Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

In plain sight

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
There was time before the mission, and Ziren had planned some things out just in case if things would go south and he loses his incognito attire. So he had settled for the more shady type of things. Going to the black market. His previous ANBU experience had taught him that such a place was a double edged sword, if one wasn't careful enough, but could also be a gold mine of whatever one would be looking for, if they know how to go about it.

But he was here for a plan B if his attire were to be destroyed in battle. He walked around and looked at the wares that each vendor had, looking for a clue as to what they might hold. And then he found it. A vendor making very real human masks, the kinds one would find in spy movies. Some people just had that creative mind that just worked out for them. In this case, selling fake faces to shady people. Ziren took after Umashi's habits of not using his voice while masked and brought out a notepad and pen and wrote down. Give me the most realistic you got. Full body. The man looked at the note and scoffed at Ziren. That is, until Ziren threw down a wad of yen. It was just enough for the man to give the masked ninja a skeptical look, but he took the money and gestured with his head to follow him to the back.

The cons to real disguises, not a whole lot look real convincing, it takes time to make, and put on. The pros, if made by an expert hand, it would be almost impossible to tell that from another person, and ninja can't really detect a difference, since it really isn't a transformation jutsu. And Ziren has to admit. The disguises that this vendor has would definitely look convincing once worn.

Ziren wrote down again, You never saw me, and you never had a masked customer today. Once the man saw the note, he held out his hand, clearly asking for more yen. He knew that there would be some people who are like this. Their loyalty lies with whoever has the money. Though they can be easily swayed by a little bit of fear, though it wasn't one of Ziren's ways of doing things unless absolutely necessary. And he has a feeling this man would rat him out with a hefty amount of yen. A quick punch to the inside bend of the arm before grabbing hold of it and holding a kunai up to the man's throat, they stared at each other before Ziren let go of him and shoved some more yen in his hands. Giving them an incentive after threatening them is a good psychological trick. Too much fear and they would rat you out. Too little, and same results. But to give incentive after instilling fear is to let them know what you'll do to them if they don't hold up their end of the bargain, along with giving them a little extra that they don't deserve in the form of money. The vendor nodded and let Ziren pick from whatever wares he wants. All of which had happened at the back of the store, far away from any prying eyes or ears.

After putting his purchase in a sealing scroll, Ziren made his way all around Bazaar, to try and shake off any curious people that might be following him, before finding a building that is moderately populated, an inn and pub by the looks of it, the Rusty Kunai. He bought a room there and went immediately to the room, a second floor type of room with others on the same floor. After closing and locking the door, he shut the blinds and went into the bathroom and shut the door scanned around to see if there were any chakra surveillance watching him. Which there wasn't, so he quickly, and efficiently changed out of his incognito attire and into his in plain sight disguise. The disguise fit him perfectly, since it was also a middle aged man, but this one had dirty blonde hair, almost brown, with a slight beard, but not really all grown in yet. Fit with a leather jacket and blue jeans. And yes, Ziren made sure that this disguise wasn't actual skin. He was thankful that vendor wasn't the sadistic type. It felt real, but not at the same time. Some type of plastic or mold. It even covered both of his arms well enough.


With that done, Ziren put his other attire back into the sealing scroll. He even changed out his colored eye contacts from brown to grey. Once done, Ziren listened for blood flows and turned ethereal and walked into the next room over, knowing that nobody is in there. He did that again for the next two rooms, also empty before sneaking out of the building, via a window, and walked around the Bazaar for thirty minutes longer before heading back to the Rusty Kunai and visiting the pub part of the place, only ordering one drink and picking a center table to throw off any suspicions, because all suspicious people choose the furthest corner back of a bar, and listened as people came and went, via their blood flow. Two came in, three left. Four came in, two left. One came in, three left. After two more people entered, Ziren left his money on the table to pay the tab and left the bar to go to a noodle place that he saw around here. But first, he made a few detours to, yes again, throw off any curious people, before heading to the ramen place about four blocks away from the Rusty Kunai.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
After the events of the week the Sage had decided to stop in at one of his favorite Ramen Houses in the district. It was a humble little establishment but there was no where else within Suna that was comparable. Walking in his eyes would skim over the current patrons. A usual slow day for the establishment but nonetheless there was a new face. Nothing especially interesting from the individual, except from the chakra it was clear they were a shinobi. Perhaps tonight would not be as relaxing as he'd hoped. Akkuma would place the yen for his usual meal upon the counter as he took a seat. A casual exchange between the attendant & Sage. Casual greetings given as the individual smiled warmly at the chef, another quick exchange was made before his gaze slid to the individual seated nearby.

Those emerald eyes held the figure in their gaze for only the briefest of moments before returning back to the attendant. He requested a bottle of his clans sake, it was stocked in the majority of businesses within the district. Always at least one bottle visible from the entrance. This was one of the ways the other players in knew which businesses were under the mysterious clans network. The attendant would place two glasses beside the bottle before the Sage. Nodding in thanks he uncorked the bottle & pouring himself a small bowl full. Placing the stopper back in he would then down the contents of the small vessel with a satisfied sigh.

The half-demons hand would begin to lightly tap upon the countertop, long black nails tapping against the wood. His gaze once more making its way to the newcomer this time he would speak to the individual. "Care for a drink friend?" he would ask with a friendly smile. This close the scars that littered his body were clearly visible. From the numerous ones that ran across his head & neck. So it was for all of his body that was visible. That friendly nature no doubt a surprise when one took in the cursed aura that emanated from the individual. After all individuals that were corrupted in such a manner were more often then not monsters, if one were to be blunt. Little did he know the individual before him was a shinobi from Kumogakure.

Over the course of his life Akkuma had encountered many curious individuals. Some when he had least expected it. What did Lady Fate have planned for him today? Maybe this would just be another normal encounter of little remembrance. Or perhaps this individual before him like so many others within the walls of this village would surprise him.


