bother her in her down time. The door swung open and a nurse was staring at Asuka, Asuka simply sipped on her tea cup. "So.... fine weather we're having?" Asuka spoke with a slight smile.

"We got a situation." The nurse spoke with worry in her eyes, Oh boy they had found her.

"Tell Manzo it's my downtime and whatever it is can be taken care of by future me." She smiled taking a sip of her tea.

"No. A kid has a problem with his Sharingan, Ranji isn't in and we do not know how to help since it's an Uchiha thing."

Asuka sighed, she could simply ignore it, just walk away... let anyone take care of it. But if a nurse was coming to her for help then it was a thing. "Is there a room available?" Asuka asked, the nurse nodded pointing to a fairly close room down the hall. With a sigh she walked towards the entrance, where the patients waited to be cured. Of course she could not hear the child screaming bloody murder. Asuka stood in front of her students and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Why is it always students." Asuka scratched the back of her head giving the nurse her tea she glared at her for a second "Drop it and there's trouble." Afterwards she pointed towards the students. "Karasu, Jirou grab Hinata and follow me." She started taking off down the hall towards the free room, ravaging through the inside of her sleeves, dropping one storage scroll after the other. "Tea, tea, tea." She started naming each scroll as it fell "Tea, shuriken, tea, paint, more paint, tea, tea, glitter bombs. AHA!" She finally grabbed a slim red scroll as she walked into the room. "Hold him in front of me, head up." She spoke as the child kept screaming, god how annoying. This would help. "Explain to me everything that happened." Asuka spoke as she opened the scroll, to those with the knowledge it would be noticed that it was a storage scroll. As Asuka listened she produced a frying pan from the scroll. "Allright." With a swift move Asuka hit hinata over the head with the frying pan, with enough force to knock him out but not enough to actually cause any lasting damage. "That should shut him up."

"Lay him on the bed."
She spoke as she started looking for another scroll again. "And prepare cause I'm going to need you, fairly sure what the problem is and it ain't gonna be easy."

[Topic Entered]
[Used the technique Nighty-Night-Pan-No-Jutsu]
Karasu along with Jirou had helped Hinata to a seat in the waiting area. She took a deep breath thinking about how hospitals made her nervous. She petted Kashikoi on his head which was a comfort to her. She hated waiting but then she heard Hinata scream out in pain. He seemed out of sorts and Karasu felt useless that she couldn’t help him. “It will be alright Hinata just hang on until they can get someone to look at you.” she hoped to calm her friend down but nothing seemed to be working. She looked at Jirou helplessly hoping he could calm Hinata down. The wait felt like forever with hearing all the screams from Hinata. Hiro, Karasu’s father looked concerned but knew that it was out of their hands now. All they could do now is wait for the arrival of a doctor to help the young boy.

Hinata’s screams seemed to get worse. She did everything she could to help him get comfortable but it was no use. The screams triggered all the events in her past life come rushing back. She remembered her mother’s screams and how she was unable to help her. She remembered the screams of the villagers but theirs were hateful and murderous screams with intent to harm them. Karasu closed her eyes hoping to make all the noise in her head stop. She remembered a training she had to learn to keep focus and control. She applied that to her situation she was in now. Though it was not like she was in any type of danger, it would help her since it was a situation that equaled a panic state.

As they were waiting a familiar face walked in. Karasu was surprised to see Asuka, one of the Leaf’s sennin. The last time she saw the shinobi she was giving a few students a surprise test including herself and Hinata. She heard Asuka bark some orders telling her and Jirou to get Hinata and follow her. Karasu did as she was told and looked to Jirou and nodded for him to do so as well. Hiro nodded to them as he remained in the waiting area. She took Hinata’s arm and swung it around her all the while Jirou doing the same on the other side. They followed the sennin down the hall avoiding the fallen scrolls left behind by the sennin until they entered an empty room. Asuka told them to hold Hinata with his head up. Karasu continued to do as she was told. Hinata was not easy to contain since he was writhing about and screaming. “Stay still Hinata” she told the boy. She then watched as Asuka had a slim red scroll in her hand which Karasu recognized as a storage scroll. ‘What was she going to do with that?’ she wondered. Then the unexpected happened. It all happened so fast that Karasu didn’t really know what was going on. Her confusion could be seen all on her face. A frying pan had appeared from the scroll then Asuka went to hit Hinata over the head with the frying pan.

