Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

How Do I Begin? [ Open ]


Faithful Ninja
Aug 11, 2013
"This twisted cat and mouse game always starts the same
First we're both down to play then somehow you go astray!"
When time transcends simple boundaries, this was how it was meant to be. When people disappeared for stretches of time that were simply unimaginable to the mind of others that used to be around, how did things begin again? It seemed as though life dragged on and on, the mundane taking over and becoming so much more. So, when life stood still for one, then where did life trudge for others? It was questionable, at best. Warmth surrounded, it hugged, it clung to forms that chose to fall within the embrace. Haruka was no different than anything else that fell down to the strangling embrace there. She had been wrestled deep down under and tugged to the very depths that would inevitably damn her in every sense of the word. Where had she stood before she disappeared? As she recalled, she was damned. She was the scourge that sent Stone into places that it never wanted to see itself within.

Heh, and she wouldn't have it any other way. The chaos, the discord... The claims and the false accusations, they were simply beautiful. So where did a muddled mind and body sit? There came a splashing of water, enough to slap off of the cavernous walls surrounding. The sticky wet feeling there would be regarded as the young woman would lurch forward from where she had been. Her hair would flip through the air as she choked back to life, the pale set tone of her flesh soon coming to light as her dark dyed hair fell down at her shoulders. Drawing in breaths greedily, the woman would sit there in the pool of water as she stared forward on with her crystalline eyes. They would retract and accept in the light in odd manners. So... How long had she really been gone for? The question was very obvious, something that needed answering. When one simply just vanished, they had to expect some form of change... and Haruka was no different in her expectations.

Bleary eyes would continue focusing forward. Arcadia... She recognized this hellhole... Standing up slowly, she would feel her body's strain from a good moment of un-use... No matter, she would force herself into motion anyways... Twisting her neck, there would be a delectable cracking and a pop that would sound as she stepped. Her body was heavy, it didn't feel like the form of a dancer that she once had. That worried her. One foot scuffed forward after the other, her upper body wading through the vast pools of the sea. The warmth would continue to enshroud her, but it wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to cool off. She wanted that lovely, icy feeling to be around her once more. Was that so much to ask? As she stumbled, she would drop to one knee at the shoreline, her hands pressing down underneath of her. Rhythmic drips would sound throughout the area as her hair slipped and fell over her shoulders, the long strands smacking against the ground.

With a sudden harshness, her breath would catch and grind at her throat, and she would soon cough up a hefty amount of water from her lungs. The water would spatter, flowing down past her knees as she choked, attempting to get a grip on herself as she situated back to what could only be considered a world of the living... If one could even call it that, no? Soon, her arms would quake and she would find herself now laying down on her side, attempting to collect her energy back from a point where she had practically been damned to death... Where did she go now? What did she do?

Time would answer all of these questions, surely enough.
He saw her… He wanted to call out to her but his words were inaudible. How long had it actually been? A year? The girls were two; they were growing up so quickly. He was a dad, made a single dad after his lovely wife had disappeared. The woman he swore his life to had unceremoniously been snatched out of his life for no reason known to him. He wasn’t sure if it were by choice, or by some act of this world’s god that saw fit to take what he had created as he had done when Akechi was a child. How long had it been? Was that even where he should start? …Play the role of the accuser, shining a light into the eyes of the woman that abandoned their family? Should he maintain his role as the supportive husband, reassuring this woman that everything would be fine now that they were together? How does this play out? Akechi truly didn’t understand how he should proceed, or how this event had even unfolded. So much of his identity was tied to Haruka that he didn’t truly know how to live without her. A piece of him disappeared as she did… The twin girls became his only reason for living…

Disheveled… Why did she look so disheveled… so unruly… so rough? What had happened to Haruka? Did her political enemies finally catch up to her? Was this the price that she had paid for the calamity that she had brought upon her village? Is this what they deserved? Honestly, Akechi didn’t really know. He could only take a step forward. Instinct and love carried his body forward as he slowly walked toward the mirage of Haruka… only realizing that she was the real thing as he reached out for her. If she allowed it, he would catch the woman within his arms as her head softly rested against his chest. ”Haruka! I-- Where?! I looked everywhere,” were the only words that he could speak as he found the girl of his dreams… for the second time. He was overcome with emotion. Tears flowing from his eyes as his heart began to leap out of his chest. The answer to his question was suddenly answered as his embrace graced him with the gift of clarity. He lost her. And then he found her. He lost her again. And then he found her again. He needed to take care of her. He needed to take care of his family. That was all that mattered.