(Sorry on the delay! Whoop looking forward to this. ^_^)

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As I looked at myself in the mirror, throwing water into my face to wash myself up a little bit– I would then look at myself for a moment then glared at my reflection in the mirror. Bad thing about having a little animal in me was that I couldn't exactly recognize myself in the mirror. To me it looked like a guy on the other side of the mirror dressed just like me. From the tattoos that I had sported all the way down to my ears. Even the bot that this guy had was similar to mine own. Already having enough of this poser, I quickly went for my shotgun and without hesitation I blasted the mirror to pieces! All I could see now was a stone wall with broken mirror shards scattered through the bathroom floor, smoke coming off the end of my gun as I threw my gun over my shoulder. The mechanical horror turned its little body towards me in confusion since there was no threat in the bathroom. It wasn’t even a few seconds before someone came barging into the bathroom then I would then point the shotgun at the poor bastard who was trying to enter the bathroom as but once I saw the familiar face, I lowered my weapon then rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment. “Jeez man, you startled me." I tried to laugh it off.

A large shirtless sharkman stood in the doorway of the bathroom. Honestly, I couldn't you exactly tell if the shark was mad or not but from his tone pretty much told me he was pissed. “Goddammit Speedy, how many times do I have to tell you that the person in the mirror is YOU!” yelled the sharkman, looking over his shoulder to apologize to the people behind him before looking back at me again. “Head to the ramen place five blocks from here, I’ll talk to the people up here but you gotta go. I’ll meet up with you in a bit.”

“Alright, alright I’m gone. My bad about the mirror, Fin.” I said before strapping my shotgun back over my shoulder then walked out of the bathroom, looking around before making a hasty retreat out of the Rusty Kunai while my mechanical spider quickly crawled out of the bar; its gears squeaking as it made its way out of the bar. When I left I could hear Fin in there yelling that drinks were on him just as I was just walking off. My mechanical horror, known as The Terran, was scanning the area around them as they walked in case we found anything useful. The machine was about the same size of a great dane, four legs supported its body with these odd feelers on top of its head which could transform into pintchers so it would be able to handle tools or hack into any enemy devices. Six red lights appear like the creature's eyes but how it really sees was through using the echos around it from the sounds no matter how small the noise maybe so it would be capable of detecting a threat before I could. The machine crawled in behind me, detecting no threats for now which was a good thing.

As they came upon the Ramenshop, me and my mechanical horror Terran would walk into the ramen shop. I stood in the threshold of the ramen shop with my arms folded, kinda leaned against the threshold with my arms crossed at first before adjusting the strap of my shotgun while my Terran pushed it's way past my legs. "Yo, can a fox get something to eat around here." I announced as I walked in with my hands in my pockets. I looked around to see a few faces that I couldn't recognize before taking my seat at one of the booths in the corner of the restaurant. I set my shotgun on the table then kicked my feet on the table as if I owned the place, even pulling out a cigarette then lit it up before taking a long drag out of my smoke. Blowing the smoke into the air as I looked up, The Terran would then crawl in the seat across from him before scrawlings onto the wall to sit just right above my head. My hand went for one of the menus to take a look at what there was to even eat in this place.


Status: Chill Mode​

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
His innate sense of hearing blood was the first indicator that someone was around him. But the second? It was something that Ziren had hoped he wouldn't have to feel such dark energies in such the near future. But here he was, and here was the individual with the corrupted chakra. Despite that hiccup, Ziren maintained his composure as he could feel the dark energies try to pull away his lifeforce. Underneath his disguise, his body was naturally healing itself as much as the dark energies were sometimes successful at pulling at Ziren's life.

He made sure to not react to the others presence until he could hear the man's footsteps. He turned his head slightly to get a better look at the Dark Sage. The man didn't need to tell the barkeep of what he wanted, the man just knew. With this little bit of information, he could guess that the man was either a drunk or someone who should be expected to respect. And with the dark energies swirling around him, Ziren would reason that this man was one who should be respected. Well he'll respect him as long as he-Hm?

The man had interrupted his thoughts by offering him a drink with a very friendly smile. It was a surprise, Ziren would have to admit. Aside from himself until very recently, he has known of two other people who were capable of having these powers. One, someone he can never trust again. And another he had managed to change their ways of thinking for the betterment of not just themselves, but everyone around them. His thoughts analyzed the situation and studying the man wondering what kind of person he is.

Ziren nodded, letting the man pour him a drink. Even though Ziren was aware that Akkuma had downed a shot, but Ziren was careful still. He took the shot glass and discreetly smelled it before downing the shot. Now would be a good way to talk to him. Information was always big for Ziren, even if the information was irrelevant to the mission, it could clue him in on other things that's happening around the world. "Thank you kind stranger. I've got to say. I haven't met a whole lot of individuals with your type of aura, and yet you seem friendly and respectable." The hook is set of Ziren analyzing how the man would react and speak to how the disguised man addressed the elephant in the room. His voice made it sound like Ziren's interest was piqued by their interaction so far. It was a bad habit he had. Even when he was kicked out of the ANBU branch, he still had the mind like an ANBU to always gather information in any way necessary. This method? The nice and interested method.

He was aware of another blood flow, and along with that some sound like metal clanging, near to how his metal hand hits something the wrong way. It was enough for him to turn his head to see a kid and a mechanical spider? As much as Ziren was interested in how the mechanical spider worked, and if getting a word in with the kid could maybe an upgrade on his metal arm, but right now, his focus is talking with the mysterious individual that is sitting next to him.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Much to the Sages surprise the individual accepted his drink. That devilish smile of his would widen into a grin as he poured the man a drink. The newcomers answer told him a great deal of information. You see there were few within the village that did not know who he was. The average sunan had no doubt heard whispers of who he was. Though it was more likely they had heard of him to some degree. His escapades & dealings with the higher ups were often a hot topic of discussion. Rumors were abundant when it came to the half-demon. Which lead him to believe this individual was from outside of the village or lived a very isolated life.

It was then a youth entered the premises, his gaze following the newcomer. Beastfolk were not an uncommon sight in Wind Country but the technology they had by their side was. For a moment he wondered if the youth was from the Aikayume Clan. But the chances of that were quite slim, after what he'd done to their priestess they'd avoided him like the plague. His message had been loud & clear. No one was to cross him. Which meant this newcomer was from a different clan or lineage. Either that or they were a significantly foolish member of that line. That deceptively warm gaze of his would slide back to the individual who had accepted his drink & posed him a question. "My pleasure...always happy to have a drinking partner." he would say with a warm smile.