“Whaaa!” was all that came out of Karasu’s mouth for the moment. Her shock was evident. She knew Hinata would be feeling that pain if it hit him after he woke up from it. Karasu would help to put Hinata on the bed. She turned to Asuka “Why did you do that? I mean I know he was screaming like crazy but I’m sure there had to be a better way to knock him out. Maybe some anesthesia which would be less painful than a frying pan.” One thing she had learned from her few interactions with the sennin was that she was very unpredictable, maybe even a bit crazy. Karasu looked at Jirou then glanced back at Asuka as she mentioned that their help was going to be needed and it may be one of the most challenging things the academy students have faced.

[WC: 662]
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It would seem like they waited in the waiting room for an eternity. Well they were called 'waiting' rooms for a reason. The more time that elapsed the louder the screams from Hinata got. Hinata was writhing in pain and all that they could really do was wait for a medical ninja. His posture stiffened as the screams brought back the screams he had heard when his own village was attacked. He put his hand on Hinata's arm and said to him, " We have to wait to be seen. Try and calm down. Take deep breaths. I am sure somebody will be here soon." Jirou could see the other patients starting to move away from them. Some even looked to be leaving the hospital. That was probably for the best. It was likely that Hinata could be heard several floors up. Kashikoi started to lick the boys toes. Jirou knew this was could help to distract him particularly if he was ticklish or help to soothe him.
Jirou was relieved when he finally saw someone arrive who told them to help Hinata up and to follow her down the hall. Standing up he helped Hinata to his feet on the side opposite to where Karasu was supporting him. He looked at the medical ninja not having been told her name yet though he did recognize her vaguely. After helping Hinata onto a bed he was struggling to get him to lay back, "Come on Hinata lay back okay. The medical ninja is going to help fix you." It was at that moment that Jirou saw what looked like a frying pan on a direct path to hit Hinata over his head. In fact if Jirou had not instinctively dropped down below the path of the frying pan he would have gotten hit by it first. His reflexes were fast and he looked up at the medical ninja his mouth dropping open in shock while looking back at Hinata to see if he got hit. It was was of those scenes that was suddenly in slow motion, "What the.... You almost got me." He didn't realize it at first but he actually shouted at the medical ninja. After standing back up straight again Jirou folded his arms across his chest and gave a look to Karasu as though to say, Is she nuts? Jirou awaited instructions since he was told that their help would also be needed. He wasn't exactly sure just what they would have to do, but he had a feeling this was going to be a real challenge whatever it was. Kashikoi stayed right by Jirou's side, his nose taking in the unfamiliar scents of the hospital and this medical ninja before him.​
[WC: 455]​
Hinata, still sitting in a chair, blindfolded. Scared at the new sensations as his mind ran ranpant with the images flashing before him. Shaking as he heard a familier voice. Shaking as he is helped to a room. His head hurting alot, making it hard to walk for him even with help. He cried as blood dripped from his face, leaving abit of a trail on the ground. Hearing the kind words from his dear friend and new friend made him feel abit better. Sitting on the bed finally calming down as soon he felt a good hit from something he didnt see coming, Falling down to lay on the bed as his head started to bleed where he was hit, now needing more medical attention from the injury the Familliar voice. As he laid there loosing quite alot of blood from a Sennin who Hurt students more then helped so far, causing more problems then she solved. He started to dream of something. HIs body flailing about abit, clearly experiecncing something awful within the dream he is having, Nightmare or terror, it was clear he was remembering something that could be the cause of why he is like that.
Asuka sighed as she started looking for a specific scroll. Giving a slight look at Hinata's bloody head. She might have given it too much strength but whatever, it didn't really mater. "Tea, tea, sealing, tea, tea." Asuka gave a slight smile to his student. "The easy way is boring, AHA!" She said as she opened up another scroll. giving it a bit of chakra it was some type of herb and a bandage. Asuka smeared the herb on Hinata's bump and bandaged his head. "Well, you got out of the way didn't you?" Asuka sighed taking out another scroll. The kid was screaming about his eyes and she knew this guy was an Uchiha, probably his Sharingan was getting out of control, in that case one of two things could be happening. Either his chakra is leaking like crazy or his constantly using some sort of Jutsu.