Dampened ground… They sat on the soiled pavement as she continued to shiver from the cold climate. Akechi removed his coat, quickly placing it around her to shield her as best as he can. ”Haruka, what happened to you? You left and the-- Are you ok? You look… like you’ve been through hell… I’m sorry. Sorry I wasn’t there… Sorry I wasn’t quicker…” Not that he knew anything. He thought it might have been a mission or something like that. These things happen… They live in a dangerous world, after all. But he never gave up hope. Akechi didn’t allow himself to forget her… he couldn’t…

So the question was…

What the hell happened?
Where did a mind go to when it was unconscious? When a person was damned to hiding out and no longer being able to recognize what made them... them? It was questionable at the very least. The warm water that surged free of her body, spilling from her nose, her mouth... It made a burning sensation. It was painful and it made her mind spin around and around. Shuddering feelings, a grip at her throat as she choked there. It was unimaginable the feeling of finally being able to breathe again, and no longer on an unconscious level. She had fallen, and right into the arms of the Uchiha who had spotted her. Heavy breaths would now be her marker, her hands reaching up to grasp a hold of him as she struggled against knees that wished to buckle. The questions were a bit muffled, but she could hear the voice behind them. Tilting her head off to the side, water would drain from one ear, and then it would proceed to drain from the other as she lifted her shaking head up to gaze at him.

Public enemy number one-- that was what she had been before all of this had taken place. What in the hell had happened? Lifting her hand up, she would touch against a healed over jab wound at her neck and she would attempt to recall just what exactly had happened...? "Stop," her voice would crack out, strained, stressed... Her stomach twisted with the undeniable feeling that she had going through her body. Akechi was here. And that was what mattered. In her search for her son, she had been fallen. However, even if she had been fallen... She could still move. She could still fight. "I do not blame you for what has happened," she would gasp out, her voice like sandpaper against her very throat. Her hands would lift, even as he moved to wrap the coat around her.

And she would wipe away at the tears that fell from his eyes with her own dampened hands. "I'm here," she would assure in the strongest voice that she could muster: "The girls..." A panicked look. Kei, too. Oh goodness. What had happened while she was gone? "Akechi," Her eyes still looked like they were swimming-- now brimming with her own tears as they spilled down over her cheeks that were slowly regaining coloration. Had she been dead? Goodness, it surely felt like such.

"They couldn't kill me, they won't kill me. They won't touch what is mine." Oh god, she was exhausted. What in the hell was this? She needed to fight and to thrive. She felt like lashing out, or something-- finding those people, finding something that she could just lay her fists into, but... That would have to wait, for now.
She told him to stop. Stop blaming himself for the atrocities committed against them. But he couldn’t do that. It simply wasn’t in his DNA to stop himself from shouldering the burdens of his family. Does that make life harder than it has to be? Sure it does, but this was Akechi’s creed. It was simply who he was. ”I know. But I blame myself…” An admission that was probably best saved for his innermost thoughts, but the words slipped from his lips before he could think. He truly did blame himself. For the violent gash on her neck, and what happened to Kei long before that. Speaking of which…

”The girls are fine. They are waiting to see their mother again,” Akechi responded, gently massaging Haruka’s back as she continued to cough up the water that had seeped into her lungs. He had managed to keep them safe for this long, even if he didn’t have the power that he desired for his family. Now that Haruka had returned, that would more than likely change. A piece of Akechi’s soul had been returned to him, and he wasn’t about to let anything happen to it… not again. ”Haruka.” Closing his eyes and gently wiping away some of her tears, he rested his forehead against hers as he attempted to comfort her. Someone left her for dead… someone would pay…