The Sage gave the individual a smirk. "Come now, a shinobi such as yourself surely knows looks can be deceiving." he would say not knowing just how true the statement was in this case. Those emerald eyes of the Sages slid to the youth as they made their outburst. There would be a not so subtle shift in the Sages aura, an unnatural hunger. "Generally you tell them what you want & pay for it." he would say casually before his gaze moved from the youth to his mechanical companion & then to his feet upon the table. "But I'm feeling generous...order what you want & I'll pay it." his words were spoken in a business-like manner. "On the condition you remove your feet from the table." No doubt it would seem like a more then reasonable request, if not an odd one.

Not for Akkuma though he knew the workers & owners. This place like many others was under his guard. To disrespect them was to disrespect him. Due to his obligation to try & better himself he'd even given an incentive to the request. One that did not involve coercion, at least not yet. A slight clearing of a throat caused the Sage to briefly turn & face the attendant as she placed his meal before him with a smile. She turned to the youth asking him if there was anything in particular he wished to order. Those emerald orbs of his followed her gaze back to the youth. Akkuma wondered what the youth would do.


Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As I waited for a service person to come talk me up, my eyes quickly went to a couple of guys who seemed.. Interesting.. One was a guy in a mask who linked like one of those Anbu Monkeys as his crew would like to call them. Anbu was more or less the most least respected branches in the criminal underworld right next to the wimpy medical-nins though even I could tell that this dude wasn't from around here which might mean he was after someone who decided to make their home in wind country of all places. While the monkey man was probably a interesting character to find in a goddamn ramen shop, the other guy looked weirdly familiar or at the very least what the guy looked like seemed similar to someone that the people in the Ruins Of Old Suna have been talking about. I felt that I should know this guy but my memory of who the guy was had been kinda fuzzy. There were a lot of legends that people make up in the underworld, from how an assassin got their nickname to the people who could be considered as the bosses around. In the end, nine times out of ten those were just stories, right?

Seems like I got the attention of the guy with that rather sinister chakra because when I asked for some service around here that somehow drew the man's attention. The Terran would then make an audible clicking sound as its body would then tilt up so the small glowing red dots would then land upon Akkuma almost as though the mechanical spider was looking back at him. Akkuma would later tell me that he was generous so he'd pay for my food on the condition that I remove my feet from the table. Honestly would feel like pissing this guy off by leaving my feet on the table or actually removing my prosthetics so my feet wouldn't be on the table– just the stumps that I had for legs. Yeah, I was that kind of asshole. However, I decided to be the bigger person here and with a shrug; I moved my legs from on top of the table to simply sit there kinda leaned back a bit. After all I did have some biz to do with a certain shark man so starting a fire-fight here would probably be bad… especially after the stunt I pulled at the Rusty Kunai

"Well, ain't gonna turn down no free food." I said, putting my cigarette out on the table before looking back at Akkuma. "Yanno, feel like I heard about you. Have you been around the Black Bazaar or The Ruins of Old Suna at all?" I asked, curious whether I heard of this guy or not. There was always a chance that I was wrong but I had a feeling that this guy could be one of the big fishes that lurk around wind country. Plus might as well talk this old man up since I was waiting on ol' shark bait and to seal the deal for a sweet J.O.B that was probably worth– 'Hmmmmmm.' I thought, wondering how much the job was paying. I should've asked that at the beginning but I guess I'll know when the time comes. Hell, it's probably what that damn shark was in there discussing with this no face, no name contact that Lucky asked us to meet.


Status: Chill Mode​

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
"I guess you are right about that." Ziren said plainly in response to Akkuma saying that looks can be deceiving. He kept an interested face, to mask the fact how he thought it was funny that the man would say something like that. On the other hand, Ziren was listening to the blood flow of the kid, and looked back to see him staring at him, before looking over at Akkuma. He knows those kinds of eyes anywhere. They belong to someone who is very observant and likes to take in every bit of detail, much like his own.

A few seconds have passed when Ziren felt a different sense in the air as the Dark Sages aura was made more clearer. Akkuma had talked to the kid of ordering him food as long as the kid removed his feet from the table. The kid obliged and took his feet off the table before asking the man if he has been around, and that he feels as if he has heard about him.

The disguised man decided to stay quiet and watch how the interaction goes from there. But just then, he heard another blood flow. But so far they were naked to the human eyes. He does hear that their blood flow, and that they were in a different corner of the room. Ziren made it an effort to not look over there, to conceal the fact that he is a sensor ninja, and waited, seeing what that individuals moves or motives might even be.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage smiled at the response from his drinking partner. It would seem that his new associate was the quite type, not that it was an issue for the half-demon. After all he was more then capable of doing sufficient talking for them all. His gaze would briefly shift to the mechanism above the youth as it turned its attention to him. Akkuma wondered just what the construct could do, it would be something he'd have to investigate. The youth complied with his offer stating they wouldn't turn down free food. With those words he would give a small bow of his head in thanks. A chuckle would escape his lips at the youths next words. "I would be genuinely surprised if you hadn't heard of me...I have been known to offer my services occasionally to the denizens of those districts." he would say with a devilish smirk before continuing on. "I've had many names throughout the years...'The Demon of Mist', 'The Immortal Trickster'...but most know me as Miroku Akkuma." he would say in a business-like manner, letting the names sink in as he poured another round of drinks. Wondering how much either of them knew about him. Over the decades his escapades involved every nation.

There were few Kage in his lifetime that had not had some kind of dealings with the individual. From international tournaments, public executions & criminal organizations. His forms over the years had varied but his name had always been consistent. His feats ranged from heroic to monstrous. An individual who had an influence that spanned nations. Since his arrival in Sunagakure his forces & reach had spread like a corruption. The half-breed had quite the reputation. Those emerald eyes slid their gaze over both of the shinobi, searching for any sign that they recognized those monikers. Downing his drink he would place it back onto the counter. Unaware that they were being observed by another unseen individual. Not that such things would've concerned him. Due to his unnatural capabilities such things rarely did concern him. After all it was not as if death concerned him. Although someone taking such methods to stay unseen would certainly raise his interests.

Meanwhile the attendant still waited for the youths order, once it was given she would bow & head back to inform the chef. What a curious gathering of individuals they were. There would be little doubt that things were inevitably going to get quite interesting.


Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
When the guy introduced himself as Akkuma, I knew the name right off the bat. Mostly since some of my boys usually play at some casino known as The Devils Lair and from what I knew now this guy was some kind of celebrity down in the old Suna. While most of the things that I have heard didn’t really paint the guy as being a saint, I did know at least some Akumma’s reputation for shady dealings with organized crime, his influence around Suna, and even a little prison break that he was involved in. While some would say that Akkuma was quite the villain, most people who were loyalists would argue you down saying that the guy is fighting for Suna since there was some good he’s done; like teaching a class of academy students (after knocking out the teacher with something from a syringe) Regardless, the name meant something and hopefully people would one day talk about me that way when I rise when I take up the mantle for being Suna’s newest monster— or go out in the blaze of glory without seeing my 30th. Whichever comes first.

“Go figure! Didn’t expect to see a celebrity around these parts, In a ramen shop no less.” I joked, easing up for a bit since a young punk like me could learn a little something to get my rep up in these streets. Besides the guy next to Akkuma seemed chill enough if he was having drinks with a living legend so I decided to play nice too. "I'll just have some ramen, like it spicy with a little bit of shrimp yanno? The hook up." That was my order which seemed reasonable enough, besides I liked spicy stuff cause it hurts and stuff that hurts is pretty manly next to bitter stuff. The Terran would crawl a bit upwards, it's mechanical limbs squeaked as it moved then it turned it's clicking a few times so it's listening sensors would create an outline of the area utilizing the echoes in the room it was in and even though the walls. It was still in the betta stage since I only made it for extracting materials and setting traps but soon as I fixed up a few problems with it— the machine would be my greatest ally.

While I was waiting on my food, I decided to make a little conversation. "So, tell me what's the Ghost of Christmas past doing at a joint like this?" I asked, a clear hint of childish arrogance in my voice. "Honestly I thought someone with your kinda rep would be in a hideout somewhere getting ready to kidnap one of those high rank trash that keeps good folks like me underground." I stated, a hint of dislike for how the village was now was obvious in my voice. Mostly because the underground was where me and a couple of my siblings started before we were taken away from our pirate pack. We were a bit too young to understand the duty of becoming a shinobi but I knew what I was. My sisters might've taken a different path than me but I had just know I can make a name for myself in this life. All I need to do is wait for the right moment before doing a little something stupid that will get me in the books.


Status: Chill Mode​

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Mirokou Akkuma... Internally, Ziren was thinking the situation through, of why that name rang a bell. During his time in Cloud, his ex-Anbu training would kick in on hearing whispers sometimes of such a name. There were mixed reviews on this man. On one occasion, Ziren has heard that the man had put Cursed Seals on Academy Students in Kumo. On the other, he had killed a rogue ninja that was trying to Assassinate Ayumu, plus other pros and cons that eventually turned to him being banished from Cloud.

It was an interesting find to run into such an individual. Ziren decided to commit the man's blood flow to memory, in case if he finds the need to meet with the man again, hopefully, on good terms. But in the meantime, Ziren gave a soft smile when the kid was treating Akkuma as a role model. He didn't react, but he caught on to the side insult the kid had made of 'high ranking trash'. He remembered when Leaf had that kind of troubles, woke up from being two years on ice to learn that there was a coup and some kids had died from repeating the groups message across Leaf. Ziren sure hopes that nothing gets too drastic like that in Sand. He wondered if Akkuma could be just as much of a smooth talker in the way of diplomacy as much as he is famous/infamous.

But that would have to wait as Ziren's focus went to the blood flow that was in the corner and noticed that it was rushing towards him. Without a second thought, Ziren grabbed out to where he thought the invisible force's neck was and did a choke slam down. The sound of a body hitting the floor was evidence enough that he was not faking anything. He held the invisible force's neck as he spoke, "Don't know who you are, but I don't like it when someone is acting all secret and trying to attack people for no reason. Now show us who you are."


The new individual stood about five foot ten, looked to be about twenty years old, with red hair and pale, almost albino like skin. There was also one other thing about him. Seals all around his body. It kind of reminded him of Cursed Seals, but there seems to be more than just dark chakra coming off of him. Like something darker than even a Dark Sages imprint, if that were ever possible.

"The Master was right about you, hehehe. You'll be a very fun toy to play with before I break you." He looked over at the other patrons, then at Miji and Akkuma, "But it seems like my fun here will end, can't have a whole bar ganging up on me." With that said, the seals on the individual's body expanded until he turned to a whole thing of dark chakra that seeped down into the floor boards. This bewildered Ziren, as he can't even track where the blood flow for such a being's was now.

But even then, he kept a cool head and studied the surroundings for who this individual might be. Nothing out of the ordin... something caught his eyes. A concentration of darkness was on the floor board, as if it was left behind. Without thinking, Ziren took a fork and poked it, to see that it stuck to the fork. He brought out a sealing scroll and stored the fork and the blob of darkness inside the scroll. "It's obvious that they left that here on purpose, to let me know about them. But who are they in question?" He murmured to himself before focusing on Akkuma and Miji. He gave a bow, "My apologies, I had noticed them earlier but didn't know what they were going to do. In fact, I do not know who they are or this 'Master'." He turned to the bar owner and slid some yen his way, "I'm sorry for the ruckus, this should compensate for interrupting your other patrons." His mind wondered who this individual was that wanted him dead. Their master, the seal and the darkness. All of which are new and unknown variables. What really got him, was the fact that they had remained hidden, and once found out, they withdrew. And how was it that they saw through his disguise? was he being tailed the whole time? An intent on doing a fast and easy in and out kill, but found out and ran. It is infuriating to Ziren. To know very little on the enemy, but they seem to know a lot about him. He wore a calm and collected expression, but he doubt that would fool Akkuma, who has had his fair share of abnormalities, being a ninja for so long and all.

