Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hyuuga Mia[Leaf] ---> Nakamura Mia[Leaf]

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New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Old Character name What was the name you used at the time of the Hack? Hyuuga Mia

Old Character Village What village were you in at the time of the hack? Leaf

Old Profile Topic Title Name of said topic? If your Village has more than one place to store Profiles, where is your located? Located in the Profile folder for Non-Academy Students. Title had Character's Name in it.

Old Training Topic Title Name of Said Topic? Unsure of Exact Name, should have Character's Name in it.

Old Dojo Topic Title Name of Said Topic: Unsure of Exact Name, should have Character's Name in it.

Any Relevant information that can aid us in finding your information In case we can't find your information, we may need some super sleuth information: Hyuuga had Hakumei Byakugaan, was a standard Jounin. Had roughly 1800-2k PL. Hope that helps.

New Character Name What is the name you will be RP'ing as? Nakamura Mia

New Village What Village are you going OCR into? Leaf

Link to latest Voucher Please link the Voucher you have been using to RP with ???No idea???

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Agility: 279
Stamina: 320
Ninjutsu: 210
Taijutsu: 500
Genjutsu: 210
Chakra Control: 500
PL: 2019

Name: Hyuuga Mia
Alias: N/A
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 105lbs
Body Frame: Petite
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 9/9/999
Blood Type: O-
Hair Colour: Dark Blue
Eye Colour: White
Village of Birth: Konoha
Village: Konoha
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Rank: A-Rank
Job: Chuunin

[ Traits ]


Mia is a slowly more outgoing soul. Having once been reclusive in her youth, she's found that people are much more willing to accept her if she comes out and speaks. Still a few odd quirks keep people from truly befriending the girl, she's come a long way from having stones thrown at her.


Mia has short dark, nearly black hair that doesn't even reach her shoulders. Kept properly trim to maintain a look which her sister had fancied while she was alive. All white eyes peer at the world around her with an uncaring glare. Mia has turned into a mesh of the once two siblings. While she couldn't alter her body's structure, she made an outward effort to dress like her sister would have. It was a sign to herself that her sister was still alive in her. So, as opposed to her normal conservative clothing, Mia can now be found in more provacative apparel. It's surprisingly lent to her being slightly more popular. When meeting this young Hyuuga, it's obvious that things are going well if she smiles. However, a somber demeanor is common place.


