Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I'm Tired Of The Jokes, Just Let Me In [Requesting Entry]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Time was a funny and fickle thing. Sometimes there was never enough of it, and other times it stretched out endlessly. What may feel like only a few months in one man's eyes would appear like half a year to another's. Kaen had been gone for far too long, so long he began to wonder what had transpired since his departure. Thankfully to the general public, Kaen was just a man. But to the ranks of the elite, a member of the Anbu, surely he had some explaining to do for the reason of his significant absence. Long enough to be declared legally missing, he was slightly apprehensive about approaching the gates. But there was only one way to find out for sure if his superiors had put out a hit for him or not. Kaen stepped into line and awaited his turn to be seen, passport in tow.

[OOC short post is short, to eager to just gen in already lol - Requesting Entrance!]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It had been a few days since I last met someone who was seeking assistance from my village outside of the Toraono Dojo. On that day, I had met an extraordinary, large wolf from the Hidden Leaf and also a Sennin from their village as well known as Uchiha Takeshi. The two of us engaged in simple chit-chat among ourselves and I helped the foreigner out with giving him some places to check out and also nice places to eat excluding the Byakko Estate as times were strange for us right now with the incident that occurred in the past after I had fallen to AIkayume Azusa. In any case, there was mention that a red-headed individual was waiting outside in a line to be allowed back into the village and one of our guards mentioned that he looked familiar like someone that I should know. Thus, I checked it out like a good descendant should.

To my surprise, it was Shinku Kaen who I had a brief conversation with before about his sister, Kasen, who had mysteriously disappeared after we all fought the legendary Barynx. Of course, I was still not one hundred percent comfortable in my new body, but I would make the walk to the entrance of the entire Toroano Clan and whistle for Kaen to come over. I was trying to get him back into the village quickly since he likely would have some explaining to do since he had been gone for quite some time or so I thought from the language that his body was giving off. It was like he had grown from a child in a man's body to an actual man as his demeanor seemed different. But in any case if he came over, I would stick my hand out for his passport and simply initiate the conversation: "It's good to see that you have returned, Shinku Kaen. I hope your travels have been well and you have learned a lot about the world outside of Wind Country and about yourself."


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
He hadn't been waiting to long before he heard the shrill noise of a whistle beckoning him over to the next available representative. A lovely young, blonde woman seemed to be working the gates this day, or at least that was what appearances were telling him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but she looked familiar. He proceeded forward and greeted her with the utmost respect, gotta be careful when you are suspecting the Anbu to come barreling down upon you at any moment... "After noon, ma'am." Kaen forced a nervous smile, his impending doom looming in the back of his mind. "It's good to see that you have returned, Shinku Kaen. I hope your travels have been well and you have learned a lot about the world outside of Wind Country and about yourself." Oh crap, she knew him by name simply by seeing him. He seriously was in trouble, wasn't he. "I uh... You could say that. My time spent away was... interesting to say the least. Here ya go." Kaen handed over his passport which held his 'expired' crystal. He had clearly surpassed the limit of time on it, thankfully technology wasn't yet so advanced they could tell exactly HOW long it had been expired, only that it had. "My trip lasted a little longer than anticipated, my apologies." That's it Kaen, keep your cool, continue with the pleasant, respectful conversation, no need to arise any further suspicions...


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It was almost like clockwork, I whistle and he comes over like he was a trained feline or something. It was more likely than not however because he wanted to get back into the village quickly as his facial expressions showed slight hints of worry and nervousness as he spoke to me addressing me as ma'am. I have not been spoken to as a woman before since the incident occurred and I honestly didn't know how to react as I gave a small smile, a simple laugh and blushed a little at the mention. This was something that I would need to grow accustomed to being heard from others to me since I was definitely a woman and had the assets of one. But, it was still strange trying to do routine things in this body like getting dressed, going to the bathroom, and putting my hair up like I did. Maybe, just maybe, someday it would all be natural and normal to me.

In any case, he would respond to me and apologize for his trip being so long as I looked over his passport and noticed that it was expired. However, I was in no position to arrest or give him a lecture about it as I was merely a medical shinobi and the ANBU were the ones who handled matters like this. If they saw it as a problem, they would do the necessary actions, but I highly doubted that they would be giving him a hard time since he came back and hadn't done anything bad that would cause an international crisis, or so I thought. I would not make him wait too long as I would hand his passport back to him and merely step to the side to allow him by. As I did, I mustered up a few words: "You may proceed, Kaen. I would report to the Passport Office or the Kazekage before you do anything so they are aware that you have returned. Also, feel free to stop by the Byakko Estate after you are settled back in."

If he walked by, I would go back to my home and go about my day. But if he decided that he didn't want to leave and wanted to chit-chat, I would be able to stick around for a little while longer.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped. Access Granted to Kaen. MFT-389 Words]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
You may proceed, Kaen. I would report to the Passport Office or the Kazekage before you do anything so they are aware that you have returned. Also, feel free to stop by the Byakko Estate after you are settled back in." Byakko? OH, this chick must have been Akujin's sister or something. It had been so long since that small chat they had, he had almost forgotten about him. He should visit him after he got situated back inside the inner village limits. But for now, he had a report to make to his superiors, expecting the worst. Thank you, I'll be sure to stop by and give that old geezer a moment of my time. Have a good day, ma'am." Kaen retrieved his passport and headed directly inside. He was headed directly towards headquarters...

[OOC topic left, inner village entered. Q_Q after so long i have returned!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
