Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I Want You! [Private]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Adjusting the special yet still subdued in color Kage robes that covered him, Umashi fidgeted with the hat and went back to writing up the documents that would end up not needing but still passing by the village council for approval. It seemed that his gamble on a certain rogue hadn't panned out as he had planned and while combing through the ranks of those that had come from Iwa, he'd stumbled upon someone that could easily fill the slot without needing too much training.

Turning and looking out at the village beyond the large window, his face started to twist into something between joy and pain. While he did enjoy being back, what he didn't enjoy was the tense air about things that kept one from fully enjoying the moment. The sun was just past the point of mid-day and the sooner that he could get out of this supposed quick meeting, the sooner that he could get to grabbing lunch and then get back to crunching the sort of numbers that determined who would be home for dinner or not.

A knock at the door would signal that his guest had at least entered the building. Again he fidgeted in the new clothes. Here he’d just gotten used to living in Iwa and now he was back in Konoha calling the shots. Now his position could no longer be considered a war appointment. They’d managed to oust the Daimyo from at least Konoha and while there were other villages and cities within the Fire Country that would need their help, Umashi recognized that he would require the best that he could get as well. Opting for the plain approach, he took the hat off of his head and sat it to the side as he simply let the determined look on his face do all the talking for him. There would be no hiding behind the rank today.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
'What do you mean I have to meet the Hokage? Geez am I about to be ousted because of my info I have from Iwa?' Tama would think as he responded to the knocking on his door with summons to meet the valiant Umashi. The one he'd spoken those words to during the surge to Konoha. . . 'No Fear', those same words he'd heard from the man. A persona that wasnt just fun and games, this was a man that stood behind his words like there were the bible. He seemed very strict on himself. Holding himself to a standard that seemed out of reach for anyone... but, he always seemed to come out on top. Thats what Tamashii respected about him. And thats why Tamashii joined the Ranks of Konoha. He was even awarded the rights and justifications to be Jounin. Just a few steps away from being Hokage himself if the chips fell just right. Either way, he'd put out his cigarette and nod to the messenger before getting ready and pursuing a meeting with this famed man.

The sun was just going over High noon, and Tama paced himself awkwardly, he could just warp over to the building. . . but he didnt want the world knowing about that ability just yet. His hands tucked in his pockets he would have the demeanor of an annoyed man walking the streets with his village headband being worn on his neck covering the necklace of his spirituality. IT didnt take long, but as he arrived to the Hokage, mansion he found himself to be in direct acknowledgement and readiness of the duo at the front desk. A Gal and a Guy. 'Interesting.' it seemed that Umashi was expecting him, rather quickly. 'Eh, I made it here in good time, shouldnt keep the man waiting too much. . .' and with that he would be led to the office.

For some reason, Tamashii's presence was calm. Remembering those days and training with Souji hiding in the darkness. Honing his mind and thoughts to give him a certain willpower over direct clarity, it seemed. . . irregular that he would be this calm as he stood outside the door as the receptionist male knocked on the door and opened it allowing Tamashii to enter. "Thank you. . .", he'd say passing by the man and hearing the door shut behind him. Quickly taking a look at the man, he obviously had alot behind those eyes of his. He was. . . determined to make this village great again. Not keeping to eye contact long though he would bow his head and return to his standing with a hedgehog-like beginning to this meeting.

"You rang, Hokage-sama?"



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Please, come in, take a seat . . . or stand if you'd like." Umashi made a motion for the man towards one of two seats before his desk. It would be when the man approached that he would attempt to shake his hand and then sit back down in his chair himself. Pulling out folders and opening one of them up, he'd get down to business in a swift and precise movement. "I'd offer you coffee or tea but with the supply lines in and out of Konoha still a bit iffy, I don't want to abuse my rank and demand more than the short ration period allows." Nodding to himself he'd look back at the folder and then flip it towards Tamashii so that the man could see for himself. "As ugly a situation as some may have viewed it, my short time as a Sennin of Iwa afforded me the ability to keep tabs on a great many a shinobi. You were one of them and though I do not make any apologies for prying, as rude as it might be, I'm currently in a position where I'm in need of your talents and am willing to move you to a position more to your . . . particular taste."