Mia was born into a very prestigious family, a well known Hyuuga home of Konohagakure. Mia was the eldest of twins, her twin sister, Hyuuga Haruka, is two hours younger than her. The family life was one most would dream of, being the daughter of a noble family seems like something one should be happy with, but there was no such luck for Mia, because she was the only one of the pair talented with the shinobi arts, her father saw her as the only one in the family who could carry on the pride of the clan by becoming a shinobi and as such Mia was forced through torturous training day in and day out from the age of three through till she joined the academy and even then her free time would be used up by her father. However, Mia was too scared of her father to say anything to him and spent a lot of her pre-teenage life living in pure fear of the huge Ex-ANBU captain. She would spend many a night in her room, crying herself to sleep, the only comfort being her twin sister, Haruka who would treat her injuries, even against her father’s orders, who would rather Mia be in pain because he thought she could learn from it. The one thing which scared the young dark haired shinobi the most was her father’s anger with her use of the Byakugan, or rather, the lack of it, Mia was never able to activate the technique no matter how much she tried or how much pressure was put onto her. Due to this “incompetence” as her father called it, she was severely beaten several times causing some severe mental scarring which as of yet hasn’t ever healed.
When she was nine years old her father basically forced her into the academy, she didn’t much want to be a shinobi at first but she was thankful for the time away from the abusive life at home. She was a very quiet child in the academy classes, she never did very well on any of the tests that she was given but she also never did so bad that the sensei had to have private words with her. She didn’t really speak to any of the other students and so never really made any friends, often sitting alone on the roof of the building to eat her lunch. There were a lot of rumors being spread around amongst the students about her, things about her being a freak and several offensive names, sometimes they would come pick on her and abuse her verbally. Even worse, kids would throw rocks at her but she did nothing about it and just accepted whatever they did knowing if she reacted that they would only do it more. She was in the academy for about a year and a half before she was picked up for a Genin examination, her grades had been steadily rising and they were finally ready to accept her, but this exam was not to be an easy one, that’s for sure.
It was the morning of the Genin exam, not that Mia knew that quite yet, a female voice echoed through her head, Mia rolled over in her bed and slowly opened her sleepy eyes and looked up at the girl. Her twin sister Haruka slowly came into vision as her eyes un-blurred, she let out a audible yawn and rubbed at her eyes. She looked up at Haruka with an inquisitive expression and sat up just staring into her eyes. Mia protested to being woken up at first, having not gotten much sleep. The young Hyuuga got out of bed and made it to her feet, a little wobbly from being tired. She sighed a little and scratched her head before lifting her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. What came into view was unnatural; her fair white skin was covered in cuts and bruises, Harukas eyes widened as she reached out to touch the worst area on her ribs. Her fingers barely touched skin yet Mia winced and pulled her body away from the hand. Haruka didn’t even need to ask how it happened and she didn’t, Mia closed her eyes and rubbed them for a second, she didn’t really want to show her sister what their father had done but, she would nag until she did anyway and worry about her in the meantime. Her sister was all she had so she really needed to be honest with her. She slowly shuffled her feet and turned around revealing what could only be described as a scene from a horror movie. Her entire back was totally black and red, how she had managed to sleep with such horrific injuries was beyond Haruka, speechless, she just sat down on the edge of the bed and held her head in her hands shaking from side to side. It was clear that their father had used weapons against the young Hyuuga and not been very friendly with them. Her voice hid the pain fairly well as she went on to explain what had happened, but there was no way she couldn’t feel anything, the damage to her body was far too severe for it to be painless. Haruka handed her the letter, still not saying a word from the sheer mental anguish she was feeling from seeing her sister in such a state. Mia began reading the letter, a small smile coming onto her face; her excitement grew as she got to the end of the letter. She was going to take her Genin exam today, Haruka protested quite rightfully but was soon reminded that their father would learn if she skipped an exam and then, who knows what would happen. Plus, if she managed to pass, she could finally get them both out of that hellish home and to somewhere safe. Haruka would reluctantly agree with her sister and go about helping to patch her up, cleaning the wounds and wrapping her in bandages, things of that sort.
That was how the morning of Mia’s Genin exam started. The rest of the morning was spent showering, fixing up her injuries and getting her equipment together. Haruka was the only one who knew about the exam, wanting to keep it a secret just in case her sister failed. Before too long she was dressed and ready to leave, she bid her sister farewell and headed out of the door with a sort of nervous smile as she contemplated what both success and failure meant. She had decided to wear a long brown overcoat for this exam, along with that she had simple sweat pants, and also had her white and yellow sandals on.
She eventually made it to the ancient forest, it had been a fair amount of time since she had been there and it brought back memories of how the sisters used to play around in the leaves during fall, those were happier times. But she couldn’t think about that now, she had to get into position for the exam, she walked around the outside of the forest until she came across someone, there seemed to be a girl standing alone, was she one of the examinees? There was only one way to find out really. Mia walked over until she was about five steps away from her and coughed softly to get her attention, she didn’t really look at the girls face to start with, what with her being shy around strangers and all. The stranger would look at the Hyuuga and smile as she lifted her head, Mia’s face began to flush and become red, she was seriously shy and a total wreck in any social situation, hopefully the girl wouldn’t notice her obvious discomfort. She was happy to discover that this was the correct place to be and she was the second one to arrive out of twelve students in total. There were several minutes of silence, with the odd words thrown about here and there as the others arrived, most of them looking as nervous as herself but a few seemed fairly confident, that scared her even more. Once the students had assembled, the two proctoring the exam showed up. A man and a woman, the woman Mia recognized, she was the Jounin sensei who had taught in several Ninjutsu classes, she quite enjoyed those lectures actually. The male on the other hand was a new face, tall and very wide, his skin almost looked as if it wasn’t skin at all, she wasn’t the type to ask about it though. They were given a summary of their exam and it sounded fairly simple, in the forest there were eight red flags, all you had to do was locate said flags and return them. This exam was a little more advanced than usual, but these twelve had been specifically selected for greater things apparently. They would have twelve hours from the start of the exam to get in, find a flag and get out, if after the twelve hours you didn’t have one then the student was failed. The fact that there was only eight to find made it clear that they would not only be against the forest but also one another, quite an ingenious task overall for a budding Shinobi. Mia got herself ready to spend the rest of the day in the forest, fighting off the others and getting herself a flag, she only wished her Byakugan was active, alas it was not, before long, she was off and into the forest not only determined to become a Genin, but to also make a better life for herself and Haruka.