Last edited:

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
A devilish grin formed upon the Sages face when recognition dawned on the youth. Almost instantly there was a change in the demeanor of the young shinobi. He'd have been genuinely surprised if they had not heard of him before. Akkuma gave a theatrical bow to the youth. "Life is full of surprises like that." he would say with a warmness that only continued to be contradictory to that blood thirsty presence he possessed. The attendant gave a polite smile saying his meal wouldn't be long before heading off to give the chef the youths order. As the mechanical creation went about its designed tasks he was asked another question by the fox eared youth. His emerald gaze slid from the mechanized creation to its master as he continued on stating what he thought an individual such as himself would be doing. Akkuma laughed & for the briefest of moments a glimpse of the monster he was would be revealed in his eyes. "There are few places within this country that can accommodate my dietary needs." a casual statement perhaps at first appearance, but for those who had heard whispers of the Sages penchant for devouring souls a blood chilling realization would no doubt occur. "Despite what you may think they've done quite a bit for shinobi & individuals like us. They have my respect for that at least." he would say in a business-like manner, giving a smirk as he continued on. "Such action is rarely necessary nowadays...there are more efficient measures in place to ensure I'm mostly unhindered by their regulations." would be the final comment he made in regards to that statement. After all his clan was now deeply embedded in Sunagakure. The half-demon was even betrothed to one a member of the Toraono clan. One of the noble houses that carried great sway within the village. Let alone the secretive pacts he'd made with many of the higher ups.

The Sages drinking companion had seemed amused by the youths reaction upon learning who the Sage was. Meanwhile very little was able to be read from the features of his companion. Which was odd for the demon given how easily he usually managed to read people. After all he'd built a network that was vast & encompassed numerous nations. Ziren would be able to feel that the Sages blood was unnatural, it flowed differently to others. It would be almost as if the blood was a sludge struggling to make its way through his body. If he'd been wounded they would have seen that his blood was in fact tar-like in nature. That was when things got very interesting. There was lightest footfall from the corner of the establishment in his direction. Expecting it to be an Anbu or assassin seeking him he waited for the sting of steel into his flesh. After all undeath had a tendency to make one care little for such meager attempts. Much to his surprise though his companion grabbed the hidden figure & slammed them into the counter before them. When the figure revealed itself, much to his surprise there was an almost familiar energy emanating from the individual.

Tongue sliding along his lips in excitement as his lips formed a sinister smile. One that truly suited the now monstrous gaze the Sage now possessed. The mysterious assailants gaze would slid over them all. As it spoke an unnatural & ominous corrupted energy would begin to crackle around the Sage. For the briefest of moments a secondary form would reveal itself, encompassing Akkuma. It was a shinigami with similar features to the half-demon. In truth it was reflection of the monster he had become, when he'd devoured the being he had been forever altered. Much to the Sages dismay the beings seals would glow & expand before it vanished through the floorboards in a shadow substance. The shinobi who had accepted his drinks began to seal the remnant of the being that remained behind. Commenting on what had just happened his companion then proceeded to apologize. When he attempted to pay for the trouble his yen would be pushed back by the attendant who would bow in apology before gesturing to Akkuma who would begin to speak. Evidently his companion was vastly more interesting then he had initially expected. "Whoever they are...their presence is similar to that of Death." he made the statement with a certainty that spoke of his experience. "Compensation will be accepted in the form of information." it was a statement made with an authority that would not be argued with.

Pouring his companion a final drink before downing the last of the bottle himself. The attendant would come out with the fox eared youths food, before returning into the depths of the business. "Leave." the command was barely uttered & almost immediately the few remaining patrons departed from the establishment. He gave both of the shinobi he didn't know a look that said he was not speaking to them as he did so. Getting up he would move to the doors of the business, closing them & bringing down the blinds. Walking towards the counter he would tap on the bell twice signalling he was ready. A behemoth of a man would emerge from the depths of the staff area of the establishment. Dragged behind him was the bound figure of an individual that had broken his deal with the Sage. When his gaze fell upon the Sage his eyes became filled with a frenzied panic as the individual began to struggle with everything they had. Their desperate gaze falling on each of the shinobi as he was dragged past them to the Sage. Wordlessly the massive individual would drop the bound individual at the demons feet before returning back into the business. "I had thought we had an understanding...what a shame you had such potential." with those words he knelt down grabbing the binds that held the man & lifting him up slowly.

"One way or another...the compact will be upheld." with those words his free hand would flicker & the faint glint of light upon metal would be seen in the action. Almost immediately blood would begin to spill from the mans neck, his futile attempts to free himself beginning to weaken. Before long his body fell still & the final gasp of life could be heard leaving the individual. That unnatural glow would begin to cover him once more as he accessed the gifts he'd stolen from Death. Releasing his grip on the lifeless body it would fall back to the floor, as it did so a dark blue almost flaming orb of energy was pulled from it. Holding it in his hand the Sage lifted it to his mouth. His jaw widening in an almost snake-like manner as he devoured the soul of the individual. Licking his lips the Sage gave a satisfied sigh, it had been a frustratingly long time since he'd had his last meal. "Now where were we...that's right you were about to enlighten us on this situation." he would say with a devilishly sinister grin upon his face. With a few handseals the body & its blood would begin breaking down into dust-like particles. A wave of his hand & the remains were blown under the crack of the door.


Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren's thoughts of Akkuma. This is a man that has been around and the wisdom to prove it. It is a reminder to him that not all wise people have good intentions, but rather know when to act. It seems this Akkuma has respect for the upper echelon that may be Sunan's leadership, with that one could say that he would abuse their reputation to do whatever deeds he seems necessary, not enough to show up on anyone's radar, but just enough for him to be satisfied. Either that, or a more mundane possibility is that they overlook his deeds, in favor for what he may have to offer. He studied Akkuma before the incident with the newcomer.

After Ziren made his comment on who this newcomer may be, Akkuma suggested that their presence was similar to Death. By this time, Ziren can figure that what with this man's reputation that he would have sources that were reliable, heck, Ziren himself had made his own sources after he woke up from his coma in Water. It wasn't a far fetched idea. He knows that words carry weight to the right person, especially so when the bartender didn't accept his money and Akkuma had told him that compensation would be in the form of information. Ziren does have the upper hand that he is in disguise and he had never given a name out, but the man has been respectable to right now. As the other man poured him one last shot, he downed the rest, Ziren himself downed the shot and waited as the man ordered for the other patrons to leave the bar and made the place secure so that no prying eyes or ears would eavesdrop. The next thing surprised him a bit, but he kept his composure as a man was dragged from a back area and brought before Akkuma. Speaking of which, Akkuma's blood flow had Ziren thinking, the way it sounded... It was like that of thick tar. A flashback to the First student tournament that Leaf had held that was only for Leaf shinobi, he had remembered when Maru was bleeding black tar like substance too. But back to the doomed man, yes, Ziren could tell he was doomed, with his years of hearing blood, he was able to concentrate to understand how adrenaline makes blood move faster. The doomed man's blood was flowing fast, while Akkuma's was flowing like that of a predator about to pounce on their prey.

