"This twisted cat and mouse game always starts the same
First we're both down to play then somehow you go astray!"
First we're both down to play then somehow you go astray!"

Heh, and she wouldn't have it any other way. The chaos, the discord... The claims and the false accusations, they were simply beautiful. So where did a muddled mind and body sit? There came a splashing of water, enough to slap off of the cavernous walls surrounding. The sticky wet feeling there would be regarded as the young woman would lurch forward from where she had been. Her hair would flip through the air as she choked back to life, the pale set tone of her flesh soon coming to light as her dark dyed hair fell down at her shoulders. Drawing in breaths greedily, the woman would sit there in the pool of water as she stared forward on with her crystalline eyes. They would retract and accept in the light in odd manners. So... How long had she really been gone for? The question was very obvious, something that needed answering. When one simply just vanished, they had to expect some form of change... and Haruka was no different in her expectations.
Bleary eyes would continue focusing forward. Arcadia... She recognized this hellhole... Standing up slowly, she would feel her body's strain from a good moment of un-use... No matter, she would force herself into motion anyways... Twisting her neck, there would be a delectable cracking and a pop that would sound as she stepped. Her body was heavy, it didn't feel like the form of a dancer that she once had. That worried her. One foot scuffed forward after the other, her upper body wading through the vast pools of the sea. The warmth would continue to enshroud her, but it wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to cool off. She wanted that lovely, icy feeling to be around her once more. Was that so much to ask? As she stumbled, she would drop to one knee at the shoreline, her hands pressing down underneath of her. Rhythmic drips would sound throughout the area as her hair slipped and fell over her shoulders, the long strands smacking against the ground.
With a sudden harshness, her breath would catch and grind at her throat, and she would soon cough up a hefty amount of water from her lungs. The water would spatter, flowing down past her knees as she choked, attempting to get a grip on herself as she situated back to what could only be considered a world of the living... If one could even call it that, no? Soon, her arms would quake and she would find herself now laying down on her side, attempting to collect her energy back from a point where she had practically been damned to death... Where did she go now? What did she do?
Time would answer all of these questions, surely enough.