Unfortunately the kids weren't being much and she didn't know what exactly was the problem and that meant drastic measures had to be taken. "I'm not gonna ask again." Asuka spoke loudly taking out a couple of more scrolls. "What exactly happened? Do not leave a single detail out while I prepare this." Best case scenario she could use her companions favorite skill and travel to the Hinata's mind. Worst case she would have to seal the Sharingan away. That came with it's own risks which she would rather avoif.
Karasu watched as Asuka continued to go through scrolls. She scratched her head before saying “You are not a Medical Ninja right?” she asked, guessing by Asuka’s actions. She was new to the village and only met Asuka once. She didn’t know what branch the Sennin belonged to so when she showed up to help she just guessed she was a Med Nin. Now she is having serious doubts that the Sennin is a Med Nin. Still she was trying to help even if her methods were unorthodox. Karasu watched as she took yet another scroll. “How many scrolls do you need and wouldn’t you know which scroll is which instead of going through everyone?” she asked the Sennin.

Hinata’s body was flailing even though he was unconscious. Asuka had asked again on what happened. She nodded and retold the Sennin all that she knew. “Well we were at home getting ready to eat dinner. Jirou and I walked into the kitchen and saw Hinata had come home but he looked out of sorts. He was all dirty and had some cuts on him. He was also very worn out. I thought at first it was from training. It wouldn’t be the first time he or even myself would get cuts and bruises from training hard.” she said then continued to speak.

“He said he was stumbling and fell down a few times. He was complaining that he couldn’t see well and that his eyes were blurry. He was rubbing them. When he opened his eyes his sharingan was showing but it was different than the last time I saw it. He had only two tomoe the last time I saw him with his sharingan. This time however it was not the third tomoe that I saw. It was the Mangekyo Sharingan in one of his eyes. I have no idea how he even got that. I mean I heard that you had to kill someone close to you to get it. If there is another way I don’t know. Anyway…” she continued on.

“Hinata closed his eyes then the eye with the Mangekyo Sharingan started to bleed. My dad realized what was going to happen and told Hinata to keep his eyes closed. His eye was activated to do Amaterasu. Luckily we were able to get Hinata to cover his eyes and convince him to come to the hospital. “ she was a bit winded but at the end said “And that is everything I know. Anything that happened before that time only Hinata can tell you. “ she looked at Jirou then back to Asuka waiting to hear the Sennin’s response.

[WC: 441]
Jirou looks towards Asuka after listening to what Karasu had to say. There really wasn't much if anything that he could add to what Karasu had already said, though he did remember noticing a strong scent of blood on Hinata when he entered the house. "It is like Karasu already said except that when Hinata entered the house I could smell the strong scent of blood on him. It wasn't only Hinata's blood either. There was the distinct scent of another blood as well. I have no idea what happened to him but his eyes did look very strange and it was clear he was in a lot of pain. He was also not steady on his feet."
Jirou looked at Asuka and he was wondering himself if a frying pan was an actual medical treatment. If it was he was hoping he would never need that treatment. He thought back to the events at the house and added, "I gave him the blindfold for his eyes when Hiro told him to cover his eyes. After that we brought him here. I hope you can make him better. I just met him tonight so I really don't know his past or what training he is doing. I hope that helps. What do you need me to do? I will do whatever I can to help." Jirou stood nearby waiting for further instructions from the person who was treating Hinata. He watched curiously as she went through scroll after scroll starting to wonder himself if this was even a medical ninja. His stomach rumbled with hunger seeing as they had come here without eating. What had Hinata got himself into anyway? This was not looking good at all.
[WC: 287]
He laid down twitching as a little white charm fell out from his kimono, it reeked of anothers blood, it being not so white anymore as it was almost drenched in dried blood. Having the Kanji for Knowlage written down on it, the strap having been replaced multipe times however due to not a single speck of blood is on it. It would appear to be quite close object for him, but yet covered in anothers blood being a remnant of some kind of tradegy to him, most would guess what it was, but due to being an uchiha, it was clear as what it was from. The night he awoken his sharingan, something else occured, something awful and horrofic that he forced himself to forget, the memories just now returning to him. Whatever he is remember is the trigger behind why he is awakening MS now, something caused this and he has to remember for it to calm down. The bag he held onto so hard was on the floor, having dropped it, anyone can look inside now
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Asuka sighed there was always the question on the medical expertise. "Didn't exactly expect to have a bleeding kid in the hospital today y'know. Didn' t exactly organize the scrolls." Asuka could feel the chakra leaking from the boy, she didn't have long. Grabbing one of her scrolls she opened it as she listened, starting to place some sort of seal around the boys body. God damn it, his Mangekyou was getting out of control. The only way that would be possible would be thanks to a memory leak, or more specifically a missing memory. Hinata already had unlocked his mangekyou but forgot about it.... unfortunatley some of the memories probably re-surfaced causing this whole mess.