The sun had since set and there was barely an hour left of the exam, Mia had fought valiantly against the wild forest as well as a few classmates, she was a bit more beaten up than she was when she first arrived, but smiling the widest grin ever. She was now, walking out of the forest, red flag in hand, exhausted but too happy to care, this was one of the greatest adventures she had ever been a part of. The adrenaline that had been pumping for those eleven long hours, hiding amongst the foliage and beneath the streams, defending your territory, this was so much fun for her and by an hour into the actual exam she had forgotten all about her father, all about being nervous and was having the first actual fun she had in years. She was only the fourth to leave the forest, two boys and a girl had emerged before her and looked equally exhausted. Mia came and took a seat just a bit away from the others, taking a bottled drink that had been placed for each of them. Two more students exited the forest before the allotted time had ended, that made a total of six with flags, the sensei had since gone to collect the rest of the students in the forest before having them all line up and evaluating their work. Mia even got some compliments herself which was a big surprise and made her all giddy with excitement.
She was now a real Genin, this was the only thing going through her mind as she raced back home to Haruka. She burst in through the door of the home, only to be greeted with a horrific sight. Her sister was in a bundle on the floor, coughing and crying as their father stood over her, clearly he had been beating her. She was barely moving, apart from the convulses as she coughed, Mia had to swallow all the anger that was starting to build up inside her and tried to calmly ask what was going on through gritted teeth. It turned out that he was trying to beat out where her sister had gone too, his anger now turned to the Genin as he fumed over all the training he had planned for the day and how she would regret skipping out because she was going to work twice as hard all through the night. This is where Mia grew her courage, standing as tall as she could, but still dwarfed by the man beast that was her father. She declared that she was now a Genin and wouldn’t be taking his shit anymore, she and Haruka were leaving and they would never see him or their ignorant mother again. You can guess what happened next, he just exploded, screaming about how she would do as he said forever or she wouldn’t live to see the next day, his hands came down on the much smaller girl, over and over again fists and palms breaking not only her bones but torturing her chakra system and ripping her muscles apart. Her screams carried out from the house and into the streets of the Hyuuga district. Haruka by now was up and clinging to her father’s arms, begging and crying for him to stop. He would simply shrug off each attempt with his now blood coated fists, but even through all the pain and all the agony, Mia was still perfectly aware of the fact her sweet, innocent sister was continuing to be beaten. Something in the Hyuuga snapped, she could feel all her chakra building up behind her eyes and suddenly, she could see everything, well within reason, without even thinking, she managed to lift her arms and locating the tenketsu behind his eyes and thrust her palms upwards with all her might. This was the first time she had ever fought back and it caught the man off guard, he fell backwards, temporarily blinded and shouting vulgar profanity at the top of his lungs. During the confusion, Haruka picked Mia up and the pair moved as fast as they could in their current state. They began to run, out from the house and down the street where many residents had come out to see what the commotion was, seeing the two bloodied children running from their home though was a sight some of them would not soon forget. They had just about made it to the edge of the district when their father caught up to them. He picked up Haruka, flinging her aside with a single hand and slamming her into a wall, her scream echoed through the night air. The enraged man was still ranting vulgarities at the top of his lungs, threatening them both. Mia and Haruka were to come home and do exactly as they were told, or he would visit upon them punishments that would burn for the rest of their lives, mentally and physically. A crowd had gathered at this point, though no one was attempting to help the two teenagers, they themselves were afraid of the noble Hyuuga and simply muttered amongst themselves in horror. Mia didn’t need time to think about her answer, exclaiming that she would do anything to get away from him, that he was a disgusting human being, if he could even be called that. The man laughed, much to everyone’s shock. Oh, he was going to make this girl pay for the rest of her natural born life. He began to scream at her, claiming that if she was no longer living with him then she didn’t deserve the Hyuuga blood that he had passed down to her. He grabbed the girls bloody head and pressed his palms over each of her eyes and began to laugh manically over the girls piercing screams of agony, he was pushing chakra into her eyes, far more than they could handle, in the midst of the screams, two loud pops were heard. Mia’s eyeballs had given to the pressure and exploded in her father’s hand, he released her and she fell silently to the ground. Unable to move, she couldn’t even scream out in pain or for help, she just lay there bleeding out and barely breathing, but it wasn’t over yet. Knowing and saying out loud that he knew Mia could still hear everything that was going on, he moved for Haruka. She wanted to help, more than anything she had ever wanted in her life but her body seemed to have shut itself down to prevent feeling the pain. Tears of blood rolled down the cheek of the paralyzed girl as she heard her sister screaming just as she had moments ago, but for a different reason, her father was using the Eight Trigrams Tenketsu Strikes against her, repeatedly. Breaking her body and clearly going for the slow, agonizing kill. Suddenly, the entire area had gone silent, then a thud, shortly followed by another, Mia could hear her sister weeping in the background, oh so softly, clearly unable to make much more noise than she was. It was clear something had happened, had someone stepped forward from the crowd? No, ANBU had arrived, several to be exact, they had taken and restrained the monster of a man. He was clearly in for some sort of severe punishment, but he felt he had the last laugh, having done as he said, wounding her both physically and mentally, and these were certainly scars that would run deep forever.
What happened next was totally lost from the young girls memories, but it wasn’t as if she was simply unconscious, she whole heartedly believes that for however short a time it was, she died. It was roughly two weeks after the incident where her memories fully kicked back in. She had tried to open her eyes but was met with only pain and darkness, her memories began to flood back to her as she did so and she immediately began to try and get up, finding herself to be strapped down, she began to struggle and call out her sisters name. Med-Nin had a time trying to calm her down, eventually having to inject her with drugs to just make her rest. This continued for several days, the same pattern, but she eventually began to calm and instead just lay there, begging them to let her see her sister, but her sister, was dead. Mia lay in that hospital bed for days, ever since hearing of her sister’s death, she just lay there, silent, breathing just enough to be alive and silently crying beneath her bandages. She felt like she had nothing left to live for and it wasn’t until a psychiatrist came in to speak to her that things became more clear. She learnt that, as her dying wish, Haruka had begged the doctors to use her to help rebuild her sister, begged them to take her eyes, her blood, anything they needed to save Mia, sacrificing her own life. The doctors even said that had it not been for Haruka, they would both be dead now. Her sister’s sacrifice had saved her life, she spent a lot of time pondering on the new information. It took time, but Mia came to the realization that her sister wasn’t dead, she was a part of her, they had become one. More so than that, it left Mia with rare and powerful doujutsu ability. She hadn’t been able to see it until the mental stress had been coped with but, her Byakugan was active. It felt more powerful, more in tune with her body, and effortless to maintain. It wouldn’t be till much later that she would discover the meaning of the Hakumei Byakugan and the secrets contained within. She spent most of the next year in the hospital, recuperating, physical therapy and regular visits to the psychiatrist. Even though she would always be deeply saddened by Haruka’s demise, she knew in her heart that she would never be alone because their bodies had become one.
As history would go, Mia would indeed go back to the academy once her wounds healed, she was a new person and finally got to begin her life as a shinobi. She is now a sixteen year old Chuunin of Leaf and enjoys every minute of her work. She had been on many fun and dangerous missions and even made a few friends, rivals and enemies. She even managed to date boys here and there. Clearly her love of the shinobi world was stronger than ever and though she would never forget that night, she now had to live her life for two people and was duty bound to love every moment of it.

[  Hyuuga  ]

[  Hakumei Byakugan  ]

Hakumei Byakugan
Emulated Jyuuken
Scan -Master Rank
Eight Trigrams Acupuncture -Master Rank
Heaven's Dance of Hazy White -Master Rank
Eight Trigrams Heavenly Guard -Master Rank

[ Statistics ]

HP: 14490
CP: 27000

Agility: 279
Stamina: 210
Ninjutsu: 210
Taijutsu: 500
Genjutsu: 210
Chakra Control: 500

Power Level: 1909
Stat Average: 318.1
AP: 6.36

[ Â RaaR Eyes! Â ]

(55+lvl) x stamina
(40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Feature:
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Evasion, Genjutsu Save, Spell Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Low: Genjutsu DC, Ranged Accuracy

[ Character Level ]

[ Normal Equipment ]

Item Slot 1: Headset

Item Slot 2: Kawarimi Target

Item Slot 3: Kawarimi Target

Item Slot 4: Belt Pouch

Item Slot 5: Belt Pouch

Belt Pouch A Slot 1: Smoke Bombx3

Belt Pouch A Slot 2: Soldier Pillx2

Belt Pouch B Slot 1: Blood Pillx2

Belt Pouch B Slot 2: Health Pillx2

Sheath: Weighted Gloves


[ Weapon Stats ]

Type: Weighted Gloves
Weight: Light
Range: Melee
Damage: 150
Accuracy: +3
Special: +1 Crit Range
Augments: Keen Edge, High Quality, Chakra Drain



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3
4-Hit Combo -Master Rank
Level 4