Looking at the folder, certain extremely sensitive information could be found about Tamashii, from missions that went extremely well, to missions that left his then superiors with questions in their minds. There were pictures that he may or may not have wanted out in the wild, details about his habits, his vices. All such information that anybody would find a bit unnerving to know that it was out in the wild. "I honestly haven't read through it all, just the important parts about if you're crazy or not . . . although crazy is a relative term when the forces of nature bend to the whims of mortal man." Looking to the other folder he turned it open and began to peer at it while allowing Tamashii time to thumb through the tell-all about his life. "In Konoha we do things a bit differently than most. The Sennin don't run the branches, our branch Captains, Chiefs and Heads do. Put plainly, I'd much rather you in the ANBU than the Main Branch ranks and before I sign it into the books, I want to know if you can live up to what your file implies that you can do." With that said, Umashi would fold his hands and lean back in his chair. What happened next was entirely up to Tamashii.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
This meeting room, this... Office was something he was used to seeing. He was sued to being in this place, in this air. He spent alot of time relaying information and even fighting when needing to. Going toe to towe with his Cousin to whom which he considered to be the strongest person in Iwagakure. Haruka, the 'Queen' of Iwa, and the country if ruled in, even facing her. Facing opponents that should have torn him to shreds but never giving up his dream on being the best. Now, once again he sat in the room before a great leader. . . a position he would look to take as his own one day if his life would be aligned to have it, sitting down in front of his 'commander in chief', and being proposed to something of great importance.

His singular golden hue looking down and tracing his eyes over the documents, he'd nod. It was Tamashii's life work, it was his success and failures. Taken as intel on him from Iwagakure. To have such information a man would have to have taken a great deal of liking to him... Or be wanting to apprehend him for an assassination he'd made in the past. . . but to his local knowledge he didnt kill anyone of Fire Country descent, that he knew of. He was quite thorough in looking over profiles of anyone he was supposed to take out. At any pace, Tamashii would listen, taking in the air of the situation but responding accordingly... smirking and shaking his head at the suggestion of Tea or coffee. And nodding as he was given the details as to why he was being asked about or why he was even in this room.

"Simple enough Hokage-sir. I believe a brethren of such particular tastes as mine couldnt pass up on the idea you're giving to me. . .", pausing for a moment and nodding. 'Is this something I want to return to. . .? To go back to the Darkness? To be the man. . . I once was. . . If this is the fate of a man that wants to become greater than his predecessors, then so be it.', his thoughts ran deep. Deeply and more deep than he would like them to have ran, Maybe this was his destiny. . . Forever to be like Souji. "There are manythings my file might not say, but everything it says I -can- do. I can probably do beyond what is listed. . . So you wish me to be a Modern ANBU? Sure. . . I can do that. But if you wish me to give you a demonstration. . . I can. ", bowing his head he would think about where he left his mask. . . All tucked aside just in case he was brought out of his 'retirement.'



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi nodded, a demonstration would be nice but they were in his office and a spar here could definitely spell trouble for Tamashii if somebody got the wrong impression. Placing his hand on the file to remove it and tuck it away in a very protected drawer, Umashi then grabbed a pen and began to write Tamashii in to the position. "It's good to hear that you'll be up for taking this position. You're free to continue disguising yourself as one of the Main Branch Jounin if you'd like. I don't particularly find it all that advantageous to parade around the things that we do in the dark."</COLOR><i></i> Scribbling away, Umashi would leave whatever particular specialty that he'd care for up to him and he capped the pen before letting the ink dry. Feeling accomplished, he nodded at the good decision and muttered about needing to file certain somethings with the council to keep them from grumbling.

When it was all said and done, even the ANBU file was packed up and out of the way. Smirking shook his head as he reached out his hand to shake with the newest ANBU Captain.
<COLOR color="green">"Congratulations good sir!" he'd smile but if Tamashii was paying attention, the tell-tale runes of the forbidden would curl up even his earth toned skin and show on his hand. A faint glow following, Umashi would state the only rule at play. "Let's try not to make a mess . . ." With that being said, he'd move faster than most naked eyes could follow and be aiming an elbow at the back of Tamashii's neck. Some demonstrations just had to be experienced in the moment. Umashi had been in need of dropping being overly adaptable and simply just going in for the kill shot. A quick but self moderated spar would help to shake the rust off of his old bones and help him to upgrade for a more offensive minded future.

OOC: A quick round or two via RP won't hurt, lol . . .
Initiative - Astral Seal R3
Temporal Step
Hasted Steps
Called Shot Basic Strike

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Seemed simple enough, he got his position but it was something to say that he felt this demonstration would be a bit. . . quickened to the loans of his idea. . . He had fought Haruka in his office before. And it wasnt the best decision of his life. . . but he was different now. Calmer. And after shaking the man's hand he'd have to act quickly. However slower, his quickened reactions were poised to combat anyone or any thing with relative ease. He could see everything. . . and as his second pupil would open andthe veins drawn down the side of his face would be revealed. He could see everything a bit clearer. Umashi was preparing for something quick and simple. Something Tamashii used to do to see if his opponents were up to par. . . and now he had a new power to heighten the sensitivity of his opponents. Which would give him a slight advantage. . . if only for a moment.

Though Tamashii's second pupil acted as a savior giving him an edge over opponents for short periods of time, in regards to the life or death aspect of things. Though it took a BIG strain on his chakra. Either way, this was the Hokage and he could not pull punches against him. So with that he would shift himself back feeling the speed that this man would come at him, and the humming Tamashii began would shift the air a bit. . . Maybe the Kage would see through this. . . but it would leave his office intact. A way to train the mind and body without actually having to use the latter. "Tch!" Back to reality, Umashi would find that the strike he used on Tamashii would seem to phase through him landing Tamashii a good distance behind him, flashing through handseals before sucking in a sum of air. And Leatting out a shriek unlike many would ever hear. Echoing through the office and potentially blowing out the windows as the BLast would blow Umashii away if it was affective. . . However, the ways of the Temporal Step were at hand. . . And as much as he'd want to try. . . his automatic raction would be foiled. To a normal opponent, Tamashii's attack would devastate. . . To a Hokage, he was just a Jounin with skills not yet able to match the level of the Kage.
Not fighting in a similar format to actual bmodding just to save the office.

Mental Kombat used. via Humming.
Takamahaara used via SI.
/w Quick Reaction setting up Echo Strike (Sound Ninjutsu)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
When Umashi stepped into the time stream as it were and moved at such speeds, genjutsu as a whole seemed to shrug off of him. This particular time however, Umashi felt the chill despite the heat of battle. He shivered, and that was all that it seemed that it would take. That slight moment of hesitation was all that Tamashii needed as the man seemed to be swallowed by space and time itself and suddenly he was all the way across the room behind him. It was only thanks to pure subconcious thought that Umashi managed to throw up a barrier to protect the room from the sound based assault on the room. Blanketing the room in sand so fine that it almost seemed like glass, Umashi himself was barely protected as he was thrown towards the window.

Managing to go with the flow he landed on the sand covered window feet first as he was now looking looking at Tamashii from a far different angle. Chakra stored in his feet, for a brief second the world stood still as his face began to crack and shatter as his protective sands had managed to protect him from the brunt of the sound jutsu's force.
"Heh!" Umashi muttered as he smirked and kicked off the wall, ending the single second stalemate. Pulling in all the sand in the room that he'd created, he lunged at Tamashii as a scythe made of sand began to form in his waiting hands. Pulling back, he had ever intention of not killing Tamashii but just to scare him a bit when he heard a knock at the door.

Awkwardly falling or rather landing somewhat into a roll he popped up, straightened his clothes and walked to the door briskly. Clearing his throat he'd open the door just the barest amount to see one of the office administrators peering at him with a nasty look. The Hyuuga, from the looks of her eyes, shook her head and held up the tea that she held on a tray for Umashi and Tamashii.
"Fighting is strictly forbidden within the Mansion for your safety especially, Hokage-sama. There will be no exceptions!" Opening his mouth to protest by means of a lie, the words got caught in his throat. "Ahem . . . we were um . . . just . . . um . . . yeah . . ." Yeah, it was hard to argue with somebody who could see chakra and they probably hadn't been the quietest of contestants either. He'd been outed! Apologizing with a bow, he accepted the tea and only after promising to be a good law abiding Hokage did she allow him to close the door. Turning to Tamashii with tea in hand he held it up with a sheepish grin. "So . . . about that pay increase."

OOC: Topic left unless stopped. Tamashii promoted to ANBU Captain.
Protection of the Sands - Passive
Desert Deflection (on the room)
Wind Scyth (converted into Sand)

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
The Hokage was extremely fast. And to say that was an understatement in itself. He was like a blazing spawn of speed, it was almost like he was like Tamashii used to be. However, there was something different about him... And as soon as Tamashii's attack shoved off Sand would come up to defend Umashi's body from the attack? What kind of man was he? The tides and strides of battle that Tamashii was accustomed to taking part in were not something that he would otherwise think of, but this man. . . he was different. Stronger than most of the others he'd ever faced. There was a reason to the title. Hokage. It meant something, and to think he merely stood as a Sennin in Iwa. . . holding this much power within him. Who knew whatelse he had instore, but as Tamashii got lost in the moment, Umashi seemed to be. . . Aimed towards him with a Scythe, of sand? Weird. However, frozen for a moment Tamashii could only allow his hands to form the seals for the jutsu to absorb the jutsu and store it away. . . Until he heard a knock on the door. . .

And he stepped out of his stance quickly brushing his clothes off as he saw Umashi do the same stumbling awkwardly from his battle pose. The back-and-forth was quite funny... But Tamashii didnt at all care. He was the Captain of ANBU now and thats all that mattered. 'A chance to become something more than what I am. . . to prove that I can be something more than my predecessors. . .' those thoughts running through his head he would think much less of the times he would consider himself and his missions failures. But now he would return to the Shadows and lead the Forces through a ward of consistency and diligence. "Raise? Tch, Use that money to fund this branch and the activities I'll be putting forth. . .", nodding his head he'd find himself nodding once again as he'd sign on whatever dotted line and make his way to dust off his old attire. . . And begin anew, however, he needed to keep his persona. So. . . Maybe he'd do something extra special.

[Topic Left]
[OOC: Thanks for the Promotion]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
