Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I Just Want to Go Home [Re-entering Village]


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Oct 22, 2012
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As Kimi and her tigers traversed down the tunnels toward the Dojo, she had to put more and more weight on the twins. Exhaustion was starting to creep up ever harder. Her body just wanted to fall to the ground and have a nice, healing sleep. A sleep that isn't forced by anesthetics or cramped in a tight, hot suitcase. They emerged in an area where it would be easy for anyone to see her. As she came into the chakra-crystal lighted area, her knees gave out.

The Nekozuka heir fell to the ground and groaned softly. Kora immediately started to chuff, silently asking if Kimi was alright. Kimi chuffed back that she was just tired, overly tired. Katsu immediately ran over to the first person who smelled like a friendly.

"Please help my Kimi. My Kimi just returns from being taken from us." Katsu whined to the person.

Kora remained behind and laid her great furry body next to Kimi. "Kimi sleep now?" "No, hun, Kimi no sleep now. Kimi needs to report to the steward first. He needs to know what happened."

Re-entering Village after being Kidnapped


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
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Aug 28, 2012
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This was not his home. That was a fact being drilled into his constantly by the ways of people here, but he could help. He might not know much of gate duty here, but it had to be more than his own entry, someone just opening a door and letting him in freely. This place needed tighter security, it needed security period. So he sat atop a dune and watched the entrance, his robes tight around him and colored to match the sand, the man laying almost flat and keeping a close eye on the comings and goings of the village proper.

It was with some surprise that he saw a woman with two large tigers begin walking towards the entrance. There hadn't been many that day coming and going, and he was eager to do something, anything. But she looked....tired. He could see the sweat, but in the desert such was natural. The fact that the tigers were helping to carry things was a big clue. And as she fell, they rushed to her and snuffled at her.

Enzeru begins to rise, but finds a tiger rushing to him, his hiding no match for that nose apparently. The blue haired man looks down at the animal and then back to the woman, apparently Kimi. He nods, jumping down the slope and sliding down the dune to the fallen woman. Coming from the desert it was likely a mix of exhaustion and dehydration.

He approached, his sand-colored robes flying off as he begins to warm up. Under them was a light blue tunic, with darker blue trim, and tan pants and boots. The man approaches, his ice blue eyes resting on the woman and tiger for a moment. Enzeru didn't mind talking tigers, he'd seen far worse and weirder in his time. He pulls a canteen from his side and kneels beside the woman handing it to her. ”Relax, I'm here to help. Mind if I see your hand?”

If she consents he takes it, resting two fingers on her wrist to make sure her heart wasn't about to explode.


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Oct 22, 2012
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She couldn't believe how lucky she was that there was someone close at hand. When she saw the canteen, she immediately felt her thirst. She had apparently forgotten to drink any water during most of the trip on the runner back to Suna. The blue-haired man asked for her hand, and she figured that he was just wanting to check her wrist. Kimi nodded her assent and winced when her long purple locks reminded her that she was on her back, her hair trapped beneath her.

"I should be okay. It's only been a few hours since I've had a drink. Terribly sorry that I'm not standing. I'm terribly tired. Events surrounding my removal from the village were not very kind." She didn't want to give too much away, but she knew that the man would need to know where she had been at some point. "Are you new, or have we just not met? I don't think I remember seeing you, but exhaustion does odd things to memories." Kimi chuckled wearily. "I'm Nekozuka Kimi. Mednin for the Village Hidden in the Sands. And boy is it hidden! Almost forgot how to get back in!"

She shook her head to clear it. "Uhm, sorry about rambling. Could I possibly get some water now? I fear I may start to hallucinate if I don't drink something."


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
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Aug 28, 2012
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Enzeru simply smiles at the woman as he checks her pulse. He was no mednin, but he knew the basics of if someone was about to die and she didn't seem to be there, but she certainly appeared in need of rest. He lowers her hand and opens the canteen, using his free hand to help raise her off her back some and handing her the canteen. ”Drink slowly. And no, we've not met. I'm not from this village. I am Kagyaku Enzeru, former ANBU Captain of Kirigakure.”

