Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I'm new here. Can you show me around? [Requesting Entrance]


Oct 28, 2012
I'm the closest thing I have to a voice of reason.

It had been a few nights and days as the Jinchuuriki had made his way towards what he hoped was people. It was probably the plot convenience talking but he was sure that he would be able to get some guidance here in the village. The journey would only be worth it if he were able to find some kind of difference from the village he grew up in.

He walked slowly towards that he could see in the distance. It looked like some kind of large building with a couple of giant… sticks? Maybe it was his sight going be was pretty sure it was a couple of giant sticks. Buildings meant civilisation right? And civilisation meant food and shelter from the cold nights in the desert. He would just have to hope they would take in a refugee.

Katsuro proceeded to walk further, using his rinse off jutsu to keep himself hydrated and fresh over the course of the walk. He wanted to look his best if he was going to get through any kind of security and not look like some freak. Then again… would being all hot and bothered be the norm for travellers?

He got closer and saw it looked a little damaged as if there had been some kind of damage possibly due to time or the sand that seemed to be everywhere. He rubbed his eyes just to make sure he wasn’t seeing a mirage (like he had done during his travels) but it certainly wasn’t. It was real and it meant the ex-stone-nin had a place to stay for the night.

The Chuunin walked closer, wrapping his robe around him a little closer before stopping to look around a bit. He would have to be very loud over the winds and the fact that sounds didn’t bounce at all in large open areas.

”Hello? Is anyone around here?! I was wondering if I may seek shelter from the desert!” He would wait to see if he would get an answer before ever thinking of entering the giant building.

[Requesting entry]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Re: I'm new here. Can you show me around? [Requesting Entran

OC: Sorry for the delay, I have been stuck at work.

Shiori was awake, she had not been able to find respite even in a place such as this. The cavernous walls and the carved spaces carried the reverberations of life milling about, a constant drone of people muttering, footsteps pounding and hearts beating. Never in candidacy. Her long pale fingers had a fine tremor, and beads of sweat formed on her brow. A chemical cure was the easiest way to blunt her torment, to soothe her losses. They burned like coals being stuffed in her chest cavity, leaving her scared and hollow. She was sitting on the floor, playing with a pile of sparkly sand. She had a small mount of it in her lap and she commanded it to move, like a tiny glimmering snake it darted and it ran, it coiled and it darted and it ran before it exploded in a burst of glitter.

”Hello? Is anyone around here?! I was wondering if I may seek shelter from the desert!”

Shiori waved her hand, beckoning him to enter. "The storm angry... he is always angry these days," Shiori commented with a frown. "Says terrible things," she frowned as she tried to reform her plaything. "It says 'get out', but the best you can do from where you are is go under... Welcome to Sunagakure." Shiori added as she commanded the sands into her pocket. Shiori was a small woman, 5 foot 4 perhaps. She had never measured her actual height, she was taller thanks to decent footwear. She knew the usual routine by now, they come in half-dead from the maelstrom and she leads them to a bar or Sousuke's house to recover. Why people decided to brave the maelstrom was a mystery to Shiori, traveling around the the storm would probably be faster ...and safer. All these foreigners with their death-wishes.


Oct 28, 2012
Re: I'm new here. Can you show me around? [Requesting Entran

[It's ok, we're all busy from time to time!]

Katsuro was a little surprised there were actually people around this place in such a terrible storm. It seemed to be a woman of maybe only a few inches shorter than he; with red hair and a burgundy-ish coloured dress to match. She seemed well presented and almost oblivious to the effects of the desert. It was curious that people could adapt to climates after living in them for so long. Made him consider living in the ocean and learning to adapt to it.

”Thank you,” he said, moving into the dojo away from the wind and the majority of the sand. ”I’ve never encountered such a hostile environment that would try and push people away. “ However it seemed that the sand wasn’t just a voice but an instrument to the people as he noticed the sand moving from around the woman into her pockets. It was very similar to how Katsuro could control the water around him.

”That’s pretty cool, I can do the same with-“ he was cut off inside by the rumblings of Akumao through his chakra coil as if to tell him not to say anything about his demon. ”I err… So this is Sunagakure you said?” He walked in further to the village entrance. He hadn’t been to any other vilages besides Konohagakure and Iwagakure.

”I’m Katsuro by the way, in case you needed to jot down any visitors,” he commented while giving a soft smile. ”Maybe if you have some time you can show me around a bit? I’ve never been to Sunagakure before!”

[Topic left/Village entered unless stopped]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Re: I'm new here. Can you show me around? [Requesting Entran

"The Kazekage certainly enjoys his callers, if I am not here I am most certainly there."<i></i> She was referring to his apartment, not his office but she did fail to differentiate. She wondered what kind of office Sousuke had these days. With the tower for the most part destroyed, the remnants of essential offices were being erected from tents and crates rather than mortar and stone. "My name is Shiori, I have a feeling that this will not be the last time our paths cross."<i></i>

Topic Left: Keeping it short so you can actually RP and I can let the other user in the next thread in. Have fun and welcome.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