There was nothing that he can really do, he was in a different country and if there was conflict with another shinobi there, no matter how questionable their methods may be, he won't get any back up for causing international problems. Part of him wondered what the deal was that was made between the two. He didn't know if the newcomer had indirectly brought the demise of this unfortunate soul. He watched as the man ate what could have been the soul, dark blue flaming orb. It was then, that the demon finally had asked, no, told Ziren to tell them anything and everything that he knows of what could have brought this to happen.

With a sigh, Ziren spoke, "As you've already deduced, they had an affinity with Death, similar to that of Dark Sages. You may ask how would I know such things? Well, I was one up until recently. I figured that I was done making deals with a demon in exchange for giving them Souls of whoever I killed. I went through a process to cleanse myself of the darkness inside of me. There was a time that I was unconscious, in which my spirit may as well have left my body. It is a possibility that I had incited the shinigami for revenge in my time of etherealness." He held up the vial of the unknown black substance. "I'm no researcher but I'll have to leave this in good hands to verify my theory. That is that individual was either a Dark Sage or is working for a Dark Sage or a Demon. But to include the fact that he chose not to engage and mentioned a 'Master' may as well say that he is not a Dark Sage, but may be close to something of that caliber for the only sake of the darkness feeling one would get from a Dark Sage."

He got up and walked towards the door before turning back to the two shinobi. "Whoever, or whatever he is, he has one goal. Eliminate me. He didn't seem interested in any of you. So if anything, he would wait until he was sure that I was alone. My apologies, but I will take my leave now. And thanks Akkuma for the drinks" He gave a bow of respect to the both of them before leaving the bar.

He knows that if showing up on someone's radar would give him away, even if he was in disguise, so he did just about the same thing as before he got to the bar. He walked a few blocks down before turning down into a busy street full of people. There wasn't enough to be brushing up against one another to get to wherever their destination was, but just enough that Ziren was careful not to bump into anyone. Afterwards, he went back to the Rusty Kunai through a back door and walked back up to the second floor. He walked past his room and to the third room down. After verifying that no blood flows were in that room, he liquified his hand into water, thanks to his genetic implants, and made a water like key to open the door. He went in and closed the door and locked it again. Once he verified the next room over was clear of blood flows, he turned ethereal and walked through the walls, he did so again to get back into his own room. He searched the room of any spying jutsu that may have holed up there since he was gone, and once he was satisfied, he changed out of his disguise and into his masked attire that was also full body coverage to make sure that nothing identifying would be shown. Finally, he changed the colored contacts from grey back to brown. Once done, he put the disguise back inside of the sealing scroll. The Chigokai looked down at his key. He waited until the owner of the Rusty Kunai had his back turned away and set the key down on the counter and left before he would even notice.

He would use the front entrance this time and walk through the shopping area, not in the same area as where he had bought the disguise, and mingled there for a few minutes before going past the Rusty Kunai back to the semi crowded place, again, making sure that he doesn't bump into anyone and nobody bumps into him. Once that was done, he would go to another hole in the wall place, a bar, called The Drinking Dunes. He hung out there as people came in and out. One in, four out. Two in, three out. One in, one out. He waited thirteen seconds after one guy left before going out too, making a few turns here and there to shake off any followers, going down the busy street one more time with using the same method as before, and finally turning around in some other bends and turns before heading back to the meet up place with Umashi.

(Topic left)
(Nice rp'ing with you all!)

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Not really a response that I was expecting but it was something interesting nonetheless. Here Akkuma was– a guy with a record longer than Kazekage Tower and he still has respect for the high ranks. The way I was reading this man, or denon rather; he may have a few minions up there which was why Akkuma was allowed to get away with so much. Still something to respect since what fixer wouldn't have a few favors from some of the politicians that run this village. "Mm… Well I'm guessing some of the higher-ups owe you a few favors. Can't really blame you for having some respect for them but as for me they haven't earned mine just yet." I said with a shrug. While there were a few things that I could've been grateful for like giving me a steady job with all the bing book gigs and training me up while I was young. However the difference between working for someone higher up in the legal world and for some in the underworld is that it didn't matter if you were a big fish in these streets. You are still scum no matter what in the eye of the law.

Just as I was starting to relax, Ziren surprised me with a little display of his power by reacting quickly to invisible force. Clearly having someone or something by the throat; I decided to stand up in case the fight would be brought over my way then began to point my shotgun over at whatever it was that had been invisible and the guy revealed himself once the jig was up. From how this weirdo was talking, apparently Ziren had a few skeletons in his closet that even Akkuma wanted to know about even when the threat just disappeared into thin air. I relaxed again, then set my shotgun back down before agreeing with Akkuma about wanting some answers. "Yeah, think we all want an explanation for that little episode." I said before sitting back down, looking back to my bot that was supposed to be scanning the area. 'Must have a bug in em.' I thought to myself. But that was a problem that I'll have to fix once I get back to the underground. It was in the betta stage as it is so if I want it to get better, an upgrade would be the best move currently.

As my food was brought to me, Akkuma ordered everyone else to leave or at least that was how I took it since the only knucklehead to stay behind besides me was Ziren. I causally went for the fork, stabbing my utensil into the center of the bowl of ramen even as Akkuma went to close the doors and moved the blinds down making the restaurant seem a bit more ominous. I kept my cool, eating my meal as though nothing was going on and let me tell you– shit starts to escalate right about here. Akkuma had one of his boys drag in this person, assumingly a fellow that did him dirty before them. I looked down at the figure for a moment before my eyes drifted towards Akkuma again. Honestly, I had a feeling of what the demon was going to do but the swiftness of it was a surprise. Like a blink you'll miss it kinda deal when Akkuma just outright slit this fool's throat– but get this. After Akkuma iced this guy, he literally just ate this guy's soul and then went prying Ziren for answers again as the body crumbled to dust!

Yeah, I've seen my fair share of fixers in my time in the streets and if Akkuma was trying to use this guy as a sort of message to the both of us in his business– it was well received. After Ziren said his piece then got up to leave, I was much more interested in what that guy bleeding deserve to… well being iced. "Well, guess that's one way to take out the garage. Mind telling me what homeboy did to deserve a stripe across his neck." I asked, more curious than anything. "Can't tell me that then that's cool– Mostly thinking since it looks like you're down a guy, what I gotta do to get on your payroll?"
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage would chuckle at the youths response to his words. It seemed that there was possibility some potential as an asset. He'd have to further assess the young mans nature. However he wouldn't get the opportunity to until their mysterious companion departed. Akkuma would give a devilish grin at Ziren's words. "Should you ever require either a demon or Dark Sage I'd be happy to oblige for a cost...shinigami are troublesome beings. Although they do taste exceptional." he would say as his eyes flashed with a sinister delight. He'd dined on one of the beings before, when a particularly troublesome one managed to escape its bindings. "I guess that shall be sufficient...until next time." he would say as the peculiar individual departed. Those emerald eyes of his moving back to the sunan shinobi. There was a moment of pause before Akkuma answered the question posed by his remaining guest. "I've found it most helpful to know how to cover ones tracks..." he would say taking a seat opposite the young beastkin. "That one was foolish enough to rob one of the businesses that offer me patronage...I'm sure by now his disappearance has been noted by the one he serves. Whether he turned up dead or vanished completely mattered not, so I used him to send two messages..." his meaning would be obvious, one message to the mans boss & one to the two shinobi he'd hosted tonight. Assessing the youth before him & withdrawing a wooden pipe from his robe. Along with a small pouch containing the mix of medicinal herbs he consumed to keep aid in calming himself.

Opening it he would pack some of the contents into the pipe & with a snap of his fingers it would ignite in a small flare of flame. Taking a deep breath of its pungent smoke as he ran his hand through that snow-like hair of his. After all the past week had thrown at him why not? He would think to himself as he spoke his next words. "That depends on a few things. In what capacity would you be willing to work for me? Do you owe your allegiance to anyone else besides this village? Lastly but perhaps most importantly are you afraid of death?" with each word smoke would escape his lips & swirl around them as he spoke. Taking another breath of the pipe & its contents as he waited for the young mechanists response. He would have to earn the Sages trust but there was no reason they could not begin to lay the foundations of that bond today. Akkuma had much to do & there was always room for those willing to help. But just how far he would allow this youth into his network depended entirely on just how valuable he would prove to be to the Sage.

Wordlessly the attendant would approach the table leaving two glasses & a bottle of his clans brew before departing with a small bow. Pouring himself & his guest a glass the Sage would down its contents. Akkuma suspected this youth could prove to be quite valuable but only time would tell if his instincts were right. Although they so rarely were wrong it was a risk he was willing to take. Just how far he would take that risk would depended on the path the Fates placed before him.

*Scheming initiated* xD

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"Tch. So that guy really thought he'd get away with robbing someone under your protection?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the dead guy for being that stupid. Knowing better, some of the businesses in the ruins were under the protection of some crook since the Anbu can't be everywhere at once. Even I would know better than to rob a joint with a guardian because in the best case scenario you'll get people trying to off you and the worst case would be a full on gang war with everyone you were close with. Not to mention that this guy was pretty much a nobody from what Akkuma had been telling me; so he ain't got no one that would miss him anyway and hey– I was already trying to score a gig working for the notorious Akkuma himself. When I brought up the idea to the demon, the man would pull out a pipe while I kept my eyes on him to let the demon know how serious I was. Keeping a stone look, I would plunge my fork into the ramen and scoop up a mouthful to slurp up while Akkuma began questioning me. Sizing me up no doubt, a little street interview to see what kinda guy that I was.

"Well for your first question I am craftsman, so I know my way around creating and manufacturing weapons; even ninja tools if I put my mind to it." I began explaining. "With craftsmanship being one of my specialties I have knowledge on how to get around certain security systems, sabotage, even using some of my own inventions for the occasional 'termination.' Think my skills would fit well enough and whatever you got I'll be interested in. Beggars can't be choosers right?" speaking honestly, I held my hands out as a sign of trust. Since most of the people that I have been dealing with are mutagen cartels, mob bosses, things, and street kids my morals are pretty much in a grey area if not gone all together. Couldn't afford to have morals when I am pretty much a criminal in society's eyes, just your average thug who chose to live in the gutter with all of Sunagakure's worse. The next question had me a bit hesitant but it's not like Akkuma was a cop plus the message that he made of the guy he just iced had me a bit more willing to comply. "Oh– just this small group of beast people I'm working for; they got me running this rundown shop where they have me fixing up stuff while taking jobs from them from time to time. They haven't come up with a name yet but some guys who don't know us call us "The Cotton Tails" because our leader is part rabbit. Not our official name by the way."

Lucky and the crew was all I could think about when I thought of my allegiances. There was of course the unarmed guy who gave me my ears, tails, and prosthetics but he was sleeping at the bottom of the ocean from what I heard in a literal sense. Went into a hyberation after getting his tails cut off during some Anbu raid, now he was sleeping under water like cthulhu or some shit like that letting some of his demons run the mutagen cartel business while he recovered. Once I answered the second question the last one made me pause but eventually I decided to go after a quote I heard from a movie that stuck with me. "A wise man once asked me if I would rather live a quiet life or go out in the blaze of glory without seeing my 33rd. Being a shinobi ain't no different than being a criminal or a merc. Death is a part of the gig so I ain't scared of dying young but I'm gonna make sure I make my own mark on Sunagakure before I kick the bucket. That's for damn sure." I smirked at Akkuma, folding my hands together and then leaned back into my seat. The mechanical horror would then crawl down lower to drop at my side, it's gears and mechanisms were audible as it fell to the floor on it's legs and I would respond by resting my foot upon it's mechanical body. Putting my elbow on the table as I leaned forward to hear Akkuma's decision on my worth to him.

WC: 740
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
A thin smile would form upon his face at the words of the sunan shinobi. Good, it seemed while their encounter had been short so far. The youth at least had some understanding that before him was an individual who would not tolerate such things & was quite capable of dealing out the consequences. He would proceed onward with his questions & had to admit that the youths talents would be particularly useful in the coming days. It would seem that the young craftsman possessed a willing mindset to accompany those skills. When the youth made the statement that beggars couldn't be choosers the Sage would have to disagree. "Ah but when you have nothing to lose why settle? Let your ambitions give you the world." he would say with a warm grin after all he had come from nothing himself. Unwilling to accept anything that what he saw to be the perfect clan he created his own. Crushing any who opposed him by any means. Assimilating them into the shadow that had become his network. "Now that is interesting..." he would say after all he had not heard of the crew.

But if he were honest he'd focused much more of his efforts on accumulating assets on a different tier to his young guest & those he associated with. Only due to necessity after all he knew all to well how resourceful such groups could be. It would be best to get them onto his side to ensure that he could make full use of these individuals. Perhaps eventually get some suitable material from the interesting specimens. "I wonder could organize a meeting between myself & your leader. I'm in need of some more local assets & I'm sure we could come to an arrangement that benefited us all. Ah I see so you want to leave your mark upon the world. Quite interesting...I wonder what your legacy shall be." in his experience if one had the conviction anything could be accomplished in this world. So long as one could navigate the perilous path that Fate placed before us.

"If this machine is any testament to the things you shall accomplish I have no doubt that you will indeed make your mark upon this country. I have no doubt that I could place you within many different branches of my organization & you would prove yourself to be quite capable. Until I know your limits & how trusted you can be we shall start of with something simple. Infiltrate the Primus Bulwark Guardians...having access & the ability to manipulate those logs will prove essential in the coming days. Is this something you believe you could do?" he would ask the youth before him as he placed his pipe upon the table, those emerald eyes of his holding the youth in his discerning gaze. Given that he was a sunan if he used the proper channels such a task should prove within his means. But perhaps the youth had interests in situations that would bring him more action, although there was more to this task then would initially appear to be.

Apologies on the wait

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Listening to what Akkuma had to say, I couldn't help but admit that the guy was right. Truth be told, I really didn't have anything to lose thanks to a few choices that I've made. Not really been in contact with my baby sister much nowadays plus the only best friend that I had was my boy Fin so it didn't really make sense for me to settle for anything but the best. This realization made me chuckle, so long I've just settled for being a low level goon who wants to leave their mark on The Ruins Of the Old Suna instead of figuring out how to make it big as the fixers and crime bosses in Wind Country. I need to start thinking bigger, that is my thing as an inventor after all. "Yeah… Yeah you're right I need to start thinking bigger." I nodded my head. Akkuma of course talked about having a little chat with the gang I'm running with, something that I wasn't against since it wouldn't be hard for a guy who is a living legend in the underworld decided that your boy here is good enough for a sweet J-O-B.

I didn't have any doubt that Lucky wouldn't mind me doing anything for Akkuma. However, I still needed to prove myself to him if I wanted to get my foot in the door inside of the demon's organization. This was what I listened to, like really listened to because this was an actual mission that I had to do. The job was basically to break into the Infiltrate the Primus Bulwark Guardians, get access to the logs and be capable of manipulating them. When I heard this, I raised my eyebrows at this job that seemed to be a big risk for me at least but did that mean that I wasn't up for the task? I smirked, thinking to myself that this task was right up my alley. "Psh! Compromise into the Primus Bulwark Guardians? No problem, already coming up with a way to get in now." I said in complete confidence. Now this was the kind of shit that I needed right now, nothing like planning a grand heist and compromising some logs to get the creative juices flowing. Though with the planning of something like this comes a few questions, looking down at the Terran I needed to start figuring out a way to make it more stealthy and get suited up for this.

"Speaking in which, what kind of logs are we talking about here? Are we talking about being able to forge passports kinda logs, am I trying to get some names, or am I trying to get my hands on something that even I can't think about?" I asked. Now that I thought about it, I was actually wondering just what I was going after in this little mission; can't just compromise a place and not know what logs am I getting because if I come back with the wrong ones that would be pretty embarrassing.

WC: 505
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Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage was pleased with how things were progressing. It seemed while young the shinobi before him had the wits to think the situation through. At his new companions confidence with the task he would chuckle. That was the kind of spirit he liked to see, especially if they possessed the skill to back it up. Akkuma smiled at the examples given by the youth. "That would depend entirely on what you can achieve without compromising the operation. Logs of those coming in & out of the village would prove most useful. For a variety of reasons I'm you can speculate on some." his reputation was vast & there were many likely reasons he wanted this information. No need to be specific so early into the operation. "A means of effectively altering those records would prove beneficial, but is not as high a priority as having access to them." he would as he held the youth in his piercing gaze. "Names of everyone assigned to the Bulwark. In order of priority dossiers on each of them would be preferable. Habits, Personal Life, Personality your usual dossier." there was much he could accomplish with the knowledge of the individuals tasked with such duties. For more often then not in his experience such individuals proved pliable, given the right techniques were used.

"Lower in priority is access to Inventory Declaration Logs from travelers & information regarding their route or scheduling." he would calmly say as if he had not just asked the young shinobi to tap him into the very heart of the village information network. If the information Akkuma sought could be ascertained it would make him & his organization one of the most powerful information brokers of the village. That was without even accounting for the fact it would give him knowledge on current numbers & important individuals. What information he had no use for would be worth a fortune to the right buyers. "If possible access to the Passport Office & it's documents would prove most useful. The ability to produce such identification would make life a lot easier for many of my Agents." he would say with a devilish grin. It would become clear this was a full scale operation. Perhaps he was a madman as some had whispered. After all he didn't even know the youths name, but his intuition had rarely failed him.

When you had spent the time Akkuma had making an empire out of...well everything. One had a wealth of experience to draw on & having built the reputation he had. Few beings had the conviction willing to go against his will. For those that had worked with him their lives had forever been altered. For better or worse had depended upon their success. How better to make a name for oneself then by earning the favor of an individual such as the Sage. "Naturally the specifics of your work are to remain between us...should you require the aid of others I must insist on first meeting them." his words were business-like & his conditions understandable given the nature of the work. Akkuma was known for rewarding those who earned his favor with boons that often surpassed those of normal wealth.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