He looks to the tigers and back to the woman, a chuckle coming from him at her last words. ”Ramble on, just don't pass out on me. If you need help getting in, I would be more than happy to assist you. I aim but to aid.” He doesn't bring up her unkind removal, instead taking in the area around them and remembering the village itself. Nothing was kind in the past time here, apparently.

”You don't appear to be dying, which is good because I certainly am not a mednin. But I think it would be best if you rested before pushing on. Nothing can be so important that you risk yourself over a moment's respite.”


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Oct 22, 2012
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Kimi smiled back at him when he helped her sit up from the sand. She slowly drank from the canteen, and had to force herself to only drink a few mouthfuls. She knew if she drank too much at once, she could accidentally give herself water-poisoning. She gently pushed away the water source and leaned back onto Kora, who had moved to act as a prop.

When Enzeru mentioned Kirigakure she furrowed her brow trying to recall what might make an ANBU captain leave his home. He was either there as an ambassador, or- Oh, right Water Country froze over. The man before her was lucky to get out alive.

"As much as I really don't want to rest, I really should. I do need to make my way to wherever the Steward is holed up shortly, while gleaned information is still fresh, you know?" A twinge behind her eyes made her groan. "Great, now I'm starting to get a headache and I don't have any of my remedies. You wouldn't happen to have some simple pain meds, would you? I knew an ANBU who carried a first aid kit, she was interesting. Retired from the field when she had to take over as clan leader."

Kimi looked around the tan on tan vista. She judged the distance to the entrance to be around 500 yards. It wouldn't be a horrible walk. Perhaps if she could convince Enzeru to help her, she could make it even quicker.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
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Aug 28, 2012
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Enzeru thought of his home also. Water Country was all he knew for most of his life. He was born to a tribe in the forests of one of the many islands, spent his formative years learning the hunt from his dad in those lands. He then joined the village academy and grew up amidst the splendor of a tourist town. And in one day it all fell apart, a flash freeze out of nowhere that not only left the land barren, but invaded by things beyond his imagination. He hoped one day to find out what happened, to return his home to its former glory.

”Simple things, I'm afraid. I was brought up to live off the land, so I tend to work with herbs and the like. But perhaps this might help...” He reaches into one of the pockets of his tunic and pulls out something within, chamomile. The Anbu lets the woman go as she leans against the tiger and crushes the herb into the canteen of water. He focuses simple fire chakra on it to bring the water to a quick heat and closes it, shaking it to help spread the chemicals before handing it back to her. It wasn't as good as it could be due to the rapid nature with which he made it, but it beat the heck out of nothing.

”Sorry for not having more. I do know some minor healing jutsu if you think those would help?” It was only natural he knew some, after all, they meant the difference between life and death in the field. His hand takes on a slight blue tinge as chakra floods it, and he lays it against her head, suffusing the healing chakra into her to hopefully ease the pain.


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Oct 22, 2012
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Enzeru handed her chamomile tea and extended a glowing hand toward her head. "No need to apologize for knowing what herbs help what ailment. Most of my homemade medicines are herbal. And a small bit of healing jutsu wouldn't be horrible, just not too much. Wouldn't want to accidentally break something. Minds can actually be harmed if you use healing jutsus for headaches all the time."

She took small sip after small sip of the tea. Despite the warm temperature of her native land, having warm tea was heaven on her throat. A soft moan of gratitude issued from her partly opened mouth. She could literally feel the small flower working through her system and relaxing her. She then smelled something coming from one of Enzeru's pockets. As she sniffed around gently, her eyes dilated slightly and she licked her lips.

Kimi unconsciously leaned closer to the pocket where from the scent emanated. "You- uhm- wouldn't happen to have- uhm-" she broke off with a soft purr, "You don't have any catnip, do you?" Kimi had to force herself from pouncing the man before her so that she could get to that wonderful smell. When Kimi said the word "catnip" Katsu and Kora looked at her and rolled their eyes in a rather human-esque manner.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
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Aug 28, 2012
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Enzeru simply smiles at her words, doubtful he could muster anywhere near enough healing force to cause permanent harm to someone. At best he could ease some aches and pains. Still, as she said it was better than nothing, so he let the mystical power flow through her for a moment before pulling his hand away and watching her sip at the tea. Her tigers stay near, but apart from them no one else was around to offer advice or aid to the young woman.

”Well, I grew up in the wild islands of the country. I never even saw a city until I was almost a teen. So, most of the clan's healing was done by a medicine man who knew all of the herbs and roots to use. I know they pale to modern medicine but they're what I know best. The hunters were always expected to know what each could do in case they needed to use them in an emergency.” He missed home, his family. Though it had been close to fifteen years since he last saw them, they were ever in his memory.

He almost misses it as the woman begins sniffing at him, but as she got close to his tunic he took notice, one eyebrow rising slightly. Then she purred, a sound he never heard from a human before. Catnip? He couldn't think of anything like that. Enzeru shrugs and reaches into the pocket she was sniffing towards, removing his nepata, smelling heavily of mint. ”I have this, but I've never heard it called catnip. The old medicine man called it catswort, the mednins of Kirigakure said it was nepata cataria. Why?” In his hand was goodly bit of the herb, already ground and releasing it's fragancy into the air.


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Oct 22, 2012
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As he pulled the catnip out, Kimi couldn't believe just how close she had gotten to him. She automatically sat back a bit, trying to control her reaction to the substance. "It's the same stuff. After all, a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet, or some such. It's the same plant."

She tucked her knees under herself. As she spoke, she unconsciously leaned ever closer to his hand to sniff at the herb. "For members of my clan, it's almost a controlled substance. In some ways it helps us, but if we are exposed to too much things tend to get a little weird." Katsu came up behind her and pressed her giant paw down on Kimi's right shoulder, forcing her back on her bum so she wouldn't crowd the other shinobi.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
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Aug 28, 2012
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Enzeru watches as she responds to it by shifting away from him suddenly. His eyes move from her own to the plant in his hand, then back to her as she explains that it is definitely what she meant. He thinks for a moment, and figures that he can see the similarity in names easily enough, but why did it have to be called after cats? He's about to ask her but then she leans in to sniff at it again. Unthinkingly, he lifts his hand closer to her nose so she could smell it better, thinking she must liked it.

Then she explains that it's similar to drugs and one of her tigers pushes her back over. Enzeru stops for a moment and thinks, wondering just what kind of clan she was in that catnip would do that to her. Talking tigers, liked catnip. He couldn't think of any group he'd ever heard of like that before. Without thinking he simply sat there with the catnip in hand as he tried to remember.

”Your clan? I'm afraid I've never heard of a clan like that in my time. What exactly would the clan be?”


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Oct 22, 2012
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Knowing that their girl wouldn't be paying them attention any time soon, Katsu and Kora moved a couple feet away and started to romp and play together.

When Enzeru's hand moved closer, Kimi moved to snatch his arm by his wrist and to rub her cheek against his hand. Another purr echoed out from her chest. She continued to speak as she nuzzled his hand, especially where the catnip was starting to peak out.

"Think about it. My family's name is Nekozuka. The 'zuka' is the same end as Inuzuka. Where inu means dog, neko means cat. A lot of our clan don't react as strongly, but my werecat state is always closer to the surface." She snapped out of it a bit when she realized that she was about to lick Enzeru's hand. Kimi let go of his hand and sat back to her original position. One good thing about the nip, was that it allowed her to ignore exhaustion. The bad part? The bad part was that it was almost like she took a truth-telling medicine or something.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
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Aug 28, 2012
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Her snatching his wrist was definitely attention catching, enough that it shocked him from his thinking and he realized what he was doing. But by then she was nuzzling against it, and he simply didn't have it in him to stop her. She looked so cute rubbing against his hand and purring, he didn't want to make her stop. In truth it had been some time since he had any real conversation beyond work with someone, before this week his longest chat had been with a....thing in his old home. About his wanting to live and it disagreeing.

As she explains the clan name he laughs, his face splitting with a smile. ”I have no idea how I didn't think of that before. I guess I was simply awe struck.” As she nearly shoves away from him, Enzeru returns his hand to his pocket, coming out with only some of the herb. His other hand goes to another pocket and pulls out a small cloth bag, into which he puts the catnip and ties it loosely. ”Perhaps you would like this?” Smiling still, he hands the young woman the bag.


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Oct 22, 2012
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Kimi's eyes followed Enzeru's hand into his pocket and watched as he bagged a portion of the herb. When he offered her the bagged portion, her eyes widened.

"Seriously?! You'd really give this to me? That is so awesome!" She automatically launched herself to throw her arms around his neck. She squealed softly as she retreated and reverently pulled the bag from his hand. She couldn't smell any of it through the bag and marveled that it could completely contain the smell.

With the presence of the scent cut in half, Kimi's mind became clearer and clearer. As it cleared, her eyes widened as she reviewed the past few minutes.

"Oh! Oh gosh. I'm so sorry. I must be making such a fool of myself." Her cheeks were red and she worried the bag with her fingers. As she became more lucid, she started worrying her lip with her slightly elongated canines.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
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Aug 28, 2012
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The reaction he got was certainly a strong one, as the woman immediately launched herself into his arms to hug him and squeal. Enzeru pauses for a moment before moving to return the hug, after all there was nothing untoward in a hug for a gift, but by then she had left his immediate space and was holding her new present. He simply chuckles softly and rises to his feet, looking up at the sky overhead then back to her, thinking perhaps she was rested enough considering her reaction.

”No, you haven't. You got a gift and responded with joy. Would that more people were so gracious perhaps the world would be a better place.” He holds a hand out to her, and should she take it helps her rise. ”I do believe you've rested up. If you have no complaints I'll escort you to the one you seek to make sure nothing else happens.” Once more his eyes turn to her, the ice blue orbs holding only confidence and some pleasantness in them.

”And, if you're up to it later, perhaps you could show me around the village? I could use a guided tour of sorts. I'll supply dinner.”


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Oct 22, 2012
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Her blush faded as her smile grew. His words made her feel much better about her actions. She moved onto her knees once more as Enzeru stood. The young woman gratefully took his hand to help herself up. Once on her feet, she wobbled a bit but stayed upright. Katsu and Kora joined them again and flanked Kimi to make sure she stayed upright. Kora was slightly between the two shinobi, but in a position that would welcome Enzeru in her place if he wanted.

A smile brightened her face and she tucked her bright purple hair behind her ears. "I would very much appreciate that, Enzeru. And I would certainly take you up on dinner and a tour through the village." Took a step forward, toward the city center and nearly fell to her knees. She ended up with her legs spread slightly wider than her shoulders and her feet staggered to keep herself upright. "Uhm, would you mind if I used your arm for a bit of support? I'm not sure how far I could make it under my own power."


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
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Aug 28, 2012
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As her tigers move in to help her, one would assume he felt like he was being pushed out. Oddly, he felt more welcomed. Enzeru knew how many animals responded to things, and while tigers were new to him he had plenty of experience with other felines and their response was likely more of a protective one towards her than a defensive thing against him. Her wobbling was cause for some minor concern, but at her words, he bows his head and steps closer to her, proffering his arm for the young woman to take.

”Not at all. We don't want you to fall again. What kind of food would you prefer?” He begins to lead her into the village proper, letting her go at a pace she was comfortable with and making sure not to make her feel like a burden. After all, she wasn't being one. And he needed to meet new people in this place, why not start with the lovely young lady?


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Oct 22, 2012
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Kora moved to Enzeru's other side, clearly stating that this person was protected just as much as Kimi was. Kimi took Enzeru's arm and was ever so pleased when he guided her steps without acting like she was unable to walk at all. She thought for a few moments about what food she might prefer at the moment. She certainly didn't want anything heavy, but she was really hungry.

"Maybe something like yakisoba and steak strips?" They made their way ever closer to where the Steward's temporary office was.

Topic Ended

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