”Who was it? Who attacked you? Were you able to find, Kei-chan?” Akechi questioned, his voice notably growing in anger as he spoke of people that attacked his wife. Just who were they? Yukata? One of Souji’s cronies? Kamaru? Maybe a supporter of the fallen Kage that Haruka had murdered? Maybe even that ANBU Sennin who suddenly found herself out of a job. ”I’m sorry. Maybe you shouldn’t talk so much. That wound… I need to make sure that it heals properly.”
Whatever was the need for Akechi to blame himself for the mistakes of this foolish woman? Or rather, foolish was how she was perceived by those around. Let them think, let them do as they pleased. It wasn't like she could be stopped when she started. There was a strange fog encased within her head as she blearily blinked away whatever might have been clouding her, surrounding her. With each cough, a tinge of blood would track along her tongue and she would give a bit of a disgruntled look. She was not a fan of the iron-y taste at all. "No, not your fault," she would murmur out, nuzzling her features into his chest. Her long hair fell down her back and stuck to whatever surface it could. Why or how it had gotten out of it's customary braid was a mystery to her. It was also incredibly obnoxious. "Just, no. It's... None of us." She would speak to reassure him. Her hands would now come up and she would wrap her arms around his neck to hang off of him. Still so tired...

Could she sleep for ages? It was definitely something that she felt like doing at this point! Hah. As he spoke of the girls, a prideful smile would now cross over her features. Their children. They hadn't taken any pressure from whom had fallen over her. It made made her feel better. She wanted to see them, so badly. So much. Even them. Her forehead would press against his and she would note... Kei. Oh... A panic would seep within her mind, the anger now growing along her features. Souji... That bastard. He would pay, no matter how long it would take. She would find him, and rend him in half. That was her promise. Her vow. So long as she walked this earth? She would make him miserable.

Once upon a time, they may have still been of similar ilk... but truly, he had damned himself away from any recourse with Haruka now. Had he been the one to lay any attack upon her? No. However, she would not have been in such an awful position if it were not because of him. "Will kill him," she breathed out in an agonized tone: "Must find Kei..." Swimming again? No, but it certainly felt like her head was. She would lift a hand up to where he looked at her neck, and she would touch at the horrific gash there with a bit of a cringe. Someone truly wanted her dead, but fate had been on her side once more. Once again... she was fine.

"I do not know my attacker's identity, but will subjugate them none-the-less..." There was a lazy way that the once-leader spoke, but it would clear up soon enough, right? Wrangling her hands in his front, she would pull him down and she would press her lips against his now in a sweet kiss. He was the only thing that she needed right now, and that was a simple fact. Had it been hell that was witnessed? No, she did not think it so... but...

Hell was that of this Earth once she sustained her strength once more.
Anger… There wasn’t a time in his life where Akechi didn’t truly feel anger. Even in those fleeting moments of happiness, there was some tinge of pain or regret that he just couldn’t escape from. It followed him around like it was embedded in his DNA, a shadow of pain that sought to envelope everything positive in his life. Honestly, he thought he had found some sort of solace with Haruka –with his family– but the shroud of pain seemed to follow him around regardless. He often wondered if he were bad luck; that his family would be better off without him but Haruka probably would never allow those types of thoughts. Honestly, sometimes her confidence in him and the emotions that he held for his children were the only things that kept him going. Life without them would be worse than death itself… for Akechi and the world around him. In fact, just the loss of Kei was enough for him to begin resorting to rather desperate measures. He wouldn’t lose anymore of his clan… the preservation of Uchihan lives were the key to the future that he desired. He’d do anything to protect that wish of his…

”Right. You’re right. I should stop talking like that,” Akechi would say, smiling as he gently placed his two hands on the jagged scar on her neck. ”This cut was pretty damn deep. It’s affecting your body’s tissue from repairing itself correctly in this area. Let me see what I can do,” Akechi would comment, surmising the injury that seemed to be giving Haruka the most discomfort. The man’s hands would begin to glow with a majestic tint of green as a cooling sensation would be introduced into Haruka’s wound, blessing her with the gift an angel. He would maintain the jutsu as long as he had to, until Haruka asked him to stop. If he still had any luck to offer, his chakra would trigger Haruka’s body’s ability to repair the tissue damage around her neck. The man was a little late, but he was still intent on taking care of the woman he loved. It was the least he could do.

”We’ll kill him. And we’ll find our son. I don’t care how many people get caught in the way, and I don’t care how many stones we have to turnover… or destroy. We’ll put our family back together,” Akechi responded, his eyes spiraling in determination as Haruka reached up and grasped his face. Gently her lips pressed against his, and Akechi would wrap his arms around her waist to bring her into his chest. He loved her, and he wanted to make sure that she knew it. ”I’ll gladly follow you to the ends of the Earth.”

Current Ninpocho Time:
