Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I like Adventure Time - [Requesting Entry]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The calming breeze welcomed the beckoning of nightfall and the silvery haired woman could finally see what seemed to be a large structure which towered within the embrace of the dark skies. It has been sometime since she was traveling around the large expanse of the desert and ultimately, it was quite the educational experience. The fauna and flora here was quite different from what was found within the Moon country. But the hot sun was something she could surely live without. Her pale colored skin could barely stand the merciless onslaught during the day time. There wasn’t enough sun screen to fend against that kind of heat.

“Quite elaborate place.”, the woman thought to herself as her fingers slowly slid along the carvings of the walls. If she was correct, this was the entrance to Sunagakure. But it felt quite desolate despite being a place known to house the strongest weapons of the Wind Country.

“Is anyone around this old husk of a building?”, she would finally announce quite casually. Of course, she knew that no village would just leave their posts unattended, especially their very gates that served as their first defense. So, despite not seeing them, she was aware they were there- perhaps lazy but around. She just needed to wait until someone wanted to show themselves. Patience was key- something she didn’t have a lot of. The question now was what could she do in the mean time until someone /graced/ her with their presence. The first thing… walk back and forth like a crazy person. Check. She did that for a little while until she had thoughts of perhaps just breaking in. The latter idea was much easier but it would have been such bother and detrimental to her actual reason in going there. It wasn’t often she was given the freedom to travel on her own, away from the organization and their watchful eyes. Heightening their security wasn't on her mind at this point- at least not yet...

Either ways, if a guard would so happen to approach, they would see Rise dressed in black garbs that covered her body and her hood down to showcase her facial features such as her light blue colored eyes, her light pink painted lips and her silvery white hair that simply swayed with the breeze.

[Requesting Entry]

[Marked for Training]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

Basic Knowledge:
Birth/Real Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Adopted Name: Byakko Kyūji
Alias: Mikisugi Kyūji, Mikisugi Akujin
Physical Age: 25
Actual Age: Older than 25, probably early 30's
Height: 6 feet tall
Weight: Wouldn't You Like to Know
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October 5th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Village: Sunagakure/House Byakko, Formerly Iwagakure
Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Is He?
Rank/Jobs: Tenured Medical Chief/Jounin
Medics Taught: Three(Azusa, Kumoni and Uziuke)
Religion: Celestial Winds
Languages: English(Site Generalized Language), Runic Terran(Suna Language)
Skin tone: Well he was white but now he is darker like all of Kuro's clan apparently. He is not black, but has a tan I would say.
Eyes: Golden(They glow yellow in some situations) and they are feline-like eyes
Glasses: Not anymore, corrected visions through taking the Byakko Oath
Hair: Straight and white. Refer to my face claim.
Hands and feet: He has normal feet, but his one hand resembles cat-like claws for the fingertips.
Ablation of Body Parts: His right arm; has nothing below the shoulder joint
Markings/Tattoos: Silver-white markings formed around his left hand and forearm; also Byakko Tenshi seal is on his back; Black-marking around right shoulder/neck to seal away his physical strength
Other Notable Features: Neko-ears
Relationship: Married to Lady Yanshi in the Eyes of Byakko/Betrothed to the Head of the Byakko Clan in Normal Eyes
Children: Kyushiko(Daughter) and Yanjirou(Son)
Looks Like: Avenger from Fate Grand Order

It was a normal day in the life of the descendant of Byakko. He had trained with his apprentice and had done his medical duties for the village; he would've been teaching but there had been a wave of new applicants that wanted to teach so he was allowing them to do so. His work was over for now aside from working in his family's infirmary, but that would have to wait as he caught sight of a woman doused in dark black garments and had asked if anyone was here which he obviously was so he made his way towards her slowly as he was slightly fatigued but as quickly as he could.

When he arrived to her location, he would crack a smile at her and say the following: "Welcome to Wind Country. It appears that you would like to enter our village, but I need some information before you may enter. What is your name, age, blood type, and reasoning for wanting to enter the village? Also, do you have any reservations for a place to stay and how long do you plan to be staying in our village?"


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Just when her waiting game was getting intense…

Actually, she was delighted that someone arrived so quickly. Considering her next thought of action was vandalism. Some reason she felt drawing a male’s /part/ would have done well on the side of the building. But that wouldn’t be considered ‘ladylike’- well that was a joke. Rise was no lady.

“My name is Rise… Eighteen… My blood type… I don’t know what the heck that is. Is that something I should know? Also, I’m here for work and leisure. You could say I’m a mercenary for hire. I’m quite bored of dealing with the middle man and decided to come to the head instead.”

The man in question didn’t seem all that ominous… but he wasn’t necessarily normal either. He had some distinct cat like features the most noticeable being his cute neko ears that protruded from his head. To be talking to an animal brought back memories of her pact with the creatures of the deep. Was he someone akin to those creatures?

Then another thing that caught her attention was his missing arm. It aroused her. Just the thought that he was possibly maimed gave her a feeling of excitement which made her knees weak. Did it hurt? Was it forcefully removed? So many questions. She just had to ask.

“Your arm… what happened to it?” Her voice had a hint of excitement.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Fortunately for them both, it would not take the young lady too long to respond to him giving him most of the information that he wanted to hear, but she didn't answer everything. But, it didn't matter because he had gotten the important information out of her and that is all that truly mattered. He had a name, an age, and he had taken our appearance down so there would be no issues if she started to cause havoc while she was here which many young lasses and lads did at her age because they were in their crazy, rebellious know-it-all stage. In either case, he nodded at her and responded warmly: "It is nice to meet you, Miss Rise. I am Byakko Kyuji of the Byakko Clan which is a side-branch of the Toraono Clan. My wife and I run the Byakko Infirmary that is situated near our home and I am one of the medical chiefs at the Hospital. Now that introductions are complete, do you have a place to stay in the village? If not, my clan is offering you a free room for you to use during your stay! The only things that we ask is you do not cause too much commotion and do not bring shady people to our home since we do have little ones that we are trying to raise and they don't need to be negatively influenced by strangers. That isn't saying that you can't talk with them or anything since you seem like a nice girl, we just ask that you ask us before bringing others into our home." He would then pause to give himself a moment before continuing: "Is that fair enough, Miss Rise? During your stay if you take our offer, you may use any of our facilities but please do not try to pick locks off doors or force yourself into rooms that are sealed off. We have them closed off for a reason to non-Byakko members and even most of our clan."

He would then pause again to give himself a second and while he did he looked more closely at the woman and for some odd reason, she was somewhat attractive to him. She had blue eyes and white hair; it was possible that he was feeling some form of attractiveness about her because she had similar features of his wife. But, he quickly would shake these inappropriate thoughts out of his mind as he didn't want to be caused of drooling or being a pervert. Instead, he would refocus as she questioned him on his missing right arm which made his smile turn into a smirk as he chuckled a little at her and said: "Oh, it was an accident during a spar with my brother, Toraono Kuro. But, you can check if you want at my arm...there is nothing remaining from the humeral head downward. In either case, I am sure you aren't that interested in a silly story about my arm being torn off and I almost dying in the process hehe."

As they were talking about his arm, he forgot that they were out in the desert and that she probably was starting to become quite uncomfortable with all that clothing absorbing the heat. So respectfully, he began to slow turn while raising his voice so he could hear her: "I am rude, I apologize. Please come inside the Toraono Dojo away from the horrible climate outside and into the nice air conditioning." If she did, he would open the entrance to the Dojo for her and let her in before closing it behind him.

[MFT: 605 Words]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Guilty as charged. Rise hadn’t think that far in advance about where she would be staying in the event of being permitted into Sungakure but seeing that the opportunity presented itself she had no reason to deny his offer. His requirements were quite simple. Not to touch his kids and to refrain herself from saying strange things… the latter seemed subjective. Was practicing the work of Jashin within his home considered strange? Perhaps not. It was her gospel after all. People were respectful of other religions, right? Surely not the Jashinists but that wasn’t the point.

“No Miss. Just Rise. But I’ll gladly accept your invitation. Though, I must say it’s a bit unexpected to be reaching out to someone you just met. It’s a little… uhhhh… are people in Sunagakure this stupidly nice or is it just you? or perhaps you have some /other/ intent in bringing me into your home?”</B><i></i> A mischievous grin surfaced to the woman’s lips as she gazed forward at the man. He spoke of a wife but that didn’t stop a man from lusting the embrace of others.

Once she had followed him inside the dojo, she went ahead and resurfaced their prior conversation about his arm. <B>“So your brother took your arm?...” The man named Toraono Kuro quickly peaked her interests. For a man to do this to his own brother. What prowess and strength did he possess? Perhaps her stay in Sunagakure wouldn’t have been as boring as she expected. She wanted to meet strong opponents after all. It was necessary for her cause… and the actual reason why /they/ had sent her here.

“Of course, I’d like to hear the story. But don’t half ass it… I need to know how it felt…. That sensation at that final moment when your hand was ripped from your body…. Tell me, Kyuji. Did you enjoy yourself at that fine line between life and death?”


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
A slight blush would appear on his face as a mischievous grin appeared on hers after she questioned his motives for allowing her to stay in his clan's home during her stay. Honestly, she had a point with her slight teasing and she wasn't entirely wrong with his motives. He wasn't one to cheat on his wife and would it really be considered that when they were still living in the same home, but she was refusing to sleep with him or even be around him when he was home? This marriage was falling apart and with the similar physical features, he couldn't deny that he wouldn't like to get to know her in more ways than one in the future. But, he would just have to allow the slight awkwardness to faint as he lead her into the entrance-way of the entire Toraono Dojo and once they were inside, she would see that the entrance lead off into numerous corridors for each respective clan that lived in the entire structure. The Byakko wing was the farthest to the left, but they would not enter it quite yet. No, Kyuji wanted to talk to this attractive female for a little while longer before heading towards his clan's portion of the entire structure and getting her situated with a room and showing her around possibly.

He did hear her question about his arm and she wanted to know every little detail about it which honestly caught him off guard considering many people did not ask him about it or they wanted a general summary of what happened. But, this young woman wanted to know the true story about his arm and how it all occurred on that fateful day; he felt honored that someone was actually interested in what happened to him since he hadn't been getting that kind of attention in a long while. But before he responded to her question, he would go back to her prior comments that made him blush. He wanted to make things clear to her so that they were being honest with one another and a slight smirk appeared on his face as he began to talk: Going back to your prior comments, our clan always opens its doors to anyone that comes in even if it is foolish to do so because we believe in being good hosts to foreigners and people in need. Seeing as you are looking quite well with your beautiful blue eyes and adorable grin that gives off a mischievous hint to it, I am merely opening my home to you to save you money since many of our restaurants and hotels like to charge foreigners an extreme amount. As for other intent, I cannot deny that you are attractive and my wife and I have been distant for quite some time due to circumstances in the past that I rather not bring backup. I can't deny that I wouldn't like to get to know you more while you stay as a human being and possibly a business client. But erm, we can discuss these matters at a future date...yes...future date." Well, the fact that he didn't fall flat on his face while he was letting his emotions start to take control was a good thing. But, he really hoped that he didn't embarrass himself out of a potential ally and business partner since she did say she was a mercenary for hire. Poor man getting flustered and blushing as he continued to talk, some guys were just silly.

Once he regained his composure after spewing some of his feelings towards her, he would close his eyes and chuckle slightly. She wanted a story of his arm being ripped off, she was in for an interesting story to say the very least. When his eyes reopened, she would be able to see a glowing golden hue from them as he began to talk again with a different kind of smirk on his face: "Well to get to the moment where I lost my arm, you need to know a little bit about the past. You see I am a medical chief in this village and one of my medics was talking to me one day in the office when they mentioned my brother and how he had brought them back from the dead after he was the reason that they were murdered in the first place. A slight bitterness started to form in me as they told me this story and I looked over medical records of my medic that indeed confirmed that they were brought back to life by Toraono Kuro. But, you would think that one would be happy with being brought back to life, no? Well, I thought as much but when he brought this individual back to life, they had no soul in their body and were merely a fragment of their former self which really pissed me off as a medic because I care about the lives of every single human being regardless of village affiliation, age, gender, race and so forth. So skip ahead to the spar and I was filled with anger and rage at we started and honestly we were evenly matched for most of the match, but I slipped up two times during the fight that could've been the death of me. The first occurred when I opened my inner gates and every single bone in my body was cracked and shattered to the point where I should've passed out, but I was running on adrenaline as I was bleeding out from everywhere as my brother is one who was gifted with some of the legendary Hyuuga techniques and the damned Rinnegan. That bastard damaged my chakra points during that fight and I was struggling to get chakra to form or even breath near the end of the spar. Then, the second slip-up occurred...ya see neither of us are idiots when it comes to fighting and we must've been thinking on the same wavelength as we both charged at one another with Rasengans...mine was filled with a lightning affinity and his was a plain old one, but he was able to get more oompf out of his..."

The man would pause momentarily to gather his thoughts before he continued onward. When he was ready he would say the following: "And that extra oompf would be enough for him to win the spar as our Rasengans collided and he overpowered mine. In the process, his hand and arm kept pushing forward towards me and my hand snapped and I could hear my entire arm shattering into pieces. But you would think the pain would stop for me there right? Wrong. After my arm shattered, the momentum of his move kept pushing him towards me and I could hear my arm snapped off as I fell backwards and it flew off a good few meters away. As I was collapsing to the ground and into unconsciousness, I saw a bright white light that I thought was my Lord taking me away from this world. But as you can see, I am alive today and my body is still fully functional. I was given the option from my Lord and his neko-jin medics to reattach my arm to my body or even be given a prosthetic one. But, I refused because I have no need for that silly arm anymore since I have seen my faults in life and have been re-birthed again for a third time. This time however, I have the eyes of a celestial being..."

He would pause momentarily to allow himself to showcase his new eyes to Rise. In actuality, they closely resembled the eyes of the Uchiha Clan but his Lord assured him that they were sacred eyes from him. After a moment to let her digest everything so far, he would continue again: "These are the eyes of Byakko which closely resemble those of the Uchiha Clan as I am well aware. But rest assure, I have trained these eyes and my body well after this fortunate event. But to go back to how I was feeling, I felt sick and terrified when my arm was shattered and then torn off of my body...and I probably went into shock considering who wouldn't be shocked to see an event like this occurring. As for enjoying myself at that fine line, I greatly enjoyed it especially when I ripped that damned contract away from the Reaper himself for the second time in my life giving him a nice, polite 'fuck you' in the process as my time to die is not here yet and nobody is going to tell me when I am dying until I am good and ready."

He then paused again letting himself take a breather before looking at her with his own mischievous grin appearing on his face as he was itching for another fight sometime soon. His eyes would return to their normal golden color, no hue, as he pondered if she would be a good sparring partner in the future considering she did make it to the village without much struggle it appeared and in black garment to boot! He would simple shrug his shoulder at her and chuckle as he said a few last minute things: "So that is my story of how I lost my arm and who I am today. Do you want to know anything else about that fun experience? And I see the look in your eyes, you are itching for a spar just like I am, am I right? If so, we can make that happen in the near future, but for now, I will have to give you a rain-check."

[OOC: You have no idea how much I am enjoying this thread and laughing as I typed up this message. Things are getting quite interesting.]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
It was cute how he prattled. It was like he was having the diarrhea of words, trying his hardest to not seem as if he was ‘looking’ her. But it wasn’t often she met such shy guys. Among the Jashinist cult, she resided among rabid animals that took what they wanted when they wanted it. It didn’t matter if it was money, women, men, whatever it may be. So, when she come across someone who was unnecessarily nice, it felt practically fake. “Hmm… if you are having problems with your wife. Maybe she needs some discipline. My master has always told me to instill dominance over your submissive else they will lose respect for you.” Perhaps this wasn’t the type of subject she should be discussing so openly within the halls of the manor but she really didn’t care. “But me a human being…?”, she slightly uttered to herself. That was a first. She was classified as a dog, demon, a monster. Even a roach. But a human… “No need to classify me. It’s unnecessary. I’m simply Rise. It’s the name I was entrusted with. But if you do require my services as a mercenary, for the right price, I’m sure we can come to some agreement.”

Carefully she listened to his story. The fight between two brothers that were seemingly gifted. Hatred. Bitterness. The woman couldn’t help herself from biting down on her index finger. Blood seeped from the wound the moment her teeth chomped roughly through the flesh and bone breaking her finger. It was blissful, this sensual sensation that surged throughout her body. You could say, the pain added more enjoyment to the story like drinking hot cocoa while listening to a Christmas story. “Ah… The Rinnengan... so those accursed eyes exist within Sunagakure … and if I heard him correctly, this cat boy can release the inner gates?” She uttered within her own thoughts. Surely, this was making her wet. Her body simply shuddered from the thought of fighting them both, at the same time. “Oh… F@!%!.....”</B><i></i>, she growled from her lips.

She was sidetracked for a moment but her senses soon returned to their little conversation. She suddenly raised her hand and the broken finger. “It seems I got a tad excited.” She simply grinned innocently. <B>“A spar… yes, would I be able to fight both brothers- perhaps at the same time?!”<i></i>

Uchiha Akari

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
It was not unusual for the little Toraono to spend time observing the visitors to the village hidden amidst the sand, in the end despite her peculiar situation she was still a child at heart, and children were naturally curious about that what is foreign to them. Still, this particular visitor had caught the interest of Reikiko. She had been trying her best to conceal her chakra, preferring to observe in silence while her swarm had dispatched all across the area to give her different vantage points of the scene. But at some point, the girl felt that one of the insects that had been cleverly hidden among the sand on the ground had some sort of liquid or juice drip onto it, the sensory feeling making the girl blink in confusion as she looked upwards to see if it might have been raining. However, a cursory glance at the sky confirmed that such a thing was impossible. So, in the end, she had to search for the answer elsewhere: the stranger was causing it to 'rain'.

With a few elegant jumps she descended from her vantage point and landed behind the stranger and muttered softly.


The eyes of the girl seemed fixated on the mercenary's lower-body before turning to look at her face for a moment, a brief shift toward Akujin accompanied by a gentle nod in a greeting. She had just heard the stranger suggest a little sparring event, perhaps even against both siblings at the same time, and this type of arrogance made the girl tilt her head to the side in confusion.

"You want to fight Papa and Uncle Kyu at the same time? I dread to think what else might break aside from your finger then Onee-san, or are you as powerful as perverted? Then it might be an interesting show to behold..."

It was a gentle whisper while the girl raised her hand slightly, one of the bugs she had to send out on the investigation soon returning to her side as it nestled itself on her finger. Of course, she didn't forget proper etiquette, and soon placed both hands behind her back and smiled at the visitor as she properly introduced herself.

"Reikiko~ Toraono Reikiko, what would your name be miss? It would be a bit awkward to memorize you as Ero-nee..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
This young woman was quite unique to say the very least. They had only been together for a little while and his interest had peaked at her, not just because of her appearance but also how she was conducting herself. During story-time, he saw the blood formulating on the surface of her finger as the bone itself broke when she chomped down on it which was surely a site to behold, but he wanted to finish story-time and get her settled and what not before she started to get other ideas in her little adult mind for him taking his good old time with her. But before he could do that, he noticed a few insects appearing in the room before the user of these insects, his niece, appeared in the room uttering words that a little child like herself should never know that young even if she was related to some of the perverted members of the side branches in this entire estate. A facepalm would be appropriate here, but her uncle would keep quiet and allow her to speak.

After the initial inappropriateness, Rei-Rei properly introduced herself to the woman after some comments that probably shouldn't have been given about her wanting to fight Toraono Kuro and Kyuji. Oh well though, she wasn't his kid or she wouldn't be acting like this in front of a complete stranger and so calm. This was his brother's kid and if she got hurt, Uncle Kyu would step in and stop the fighting, but he wasn't going to allow that to happen anyways as he would take a step towards Rise with a glowing green aura surrounding his hand as he wrapped it around her index finger that was broken and bleeding and proceeded to heal it. As he was healing her finger, he would look at the woman and say apologetically: "I am sorry for her comments. She isn't my child and I will let her father know about what she said."

His head and attention would then turn to Rei-Rei as he continued to heal the mercenary's finger. His tone wasn't a confrontational one or anything, it was a calm one as he began to speak to her: "Rei-Rei, you know better than to talk to visitors to our village like that. I am a little disappointed in how you acted just now. But, I will forgive you since I am your favorite uncle. Just think before you speak next time since our guest could've took offense to your comments." His healing would subside as the last few words slipped out of his lips and the index finger of Rise should be fully functional again with the skin replaced and the bone moved back into place where it needed to be to function properly. Hopefully, this mercenary would be more careful moving forward as the body was a precious thing and medical practices could only do so much for the body before the body rejected the treatments.

In any case, his gaze would return to Rise with a smile on his face. This woman was certainly something else to say the least and quite special. So, he would entertain her excitement in battle with a simple few words: "If you want to spar both brothers, you are on. If you want to spar us individually, you are on. Just don't give us puppy dog eyes when you lose, Rise hehe." He would snicker for a moment before correcting himself and move along with their day: "Anyways, it's about time to get you settled into a room in my clan's estate so you can explore the village and enjoy yourself. Are you ready to go?"


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The woman laughed heartedly upon hearing the youngling’s utterance. Hentai. Quite possibly. She had no shame against her enjoyment of pain. Her finger still tingled from the aching sensation and she simply suckled on it enjoying the metallic taste of her blood.

“I don’t see children often but they sure are cute.” She chuckled reaching towards the little one’s cheek and caressing it. The last child she remembered was the one she had killed by stabbing her through the chest. It was such a different feeling … to pierce through someone so innocent. Watching as the light escaped from their eyes. The woman shuddered in both excitement and disgust. “I’m… not a bad person…”, she cooed from her lips.

She then exhaled heavily to calm herself.

“Call me Rise. I’m also hoping that your father and uncle are strong. To become strong, you need to fight strong opponents. My master has instilled this very mantra into my very being.”

The woman then turned to Akujin and shook her head in disagreement. There was no reason for ‘punishment’ for the little one. Well, if this was punishment it was it was laughable in comparison to what Rise had to endure on countless occasions. “There is no reason to speak to her father. I’m quite fond of people who speak their mind.”

It was also unexpected that the man would treat her wound. Selflessness and Kindness… She could only think he was a threat at this point. He was the opposite of what she had been taught and raised to be. She quickly pulled her hand away and held it to her chest. “It’s ok. I’ve healed far enough.” He may have seen her as being reclusive but Rise just didn’t know how to react to this overwhelming kindness. It made her feel somewhat awkward. Angry to some extent as well. She wanted to stab him… over and over again forming a lovely mass of flesh to stare at. Yet, at the same time she didn’t want to stab him. She wanted to pet his head. It was quite perplexing. Not often could she swallow her desires.

“I do feel a bit light-headed. So, if you could lead the way, I’ll be compliant and follow.” Her utterances weren’t as enthusiastic as before but she still remained with that innocent smile on her face. “I do need to rest so I can wipe the floor at least with one of the brothers.”

Akujin was acknowledged. Perhaps fighting both at the same time would be problematic if she continued to feel this way. She definitely needed some rest from this godforsaken desert.

Uchiha Akari

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
When her uncle scolded her for her attitude it seemed Reikiko was quite displeased, cheeks puffing up in annoyance while she declared with a hint of disappointment in her tone. "I wasn't being mean!" No, she knew all too well that most people tried to hide their true thoughts and emotions behind a facade, but it was this type of deception that she disliked. While to some this behavior might have been called polite, she considered it dishonest, and uncomfortable, so in the end, she continued her explanation. "The only time you should put up a facade is during a mission or a battle, and this is neither..."

Yet the Rinnegan in the girl's eyes soon focused onto Rise, and at the words spoken by the mercenary the girl's cheeks turned scarlet red while she quickly shook her head in denial. "I'm not cute..." Still, there was something peculiar about this woman, she couldn't explain what it was, but despite a feeling of curiosity, she also felt a certain flavor of danger in this woman, she was clearly an interesting person! "Hmm~ The definition of what is good and bad is quite difficult to use, especially since so many people perceive things differently. But you don't look like a bad person on first sight. Maybe a bit perverted and mysterious but that's not a bad thing~ A perverted Ri-nee sounds fun!"

The girl giggled softly before her eyes softened a little at Rise's words, nodding her head firmly in agreement. "You know that Papa would agree with me. to deceive and lie is not the way of a Toraono Princess, that's something a kunoichi would do. And today I'm here as a Toraono-hime."

The girl tilted her head to the side in confusion at her uncle's reckless invitation, but in the end, she merely smiled and added with a hum.

"I look forward to observing your fight with Papa and Uncle Kyu. But perhaps Uncle Kyu is right, the desert is quite taxing on foreigners their body, so make sure you're at your best when you challenge them."

And with those words the girl took a few steps backward as she waved a hand gently.

"Let's play sometime when you rested Ri-nee~"


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
A simple, friendly smile would appear on the face of the descendant of Byakko as his niece and his new friend would both finish their last remarks to each other and saying their goodbyes. As soon as Rise was ready, he would nod and wave her towards his clan's portion of the entire estate and wave back at Reikiko. The travel from the entrance of the entire Toraono Clan's estate to the Byakko portion would only take about five minutes and while they were walking, the descendant of Byakko kept quiet the entire time. It wasn't out of disrespect or anything, but he was thinking to himself about where to put the woman and if his generosity would bite him in the ass in the long considering it did in the past with a certain demon cousin of his that went by the name Akkuma. The agreement was simple between them, they were to exchange ANBU arts for medical arts and vice versa; however during the trade, his apprentice Azusa had interfered and was given a cruel and demonic curse seal that had been tempering with her since then. He still felt some regret towards that, but he had gotten over it in part because he had taken her in and she was living safely in his home for now.

After approximately another five minutes, the duo had arrived at a room in his house that was preoccupied. When he opened it, he would enter it first followed by her and allow her to take a moment to digest everything. The room itself was a larger than average room for many homes in Wind Country and had a nice bathroom build-in so Rise could have privacy and not need to worry about taking turns showering in his home. The bed was a nice queen-sized one with an elegant design for the blankets and comforter. There was a desk for her to work at if she decided that she wanted or needed to do some work. In addition, there was a closet that was empty but had hangars if she choose to hang her clothes during her stay.

As for the descendant of Byakko, he would look at the young woman once more with a friendly smile and say kindly: "You may use this room during your stay. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me or anyone else in my home who has Byakko blood coursing through their veins. You can tell but the feline-like appearances of us all and I am telling you that because we have adopted children and have other people staying in our home until they are ready and able to be on their own again. You are the only foreigner staying with us right now, but enjoy your stay and we can discuss business-related matters at a later time! When you are rested, all you have to do is leave the same way that we came in and take the corridor that is the furthest to the right and it will lead you right into the village. For now, I will let you rest and do as you need. If you need me, my study is only a few doors down from this room on the left. Just please knock."

If Rise did not need anything else from him right now, he would turn and shut the door behind him to allow her to have some time to herself. If she needed him right now, he would stay and hear her out.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped. Rise has been given access to the village.]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The woman would look around the venue while she followed behind Kyuji. To believe such massive structures existed within the depths of the desert. This was foreign to Rise whom was raised like a peasant. She didn’t have the luxury of sturdy walls and a roof over her head. All she could think of was how privileged these people were quite opposite to the life Rise was groomed and forced into living. The aspect of family, she didn’t have it. She didn’t know a mother or father much less to have an uncle or a niece. “You are such lucky people.”, The woman uttered beneath her breath. Her voice was low enough that you would only hear her if you listened carefully.

When they had finally reached her designated room, the woman slightly staggered in surprise. “I’m supposed to stay here?...” She voiced to herself. It was far too clean, too beautiful and lavish for an insignificant bug like herself. You could say, Rise had a problem with devaluing herself. From a very young age she was taught to not desire worldly possessions. Not because she couldn’t have them. Quite a few members of the cult had gathered quite a few treasures of their own but because she was practically a slave among them. Trash that at any time could be disposed of. This was her fate among them.

“You may leave now. I’m going to get undressed.”

The woman didn’t have any more to say. A “Thank you” was in order but she had far too many thoughts on her mind to give any words of gratitude. So, the moment Kuji and Reikiko had left the room, she would shut the door abruptly behind them. With a vacant stare, she would simply stand there in the room not knowing what to do with herself.

The first thing probably would be…. an alter to her Lord Jashin. Because through him, she has gained worth. Without him, she’s nothing.

[Topic Left/Village Entered]

[Marked for Training]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