"It's the feeling of loss which activates the Mangekyou, not the act of murder." Asuka corrected as she continued to work. "Unfortunately the idiot literally forgot about his past, gods I hate traumatized children.... there's always something." She continued placing the seals, as her shadow materialized into a few dark hands, two of which handed Karasu and Jirou a seal. "Whatever caused him to awaken his Mangekyou is blocked, some of that memory resurfaced causing like... a partial activation. Having said that, he is now leaking chakra like crazy and keeping the seals requires way too much of me for me two do both things and if I let the leak continue he will die. So, you to got a choice. You can walk out right now and look for someone else to help, scream for a high ranking ONLY full medics." Asuka sighed, she couldn't believe she was actually doing this. "Or you can place the seal on Hinata's head and transport yourself to his mindscape. You need to find the appropriate memory to unlock his Mangekyou fully. It's either locked or broken. Either way I'm going to be inside your heads and walk you through the process. I would normally let you think about it but I need speed so either go for help or enter his mindscape."
Karasu looked surprised at Asuka’s response about her maybe not being a med nin. She then explained what activates the Mangekyou Sharingan. Karasu nodded and said “Yes the loss of someone is what I meant. I just contributed it to killing another because I have heard that some Uchiha had received it through that. I guess it is easy to perceive it that way. “ She knew that Hinata had a tragic past just like her and Jirou, so it’s not surprising that he is having issues with it and it triggered his dojutsu. When Asuka said she hated traumatized children, Karasu glanced at Jirou before turning back to Asuka.

Karasu learned that something caused Hinata’s Mangekyo Sharingan to awaken but from what Asuka said it only partially activated. Karasu was getting worried for her friend wondering how Asuka was going to be able to help him. Shadows appeared by Asuka and Karasu jumped at first not knowing what was happening. They handed her and Jirou a seal. Karasu turned to Asuka who said that Hinata was leaking chakra and keeping the seals was too much for her to do at the same time which is why she gave both her and Jirou the seals. What alarmed her the most was that if the leak continued Hinata could die.

Asuka gave her and Jirou a choice to either go and find a true med nin or help her out with the seal for Hinata. Karasu looked at Jirou and gave him a nod. There wasn’t really any choice in the matter. If Asuka could actually help him and she needed their help then that was a no brainer. “I understand and you have my support. I will do anything I can to help him. “ she said with determination. She couldn’t let Hinata die. If there was any way she could help she was going to do it. She was never one to back away or give up. She looked to Jirou “Ready we can do it at the same time so we can be in sync.” she said to him as she had the seal in her hand ready to place it on Hinata’s head. She could only imagine what she would see in Hinata’s mind. She gathered her strength to help her friend.

[WC: 383]
Jirou still had no idea what he should call this person and he asked her as much, “What is your name? I mean I think it would be good to know, since we are going to be helping you to fix Hinata up so that he doesn’t die. I am Raijin Jirou by the way."
Jirou listened to the ninja while he looked on with Kashikoi at his side. It was very clear to him that Hinata was in serious trouble. The words from the person treating Hinata confirmed that much. Even though he didn’t know Hinata very well, he certainly did not want him to die. At least not yet anyway. That was exactly what was going to happen if he and Karasu didn’t help. Even though it had looked like they were given a choice, there was really no choice in the matter. They had to help save him.​
Taking the seal from the shadow hand Jirou gives Karasu a nod to indicate that he was ready. Well as ready as he was going to get. He had absolutely no idea just what he was going to find once they were inside Hinata’s mindscape. Standing on one side of the bed while Karasu was on the other side Jirou said, “On the count of three let’s do this. I really hope this works.” Looking towards the ninja standing before them, he gave her a nod and after counting down to one with the seal in his hand he placed the seal on Hinata’s forehead as instructed hoping that Karasu did so at the same time as he did.​
[WC: 269]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