Level 5
Beatdown -Master Rank
Level 6
Shoryuken -Master Rank
Dragon Assault -Master Rank
Lions Barrage -Master Rank
Level 7
16 Hit Combo -Master Rank
Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
Chakra Extension -Master Rank
Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6


Level 7


Level 8



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1
Chakra Concentration -Master Rank
Transformation -Master Rank
Body Switch -Master Rank
Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8


Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

[ Abilities ]

Shinobi 101
Weapon Mastery
Martial Artist
Bull's Strength
Called Shot

[ Completed Classes ]

Text Here

[ Missions/Battles ]

Missions Completed: 0
Missions Passed: 0
Missions Failed: 0

S: 0
A: 0
B: 0
C: 0
D: 0
E: 0

Battles Completed: 0
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0


[ Training ]


- Acquaintance
- Friend
- Good Friend
- Best Friends; Crush
- Family; Deep Crush (Close to love)
- Full Blown Love




Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8





Tsukino Nanami

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
PL: 1909
Bonus PL: Will do once find out you were either active/inactive
Total PL:

Yen Refunded: 94725
Yen Bundle: Will do once find out if you were either active/inactive
Total Yen:

Jutsu Rankups: 14


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Just to comment, there is a PL discrepancy. Posted above by Senju Zenichi from Training:


Agility: 279
Stamina: 320
Ninjutsu: 210
Taijutsu: 500
Genjutsu: 210
Chakra Control: 500
PL: 2019

then from Profile:

Agility: 279
Stamina: 210
Ninjutsu: 210
Taijutsu: 500
Genjutsu: 210
Chakra Control: 500

Power Level: 1909

Obviously 110PL isn't the biggest issue, just thought I should comment. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
...That could mean that your profile either wasn't updated or that your training and profile are coming from two different sources...

Were you any other character before this past one?


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Likely wasn't updated. I'm quite positive that I went inactive prior to the hack and It's probably why I may have missed that profile update but kept up with training. In any case, like I said 110PL in the grand scheme of things isn't the biggest of deals. :) Would just like to get back up and running.

As to being any characters prior to this one, yes. However, I don't remember her name.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Take the training pl but try to keep your profile at least a week or two up to date. I understand that stuff happens but that much PL is in the monthish range. :X

Tsukino Nanami

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
PL: 2019
Bonus PL: Inactive - 525
Total PL: 2544/A Rank

Yen Refunded: 94725
Yen Bundle: Inactive/A Rank - 37500
Total Yen: 132225

Jutsu Rankups: 14

Refund given


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Name: Nakamura Mia
Height: 5'8
Weight: 190lb.
Body Type: Chubby
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Character Race: Human
Date of Birth: April 20th
Character Sign: Aries
Commonly Associated Numbers: 42
Commonly Associated Color: Pink
Smells Like: Fresh Baked Cookies
Favourite Foods: Fresh Baked Cookies

General Description:

Appearance; About average height would be the first quality used to describe Mia. However, she is not about average weight. If anything one might call her obese. Just don't do it to her face, that would be a mistake. If anything, her weight has found a way to conveniently form to her body in such a way that it looks good? Some say that no matter what she eats, all her plumpness goes to the right places. Commonly, Mia can be found roaming the village in one of her assorted animal-themed sweaters and likely munching on some cookies, or other baked good.

Personality; Mia is light hearted. She can take a joke, so long as it's not one picking at her weight. She especially loves comments pertaining to how she looks. Not necessarily superficial, but very self conscious of the way she looks and feels. Due to this, she's had no issue making friends, but had a larger issue keeping them. Most people who stick around her for too long end up pushing the wrong buttons so to speak. It's this duality that's led Mia to being a part of many circles of friends but not super close to any one in particular. All in all though, she is as sweet as a chocolate chip cookie.


Mia was quite a troubled youth. It took her a while to grow into her own person, and to fight off the hardships that came with being a part of the Akimichi clan. A lot of early teasing in life lead to depression, as opposed to motivation. This quickly changed when she met a mentor who would change her life forever. Muno was his name, and the Akimichi girl thought she was in love. The man was perfect, at least physically, and she wanted every inch of his body. She would never obtain the man, however, it was this desire that allowed her to see what others craved from her.
From that moment, she began to work harder than anyone else in the village. Maintaining what it meant to be an Akimichi, and giving herself the necessary calories to gain weight. However, she would undergo such rigorous training that it would slim her down in certain areas. This training led her down the path of being able to open different chakra gates, and utilize the flow of her calories in a very unique way.
Now, at the age of twenty four, while she would still be considered obese for a normal woman of her height the pounds have dispersed evenly over her form. She considers herself chubby, and don't tell her otherwise. Lest she might give you a scar to remember her by. Other women round the village wonder the woman's secret, when in truth, they would hate to know that it's the most rigorous work they could imagine.


A-Rank [Cap 525]

Taijutsu: 525
Ninjutsu: 222
Genjutsu: 222
Stamina: 525
Agility: 525
Chakra Control: 525%

Current PL: 2544
Character Level: 11

Hit Points: 42525
Chakra Points: 24150
Action Points: 8

I'm Big Boned!!!
HP: (70+lvl) x stamina
CP: (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu Option
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Gen Save, Evasion, Nin Accuracy
Low: Gen DC, Ranged Accuracy

Bloodline: Akimichi:

Bloodline Application;

...Free Swap?...

Bloodline Chart: 294/294%
014% Control - Big Boned (Rank 1), Extra Padding (Rank 1)
028% Control - Fat Absorption (Rank 1)
042% Control - Human Boulder (Rank 1)
056% Control - Needle Human Boulder (Rank 1)
070% Control - Big Boned (Rank 2)
084% Control - Human Boulder (Rank 2)
098% Control - Partial Expansion (Rank 1), Extra Padding (Rank 2)
112% Control - Fat Absorption (Rank 2), Super Expansion (Rank 1)
126% Control - Big Boned (Rank 3), Needle Human Boulder (Rank 2)
140% Control - Human Boulder (Rank 3), Super Expansion (Rank 2)
154% Control - Partial Expansion (Rank 2)
168% Control - Fat Absoption (Rank 3), Super Expansion (Rank 3)
182% Control - Extra Padding (Rank 3), Partial Expansion (Rank 3)
196% Control - Needle Human Boulder (Rank 3)
210% Control - Houren Pills (Rank 1)
224% Control - Body Slam (Rank 1)
238% Control - Houren Pills (Rank 2)
252% Control - Body Slam (Rank 2)
266% Control - Houren Pills (Rank 3), Chodan Bakugeki (Rank 1)
280% Control - Body Slam (Rank 3), Chodan Bakugeki (Rank 2)
294% Control - Chodan Bakugeki (Rank 3)

Kinjutsu: Hachimon:

Kinjutsu Application;

...Free Swap?...

Abilities & Jutsu:

-Shinobi 101: Taijutsu


-Adrenaline Rush

-Bull's Strength

-Combo Master

-Insight II

-Quick Healer









Transformation [NE]</B>
: Rank 2 Mastered

Body Switch [NE]
: Rank 2 Mastered





: Rank 2 Mastered

Dynamic Entry
: Rank 2 Mastered

Dynamic Finish
: Rank 2 Mastered

Step-in Flash
: Rank 2 Mastered

: Rank 2 Mastered

Primary Lotus
: Rank 2 Mastered

16-hit Combo
: Rank 2 Mastered

Falcon Punch
: Rank 2 Mastered

Eagle Drop
: Rank 2 Mastered

Dance of the Waxing Moon
: Rank 2 Mastered


Chakra Gates
: Rank 1 Mastered
Body Flicker: Rank 2 Mastered
Aura Burst: Rank 2 Mastered


Initial Stats/OCR : Feb 1st, 2013 -Link!


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Figured i'll just add this in to get approved now.

Weapon: Gloves
Damage Type- Unarmed
A Rank - 3 Augments
-Bandage Wraps - Kinjutsu

Accuracy/Damage Modifier: None

Base Strike: 130 Base Accuracy: +0

Tsukino Nanami

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
My that's hard to read...

Name: Approved
Village: Approved
Age: Approved
Description: Approved
History: Approved
Class: Your HP/CP mods are wrong. It should reflect the (90) base (prior to Veteran Grade) with the 1 in high, 2 in low, rest in ave. Please adjust it accordingly.
.... free swapped
Kinjutsu App: Free swap (since you had one)
Abilities: Those will be handled once you get into the village and post them in the Dojo. Will not do it here.
Jutsu Swaps: Approved. You can only carry over 10 Blank rankups (Used what you had already and swapped them, then dipped into the pool of jutsu swaps)

Not to sure if I can approve those weapons right now. But they will have to be done in the Dojo.

This OCR is completed and locked. If you have any questions in regards to this OCR, please send a council member a PM.
Not open for further replies.

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